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The absence of direct correlation between the efficiency of functioning of ATPase and peptide hydrolase sites of Lon protease was revealed. It was shown that Lon protease is an allosteric enzyme, in which the catalytic activity of peptide hydrolase sites is provided by the binding of nucleotides, their magnesium complexes, and free magnesium ions in the enzyme ATPase sites. It was revealed that the ADP–Mg complex, an inhibitor of the native enzyme, is an activator of the Lon-K362Q (the Lon protease mutant in the ATPase site). Variants of functional contacts between different sites of the enzyme are considered. It was established that two ways of signal transduction from the ATPase sites to peptide hydrolase ones exist in the Lon protease oligomer--intra- and intersubunit ways. The enzyme ATPase sites are suggested to be located in the areas of the complementary surfaces of subunits. It is hypothesized that upon degradation of protein substrates by the E. coliLon protease in vivoATP hydrolysis acts as a factor of limitation of the enzyme degrading activity.  相似文献   

人工海水胁迫下小麦种质资源的耐盐性筛选与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用人工配制的海水筛选耐盐性较好的小麦品种,为沿海滩涂地区的小麦耐盐育种提供重要信息。本研究利用人工海水处理的方法,对363份小麦种质资源进行了芽期耐盐性初步鉴定,筛选出芽期耐盐性为1级的小麦种质28份。进一步对芽期耐盐性较好的48份小麦种质进行了苗期耐盐性鉴定,并对其耐盐指标进行隶属值模糊评价分析,从中鉴定出了2个苗期耐盐性较强的小麦种质,分别为淮麦31和红壳洋麦。依据来源的不同,发现小麦种质资源的芽期耐盐性大小依次为地方品种>育成品种>国外引进品种。小麦芽期与苗期的耐盐性相关分析表明,二者相关性极低(r=-0.0051)。  相似文献   

人工海水胁迫下芦笋品种耐盐性评价的多元统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用浓度为25%的人工配制海水对25个芦笋品种进行了芽期和苗期的胁迫处理,调查发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数、胚根长、株高、茎数、茎粗、根鲜质量、根干质量以及根体积等10个农艺性状,以各性状耐盐系数作为衡量耐盐性的指标,利用多元统计分析方法对芦笋品种的耐盐性进行了综合评价。结果表明,调查的10个性状指标在品种间差异显著,因子分析将其集约于3个主因子上,即种子活力因子、根部因子和生长因子,主因子累计贡献率达82.2%。基于品种因子得分值进行聚类分析,25个芦笋品种可分为4类,即耐盐品种、较耐盐品种、中度耐盐品种和盐敏感品种。本研究建立的人工海水胁迫处理鉴定芦笋品种耐盐性的综合评价方法,可为芦笋材料耐盐性鉴定和耐盐育种提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Hydrolysis of ATP by partition ATPases, although considered a key step in the segregation mechanism that assures stable inheritance of plasmids, is intrinsically very weak. The cognate centromere-binding protein (CBP), together with DNA, stimulates the ATPase to hydrolyse ATP and to undertake the relocation that incites plasmid movement, apparently confirming the need for hydrolysis in partition. However, ATP-binding alone changes ATPase conformation and properties, making it difficult to rigorously distinguish the substrate and cofactor roles of ATP in vivo. We had shown that mutation of arginines R36 and R42 in the F plasmid CBP, SopB, reduces stimulation of SopA-catalyzed ATP hydrolysis without changing SopA-SopB affinity, suggesting the role of hydrolysis could be analyzed using SopA with normal conformational responses to ATP. Here, we report that strongly reducing SopB-mediated stimulation of ATP hydrolysis results in only slight destabilization of mini-F, although the instability, as well as an increase in mini-F clustering, is proportional to the ATPase deficit. Unexpectedly, the reduced stimulation also increased the frequency of SopA relocation over the nucleoid. The increase was due to drastic shortening of the period spent by SopA at nucleoid ends; average speed of migration per se was unchanged. Reduced ATP hydrolysis was also associated with pronounced deviations in positioning of mini-F, though time-averaged positions changed only modestly. Thus, by specifically targeting SopB-stimulated ATP hydrolysis our study reveals that even at levels of ATPase which reduce the efficiency of splitting clusters and the constancy of plasmid positioning, SopB still activates SopA mobility and plasmid positioning, and sustains near wild type levels of plasmid stability.  相似文献   

ESCRT-III undergoes dynamic assembly and disassembly to facilitate membrane exvagination processes including multivesicular body (MVB) formation, enveloped virus budding, and membrane abscission during cytokinesis. The AAA-ATPase Vps4 is required for ESCRT-III disassembly, however the coordination of Vps4 ATP hydrolysis with ESCRT-III binding and disassembly is not understood. Vps4 ATP hydrolysis has been proposed to execute ESCRT-III disassembly as either a stable oligomer or an unstable oligomer whose dissociation drives ESCRT-III disassembly. An in vitro ESCRT-III disassembly assay was developed to analyze Vps4 function during this process. The studies presented here support a model in which Vps4 acts as a stable oligomer during ATP hydrolysis and ESCRT-III disassembly. Moreover, Vps4 oligomer binding to ESCRT-III induces coordination of ATP hydrolysis at the level of individual Vps4 subunits. These results suggest that Vps4 functions as a stable oligomer that acts upon individual ESCRT-III subunits to facilitate ESCRT-III disassembly.  相似文献   

In bacteria, mitotic stability of plasmids and many chromosomes depends on replicon-specific systems, which comprise a centromere, a centromere-binding protein and an ATPase. Dynamic self-assembly of the ATPase appears to enable active partition of replicon copies into cell-halves, but for Walker-box partition ATPases the molecular mechanism is unknown. ATPase activity appears to be essential for this process. DNA and centromere-binding proteins are known to stimulate the ATPase activity but molecular details of the stimulation mechanism have not been reported. We have investigated the interactions which stimulate ATP hydrolysis by the SopA partition ATPase of plasmid F. By using SopA and SopB proteins deficient in DNA binding, we have found that the intrinsic ability of SopA to hydrolyze ATP requires direct DNA binding by SopA but not by SopB. Our results show that two independent interactions of SopA act in synergy to stimulate its ATPase. SopA must interact with (i) DNA, through its ATP-dependent nonspecific DNA binding domain and (ii) SopB, which we show here to provide an arginine-finger motif. In addition, the latter interaction stimulates ATPase maximally when SopB is part of the partition complex. Hence, our data demonstrate that DNA acts on SopA in two ways, directly as nonspecific DNA and through SopB as centromeric DNA, to fully activate SopA ATP hydrolysis.Faithful segregation of low copy number plasmids in bacteria depends on partition loci, named Par. Such loci are composed of two genes, generically termed parA and parB, encoding an ATPase and a DNA-binding protein, respectively, and a cis-acting centromeric site parS (reviewed in Ref. 1). These three essential elements are sufficient for the partition process. ParBs assemble on parS to form nucleoprotein structures called partition complexes (26). ParA ATPases are considered to be motors that direct displacement and positioning of partition complexes inside the cell.Partition systems have been classified into two major types, distinguished by the nature of their ATPase proteins (7). Type I is characterized by Walker box ATPases, which are specified by many plasmids and most bacterial chromosomes. In some (Type Ia) the nucleotide-binding P-loop is preceded by an N-terminal regulatory domain, in the others (Type Ib) it is not. Type II specifies actin-like ATPases and is present on relatively few plasmids. It is presently the best understood system at the molecular level (810). However, the underlying mechanism that drives partition still remains elusive for both systems. Our work aims at the understanding of an archetypal representative of Type Ia, namely SopABC of the Escherichia coli plasmid F.The several activities of Type Ia ParA proteins are regulated by binding of adenine nucleotides (11, 12), which induce conformational changes in the proteins (13, 14). In their apo and/or ADP-bound forms these proteins display site-specific DNA binding activity, recognizing their cognate promoters through their N-terminal domains. Such activity is involved in the autoregulation of par operon expression (15, 16). In the ATP-bound form, they specifically interact with cognate partition complexes through contact with ParB proteins. The ATP-bound form of type I ParAs spontaneously forms polymers, which appear as bundled filaments in electron micrographs (12, 1719). The role of these filaments is not understood but they could be related to the rapid movement of partition complexes in the cell. In vivo, ParA proteins form dynamic assemblies that move back and forth in the cell if the cognate ParB protein and parS centromere are present (2023). The link between this oscillatory behavior and the segregation of partition complexes is not clear. They both require the ATPase activity of ParA proteins but the role of ATP hydrolysis in the partition process is not understood.It has long been known that ParA partition proteins exhibit low intrinsic ATPase activity (24, 25). ATP hydrolysis is modestly stimulated by either DNA or the cognate ParB alone but is strongly activated (up to 35-fold) when both DNA and ParBs are present (12, 24, 25). The lack of major stimulation of ATPase by DNA in the absence of ParB proteins has been taken to mean that the DNA-bound form of ParB is the effective activator (26). However, incorporation of centromere sites in the DNA added to ParB did not increase stimulation of ATPase (24, 25), leaving doubts as to the role of the partition complex in ATPase activation.The mechanism by which ATP hydrolysis acts in the partition process is not known for type I systems. This is in marked contrast to actin-based partition ATPases whose ATPase activity is stimulated in growing filaments (8), where it provokes the rapid disassembly of filaments unless these are capped by the cognate partition complex (9). Therefore, for the type II partition system, ATP hydrolysis ensures discrimination between unproductive filaments that are rapidly disassembled and productive filaments that drive partition complexes to opposite ends of the cell. This dynamic instability, which ensures elongation of actin-like filaments only between two partition complexes to be segregated, thus provides regulation of the partition process.Recently, it has been shown that two members of the type I ParA family, Soj of Thermus thermophilus and SopA of plasmid F, bind nonspecific DNA in the presence of ATP (12, 26). Two studies revealed that this DNA binding activity is essential for partition (27, 28). Importantly, it has been shown that a SopA mutant deficient in DNA binding no longer stimulates ATP hydrolysis efficiently, suggesting that DNA could play a direct role in the regulation of the ATPase activity (28). This finding raises the issue of the interactions required for activation of the type I partition ATPase activity by cognate proteins and DNA.In this study, we have investigated the mechanism of activation of ATP hydrolysis by SopA. First, we have found that the formation of the F partition complex is required for strong stimulation of the SopA intrinsic ATPase activity. We have also found that the partition complex and DNA stimulate ATP hydrolysis independently but that these two independent interactions act in synergy to amplify SopA ATPase activity. Lastly, we have identified an arginine finger motif in SopB responsible for the stimulation of SopA ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Using polarization fluorimetry, we have investigated conformational changes of FITC-phalloidin-labeled F-actin in ghost muscle fibers. These changes were induced by myosin subfragment-1 (S1) in the absence and presence of MgADP, MgAMP-PNP, MgATPgammaS, or MgATP. Modeling of various intermediate states was accompanied by discrete changes in actomyosin orientation and mobility of fluorescent dye dipoles. This suggests multistep changes of orientation and mobility of actin monomers during the ATPase cycle. The most pronounced differences in orientation (~4 degrees ) and in mobility (~43%) of actin were found between the actomyosin states induced by MgADP and MgATP.  相似文献   

Alkaline hydrolysis and subcritical water degradation were investigated as ex-situ remediation processes to treat explosive-contaminated soils from military training sites in South Korea. The addition of NaOH solution to the contaminated soils resulted in rapid degradation of the explosives. The degradation of explosives via alkaline hydrolysis was greatly enhanced at pH ≥12. Estimated pseudo-first-order rate constants for the alkaline hydrolysis of 2,4-dinitrotoluene (DNT), 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) in contaminated soil at pH 13 were (9.6?±?0.1)×10?2, (2.2?±?0.1)×10?1, and (1.7?±?0.2)×10?2 min?1, respectively. In the case of subcritical water degradation, the three explosives were completely removed at 200–300°C due to oxidation at high temperatures and pressures. The degradation rate increased as temperature increased. The pseudo-first-order rate constants for DNT, TNT, and RDX at 300°C were (9.4?±?0.8)×10?2, (22.8?±?0.3)×10?2, and (16.4?±?1.0)×10?2, respectively. When the soil-to-water ratio was more than 1:5, the extent of alkaline hydrolysis and subcritical water degradation was significantly inhibited.  相似文献   

Koltover  V. K.  Labyntseva  R. D.  Karandashev  V. K. 《Biophysics》2020,65(3):416-425
Biophysics - The effects of different magnesium and zinc isotopes on the enzyme activity of myosin subfragment-1 have been explored. The rate of the enzymatic ATP hydrolysis in reaction media...  相似文献   

The 70-kD family of heat shock proteins (Hsp70s) is involved in a number of seemingly disparate cellular functions, including folding of nascent proteins, breakup of misfolded protein aggregates, and translocation of proteins across membranes. They act through the binding and release of substrate proteins, accompanied by hydrolysis of ATP. Chloroplast stromal Hsp70 plays a crucial role in the import of proteins into plastids. Mutations of an ATP binding domain Thr were previously reported to result in an increase in the Km for ATP and a decrease in the enzyme’s kcat. To ask which chloroplast stromal chaperone, Hsp70 or Hsp93, both of which are ATPases, dominates the energetics of the motor responsible for protein import, we made transgenic moss (Physcomitrella patens) harboring the Km-altering mutation in the essential stromal Hsp70-2 and measured the effect on the amount of ATP required for protein import into chloroplasts. Here, we report that increasing the Km for ATP hydrolysis of Hsp70 translated into an increased Km for ATP usage by chloroplasts for protein import. This thus directly demonstrates that the ATP-derived energy long known to be required for chloroplast protein import is delivered via the Hsp70 chaperones and that the chaperone’s ATPase activity dominates the energetics of the reaction.  相似文献   

Studies have been made on the temperature dependence of both the hydraulic conductivity, Lp, and the THO diffusion coefficient, ω, for a series of cellulose acetate membranes (CA) of varying porosity. A similar study was also made of a much less polar cellulose triacetate membrane (CTA). The apparent activation energies, Ea, for diffusion across CA membranes vary with porosity, being 7.8 kcal/mole for the nonporous membrane and 5.5 kcal/mole for the most porous one. Ea for diffusion across the less polar CTA membrane is smaller than Ea for the CA membrane of equivalent porosity. Classical viscous flow, in which the hydraulic conductivity is inversely related to bulk water viscosity, has been demonstrated across membranes with very small equivalent pores. Water-membrane interactions, which depend upon both chemical and geometrical factors are of particular importance in diffusion. The implication of these findings for the interpretation of water permeability experiments across biological membranes is discussed.  相似文献   

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