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On the basis of previous findings of behavioural discrimination of amino acids and on the knowledge of electrophysiology of the catfish (genera Ictalurus and Ameiurus) olfactory organs, behavioural experiments that investigated olfactory discrimination of amino acid mixtures were carried out on the black bullhead Ameiurus melas. Repeated presentations of food‐rewarded mixtures released increased swimming activity measured by counting the number of turns >90° within 90 s of stimulus addition. Non‐rewarded amino acids and their mixtures released little swimming activity, indicating that A. melas discriminated between the conditioned and the non‐conditioned stimuli. Two questions of mixture discrimination were addressed: (1) Are A. melas able to detect components within simple and complex amino acid mixtures? (2) What are the smallest differences between two complex mixtures that A. melas can detect? Three and 13 component mixtures tested were composed primarily of equipotent amino acids [determined by equal electroolfactogram (EOG) amplitude] that contained L‐Cys at ×100 the equipotent concentration. Ameiurus melas initially perceived the ternary amino acid mixture as its more stimulatory component alone [i.e. cysteine (Cys)], whereas the conditioned 13 component mixture containing the more stimulatory L‐Cys was perceived immediately as different from L‐Cys alone. The results indicate that components of ternary mixtures are detectable by A. melas but not those of more complex mixtures. To test for the smallest detectable differences in composition between similar multimixtures, all mixture components were equipotent. Initially, A. melas were unable to discriminate the mixtures of six amino acids from the conditioned mixtures of seven amino acids, whereas they discriminated immediately the mixtures of four and five amino acids from the conditioned mixture. Experience with dissimilar mixtures enabled the A. melas to start discriminating the seven‐component conditioned mixture from its six‐component counterparts. After fewer than five training trials, A. melas discriminated the mixtures of nine and 10 amino acids from a conditioned mixture of 12 equipotent amino acids; however, irrespective of the number of training trials, A. melas were unable to discriminate the 12 component mixture from its 11 component counterparts.  相似文献   

Primates are usually thought of as "visual" mammals, and several comparative studies have emphasized the role of vision in primate neural and sociocognitive specialization. Here I explore the role of olfactory systems, using phylogenetic analysis of comparative volumetric data. The relative sizes of the main olfactory bulb (MOB) and accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) tend to show different evolutionary patterns in accordance with their different functions. Although there is some evidence of correlated evolution of the two systems, this is apparent in only one clade (the strepsirhines). As predicted, the MOBs correlate predominantly with ecological factors (activity period and diet), while the AOBs correlate with social and mating systems. Related olfactory structures (i.e., the piriform cortex and amygdala) exhibit correlated evolution with the AOBs but not with the MOBs, and the corticobasolateral part of the amygdala exhibits a correlation with social group size in platyrrhines similar to that observed for the AOB. These social system correlations support the idea that there is an olfactory dimension to the concept of the social brain.  相似文献   

Summary The work reported here is motivated by questions relating to the perception of olfactory cues in the discrimination of nestmates and kin in the honeybeeApis mellifera. Two sets of experiments are discussed. The first deals with the perception of individual compounds in mixtures made up from various pairs of volatile (citral, geraniol, linalool, and limonene) and nonvolatile (un- and dodecanoic acids) compounds. The second deals with the ability of worker honeybees to discriminate between mixtures made up from the same two compounds (un- and dodecanoic acids; tri- and pentacosane) combined in different proportions. All experiments employ differential conditioning of the proboscis extension reflex as an assay of the ability of workers to discriminate between two odors. Results show that workers can relate mixtures to their component parts, and that workers can discriminate between mixtures of two very similar compounds as long as the proportions are relatively dissimilar.  相似文献   

Besides its immunological function of self/non‐self discrimination the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has been recognized as a possible source of individual specific body odors. Dating back to speculations on the role of the extraordinary polymorphism of the MHC as background of an individual chemosensory identity and to early observations of MHC‐dependent mate choice in inbred strains of mice, systematic experimental studies revealed a first evidence for H‐2 related body odors in this species. Meanwhile a large number of animal studies with rodents and a series of field studies and experiments with humans have extended our knowledge of MHC‐related odor signals and substantiated the hypothesis of immunogenetic associated odortypes. These results suggest that the most prominent feature of the MHC, its extraordinary genetic diversity, seems in part to be selectively maintained by behavioral mechanisms which operate in contemporary natural populations. The high degree of heterozygosity found in natural populations of most species seems to be promoted by non‐disease‐based selection such as mating preferences and selective block of pregnancy. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Olfactory functions are mediated by parallel and hierarchical processing   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Savic I  Gulyas B  Larsson M  Roland P 《Neuron》2000,26(3):735-745
How the human brain processes the perception, discrimination, and recognition of odors has not been systematically explored. Cerebral activations were therefore studied with PET during five different olfactory tasks: monorhinal smelling of odorless air (AS), single odors (OS), discrimination of odor intensity (OD-i), discrimination of odor quality (OD-q), and odor recognition memory (OM). OS activated amygdala-piriform, orbitofrontal, insular, and cingulate cortices and right thalamus. OD-i and OD-q both engaged left insula and right cerebellum. OD-q also involved other areas, including right caudate and subiculum. OM did not activate the insula, but instead, the piriform cortex. With the exception of caudate and subiculum, it shared the remaining activations with the OD-q, and engaged, in addition, the temporal and parietal cortices. These findings indicate that olfactory functions are organized in a parallel and hierarchical manner.  相似文献   

Stopfer M 《Current biology : CB》2007,17(10):R363-R364
Sparse neural coding provides numerous computational advantages. A recent analysis of the locust olfactory system has revealed a surprising circuit solution for achieving remarkably sparse and specific neural representations of odors.  相似文献   

The evolutionary ecology of the major histocompatibility complex   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has become a paradigm for how selection can act to maintain adaptively important genetic diversity in natural populations. Here, we review the contribution of studies on the MHC in non-model species to our understanding of how selection affects MHC diversity, emphasising how ecological and ethological processes influence the tempo and mode of evolution at the MHC, and conversely, how variability at the MHC affects individual fitness, population dynamics and viability. We focus on three main areas: the types of information that have been used to detect the action of selection on MHC genes; the relative contributions of parasite-mediated and sexual selection on the maintenance of MHC diversity; and possible future lines of research that may help resolve some of the unanswered issues associated with MHC evolution.  相似文献   

Quantitative proteomics of complex mixtures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurement of biologically important effector protein molecules has been a long-standing essential component of biological research. Advances in biotechnology, in the form of high-resolution mass spectrometers, and in bioinformatics, now allow the simultaneous quantitative analysis of thousands of proteins. While these techniques still do not allow definitive identification of the entire proteome of complex mixtures, such as cells, quantitative analyses of hundreds to thousands of proteins in such complex mixtures provides a means to elucidate molecular alterations that occur during perturbation of cellular systems. This article will outline considerations of reducing sample complexity, by strategies such as multidimensional separations (gel-based and chromatography-based, including multidimensional protein identification technology). In addition, some of the most common methods used to quantitatively measure proteins in complex mixtures (2D difference in-gel electrophoresis, isotope-coded affinity tags, isotope-coded protein labeling, tandem mass tags, isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation, stable isotope labeling of amino acids in cell culture and label-free), as well as recent examples of each strategy, are described.  相似文献   

A fundamental problem in studying the neural mechanisms of odor recognition and discrimination in the olfactory system lies in determining the features or “primitives” of an odor stimulus that are analyzed by glomerular circuits at the first level of processing in the brain. Several recent studies support the idea that it is not simply the molecular features of odors that contain important information, but also the intermittent pattern of their presentation to the olfactory epithelium that helps determine the behavioral response to odor. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the prospects of successful mass spectrometric protein identification based on mass data from proteolytic digests of complex protein mixtures. Sets of proteolytic peptide masses representing various numbers of digested proteins in a mixture were generated in silico. In each set, different proteins were selected from a protein sequence collection and for each protein the sequence coverage was randomly selected within a particular regime (15-30% or 30-60%). We demonstrate that the Probity algorithm, which is characterized by an optimal tolerance for random interference, employed in an iterative procedure can correctly identify >95% of proteins at a desired significance level in mixtures composed of hundreds of yeast proteins under realistic mass spectrometric experimental constraints. By using a model of the distribution of protein abundance, we demonstrate that the very high efficiency of identification of protein mixtures that can be achieved by appropriate choices of informatics procedures is hampered by limitations of the mass spectrometric dynamic range. The results stress the desire to choose carefully experimental protocols for comprehensive proteome analysis, focusing on truly critical issues such as the dynamic range, which potentially limits the possibilities of identifying low abundance proteins.  相似文献   

Phenotypic integration refers to the study of complex patterns of covariation among functionally related traits in a given organism. It has been investigated throughout the 20th century, but has only recently risen to the forefront of evolutionary ecological research. In this essay, I identify the reasons for this late flourishing of studies on integration, and discuss some of the major areas of current endeavour: the interplay of adaptation and constraints, the genetic and molecular bases of integration, the role of phenotypic plasticity, macroevolutionary studies of integration, and statistical and conceptual issues in the study of the evolution of complex phenotypes. I then conclude with a brief discussion of what I see as the major future directions of research on phenotypic integration and how they relate to our more general quest for the understanding of phenotypic evolution within the neo‐Darwinian framework. I suggest that studying integration provides a particularly stimulating and truly interdisciplinary convergence of researchers from fields as disparate as molecular genetics, developmental biology, evolutionary ecology, palaeontology and even philosophy of science.  相似文献   

Host-parasite antagonistic interaction has been proposed as a potential agent to promote genetic polymorphism and to favour sex against asex, despite its twofold cost in reproduction. However, the host-parasite gene-for-gene dynamics often produce unstable cycles that tend to destroy genetic diversity. Here, we examine such diversity destroying coevolutionary dynamics of host and parasite, which is coupled through local or global migration, or both, between demes in a metapopulation structure. We show that, with global migration in the island model, peculiar out-of-phase islands spontaneously arise in the cluster of islands converging to a global synchrony. Such asynchrony induced by the 'pacemaker islands' serves to restore genetic variation. With increasing fraction of local migration, spots of asynchrony are converted into loci or foci of spiral and target patterns, whose rotating arms then cover the majority of demes. A multi-locus analogue of the model reproduces the same tendency toward asynchrony, and the condition arises for an advantage of asexual clones over their sexual counterpart when enough genetic diversity is maintained through metapopulation storage-migration serves as a cheap alternative to sex.  相似文献   

The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) sponsored a collaborative study to examine the intra- and inter-laboratory variation associated with the preparation and bioassay of complex chemical mixtures. The mixtures selected were National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Standard Reference Materials (SRMs). 20 laboratories worldwide participated in the collaborative trial. The participating laboratories extracted the organic portion of two particulate samples — an air-particulate sample and a diesel-particulate sample - and bioassayed the extracts. The laboratories simultaneously bioassayed a NIST-prepared extract of coal tar and two control compounds (benzo[a]pyrene, and 1-nitropyrene). The bioassay method used was the Salmonella/mammalian microsome plate-incorporation test using strains TA98 and TA100. Study design also allowed for a comparison of sonication and Soxhlet extraction techniques. The mean extractable masses for the air particles and diesel particles were approximately 5% and 1.75%, respectively. The particulate samples were mutagenic in both strains with and without activation in all 20 laboratories. For TA100 the with and without activation slope values for the air particulate were 162 and 137 revertants per mg particles, respectively. For TA98 the respective diesel slope values were 268 and 269. The mutagenicity slope values for the diesel particles ranged from 3090 (TA98, + S9) to 6697 (TA100, + S9) revertants per mg particles. The coal tar solution was negative for both strains when exogenous activation was not used but was mutagenic in both strains with exogenous activation. The benzo[a]pyrene and 1-nitropyrene were used as positive controls and gave results consistent with the literature. This paper provides a complete summary of the data collected during the collaborative study. Companion papers provide further analysis and interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

Ecosystems are often exposed to mixtures of chemical contaminants, but the scientific community lacks a theoretical framework to predict the effects of mixtures on biodiversity and ecosystem properties. We conducted a freshwater mesocosm experiment to examine the effects of pairwise agrochemical mixtures [fertiliser, herbicide (atrazine), insecticide (malathion) and fungicide (chlorothalonil)] on 24 species‐ and seven ecosystem‐level responses. As postulated, the responses of biodiversity and ecosystem properties to agrochemicals alone and in mixtures was predictable by integrating information on each functional group's (1) sensitivity to the chemicals (direct effects), (2) reproductive rates (recovery rates), (3) interaction strength with other functional groups (indirect effects) and (4) links to ecosystem properties. These results show that community ecology theory holds promise for predicting the effects of contaminant mixtures on biodiversity and ecosystem services and yields recommendations on which types of agrochemicals to apply together and separately to reduce their impacts on aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Efficient deconstruction of cellulosic biomass to fermentable sugars for fuel and chemical production is accomplished by a complex mixture of cellulases, hemicellulases, and accessory enzymes (e.g., >50 extracellular proteins). Cellulolytic enzyme mixtures, produced industrially mostly using fungi like Trichoderma reesei, are poorly characterized in terms of their protein composition and its correlation to hydrolytic activity on cellulosic biomass. The secretomes of commercial glycosyl hydrolase-producing microbes was explored using a proteomics approach with high-throughput quantification using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Here, we show that proteomics-based spectral counting approach is a reasonably accurate and rapid analytical technique that can be used to determine protein composition of complex glycosyl hydrolase mixtures that also correlates with the specific activity of individual enzymes present within the mixture. For example, a strong linear correlation was seen between Avicelase activity and total cellobiohydrolase content. Reliable, quantitative and cheaper analytical methods that provide insight into the cellulosic biomass degrading fungal and bacterial secretomes would lead to further improvements toward commercialization of plant biomass-derived fuels and chemicals.  相似文献   

Summary An organization for data-processing in phyto-sociology and plant ccology is deseribed. A good preparation by means of standard sheets for collecting and codifying information from the field is emphasized (Fig. 1). Fig. 2–5 present the arrangement and the logical sequence of the different methods of data analysis (ecological profiles, factor analysis,...) which allows the study of the relations between environmental and floristical variables, in a quick and efficient way. Cooperation with the Ecothèque méditerranéene at Montpellier is both necessary and fruitful. One example is presented using the selection e of 58 relevés of salt marsh vegetation retained by the Working Group for Data-Processing of the International Society for Vegetation Science.
Résumé Les auteurs proposent ici une organisation du traitement des données en phytosociologie et phyto-écologie. L'organisation repose sur un système bien développé pour rassembler et codifier l'information des reléves. (fig.1). Un ordinogramme (Fig. 2–5) présente l'agencement et l'enchaînement des différentes méthodes d'analyse des données (profils écologiques, analyse factorielle, ...) qui permettent d'étudier les relations entre variables du milieu et variables floristiques. La conception de l'enchaînement des fichiers et des programmes de traitement permet d'aboutir assez rapidement aux résultats, facilitant ainsi la tâche du phytosociologue et du phyto-écologue. Ce travail a été réalisé en commun entre le C.E.P.E. Louis Emberger et l'Ecothèque méditerranéenne conduisant à une coopération nécessaire et utile. Une exemple est traité utilissant la sélection e de 58 relevés de milieux salés, sélection retenue par le groupe de travail traitement des données en phytosociologie de l'Association internationale de phytosociologie.

The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) sponsored a collaborative study to examine the intra- and inter-laboratory variation associated with the preparation and bioassay of complex chemical mixtures. The mixtures selected were National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Standard Reference Materials (SRMs). 20 laboratories worldwide participated in the collaborative trial. The participating laboratories extracted the organic portion of two particulate samples--an air-particulate sample and a diesel-particulate sample--and bioassayed the extracts. The laboratories simultaneously bioassayed a NIST-prepared extract of coal tar and two control compounds (benzo[a]pyrene, and 1-nitropyrene). The bioassay method used was the Salmonella/mammalian microsome plate-incorporation test using strains TA98 and TA100. Study design also allowed for a comparison of sonication and Soxhlet extraction techniques. The mean extractable masses for the air particles and diesel particles were approximately 5% and 17.5%, respectively. The particulate samples were mutagenic in both strains with and without activation in all 20 laboratories. For TA100 the with and without activation slope values for the air particulate were 162 and 137 revertants per mg particles, respectively. For TA98 the respective diesel slope values were 268 and 269. The mutagenicity slope values for the diesel particles ranged from 3090 (TA98, +S9) to 6697 (TA100, +S9) revertants per mg particles. The coal tar solution was negative for both strains when exogenous activation was not used but was mutagenic in both strains with exogenous activation. The benzo[a]pyrene and 1-nitropyrene were used as positive controls and gave results consistent with the literature. This paper provides a complete summary of the data collected during the collaborative study. Companion papers provide further analysis and interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

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