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Farnesylation, catalyzed by protein farnesyltransferase (FTase), is an important post-translational modification guiding cellular localization. Recently predictive models for identifying FTase substrates have been reported. Here we evaluate these models through screening of dansylated-GCaaS peptides, which also provides new insights into the protein substrate selectivity of FTase.  相似文献   

Protein prenylation occurs in the protozoan that causes African sleeping sickness (Trypanosoma brucei), and the protein farnesyltransferase appears to be a good target for developing drugs. We have cloned the alpha- and beta-subunits of T. brucei protein farnesyltransferase (TB-PFT) using nucleic acid probes designed from partial amino acid sequences obtained from the enzyme purified from insect stage parasites. TB-PFT is expressed in both bloodstream and insect stage parasites. Enzymatically active TB-PFT was produced by heterologous expression in Escherichia coli. Compared with mammalian protein farnesyltransferases, TB-PFT contains a number of inserts of >25 residues in both subunits that reside on the surface of the enzyme in turns linking adjacent alpha-helices. Substrate specificity studies with a series of 20 peptides SSCALX (where X indicates a naturally occurring amino acid) show that the recombinant enzyme behaves identically to the native enzyme and displays distinct specificity compared with mammalian protein farnesyltransferase. TB-PFT prefers Gln and Met at the X position but not Ser, Thr, or Cys, which are good substrates for mammalian protein farnesyltransferase. A structural homology model of the active site of TB-PFT provides a basis for understanding structure-activity relations among substrates and CAAX mimetic inhibitors.  相似文献   

Farnesylation is a posttranslational lipid modification in which a 15-carbon farnesyl isoprenoid is linked via a thioether bond to specific cysteine residues of proteins in a reaction catalyzed by protein farnesyltransferase (FTase). We synthesized the benzyloxyisoprenyl pyrophosphate (BnPP) series of transferable farnesyl pyrophosphate (FPP) analogues (1a-e) to test the length dependence of the isoprenoid substrate on the FTase-catalyzed transfer of lipid to protein substrate. Kinetic analyses show that pyrophosphates 1a-e and geranyl pyrophosphate (GPP) transfer with a lower efficiency than FPP whereas geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP) does not transfer at all. While a correlation was found between K(m) and analogue hydrophobicity and length, there was no correlation between k(cat) and these properties. Potential binding geometries of FPP, GPP, GGPP, and analogues 1a-e were examined by modeling the molecules into the active site of the FTase crystal structure. We found that analogue 1d displaces approximately the same volume of the active site as does FPP, whereas GPP and analogues 1a-c occupy lesser volumes and 1e occupies a slightly larger volume. Modeling also indicated that GGPP adopts a different conformation than the farnesyl chain of FPP, partially occluding the space occupied by the Ca(1)a(2)X peptide in the ternary X-ray crystal structure. Within the confines of the FTase pocket, the double bonds and branched methyl groups of the geranylgeranyl chain significantly restrict the number of possible conformations relative to the more flexible lipid chain of analogues 1a-e. The modeling results also provide a molecular explanation for the observation that an aromatic ring is a good isostere for the terminal isoprene of FPP.  相似文献   

Isoprenylcysteine carboxylmethyltransferase (Icmt) is an integral membrane protein localized to the endoplasmic reticulum of eukaryotic cells that catalyzes the post-translational alpha-carboxylmethylesterification of CAAX motif proteins, including the oncoprotein Ras. Prior to methylation, these protein substrates all contain an isoprenylcysteine residue at the C terminus. In this study, we developed a variety of substrates and inhibitors of Icmt that vary in the isoprene moiety in order to gain information about the nature of the lipophilic substrate binding site. These isoprenoid-modified analogs of the minimal Icmt substrate N-acetyl-S-farnesyl-L-cysteine (AFC) were synthesized from newly and previously prepared farnesol analogs. Using both yeast and human Icmt enzymes, these compounds were found to vary widely in their ability to act as substrates, supporting the isoprenoid moiety as a key substrate recognition element for Icmt. Compound 3 is a competitive inhibitor of overexpressed yeast Icmt (K(I) = 17.1 +/- 1.7 microm). Compound 4 shows a mix of competitive and uncompetitive inhibition for both the yeast and the human Icmt proteins (yeast K(IC) = 35.4 +/- 3.4 microm, K(IU) = 614.4 +/- 148 microm; human K(IC) = 119.3 +/- 18.1 microm, K(IU) = 377.2 +/- 42.5 microm). These data further suggest that differences in substrate specificity exist between the human and yeast enzymes. Biological studies suggest that inhibition of Icmt results in Ras mislocalization and loss of cellular transformation ability, making Icmt an attractive and novel anticancer target. Further elaboration of the lead compounds synthesized and assayed here may lead to clinically useful higher potency inhibitors.  相似文献   

The zinc metalloenzyme protein farnesyltransferase (FTase) catalyzes the transfer of a 15-carbon farnesyl moiety from farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) to a cysteine residue near the C-terminus of a protein substrate. Several crystal structures of inactive FTase.FPP.peptide complexes indicate that K164alpha interacts with the alpha-phosphate and that H248beta and Y300beta form hydrogen bonds with the beta-phosphate of FPP [Strickland, C. L., et al. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 16601-16611]. Mutations K164Aalpha, H248Abeta, and Y300Fbeta were prepared and analyzed by single turnover kinetics and ligand binding studies. These mutations do not significantly affect the enzyme affinity for FPP but do decrease the farnesylation rate constant by 30-, 10-, and 500-fold, respectively. These mutations have little effect on the pH and magnesium dependence of the farnesylation rate constant, demonstrating that the side chains of K164alpha, Y300beta, and H248beta do not function either as general acid-base catalysts or as magnesium ligands. Mutation of H248beta and Y300beta, but not K164alpha, decreases the farnesylation rate constant using farnesyl monophosphate (FMP). These data suggest that, contrary to the conclusions derived from analysis of the static crystal structures, the transition state for farnesylation is stabilized by interactions between the alpha-phosphate of the isoprenoid substrate and the side chains of Y300beta and H248beta. These results suggest an active substrate conformation for FTase wherein the C1 carbon of the FPP substrate moves toward the zinc-bound thiolate of the protein substrate to react, resulting in a rearrangement of the diphosphate group relative to its ground state position in the binding pocket.  相似文献   

Roskoski R  Ritchie PA 《Biochemistry》2001,40(31):9329-9335
Protein farnesyltransferase (FTase) and protein geranylgeranyltransferase-I (GGTase-I) catalyze the prenylation of proteins with a carboxy-terminal tetrapeptide sequence called a CaaX box, where C refers to cysteine, "a" refers to an aliphatic residue, and X typically refers to methionine, serine, or glutamine (FTase), or to leucine (GGTase-I). Marsters and co-workers [(1994) Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2, 949--957] developed inhibitors of FTase with cysteine and methionine attached to an inner hydrophobic benzodiazepine scaffold. We found that the most potent of these compounds (BZA-2B) resulted in the time-dependent inhibition of FTase. The K(i) of BZA-2B for FTase, which is the dissociation constant of the initial complex, was 79 +/- 13 nM, and the K(i)*, which is the overall dissociation of inhibitor for all enzyme forms, was 0.91 +/- 0.12 nM. The first-order rate constant for the conversion of the initial complex to the final complex was 1.4 +/- 0.2 min(-1), and that for the reverse process was 0.016 +/- 0.002 min(-1). The latter rate constant corresponds to a half-life of the final complex of 45 min. Our experiments favor the notion that the inhibitor binds to the FTase--farnesyl diphosphate complex which then undergoes an isomerization to form a tighter FTase*--farnesyl diphosphate--BZA2-B complex. Diazepam, a compound with a benzodiazepine nucleus but lacking amino acid extensions, was a weak (K(i) = 870 microM) but not time-dependent inhibitor of FTase. Cys-Val-Phe-Met and Cys-4-aminobenzoyl-Met were instantaneous and not time-dependent inhibitors of FTase. Furthermore, BZA-4B, with a leucine specificity determinant, was a classical competitive inhibitor of GGTase-I and not a time-dependent inhibitor.  相似文献   

We describe here a protocol for determining the activity of protein kinases on a large set of peptide substrates. Biotin-tagged peptides are arrayed in multiwell plates and incubated in solution with the kinase of interest and radiolabeled ATP. Reactions are then spotted simultaneously onto a streptavidin membrane, which is washed, dried, and analyzed by autoradiography or phosphor imaging. Differences in the extent of radiolabel incorporation into the various peptide substrates provide a measure of the sequence specificity of the kinase. This approach is a faster, more sensitive, and more generally applicable method for determining kinase phosphorylation motifs than older peptide library screening approaches based on Edman sequencing. The procedure is readily adaptable to other applications that require parallel processing of many kinase reactions, such as screening for small molecule inhibitors. In the format described here, preparation of stock plates prior to running the reactions will require about 4 days. Afterwards, the protocol takes approximately 6 hours to perform.  相似文献   

A new hexapeptide CMC-Ala-Gly-Gly-Trp-Phe-Arg was used as a substrate for assay of endothelin-converting (ECE; EC and angiotensin-converting (ACE; EC enzymes and of neutral endopeptidase (NEP; EC The specific inhibitors lisinopril (for ACE) and thiorphan (for NEP) were used for discrimination between activities of these enzymes.  相似文献   

A peptide containing 2 seryl residues, (1)Leu(2)Ser(3)Tyr(4)Arg(5)Aly(6)Tyr(7)Ser(8)Leu, was chemically synthesized and used as a substrate for phosphorylase kinase and cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. The sequence, TryArgGlyTyr, makes up a beta turn in the native protein. Phosphorylase kinase was found to phosphorylate specifically seryl residue2 and protein kinase seryl residue7. Km and Vmax values were obtained and compared with natural substrates. The differences in the specificity of the two enzymes might be explained by a different requirement for organized structure. As a working hypothesis, it is suggested the results could be explained if the two enzymes interacted with seryl residues at different sides of a beta turn.  相似文献   

Successful genome mining is dependent on accurate prediction of protein function from sequence. This often involves dividing protein families into functional subtypes (e.g., with different substrates). In many cases, there are only a small number of known functional subtypes, but in the case of the adenylation domains of nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS), there are >500 known substrates. Latent semantic indexing (LSI) was originally developed for text processing but has also been used to assign proteins to families. Proteins are treated as ‘‘documents’’ and it is necessary to encode properties of the amino acid sequence as ‘‘terms’’ in order to construct a term-document matrix, which counts the terms in each document. This matrix is then processed to produce a document-concept matrix, where each protein is represented as a row vector. A standard measure of the closeness of vectors to each other (cosines of the angle between them) provides a measure of protein similarity. Previous work encoded proteins as oligopeptide terms, i.e. counted oligopeptides, but used no information regarding location of oligopeptides in the proteins. A novel tokenization method was developed to analyze information from multiple alignments. LSI successfully distinguished between two functional subtypes in five well-characterized families. Visualization of different ‘‘concept’’ dimensions allows exploration of the structure of protein families. LSI was also used to predict the amino acid substrate of adenylation domains of NRPS. Better results were obtained when selected residues from multiple alignments were used rather than the total sequence of the adenylation domains. Using ten residues from the substrate binding pocket performed better than using 34 residues within 8 Å of the active site. Prediction efficiency was somewhat better than that of the best published method using a support vector machine.  相似文献   

Chen MM  Glover KJ  Imperiali B 《Biochemistry》2007,46(18):5579-5585
The gram-negative bacterium Campylobacter jejuni was recently discovered to contain a general N-linked protein glycosylation pathway. Central to this pathway is PglB, a homologue of the Stt3p subunit of the eukaryotic oligosaccharyl transferase (OT), which is involved in the transfer of an oligosaccharide from a polyisoprenyl pyrophosphate carrier to the asparagine side chain of proteins within the conserved glycosylation sites D/E-X1-N-X2-S/T, where X1 and X2 can be any amino acids except proline. Using a library of peptide substrates and a quantitative radioactivity-based in vitro assay, we assessed the amino acids at each position of the consensus glycosylation sequence for their impact on glycosylation efficiency, whereby the sequence DQNAT was found to be the optimal acceptor substrate. In the context of a full-length folded protein, the differences between variations of the glycosylation sequences were found to be consistent with the trends observed from their peptidyl counterparts, though less dramatic because of additional influences. In addition to characterizing the acceptor preferences of PglB, we also assessed the selectivity toward the glycan donor. Interestingly, despite recent reports of relaxed selectivity toward the glycan donor, PglB was not found to be capable of utilizing glycosyl donors such as dolichyl-pyrophosphate-chitobiose, which is the minimum substrate for the eukaryotic OT process.  相似文献   

Synthetic peptides such as P60stc autophosphorylation site peptides and angiotensin are indiscriminately phosphorylated by protein tyrosine kinases. The observation has led to the general belief that protein tyrosine kinases are highly promiscuous, displaying littlein vitro site specificity. In recent years, evidence has been accumulating to indicate that such a belief requires close examination. Synthetic peptides showing high substrate activity for specific groups of protein tyrosine kinases have been obtained. Systematic modification of certain substrate peptides suggests that kinase substrate determinants reside with specific amino acid residues proximal to the target tyrosine. A number of protein kinases have been shown to be regulated by tyrosine phosphorylation at specific sites by highly specific protein tyrosine kinases. These and other selected biochemical studies that contribute to the evolving view ofin vitro substrate specificity of protein tyrosine kinases are reviewed.  相似文献   

The peptide transport protein DtpT of Lactococcus lactis was purified and reconstituted into detergent-destabilized liposomes. The kinetics and substrate specificity of the transporter in the proteoliposomal system were determined, using Pro-[(14)C]Ala as a reporter peptide in the presence of various peptides or peptide mimetics. The DtpT protein appears to be specific for di- and tripeptides, with the highest affinities for peptides with at least one hydrophobic residue. The effect of the hydrophobicity, size, or charge of the amino acid was different for the amino- and carboxyl-terminal positions of dipeptides. Free amino acids, omega-amino fatty acid compounds, or peptides with more than three amino acid residues do not interact with DtpT. For high-affinity interaction with DtpT, the peptides need to have free amino and carboxyl termini, amino acids in the L configuration, and trans-peptide bonds. Comparison of the specificity of DtpT with that of the eukaryotic homologues PepT(1) and PepT(2) shows that the bacterial transporter is more restrictive in its substrate recognition.  相似文献   

D B Rozema  C D Poulter 《Biochemistry》1999,38(40):13138-13146
Protein farnesyltransferase (PFTase) is a zinc metalloenzyme that catalyzes the posttranslational alkylation of the cysteine in C-terminal -Ca(1)a(2)X sequences by a 15-carbon farnesyl residue, where C is cysteine, a(1) and a(2) are normally aliphatic amino acids, and X is an amino acid that specifies selectivity for the farnesyl moiety. Formation of a Zn(2+) thiolate in the PFTase. peptide complex was detected by the appearance of an absorbance at 236 nm (epsilon = 15 000 M(-1) cm(-1)), which was dependent on the concentration of peptide, in a UV difference spectrum in a solution of PFTase and the peptide substrate RTRCVIA. We developed a fluorescence anisotropy binding assay to measure the dissociation constants as a function of pH for peptide analogues by appending a 2',7'-difluorofluorescein to their N-terminus. The electron-withdrawing fluorine atoms allowed us to measure peptide binding down to pH 5.5 without having to correct for the changes in fluorescence intensity that accompany protonation of the fluorophore. Measurements of the pK(a)s for thiol groups in free and bound peptide indicate that peptide binding is accompanied by formation of a zinc thiolate and that binding to PFTase lowers the pK of the peptide thiol by 3 units. In similar studies with the betaY310F mutant, the pK(a) of the thiol moiety was lowered by 2 units upon binding, indicating that the hydroxyl group in the conserved tyrosine helps stabilize the bound thiolate.  相似文献   

Combinatorial chemistry approach was applied to design chromogenic substrates of human beta-tryptase. The most active substrate, Ala-Ala-Pro-Ile-Arg-Asn-Lys-ANB-NH(2), was selected from among over 9 million heptapeptides. The amide of 5-amino-2-nitrobenzoic acid (ANB-NH(2)) attached at the C-terminus served as a chromophore. In order to determine the optimal length of the tryptase substrate, a series of N-terminally truncated fragments of this substrate was synthesized. Pro-Ile-Arg-Asn-Lys-ANB-NH(2), with the determined value of the specificity constant (k(cat)/K(M)) above 9 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1), appeared to be the most specific substrate of tryptase. This substrate was twice as active as the parent heptapeptide substrate. We postulate that the optimal size of the pentapeptide substrate for the interaction with human beta-tryptase is associated with the unique structure of this proteinase, comprising four almost identical monomer subunits arranged in a square flat ring with its substrate pockets faced inside, forming a tetramer with a central pore that can be penetrated by this short peptide. Copyright (c) 2008 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Regulation of various metabolic processes occurs by the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of enzymes. Both the protein kinases that catalyze the phosphorylations and the protein phosphatases that catalyze the dephosphorylations display relatively broad specificity, reacting with a number of distinct sites in target enzymes. In this way changes in the activity of a particular kinase or phosphatase can cause coordinated and pleiotropic responses. However, the kinases and phosphatases do not exhibit a one-to-one correspondence in their reactions. Residues at different positions may be phosphorylated by a single kinase, yet dephosphorylated by different individual phosphatases. Conversely, sites which are substrates for different individual kinases may be dephosphorylated by a single phosphatase. In exploring the molecular basis for these differences this article shows that whereas kinases react with specific primary structures that often times appear as beta bends, the phosphatases recognize higher order structure, less strictly ruled by amino acid sequence surrounding the phosphorylated site. The differences, seen in the ability of these enzymes to utilize synthetic peptide substrates, might be rationalized in terms of function. Kinases need protruding segments of structure that can be enwrapped to exclude water, thereby minimizing ATP hydrolysis and enhancing phosphotransferase activity. On the other hand phosphatases are hydrolytic enzymes that may operate especially well on protein interfaces. Hydrolytic action often measured with p-nitrophenylphosphate is not necessarily indicative of a protein phosphatase and consideration of the mechanism reveals why this substrate can be misleading.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   



Most filamentous ascomycete fungi produce high affinity iron chelators called siderophores, biosynthesized nonribosomally by multimodular adenylating enzymes called nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs). While genes encoding the majority of NRPSs are intermittently distributed across the fungal kingdom, those encoding ferrichrome synthetase NRPSs, responsible for biosynthesis of ferrichrome siderophores, are conserved, which offers an opportunity to trace their evolution and the genesis of their multimodular domain architecture. Furthermore, since the chemistry of many ferrichromes is known, the biochemical and structural 'rules' guiding NRPS substrate choice can be addressed using protein structural modeling and evolutionary approaches.  相似文献   

Meprin A and B are highly regulated, secreted, and cell-surface metalloendopeptidases that are abundantly expressed in the kidney and intestine. Meprin oligomers consist of evolutionarily related alpha and/or beta subunits. The work herein was carried out to identify bioactive peptides and proteins that are susceptible to hydrolysis by mouse meprins and kinetically characterize the hydrolysis. Gastrin-releasing peptide fragment 14-27 and gastrin 17, regulatory molecules of the gastrointestinal tract, were found to be the best peptide substrates for meprin A and B, respectively. Peptide libraries and a variety of naturally occurring peptides revealed that the meprin beta subunit has a clear preference for acidic amino acids in the P1 and P1' sites of substrates. The meprin alpha subunit selected for small (e.g. serine, alanine) or hydrophobic (e.g. phenylalanine) residues in the P1 and P1' sites, and proline was the most preferred amino acid at the P2' position. Thus, although the meprin alpha and beta subunits share 55% amino acid identity within the protease domain and are normally localized at the same tissue cell surfaces, they have very different substrate and peptide bond specificities indicating different functions. Homology models of the mouse meprin alpha and beta protease domains, based on the astacin crystal structure, revealed active site differences that can account for the marked differences in substrate specificity of the two subunits.  相似文献   

A novel microarray-based proteolytic profiling assay enabled the rapid determination of protease substrate specificities with minimal sample and enzyme usage. A 722-member library of fluorogenic protease substrates of the general format Ac-Ala-X-X-(Arg/Lys)-coumarin was synthesized and microarrayed, along with fluorescent calibration standards, in glycerol nanodroplets on microscope slides. The arrays were then activated by deposition of an aerosolized enzyme solution, followed by incubation and fluorometric scanning. The specificities of human blood serine proteases (human thrombin, factor Xa, plasmin, and urokinase plasminogen activator) were examined. The arrays provided complete maps of protease specificity for all of the substrates tested and allowed for detection of cooperative interactions between substrate subsites. The arrays were further utilized to explore the conservation of thrombin specificity across species by comparing the proteolytic fingerprints of human, bovine, and salmon thrombin. These enzymes share nearly identical specificity profiles despite approximately 390 million years of divergent evolution. Fluorogenic substrate microarrays provide a rapid way to determine protease substrate specificity information that can be used for the design of selective inhibitors and substrates, the study of evolutionary divergence, and potentially, for diagnostic applications.  相似文献   

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