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The single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) are vital to virtually all DNA functions. Here, we report on the biochemical properties of SSB from a fast-growing mycobacteria, Mycobacterium smegmatis, and the interaction of the homotetrameric SSBs with uracil DNA glycosylases (UDGs) from M. smegmatis (Msm), Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtu) and Escherichia coli (Eco). UDG is a crucial DNA repair enzyme, which removes the promutagenic uracil residues. MsmSSB stimulates activity of the homologous Msm UDG and of the heterologous Mtu-, and Eco-UDGs. On the contrary, while the MtuSSB stimulates the Mtu UDG, it inhibits the other two UDGs. Although the MsmSSB shares 84% identity with MtuSSB, the two are strikingly different, in that MsmSSB contains a glycine-rich segment (11 out of 13 residues) in the spacer connecting the N-terminal DNA-binding domain with the C-terminal acidic tail. While the DNA-binding properties of MsmSSB, such as its affinity to oligomeric DNA, requirement of minimum size DNA and the modes of interaction are indistinguishable from those of Eco-, and Mtu-SSBs, it is unclear if the glycine-rich segment confers structural advantage to MsmSSB, responsible for its stimulatory effect on all UDGs tested. More importantly, by using a small polypeptide inhibitor of UDGs, and the deletion mutants of SSBs, we suggest that the C-terminal acidic tail of the SSBs interacts within the DNA-binding groove of the UDGs, and propose a role for SSBs in the recruitment of UDGs to the damaged DNA.  相似文献   

The DNA repair enzyme uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) catalyzes the hydrolysis of premutagenic uracil residues from single-stranded or duplex DNA, producing free uracil and abasic DNA. Here we report the high-resolution crystal structures of free UDG from Escherichia coli strain B (1.60 A), its complex with uracil (1.50 A), and a second active-site complex with glycerol (1.43 A). These represent the first high-resolution structures of a prokaryotic UDG to be reported. The overall structure of the E. coli enzyme is more similar to the human UDG than the herpes virus enzyme. Significant differences between the bacterial and viral structures are seen in the side-chain positions of the putative general-acid (His187) and base (Asp64), similar to differences previously observed between the viral and human enzymes. In general, the active-site loop that contains His187 appears preorganized in comparison with the viral and human enzymes, requiring smaller substrate-induced conformational changes to bring active-site groups into catalytic position. These structural differences may be related to the large differences in the mechanism of uracil recognition used by the E. coli and viral enzymes. The pH dependence of k(cat) for wild-type UDG and the D64N and H187Q mutant enzymes is consistent with general-base catalysis by Asp64, but provides no evidence for a general-acid catalyst. The catalytic mechanism of UDG is critically discussed with respect to these results.  相似文献   

Uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG), which is a critical enzyme in DNA base-excision repair that recognizes and removes uracil from DNA, is specifically and irreversably inhibited by the thermostable uracil-DNA glycosylase inhibitor protein (Ugi). A paradox for the highly specific Ugi inhibition of UDG is how Ugi can successfully mimic DNA backbone interactions for UDG without resulting in significant cross-reactivity with numerous other enzymes that possess DNA backbone binding affinity. High-resolution X-ray crystal structures of Ugi both free and in complex with wild-type and the functionally defective His187Asp mutant Escherichia coli UDGs reveal the detailed molecular basis for duplex DNA backbone mimicry by Ugi. The overall shape and charge distribution of Ugi most closely resembles a midpoint in a trajectory between B-form DNA and the kinked DNA observed in UDG:DNA product complexes. Thus, Ugi targets the mechanism of uracil flipping by UDG and appears to be a transition-state mimic for UDG-flipping of uracil nucleotides from DNA. Essentially all the exquisite shape, electrostatic and hydrophobic complementarity for the high-affinity UDG-Ugi interaction is pre-existing, except for a key flip of the Ugi Gln19 carbonyl group and Glu20 side-chain, which is triggered by the formation of the complex. Conformational changes between unbound Ugi and Ugi complexed with UDG involve the beta-zipper structural motif, which we have named for the reversible pairing observed between intramolecular beta-strands. A similar beta-zipper is observed in the conversion between the open and closed forms of UDG. The combination of extremely high levels of pre-existing structural complementarity to DNA binding features specific to UDG with key local conformational changes in Ugi resolves the UDG-Ugi paradox and suggests a potentially general structural solution to the formation of very high affinity DNA enzyme-inhibitor complexes that avoid cross- reactivity.  相似文献   

Uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) specifically removes uracil bases from DNA, and its repair activity determines the sensitivity of the cell to anticancer agents that are capable of introducing uracil into DNA. In the present study, the participation of UDG in the response to pemetrexed-induced incorporation of uracil into DNA was studied using isogenic human tumor cell lines with or without UDG (UDG+/+/UDG−/−). UDG−/− cells were very sensitive to pemetrexed. Cell killing by pemetrexed was associated with genomic uracil accumulation, stalled DNA replication, and catastrophic DNA strand breaks. By contrast, UDG+/+ cells were >10 times more resistant to pemetrexed due to the rapid removal of uracil from DNA by UDG and subsequent repair of the resultant AP sites (abasic sites) via the base excision repair (BER). The resistance to pemetrexed in UDG+/+ cells could be reversed by the addition of methoxyamine (MX), which binds to AP sites and interrupts BER pathway. Furthermore, MX-bound AP sites induced cell death was related to their cytotoxic effect of dual inactivation of UDG and topoisomerase IIα, two genes that are highly expressed in lung cancer cells in comparison with normal cells. Thus, targeting BER-based therapy exhibits more selective cytotoxicity on cancer cells through a synthetic lethal mechanism.  相似文献   

The minor coat protein pIII at one end of the filamentous bacteriophage fd, mediates the infection of Escherichia coli cells displaying an F-pilus. pIII has three domains (D1, D2 and D3), terminating with a short hydrophobic segment at the C-terminal end. Domain D2 binds to the tip of F-pilus, which is followed by retraction of the pilus and penetration of the E. coli cell membrane, the latter involving an interaction between domain D1 and the TolA protein in the membrane. Surface residues on the D2 domain of pIII were replaced systematically with alanine. Mutant virions were screened for D2-pilus interaction in vivo by measuring the release of infectious virions from E. coli F(+) cells infected with the mutants. A competitive ELISA was developed to measure in vitro the ability of mutant phages to bind to purified pili. This allowed the identification of amino acid residues involved in binding to F and to EDP208 pili. These residues were found to cluster on the outer rim of the 3D structure of the D2 domain, unexpectedly identifying this as the F-pilus binding region on the pIII protein.  相似文献   

Excision of uracil from tetraloop hairpins and single stranded ('unstructured') oligodeoxyribonucleotides by Escherichia coli uracil DNA glycosylase has been investigated. We show that, compared with a single stranded reference substrate, uracil from the first, second, third and the fourth positions of the loops is excised with highly variable efficiencies of 3.21, 0.37, 5.9 and 66.8%, respectively. More importantly, inclusion of E.coli single stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) in the reactions resulted in approximately 7-140-fold increase in the efficiency of uracil excision from the first, second or the third position in the loop but showed no significant effect on its excision from the fourth position. In contrast, the presence of SSB decreased uracil excision from the single stranded ('unstructured') substrates approximately 2-3-fold. The kinetic studies show that the increased efficiency of uracil release from the first, second and the third positions of the tetraloops is due to a combination of both the improved substrate binding and a large increase in the catalytic rates. On the other hand, the decreased efficiency of uracil release from the single stranded substrates ('unstructured') is mostly due to the lowering of the catalytic rates. Chemical probing with KMnO4showed that the presence of SSB resulted in the reduction of cleavage of the nucleotides in the vicinity of dUMP residue in single stranded substrates but their increased susceptibility in the hairpin substrates. We discuss these results to propose that excision of uracil from DNA-SSB complexes by uracil DNA glycosylase involves base flipping. The use of SSB in the various applications of uracil DNA glycosylase is also discussed.  相似文献   

Uracil, a promutagenic base, arises in DNA by spontaneous deamination of cytosine or by the malfunctioning of DNA polymerases. To maintain the genomic integrity, cells possess a highly conserved base excision repair enzyme, uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG). UDGs have a notably high turnover number and strict specificity for uracil in DNA. UDGs are inhibited by a small proteinaceous inhibitor, Ugi, which acts as a transition state substrate mimic. Crystal structure studies have identified the residues crucial in catalysis, and in their interaction with Ugi. Here, we report on the mutational analyses of D64 (D64H and D64N) and H187 (H187C, H187L and H187R) in the active site pocket of Escherichia coli UDG. The mutants were compromised in uracil excision by approximately 200-25,000 fold when compared to the native protein. In contrast, our analysis of the in vivo formed UDG-Ugi complexes on urea gels shows that D64 and H187 contribute minimally to the interaction of the two proteins. Thus, our findings provide further evidence to the primary function of D64 and H187 in catalysis.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) catalyzes the hydrolysis of premutagenic uracil bases in DNA by flipping the deoxyuridine from the DNA helix [Stivers, J. T., et al. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 952]. A general acid-base mechanism has been proposed whereby His187 facilitates leaving group departure by protonating the O2 of uracil and Asp64 activates a water molecule for nucleophilic attack at C1' of the deoxyribose. Detailed kinetic studies on the H187Q, H187A, and D64N mutant enzymes indicate that Asp64 and His187 stabilize the chemical transition state by 5.3 and 4.8 kcal/mol, respectively, with little effect on substrate or product binding. The pH dependence of k(cat) for wild-type and H187Q UDG indicates that an unprotonated group in the enzyme-substrate complex (pK(a) = 6.2 +/- 0.2) is required for catalysis. This unprotonated group has a small DeltaH of ionization (-0.4 +/- 1.7 kcal/mol) and is absent in the pH profile for D64N UDG, suggesting that it corresponds to the general base Asp64. The pH dependence of k(cat) for wild-type, H187Q, and D64N UDG shows no evidence for an essential protonated group over the pH range of 5.5-10. Hence, the pK(a) of His187 must be outside this pH range if it serves as an electrophilic catalyst. These results support a mechanism in which Asp64 serves as the general base and His187 acts as a neutral electrophile, stabilizing a developing negative charge on uracil O2 in the transition state. In the following paper of this issue we establish by crystallography and heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy that the imidazole of His187 is neutral during the catalytic cycle of UDG.  相似文献   

Wu  Hong  Liu  Xiang-Qin 《Plant molecular biology》1997,34(2):339-343
The Guillardia theta chloroplast hlpA gene encodes a protein resembling bacterial histone-like protein HU. This gene was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli cells, and the resulting protein product, HlpA, was purified and characterized in vitro. In addition to exhibiting a general DNA-binding activity, the chloroplast HlpA protein also strongly facilitated cyclization of a short DNA fragment in the presence of T4 DNA ligase, indicating its ability to mediate very tight DNA curvatures.  相似文献   

The structure of native and modified uracil DNA glycosylase from E. coli in solution was studied by synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering. The modified enzyme (6His-uracyl DNA glycosylase) differs from the native one by the presence of an additional N-terminal 11-meric sequence amino acid residues including a block of six His residues. It was found that the conformations of these enzymes in solution at moderate ionic strength (60 mM NaCI) substantially differ in spite of minimal differences in the amino acid sequences and functional activity. The structure of native uracil DNA glycosylase in solution is close to that in crystal, showing a tendency for association. The interaction of this enzyme with nonhydrolyzable analogues of DNA ligands causes a partial dissociation of associates and a compactization of protein structure. At the same time, 6His-uracyl DNA glycosylase has a compact structure essentially different from the crystal one. A decrease in the ionic strength of solution results in a partial disruption of compact structure of the modified protein, without changes in its functional activity.  相似文献   

Uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG), a key highly conserved DNA repair enzyme involved in uracil excision repair, was discovered in Escherichia coli . The Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage, PBS-1 and PBS-2, which contain dUMP residues in their DNA, express a UDG inhibitor protein, Ugi which binds to UDG very tightly to form a physiologically irreversible complex. The X-ray analysis of the E. coli UDG ( Ec UDG)-Ugi complex at 3.2 A resolution, leads to the first structure elucidation of a bacterial UDG molecule. This structure is similar to the enzymes from human and viral sources. A comparison of the available structures involving UDG permits the delineation of the constant and the variable regions of the molecule. Structural comparison and mutational analysis also indicate that the mode of action of the enzyme from these sources are the same. The crystal structure shows a remarkable spatial conservation of the active site residues involved in DNA binding in spite of significant differences in the structure of the enzyme-inhibitor complex, in comparison with those from the mammalian and viral sources. Ec UDG could serve as a prototype for UDGs from pathogenic prokaryotes, and provide a framework for possible drug development against such pathogens with emphasis on features of the molecule that differ from those in the human enzyme.  相似文献   

Brian Sauer  Nancy Henderson 《Gene》1988,70(2):331-341
The efficiency with which linearized plasmid DNA can transform competent Escherichia coli can be significantly increased by use of the Cre-lox site-specific recombination system of phage P1. Linear plasmid molecules containing directly repeated loxP sites (lox2 plasmids) are cyclized in Cre+ E. coli strains after introduction either by transformation or by mini-Mu transduction, Exonuclease V activity of the RecBC enzyme inhibits efficient cyclization of linearized lox2 plasmids after transformation. By use of E. coli mutants which lack exonuclease V activity, Cre-mediated cyclization results in transformation efficiencies for linearized lox2 plasmids identical to those obtained with covalently closed circular plasmid DNA. Moreover, Cre+ E. coli recBC strains allow the efficient recovery of lox2 plasmids integrated within large linear DNA molecules such as the 150-kb genome of pseudorabies virus.  相似文献   

Efficient DNA replication involves coordinated interactions among DNA polymerase, multiple factors, and the DNA. From bacteriophage T4 to eukaryotes, these factors include a helicase to unwind the DNA ahead of the replication fork, a single-stranded binding protein (SSB) to bind to the ssDNA on the lagging strand, and a helicase loader that associates with the fork, helicase, and SSB. The previously reported structure of the helicase loader in the T4 system, gene product (gp)59, has revealed an N-terminal domain, which shares structural homology with the high mobility group (HMG) proteins from eukaryotic organisms. Modeling of this structure with fork DNA has suggested that the HMG-like domain could bind to the duplex DNA ahead of the fork, whereas the C-terminal portion of gp59 would provide the docking sites for helicase (T4 gp41), SSB (T4 gp32), and the ssDNA fork arms. To test this model, we have used random and targeted mutagenesis to generate mutations throughout gp59. We have assayed the ability of the mutant proteins to bind to fork, primed fork, and ssDNAs, to interact with SSB, to stimulate helicase activity, and to function in leading and lagging strand DNA synthesis. Our results provide strong biochemical support for the role of the N-terminal gp59 HMG motif in fork binding and the interaction of the C-terminal portion of gp59 with helicase and SSB. Our results also suggest that processive replication may involve the switching of gp59 between its interactions with helicase and SSB.  相似文献   

Here, we report the molecular characterization of the human cytomegalovirus uracil DNA glycosylase (UNG) UL114. Purified UL114 was shown to be a DNA glycosylase, which removes uracil from double-stranded and single-stranded DNA. However, kinetic analysis has shown that viral UNG removed uracil more slowly compared with the core form of human UNG (Δ84hUNG), which has a catalytic efficiency (kcat/KM) 350- to 650-fold higher than that of UL114. Furthermore, UL114 showed a maximum level of DNA glycosylase activity at equimolar concentrations of the viral polymerase processivity factor UL44. Next, UL114 was coprecipitated with DNA immobilized to magnetic beads only in the presence of UL44, suggesting that UL44 facilitated the loading of UL114 on DNA. Moreover, mutant analysis demonstrated that the C-terminal part of UL44 (residues 291-433) is important for the interplay with UL114. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that UL44 and UL114 colocalized in numerous small punctuate foci at the immediate-early (5 and 8 hpi) phases of infection and that these foci grew in size throughout the infection. Furthermore, coimmunoprecipitation assays with cellular extracts of infected cells confirmed that UL44 associated with UL114. Finally, the nuclear concentration of UL114 was estimated to be 5- to 10-fold higher than that of UL44 in infected cells, which indicated a UL44-independent role of UL114. In summary, our data have demonstrated a catalytically inefficient viral UNG that was highly enriched in viral replication foci, thus supporting an important role of UL114 in replication rather than repair of the viral genome.  相似文献   

Single-strand-selective monofunctional uracil DNA glycosylase (SMUG1) belongs to Family 3 of the uracil DNA glycosylase (UDG) superfamily. Here, we report that a bacterial SMUG1 ortholog in Geobacter metallireducens (Gme) and the human SMUG1 enzyme are not only UDGs but also xanthine DNA glycosylases (XDGs). In addition, mutational analysis and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of Gme SMUG1 identify important structural determinants in conserved motifs 1 and 2 for XDG and UDG activities. Mutations at M57 (M57L) and H210 (H210G, H210M, and H210N), both of which are involved in interactions with the C2 carbonyl oxygen in uracil or xanthine, cause substantial reductions in XDG and UDG activities. Increased selectivity is achieved in the A214R mutant of Gme SMUG1, which corresponds to a position involved in base flipping. This mutation results in an activity profile resembling a human SMUG1-like enzyme as exemplified by the retention of UDG activity on mismatched base pairs and weak XDG activity. MD simulations indicate that M57L increases the flexibility of the motif 2 loop region and specifically A214, which may account for the reduced catalytic activity. G60Y completely abolishes XDG and UDG activity, which is consistent with a modeled structure in which G60Y blocks the entry of either xanthine or uracil to the base binding pocket. Most interestingly, a proline substitution at the G63 position switches the Gme SMUG1 enzyme to an exclusive UDG as demonstrated by the uniform excision of uracil in both double-stranded and single-stranded DNA and the complete loss of XDG activity. MD simulations indicate that a combination of a reduced free volume and altered flexibility in the active-site loops may underlie the dramatic effects of the G63P mutation on the activity profile of SMUG1. This study offers insights on the important role that modulation of conformational flexibility may play in defining specificity and catalytic efficiency.  相似文献   

The ocr protein of bacteriophage T7 is a structural and electrostatic mimic of approximately 24 base pairs of double-stranded B-form DNA. As such, it inhibits all Type I restriction and modification (R/M) enzymes by blocking their DNA binding grooves and inactivates them. This allows the infection of the bacterial cell by T7 to proceed unhindered by the action of the R/M defence system. We have mutated aspartate and glutamate residues on the surface of ocr to investigate their contribution to the tight binding between the EcoKI Type I R/M enzyme and ocr. Contrary to expectations, all of the single and double site mutations of ocr constructed were active as anti-R/M proteins in vivo and in vitro indicating that the mimicry of DNA by ocr is very resistant to change.  相似文献   

Summary Flow cytometry was used to study initiation of DNA replication in Escherichia coli K12 after induced expression of a plasmid-borne dnaA + gene. When the dnaA gene was induced from either the plac or the pL promoter initiation was stimulated, as evidenced by an increase in the number of origins and in DNA content per mass unit. During prolonged growth under inducing conditions the origin and DNA content per mass unit were stabilized at levels significantly higher than those found before induction or in similarly treated control cells. The largest increase was observed when using the stronger promoter pL compared to plac. Synchrony of initiation was reasonably well maintained with elevated DnaA protein concentrations, indicating that simultaneous initiation of all origins was still preferred under these conditions. A reduced rate of replication fork movement was found in the presence of rifampin when the DnaA protein was overproduced. We conclude that increased synthesis levels or increased concentrations of the DnaA protein stimulate initiation of DNA replication. The data suggest that the DnaA protein may be the limiting factor for initiation under normal physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Crystals of the Escherichia coli replication terminator protein (Tus) complexed with its binding site DNA were obtained by a microdialysis method using PEG 4000. They belong to the tetragonal space group P41212 or P43212 with the unit cell parameter: a = 68.1 Å, c = 230.7 Å and contain one protein-DNA complex in an asymmetric unit. The native data set has been collected to 2.7 Å resolution.  相似文献   

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