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Infection of small ruminants with Teladorsagia circumcincta has, until now, been controlled using a combination of pasture management and frequent anthelmintic treatments. Resistance to the commonly used anthelmintics has driven research into the development of a subunit vaccine, encouraged by the demonstration of development of protective immunity in sheep following exposure to this parasite. Local immune effectors in the abomasum, in particular IgA, are thought to play important roles in naturally- and experimentally-acquired immunity. L3s represent the first contact of this pathogen with the host immune system and, herein, the presence of L3 antigen-specific IgA was demonstrated in abomasal mucus from immune sheep. This antibody source was used to immunoaffinity purify and identify IgA-reactive molecules present in L3s. We identified 155 different proteins in this way, including a number of activation-associated secretory proteins, venom allergen-like-type proteins, detoxifying enzymes, galectins and a suite of other potential vaccine candidate molecules. Levels of immunoaffinity-enriched L3 antigen-specific IgA in gastric lymph from previously-infected sheep were statistically significantly higher (P = 0.004) than those measured in helminth-free sheep and a statistically significant negative correlation (P = 0.005, rs = −0.565) was identified between immunoaffinity-enriched L3 antigen-specific IgA levels in efferent gastric lymph and total T. circumcincta burden measured at necropsy. In addition, a statistically significant positive correlation (P = 0.007, rs = 0.534) was measured between immunoaffinity-enriched L3 antigen-specific IgA levels in efferent gastric lymph and the percentage of inhibited L4s enumerated at necropsy. These results indicate that the purified antigens contain components that could be strongly considered as vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

Excretion of nitrogenous substances by Teladorsagia circumcincta was investigated during incubation of L3 in phosphate buffer for up to 30 h and adult worms for 4-6 h. Ammonia was the main excretory product, with about 20% urea. For the first 4-6 h, ammonia excretion by L3 was temperature dependent, directly proportional to the number of larvae, but independent of the pH or strength of the phosphate buffer. Later, ammonia excretion slowed markedly in L3 and adults and reversed to net uptake in L3 by 30 h. An initial external ammonia concentration of 600 μM did not alter the pattern or magnitude of excretion. Re-uptake of ammonia did not occur at extremes of pH or low buffer strength and was slightly reduced at the highest external concentrations. Ammonium transporters and enzymes of glutamate metabolism, including glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase and possibly glutamate synthase, are worthy of further investigation as anthelmintic targets.  相似文献   

Adult Teladorsagia circumcincta survival and motility in vitro was examined in a range of different cell culture media, supplements and gas mixes. Under optimum conditions, worms survived for 14 days, exhibiting high motility for 9 days and egg production for 72 h. Optimum conditions involved co-culture of worms with a HeLa cell line in a supplemented cell medium (CEM) and an atmosphere containing 10% CO2, 5% O2 85% N2, 65% humidity at 37 °C. The incubation medium consisted of Minimum Essential Medium with 10% fetal calf serum, 1% non-essential amino acids, 1% glutamax and 1% penicillin-neomycin-streptomycin cocktail mix. Compared with optimum conditions, incubation in CEM alone, cell conditioned CEM, RPMI alone, Medium 199 alone, reduced CO2 or O2, or when cells were replaced with Escherichia coli, both survival and motility were reduced. Optimum conditions for adult T. circumcincta maintenance for culture, anthelmintic testing or generation of excretory/secretory products are described.  相似文献   

Anthelmintic resistance in parasitic nematodes of small ruminants is widespread and, in some parts of the world, threatens the sustainability of sheep production. The genetic changes underlying resistance to anthelmintics, particularly ivermectin (IVM), remain to be determined. The majority of studies to date have investigated target site mutations; relatively little attention has been paid to the role of changes in gene expression. In this study, we investigated the expression of putative drug transporter molecules, P-glycoproteins (Pgps), in Teladorsagia circumcincta, the predominant parasitic nematode species of sheep in the UK and the major anthelmintic resistant species. Utilising a degenerate PCR approach, 11 partial Pgp sequences were identified. Constitutive differences in gene expression between an IVM-susceptible (MTci2) and a multidrug-resistant (MTci5) isolate were determined for 10 of the Pgps using the ΔΔCt TaqMan® real-time PCR method. Gene expression differences were particularly marked in one of these genes, namely Tci-pgp-9. In the MTci5 isolate, statistically significant increases in Tci-pgp-9 expression, at the mRNA level, were observed across all life-cycle stages and most notably in eggs (55-fold increase). Comparison of the partial Tci-pgp-9 nucleotide sequences from MTci2 and MTci5 also identified high levels of polymorphism. This work has shown that constitutively increased expression in Tci-pgp-9, coupled with increased sequence polymorphism, could play a role in allowing multidrug-resistant T. circumcincta to survive IVM exposure. The genetic changes underpinning these gene expression changes remain to be elucidated and need to be investigated in other isolates. These changes could form the basis of an IVM resistance marker to monitor the spread of resistance and to evaluate management practices aimed at delaying its spread.  相似文献   

Drug unresponsiveness in patients with visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a problem in many endemic areas. This study aimed to determine genetic diversity of Leishmania donovani isolates from a VL endemic area in Sudan as a possible explanation for drug unresponsiveness in some patients. Thirty clinically stibogluconate (SSG)-sensitive isolates were made SSG-unresponsive in vitro by gradually increasing SSG concentrations. The sensitive isolates and their SSG-unresponsive counterparts were typed using mini-circle kDNA and categorized using PCR-RAPD. All the isolates were typed as L. donovani, the resulting PCR-RAPD characterization of the SSG-sensitive isolates gave three distinct primary genotypes while, the SSG-unresponsive isolates showed only a single band. L. donovani isolates from eastern Sudan are diverse; this probably resulted from emergence of new L. donovani strains during epidemics due to the pressure of widespread use of antimonials.In this communication the possible role of isolates diversity in antimonial unresponsiveness and the in vitro changing PCR-RAPD band pattern in SSG-unresponsive strains were discussed.  相似文献   

Pentavalent antimonial compounds have been the first line therapy for leishmaniasis; unfortunately the rate of treatment failure of anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) is increasing due to emerging of drug resistance. Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms operating in antimony resistance is critical for development of new strategies for treatment. Here, we used a cDNA-AFLP approach to identify gene(s) which are differentially expressed in resistant and sensitive Leishmania tropica field isolates. We identified five genes, aquaglyceroporin (AQP1) acts in drug uptake, ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter (MRPA) involved in sequestration of drug, phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) implicated in glycolysis metabolism, mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) and protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) responsible for phosphorylation pathway. The results were confirmed using real time RT-PCR which revealed an upregulation of MRPA, PTP and PGK genes and downregulation of AQP1 and MAPK genes in resistant isolate. To our knowledge, this is the first report of identification of PTP and PGK genes potentially implicated in resistance to antimonials. Our findings support the idea that distinct biomolecules might be involved in antimony resistance in L. tropica field isolates.  相似文献   

Benzimidazole resistance has evolved in a variety of organisms and typically results from mutations in the beta-tubulin locus at specific amino acid sites. Despite widespread treatment of human intestinal nematodes with benzimidazole drugs, there have been no unambiguous reports of resistance. However, since beta-tubulin mutations conferring resistance are generally recessive, frequencies of resistance alleles less than 30% would be difficult to detect on the basis of drug treatment failures. Here we investigate sequence variation in a 1079 bp segment of the beta-tubulin locus in the human whipworm Trichuris trichiura from 72 individual nematodes from seven countries. We did not observe any alleles with amino acid mutations indicative of resistance, and of 40 point mutations there were only four non-synonymous mutations all of which were singletons. Estimated effective population sizes are an order of magnitude lower than those from another nematode species in which benzimidazole resistance has developed (Haemonchus contortus). Both the lower diversity and reduced population sizes suggest that benzimidazole resistance is likely to evolve less rapidly in Trichuris than in trichostrongyle parasites of livestock. We observed moderate levels of population subdivision (Phi(ST)=0.26) comparable with that previously observed in Ascaris lumbricoides, and identical alleles were frequently found in parasites from different continents, suggestive of recent admixture. A particularly interesting feature of the data is the high nucleotide diversities observed in nematodes from the Caribbean. This genetic complexity may be a direct result of extensive admixture and complex history of human populations in this region of the world. These data should encourage (but not make complacent) those involved in large-scale benzimidazole treatment of human intestinal nematodes.  相似文献   

大明竹属遗传多样性ISSR分析及DNA指纹图谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用对竹类有较好多态性的18条引物及已优化的ISSR反应体系和扩增程序,分析大明竹属25种竹的遗传多样性。研究结果:共扩增出重复性好的多态位点高达88.3%,平均每个引物扩增8.61个,DNA分子量在160-3000 bp,此25种竹类的平均遗传距离为0.5006,变异幅度为0.1486-0.7191,说明大明竹属具有高的遗传多样性,种间遗传相对复杂。ISSR结果聚类分析,在遗传距离0.5396处将25种竹划分为3类,与形态分类结果大致一致,说明ISSR技术能精确检测大明竹属部分植物的遗传多样性及亲缘关系,有助于该属的分类。试验用U807、U815、U835、U836、U840、U841、U844 7条引物构建大明竹属25种竹的数字指纹识别码,为大明竹属部分植物的分类及种质鉴定提供参考。  相似文献   

Mechanisms coupling heart function and cardiac morphogenesis can be accessed in lower vertebrate embryos that can survive to swimming tadpole stages on diffused oxygen. Forward genetic screens in Xenopus tropicalis have identified more than 80 mutations affecting diverse developmental processes, including cardiac morphogenesis and function. In the first positional cloning of a mutation in X. tropicalis, we show that non-contractile hearts in muzak (muz) embryos are caused by a premature stop codon in the cardiac myosin heavy chain gene myh6. The mutation deletes the coiled-coil domain responsible for polymerization into thick filaments, severely disrupting the cardiomyocyte cytoskeleton. Despite the lack of contractile activity and absence of a major structural protein, early stages of cardiac morphogenesis including looping and chamber formation are grossly normal. Muz hearts subsequently develop dilated chambers with compressed endocardium and fail to form identifiable cardiac valves and trabeculae.  相似文献   

Cymbidium spp. are important potted flowers with extremely high ornamental and economic value. The present study reports the development of 14 new simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers through the construction of an enriched Cymbidium goeringii library and cross-amplification in Cymbidium sinensis and Cymbidium hybridium. Of 525, 322 (61.33%) clones had SSR motifs and among motifs di-nucleotides were predominant and followed by tri-nucleotide and tetra-nucleotide type. In polymorphic analysis using 14 newly developed SSRs, a total of 201 alleles across 96 Cymbidium accessions were detected with an average of 14.4 per locus. The average heterozygosity was 0.394. The average gene diversity and polymorphism information content values were 0.394 and 0.639, respectively. The mean genetic similarity coefficient was 0.4297, indicating a wide genetic variation among the Cymbidium accessions. These newly developed SSRs will be useful tools for genotype identification, germplasm conservation, molecular breeding, and assessments of genetic diversity and population structure in Cymbidium.  相似文献   

Rhodiola rosea is widely distributed in Norway, but so far limited knowledge exists on the level of genetic diversity. To initiate a selective breeding program, Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was used to estimate genetic diversity within the Norwegian R. rosea germplasm collection. AFLP analysis of 97 R. rosea clones using five primer combinations gave a total of 109 polymorphic bands. We detected high percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) with a mean of 82.3% among the clones of R. rosea. Each of the 97 R. rosea clones could be unambiguously identified based on these primer combinations. Estimates of genetic similarities were obtained by the Dice coefficient, and a final dendrogram was constructed with the Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean (UPGMA). Genetic similarity based on the AFLP data ranged from 0.440 to 0.950 with a mean of 0.631. This genetic analysis showed that there was no close genetic similarity among clones related to their original growing county. No gender-specific markers were found in the R. rosea clones. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed a significantly greater variation within regions (92.03%) than among regions (7.97%). A low level of genetic differentiation (FST = 0.043) was observed, indicating a high level of gene flow, which had a strong influence on the genetic structure at different counties. Our results indicate high gene flow among R. rosea clones that might be a result of seed dispersal rather than cross-pollination. Further world-wide studies are required to compare the level of genetic diversity and more studies in R. rosea detailing the consequences of different patterns of gene flow (pollen spread and dispersal of seeds and clonal plants) will be useful for characterization of roseroot.  相似文献   

Two subcosmopolitan species Ruppia maritima and Ruppia cirrhosa are recognized throughout Europe, whereas Ruppia drepanensis is endemic to SW Europe. We aimed at characterizing the geographic structure of the chloroplast DNA haplotype diversity of 56 Ruppia populations across the European part of the Mediterranean. On the basis of five cpDNA markers (total length of 2300 bp) 16 haplotypes were obtained for 1546 individuals. Three populations of R. maritima showed a single haplotype and differed in five insertions/deletions and 16 substitutions from a highly variable R. cirrhosa species complex, which included R. drepanensis. The haplotype diversity of this species complex was much higher in the western Mediterranean basin than in the eastern basin. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed significant differentiation of R. cirrhosa between the two basins and also within the western Mediterranean thereby suggesting the latter as an important centre of Ruppia diversity. An isolation-by-distance (IBD) pattern was stronger between the West-East basin populations than within basins. A PCO analysis of the western basin populations indicated a diversity gradient with those of Sardinia as polymorph intermediates. The low diversity within the eastern basin suggests that the observed gradient could be hypothesized as a historical dispersal of only a limited number of haplotypes from west to east.  相似文献   

Thielaviopsis basicola is a hemibiotrophic root pathogen causing black root rot in a wide range of economically important crops. Our initial attempts to transform T. basicola using standard Agrobacterium tumefaciens–mediated transformation (ATMT) protocols were unsuccessful. Successful transformation required the addition of V8 juice (to induce germination of T. basicola chlamydospores) and higher concentrations of acetosyringone in the co-cultivation medium, and of chlamydospores/endoconidia, A. tumefaciens cells during co-cultivation. With these modifications, two T. basicola strains were successfully transformed with the green (egfp) or red (AsRed) fluorescent protein genes. Chlamydospores/endoconidia transformed with the egfp gene exhibited strong green fluorescence, but their fluorescence became weaker as the germ tubes emerged. Transformants harbouring the AsRed gene displayed strong red fluorescence in both chlamydospores/endoconidia and germ tubes. Fluorescent microscopic observations of an AsRed-labelled strain colonizing roots of transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants, which express the actin filaments labelled with EGFP, at 24 hours post inoculation showed varying levels of fungal germination and penetration. At this stage, the infection appeared to be biotrophic with the EGFP-labelled host actin filaments not being visibly degraded, even in host root cells in close contact with the hyphae. This is the first report of ATMT of T. basicola, and the use of an AsRed-labelled strain to directly observe the root infection process.  相似文献   

Biogeographic patterns of parasite diversity are useful for determining how host–parasite interactions can influence speciation. However, variation in methodologies and sampling effort can skew diversity estimates. Avian haemosporidians are vector-transmitted blood parasites represented by over 1300 unique genetic lineages spread across over 40 countries. We used a global database of lineage distributions for two avian haemosporidian genera, Plasmodium and Haemoproteus, to test for congruence of diversity among haemosporidians and their avian hosts across 13 geographic regions. We demonstrated that avian haemosporidians exhibit similar diversity patterns to their avian hosts; however, specific patterns differ between genera. Haemoproteus spp. diversity estimates were significantly higher than those of Plasmodium spp. in all areas where the genera co-occurred, apart from the Plasmodium spp.-rich region of South America. The geographic distributions of parasite genera also differed, with Haemoproteus spp. absent from the majority of oceanic regions while Plasmodium spp. were cosmopolitan. These findings suggest fundamental differences in the way avian haemosporidians diverge and colonise new communities. Nevertheless, a review of the literature suggests that accurate estimates of avian haemosporidian diversity patterns are limited by (i) a concentration of sampling towards passerines from Europe and North America, (ii) a frequent failure to include microscopic techniques together with molecular screening and (iii) a paucity of studies investigating distributions across vector hosts.  相似文献   

Rapid and reliable assessment of Acinetobacter baumannii resistance to quinolones was successfully achieved through pyrosequencing of the gyrA and parC quinolone-resistance determining regions. A strong correlation was found between quinolone resistance and mutations in gyrA codon 83 and/or in the parC gene (codons 80 or 84). Absence of QRDR mutations was associated with susceptibility to quinolones.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the physiological role of the merE gene of transposon Tn21, a pE4 plasmid that contained the merR gene of plasmid pMR26 from Pseudomonas strain K-62, and the merE gene of Tn21 from the Shigella flexneri plasmid NR1 (R100) was constructed. Bacteria with plasmid pE4 (merR-o/p-merE) were more hypersensitive to CH3Hg(I) and Hg(II), and took up significantly more CH3Hg(I) and Hg(II), than the isogenic strain. The MerE protein encoded by pE4 was localized in the membrane cell fraction, but not in the soluble fraction. Based on these experimental results, we suggest for the first time that the merE gene is a broad mercury transporter mediating the transport of both CH3Hg(I) and Hg(II) across the bacterial membrane.  相似文献   

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