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The present study investigates the molecular characteristics of cerebral Echinococcus cysts. A total of 10 specimens of cerebral Echinococcus cysts, including six formalin-fixed paraffin blocks and four intact cerebral cysts, were used for this study. The target DNA was successfully amplified from eight samples and sequenced. BLAST analysis indicated that sequenced isolates belong to the Echinococcus granulosus (G6) genotype. All of the eight sampled brain cysts belonged to the G6 genotype, while all of the eight liver cysts belonged to G1. This is a strong indication that G6 has a higher affinity for the human brain than G1.  相似文献   

Cell cultures of parasitic helminths are an invaluable tool for investigations of basic biological processes, as well as for development of improved chemotherapeutic agents and molecular interactions between host and parasite. We carried out a simple and efficient methodology to isolate Echinococcus granulosus germinal cells which were maintained for at least 4 months while cultivated in the presence of reducing agents and hormones. Microscopic analysis of the primary cell culture revealed the presence of cells with similar Echinococcus germinal cell morphology and behaviour. Population doubling time was estimated at 48 h, showing a rapid division rate. To discard possible host contamination, the specificity of the primary culture was tested by nested PCR, analyzing mdh gene expression and obtaining only one product with the expected size. We also studied the expression of specific E. granulosus proteins in primary cell culture. The novel and systematized method described here constitutes a powerful tool for investigations in cystic echinococcosis on biochemical and biological aspects related to the life cycle of the parasite and mechanisms of host-parasite interactions. This method also constitutes a powerful tool for the design of more efficient therapeutic alternatives.  相似文献   

In autumn 2006, a study of the age-dynamics of Echinococcus granulosus cyst abundance was undertaken from an abattoir study of 1081 sheep slaughtered in Naryn Province in central Kyrgyzstan, an area endemic for echinococcosis. The results demonstrated approximately 64% of sheep were infected with the prevalence increasing markedly with age. The mean abundance was 3.8 cysts per sheep. From established models, an infection pressure of 1.33 cysts per year was estimated. In addition all cysts were recovered from infected sheep and the numbers of protoscoleces was evaluated in each cyst. A new model was developed that examined the variation in numbers of protoscoleces per infected sheep with age. This demonstrated that young sheep aged 1-2 years had very few protoscoleces, but there was a massive increase as the sheep aged. The best-fitting model assumed that the number of protoscoleces in a sheep was proportional to the volume of the cysts. In this model, the radius of the individual cyst increased linearly with the age of the cyst and hence the volume increased with the cube of the cyst age. This combined with the linear increase in numbers of cysts with age resulted in a massive accumulation of protoscoleces with the age of sheep. When the model was parameterised it demonstrated that 80% of protoscoleces were present in sheep aged 4 years and older and this represented just 28% sheep slaughtered. An average sheep at 6 or more years of age has an abundance of over 9700 protoscoleces, whilst in a young sheep of 1 year of age an average of just 16 protoscoleces could be found. The average for the sampled population across all ages was 1562 protoscoleces per sheep. The maximum number of protoscoleces in a single cyst was just 482 for sheep aged 1 year rising to 92,000 for sheep aged 6 years or older. The mean volume of cysts containing protoscoleces increased from approximately 0.7 ml at 1 year of age to 8.8 ml at 6 years of age. Cysts containing protoscoleces ranged from a diameter of 0.5-8 cm with a volume of fluid ranging from 0.2 to 50 ml. It is hypothesised that removal of old sheep through a culling programme could substantially improve the control of cystic echinococcosis.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in intracellular calcium levels generate signalling events and regulate different cellular processes. Whilst the implication of Ca2+ in plant responses during arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) interactions is well documented, nothing is known about the regulation or role of this secondary messenger in the fungal symbiont. The spatio-temporal expression pattern of putatively Ca2+-related genes of Glomus intraradices BEG141 encoding five proteins involved in membrane transport and one nuclear protein kinase, was investigated during the AM symbiosis. Expression profiles related to successful colonization of host roots were observed in interactions of G. intraradices with roots of wild-type Medicago truncatula (line J5) compared to the mycorrhiza-defective mutant dmi3/Mtsym13. Symbiotic fungal activity was monitored using stearoyl-CoA desaturase and phosphate transporter genes. Laser microdissection based-mapping of fungal gene expression in mycorrhizal root tissues indicated that the Ca2+-related genes were differentially upregulated in arbuscules and/or in intercellular hyphae. The spatio-temporal variations in gene expression suggest that the encoded proteins may have different functions in fungal development or function during symbiosis development. Full-length cDNA obtained for two genes with interesting expression profiles confirmed a close similarity with an endoplasmic reticulum P-type ATPase and a Vcx1-like vacuolar Ca2+ ion transporter functionally characterized in other fungi and involved in the regulation of cell calcium pools. Possible mechanisms are discussed in which Ca2+-related proteins G. intraradices BEG141 may play a role in mobilization and perception of the intracellular messenger by the AM fungus during symbiotic interactions with host roots.  相似文献   

In Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes, the surface-associated and highly glycosylated laminated layer, and molecules associated with this structure, is believed to be involved in modulating the host-parasite interface. We report on the molecular and functional characterisation of E. multilocularis phosphoglucose isomerase (EmPGI), which is a component of this laminated layer. The EmPGI amino acid sequence is virtually identical to that of its homologue in Echinococcus granulosus, and shares 64% identity and 86% similarity with human PGI. Mammalian PGI is a multi-functional protein which, besides its glycolytic function, can also act as a cytokine, growth factor and inducer of angiogenesis, and plays a role in tumour growth, development and metastasis formation. Recombinant EmPGI (recEmPGI) is also functionally active as a glycolytic enzyme and was found to be present, besides the laminated layer, in vesicle fluid and in germinal layer cell extracts. EmPGI is released from metacestodes and induces a humoral immune response in experimentally infected mice, and vaccination of mice with recEmPGI renders these mice more resistant towards secondary challenge infection, indicating that EmPGI plays an important role in parasite development and/or in modulating the host-parasite relationship. We show that recEmPGI stimulates the growth of isolated E. multilocularis germinal layer cells in vitro and selectively stimulates the proliferation of bovine adrenal cortex endothelial cells but not of human fibroblasts and rat hepatocytes. Thus, besides its role in glycolysis, EmPGI could also act as a factor that stimulates parasite growth and potentially induces the formation of novel blood vessels around the developing metacestode in vivo.  相似文献   

Populus is an important bioenergy crop for bioethanol production. A greater understanding of cell wall biosynthesis processes is critical in reducing biomass recalcitrance, a major hindrance in efficient generation of biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass. Here, we report the identification of candidate cell wall biosynthesis genes through the development and application of a novel bioinformatics pipeline. As a first step, via text-mining of PubMed publications, we obtained 121 Arabidopsis genes that had the experimental evidence supporting their involvement in cell wall biosynthesis or remodeling. The 121 genes were then used as bait genes to query an Arabidopsis co-expression database, and additional genes were identified as neighbors of the bait genes in the network, increasing the number of genes to 548. The 548 Arabidopsis genes were then used to re-query the Arabidopsis co-expression database and re-construct a network that captured additional network neighbors, expanding to a total of 694 genes. The 694 Arabidopsis genes were computationally divided into 22 clusters. Queries of the Populus genome using the Arabidopsis genes revealed 817 Populus orthologs. Functional analysis of gene ontology and tissue-specific gene expression indicated that these Arabidopsis and Populus genes are high likelihood candidates for functional characterization in relation to cell wall biosynthesis.  相似文献   

In order to broaden the available genetic variation of melon, we developed an ethyl methanesulfonate mutation library in an orange-flesh ‘Charentais’ type melon line that accumulates β-carotene. One mutagenized M2 family segregated for a novel recessive trait, a yellow–orange fruit flesh (‘yofI’). HPLC analysis revealed that ‘yofI’ accumulates pro-lycopene (tetra-cis-lycopene) as its major fruit pigment. The altered carotenoid composition of ‘yofI’ is associated with a significant change of the fruit aroma since cleavage of β-carotene yields different apocarotenoids than the cleavage of pro-lycopene. Normally, pro-lycopene is further isomerized by CRTISO (carotenoid isomerase) to yield all-trans-lycopene, which is further cyclized to β-carotene in melon fruit. Cloning and sequencing of ‘yofI’ CRTISO identified two mRNA sequences which lead to truncated forms of CRTISO. Sequencing of the genomic CRTISO identified an A–T transversion in ‘yofI’ which leads to a premature STOP codon. The early carotenoid pathway genes were up regulated in yofI fruit causing accumulation of other intermediates such as phytoene and ζ-carotene. Total carotenoid levels are only slightly increased in the mutant. Mutants accumulating pro-lycopene have been reported in both tomato and watermelon fruits, however, this is the first report of a non-lycopene accumulating fruit showing this phenomenon.  相似文献   

We have isolated and in silico characterized a cold regulated plastocyanin encoding gene from Lepidium latifolium L designated as LlaDRT. Its cDNA sequence (JN214346) consists of a 504 bp ORF, 48 and 205 bp of 5′ and 3′ UTR regions, respectively encoding a protein of 17.07 KDa and pI 4.95. In silico and phylogenetic analysis of LlaDRT suggested that the protein has features of a typical plastocyanin family member and of a nearest relative of the predominant isoform of Arabidopsis (PETE2) plastocyanin. Validation of stress response of LlaDRT by qPCR under different abiotic stress regulators viz salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, calcium chloride, ethylene and abscisic acid revealed its possible regulation and crosstalk amongst different pathways.  相似文献   

Target of rapamycin (TOR) kinase is an evolutionarily conserved master regulator that integrates energy, nutrients, growth factors, and stress signals to promote survival and growth in all eukaryotes. The reported land plant resistance to rapamycin and the embryo lethality of the Arabidopsis tor mutants have hindered functional dissection of TOR signaling in plants. We developed sensitive cellular and seedling assays to monitor endogenous Arabidopsis TOR activity based on its conserved S6 kinase (S6K) phosphorylation. Surprisingly, rapamycin effectively inhibits Arabidopsis TOR-S6K1 signaling and retards glucose-mediated root and leaf growth, mimicking estradiol-inducible tor mutants. Rapamycin inhibition is relieved in transgenic plants deficient in Arabidopsis FK506-binding protein 12 (FKP12), whereas FKP12 overexpression dramatically enhances rapamycin sensitivity. The role of Arabidopsis FKP12 is highly specific as overexpression of seven closely related FKP proteins fails to increase rapamycin sensitivity. Rapamycin exerts TOR inhibition by inducing direct interaction between the TOR-FRB (FKP-rapamycin binding) domain and FKP12 in plant cells. We suggest that variable endogenous FKP12 protein levels may underlie the molecular explanation for longstanding enigmatic observations on inconsistent rapamycin resistance in plants and in various mammalian cell lines or diverse animal cell types. Integrative analyses with rapamycin and conditional tor and fkp12 mutants also reveal a central role of glucose-TOR signaling in root hair formation. Our studies demonstrate the power of chemical genetic approaches in the discovery of previously unknown and pivotal functions of glucose-TOR signaling in governing the growth of cotyledons, true leaves, petioles, and primary and secondary roots and root hairs.  相似文献   

The FK506 binding proteins (FKBPs) are abundant and ubiquitous proteins belonging to the large peptidyl-prolylcis-trans isomerase superfamily. FKBPs are known to be involved in many biological processes including hormone signaling, plant growth, and stress responses through a chaperone or an isomerization of proline residues during protein folding. The availability of complete strawberry genome sequences allowed the identification of 23 FKBP genes by HMMER and blast analysis. Chromosome scaffold locations of these FKBP genes in the strawberry genome were determined and the protein domain and motif organization of FaFKBPs analyzed. The phylogenetic relationships between strawberry FKBPs were also assessed. The expression profiles of FaFKBPs genes results revealed that most FaFKBPs were expressed in all tissues, while a few FaFKBPs were specifically expressed in some of the tissues. These data not only contribute to some better understanding of the complex regulation of the strawberry FKBP gene family, but also provide valuable information for further research in strawberry functional genomics.  相似文献   

采用RT-PCR技术从毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)叶片中克隆到1个PsbS基因,命名为PePsbS (GenBank No. FJ600727),其编码区为810 bp,编码269个氨基酸。序列分析表明,PePsbS编码的蛋白与其它单子叶植物的PsbS蛋白有很高的相似性。蛋白结构分析表明,PePsbS基因编码蛋白包含导肽部分和成熟蛋白,其中成熟蛋白包含4个跨膜结构域。将PePsbS基因编码成熟蛋白的序列构建到原核表达载体pET23a中,并转入大肠杆菌,用IPTG进行诱导表达。结果表明, 41℃下诱导4 h的表达效果最好,目的蛋白含量约占总蛋白的21.5%,分子量约为22.0 kD。这说明温度和诱导时间明显影响PePsbS基因的表达。  相似文献   



Legumes establish with rhizobial bacteria a nitrogen-fixing symbiosis which is of the utmost importance for both plant nutrition and a sustainable agriculture. Calcium is known to act as a key intracellular messenger in the perception of symbiotic signals by both the host plant and the microbial partner. Regulation of intracellular free Ca2+ concentration, which is a fundamental prerequisite for any Ca2+-based signalling system, is accomplished by complex mechanisms including Ca2+ binding proteins acting as Ca2+ buffers. In this work we investigated the occurrence of Ca2+ binding proteins in Mesorhizobium loti, the specific symbiotic partner of the model legume Lotus japonicus.


A soluble, low molecular weight protein was found to share several biochemical features with the eukaryotic Ca2+-binding proteins calsequestrin and calreticulin, such as Stains-all blue staining on SDS-PAGE, an acidic isoelectric point and a Ca2+-dependent shift of electrophoretic mobility. The protein was purified to homogeneity by an ammonium sulfate precipitation procedure followed by anion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Cellulose and electroendosmotic preparative electrophoresis. The Ca2+ binding ability of the M. loti protein was demonstrated by 45Ca2+-overlay assays. ESI-Q-TOF MS/MS analyses of the peptides generated after digestion with either trypsin or endoproteinase AspN identified the rhizobial protein as ferredoxin II and confirmed the presence of Ca2+ adducts.


The present data indicate that ferredoxin II is a major Ca2+ binding protein in M. loti that may participate in Ca2+ homeostasis and suggest an evolutionarily ancient origin for protein-based Ca2+ regulatory systems.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12866-015-0352-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The FKBP protein family has prolyl isomerase activity and is related in function to cyclophilins. FKBPs are known to be involved in many biological processes including hormone signaling, plant growth, and stress responses through a chaperone or an isomerization of proline residues during protein folding. The availability of complete peach genome sequences allowed the identification of 21 FKBP genes by HMMER and BLAST analyses. Scaffold locations of these FKBP genes in the peach genome were determined and the protein domain and motif organization of peach FKBPs were analyzed. The phylogenetic relationships between peach FKBPs were also assessed. The expression profiles of peach FKBP gene results revealed that most peach FKBPs were expressed in all tissues, while a few peach FKBPs were specifically expressed in some of the tissues. This data could contribute to better understanding of the complex regulation of the peach FKBP gene family, and also provide valuable information for further research in peach functional genomics.  相似文献   

Multiheme cytochromes c have been found in a number of sulfate- and metal ion-reducing bacteria. Geobacter sulfurreducens is one of a family of microorganisms that oxidize organic compounds, with Fe(III) oxide as the terminal electron acceptor. A triheme 9.6 kDa cytochrome c7 from G. sulfurreducens is a part of the metal ion reduction pathway. We cloned the gene for cytochrome c7 and expressed it in Escherichiacoli together with the cytochrome c maturation gene cluster, ccmABCDEFGH, on a separate plasmid. We designed two constructs, with and without an N-terminal His-tag. The untagged version provided a good yield (up to 6 mg/l of aerobic culture) of the fully matured protein, with all three hemes attached, while the N-terminal His-tag appeared to be detrimental for proper heme incorporation. The recombinant protein (untagged) is properly folded, it has the same molecular weight and displays the same absorption spectra, both in reduced and in oxidized forms, as the protein isolated from G. sulfurreducens and it is capable of reducing metal ions in vitro. The shape parameters for the recombinant cytochrome c7 determined by small angle X-ray scattering are in good agreement with the ones calculated from a homologous cytochrome c7 of known structure.  相似文献   

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