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cAMP-dependent protein kinases (PKAs) are the main transducers of cAMP signalling in eukaryotic cells. Recently we reported the identification and characterisation of a PKA catalytic subunit (SmPKA-C) in Schistosoma mansoni that is required for adult schistosome viability in vitro. To gain further insights into the role of SmPKA-C in biological processes during the schistosome life cycle, we undertook a quantitative analysis of SmPKA-C mRNA expression in different life cycle stages. Our data shows that SmPKA-C mRNA expression is developmentally regulated, with the highest levels of expression in cercariae and adult female worms. To evaluate the biological role of SmPKA-C in these developmental stages, cercariae and adult worms were treated with various concentrations of PKA inhibitors. Treatment of cercariae with H-89 or PKI 14-22 amide resulted in loss of viability suggesting that, as in adults, PKA is an essential enzyme activity in this infectious larval stage. In adult worms, in vitro exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of H-89 or PKI 14-22 amide resulted in inhibition of egg production in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, using a murine model of schistosome infection where S. mansoni fecundity is impaired, we show that reduced rates of egg production in vivo correlate with significant reductions in SmPKA-C mRNA expression and PKA activity. Finally, restoration of parasite egg production in vivo also resulted in normalisation of SmPKA-C mRNA expression and PKA activity. Taken together, our data suggest that PKA signalling is required for cercarial viability and may play a specific role in the reproductive activity of adult worms.  相似文献   

The genus Schistosoma is composed of blood flukes that infect vertebrates, from which three species are major causative agents of human schistosomiasis, a tropical disease that affects more than 200 million people. Current models of the recent evolution of Schistosoma indicate multiple events of migration and speciation from an Asian ancestral species. Transposable elements are important drivers of genome evolution and have been hypothesised to have an important role in speciation. In this work, we describe a comprehensive inventory of Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum retrotransposons, based on their recently published genomic data. We find a considerable difference in retrotransposon representation between the two species (22% and 13%, respectively). A large part of this difference can be attributed to higher representation of two previously described families of S. mansoni retrotransposons (SR2 and Perere-3/SR3), compared with the representation of their closest relative families in S. japonicum. A more detailed analysis suggests that these two S. mansoni families were the subject of recent bursts of transposition that were not paralleled by their S. japonicum counterparts. We hypothesise that these bursts could be a consequence of the evolutionary pressure resulting from migration of Schistosoma from Asia to Africa and their establishment in this new environment, helping both speciation and adaptation.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the effect of amphotericin B on larval stages (miracidia and primary sporocyst) of the helminth Schistosoma mansoni, the causative agent of human schistosomiasis. Amphotericin B (AmB) is a polyene macrolide that disturbs the function of the cell membrane; it is widely used as prophylactic antimycotic agent in in vitro culture. We show for the first time that S. mansoni miracidia infectivity is considerably reduced after AmB treatment. Moreover we demonstrate that AmB does not affect the development, growth, viability, and behavior of miracidia and primary sporocysts. Our data indicate that AmB effects on S. mansoni sporocyst prevalence are linked to the oxidative properties of AmB. These may alter the capacity of sporocysts to respond to the oxidative stress generated by the snail immune defence system.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis is one of the most important parasitic diseases in Egypt and chemotherapy is considered the most effective method of control. This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of zinc administration against Schistosoma mansoni infection by evaluating the activities of arylesterase and paraoxonase (PON1) enzymes, and the degree of liver damage.One hundred and twenty albino mice were divided into two groups; one was an infected control and the other a treated group which was further subdivided into three according to the praziquantel and zinc supplementation given. Blood and liver samples, collected 10 weeks post-infection, were subjected to parasitological, histopathological, and enzyme assays, and immunological studies. The results showed that dietary zinc supplementation led to marked reduction in worm load, and egg deposition in the liver and intestine.Histopathological examination showed marked reduction in the number and diameter of hepatic granulomas in the treated groups. The activity of arylesterase and PON1 enzymes were partially restored in infected animals receiving zinc. IL-10 mRNA expression was higher in the treated groups than in the infection control group. In conclusion, zinc administration could be a promising adjuvant therapy for S. mansoni infection.  相似文献   

We here describe the cloning and characterization of the Schistosoma mansoni Annexin 2, previously identified in the tegument by proteomic studies, and as an up-regulated gene in schistosomulum stage by microarray data. In silico analysis predicts a conserved core containing four repeat domains of Annexin (ANX) and a variable N-terminal region similar to that described for mammalian isoforms. Real-time RT-PCR and Western blot analysis determined that S. mansoni Annexin 2 is significantly up-regulated in the transition from free-living cercaria to schistosomulum and adult worm parasitic stages. Immunolocalization experiments and tegument membrane preparations confirmed Annexin 2 as a protein mainly localized in the tegument of schistosomula and adult worms. Furthermore, it binds to the tegument surface membranes in a calcium-dependent manner. These results suggest that S. mansoni Annexin 2 is closely associated to the tegument arrangement, being a potential target for immune intervention.  相似文献   

Murine schistosomosis is a widely used experimental model of the human disease. Different methods have been employed to infect mice with Schistosoma mansoni cercariae, such as subcutaneous or intraperitoneal injections, the tail immersion technique, and the use of a metal ring placed on the abdominal skin of anaesthetized animals. An alternative method of infection that requires no anaesthesia and no restraint is to place suckling mice (10 days old) on a Petri dish with a small volume of water containing cercariae. In this study, we compared the penetration and maturation of S. mansoni in mice infected by this alternative method with those noted in mice infected at an older age (45 days) by the tail immersion technique. Besides evaluating the effects of age and method of infection, we also compared the susceptibility of two strains of mice (Swiss Webster (SW) and DBA/2). Mice were exposed to 100 cercariae and worms (by portal-hepatic perfusion) as well as eggs were recovered in the liver and intestines on postinfection (PI) days 35, 55 and 90. Skin penetration was very efficient (about 100%) irrespective of the mouse strain, sex, age and method of infection. Worm and egg recoveries were higher in SW mice at any PI interval, but strain differences tended to be less pronounced on PI day 90. In both strains, recoveries of worms and eggs were clearly higher in mice infected at a younger age (10 days old). This study thus suggests that infection of free-moving suckling mice is a suitable alternative to other methods of infection with S. mansoni.  相似文献   

Clegg J. A. and Smithers S. R., 1972. The effect of immune rhesus monkey serum on schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni during cultivation in vitro. International journal for Parasitology2: 79–98. The sera of rhesus monkeys hyperimmunized by 2–4 exposures to S. mansoni cercariae contain an antibody lethal to schistosomula cultivated in vitro. The antibody (IgG) is dependent on labile factors in fresh monkey serum. It can be absorbed by adult worms cultivated in vitro and it is not the antibody responsible for CHR or COP reactions. A titre of lethal antibody sufficient to kill all schistosomula in vitro is maintained for 2–3 months following challenge: it then falls to a moderate level which may be retained for several years. After inactivation, hyperimmune serum inhibits the growth of cultured schistosomula but does not kill them. Following a small primary infection rhesus serum develops a marked growth-inhibiting property and a low titre of lethal antibody at about 4 months, i.e. the time when resistance to reinfection can first be reliably demonstrated.  相似文献   

The tegument, or body wall, of schistosomes is the primary tissue for host interaction and site targeted schistosome vaccination. However, many aspects of the cell biology, particularly differentiation and maintenance, remain uncharacterised. A leading vaccine candidate, Schistosoma mansoni tetraspanin 2 has proven efficacy in experimental models, but its function, precise subcellular location in the tegument and role in tegument biology is not well understood. A primary question is whether this molecule is a true surface molecule, that is, whether it appears within the apical membrane of the tegument. Hitherto, the target sequence for antibody localisation studies had not been available for advanced subcellular localisation studies, such as immuno-electron microscopy, due to aldehyde sensitivity. To circumvent this problem, we adapted the methods of high pressure freezing and cryosubstitution with uranyl acetate for immuno-electron microscopy. The tri-dimensional structure of tegument membranes was resolved using electron tomography. Immunolocalisation of Schistosoma mansoni tetraspanin 2 demonstrates that the molecule is localised to tegument membrane compartments, but predominantly within internal structures associated with surface invaginations and internal vesicles. Surprisingly, no label was found at the virtual surface of the parasite. The significance of this localisation pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

The kinetic of maturation (schistogram) of Schistosoma mansoni worms grown in laboratory rats was studied by light and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Infected rats with the BH strain were weekly euthanized 3-9 weeks pi. Recovered flukes stained with hydrochloric carmine were preserved as whole-mounts and analyzed by confocal and brightfield microscopy. Worms displayed varying degrees of maturation of the reproductive system at weeks 3-6. Male worms showed complete maturation of the reproductive system at week 6, while female worms completed their maturation at week 7. Males presented few tubercles in tegument in all weeks. Despite the presence of a developing embryo within the ootype, no uterine egg was found. The schistogram in rats follows a pattern similar to that observed in mice hosts.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni HMGB1 (SmHMGB1) was revealed to be a substrate for the parasite histone acetyltransferases SmGCN5 and SmCBP1. We found that full-length SmHMGB1, as well as its HMG-box B (but not HMG-box A) were acetylated in vitro by SmGCN5 and SmCBP1. However, SmCBP1 was able to acetylate both substrates more efficiently than SmGCN5. Interestingly, the removal of the C-terminal acidic tail of SmHMGB1 (SmHMGB1ΔC) resulted in increased acetylation of the protein. We showed by mammalian cell transfection assays that SmHMGB1 and SmHMGB1ΔC were transported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm after sodium butyrate (NaB) treatment. Importantly, after NaB treatment, SmHMGB1 was also present outside the cell. Together, our data suggest that acetylation of SmHMGB1 plays a role in cellular trafficking, culminating with its secretion to the extracellular milieu. The possible role of SmHMGB1 acetylation in the pathogenesis of schistosomiasis is discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the effect of the histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors trichostatin A (TSA), valproic acid (VA) and sodium-butyrate on the metamorphosis of larvae of the human blood-fluke Schistosoma mansoni from the free-swimming miracidia into the intramolluskal sporocyst. We show that HDAC inhibitors block transformation in concentration dependant manner. TSA reversibly blocks this developmental process: only 13 ± 11% of TSA treated miracidia transform into sporocysts in-vitro, compared to 92 ± 3% in the mock-treated control. Other enzyme inhibitors such as cycloheximide or hydroxyurea had no effect on metamorphosis. For treatment of up to 4 h, the effect of TSA was completely reversible. Our data indicates that HDAC activity is necessary for the transformation of S. mansoni miracidia during infection of the snail host.  相似文献   

Strong statistical associations between soil-transmitted helminths and schistosomes are frequently observed in co-endemic human populations, although the underlying explanations remain poorly understood. This study investigates the contribution of host genetics and domestic environment to hookworm and Schistosoma mansoni infection intensity and evaluates the role of genetic and non-genetic factors in co-variation of infection intensity. Detailed genealogical information allowed assignment of 1303 individuals living in the Brazilian community of Americaninhas, Minas Gerais state, to 25 pedigrees (containing between two and 1159 members) residing in 303 households. The prevalence of co-infection with both hookworms and schistosomes was high (38.5%), with significant correlation between Necator americanus and S. mansoni faecal egg counts. Bivariate variance component analysis demonstrated a modest but significant species-specific heritability for intensity of N. americanus (h2 = 0.196) and S. mansoni infection (h2 = 0.230). However, after accounting for demographic, socio-economic and household risk factors, no evidence for common genetic control of intensity of hookworm and schistosome infection was observed. There was some evidence for residual clustering within households but the majority (63%) of the covariance between N. americanus and S. mansoni infection intensity remained specific to the individual and could not be explained by shared genes, shared environment or other shared demographic, socio-economic or environmental risk factors. Our results emphasize the importance of exposure to hookworm and schistosome infection in driving the association between levels of infection with these species in hosts resident in areas of high transmission and suggest that much of this common exposure occurs outside the home.  相似文献   

The Schistosoma mansoni venom allergen-like (SmVAL) protein family consists of 29 members, each possessing a conserved α-β-α sandwich tertiary feature called the Sperm-coating protein/Tpx-1/Ag5/PR-1/Sc7 (SCP/TAPS) domain. While the SmVALs have been found in both excretory/secretory (E/S) products and in intra/sub-tegumental (non-E/S) fractions, the role(s) of this family in host/parasite relationships or schistosome developmental processes remains poorly resolved. In order to begin quantifying SmVAL functional diversity or redundancy, dissecting the specific activity (ies) of individual family members is necessary. Towards this end, we present the characterisation of SmVAL9; a protein previously found enriched in both miracidia/sporocyst larval transformation proteins and in egg secretions. While our study confirms that SmVAL9 is indeed found in soluble egg products and miracidia/sporocyst larval transformation proteins, we find it to be maximally transcribed/translated in miracidia and subsequently down-regulated during in vitro sporocyst development. SmVAL9 localisation within sporocysts appears concentrated in parenchymal cells/vesicles as well as associated with larval germinal cells. Furthermore, we demonstrate that egg-derived SmVAL9 carries an N-linked glycan containing a schistosome-specific difucosyl element and is an immunogenic target during chronic murine schistosomiasis. Finally, we demonstrate that recombinant SmVAL9 affects the expression of extracellular matrix, remodelling matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMP) gene products in both Biomphalaria glabrata embryonic cell (BgMMP1) and Mus musculus bone marrow-derived macrophage (MmMMP2, MmMMP9, MmMMP12, MmMMP13, MmMMP14, MmMMP28, TIMP1 and TIMP2) in vitro cultures. These findings importantly suggest that excreted/secreted SmVAL9 participates in tissue reorganisation/extracellular matrix remodelling during intra-mammalian egg translocation, miracidia infection and intra-molluscan sporocyst development/migration.  相似文献   

For parasites that require multiple hosts to complete their development, the interaction with the intermediate host may have an impact on parasite transmission and development in the definitive host. The human parasite Schistosoma mansoni needs two different hosts to complete its life cycle: the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata (in South America) as intermediate host and a human or rodents as final host. To investigate the influence of the host environment on life history traits in the absence of selection, we performed experimental infections of two B. glabrata strains of different geographic origin with the same clonal population of S. mansoni. One B. glabrata strain is the sympatric host and the other one the allopatric host. We measured prevalence in the snail, the cercarial infectivity, sex-ratio, immunopathology in the final host and microsatellite frequencies of individual larvae in three successive generations.  相似文献   

Although the lifecycle of Schistosoma spp. and pathophysiology of schistosomiasis have been established, the mechanism by which cercariae find their host is not well understood. Speculatively, host infection by random and accidental host contact is not as biologically plausible as a biochemical mechanism of mammalian attraction. A few studies have indicated that biochemical cues and temperature gradients may play a role in host identification, attraction and attachment triggers. This study aimed to elucidate these mechanisms more specifically through evaluation of biochemical, age and temperature influences leading to Schistosoma mansoni cercariae attraction and attachment behaviors. Oleic acid, a common unsaturated free fatty acid in the outer layer of human skin, was tested for cercariae attraction across biologically relevant concentrations. Influence of media type (beeswax, nail varnish and agar), age-dependent behavior variability and environmentally appropriate temperatures (22 and 30 °C) were also evaluated. Results indicated that oleic acid at concentrations of 0.3, 0.9 and 1.8 g/mL in beeswax significantly increased median attachment to media (median attachment of 7.50%, 4.20% and 3.71%, respectively, P < 0.001), compared with plain beeswax, with maximal attachment of 30.30% at 0.3 g/mL of oleic acid. In media containing 0.3 g/mL of oleic acid, cercarial attachment was highest for freshly emerged cercariae to 5 h post-emergence, with a significant decrease in attachment behavior at 10 h post-emergence (< 0.01). Aquatic temperature at which cercariae were exposed to media did not yield significant results (P value >0.05). Biochemical, age and environmental factors influencing cercarial host attraction and attachment behavior have been elucidated by this study. This information will inform further development of devices for environmental surveillance and potentially improve cercarial exposure prevention strategies.  相似文献   

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