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The angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) blocker (ARB) Losartan has cardioprotective effects during ischemia-reperfusion injury and inhibits reperfusion arrhythmias -effects that go beyond the benefits of lowering blood pressure. The renin-angiotensin and kallikrein-kinin systems are intricately connected and some of the cardioprotective effects of Losartan are abolished by blocking the bradykinin B2 receptor (B2R) signaling. In this study, we investigated the ability of six clinically available ARBs to specifically bind and activate the B2R. First, we investigated their ability to activate phosphoinositide (PI) hydrolysis in COS-7 cells transiently expressing the B2R. We found that only Losartan activated the B2R, working as a partial agonist compared to the endogenous ligand bradykinin. This effect was blocked by the B2R antagonist HOE 140. A competitive binding analysis revealed that Losartan does not significantly compete with bradykinin and does not change the binding affinity of bradykinin on the B2R. Furthermore, Losartan but not Candesartan mimicked the ability of bradykinin to increase the recovery of contractile force after metabolic stress in rat atrial tissue strips. In conclusion, Losartan is a partial agonist of the B2R through direct binding and activation, suggesting that B2R agonism could partly explain the beneficial effects of Losartan.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling is affected by formation of GPCR homo- or heterodimers, but GPCR regulation by other cell surface proteins is not well understood. We reported that the kinin B1 receptor (B1R) heterodimerizes with membrane carboxypeptidase M (CPM), facilitating receptor signaling via CPM-mediated conversion of bradykinin or kallidin to des-Arg kinin B1R agonists. Here, we found that a catalytically inactive CPM mutant that still binds substrate (CPM-E264Q) also facilitates efficient B1R signaling by B2 receptor agonists bradykinin or kallidin. This response required co-expression of B1R and CPM-E264Q in the same cell, was disrupted by antibody that dissociates CPM from B1R, and was not found with a CPM-E264Q-B1R fusion protein. An additional mutation that reduced the affinity of CPM for C-terminal Arg and increased the affinity for C-terminal Lys inhibited the B1R response to bradykinin (with C-terminal Arg) but generated a response to Lys(9)-bradykinin. CPM-E264Q-mediated activation of B1Rs by bradykinin resulted in increased intramolecular fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) in a B1R FRET construct, similar to that generated directly by a B1R agonist. In cytokine-treated human lung microvascular endothelial cells, disruption of B1R-CPM heterodimers inhibited B1R-dependent NO production stimulated by bradykinin and blocked the increased endothelial permeability caused by treatment with bradykinin and pyrogallol (a superoxide generator). Thus, CPM and B1Rs on cell membranes form a critical complex that potentiates B1R signaling. Kinin peptide binding to CPM causes a conformational change in the B1R leading to intracellular signaling and reveals a new mode of GPCR activation by a cell surface peptidase.  相似文献   

The carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) is known to interact with several classes of intracellular proteins that may modulate receptor function. Employing yeast two-hybrid screening of a human embryonic kidney cDNA library with the carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain of the AT1 receptor as a bait, we have isolated EP24.15 (EC, thimet oligopeptidase) as a potentially interacting protein. EP24.15 is widely distributed and is known to degrade bioactive peptides such as angiotensin I and II and bradykinin. In addition, EP24.15 was previously identified as a putative soluble angiotensin II binding protein. Two-hybrid screening also determined that EP24.15 can interact with the B2 bradykinin receptor. Transient expression of EP24.15 in a porcine kidney epithelial cell line stably expressing full length AT1 and full length B2 followed by affinity chromatography and co-immunoprecipitation confirmed EP24.15 association with both AT1 and B2 receptors. EP24.15 was also co-immunoprecipitated with AT1 and B2 in rat kidney brush border membranes (BBM) and basolateral membranes (BLM). Both AT1 and B2 undergo ligand-induced endocytosis. Analysis of endosomal fractions following immunoprecipitation with AT1 or B2 antibodies detected strong association of EP24.15 with the receptors in both light and heavy endosomal populations. Therefore, the present study indicates that EP24.15 associates with AT1 and B2 receptors both at the plasma membrane and after receptor internalization and suggests a possible mechanism for endosomal disposition of ligand that may facilitate receptor recycling.  相似文献   

The rabbit jugular vein (rbJV) was used as a bioassay system to validate some early and new hypothetical interactions between the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and the B2 receptor, which may be influenced by ACE inhibitors (ACE-I). These involve the potentiation of the contractile effect of bradykinin (BK) and BK analogues, which are inactivated by ACE (e.g., [Hyp3, Tyr(Me8)]-BK (R556)), the prevention of BK-induced B2 receptor desensitisation, and the restoration of receptor sensitivity in tissues desensitised with B2 receptor agonists. Enzymatic degradation studies performed in vitro and in vivo revealed that BK and R556 are readily degraded by rabbit ACE whereas [Phe8psi(CH2-NH)Arg9]-BK (R379) is totally resistant. BK, R556, and R379 contracted endothelium-denuded veins with similar potencies (pEC50 range 8.10-8.50). Tissues pretreated with ACE-I showed an increase in pEC50 values for BK and R556 but not for R379. ACE-I (captopril, enalaprilat) were unable to prevent B2 receptor desensitisation induced by BK (1 microM). ACE-I partially restored B2 receptor-mediated contraction in tissues initially exposed to BK but not to R379. These effects were antagonised by HOE 140 (0.1 microM) but were unaffected by AcLys[Dbeta-Nal7, Ile8]-desArg9BK (R715) (1 microM) or by Losartan (1 microM). In conclusion, the potentiation of BK and its analogues relates exclusively on prevention of their metabolism, B2 receptor desensitisation is not affected by ACE-I, and restoration of tissue responsiveness to BK by ACE-I may be attributed to changes in BK concentrations in the vicinity of the B2 receptor.  相似文献   

Bradykinin exerts its actions via binding to B1 and B2 receptors (B1R and B2R), which are members of G protein-coupled receptor superfamily. B2R is constitutively expressed in a variety of cells such as endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, and cardiomyocytes and it is an important drug target for the treatment of cardiovascular disorders. During this study, the human B2R was functionally overexpressed in insect cells using the baculovirus expression system. The maximum expression level in Sf9 cells under optimized condition was 10 pmol/mg. This corresponds to approximately 0.25 mg active receptor per liter culture. The recombinant receptor showed high affinity for its endogenous ligand bradykinin, similar to the B2R expressed in native tissues. Functional coupling of the recombinant receptor to the endogenous G alpha(s) protein was demonstrated via cAMP release assay upon agonist stimulation. Confocal laser scanning microscopy and immunogold-labeling experiment revealed that the recombinant B2R was mainly localized intracellularly and only a minor fraction of the recombinant receptor reached the plasma membrane. To our knowledge, this is the first report of high level expression of recombinant B2R in insect cells and provides a way for large scale production and structural characterization of this receptor.  相似文献   

The morbidity and mortality associated with type 1 diabetes are essentially related to the micro- and macrovascular complications that develop over time and lead to several diabetic complications, including hypertension, atherosclerosis, and retinopathy, as well as coronary and renal failure. Normally absent in physiological conditions, the bradykinin B1 receptor (BKB1-R) was recently found to be overexpressed in pathological conditions, including type 1 diabetes. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of the new BKB1-R antagonist, R-954 (Ac-Orn-[Oic2, alpha-MePhe5, D-betaNal7, Ile8]desArg9-bradykinin, on the increase in vascular permeability in streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic mice. The capillary permeability to albumin was measured by quantifying the extravasation of albumin-bound Evans blue dye in selected target tissues (liver, pancreas, duodenum, ileum, spleen, heart, kidney, stomach, skin, muscle, and thyroid gland). Acute single administration of R-954 (300 microg/kg, i.v.) to type 1 diabetic mice 4 weeks after STZ significantly inhibited the enhanced vascular permeability in most tissues. These data provide further experimental evidence for the implication of BKB1-R in the enhanced vascular permeability associated with type 1 diabetes.  相似文献   

Bradykinin (BK) and its analogs (1 nM-100 M) stimulated phosphoinositide (PI) turnover in murine fibrosarcoma (HSDM1C1) cells in a concentration-dependent manner. The relative potencies (EC50) were: BK=48±4 nM; Lys-BK=39±3 nM; Met-Lys-BK=158±33 nM; Des-Arg9-BK=2617±598 nM (means±SEM, n=3–14). All these analogs were full agonists and they produced up to 5.4±0.4-fold stimulation of PI turnover at the highest concentration (10–100 M) of the peptides. In contrast, the analogs [D-Arg0-HYP3-Thienyl5,8-D-Phe7]-BK (HYP3-antagonist), [D-Arg0-HYP3-Thienyl,5,8-D-Phe7]-BK (Thienyl antagonist) and Des-Arg9-Leu8-BK were inactive, as agonists, at 0.1 nM-1 M in this system. These data suggested that BK-induced PI turnover in these cells was mediated via B2-type of BK receptors. This was confirmed further by the fact that both the B2-selective Hyp3- and Thienyl-antagonists inhibited BK-induced PI turnover with KBS of 369±51 nM and 368±118 nM respectively while the B1-selective antagonist, Des-Arg9-Leu8-BK, was inactive at 1 M. [3H]BK receptor binding studies revealed two binding sites, one with high affinity (Kd=0.24±0.06 nM; Bmax=1.4±0.4 pmol/g tissue) and the other with low affinity (Kd=18.5±0.95 nM; Bmax=25.1±0.52 pmol/g tissue), on HSDM1C1 cell homogenates. The rank order of affinity of BK analogs at inhibiting specific [3H]BK binding was similar to that found for PI turnover. Taken together, these data have provided evidence for the presence of two B2-type BK binding sites on the HSDM1C1 cells. Based on the affinity parameters, the low-affinity component of [3H]BK binding in HSDM1C1 cells appears to be coupled to the phospholipase C-induced PI turnover mechanism. The high-affinity component has been previously shown to mediate the production of prostaglandins by activation of phospholipase A2.  相似文献   

Bradykinin, a vasoactive peptide, plays a crucial role in many cardiovascular processes via activation of the bradykinin subtype 2 receptor (B2R). B2R, a member of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily, is a potential drug target in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders, pain and inflammation. In this study, human B2R was expressed at high levels in baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells using Semliki Forest virus-based vectors. The recombinant receptor was produced as a fusion protein with affinity tags and an expression level of 11 pmol/mg (i.e., approx. 0.2 mg of active receptor per liter of culture) was obtained. Radioligand binding analysis revealed that the recombinant receptor binds to its endogenous ligand bradykinin with high affinity (Kd = 0.12 nM) and its pharmacological profile was similar to that of B2R in native tissues. Bradykinin-stimulated accumulation of inositol phosphate was observed in BHK cells expressing the recombinant receptor, which indicated the activation of endogenous G alpha(q) protein by the recombinant B2R. Confocal laser scanning microscopy and immunogold staining revealed that the recombinant receptor was predominantly localized intracellularly. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of an affinity-tagged recombinant B2R been expressed at high levels in BHK cells and extensively characterized.  相似文献   



Endothelin-1, a vasoconstrictor peptide, influences cartilage metabolism mainly via endothelin receptor type A (ETA). Along with the inflammatory nonapeptide vasodilator bradykinin (BK), which acts via bradykinin receptor B1 (BKB1) in chronic inflammatory conditions, these vasoactive factors potentiate joint pain and inflammation. We describe a preclinical study of the efficacy of treatment of surgically induced osteoarthritis with ETA and/or BKB1 specific peptide antagonists. We hypothesize that antagonism of both receptors will diminish osteoarthritis progress and articular nociception in a synergistic manner.  相似文献   

Bonza MC  Luoni L 《FEBS letters》2010,584(23):4783-4788
Plant auto-inhibited Ca2+-ATPase 8 (ACA8) and animal plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase 4b (PMCA4b) are representatives of plant and animal 2B P-type ATPases with a regulatory auto-inhibitory domain localized at the N- and C-terminus, respectively. To check whether the regulatory domain works independently of its terminal localization and if auto-inhibitory domains of different organisms are interchangeable, a mutant in which the N-terminus of ACA8 is repositioned at the C-terminus and chimeras in which PMCA4b C-terminus is fused to the N- or C-terminus of ACA8 were analysed in the yeast mutant K616 devoid of endogenous Ca2+-ATPases. Results show that the regulatory function of the terminal domain is independent from its position in ACA8 and that the regulatory domain belonging to PMCA4b is able to at least partially auto-inhibit ACA8.  相似文献   

Diabetic cardiomyopathy is defined as ventricular dysfunction of the diabetic heart in the absence of coronary artery disease. With the use of both in vivo and ex vivo techniques to assess cardiac phenotype, reduced contractile performance can be observed in experiments with mouse models of both type 1 (insulin-deficient) and type 2 (insulin-resistant) diabetes. Both systolic dysfunction (reduced left ventricular pressures and decreased cardiac output) and diastolic dysfunction (impaired relaxation) is observed in diabetic hearts, along with enhanced susceptibility to ischemic injury. Metabolism is also altered in diabetic mouse hearts: glucose utilization is reduced and fatty acid utilization is increased. The use of genetically engineered mice has provided a powerful experimental approach to test mechanisms that may be responsible for the deleterious effects of diabetes on cardiac function.  相似文献   

Kinins are potent vasoactive peptides generated in blood and tissues by the kallikrein serine proteases. Two distinct kinin receptors have been described, one constitutive (subtype B2) and one inducible (subtype B1), and many physiological functions have been attributed to these receptors, including glucose homeostasis and control of vascular permeability. In this study we show that mice lacking the kinin B1 receptor (B1-/- mice) have lower fasting plasma glucose concentrations but exhibit higher glycemia after feeding when compared to wild-type mice. B1-/- mice also present pancreas abnormalities, characterized by fewer pancreatic islets and lower insulin content, which leads to hypoinsulinemia and reduced insulin release after a glucose load. Nevertheless, an insulin tolerance test indicated higher sensitivity in B1-/- mice. In line with this phenotype, pancreatic vascular permeability was shown to be reduced in B1 receptor-ablated mice. The B1 agonist desArg9bradykinin injected intravenously can induce the release of insulin into serum, and this effect was not observed in the B1-/- mice or in isolated islets. Our data demonstrate the importance of the kinin B1 receptor in the control of pancreatic vascular homeostasis and insulin release, highlighting a new role for this receptor in the pathogenesis of diabetes and related diseases.  相似文献   

In this study, we describe the in vitro and in vivo activities of a series of cyclic peptide analogues of the selective kinin B2 receptor antagonist MEN11270 on Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing the human B2 receptor (hB2R), the human isolated umbilical vein (hUV), the isolated guinea pig ileum (gpI), and bradykinin (BK) induced bronchoconstriction (BC) and hypotension in anaesthetized guinea pigs. Substitutions in the backbone of MEN1 1270 (H-DArg-Arg-Pro-Hyp-Gly-Thi-c(Dab-DTic-Oic-Arg)c(7gamma-10alpha)) aimed to increase the potency in inhibiting bronchospasm versus hypotension following the topical (intratracheal (i.t.)) or systemic (intravenous (i.v.)) application of these antagonists. A series of analogues were left unprotected from N-terminal cleavage by aminopeptidases (MEN12739, MEN13052, MEN13346, and MEN13371): these compounds maintained sizeable affinities for the hB2R (pKi = 9.4, 9.6, 9.7, and 8.6, respectively) and antagonist activities toward BK in the hUV (pA2 = 7.9, 8.3, 8.2, and 7.5) and gpI assays (pK(B) = 7.4, 7.8, 7.9, and 7.9), but the inhibition of BK-induced BC and hypotension in vivo was negligible following either i.v. or i.t. administration. Two analogues (MEN12388 and MEN13405) could be potential substrates of angiotensin-converting enzyme: these have good activity in the hB2R (pKi = 9.5 and 8.9, respectively), hUV (pA2 = 8.2 for MEN12388), and gpI assays (pK(B) = 8.4 and 8.0) but an in vivo activity 10- to 30-fold lower than the parent compound MEN1 1270 (pKi = 9.4, pA2 = 8.1, pKB = 8.3) when given by either the i.v. or the i.t. route. Other analogues were functionalized with a quaternary ammonium Lys derivative (MEN13031, MEN12374, and the previously mentioned MEN13052) or with an ethyl group on Arg (MEN13655 and the previously mentioned MEN13346 and MEN13405) in order to hinder or facilitate local absorption. MEN13346 and MEN13031 (pKi = 9.7and 9.5, pA2 = 8.2 and 7.9, pKB = 7.9 and 8.5, respectively) were 10- to 30-fold less active in vivo than MEN1 1270, without improving the discrimination between BK-induced BC and hypotension after either systemic or topical administration. It is concluded that the decreased in vivo activities of cyclic analogues of MEN11270 on BK-induced BC and hypotension following either their intratracheal or their intravenous routes of administration might be due in large part to metabolic degradation.  相似文献   

A quantitative autoradiographic study was performed to determine whether kinin receptors are altered in the rat spinal cord in an experimental model of arterial hypertension under antioxidant therapy with alpha-lipoic acid. Sprague-Dawley rats were fed for 4 weeks with a normal chow diet or with an alpha-lipoic acid supplemented diet (1000 mg/kg feed), and treated for the last 2 weeks with angiotensin II (AT II) (200 ng/kg/min with an osmotic pump implanted s.c.). Control rats received either diet but not AT II. A 2-week administration of AT II increased significantly systolic blood pressure, the production of superoxide anion in the aorta and B1 receptor binding sites in the thoracic spinal dorsal horn. This treatment did not affect spinal B2 receptor binding sites, glycemia and insulinemia. The diet supplemented with alpha-lipoic acid reduced significantly the increase in systolic blood pressure, the production of aortic superoxide anion and prevented the increases of B1 receptor binding sites. Results show an association between the oxidative stress and the increases of B1 receptors and arterial blood pressure induced by AT II. Data also exclude the possibility that arterial hypertension is a primary mechanism leading to an increase of B2 receptor binding sites in the rat spinal cord.  相似文献   


Aim: Cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) is a common and important chronic complication in diabetic patients. Heart failure resulting from cardiomyopathy is also a lethal complication in diabetic patients. However, data showing the exact association between CAN and heart failure in diabetic patients are relatively scarce. Therefore, our study aimed to determine the association between the parameters assessing CAN and heart function in diabetic patients.

Method: The medical records of type 2 diabetic patients who underwent an autonomic function test with heart rate variability (HRV) and echocardiography were reviewed from January 2018 to December 2018. A total of 100 type 2 diabetic patients were included, and the association between the parameters assessing CAN and heart function was analysed.

Results: Among the 100 analysed patients, 65 were diagnosed with CAN and 26 showed diastolic dysfunction. Moreover, 19 (73.1%) diabetic patients with diastolic dysfunction were complicated with CAN. The occurrence of diastolic dysfunction was higher in diabetic patients with CAN than in diabetic patients without CAN (29.2% vs 20.0%, p?<?0.05), and the occurrence of CAN was higher in diabetic patients with diastolic dysfunction than in patients without diastolic dysfunction (73.1% vs 62.2%, p?<?0.05). However, there were no significant associations between HRV parameters and heart function.

Conclusion: We demonstrated that diastolic dysfunction is more common in diabetic patients complicated with CAN than in diabetic patients without CAN, although several diabetic patients without diastolic dysfunction are also diagnosed with CAN. Moreover, further studies about the long-term serial monitoring of heart function according to the progression of CAN are required to confirm the exact association between CAN and heart function.  相似文献   

The vascular complications associated with type 1 diabetes are to some extent related to the dysfunction of the endothelium leading to an increased vascular permeability and plasma extravasation in the surrounding tissues. The various micro- and macro-vascular complications of diabetes develop over time, leading to nephropathy, retinopathy and neuropathy and cardiomyopathy. In the present study, the effect of a novel selective bradykinin B1 receptor (BKB1-R) antagonist, R-954, was investigated on the changes of vascular permeability in the skin and retina of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced type 1 diabetic rats. Plasma extravasation increased in the skin and retina of STZ-diabetic rats after 1 week and persisted over 4 weeks following STZ injection. Acute treatment with R-954 (2 mg/kg, bolus s.c.) highly reduced the elevated vascular permeability in both 1- and 4-week STZ-diabetic rats. These results showed that the inducible BKB1-R subtype modulates the vascular permeability of the skin and retina of type 1 diabetic rats and suggests that BKB1-R antagonists could have a beneficial role in diabetic neuropathy and retinopathy.  相似文献   

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