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Bathymodioline mussels occur in chemosynthesis-based ecosystems such as cold seeps, hydrothermal vents and organic debris worldwide. Their key adaptation to these environments is their association with bacterial endosymbionts which ensure a chemosynthetic primary production based on the oxidation of reduced compounds such as methane and sulfide. We herein report a multiple symbiosis involving six distinct bacterial 16S rRNA phylotypes, including two belonging to groups not yet reported as symbionts in mytilids, in a small Idas mussel found on carbonate crusts in a cold seep area located north to the Nile deep-sea fan (Eastern Mediterranean). Symbionts co-occur within hosts bacteriocytes based on fluorescence in situ hybridizations, and sequencing of functional genes suggests they have the potential to perform autotrophy, and sulfide and methane oxidation. Previous studies indicated the presence of only one or two symbiont 16S rRNA phylotypes in bathymodioline mussels. Together with the recent discovery of four bacterial symbionts in the large seep species Bathymodiolus heckerae , this study shows that symbiont diversity has probably been underestimated, and questions whether the common ancestor of bathymodioline mussels was associated with multiple bacteria.  相似文献   

Deep-sea mussels of the genus Bathymodiolus (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) harbor symbiotic bacteria in their gills and are among the dominant invertebrate species at cold seeps and hydrothermal vents. An undescribed Bathymodiolus species was collected at a depth of 3,150 m in a newly discovered cold seep area on the southeast Atlantic margin, close to the Zaire channel. Transmission electron microscopy, comparative 16S rRNA analysis, and fluorescence in situ hybridization indicated that this Bathymodiolus sp. lives in a dual symbiosis with sulfide- and methane-oxidizing bacteria. A distinct distribution pattern of the symbiotic bacteria in the gill epithelium was observed, with the thiotrophic symbiont dominating the apical region and the methanotrophic symbiont more abundant in the basal region of the bacteriocytes. No variations in this distribution pattern or in the relative abundances of the two symbionts were observed in mussels collected from three different mussel beds with methane concentrations ranging from 0.7 to 33.7 microM. The 16S rRNA sequence of the methanotrophic symbiont is most closely related to those of known methanotrophic symbionts from other bathymodiolid mussels. Surprisingly, the thiotrophic Bathymodiolus sp. 16S rRNA sequence does not fall into the monophyletic group of sequences from thiotrophic symbionts of all other Bathymodiolus hosts. While these mussel species all come from vents, this study describes the first thiotrophic sequence from a seep mussel and shows that it is most closely related (99% sequence identity) to an environmental clone sequence obtained from a hydrothermal plume near Japan.  相似文献   

【目的】冷泉系统广泛存在于大陆边缘地区,其典型特征是在海底渗漏出大量富含以甲烷为主的碳氢化合物和硫化氢等成分的低温流体。冷泉也因其独特的地球化学条件孕育着独特的原核微生物群落结构,然而,原核微生物组成与冷泉环境之间的响应关系却并不清楚。【方法】本文以莫克兰大陆边缘活跃冷泉区沉积物柱状样为研究对象,沿深度剖面分析了沉积物中的CH4以及孔隙水SO42–、H2S浓度等关键地球化学参数,并基于16S rRNA基因高通量测序对冷泉沉积物原核微生物的群落结构及其空间变化进行了系统分析。【结果】根据其硫酸盐-甲烷浓度剖面特征,从上向下,将沉积物垂向剖面划分为硫酸盐还原区(SZ)、硫酸盐-甲烷转换区(SMTZ)和产甲烷区(MZ)。通过原核微生物α多样性与基因定量研究发现,随着深度增加微生物多样性与丰度呈逐渐降低的趋势。16SrRNA基因高通量测序结果表明,SZ中以硫氧化细菌γ-变形菌纲、α-变形菌纲和埃普西隆杆菌门为主,且以硫酸盐为电子受体的与有机质降解相关的原核微生物JS1、绿弯菌门、洛基古菌纲、深古菌纲及底栖古菌纲的相对含量也较高;SMTZ存在较高含量的ANME-1a、ANME-1b与SEEP-S...  相似文献   

The functional basis for species sorting theory remains elusive, especially for microbial community assembly in deep‐sea environments. Using artificial surface‐based biofilm models, our recent work revealed taxonomic succession during biofilm development in a newly defined cold seep system, the Thuwal cold seeps II, which comprises a brine pool and the adjacent normal bottom water (NBW) to form a metacommunity via the potential immigration of organisms from one patch to another. Here, we designed an experiment to investigate the effects of environmental switching between the brine pool and the NBW on biofilm assembly, which could reflect environmental filtering effects during bacterial immigration to new environments. Analyses of 16S rRNA genes of 71 biofilm samples suggested that the microbial composition of biofilms established in new environments was determined by both the source community and the incubation conditions. Moreover, a comparison of 18 metagenomes provided evidence for biofilm community assembly that was based primarily on functional features rather than taxonomic identities; metal ion resistance and amino acid metabolism were the major species sorting determinants for the succession of biofilm communities. Genome binning and pathway reconstruction of two bacterial species (Marinobacter sp. and Oleispira sp.) further demonstrated metal ion resistance and amino acid metabolism as functional traits conferring the survival of habitat generalists in both the brine pool and NBW. The results of this study shed new light on microbial community assembly in special habitats and bridge a gap in species sorting theory.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated gills of the freshwater mussel,Ligumia subrostrata, accumulate Na from a pondwater bathing medium. The rate of Na transport by the isolated gill is 13.2±1.1 mol (g dry gill·10 min)–1 which equals or exceeds the estimated Na transport rate of intact animals. Sodium influx is saturable with aV max of 13.6±1.2 mol (g dry gill·10 min)–1 and an affinity (K s) of 0.17 mM Na/l. The isolated gills survive prolonged exposure to pondwater with a constant of 890 l O2 (g dry gill·h)–1 over a 4 h period. Sodium transport in the isolated gills is stimulated 80% above control values by 10–4 M serotonin, 60% by 0.5 mM cAMP and 60% by 12.5 g/ml nystatin. Sodium influx is inhibited by 0.5 mM amiloride and 1 mM lithium.  相似文献   

Lichens form an important part of the biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystems of Antarctica where they represent the dominant vegetation. Previous studies on the genetic diversity of photobionts of lichens have indicated that clade S Trebouxia photobionts are the most widespread in continental Antarctica, predominantly in macrolichens. For the first time, a comparative study of the physiology of a variety of isolated Antarctic lichen photobionts (genus Trebouxia) was performed. Photosynthetic activity was examined by chlorophyll a fluorescence and correlated with freezing and desiccation under laboratory conditions and photosynthetic pigments were quantified in response to desiccation. Data were obtained from photobionts collected from the Antarctic regions of North Victoria Land, Coal Nunatak and Rothera Point, as well as from a European site (Gotland, Sweden). While the isolated algae reacted individually to stress treatments, they were highly susceptible to desiccation stress but could rapidly recover from freezing. Photobiont-specific physiological adaptations are considered to explain the dominance of clade S Trebouxia photobionts.  相似文献   

1. Cadmium (≤ 50 μM) decreases the heat resistance (39°C) of the activity of frontal cilia in the Anodonta cygnea gills incubated in dechlorinated tap water, while in the presence of added 2 mM Ca2+ the minimal acting concentration of cadmium rises up to 100 μM.2. The inhibitory effect of Cd2+ (1.5 mM) on the ATPase activity measured in the gill microsomal fraction is temperature dependent and increases as follows: ouabain insensitive Na2+- or K+-ATPase (no inhibition), Ca2+-ATPase (50% inhibition), Mg2+-ATPase (100% inhibition).3. Cadmium itself (≤ 50 μM) added to microsomal suspension stimulates the H+-sensitive ATP hydrolysis resembling on its pH-dependence the Mg2+- but not Ca2+-ATPase activity.4. Cd2+ can mimic the effect of Mg2+ as a cofactor required for activation of the ouabain-insensitive Na+- or K+-ATPase. Monovalent cations fail to activate the ATPase when Mg2+ is substituted by Ca2+.5. One of the mechanisms underlying the toxicity of Cd2+ to Anodonta gills could be based upon an interaction of Cd2+ with Mg2+-ATPase followed by suppression of the ciliary activity.  相似文献   

Dissimilatory nitrate reduction is catalyzed by a membrane-bound and a periplasmic nitrate reductase. We set up a real-time PCR assay to quantify these two enzymes, using the narG and napA genes, encoding the catalytic subunits of the two types of nitrate reductases, as molecular markers. The narG and napA gene copy numbers in DNA extracted from 18 different environments showed high variations, with most numbers ranging from 2 x 10(2) to 6.8 x 10(4) copies per ng of DNA. This study provides evidence that, in soil samples, the number of proteobacteria carrying the napA gene is often as high as that of proteobacteria carrying the narG gene. The high correlation observed between narG and napA gene copy numbers in soils suggests that the ecological roles of the corresponding enzymes might be linked.  相似文献   

【目的】当前对全球冷泉生态系统微生物生态学研究显示,冷泉生态系统中主要微生物类群为参与甲烷代谢的微生物,它们的分布差异与所处冷泉区生物地球化学环境密切相关。但在冷泉区内也存在环境因子截然不同的生境,尚缺乏比较冷泉区内小尺度生境间微生物多样性和分布规律的研究。本研究旨在分析南海Formosa冷泉区内不同生境间微生物多样性差异,完善和理解不同环境因子对冷泉内微生物群落结构的影响。【方法】对采集自南海Formosa冷泉区不同生境(黑色菌席区、白色菌席区和碳酸盐岩区)沉积物样本中古菌和细菌16S rRNA基因进行测序,结合环境因子,比较微生物多样性差异,分析环境因子对微生物分布的影响。【结果】发现在Formosa冷泉内的不同生境中,甲烷厌氧氧化古菌(anaerobic methanotrophic archaea,ANME)是主要古菌类群,占古菌总体相对丰度超过70%;在菌席区ANME-1b和ANME-2a/b是主要ANME亚群,碳酸盐岩区则是ANME-1b。硫酸盐还原菌(sulfate-reducing bacteria,SRB)和硫氧化菌(sulfur-oxidizing bacteria...  相似文献   

1. Microsomal preparations from the gills of the freshwater mussel anodonta cygnea cellensis show Mg2+ -dependent Na+ - or K+ -stimulated ATPase activity, which is not inhibited by ouabain. 2. Na+ - or Ka+ -ATPase activity is decreased by Ca2+, acetylcholine, choline, and tetramethylammonium, but slightly increased by ethyl alcohol. 3. It is tentatively suggested that Na+ - or K+ -ATPase is involved in the mechanism of active monovalent cation uptake through the gills of freshwater mussels.  相似文献   

Cold seeps in the Gulf of Mexico are often dominated by mussels of the genus Bathymodiolus that harbour symbiotic bacteria in their gills. In this study, we analysed symbiont diversity, abundance and metabolic potential in three mussel species from the northern Gulf of Mexico: Bathymodiolus heckerae from the West Florida Escarpment, Bathymodiolus brooksi from Atwater Valley and Alaminos Canyon, and 'Bathymodiolus' childressi, which co-occurs with B. brooksi in Alaminos Canyon. Comparative 16S rRNA sequence analysis confirmed a single methanotroph-related symbiont in 'B.' childressi and a dual symbiosis with a methanotroph- and thiotroph-related symbiont in B. brooksi. A previously unknown diversity of four co-occurring symbionts was discovered in B. heckerae: a methanotroph, two phylogenetically distinct thiotrophs and a methylotroph-related phylotype not previously described from any marine invertebrate symbiosis. A gene characteristic of methane-oxidzing bacteria, pmoA, was identified in all three mussel species confirming the methanotrophic potential of their symbionts. Stable isotope analyses of lipids and whole tissue also confirmed the importance of methanotrophy in the carbon nutrition of all of the mussels. Analyses of absolute and relative symbiont abundance in B. heckerae and B. brooksi using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and rRNA slot blot hybridization indicated a clear dominance of methanotrophic over thiotrophic symbionts in their gill tissues. A site-dependent variability in total symbiont abundance was observed in B. brooksi, with specimens from Alaminos Canyon harbouring much lower densities than those from Atwater Valley. This shows that symbiont abundance is not species-specific but can vary considerably between populations.  相似文献   

Tick abundances and prevalences of infection with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, the causative agent of Lyme disease, were investigated in four South London parks. A total of 360 transects were sampled using three methods of collection (blanket, leggings and flags) simultaneously. No ticks were found on Wimbledon Common or at Hampton Court, but 1118 Ixodes ricinus (Ixodida: Ixodidae) ticks were collected at Richmond and Bushy Parks. At Richmond Park, lower canopy humidity [odds ratio (OR) 0.94; P = 0.005], increased mat depth (OR 1.15; P < 0.001) and increased soil moisture (OR 1.40; P = 0.001) predicted the presence of I. ricinus, and increased sward height [incidence rate ratio (IRR) 1.01; P = 0.006] and decreased ground temperature (IRR 0.90; P = 0.009) predicted increased abundance. At Bushy Park, thicker mat depth predicted tick presence (OR 1.17; P = 0.006) and increasing temperature correlated with tick absence (OR 0.57; P = 0.023). A total of 279 ticks were screened for the presence of B. burgdorferi using quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Point prevalences of 0% for larvae (n = 78), 2.14% for nymphs (n = 174) and 0% for adult ticks (n = 7) related to an acarological risk of 0.22 infected ticks per 40 m transect in Richmond Park. The abundance of ticks and the acarological risk, particularly at Richmond Park, highlight the need for appropriate communication of the associated risk to the general public frequenting these recreational areas.  相似文献   

The firebrat, Thermobia domestica (Packard) (Thysanura: Lepismatidae), aggregates in response to the faeces of conspecifics. This aggregation response is mediated by two microbial symbionts, the bacterium Enterobacter cloacae (Jordan) Hormaeche & Edwards (Enterobacteriaceae) and the fungus Mycotypha microspora Fenner (Mucorales). Our objective was to determine how these microbes are transmitted between firebrats. We produced fluorescently labelled E. cloacae and M. microspora and presented them to firebrats. Firebrats consumed large quantities of these labelled microbes and deposited them with their faeces where they proliferated rapidly. Firebrats did not harbour E. cloacae or M. microspora within their ovarioles or eggs, and thus cannot transmit them transovarially. Instead, firebrats acquired them horizontally whenever they fed on microbe‐contaminated material, such as faeces, faeces‐contaminated paper, or egg surfaces. Firebrats moult throughout their life, and with each moult they shed the cuticular lining of their digestive tract and likely any microbes residing therein. Because firebrats remain in close contact and live in groups of mixed age and gender, newly moulted individuals can readily re‐acquire E. cloacae or M. microspora from group members. This ensures the perpetuation of their microbial aggregation and arrestment signal.  相似文献   

Hermit crabs play an important role in the Northern Adriatic Sea due to their abundance, wide range of symbionts, and function in structuring the benthic community. Small-scale (0.25?m(2)) hypoxia and anoxia were experimentally generated on a sublittoral soft bottom in 24?m depth in the Gulf of Trieste. This approach successfully simulates the seasonal low dissolved oxygen (DO) events here and enabled studying the behaviour and mortality of the hermit crab Paguristes eremita. The crabs exhibited a sequence of predictable stress responses and ultimately mortality, which was correlated with five oxygen thresholds. Among the crustaceans, which are a sensitive group to oxygen depletion, P. eremita is relatively tolerant. Initially, at mild hypoxia (2.0 to 1.0?ml?l(-?1) DO), hermit crabs showed avoidance by moving onto better oxygenated, elevated substrata. This was accompanied by a series of responses including decreased locomotory activity, increased body movements and extension from the shell. During a moribund phase at severe hypoxia (0.5 to 0.01?ml?l(-?1) DO), crabs were mostly immobile in overturned shells and body movements decreased. Anoxia triggered emergence from the shell, with a brief locomotion spurt of shell-less crabs. The activity pattern of normally day-active crabs was altered during hypoxia and anoxia. Atypical interspecific interactions occurred: the crab Pisidia longimana increasingly aggregated on hermit crab shells, and a hermit crab used the emerged infaunal sea urchin Schizaster canaliferus as an elevated substrate. Response patterns varied somewhat according to shell size or symbiont type (the sponge Suberites domuncula). Mortality occurred after extended anoxia (~?1.5?d) and increased hydrogen sulphide levels (H(2)S ~?128?μmol). The relative tolerance of crabs and certain symbionts (e.g. the sea anemone Calliactis parasitica) - as potential survivors and recolonizers of affected areas - may influence and promote community recovery after oxygen crises.  相似文献   

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