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Summary We assessed the feeding biology of veliger larvae of the introduced zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha Pallas) in laboratory experiments using inert microspheres as food analogues. Mean clearance rate on 2.87-m beads ranged between 247 and 420 L veliger–1 day–1. Clearance rate was unrelated to bead concentration up to 100 beads L–1, but was positively correlated with veliger shell length. Clearance rates of Dreissena veligers are within the range of those reported for marine bivalve veligers of similar size and for herbivorous Great Lakes microzooplankton, but are orders of magnitude lower than those of settled, conspecific adults. The impact of settled zebra mussel grazing activities on phytoplankton stocks may be up to 1162 times greater than that exerted by veliger populations in western Lake Erie. Based on 1990 size-frequency distributions and associated literature-derived clearance rates, reef-associated Dreissena populations in western Lake Erie (mean depth 7 m) possess a tremendous potential to filter the water column (up to 132 m3 m–2 day–1) and redirect energy from pelagic to benthic foodwebs. Preliminary analyses indicate that chlorophyll a concentration is strongly depleted (<1 g L–1) above Dreissena beds in western Lake Erie.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution, settling and growth of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha Pallas, in Lake IJsselmeer and Lake Markermeer in The Netherlands were studied from 1980 to 1985. In these lakes D. polymorpha is the most important food source for wintering diving ducks. The study was part of an investigation into the carrying capacity of the lakes for these birds.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns of reproduction in a newly established population of Dreissena polymorpha are described for a site in the western basin of Lake Erie. Reproduction was monitored by histological examination of gonads, analysis of shell length-dry weight relationships, and following abundance of planktonic and settling larvae. Patterns of planktonic larval abundance and settling showed a distinct bimodal pattern in July and August, but conflicted with histological and length-dry weight data that showed spawning was a brief, highly synchronous event occurring in late August. Differences between histological data and abundance of larvae in the plankton can be explained as resulting from drift of larvae from disjunct populations of D. polymorpha which spawned earlier, into the study area. Veliger larvae were present in the plankton at low densities throughout the warm months before and after periods of peak abundances. The presence of these larvae can be explained by a combination of asynchronous spawning among local populations and postponed settlement by planktonic larvae.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of larval, pupal, and adult stages of the alkali fly Ephydra hians Say were examined in relation to location, benthic substrate type, and shoreline features at Mono Lake. Generation time was calculated as a degree-day model for development time at different temperatures, and compared to the thermal environment of the lake at different depths.Larvae and pupae have a contagious distribution and occur in greatest abundance in benthic habitats containing tufa (a porous limestone deposit), and in least abundance on sand or sand/mud substrates. Numbers increase with increasing area of tufa present in a sample, but not on other rocky substrates (alluvial gravel/cobble or cemented sand). Standing stock densities are greatest at locations around the lake containing a mixture of tufa deposits, detrital mud sediments, and submerged vegetation. Shoreline adult abundance is also greatest in areas adjacent to tufa. The shore fly (ephydrid) community varies in composition among different shoreline habitats and shows a zonation with distance from shore.The duration of pupation (from pupa formation to adult eclosion) becomes shorter as temperature increases. The temperature dependence of pupa development time is not linear and results in prolonged time requirements to complete development at temperatures below 20 °C. About 700 to 1000 degree-days are required to complete a generation. Degree-days of time available in nature declines by 10 to 50% at depths of 5 and 10 metres relative to surface waters (depending on the extent of mixing), resulting in fewer possible generations. Essentially no growth would be expected at 15 m, where temperature seldom exceeds the developmental minimum. It is concluded that reduced substrate availability and low temperatures may limit productivity of the alkali fly at increasing depths in Mono Lake.  相似文献   

明晰江西武夷山国家级自然保护区内180年生的珍稀濒危植物南方铁杉(Tsuga chinensis var.tchekiangensis)的种群特征,并提出针对性的保护策略,对南方铁杉种群的就地保护具有现实意义。通过分析保护区内6.4 hm~2动态监测固定样地的南方铁杉种群数据,编制了静态生命表,绘制了存活曲线、死亡率和消失率曲线、生存函数曲线,采用了时间序列模型对种群数量特征进行未来预测;同时,运用点格局分析Ripley′s K函数中的成对相关函数g(r)判断不同生长阶段的南方铁杉种群在不同尺度下的空间分布格局。结果表明:(1)南方铁杉种群的年龄结构呈“金字塔”型,属于衰退型种群;各龄级间的数量变化动态关系显示该种群在当前阶段呈增长型,但是种群的天然更新能力较差;(2)南方铁杉种群的存活曲线表现为Deevey-I型,种群个体在进入生理死亡阶段后产生一定的波动;(3)南方铁杉种群的生存率随龄级增加而逐渐下降,累积死亡率逐渐递增;死亡密度整体偏低,在第1—2龄级较高,总体波动幅度较小;危险率曲线总体呈现上升的趋势;(4)在经过不同龄级的时间后,南方铁杉幼龄树数量降低,中龄树和老龄树数量持平...  相似文献   

Fluvial–lacustrine migrations of a landlocked goby, Rhinogobius sp. (the orange form) in the Lake Biwa water system were traced using stable nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios. The 15N values of Rhinogobius sp. individuals in the lake were significantly higher than those of large individuals in a tributary river (1+ age) without overlap of the range, although there was little difference in the 13C values between these two locations. Because these values reflected those of the corresponding prey organisms in either location, it was revealed that none of the large individuals had migrated from one location to the other. The 15N values of the small individuals in the tributary river (0+ age) were too high to be fluvial residents. This result indicated that all of the small individuals studied had spent their larval periods in the lake, and that immigrant individuals can be distinguishable by measuring the 15N values retaining the effect of foraging in the alternate location. We conclude that the 15N value works as a useful tracer to clarify the fluvial–lacustrine migration pattern of the fish.  相似文献   

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