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The uptake system for beta-lactam antibiotics in the rabbit small intestine was investigated using brush-border membrane vesicles. After treatment of membrane vesicles with the reagent diethylpyrocarbonate (DEP), the uptake of orally active beta-lactam antibiotics with an alpha-amino group in the substituent at position 6 or 7 of the penam or cephem nucleus was significantly inhibited, whereas DEP-treatment had no inhibitory effect on the uptake of beta-lactam antibiotics without an alpha-amino group. The kinetic analysis revealed an apparent competitive inhibition indicating a decreased affinity of the transport system for alpha-amino-beta-lactam antibiotics. Substrates of the intestinal dipeptide transport system - dipeptides and alpha-amino-beta-lactam antibiotics - could protect the transport system from irreversible inhibition by DEP, whereas beta-lactam antibiotics without an alpha-amino group as well as amino acids or bile acids had no effect. Incubation of DEP-treated vesicles with hydroxylamine led to a partial restoration of the transport activity indicating that DEP may have led to a modification of a histidine residue of the transport protein. From the data presented we conclude that a specific interaction of the alpha-amino group in the substituent at position 6 or 7 of the penam or cephem nucleus presumably with a histidine residue of the transport protein is involved in the translocation process of orally active alpha-amino-beta-lactam antibiotics across the intestinal brush-border membrane.  相似文献   

The uptake of beta-lactam antibiotics into small intestinal enterocytes occurs by the transport system for small peptides. The role of membrane-bound peptidases in the brush border membrane of enterocytes from rabbit and pig small intestine for the uptake of small peptides and beta-lactam antibiotics was investigated using brush border membrane vesicles. The enzymatic activity of aminopeptidase N was inhibited by beta-lactam antibiotics in a non-competitive manner whereas dipeptidylpeptidase IV was not affected. The peptidase inhibitor bestatin led to a strong competitive inhibition of aminopeptidase N whereas the uptake of cephalexin into brush border membrane vesicles was only slightly inhibited at high bestatin concentrations (greater than 1 mM). Modification of brush border membrane vesicles with the histidine-modifying reagent diethyl pyrocarbonate led to a strong irreversible inhibition of cephalexin uptake whereas the activity of aminopeptidase N remained unchanged. A modification of serine residues with diisopropyl fluorophosphate completely inactivated dipeptidylpeptidase IV whereas the transport activity for cephalexin and the enzymatic activity of aminopeptidase N were not influenced. With polyclonal antibodies raised against aminopeptidase N from pig renal microsomes the aminopeptidase N from solubilized brush border membranes from pig small intestine could be completely precipitated; the binding protein for beta-lactam antibiotics and oligopeptides of apparent Mr 127,000 identified by direct photoaffinity labeling with [3H]benzylpenicillin showed no crossreactivity with the aminopeptidase N anti serum and was not precipitated by the anti serum. These results clearly demonstrate that peptidases of the brush border membrane like aminopeptidase N and dipeptidylpeptidase IV are not directly involved in the intestinal uptake process for small peptides and beta-lactam antibiotics and are not a constituent of this transport system. This suggests that a membrane protein of Mr 127,000 is (a part of) the uptake system for beta-lactam antibiotics and small peptides in the brush border membrane of small intestinal enterocytes.  相似文献   

The interaction of beta-lactams with the purified mitochondrial carnitine/acylcarnitine transporter reconstituted in liposomes has been studied. Cefonicid, cefazolin, cephalothin, ampicillin, piperacillin externally added to the proteoliposomes, inhibited the carnitine/carnitine antiport catalysed by the reconstituted transporter. The most effective inhibitors were cefonicid and ampicillin with IC50 of 6.8 and 7.6mM, respectively. The other inhibitors exhibited IC50 values above 36 mM. Kinetic analysis performed with cefonicid and ampicillin revealed that the inhibition is completely competitive, i.e., the inhibitors interact with the substrate binding site. The Ki of the transporter is 4.9 mM for cefonicid and 9.9 mM for ampicillin. Cefonicid inhibited the transporter also on its internal side. The IC50 was 12.9 mM indicating that the inhibition was less pronounced than on the external side. Ampicillin and the other inhibitors were much less effective on the internal side. The beta-lactams were not transported by the carnitine/acylcarnitine transporter. Cephalosporins, and at much lower extent penicillins, caused irreversible inhibition of the transporter after prolonged time of incubation. The most effective among the tested antibiotics was cefonicid with IC50 of 0.12 mM after 60 h of incubation. The possible in vivo implications of the interaction of the beta-lactam antibiotics with the transporter are discussed.  相似文献   

The binding properties of 25 beta-lactam antibiotics to Bacillus megaterium membranes have been studied. The affinities of the antibiotics for the penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) are also reported. We found that PBP 4 has the highest affinity for nearly all the antibiotics studied whereas PBP 5 has the lowest affinity. Both PBP 4 and PBP 5 appear to be dispensable for the maintenance of bacterial growth and survival and appear to be DD-carboxypeptidases. Only the beta-lactam cefmetazol bound preferentially to PBP 5 and has been used to study the inhibition of DD-carboxypeptidase. Comparative studies with beta-lactam that simultaneously result in (a) binding to PBPs 1 and 3, (b) inhibition of cell growth and (c) lysis, stressed the importance of PBPs 1 and 3 for cell growth and survival.  相似文献   

The influence of chemical modification of functional amino acid side-chains in proteins on the H(+)-dependent uptake system for orally active alpha-amino-beta-lactam antibiotics and small peptides was investigated in brush-border membrane vesicles from rabbit small intestine. Neither a modification of cysteine residues by HgCl2, NEM, DTNB or PHMB and of vicinal thiol groups by PAO nor a modification of disulfide bonds by DTT showed any inhibition on the uptake of cephalexin, a substrate of the intestinal peptide transporter. In contrast, the Na(+)-dependent uptake systems for D-glucose and L-alanine were greatly inhibited by the thiol-modifying agents. With reagents for hydroxyl groups, carboxyl groups or arginine the transport activity for beta-lactam antibiotics also remained unchanged, whereas the uptake of D-glucose and L-alanine was inhibited by the carboxyl specific reagent DCCD. A modification of tyrosine residues with N-acetylimidazole inhibited the peptide transport system and did not affect the uptake systems for D-glucose and L-alanine. The involvement of histidine residues in the transport of orally active alpha-amino-beta-lactam antibiotics and small peptides (Kramer, W. et al. (1988) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 943, 288-296) was further substantiated by photoaffinity labeling studies using a new photoreactive derivative of the orally active cephalosporin cephalexin, 3-[phenyl-4-3H]azidocephalexin, which still carries the alpha-amino group being essential for oral activity. 3-Azidocephalexin competitively inhibited the uptake of cephalexin into brush-border membrane vesicles. The photoaffinity labeling of the 127 kDa binding protein for beta-lactam antibiotics with this photoprobe was decreased by the presence of cephalexin, benzylpenicillin or dipeptides. A modification of histidine residues in brush-border membrane vesicles with DEP led to a decreased labeling of the putative peptide transporter of Mr 127,000 compared to controls. This indicates a decrease in the affinity of the peptide transporter for alpha-amino-beta-lactam antibiotics by modification of histidine residues. The data presented demonstrate an involvement of tyrosine and histidine residues in the transport of orally active alpha-amino-beta-lactam antibiotics across the enterocyte brush-border membrane.  相似文献   

By photoaffinity labeling of brush border membrane vesicles from rabbit small intestine with photoreactive derivatives of beta-lactam antibiotics and dipeptides, a binding protein for dipeptides and beta-lactam antibiotics with an apparent molecular weight of 127,000 was labeled. The labeled 127 kDa polypeptide could be solubilized with the non-ionic detergents Triton X-100, n-octyl glucoside or CHAPS. If the vesicles were solubilized prior to photoaffinity labeling, no clear incorporation of radioactivity into the 127 kDa polypeptide occurred indicating a loss of binding ability upon solubilization. By affinity chromatography of solubilized brush border membrane proteins on an agarose wheat germ lectin column, the binding protein for dipeptides and beta-lactam antibiotics of Mr 127,000 was retained on the column. With N-acetyl-D-glucosamine the photolabeled binding protein for beta-lactam antibiotics and dipeptides was eluted together with the brush border membrane-bound enzyme aminopeptidase N. Separation from aminopeptidase N and final purification was achieved by anion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-sephacel. Polyclonal antibodies against the purified binding protein were raised in guinea pigs. The photolabeled 127 kDa protein could be precipitated from solubilized brush border membranes with these antibodies. Incubation of brush border membrane vesicles with antiserum prior to photoaffinity labeling significantly reduced the extent of labeling of the 127 kDa protein. Treatment of brush border membrane vesicles with antiserum significantly inhibited the efflux of the alpha-aminocephalosporin cephalexin from the brush border membrane vesicles compared to vesicles treated with preimmune serum. These studies indicate that the binding protein for dipeptides and beta-lactam antibiotics of apparent molecular weight 127,000 in the brush border membrane of rabbit small intestinal enterocytes is directly involved in the uptake process of small peptides and orally active beta-lactam antibiotics across the enterocyte brush border membrane.  相似文献   

Kinetically, the three-step model proposed for the interaction between beta-lactam antibiotics and the exocellular DD-carboxypeptidases-transpeptidases of Streptomyces R61 and Actinomadura R39 [Frère, Ghuysen & Iwatsubo (1975) Eur. J. Biochem. 57, 343--357; Fuad, Frère, Ghuysen, Duez & Iwatsubo (1976) Biochem. J. 155, 623--629] applies to the interaction between the much less penicillin-sensitive exocellular DD-carboxypeptidase-endopeptidase of Streptomyces albus G and at least phenoxymethylpenicillin, cephalothin and cephalosporin C. The penicillin resistance of the albus G enzyme is mainly due to the low efficiency with which the first reversible complex formed with the antibiotic (complex EI) undergoes transformation into a second more stable complex EI*. Analysis of the ternary interaction between enzyme, NalphaNepsilon-diacetyl-L-lysyl-D-alanyl-D-alanine (Ac2-L-Lys-D-Ala-D-Ala) and cephalosporin C indicates a non-competitive mechanism.  相似文献   

The type II trypsin-like transmembrane serine protease matriptase, is mainly expressed in epithelial cells and one of the key regulators in the formation and maintenance of epithelial barrier integrity. Therefore, we have studied the inhibition of matriptase in a non-transformed porcine intestinal IPEC-J2 cell monolayer cultured on polyester membrane inserts by the non-selective 4-(2-aminoethyl)-benzosulphonylfluoride (AEBSF) and four more selective 3-amidinophenylalanine-derived matriptase inhibitors. It was found that suppression of matriptase activity by MI-432 and MI-460 led to decreased transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) of the cell monolayer and to an enhanced transport of fluorescently labelled dextran, a marker for paracellular transport between apical and basolateral compartments. To this date this is the first report in which the inhibition of matriptase activity by synthetic inhibitors has been correlated to a reduced barrier integrity of a non-cancerous IPEC-J2 epithelial cell monolayer in order to describe interaction between matriptase activity and intestinal epithelium in vitro.  相似文献   

Clinical efficacy and effect of cefuroxime, claforan and pentrexyl used endolymphatically were studied in 85 patients with acute abscess forming and persisting pneumonia. Previous routine antibiotic therapy in these patients was little effective. Administration of the antibiotics into the peripheral lymph nodes provided blocking of the lymphagenic pathway for the infection due to high levels in the lymphatic system. Endolymphatic use of cefuroxime and claforan resulted in a significant improvement of the functions of the T- and B-immunity systems and the indices of natural resistance. The levels of the autoimmune reactions and sensitization to the bacterial antigens decreased. Endolymphatic use of cefuroxime and claforan once every 3 days provided recovery of 9 2.8 per cent of the patients, the treatment periods being decreased 2.5--3 times. Intravenous administration of the drugs according to the routine schemes, endolymphatic use of pentrexyl (5 g once every 3 days) and endolymphatic administration of cefuroxime in a single dose followed by intravenous therapy was less effective. The efficacy of pentrexyl increased, when it was used endolymphatically in combination with lysozyme. Endolymphatic use of claforan in doses of 2--3 g once every 3 days (3--4 infusions during the treatment course) was most effective.  相似文献   

Penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) catalyze the final stages of bacterial cell wall biosynthesis. PBPs form stable covalent complexes with beta-lactam antibiotics, leading to PBP inactivation and ultimately cell death. To understand more clearly how PBPs recognize beta-lactam antibiotics, it is important to know their energies of interaction. Because beta-lactam antibiotics bind covalently to PBPs, these energies are difficult to measure through binding equilibria. However, the noncovalent interaction energies between beta-lactam antibiotics and a PBP can be determined through reversible denaturation of enzyme-antibiotic complexes. Escherichia coli PBP 5, a D-alanine carboxypeptidase, was reversibly denatured by temperature in an apparently two-state manner with a temperature of melting (T(m)) of 48.5 degrees C and a van't Hoff enthalpy of unfolding (H(VH)) of 193 kcal/mole. The binding of the beta-lactam antibiotics cefoxitin, cloxacillin, moxalactam, and imipenem all stabilized the enzyme significantly, with T(m) values as high as +4.6 degrees C (a noncovalent interaction energy of +2.7 kcal/mole). Interestingly, the noncovalent interaction energies of these ligands did not correlate with their second-order acylation rate constants (k(2)/K'). These rate constants indicate the potency of a covalent inhibitor, but they appear to have little to do with interactions within covalent complexes, which is the state of the enzyme often used for structure-based inhibitor design.  相似文献   

The uptake of the alpha-aminocephalosporin cephalexin into brush-border membrane vesicles from rat renal cortex was independent on an inward H+-gradient in contrast to the intestinal transport system. The transport system could be irreversibly inhibited by photoaffinity labeling. Two binding polypeptides for beta-lactam antibiotics and dipeptides with apparent molecular weights 130,000 and 95,000 were identified by photoaffinity labeling with [3H]benzylpenicillin and N-(4-azido[3,5-3H]benzoyl) derivatives of cephalexin and glycyl-L-proline. The uptake of cephalexin and the labeling of the respective binding proteins was inhibited by beta-lactam antibiotics and dipeptides as with intestinal brush-border membranes. These data indicate that the transport systems for beta-lactam antibiotics and dipeptides in the brush-border membrane from rat kidney and small intestine are similar but not identical.  相似文献   

Studies on the cell-free biosynthesis of beta-lactam antibiotics.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Cell walls of Cephalosporium acremonium mycelia were lysed by enzyme preparations from either Helix pomatia (snail) digestive juice or Cytophaga. The yield of protoplasts depended on the lytic-enzyme preparation and the age of the culture, and it increased after the mycelia were pretreated with dithiothreitol. A cell-free preparation, obtained by osmotic lysis of protoplasts, synthesized labelled penicillin N from L-[14C]valine. Approx. 0.03-0.06% of the amino acid was incorporated into penicillin N. Under conditions of penicillin N synthesis, the broken-protoplast preparation failed to produce significant amounts of cephalosporin C or its precursors, deacetylcephalosporin C and deacetoxycephalosporin C.  相似文献   

We synthesized and purified four oligopeptides containing four lysines (KKKK, GKKGGKK, KKGGGKK, and KGKGKGK) as models for the plastocyanin (PC) interacting site of cytochrome f. These peptides competitively inhibited electron transfer between cytochrome c and PC. The inhibitory effect increased as the peptide concentrations were increased. The association constants between PC and the peptides did not differ significantly (3500-5100 M(-1)), although the association constant of PC-KGKGKGK was a little larger than the constants between PC and other peptides. Changes in the absorption spectrum of PC were observed when the peptides were added to the PC solution: peaks and troughs were detected at about 460 and 630 nm and at about 560 and 700 nm, respectively, in the difference absorption spectra between the spectra with and without peptides. These changes were attributed to the structural change at the copper site of PC by interaction with the peptides. The structural change was most significant when tetralysine was used. These results show that binding of the oligopeptide to PC is slightly more efficient when lysines are distributed uniformly within the peptide, whereas the structural change of PC becomes larger when the lysines are close to each other within the peptide.  相似文献   

The recently introduced field-based QSAR was employed to develop robust quantitative 3D QSAR models to comprehend the activity of several structurally diverse classes of small molecule renin inhibitors reported in literature. A reasonable predictive model with an r2 (pred) of ~0.67 and rmse of 0.79 was achieved for an external validation set of ~150 compounds centered on the model developed using ~450 training set compounds. Based on the developed 3D QSAR models and additional insights gained from reported X-ray structures, opportunity for activity improvements in the [aza]indole scaffold was explored using a carefully designed virtual library of ~2300 compounds. The potential for success of such combined structure-guided and ligand-based approach was justified when the resulting prediction was compared against a representative with supporting experimental results.  相似文献   

Yinhuan Li  Jiuru Lu 《Luminescence》2006,21(4):251-255
A new flow injection chemiluminescence (CL) method has been developed for the determination of six beta-lactam antibiotics, including amoxicillin, cefadroxil, cefoperazone sodium, cefazolin sodium, cefradine and ceftriaxone sodium. When the antibiotic was injected into a stream of KMnO4 with alkaline luminol, a strong CL signal was produced. The method allows the measurements of 0.1-50.0 mg/L amoxicillin, 0.1-80.0 mg/L cefadroxil, 1.0-30.0 mg/L cefoperazone sodium, 1.0-30.0 mg/L cefazolin sodium, 3.0-50.0 mg/L cefradine and 3.0-50.0 mg/L ceftriaxone sodium. The detection limits are 0.05 mg/L for amoxycillin, 0.05 mg/L for cefadroxil, 0.4 mg/L for cefoperazonum sodium, 0.4 mg/L for cefazolin sodium, 0.8 mg/L for cefradine and 0.8 mg/L for ceftriaxone sodium. The relative standard deviations in 11 repeated measurements are 0.6%, 0.8%, 1.5%, 1.2%, 0.4% and 0.3% for 3.0 mg/L amoxicillin, 1.0 mg/L cefadroxil, 10.0 mg/L cefoperazone sodium, 10.0 mg/L cefazolin sodium, 10.0 mg/L cefradine and 10.0 mg/L ceftriaxone sodium, respectively. The method was successfully applied to the determination of amoxicillin in pharmaceutical preparations. A possible CL reaction mechanism is also discussed.  相似文献   

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