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蛇毒神经生长因子的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王锡锋  曹宜生 《蛇志》1999,11(2):38-38
神经生长因子(Nervegrowthfactor,NGF)是神经系统最重要的生物活性分子之一,是交感神经元和感觉神经元生长和存活所必需的一种营养成分,对神经元的存活,神经纤维的生长和分化以及再生起极其重要的作用。它的有关研究已成为发育神经学、神经损伤...  相似文献   

蛇毒神经生长因子的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
蒋满荣 《蛇志》2001,13(1):61-64
神经生长因子 ( Never growth factor,NGF)是神经营养因子家族中非常重要的一员。神经营养因子是一种内源性的可溶性蛋白家族 ,具有调节神经元的生长、存活、分化所需蛋白质的合成及影响神经元形态可塑性的功能。目前已发现的有神经生长因子 ,神经营养因子 - 3、 4、 5 ( NT- 3、 4、 5) ,脑源性神经营养因子 ( BDNF) ,睫状节神经营养因子( CNTF) ,以及胶质细胞源性神经营养因子( GDNF)。NGF是神经营养因子中第一个被发现和确认的 ,它的活性最早报道存在于两种肉瘤组织和蛇毒中 [1]。多年来 ,人们对蛇毒 NGF分离纯化、结构、生理…  相似文献   

孙方人 《蛇志》1991,3(3):10-13
蛇毒中的神经生长因子(Nerve growth factor,NGF)是一组活性蛋白质,分子量最小的为20000,最大的为35000。它能够特别地刺激交感神经细胞和感觉神经细胞的生长,促进神经细胞的分化。NGF也与人类的某些疾病,如嗜铬细胞瘤、遗传性感觉神经宿等有关,NGF可能还具有抗炎作用。对NGF的研究,引起了生物化学、神经生理学和临床医学工作者的极度关注。Bueker1948年在进行小鼠肉瘤组织移植到鸡胚胎的实验时发现,鸡胚周围感觉神经和交感神经变得粗大。1959年,Cohen从食鱼蝮蛇(Agkistrodon pisckorus)蛇毒中分离出一种蛋白质,该物质在  相似文献   

蛇毒纤溶酶的神经生长因子活性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张颖  雷兰  李佐刚  史晓丹 《生物技术》2004,14(Z1):15-16
目的证明蛇毒生长因子具有神经生长因子活性,并初步探讨其原因.方法分实验组和对照组,定量和定性测定两组的神经生长因子活性,对比蛇毒纤溶酶和神经生长因子的氨基酸序列.结果蛇毒纤溶酶在20U/ml时具有明显的神经生长因子活性,N-末端氨基酸序列与神经生长因子同源性达80~90%.结论蛇毒纤溶酶具有明显的神经生长因子活性,其结构与神经生长因子相似.  相似文献   

神经生长因子与周期神经再生   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了神经生长因子的研究概况及基在周围神经再生过程的作用,并对神经生 长因子的应用前景作了展望。  相似文献   

神经生长因子对大鼠视觉诱发电位的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的和方法:本研究主要通过电生理方法,测定经CS2所致视神经损害的大鼠在治疗前后视觉诱发电位的变化,以证实神经生长因子对受损神经的治疗效果。结果:大鼠视神经损伤模型经神经生长因子治疗20d后,模式反转诱发电位和闪光诱发电位的潜伏期与对照组相比均有明显的缩短,并有量-效关系。结论:神经生长因子能明显改善视神经传导功能,提示神经生长因子对视神经损伤有一定的治疗作用。  相似文献   

李明  陈正炎 《蛇志》1997,9(4):20-23
研究白眉蝮蛇蛇毒神经生长因子纯化方法并行生物学活性鉴定。方法 从白眉蝮蛇乌苏里亚种蛇毒中,经硫酸胺分段盐析,提取含有神经生长因子的粗制品,再经二乙氨基乙基纤维素离子交换层析和羧甲基纤维素离子交换层析,分离出蛋白质纯品,经十二烷基磺酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳进行鉴定。  相似文献   

石庆秋  张学荣 《蛇志》2008,20(1):46-50
神经生长因子(Nerve Growth Factor,NGF)最早是20世纪50年代初由Levi-Montalcini在小鼠肉瘤中发现的,自从获得诺贝尔奖的Cohens从蛇毒中首次分离了NGF突破了资源关后,使得NGF得以进行开拓性的研究.  相似文献   

熊仁平  杨生健 《蛇志》1996,8(2):26-28
本文综述了蛇毒NGF的来源、结构、理化性质、纯化和生物活性鉴定,并简述了NGF可能应用的范围以及目前已应用的一些疾病。  相似文献   

蛇毒神经生长因子生物活性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从蛇毒中分离的神经生长因子(NGF),经用鸡胚背根神经节做生物活性测定,发现能促进神经节树突最大生长的最小NGF浓度为2.5ng/ml。半成品的毫克蛋白(mgP)比活性在1.54×105~5.35×105U/mgP之间。经用HPLC和SDS-PAGE电泳做纯度分析,主峰面积在95%以上。并从四种NGF成品赋形剂中选出了理想的配方  相似文献   

Experimental depletion of dopaminergic striatal neurons was induced in mice with the neurotoxin MPTP. To investigate a possible effect of nerve growth factor on the damaged neurons, we injected 4 g into the right cerebral ventricle of mice three days after the last administration of MPTP. We found a significant increase of dopamine and homovanillic acid in the striatum of MPTP treated mice after NGF administration when compared with dopamine and HVA levels in MPTP-treated control mice (p<0.001). The increase of dopamine and homovanillic acid seems to be related to a partial restorative effect of NGF on the damaged dopaminergic cells, since ventricular administration of NGF to normal mice did not increase dopamine or homovanillic acid contents above the levels measured in untreated controls. It appears that administration of nerve growth factor prcduces a beneficial effect on damaged dopaminergic neurons; this effect could be due to stimulation of neuron sprouting from neurons that survived the toxic effect of MPTP. The increase of dopamine levels was seen 8 days after injection of nerve growth factor and was maintained at least until day 25, showing a lasting persistence of the restorative effect.  相似文献   

The intraventricular administration of nerve growth factor causes a marked increase in the activity of ornithine decarboxylase in rat brain. This increase is much smaller in adrenalectomized rats. Dexamethasone and corticosterone, administered either systemically or intraventricularly, are able to restore the ability of nerve growth factor to induce ornithine decarboxylase. The steroids must be given at least three hours before the nerve growth factor to be fully effective.  相似文献   

We compared the receptor binding, antigenicity, biological activation, and cell-mediated proteolytic degradation properties of mouse nerve growth factor (mNGF) and human NGF (hNGF). The affinity of hNGF toward human NGF-receptor is greater than that of mNGF, but the affinity of mNGF toward rat NGF-receptor is greater than that of hNGF. Thus, the specificity of the interaction between NGF and its receptor resides both on the NGF and on its receptor. Using a group of anti-NGF monoclonal antibodies that competitively inhibit the binding of NGF to receptor, sites differing between mNGF and hNGF were detected. Together, these results indicate that the sites on hNGF and mNGF, responsible for binding to NGF-receptor, are similar but not identical. In comparing the relative abilities of mNGF and hNGF to stimulate a biological response in PC12 cells, we observed that mNGF was better at stimulating neurite outgrowth than was hNGF, consistent with the differences observed for receptor binding affinity. However, the ED50 for biological activation is approximately 100-fold lower than theK d for receptor occupancy, and, thus, the dose-response curve is not consistent with a simple activation proportional to receptor occupancy. The data are consistent with a model requiring a low-level threshold occupancy of NGF-receptor (K d=10–9 M) in order to stimulate full biological activity. Finally, we observed the degradation of NGF by PC12 cells. We found that the NGF molecule is significantly degraded via a receptor-mediated uptake mechanism. Together, the data provide insight into regions of the NGF molecule involved in contacts with the receptor leading to formation of the NGF: NGF-receptor complex. Additionally, they establish the link between occupancy of receptor and biological activation and the requirement for receptor-mediated uptake in order to degrade NGF proteolytically in cultured PC12 cells.  相似文献   

周围神经损伤后外源性GDNF对神经元的保护作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用硅管套接大鼠切断的坐骨神经模型 ,局部给予胶质细胞源性神经营养因子 (GDNF) ,应用尼氏染色、酶组织化学染色方法 ,观察到外源性GDNF能减少脊髓修复侧前角运动神经元死亡的数目 ,降低脊髓前角运动神经元及脊神经节感觉神经元中胆碱酯酶 (CHE)及酸性磷酸酶 (ACP)变化的幅度。这表明外源性GDNF能保护周围神经切断后引起的神经元损伤。  相似文献   

Cyclic peptides cyclo(-Gly-Asp-Glu-Lys-), cyclo(-Gly-Gly-Asp-Glu-Lys-) and cyclo(-Gly-Gly-Gly-Asp-Glu-Lys-) were synthesized as models of theβ-turn of nerve growth factor loop 4. The corresponding protected linear precursors were obtained in 52–83% yields by the solid-phase method with the use of the Fmoc/Bu t strategy and a chlorotrityl anchor group. The cyclization was carried out with benzotriazolyloxytris(dimethylamino)phosphonium (BOP) hexafluorophosphate, N-[(1H-benzotriazole-1-yl)-(dimethylamino)methylene]-N-methylmetanaminium-N-oxide (HBTU) hexafluorophosphate, and diphenylphosphorylazide (DPPA) at a dilution of 10?3 M. The distribution of reaction products was studied for each cyclopeptide in dependence on the type of the coupling agent. The use of DPPA was shown to completely inhibit the formation of cyclodimers in the synthesis of five-and six-membered cyclopeptides; however, in the case of a four-membered peptide, an additional tenfold dilution of the reaction mixture was necessary to achieve the effect. The identification of several byproducts during the synthesis showed that the elongation of the polypeptide chain using the BOP reagent can be complicated by substantial racemization, and the cleavage of the chlorotrityl anchor group by 0.5% TFA in dichloromethane proceeds with insufficient selectivity and is accompanied by the premature Boc deblocking of the lysine side function.  相似文献   

Summary Capsaicin injected into the scrotal skin of rats was observed to induce a decrease in the amount of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) transported in the pudendal nerve to the sixth lumbar dorsal root ganglion on the pretreated side. This was seen as a decrease in the number of HRP-labelled neurones compared to the control side. A morphometric study confirmed that the effect of capsaicin was exerted predominantly on the small neurones. Injection of nerve growth factor (NGF) into the pudendal nerve prevented the deleterious effects of capsaicin, thereby suggesting a possible site of action and mechanism for the effect of capsaicin on peripheral nerves.  相似文献   

Summary Somatomedin C (Sm-C; insulin-like growth factor I; IGF-I) is a polypeptide (Mr 7649), often dependent on growth hormone (GH), with trophic effects on several different tissues. Monospecific IGF-I antisera were used to investigate its localization in the sciatic nerve and corresponding nerve cells, as well as its possible axoplasmic transport in the adult rat. IGF-I-like immunoreactivity was demonstrated in anterior horn motor nerve cells in the spinal cord and in spinal- and autonomic ganglion nerve cells. Faint IGF-I immunoreactivity was under normal conditions observed in axons of the sciatic nerve and in the Schwann cells. Using crush technique, accumulation of IGF-I immunoreactivity was seen in dilated axons within 2 h, both proximal and distal to the crush. However, only a small fraction of the anterogradely transported IGF-I immunoreactive material could be demonstrated to be transported in retrograde direction. Colchicine injected proximal to a crush prevented accumulation of IGF-I immunoreactivity proximal to the crush, but not distal to it.IGF-I-immunoreactive material is synthesized in the cell bodies of peripheral sensory and motor nerve cells. It is transported at rapid rates in the axoplasm of the sciatic nerve of adult rats both in anterograde and retrograde directions. We propose that axonally transported IGF-I may be released and exert trophic influence on innervated cells, tissues and organs.  相似文献   

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