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The differentiation and function of human T lymphocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Natural killer-like activity mediated by activated T lymphocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diverse types of lymphocytes mediate in vitro cytotoxic activity. In addition to CTLs (cytotoxic T lymphocytes) and NK (natural killer) cells which differ in their activation requirements, target specificities, and lytic mechanisms, a natural killer-like activity of activated cells (A-NK) has recently been described. The data presented here suggest that an activated T lymphocyte can mediate A-NK activity. A-NK activity can be separated from resting NK activity by its requirement for activation and an effector phenotype (T12+,Ia+,Mol-) which includes the presence of the T12 and Ia antigens and the absence of the Mol antigen. In contrast, resting NK activity is mediated by T12-,Ia-,Mol+ cells. Cells that mediate A-NK activity can be differentiated from CTLs by their differing kinetics of activation and susceptibility to inhibition by monoclonal antibodies. An additional distinguishing feature is the fact that A-NK cells are predominantly Ia+ and are derived from either the T4+ or T8+ T-cell subsets whereas CTLs generated under similar conditions are predominantly T8+,T4-,Ia-. The in vivo relevance of this newly defined T-cell cytolytic activity remains to be defined.  相似文献   

Previous reports of the response of B lymphocytes to soluble anti-immunoglobulin (anti-Ig) antibodies have yielded conflicting data. While most studies show activation of B cells, others have shown inhibitory effects. In the assay reported in this report, we were able to obtain widely diverse responses of human B-cell populations to anti-Ig antibody. An explanation of this variability was established by resort to an animal (murine) model. Mice maintained in a pathogen-free environment failed to respond or responded only weakly to anti-Ig antibody. Mice which had previously received heavy antigenic stimulation, but at the time of the experiment were not undergoing any known challenge, showed a marked positive response. Mice deliberately challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) 24 hr prior to anti-Ig antibody exposure showed a high background mitogenesis in control cultures, which was inhibited by anti-Ig antibody. This preliminary study suggests that response to anti-Ig antibody differs in each phase of B-cell differentiation. In future studies it is hoped that this variability in response can be used to characterize different subsets of B-cell differentiation separated by physical or phenotypic parameters.  相似文献   

The accumulation of DNA strand breaks and activation of ADP-ribosyltransferase (ADPRT) have recently been associated with cellular differentiation. Murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells undergo erythropoietic differentiation when exposed to dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) and several studies have suggested that DNA strand scission induced by this agent is a prerequisite for expression of the differentiated phenotype. Me2SO induction of MEL cells has also been associated with increases in ADPRT activity in one study, but not in another. We have monitored the effects of Me2SO on DNA strand breaks in preformed and replicating MEL cell DNA. The results clearly demonstrate that DNA fragmentation is not detectable during Me2SO induction of MEL differentiation, even in the presence of 3-aminobenzamide, an inhibitor of ADPRT. Further, these results are consistent with an absence of detectable changes in both endogenous and total potential ADPRT activity during Me2SO-induced MEL differentiation. These findings would argue against Me2SO induction of DNA strand scission and ADPRT in MEL cells undergoing differentiation.  相似文献   

Genomic rearrangements in a mouse cell line containing integrated SV40 DNA   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
R Sager  A Anisowicz  N Howell 《Cell》1981,23(1):41-50
In the SV40-transformed mouse embryo fibroblast cell line SVT2/S, genomic rearrangements involving the SV40 DNA and flanking host sequences were identified by Southern blot hybridization using viral DNA as probe. No rearrangements of SV40 DNA integrated into nonpermissive mouse cells have been previously described. The standard arrangement found in the majority of subclones was mapped with 20 restriction enzymes, 10 of which cleave sites within the SV40 DNA. A single copy of a defective integrated viral genome is present, in which the late region is missing from about nucleotide 200 clockwise to about nucleotide 1750. The rest of the viral genome including the origin of replication and T antigen binding region is present and colinear with SV40 DNA, except for an internal repeat of about 1750 bp located between nucleotides 2750 and 4500. Rearrangements were found in 4 out of 20 random subclones of the parental SVT2/S cell line and 3 of the 4 continued to rearrange. The thioguanine-resistant cell line 281-1-4, derived from SVT2/S, remained stable on subculture but a chloramphenicol-resistant mutant, 107-6-4, derived from 281-1-4, was highly unstable. In 107-6-4, unique rearrangements were found in 6 of 31 subclones of a population that had undergone abut 25 doublings from a single-cell isolate. The high rate of rearrangement and the sporadic expression of rearrangement potential are characteristic of the transposable controlling elements discovered by McClintock.  相似文献   

We have developed an in vitro system for the activation of T cells in order to get a better insight into the genetic and molecular mechanisms involved in the generation of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) effector T cells. Low doses of fowl γ-globulin (FγG) as well as the synthetic polypeptide (T,G)-A-L were bound to splenic adherent cells and served as immunogens for the in vitro sensitization of lymphocytes. In parallel, (T,G)-A-L-specific T cells were activated in vivo in irradiated recipient mice. The ability of the in vitro- and in vivo-activated cells to mediate DTH responses was determined in naive recipient mice by the radioisotopic ear assay. Twenty to thirty × 106 “educated” cells were sufficient to elicit significant DTH responses. Irradiation of the spleen cells prior to their transfer resulted in higher responses. The DTH reactivity was transferable by nylon wool-enriched T cells but not by a Thy 1.2-depleted population indicating the T-cell dependency of the response. The in vitro and in vivo antigen-activated T-cell population exhibited also helper-cell activity as determined by their cooperation with B cells in adoptive transfer experiments.  相似文献   

Tunicamycin, an antimetabolite which inhibits the N-glycosylation of proteins, does not block the initial cleavages of mouse embryos, even at relatively high concentrations. However, it can interfere with compaction and blastocyst formation. Although tunicamycin treatment from the two-cell or eight-cell stage can cause developmental arrest prior to hatching from the zona pellucida, much higher (sublethal) concentrations of the antimetabolite added at the morula or blastocyst stage do not specifically affect hatching of blastocysts, their attachment to the substratum, or outgrowth of trophoblast cells. The consequence of continuous exposure of embryos to moderate amounts (0.05 to 0.1 μg/ml) of tunicamycin through peri-implantation stages is death of trophoblast cells with little effect upon the cells of the inner cell mass (ICM). The latter give rise to apparently normal early endoderm cells in the presence of the antimetabolite. The incorporation of leucine, mannose, and fucose into acid-insoluble material by ICM cells is only minimally inhibited by tunicamycin. On the other hand, the antimetabolite causes a severe inhibition of incorporation of not only mannose, but also leucine, into acid-insoluble material in trophoblast cells. Thus, trophoblast cells resemble transformed cells by their extreme sensitivity to tunicamycin.  相似文献   

Maturation of the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) glycoprotein (G) to the cell surface is blocked at the nonpermissive temperature in cells infected with temperature-sensitive mutants in the structural gene encoding for G. We show here that these mutants fall into two discrete classes with respect to the stage of post-translational processing at which the block occurs. In all cases the mutant glycoproteins are inserted normally into the endoplasmic reticulum membrane, receive the two-high-mannose oligosaccharides, and apparently lose the NH2-terminal signal sequence of 16 amino acids. In cells infected with one class of mutants, no further processing of the glycoprotein occurs, and we conclude that the mutant protein is blocked at a pre-Golgi stage. In cells infected with ts L511(V), however, addition of the terminal sugars galactose and sialic acid occurs normally. Thus the maturation of G proceeds through several Golgi functions but is blocked before its appearance on the cell surface. The oligosaccharide chain of ts L511(V) G, accumulated at either the permissive (where surface maturation occurs) or the nonpermissive temperature, lacks one saccharide residue, probably fucose. In addition, no fatty acid residues are added to the ts L511(V) G protein at the nonpermissive temperature, although addition does occur under permissive conditions.  相似文献   

Human antithrombin-heparin cofactor is a naturally occurring plasma inhibitor of serine proteases generated during activation of the coagulation and fibrinolytic systems. We have demonstrated that purified preparations of this inhibitor also neutralize the esterolytic activity of human kallikrein as well as the ability of the enzyme to release kinins. When an excess of inhibitor is present, the inactivation process follows pseudo-first-order kinetics. Furthermore, the addition of heparin to mixtures of kallikrein and antithrombin-heparin cofactor results in a doubling of the rate and extent of enzyme neutralization. Disc gel analysis of incubation mixtures of kallikrein and excess antithrombin-heparin cofactor, with and without heparin, revealed that the enzyme band had vanished in conjunction with the emergence of two new electrophoretic species. These two new components probably represent stoichiometric complexes of kallikrein and antithrombin-heparin cofactor since a twofold increase in the concentration of enzyme doubled the concentration of these new molecular species. In plasmas which contain adequate levels of other protease inhibitors, antithrombin-heparin cofactor does not appear to be a quantitatively important inactivator of kallikrein. This is suggested by our finding that the addition of heparin at concentrations as high as 50 units/ml did not increase the inhibitory capacity of normal plasma directed against this enzyme. However, plasma from patients with hereditary angioedema had little neutralizing activity directed against kallikrein and revealed a marked increase in this inhibitory capacity when therapeutic concentrations of heparin were added. Our observation suggests that this acidic mucopolysaccharide may prove useful in controlling acute attacks of this disorder.  相似文献   

Peanut agglutinin (PNA), a lectin specific for terminal d-galactosyl residues, was found to react with embryonal carcinoma cells, but not with their differentiated derivatives. Receptors for PNA were detectable at the surface of all cells of the quasinullipotent F9 line and on only 50% of the multipotent PCC3/A/1 line. The fraction of the PCC3/A/1 population which expresses the F9 antigen was found to be included in the subpopulation carrying the PNA receptors. PNA+ and PNA? subpopulations of PCC3/A/1 were separated by a PNA-mediated reversible agglutination of PNA+ cells with rabbit erythrocytes. These subpopulations were essentially F9+ and F9?, respectively.  相似文献   

This report describes the use of purified ribosomal DNA to map by electron microscopy the relative positions of the 18 S and 28 S RNA regions within the duck rRNA precursor and their relationship to the non-conserved portions of the precursor molecule. By repeated fractionation of the total DNA, based on the relative reassociation rates of the DNA sequences with different degrees of repetition, a fraction of the rapidly renaturing DNA was obtained which comprised only 6% of the total DNA, but contained 71% of the rRNA cistrons. Further purification of the rDNA was achieved by saturation hybridization with rRNA and separation of the rRNA-rDNA hybrids by banding in CsCl. In this manner, an rDNA-rRNA fraction was obtained which had a buoyant density of 1.805 g/cm3, an RNA to DNA ratio of 1.01, and a base composition for the RNA present in the hybrid identical to that of an equimolar mixture of 18 S and 28 S rRNA. The final yield of rDNA isolated by this procedure is 32%. When the purified rDNA was annealed with a mixture of 18 S and 28 S rRNA and the hybrids spread for electron microscopy, they appeared as two distinct populations with a number-average length of 0.62 ± 0.13 μm and 1.37 ± 0.18 μm, respectively. Likewise, hybrids between the rRNA precursor, isolated from duck embryo fibroblasts, and the rDNA appeared as structures containing two duplex regions of lengths 0.60 ± 0.11 μm and 1.38 ± 0.15 μm, separated from each other by a single-stranded region appearing as a large bush: this represents a portion of the precursor molecule not conserved during processing of the parent molecule. From these observations a model of the structure of the duck rRNA precursor is proposed.  相似文献   

Highly purified platelet factor 4 (PF4) was found to be a potent stimulator of human granulocyte elastase activity against native elastin and solubilized α elastin. Heparin neutralized this stimulation of elastolysis by PF4, but independently stimulated granulocyte elastase activity. Chondroitin sulfate, a constituent of the PF4 carrier molecule, also stimulated granulocyte elastase activity. The stimulation of granulocyte elastase by PF4 occurs at known serum concentrations of PF4.  相似文献   

Murine spleen cells developed into nonspecific cytotoxic cells within 72 hr of culture in the presence of highly purified sources of human interleukin 2. In whole spleen cell cultures, human interleukin 2 generated effector cells which were Thy 1.2+, Lyt 2.2+, resistant to γ irradiation (1000 R), and capable of lysing both H-2 compatible and incompatible targets. The effector cells generated in this manner were not restricted to classical natural killer cell-sensitive targets. If thymus-derived cells (T cells) were depleted from the spleen cell population before culture with human interleukin 2, the effector cells generated were enriched in effectors capable of lysing natural killer cell-sensitive targets. Interferon was not produced in interleukin 2-stimulated spleen cell cultures. In addition, heterologous antibody to murine -γ-interferon did not abrogate the generation of cytotoxic cells by human interleukin 2. These and additional data suggest that human interleukin 2 is capable of stimulating γ-irradiation-sensitive Thy 1.2+ cell(s) capable of lysing a variety of target cells regardless of inherent sensitivities to classical natural killer cells. Thy 1.2? cells were also stimulated by human interleukin 2 and lysed only natural killer cell-sensitive targets. Human interleukin 2 caused some Thy 1.2? cells to become susceptible to lysis by anti-Thy 1.2 serum and complement.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (MoAb 11-4) was raised against K562, a human erythroleukemia cell line sensitive to natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity (NK-CMC). Immunological analysis revealed MoAb to be IgG2b. Alone, the MoAb was not cytotoxic for K562 and did not bind to the effector cells, but the addition of this antibody to macrophage-depleted human peripheral blood lymphocytes increased killing of K562 in a 4-hr NK-CMC assay. The maximum increase in NK-CMC was observed when MoAb 11-4 was added to target cells prior to the formation of effector/target cell conjugates. This effect was dose dependent, was specific for K562, and, contrary to conventional antisera, occurred at very low concentrations of MoAb. When MoAb was added either to Percoll-purified large granular lymphocytes (LGL) or to LGL-depleted lymphocytes, only the latter demonstrated a significant increase in the killing of K562 in a 4-hr chromium release assay. Kinetics studies revealed that although the overall LGL-mediated lysis was only slightly increased at 4 hr, the maximum lytic activity was reached within 2 hr. These studies suggest that (1) human LGL and LGL-depleted cell populations bear Fc receptors for mouse IgG2b and (2) although the cytotoxic activities of both cell populations are increased by treatment with MoAb 11-4, the kinetics of this increase are different.  相似文献   

A monovalent subunit of concanavalin A (Con A) was tested for mitogenic effects on murine splenic lymphocytes in vitro. In contrast to the effects of intact Con A, the monovalent derivative was not mitogenic at any concentration tested. Furthermore, prior exposure of splenic lymphocytes to monovalent Con A rendered the cells refractory to stimulation by the unmodified lectin.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody termed anti-NKTb has been generated following immunization of mice with cloned human cells (JT9) displaying natural killer (NK)-like activity. This antibody has the capacity to block cytotoxicity of the immunizing clone against several targets. In the present study, anti-NKTb was compared with a monoclonal antibody termed anti-NKTa that had previously been generated against JT9 cells and that had also been shown to block the NK-like function of these cells. The expression of a NKTb determinant, like that of NKTa, was found to be restricted to two NK active clones derived from the same individual, JT9 and JT10, both of which have the same mature T-cell phenotype (T3+, T8+, T11+). Comodulation, immunoprecipitation, and competitive binding experiments showed that both antibodies are directed to the same 90-kDa heterodimer associated with the T3 structure on the cell surface. However, cytotoxicity blocking studies suggested that NKTa and NKTb may represent functionally distinct epitopes of this 90-kDa molecule. Anti-NKTa uniformly blocked the cytotoxicity of both JT9 and JT10 cells when tested against 11 randomly selected target cell lines. In contrast, anti-NKTb totally blocked the cytotoxicity of these cloned cells against some targets (i.e., HPB-ALL, Nalm-1) but had very little effect when cytotoxicity was measured against other target cells (i.e., K562, U937, KG-1). This selective blocking effect, therefore, supports the notion that the heterodimer defined by the NKT antibodies is involved in the process of target cell recognition rather than in the cytolytic pathway of the cloned effector cells. Moreover, the unique functional effects of anti-NKTb suggest that additional levels of complexity exist in the specific recognition mechanisms of these clonal populations of NK active mature T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Unprimed or KLH-primed rabbit lymph node cells were pulsed with cholera enterotoxin or KLH for 2 hr and washed. KLH-treated LNC were mixed with equal numbers of CT-treated LNC or boiled CT-treated LNC. Cocultivation of CT-treated LNC with KLH-treated cells resulted in at least a 100% increase in antibody synthesis compared to control cultures. Delaying cocultivation for 24 hr reduced enhancement to 25%. Thus it appears that an early event—before 24 hr—is involved in CT enhancement. Using 125I-CT, it was shown that these effects were not due to CT carry-over. When KLH- and CT-pulsed LNC were cultured in chambers separated by polycarbonate membranes (0.2- to 0.4-μm pore size) antibody production was enhanced 50–80%. Supernates of CT-treated LNC also enhanced antibody production by KLH-treated LNC. These results suggest that CT triggers the release of soluble factor(s) which enhance(s) antibody synthesis by antigen-primed and antigen-challenged LNC.  相似文献   

The production of prostaglandin E2 by tumor cell lines in response to exposure to purified lymphocytes has prompted the suggestion that this phenomenon may represent a defense mechanism whereby tumors may subvert an immune response mounted against them. To further characterize this phenomenon, cell lines derived from carcinogen-induced bladder tumors and embryo fibroblasts in Fischer rats were incubated with purified lymphocytes from peripheral blood, spleen, thymus, and lymph nodes from Fischer rats under a variety of conditions, and the amount of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production was determined by radioimmunoassay. Increased numbers of blood or splenic lymphocytes were associated with the induction of increased levels of PGE2 production by the tumor cells. However, no prostaglandin was produced by the tumor cells after exposure to thymus or lymph node lymphocytes. Irradiation of lymphocytes prior to exposure to the tumor cells led to lower levels of PGE2 production by the tumors, as did sonication of the lymphocyte preparations prior to addition to the tumor monolayers. Separation of lymphocytes from direct contact with the tumor cells resulted in less PGE2 production by the tumor cell lines; however, when these lymphocytes were later layered onto fresh tumor cell monolayers, PGE2 production occurred. Results in the present study suggest that direct contact between intact, viable, functionally active lymphocytes and tumor cells is necessary for tumor cell prostaglandin production to occur. Moreover, PGE2 production only appears to occur in response to exposure to particular populations of lymphocytes, and this may correlate with the number of specific effector or attacker lymphocytes that are present. This specificity of response to effector cell challenge may be important in probing the defense mechanisms tumor cells may have to lymphocyte challenge, as well as in gauging the efficacy of a particular cellular immune response as it may be regulated both by cells involved in effecting this response as well as by the targets in lymphocyte/tumor cell interactions.  相似文献   

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