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When the gibberellin (GA) receptor GIBBERELLIN INSENSITIVE DWARF 1 (GID1) binds to GA, GID1 interacts with DELLA proteins, repressors of GA signaling. This interaction inhibits the suppressive function of DELLA protein and thereby activates the GA response. However, how DELLA proteins exert their suppressive function and how GID1s inhibit suppressive function of DELLA proteins is unclear. By yeast one-hybrid experiments and transient expression of the N-terminal region of rice DELLA protein (SLR1) in rice callus, we established that the N-terminal DELLA/TVHYNP motif of SLR1 possesses transactivation activity. When SLR1 proteins with various deletions were over-expressed in rice, the severity of dwarfism correlated with the transactivation activity observed in yeast, indicating that SLR1 suppresses plant growth through transactivation activity. This activity was suppressed by the GA-dependent GID1-SLR1 interaction, which may explain why GA responses are induced in the presence of GA. The C-terminal GRAS domain of SLR1 also exhibits a suppressive function on plant growth, possibly by directly or indirectly interacting with the promoter region of target genes. Our results indicate that the N-terminal region of SLR1 has two roles in GA signaling: interaction with GID1 and transactivation activity.  相似文献   

The rice SLR1 (SLENDER RICE 1) gene encodes a DELLA protein that belongs to a subfamily of the GRAS protein superfamily and that functions as a repressor of gibberellin (GA) signaling. Based on the constitutive GA response phenotype of slr1 mutants, SLR1 has been thought to be the sole DELLA-type protein suppressing GA signals in rice. However, in rice genome databases we identified two sequences homologous to SLR1: SLR1-like1 and -2 (SLRL1 and -2). SLRL1 and SLRL2 contain regions with high similarity to the C-terminal conserved domains in SLR1, but lack the N-terminal conserved region of the DELLA proteins. The expression of SLRL1 was positively regulated by GA at the mRNA level and occurred preferentially in reproductive organs, whereas SLRL2 was moderately expressed in mature leaf organs and was not affected by GA. Transformation of SLRL1 into the slr1 mutant rescued the slender phenotype of this mutant. Moreover, overexpression of SLRL1 in normal rice plants induced a dwarf phenotype with an increased level of OsGA20ox2 gene expression and diminished the GA-induced shoot elongation, suggesting that SLRL1 acts as a repressor of GA signaling. Consistent with the fact that SLRL1 does not have a DELLA domain, which is essential for degradation of DELLA proteins, a level of SLRL1 protein was not degraded by application of gibberellic acid. However, the repressive activity of SLRL1 against GA signaling was much weaker than a truncated SLR1 lacking the DELLA domain. Based on these characteristics of SLRL1, the functional roles of SLRL1 in GA signaling in rice are discussed.  相似文献   

A spontaneous rice mutant, erect leaf1 (elf1–1), produced a dwarf phenotype with erect leaves and short grains. Physiological analyses suggested that elf1–1 is brassinosteroid-insensitive, so we hypothesized that ELF1 encodes a positive regulator of brassinosteroid signaling. ELF1, identified by means of positional cloning, encodes a protein with both a U-box domain and ARMADILLO (ARM) repeats. U-box proteins have been shown to function as E3 ubiquitin ligases; in fact, ELF1 possessed E3 ubiquitin ligase activity in vitro. However, ELF1 itself does not appear to be polyubiquitinated. Mutant phenotypes of 2 more elf1 alleles indicate that the entire ARM repeats is indispensable for ELF1 activity. These results suggest that ELF1 ubiquitinates target proteins through an interaction mediated by ARM repeats. Similarities in the phenotypes of elf1 and d61 mutants (mutants of brassinosteroid receptor gene OsBRI1), and in the regulation of ELF1 and OsBRI1 expression, imply that ELF1 functions as a positive regulator of brassinosteroid signaling in rice.  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) play an important role in rice signal transduction, but the precise role of each individual CDPK is still largely unknown. Recently, a full-length cDNA encoding OsCDPK13 from rice seedling was isolated. To characterize the function of OsCDPK13, its responses to various stresses and hormones were analyzed in this study. OsCDPK13 accumulated in 2-week-old leaf sheath and callus, and became phosphorylated in response to cold and gibberellin (GA). OsCDPK13 gene expression and protein accumulation were up-regulated in response to GA3 treatment, but suppressed in response to abscisic acid and brassinolide. Antisense OsCDPK13 transgenic rice lines were shorter than the vector control lines, and the expression of OsCDPK13 was lower in dwarf mutants of rice than in wild type. Furthermore, OsCDPK13 gene expression and protein accumulation were enhanced in response to cold, but suppressed under salt and drought stresses. Sense OsCDPK13 transgenic rice lines had higher recovery rates after cold stress than vector control rice. The expression of OsCDPK13 was stronger in cold-tolerant rice varieties than in cold-sensitive ones. The results suggest that OsCDPK13 might be an important signaling component in the response of rice to GA and cold stress.  相似文献   

The phytohormone gibberellin (GA) controls growth and development in plants. Previously, we identified a rice F-box protein, gibberellin-insensitive dwarf2 (GID2), which is essential for GA-mediated DELLA protein degradation. In this study, we analyzed the biological and molecular biological properties of GID2. Expression of GID2 preferentially occurred in rice organs actively synthesizing GA. Domain analysis of GID2 revealed that the C-terminal regions were essential for the GID2 function, but not the N-terminal region. Yeast two-hybrid assay and immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that GID2 is a component of the SCF complex through an interaction with a rice ASK1 homolog, OsSkp15. Furthermore, an in vitro pull-down assay revealed that GID2 specifically interacted with the phosphorylated Slender Rice 1 (SLR1). Taken these results together, we conclude that the phosphorylated SLR1 is caught by the SCFGID2 complex through an interacting affinity between GID2 and phosphorylated SLR1, triggering the ubiquitin-mediated degradation of SLR1.  相似文献   

C-reactive protein (CRP), an acute-phase protein with an ability to bind to nuclear antigen, has been reported to regulate cytokine secretion and modulate immune responses. We previously reported that activated syngeneic lymphocyte-derived apoptotic DNA (apopDNA) could induce macrophage activation and contribute to the initiation and progression of lupus nephritis. It is reasonable to hypothesize that CRP might regulate apopDNA-induced macrophage activation. Herein, CRP was shown to promote macrophage-mediated apopDNA uptake by binding to apopDNA (CRP/apopDNA complex). Notably, CRP/apopDNA treatment inhibited the production of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines by macrophages which could be induced by apopDNA alone. Further coculture and transwell studies revealed that CRP/apopDNA-induced macrophages prohibited apopDNA-induced macrophage activation in an IL-10 dependent manner. These results provide insight into the potential mechanism of CRP regulatory activity in macrophage activation induced by apopDNA in the context of lupus nephritis and other autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The protein phosphatase Cdc14 is a key regulator of exit from mitosis in budding yeast. Its activation during anaphase is characterized by dissociation from its inhibitor Cfi1/Net1 in the nucleolus and is controlled by two regulatory networks. The Cdc14 early anaphase release (FEAR) network promotes activation of the phosphatase during early anaphase, whereas the mitotic exit network (MEN) activates Cdc14 during late stages of anaphase. RESULTS: Here we investigate how the FEAR network component Spo12 regulates Cdc14 activation. We identify the replication fork block protein Fob1 as a Spo12-interacting factor. Inactivation of FOB1 leads to premature release of Cdc14 from the nucleolus in metaphase-arrested cells. Conversely, high levels of FOB1 delay the release of Cdc14 from the nucleolus. Fob1 associates with Cfi1/Net1, and consistent with this observation, we find that the bulk of Cdc14 localizes to the Fob1 binding region within the rDNA repeats. Finally, we show that Spo12 phosphorylation is cell cycle regulated and affects its binding to Fob1. CONCLUSIONS: Fob1 functions as a negative regulator of the FEAR network. We propose that Fob1 helps to prevent the dissociation of Cdc14 from Cfi1/Net1 prior to anaphase and that Spo12 activation during early anaphase promotes the release of Cdc14 from its inhibitor by antagonizing Fob1 function.  相似文献   

Brassinosteroids (BRs) are plant steroidal hormones that regulate plant growth and development. An Arabidopsis dwarf mutant, shrink1-D (shk1-D), was isolated and the phenotype was shown to be caused by activation of the CYP72C1 gene. CYP72C1 is a member of the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase gene family similar to BAS1/CYP734A1 that regulates BR inactivation. shk1-D has short hypocotyls in both light and dark, and short petioles and siliques. The seeds are also shortened along the longitudinal axis indicating CYP72C1 controls cell elongation. The expression of CPD, TCH4 and BAS1 were altered in CYP72C1 overexpression transgenic lines and endogenous levels of castasterone, 6-deoxocastasterone and 6-deoxotyphasterol were also altered. Unlike BAS1/CYP734A1 the expression of CYP72C1 was not changed by application of exogenous brassinolide. We propose that CYP72C1 controls BR homeostasis by modulating the concentration of BRs.  相似文献   

A rice semidwarfing gene, sd-1, known as the "green revolution gene," was isolated by positional cloning and revealed to encode gibberellin 20-oxidase, the key enzyme in the gibberellin biosynthesis pathway. Analysis of 3477 segregants using several PCR-based marker technologies, including cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence, derived-CAPS, and single nucleotide polymorphisms revealed 1 ORF in a 6-kb candidate interval. Normal-type rice cultivars have an identical sequence in this region, consisting of 3 exons (558, 318, and 291 bp) and 2 introns (105 and 1471 bp). Dee-Geo-Woo-Gen-type sd-1 mutants have a 383-bp deletion from the genome (278-bp deletion from the expressed sequence), from the middle of exon 1 to upstream of exon 2, including a 105-bp intron, resulting in a frame-shift that produces a termination codon after the deletion site. The radiation-induced sd-1 mutant Calrose 76 has a 1-bp substitution in exon 2, causing an amino acid substitution (Leu [CTC] to Phe [TTC]). Expression analysis suggests the existence of at least one more locus of gibberellin 20-oxidase which may prevent severe dwarfism from developing in sd-1 mutants.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis gain‐of‐resistance mutants, which show HR‐like lesion formation and SAR‐like constitutive defense responses, were used well as tools to unravel the plant defense mechanisms. We have identified a novel mutant, designated constitutive expresser of PR genes 30 (cpr30), that exhibited dwarf morphology, constitutive resistance to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae and the dramatic induction of defense‐response gene expression. The cpr30‐conferred growth defect morphology and defense responses are dependent on ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY 1 (EDS1), PHYTOALEXIN DEFICIENT 4 (PAD4), and NONRACE‐SPECIFIC DISEASE RESISTANCE 1 (NDR1). Further studies demonstrated that salicylic acid (SA) could partially account for the cpr30‐conferred constitutive PR1 gene expression, but not for the growth defect, and that the cpr30‐conferred defense responses were NPR1 independent. We observed a widespread expression of CPR30 throughout the plant, and a localization of CPR30‐GFP fusion protein in the cytoplasm and nucleus. As an F‐box protein, CPR30 could interact with multiple Arabidopsis‐SKP1‐like (ASK) proteins in vivo. Co‐localization of CPR30 and ASK1 or ASK2 was observed in Arabidopsis protoplasts. Based on these results, we conclude that CPR30, a novel negative regulator, regulates both SA‐dependent and SA‐independent defense signaling, most likely through the ubiquitin‐proteasome pathway in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The SAP domain is a recently defined DNA binding domain that forms a helix-extended-helix structure. SAP proteins have been implicated in nuclear architecture and/or RNA metabolism. In this paper, we describe the cloning and characterization of a rice gene, OsBP-73, encoding a 375 amino acid protein with a SAP-like domain. We identified the binding sequence of OsBP-73 by gel retardation assays and southwestern blotting. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that OsBP-73 is weakly expressed in root, leaf and immature seed. OsBP-73 gene expression was also examined by histochemical studies of transgenic rice plants carrying an OsBP-73 5/GUS reporter gene. The reporter gene is mainly expressed in the tissues with high cell division activities, such as root tip, stem node, panicle and immature seed. Genetic interference of OsBP-73 gene expression by double-stranded RNA strikingly inhibits the whole plant growth but does not affect the passage from the juvenile to adult phase. These results suggest that OsBP-73 may play an important role in the regulation of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

The integrative nuclear FGFR1 signaling (INFS) pathway functions in association with cellular growth, differentiation, and regulation of gene expression, and is activated by diverse extracellular signals. Here we show that stimulation of angiotensin II (AII) receptors, depolarization, or activation protein kinase C (PKC) or adenylate cyclase all lead to nuclear accumulation of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2) and FGFR1, association of FGFR1 with splicing factor-rich domains, and activation of the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) gene promoter in bovine adrenal medullary cells (BAMC). The up-regulation of endogenous TH protein or a transfected TH promoter-luciferase construct by AII, veratridine, or PMA (but not by forskolin) is abolished by transfection with a dominant negative FGFR1TK-mutant which localizes to the nucleus and plasma membrane, but not by extracellularly acting FGFR1 antagonists suramin and inositolhexakisphosphate (IP6). Mechanism of TH gene activation by FGF-2 and FGFR1 was further investigated in BAMC and human TE671 cultures. TH promoter was activated by co-transfected HMW FGF-2 (which is exclusively nuclear) but not by cytoplasmic FGF-1 or extracellular FGFs. Promoter transactivation by HMWFGF-2 was accompanied by an up-regulation of FGFR1 specifically in the cell nucleus and was prevented FGFR1(TK-) but not by IP6 or suramin. The TH promoter was also transactivated by co-transfected wild-type FGFR1, which localizes to both to the nucleus and the plasma membrane, and by an exclusively nuclear, soluble FGFR1(SP-/NLS) mutant with an inserted nuclear localization signal. Activation of the TH promoter by nuclear FGFR1 and FGF-2 was mediated through the cAMP-responsive element (CRE) and was associated with induction of CREB- and CBP/P-300-containing CRE complexes. We propose a new model for gene regulation in which nuclear FGFR1 acts as a mediator of CRE transactivation by AII, cell depolarization, and PKC.  相似文献   

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