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The species composition, abundance and colony sizes of terrestrial termites were studied in five forest habitats of Cat Tien National Park, Southern Vietnam. Twenty-four species belonging to Rhinotermitidae (1 species) and Termitidae (23 species, mostly Macrotermitinae), were found in mounds and in soil samples. The density of inhabited termite nests in different habitats averaged 68 per hectare (range 44–106), most nests belonged to Macrotermes spp. Six mounds of dominant species (Globitermes sulphureus, Microcerotermes burmanicus, Macrotermes carbonarius, M. gilvus, M. malacensis and Hypotermes obscuriceps) were destructively sampled. The number of termites in the nests ranged from 65 000 to 3 150 000 individuals with the biomass ranging from 185 to 2440 g live weight. The abundance of foraging termites in soil and litter averaged 60 ind./m2.The total abundance of Macrotermes species alone could conservatively be estimated as 2.5 million individuals and 20.5 kg live weight per hectare. Four species dominating in the studied habitats (M. carbonarius, M. gilvus, M. malaccensis, and H. obscuriceps) belong to active litter decomposers.  相似文献   

Understanding the mutualisms between frugivores and plants is essential for developing successful forest management and conservation strategies, especially in tropical rainforests where the majority of plants are dispersed by animals. Gibbons are among the most effective seed dispersers in South East Asia's tropical forests, but are also one of the highly threatened arboreal mammals in the region. Here we studied the seed dispersal of the Pacific walnut (Dracontomelon dao), a canopy tree which produces fruit that are common in the diet of the endangered southern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae). We found that gibbons were the most effective disperser for this species; they consumed approximately 45% of the fruit crop, which was four times more than that consumed by macaques – the only other legitimate disperser. Gibbons tracked the temporal (but not spatial) abundance of ripe fruits, indicating this fruit was a preferred species for the gibbon. Both gibbons and macaques dispersed the majority (>90%) of the seeds at least 20 m away from parent crowns, with mean dispersal distances by gibbons measuring 179.3 ± 98.0 m (range: 4–425 m). Seeds defecated by gibbons germinated quicker and at greater rates than seeds spat by macaques, or in undispersed fruits. Gibbon-dispersed seeds were also more likely to be removed by unknown seed predators or unknown secondary dispersers. Overall, gibbons play a key role in the regeneration of the Pacific walnut. Our findings have significant implications both for the management of the Pacific walnut tree dominating tropical rainforest as well as the reintroduction program of the Southern yellow-cheeked crested gibbon.  相似文献   

Zueva  A. I.  Kachalkin  A. V.  Maksimova  I. A.  Van Thinh  Nguyen  Tiunov  A. V. 《Microbiology》2021,90(4):489-499
Microbiology - Yeast populations were investigated for the following substrates associated with termitaria of five termite species occurring in the Cat Tien National Park (south Vietnam): nest...  相似文献   

The forests in Cat Tien National Park, appear as a mosaic of different communities, distinct from each other with respect to their floristic and structural parameters. The objectives of this study are (1) to characterize the different formations occurring in the lowland part and (2) to identify the main successional trends in the area. Understanding forest succession is important for silviculture and restoration of forests and land rehabilitation, as adequate information on the ecological role of local species in the functioning of the forests is not available in Vietnam. Five plots (1 ha each) were established in the lowland part of Cat Tien National Park, where all the trees ≥ 10 cm d.b.h. (diameter at breast height) were located, measured and identified. A systematic sampling was made to assess the regeneration. Three plots (A, C and D) can be considered as secondary forests on the basis of their structural parameters. Plots A and C are dominated by Lagerstrmia calyculata and plot D by Dipterocarpus alatus. The other two plots can be regarded as mature forests. Plot B corresponds to a semideciduous formation dominated by Lagerstrmia calyculata and Fabaceae species, and plot E to an evergreen one dominated by dipterocarp species. The floristic composition of plots A and C will change in the future because dominant canopy species are rare or absent in regeneration. A correspondence analysis performed on the number of trees per species shows two kinds of successional trends: one from A to B on shallow and drier soils, and another from C to E on deeper and wetter soils.  相似文献   

Vietnam’s elephant population that has suffered severe declines during the past three decades is now believed to number 60–80 individuals in the wild. Cat Tien National Park is thought to be one of the key areas for the recovery of Vietnam’s elephants. We carried out a molecular genetic study of elephants in Cat Tien National Park and its adjoining areas with the objectives of estimating minimum population size, assessing genetic diversity, and obtaining insights into social organization. We obtained a minimum population size of 11 elephants based on a combination of unique nuclear microsatellite genotypes and mitochondrial haplotypes. While mitochondrial diversity based on a 600-base pair segment was high in this small sample of individuals, the six microsatellite loci examined showed low diversity and the signature of a recent population bottleneck. Along with nuclear genetic depauperation of Cat Tien’s elephants, we also report disruption of normal social organization, with different matrilines having coalesced into a single social group because of anthropogenic disturbance. The results emphasize the critical condition of this elephant population and the need for urgent conservation measures if this population is to be saved.  相似文献   

This is the first study of vocal individuality in male songs of black crested gibbons. The sound recordings were carried out at two field sites, Pinghe, Ailao Mountains, and Dazhaizi, Wuliang Mountains, both located in Yunnan province, China. A total of 127 coda phrases of 38 male songs bouts of eight individual male gibbons were analyzed. Stepwise discriminant function analysis was used to examine the acoustic individuality of the males. We found that individuality among neighbors was very pronounced. Moreover, individuality within a site (i.e. among neighbors) is higher than among individuals between sites. Our finding suggests that black crested gibbons may actively increase their degree of vocal individuality against that of their immediate neighbors by vocal adjustment.  相似文献   

The abundance, biomass, vertical distribution, and taxonomic composition of soil invertebrates (springtails, macrofauna, and termites) were studied in forest formations differing in edaphic and climatic conditions: lowland forests dominated by Lagerstroemia spp. or Dipterocarpus spp. in the Cat Tien National Park and in a mountain pine (Pinus kesiya) forest on the Da Lat Plateau, southern Vietnam. In the lowland forests, springtails had a relatively low density (10000–12000 ind./m2), but their diversity was high (41–43 species in each forest). The density of large soil invertebrates (without ants and termites) reached 500–700 ind./m2 at a biomass of approximately 30 g/m2 (with earthworms accounting for up to 230 ind./m2 and 19–28 g/m2). Among termites, species of the genera Macrotermes and Odontotermes were dominant. Their total biomass in some areas exceeded 15–20 g/m2. In the mountain pine forest, the total biomass of soil macrofauna was approximately 11 g/m2, the abundance and diversity of springtails were low (7500 ind./m2, 28 species), and wood-destroying species of the genera Schedorhinotermes sp. and Coptotermes sp. dominated among termites.  相似文献   

云南无量山黑长臂猿对植物种子的传播作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年9月至2006年4月,对无量山一群黑长臂猿进行观察,研究黑长臂猿在植物种子传播中的作用.观察记录黑长臂猿一天的排便次数并收集粪便.通过直接观察和收集长臂猿粪便确定长臂猿取食的果实种类.以森林中采集的果实种子为对照标本,对粪便中的种子进行鉴定,并记录各种种子的数量,测量其长度、宽度和重量.结果表明观察期间黑长臂猿共取食31种果实,其中有1种在被取食时尚未成熟,另有2种果实的种子在取食后遭到破坏,还有1种植物的种子不能被长臂猿吞食而得不到传播,黑长臂猿可为27种植物传播种子.黑长臂猿个体平均每天排便2次,粪便的平均湿重为22.7 g,每份粪便平均含有1种植物的种子;在不包含小种子(直径<3 mm)的情况下,平均每份粪便中含有12粒种子.总的来说,黑长臂猿是有效的种子传播者.  相似文献   

There has been considerable uncertainty about the abundance estimation of Loxodonta africana within tropical lowland moist forests in Zaire. We surveyed a 15,570 km2 area within the forests of eastern Zaire using transect sampling methods and estimated the elephant population to be 3720 (range 2300–5000) individuals. Dung pile densities were significantly different between adjacent settlement, deep forest, and deep forest core strata, with the most remote area harbouring the highest density. Evidence of elephant poaching was encountered throughout the survey area suggesting that elephant populations continue to be at severe risk.  相似文献   

Via the survey of 250 plots, tree species diversity and community structure were discussed in the habitats of black- crested gibbons, Wuliang Mountain, Yunnan, China. The research showed that (1) 111 tree species from 33 families and 23 lianas from 18 families were recorded in all, in which dominant families included Lauraceae, Magnoliaceae, Fagaceae, Theaceae and Ericaceae; (2) two forest vegetation types existed in the study area: the semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forest and mid-mountain humid evergreen broad-leaved forest; (3) the diversity index declined with the rising of elevation in each forest vegetation; however, the evenness index showed degressive trend only in semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved vegetation; (4) the age structure of six dominant species revealed that the tree layer in the study area would increase stably.  相似文献   

Gibbons and siamangs(Hylobatidae) are wel-known for their rapid chromosomal evolution, which has resulted in high speciation rate within the family. On the other hand, distinct karyotypes do not prevent speciation,allowing interbreeding between individuals in captivity,and the unwanted hybrids are ethical y problematic as al gibbon species are endangered or critical y endangered.Thus, accurate species identification is crucial for captive breeding, particularly in China where studbooks are unavailable. Identification based on external morphology is difficult, especially for hybrids, because species are usually similar in appearance. In this study, we employed G-banding karyotyping and fluorescence in situ hybridization(FISH) as well as a PCR-based approach to examine karyotypic characteristics and identify crested gibbons of the genus Nomascus from zoos and nature reserves in China. We characterized and identified five karyotypes from 21 individuals of Nomascus. Using karyotypes and mitochondrial and nuclear genes, we identified three purebred species and three hybrids, including one F2 hybrid between N.gabriellae and N. siki. Our results also supported that N. leucogenys and N. siki shared the same inversion on chromosome 7, which resolves arguments from previous studies. Our results demonstrated that both karyotyping and DNA-based approaches were suitable for identifying purebred species, though neither was ideal for hybrid identification. The advantages and disadvantages of both approaches are discussed. Our results further highlight the importance of animal ethics and welfare,which are critical for endangered species in captivity.  相似文献   

A study on the microarthropod community with special reference to species diversity of Oribatid and Collembola communities (Microarthropoda: Oribatei and Collembola) in Tam Dao National Park of Vietnam, a subtropical evergreen broad leaf alpine forest, was undertaken with the aim to explain how they are related to forest decline, and whether they can be used as bioindicators of forest plant succession. The results have shown that microarthropod community structures, particularly species diversity of oribatid and collembolan communities, are related to forest decline. Therefore they can be used as bioindicators of forest plant succession. In Tam Dao National Park, there was an inverse relation between species diversity of the oribatid and collembola communities. The species diversity of the oribatid community gradually decreased with forest decline whereas the species diversity of the collembola community gradually increased.  相似文献   

Extrapair paternity is common in many birds, and it is now generallyaccepted that female choice plays an important role. However,die benefits that females obtain from extrapair paternity aremuch less dear. To test the hypothesis that females obtain indirectfitness benefits, we studied paternity in a blue tit populationover 4 years. Extrapair paternity occurred in 31-47% of allnests and accounted for 11-14% of all offspring. Most malesthat fathered extrapair young did not lose paternity themselves,males never "exchanged" paternity, and within nests the extrapairoffspring were usually fathered by a single male. Comparisonsbetween males that did and did not lose paternity and pairwisecomparisons between the extrapair male(s) and the within-pairmale showed that successful males had longer tarsi and sangon average longer strophes during the dawn chorus. Successfulmales weighed less (relative to their size) during the nettlingstage, but nevertheless they survived better. Male age did notinfluence their likelihood of losing paternity, but extrapairmales were usually older than the within-pair male they cuckolded.Within nests with mixed paternity, extrapair young were morelikely to survive than within-pair young in cases of partialbrood mortality. Our data also suggest that extrapair offspringwere more likely to be males. Because extrapair males were usuallyclose neighbors, male quality should be considered relativeto the quality of the neighbors. Despite this, we found consistencyin female choice over years. Our observations provide supportfor the hypothesis that female blue tits engage in extrapaircopulations to obtain good genes for their offspring.  相似文献   

The Chambura Gorge, part of the Queen Elizabeth National Park (QENP), is completely covered by a forest which so far has not been exploited and whose species, composition and structure are barely known. It was therefore of interest to analyse this area as a typical example of a primary natural forest and as a peculiar habitat inside the QENP ecosystem. The forest cover has a typical structure, distributed into layers, but the lower layer is locally poor of saplings belonging to a possible cohort of regeneration. This process is likely to be observable on a wider scale of analysis. None of the species reach their potential maximum height, as measured in other areas and in a typical rain forest. However, the vegetation of Chambura Gorge is very representative of the local edaphic conditions and microclimate. In the structural analysis no relationships were found between the diameters and heights of the observed trees, if considered all together. If considered individually, only the most abundant species, Cleistopholis patens, showed any relationship between diameter and height.  相似文献   

A three-year (2001-2003) study was carried out on the home range characteristics of seven wild white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar) groups focusing on the spatio-temporal distribution of food resources at Khao Yai National Park in northeastern Thailand. These results were combined with 23 years (1980-2003) of reproductive performance data on seven females from the same focal groups. Reproductive performance was equal among females with regard to birth, weaning and maturation ratios, and independent of variation in food availability. Offspring mortality, however, was significantly positively correlated with home-range size. In addition, there was an increase in offspring mortality just after weaning, suggesting that the increase in the daily distance traveled by juveniles contributed to this mortality. Conceptions clustered during the first half of the year when food production was at its peak, which presumably allowed females to accumulate sufficient body reserves to resume ovarian cycling. Our results place Khao Yai gibbons closer to Cercopithecidae than great apes in terms of the temporal pattern of reproductive events, though gestation, lactation, inter-birth interval, and offspring maturation are considerably longer in gibbons, placing them closer to the other apes. Our findings underline the unique phylogenetic position of these small-bodied apes in terms of reproductive patterns in primates.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) living in the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, northern Congo, was surveyed for one full year. This is the first record to make clear the seasonal changes in the feeding habits of gorillas in a whole year, living in the primary lowland forest almost completely undisturbed. Fecal contents, feeding traces, and direct observation were analyzed with reference to a fruit availability survey. Although the gorillas fed largely on fruits in the forest, their basic diet was fibrous parts of plants, including shoots, young leaves, and bark. Terrestrial herbaceous vegetation, such as monocotyledons of the Marantaceae and aquatic herbs having much protein content and minerals, were frequently eaten even in the fruiting season. As these highly nutritious fibrous foods were superabundant all year, the major foods of the Ndoki gorillas seemed to be those plants. However, they selected fruits as their alternative food resources in the fruiting season. Gorillas foraged on many fruit species, while showing strong preferences for some particular species. The swamp forest, including marshy grasslands, was an important and regular habitat for the Ndoki gorillas.  相似文献   

Predation on vertebrates is infrequent in gibbons. In a 14-month field study of the central Yunnan black crested gibbon (Nomascus concolor jingdongensis) at Mt. Wuliang, Yunnan, China, we observed gibbons attacking, killing and eating giant flying squirrels (Petaurista philippensis). During 845 h of observation on one study group, the gibbons attacked giant flying squirrels 11 times, and succeeded in 4 cases. Although all members of the group attempted to attack the squirrels, all four successful attacks were made by the same adult female. The victims were infants in three cases and a juvenile or sub-adult in one case. Black crested gibbons also attacked adult giant flying squirrels by grabbing their long tails and throwing them from the canopy, but they failed to catch or kill the prey in three cases observed. Passive meat sharing occurred in three out of four successful cases. Besides hunting giant flying squirrels, the black crested gibbons also ate eggs or chicks in two birds’ nests and one lizard.  相似文献   

The singing behaviour of 3 pairs of white-cheeked gibbons (Nomascus leucogenys) held at the Perth Zoo was observed for 6 months in 2005. These groups included a family (mated pair and 2 immature offspring) and a pair without offspring. During the study, the female without offspring was exchanged for an unpaired female from New Zealand. After the new pair had been released onto the island enclosure and began to duet, the duetting rate of the white-cheeked gibbon family increased. The increased singing began after the new female had started to sing solo female great calls. These observations support the hypothesis that duets have an intergroup communication function in white-cheeked gibbons. The pair that duetted most frequently also copulated most frequently but allogroomed the least. We suggest that duetting may be more important to intergroup relations than to pair bond maintenance in this species.  相似文献   

Primates - Natural hybridization has played various roles in the evolutionary history of primates. Its consequences range from genetic introgression between taxa, formation of hybrid zones, and...  相似文献   

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