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Attachment-inducing capacities of skin epithelial extracts of yellowtail, Japanese flounder and red sea bream on oncomiracidia of the monogenean Benedenia seriolae were examined. Clear differences were not detected in the capacity among the fish species, although B. seriolae infects only yellowtail and its congeners in Seriola. This suggests that either the capacity is not host specific or host-specific attachment-inducing capacity cannot be detected by the assay method. Further, the attachment-inducing capacities were suppressed by wheat-germ lectin and concanavalin A in skin epithelial extracts of Japanese flounder and yellowtail, respectively. This suggests that some sugar-related chemical substances existing in fish epithelia induce the attachment of B. seriolae oncomiracidia.  相似文献   

Most integrative studies involving phylogenetic, developmental and ecological trends showed that the diversity of developmental modifications among the Platyhelminthes was linked to transmission opportunity pressures. For parasitic flatworms with complex life cycles it was suggested that the evolutionary forces that constrained or enhanced developmental strategies implied heterochronic patterns. Similar patterns were also reported from the Monogenea with direct life cycles, especially for Polystomatidae, which infest amphibious Sarcopterygians. Polystoma, whose members are recovered almost exclusively from anuran hosts of the Neobatrachia, is capable of following two alternative developmental strategies depending on the physiological stage of its host. Processes by which parasites reach maturity are strikingly different, and lead to discrete adult phenotypes within the same parasite species. In the present study, we investigate the origin and evolution of developmental patterns of polystomatids in a phylogenetic framework, using an integrative approach of heterochrony and evolutionary ecology. The results suggest that both phenotypes have coexisted during the early stages of polystome evolution, and that neither of them can be considered as the ancestral one. The two developmental pathways, each associated with one life cycle, may have arisen independently prior to polystome diversification, when strictly aquatic sarcopterygians attempted colonization of temporary freshwater environments. The occurrence of these two patterns within species of the genus Polystoma is suggested to reflect the ancestral condition, and to have allowed both developmental strategies to be successful depending on shifts in transmission opportunities. Thus, host evolutionary ecology may be the main factor in shaping developmental strategies within polystomatids.  相似文献   

Some taxonomic groups are less amenable to mitochondrial DNA barcoding than others. Due to the paucity of molecular information of understudied groups and the huge molecular diversity within flatworms, primer design has been hampered. Indeed, all attempts to develop universal flatworm-specific COI markers have failed so far. We demonstrate how high molecular variability and contamination problems limit the possibilities for barcoding using standard COI-based protocols in flatworms. As a consequence, molecular identification methods often rely on other widely applicable markers. In the case of Monogenea, a very diverse group of platyhelminth parasites, and Rhabdocoela, representing one-fourth of all free-living flatworm taxa, this has led to a relatively high availability of nuclear ITS and 18S/28S rDNA sequences on GenBank. In a comparison of the effectiveness in species assignment we conclude that mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal markers perform equally well. In case intraspecific information is needed, rDNA sequences can guide the selection of the appropriate (i.e. taxon-specific) COI primers if available.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the brain of the monogenean Gastrocotyle trachuri (Platyhelminthes) is described. The brain consists of a central neuropile surrounded by a layer of cell bodies. The neuropile is composed of a fine meshwork of naked neurites which contain various types of vesicles and other organelles although microtubules have not been found. Five kinds of vesicles; three clear types and two dense types, were found within the neuropile.Two types of neuronal cell body were identified on the basis of their vesicle contents although it is possible that these two types represent the extremes of a single cell type. A characteristic feature of the neuronal perikarya of Gastrocotyle is the presence of deep infoldings into the cell of the outer membrane. These infoldings often contain fibrous interstitial material and in a number of cases hemidesmosome-like structures have been found in the distended, distal end of the infoldings.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the phylogeographical pattern of the monogenean, Mazocraeoides gonialosae, which parasitises the dotted gizzard shad (Konosirus punctatus) along the coast of China. Fragments of 756 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene were sequenced for 147 individuals from seven localities along the coast of China. Phylogenetic analysis revealed no significant genealogical clades of samples corresponding to sampling localities. Analyses of molecular variance and pairwise FST suggested a high rate of gene flow and the lack of a predictable genetic structure between different populations of this parasite. Both neutrality tests and mismatch distribution analyses indicated a recent population expansion in M. gonialosae after the last glacial maximum. Gradually decreasing genetic diversity in more northerly populations implied a historical south-to-north expansion of this parasite. Dispersal of eggs and larvae with ocean currents was considered to be associated with the genetic homogeneity of this species. The limited time to accumulate genetic variation after the last glacial maximum may also account in part for the lack of phylogeographical structure in the studied region.  相似文献   

Heterobothrium okamotoi, a monogenean gill parasite, shows high host specificity for tiger puffer, Takifugu rubripes. In the present study, in vivo and in vitro experimental infections were conducted using various fish species, including T. rubripes, to understand the mechanisms of specificity. In in vivo experiments, T. rubripes, grass puffer, Takifugu niphobles, olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus, and red sea bream, Pagrus major, were exposed to oncomiracidia of H. okamotoi labelled with a fluorescent dye, 5- (and -6) carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester, and the numbers of parasites on the gills and skin were recorded at intervals. Oncomiracidia were attached to gills and skin of all the experimental fish species immediately after exposure, and the infection intensity on T. rubripes was higher than that on T. niphobles and much higher than those on the other two species. After 2 days, the attached parasites remained on the gills of T. rubripes, but disappeared from the other hosts. During in vitro experiments, gill filaments excised from seven different fish species (four fish species used in the in vivo experiments and panther puffer, Takifugu pardalis, southern flounder, Paralichthys lethostigma and spotted halibut, Verasper variegates) were exposed to oncomiracidia and the attachment to each fish species and subsequent larval behaviour was observed. The percentage of post-larvae that attached to T. rubripes was slightly higher than those which attached to congeneric fish species and much higher than those of non-tetraodontid fish species. In vivo and in vitro experiments demonstrated that oncomiracidia of H. okamotoi have an affinity for their natural host, T. rubripes, and congeneric fish species. The disappearance of attached post-larvae from 'alien' hosts within 2 days during in vivo experiments suggested that host recognition by oncomiracidia and subsequent post-larval survivability are involved in the host specificity of H. okamotoi.  相似文献   

Globally, aquaculture industries involved with commercial culture of kingfish (Seriola spp.) experience outbreaks of monogenean parasites, which can cause heavy stock losses. In Australia and New Zealand, aquaculturists of kingfish Seriola lalandi incur financial losses caused by two monogenean species: Benedenia seriolae and Zeuxapta seriolae which parasitise the skin and gills, respectively. This study provides information on some basic temperature-dependent life-cycle parameters of these problematic monogeneans on S. lalandi. Hatching times and age at maturity were inversely related to water temperature within the range experienced by wild kingfish in New Zealand (13-21 degrees C). Mature B. seriolae in vitro laid on average 37 eggs/day that hatched over approximately 4 days; peak hatching occurred 9, 11 and 22 days post-deposition at temperatures of 21, 17.5 and 13+/-1.0 degrees C, respectively. Z. seriolae in vitro laid on average 246 eggs/day that hatched over 2 days; peak hatching occurred 7, 9 and 15 days post-deposition at these respective temperatures. B. seriolae matured within 20, 25 and 48 days p.i. at 21, 18 and 13 degrees C. Z. seriolae matured within 25, 37 and >52 days p.i. at the same temperatures. This research describes stages in the reproductive development of B. seriolae and Z. seriolae and discusses the inclusion of basic parasitic life-cycle parameters into management strategies designed to maximise treatment efficacy and limit monogenean epizootics in sea-cage kingfish culture.  相似文献   

Abstract. The monogeneans Decacotyle lymmae and D. tetrakordyle (Monocotylidae: Decacotylinae), from gills of the dasyatid stingrays Taeniura lymma and Pastinachus sephen , respectively, have a single aperture for adhesive secretion on each side of the anterior ventrolateral region. Rod-shaped bodies (S1) and electron-dense spherical secretion (S2) exit through specialised ducts opening adjacent to one another within these apertures. The S1 bodies are 230 ± 11 nm wide and ≥4 μm long in D. lymmae and 240 ± 9 nm wide and ≥3.3 μm long in D. tetrakordyle . The S2 bodies have a diameter of 88 ± 7 nm in D. lymmae and 65 ± 6 nm in D. tetrakordyle . The apertures are unusual in being extremely small (internal diameter, 3–5 μm). Each aperture has a slit-like surface opening as small as 160 nm wide, surrounded by muscle fibres indicating that they may be opened and closed. The aperture is also surrounded and underlain by muscle fibres that may aid in secretion from, or even eversion of, the tissue within the aperture. Sensilla/cilia are also found within the apertures. Additional secretions from anteromedian and anterolateral glands (body glands), each containing granular secretions, occur in profusion and exit anteriorly and posteriorly to the position of the apertures, through duct openings in the general body tegument. These granular secretions do not appear to be associated with anterior adhesion. Both species show similarities in aperture, underlying tissue, sense organ, and secretion detail, in accordance with findings from other monogenean genera, and which supports the importance of such data for phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

Despite routine screening requirements for the notifiable fish pathogen Gyrodactylus salaris, no standard operating procedure exists for its rapid identification and discrimination from other species of Gyrodactylus. This study assessed screening and identification efficiencies under real-world conditions for the most commonly employed identification methodologies: visual, morphometric and molecular analyses. Obtained data were used to design a best-practice processing and decision-making protocol allowing rapid specimen throughput and maximal classification accuracy. True specimen identities were established using a consensus from all three identification methods, coupled with the use of host and location information. The most experienced salmonid gyrodactylid expert correctly identified 95.1% of G. salaris specimens. Statistical methods of classification identified 66.7% of the G. salaris, demonstrating the need for much wider training. Molecular techniques (internal transcribed spacer region-restriction fragment length polymorphism (ITS-RFLP)/cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) sequencing) conducted in the diagnostic laboratory most experienced in the analysis of gyrodactylid material, identified 100% of the true G. salaris specimens. Taking into account causes of potential specimen loss, the probabilities of a specimen being accurately identified were 95%, 87% and 92% for visual, morphometric and molecular techniques, respectively, and the probabilities of correctly identifying a specimen of G. salaris by each method were 81%, 58% and 92%. Inter-analyst agreement for 189 gyrodactylids assessed by all three methods using Fleiss’ Kappa suggested substantial agreement in identification between the methods. During routine surveillance periods when low numbers of specimens are analysed, we recommend that specimens be analysed using the ITS-RFLP approach followed by sequencing of specimens with a “G. salaris-like” (i.e. G. salaris, Gyrodactylus thymalli) banding pattern. During periods of suspected outbreaks, where a high volume of specimens is expected, we recommended that specimens be identified using visual identification, as the fastest processing method, to select “G. salaris-like” specimens, which are subsequently identified by molecular-based techniques.  相似文献   

Two new Rhabdocoel species from the Peruvian Amazonia are described: Sergia calae n. sp. (Dalyelliidae) and Mesostoma ucamara n. sp. (Typhloplanidae). Both species were captured in the Pacaya-Samiria National Park, Loreto, Peru, with plankton-nets dragged several times through the abundant littoral floating plant-community. This is the first record of micro-turbellarians in this region. The discovery of these new species in the Pacaya-Samiria National Park suggests the high diversity of this area, which up to now has remained largely unknown, increases the general knowledge of the fauna of Neotropical turbellarians.  相似文献   

Four types of tetraphyllidean larvae infect cetaceans worldwide: two plerocercoids differing in size, ‘small’ (SP) and ‘large’ (LP), and two merocercoids referred to as Phyllobothrium delphini and Monorygma grimaldii. The latter merocercoid larvae parasitize marine mammals exclusively and exhibit a specialised cystic structure. Adult stages are unknown for any of the larvae and thus the role of cetaceans in the life cycle of these species has been a long-standing problem. The SP and LP forms are thought to be earlier stages of P. delphini and M. grimaldii that are presumed to infect large pelagic sharks that feed on cetaceans. A molecular analysis of the D2 variable region of the large subunit ribosomal DNA gene based on several individuals of each larval type collected from three Mediterranean species of cetaceans showed consistent and unique molecular signatures for each type regardless of host species or site of infection. The degree of divergence suggested that LP, P. delphini and M. grimaldii larvae may represent separate species, whereas SP may be conspecific with M. grimaldii. In all host species, individuals of SP accumulated in the gut areas in which the lymphoid tissue was especially developed. We suggest therefore that these larvae use the lymphatic system to migrate to the abdominal peritoneum and mesenteries where they develop into forms recognizable as M. grimaldii. The plerocercoid stage of P. delphini remains unknown. In a partial phylogenetic tree of the Tetraphyllidea, all larvae formed a clade that included a representative of the genus Clistobothrium, some species of which parasitize sharks such as the great white which is known to feed on cetaceans. A bibliographic examination of tetraphyllidean infections in marine mammals indicated that these larvae are acquired mostly offshore. In summary, the evidence suggests that cetaceans play a significant role in the life cycle of these larvae. In addition, it seems clear that cetaceans act as natural intermediate hosts for P. delphini and M. grimaldii, as within these hosts they undergo development from the plerocercoid stage to the merocercoid stage. Because tetraphyllidean species use fish, cephalopods and other marine invertebrates as intermediate hosts, the inclusion of cetaceans in the life cycle would have facilitated their transmission to apex predators such as the large, lamnid sharks. The biological significance of infections of LP in cetaceans is unclear, but infections do not seem to be accidental as such larvae show high prevalence and abundance as well as a high degree of site specificity, particularly in the anal crypts and bile ducts.  相似文献   

A histophagous ciliate infection was discovered in a number of Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus) from the Clyde Sea Area, Scotland. Silver-carbonate staining of cultured ciliates revealed an oral apparatus and additional structural features that are morphologically similar to scuticociliates in the genus Mesanophrys, which are known to parasitize crustaceans. However, ribosomal DNA sequences (ITS1/5.8S/ITS2) of the ciliate were identical to Orchitophyra stellarum, a parasitic scuticociliate of sea stars with a different morphology from Mesanophrys spp. and to the ciliate from N. norvegicus. Associated pathology included degeneration and necrosis of the myocardial heart muscle, and large numbers of ciliates in the gill filaments.  相似文献   

Neobenedenia girellae, a monogenean skin parasite, shows low host specificity. N. girellae is an important pathogen in marine cultured fish such as yellowtail and amberjack. An effective control method is required but none has yet been established. To clarify the mechanisms of host specificity, we purified and identified the attachment-inducing substances of oncomiracidia from tiger puffer fish. The attachment-inducing substances were mainly included in skin mucous extract. Skin mucous extract lost its ability to induce attachment after boiling and/or exposure to the reducing agent dithiothreitol, suggesting that attachment-inducing substances are of a proteinaceous nature. Since lectins such as Con A, WGA, PHA-L, and PSA inhibited the induction of attachment, attachment-inducing proteins were suspected to be glycoproteins. Glycoproteins specifically interacting with Con A were collected and purified by anion exchange chromatography, resulting in two active peaks (peaks 3-A and 6). The active component in peak 3-A was identified as Wap 65-2 by N-terminal amino acid sequencing, while the glycoprotein in peak 6 could not be identified. These results suggested that oncomiracidia recognised Wap 65-2 and another glycoprotein of their host.  相似文献   

Orangutans are amongst the most craniometrically variable of the extant great apes, yet there has been no attempt to explicitly link this morphological variation with observed differences in behavioral ecology. This study explores the relationship between feeding behavior, diet, and mandibular morphology in orangutans. All orangutans prefer ripe, pulpy fruit when available. However, some populations of Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus morio and P. p. wurmbii) rely more heavily on bark and relatively tough vegetation during periods of low fruit yield than do Sumatran orangutans (Pongo abelii). I tested the hypothesis that Bornean orangutans exhibit structural features of the mandible that provide greater load resistance abilities to masticatory and incisal forces. Compared to P. abelii, P. p. morio exhibits greater load resistance abilities as reflected in a relatively deeper mandibular corpus, deeper and wider mandibular symphysis, and relatively greater condylar area. P. p. wurmbii exhibits most of these same morphologies, and in all comparisons is either comparable in jaw proportions to P. p. morio, or intermediate between P. p. morio and P. abelii. These data indicate that P. p. morio and P. p. wurmbii are better suited to resisting large and/or frequent jaw loads than P. abelii. Using these results, I evaluated mandibular morphology in P. p. pygmaeus, a Bornean orangutan population whose behavioral ecology is poorly known. Pongo p. pygmaeus generally exhibits relatively greater load resistance capabilities than P. abelii, but less than P. p. morio. These results suggest that P. p. pygmaeus may consume greater amounts of tougher and/or more obdurate foods than P. abelii, and that consumption of such foods may intensify amongst Bornean orangutan populations. Finally, data from this study are used to evaluate variation in craniomandibular morphology in Khoratpithecus piriyai, possibly the earliest relative of Pongo from the late Miocene of Thailand, and the late Pleistocene Hoa Binh subfossil orangutan recovered from Vietnam. With the exception of a relatively thicker M(3) mandibular corpus, K. piriyai has jaw proportions that would be expected for an extant orangutan of comparable jaw size. Likewise, the Hoa Binh subfossil does not differ in skull proportions from extant Pongo, independent of the effects of increase in jaw size. These results indicate that differences in skull and mandibular proportions between these fossil and subfossil orangutans and extant Pongo are allometric. Furthermore, the ability of K. piriyai to resist jaw loads appears to have been comparable to that of extant orangutans. However, the similarity in jaw proportions between P. abelii and K. piriyai suggest the latter may have been dietarily more similar to Sumatran orangutans.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate alterations in the reproduction induced by acanthellae and cystacanths of the acanthocephalans Acanthocephalus tumescens and Corynosoma sp. in the amphipod Hyalella patagonica from Lake Mascardi. Specimens of H. patagonica were separated in two categories: paired amphipods (joined specimens during precopulatory mate guarding period until fertilization) and unpaired amphipods (alone specimens). Different analyses were performed: first with paired (n = 406) and unpaired (n = 375) amphipods, and second only with female amphipods (n = 1949), that were classified into three categories (without internal oocytes and eggs, only with internal oocytes, and with eggs). Also, carotenoid extraction was performed of amphipods uninfected (n = 75) and infected (n = 105) by cystacanths of Corynosoma sp. Unpaired amphipods had significantly higher prevalence of cystacanths of both acanthocephalan species than paired ones; but such differences were not found in prevalence of acanthellae. Female amphipods without internal oocytes and eggs showed significantly higher prevalence of cystacanths of both acanthocephalan species than the two other female categories; while females with eggs had significantly higher prevalence of A. tumescens acanthellae. Amphipods infected by Corynosoma sp. showed lower carotenoid concentration than uninfected ones. In Lake Mascardi, there is indirect evidence of both reduced mating success and female fecundity of H. patagonica provoked by both cystacanths species (A. tumescens and Corynosoma sp.). However, infections by acanthellae seem to have no effects.  相似文献   

The stout razor clam Tagelus plebeius (Bivalvia, Psammobiidae) has a wide geographic distribution range, including the Brazilian coasts from the northeast (Alagoas) to the south (Santa Catarina). In March 2008, an episode of mass T. plebeius mortality (70%) occurred in an intertidal bed at The Pontal da Daniela, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. We report here high prevalences (to 100%) of the trematode parasite Parvatrema sp. Cable, 1953 (Digenea, Gymnophallidae) infecting T. plebeius at high intensities. We describe the gymnophalid, echinostomatid and unidentified metacercariae parasites infecting the clam and the host reactions elicited by them. The use of special diagnostic techniques such as Ray’s fluid thioglycollate medium (RFTM) and PCR assays to detect Perkinsus sp. pathogens, hemolymph cytology, and histopathological examinations did not show Perkinsus sp. infections, microcell infections, or neoplastic conditions. However, neither infections or pathology caused by trematode parasites; nor any other pathological condition could be uniquely correlated with the mortality event. A coincident flash flood might have contributed to cause the mortality episode. This is the first report of the Parvatrema sp. metacercariae larvae infecting the stout razor clam T. plebeius from Brazil.  相似文献   

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