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中国美姿藓属植物的订正 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
根据文献记载,中国美姿藓属Timmia Hedw。植物共有4种。通过实地采集和标本鉴定,确认中国产苔藓植物共有5种,其中的纤细美姿藓为中国新记录。本文对该属每种植物进行了描述,并给出了分种检索表,同时对它们的分类特征、地理分布也进行了简要讨论。 相似文献
华南地区羽枝藓属(平藓科)和凋叶藓属(薄齿藓科)植物研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
张力 《热带亚热带植物学报》1994,2(3):22-27
本文研究了华南地区羽枝藓属(Pinnatella)和凋叶藓属(Caduciella)植物.简要讨论了羽枝藓属和凋叶藓属的系统位置.确认华南地区产羽枝藓属4种,即爪哇羽枝藓(P.anbigua)、纤细羽枝藓(P.anacamptolepis)、嵌边羽枝藓(P.intralimbata)和东亚羽枝藓(P.makinoi),凋叶藓2种,即广东凋叶藓(C.guangdongensis)和凋叶藓(C.mariei).其中爪哇羽枝藓为广东、贵州、海南岛之新记录,纤细羽枝藓为中国大陆(广东、广西)和海南岛之新记录,东亚羽枝藓为福建、广西和海南岛之新记录,广东调叶藓为海南岛之新记录,暂将P.alopecurioides处理为存疑种。本文还包括分种检索表、各种的简要识别特征、产地及生境资料. 相似文献
在对世界异叶藓属(Kindbergia Ochyra)植物进行系统研究基础上,作者对中国分布的该属植物进行了分类学修订。结果表明:(1)中国分布的“树状异叶藓”[K.arbuscula(Broth.)Ochyra]、“异叶藓”[K.praelonga(Hedw.)Ochyra]和密枝燕尾藓[Bryhnia serricuspis(Müll Hal.)Y.F.Wang & R.L.Hu]为K.dumosa(Mitt.)Ignatov & Huttunen的错误鉴定;(2)因树状分枝的植物体、异形的茎枝叶、近及顶的强壮中肋和明显下延的叶基等特征不同于青藓科现存任一类群,故将中国分布的“异叶藓属”植物移入新建属——拟异叶藓属(Pseudokindbergia M.Li,Y.F.Wang,Ignatov & B.C.Tan)中;(3)拟异叶藓属区别于异叶藓属的主要形态特征为:假鳞毛半圆形至三角状半圆形,先端钝或平截;孢蒴倾立至水平;蒴盖圆锥形。(4)到目前为止,中国尚未发现异叶藓属植物的分布。 相似文献
基于燕尾藓属(Bryhnia Kaurin)被处理为狭义青藓属(Brachythecium Schimp.s.str.)的异名,燕尾藓属已不复存在。笔者对原分布于中国的5种燕尾藓属植物进行了相应的分类学修订,结果如下:短尖燕尾藓(B.hultenii E.B.Bartram)、燕尾藓[B.novae-angliae(Sull.Lesq.)Grout]和毛尖燕尾藓(B.trichomitria DixonThér.)被移入狭义青藓属并处理为短尖青藓[Brachythecium hultenii(E.B.Bartram)Min LiY.F.Wang]、燕尾青藓[B.novae-angliae(Sull.Lesq.)A.Jaeger]和东亚青藓[B.trichomitrium(DixonThér.)Huttunen,Ignatov,Min LiY.F.Wang];短枝燕尾藓(B.brachycladula Cardot)被移入鼠尾藓属(Myuroclada Besch.),并处理为羽枝鼠尾藓[M.longiramea(Müll.Hal.)Min Li,Y.F.Wang,IgnatovHuttunen]的异名;密枝燕尾藓[B.serricuspis(Müll Hal.)Y.F.WangR.L.Hu]移入拟异叶藓属(Pseudokindbergia Min Li,Y.F.Wang,IgnatovB.C.Tan),并处理为拟异叶藓[P.dumosa(Mitt.)Min Li,Y.F.Wang,IgnatovB.C.Tan]的异名。 相似文献
中国藓类植物新记录属—筛齿藓属 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
作者在芬兰赫尔辛基大学植物标本馆(H)研究Dr.T.Koponen 1970年在台湾采集的部份苔藓标本时,发现了筛齿藓(Coscinodon cribrosus (Hedw.) Spruce)。筛齿藓属(Coscinodon Spreng)为中国植物新记录属,特此报道。筛齿藓的主要区别特征为:(1)植物体矮小,呈丛生垫状,叶先端具透明毛尖;(2)叶披针形,中肋两侧具明显长纵褶;(3)叶基部细胞长形至长方形,薄壁;(4)蒴柄短,孢蒴内隐于孢叶之中;(5)蒴帽大,钟形,具纵褶,覆盖大部孢蒴;(6)蒴齿具筛孔。 相似文献
报道了我国丝瓜藓属Pohlia两新种,即产自云南的明齿丝瓜藓 P.hyaloperistoma Zhang,Li &; Higuchi和产自西藏的疏叶丝瓜藓P.macrocarpa Zhang,Li&;Higuchi。前者主要特征为蒴齿透明无疣,后者孢子体大型且雌雄异株。 相似文献
通过对采自贵州全省的700余份真藓科(Bryaceae)植物标本的整理和鉴定,发现其中的一标本为中 国短月藓属(Brachymenium)新记录种:黄肋短月藓(新拟名)(BrachymeniummacrocarpumCard.)和真藓属 (Bryum)一新记录变种:拟三列真藓短尖变种(新拟名)(Bryumpseudotriquetrum(Hedw.)Gaerth.var.ela tumNog.)。 相似文献
基于GIS和MaxEnt比较中国砂藓属与紫萼藓属植物地理分布 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
基于19个生物气候因子和紫萼藓属(Grimmia) 172个、砂藓属(Racomitrium) 181个国内分布记录,应用MaxEnt模型和ArcGis 9.3软件,定量预测了紫萼藓属与砂藓属植物在“属”水平上在我国各省区的生境适应性特点.预测结果表明,紫萼藓属植物在浙江(0.7099,综合生境适宜性指数,下同)、江苏(0.6212)、北京(0.5987)、天津(0.5648)、云南(0.5532)、辽宁(0.5515)、台湾(0.5422)、安徽(0.5398)和吉林(0.4945)有较高的气候适应性,而砂藓属植物在浙江(0.889)、上海(0.6564)、香港(0.5897)、台湾(0.5858)、贵州(0.5354)、湖北(0.5039)、云南(0.4885)、重庆(0.4871)、江苏(0.4793)和安徽(0.4552)具有较高的生境适宜性.对砂藓属与紫萼藓属的分布预测范围进行比较发现,砂藓属植物在香港、重庆、贵州、广东、广西、湖北、海南和台湾的生境适应性比紫萼藓属的总体上要高,而在江西、福建和湖南,两属的分布概率比较接近,其余省区则紫萼藓属植物的生境适宜性比砂藓的要高.紫萼藓属植物属于典型的温带性种类,其分布主要在高海拨的寒冷地段. 相似文献
The Pleistocene climatic oscillations had profound effects on the demographic history and genetic diversification of plants in arid north-west China where some glacial refugia have been recognized. The genus Ixiolirion comprises three species, of which two, I. tataricum and I. songaricum (endemic), occur in China. In some locations they are sympatric. We investigated their population structure and population history in response to past climatic change using a sample of 619 individuals in 34 populations with nITS and ptDNA sequences. A significant genetic divergence between the two species was supported by a high level of pairwise genetic differentiation, very low gene flow, and phylogenetic analysis showing that I. songaricum haplotypes were monophyletic, whereas those of I. tataricum were polyphyletic. We found significant differentiation and phylogeographic structure in both species. The split of the two species was dated to the late Miocene (~7?Ma), but deep divergence occurred in the mid-late Quaternary. A similar haplotype distribution pattern was found in both species: one to two dominant haplotypes across most populations, with unique haplotypes in a few populations or a geographic group. The genetic diversity, haplotype number, and haplotype diversity decreased from the Yili Valley to the central Tianshan and Barluk Mountains. Additionally, ptDNA analysis showed that I. tataricum diversified in the eastern Tianshan and Barluk Mountains, which might be due to physical barriers to long distance seed dispersal such as desert. In conclusion, our results indicated that the Yili Valley was likely a glacial refuge for Ixiolirion in China, with postglacial dispersal from the Yili Valley eastward to the eastern Tianshan Mountains, and northward to the Barluk Mountains. The climatic changes in the Miocene and Pleistocene and geographic barriers are important factors driving species divergence and differentiation of Ixiolirion and other taxa. 相似文献
Aims: To facilitate isolation and differentiation of the almost entirely unknown Jeotgalicoccus spp. Methods and Results: Jeotgalicoccus spp. have been found in dust samples using SSCP‐PCR analysis. As the cultivation of strains is necessary for further studies on virulence, pathogenicity or metabolism, we developed a method for cultural isolation and further differentiation of Jeotgalicoccus spp. We found that J. halotolerans, J. psychrophilus, J. marinus, as well as the related species Salinicoccus roseus grow on Baird Parker (BP) agar as black colonies without clear zones. J. pinnipedialis and S. jeotgali grow only weakly on BP agar without forming clearly delineated colonies. On BP agar, the colony‐forming Jeotgalicoccus and Salinicoccus spp. are not distinguishable from coagulase‐negative Staphylococcus spp. (CNS). However, unlike CNS, all of the above mentioned species are unreactive in the OF test. SSCP‐PCR was able to differentiate between all investigated Jeotgalicoccus and Salinicoccus spp., as all species had different band positions. Conclusions: Jeotgalicoccus spp. and Salinicoccus spp. may be widely distributed in the environment, but, until now, overlooked or confused with staphylococci. Further epidemiological studies, which are required to prove this hypothesis, are facilitated by the observations of our study. Significance and Impact: This not yet published information enables researchers to carry out epidemiological studies on Jeotgalicoccus spp. in a very cheap and easy way. 相似文献
新疆天山野生果树研究及保护 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
阎国荣 《中国野生植物资源》2001,20(4):13-14
根据多年调查和初步统计,新疆天山山区的野生果树种类有81种,由于新疆天山野果林生态系统受到人类经济活动的强烈影响,野果林分布范围缩减、面积下降,物种减少,有的濒临灭绝状态,必须引起重视,本研究提出了新疆野生果树资源保护和可持续利用的建议及对策:(1)加强新疆野生果树种质资源的收集和保存;(2)开展资源调查、评价与利用工作,保育和开发利用并重,实现资源的永续利用;(3)应及早建立新疆新源野苹果林自然保护区和霍城大西沟野生樱桃李自然保护区。 相似文献
Schrenk spruce (Picea schrenkiana Fisch. et Mey.) is widely distributed in the Tianshan Mountains. In this study, four Schrenk spruce trees were continuously monitored with dendrometers from 27 April to 30 September 2014 on the northern slopes of the Tianshan Mountains in northwest China. The goal of this monitoring study was to determine the main growing season of Schrenk spruce and to analyze intra-annual radial growth variability and its relation to daily meteorological factors. Our studies have shown that the critical growing season of Schrenk spruce is from late May to late July and that the rapid growth stage is from mid-June to early July. Meanwhile, in the growing season, changes in the radial growth of Schrenk spruce were negatively correlated with daily temperature, evaporation, sunshine hours and vapor pressure deficit (VPD), and were positively correlated with precipitation and relative humidity (RH). The correlation coefficient between radial growth and RH can be as high as 0.750 (Pearson, p < 0.0001, n = 60). Dates in which precipitation occurred corresponded to periods of rapid growth. The results of the climate-growth analysis show that changes in radial growth reflect the effect of water stress on tree growth, whether or not the changes are positively or negatively correlated with the above climatic factors. This indicates that moisture plays a major role in the growth of Schrenk spruce. We suggest that precipitation between late May to late June is a limiting factor for radial growth of Schrenk spruce on the northern slopes of the Tianshan Mountains. 相似文献
通过野外考察数据和现有文献资料,分析了天山北坡地区草地植物物种资源的组成特征。结果表明。复杂的生态地理环境条件造就了天山北坡中段草地植物种类非常丰富;在山地草地垂直分布带上,山地草甸的物种丰富度最大;8多样性指数可以直观地反映垂直带间物种组成的差异性或不同地段的生境多样性;垂直带间的植物物种资源的特征是生境特征和环境演变对该地区植物分布共同作用的结果。在垂直方向上对天山北坡中段草地植物的空间变化进行分析,揭示了植物物种资源在北坡的垂直变化规律,为该地区的生物多样性资源保护提供科学依据。 相似文献
应用能值分析理论和方法,对新疆天山北坡经济带农牧业生态经济系统进行了分析和评价,通过一系列的能值指标定量分析了该地区的农牧业系统的能值流动。结果表明:环境资源对农牧业系统的贡献很大,环境资源能值占总能值利用的79.2%,高于全国农业系统平均值(13%);净能值产出率为4.81,高于我国平均值(0.27),说明该区域农牧系统生产有一定的竞争优势;农牧业产品的宏观经济价值大于市场价值,这是由于农牧业生产中有相当大一部分环境资源无偿投入所致;环境负载率指标为0.373,低于我国农业系统的环境负载率(2.8),环境压力较小;可持续发展指数为12.90,有较好的发展潜力,据此,提出了一系列促进区域农业可持续发展的产业结构调整措施。 相似文献
WANG Wen-Tsai 《植物分类学报:英文版》2001,39(4):309-336
( 1 ) Nine species and 4 varieties are described as new, and 2 new ranks, 1 new combination, and 1 new name are proposed. (2) Clematis dioica L. ssp. virginiana (L.) Kuntze var.
bahamica Kuntze, C. bahamica (Kuntze) Britton, C. orbiculata Correll, C. brasiliana DC.
var. laxa St. Hilaire, C. perulata Kuntze, C. barrancae Jones, C. discolor Gardn., C. laxiflora Baker, C. bathiei Lévl., and C. mauritiana Lam. var. sulfurea Viguier & Perrier are reduced into synonymy. (3) A new classification for the varieties of C. chinensis Osbeck is proposed. (4) The specific status of C. flukenetii DC. is discussed and confirmed. (5) The differences
between C. acapulcensis Hook. & Arn., the South American population of which has been misidentified as C. affinis St. Hilaire, and its close ally, C. affinis St. Hilaire, are given. (6) The
taxonomical confusion made by Viguier and Perrier about the species belonging to sect. Meclatis
subsect. Wightianae distributed in Madagascar and adjoining islands is clarified, and an enumera-tion of them with a key is given. 相似文献
铁线莲属研究随访(Ⅳ) 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
taiwaniana Hayata可能为C.javanaDC.的异名。本文作者在研究了有关的南洋群岛、中国台湾及日本琉球群岛的标本之后同意Eichler的归并意见;此外,C.grataWall.var.ryukiuensis
Tamura,C.sikkimensis(Hook.f.&Thoms.)Drumm.ex Burkill,C.connata DC.var.bipinnata
M.Y.Fang,C.kilungensis W.T.Wang & M.Y.Fang等拉丁学名也被归并为异名。(2)对大叶铁线莲组sect.Tubulosae做出了新的分类系统。特产日本的Clematis
takedana Makino自发表后一直被认为是C.apiifolia DC.和C.stans Sieb. & Zucc.(大叶铁线莲C.heracleifolia
Drumm.ex Burkill的4变种和C.connata DC.的5变种进行了分类。(3)描述了3新系、3新种和4新变种。(4)做出了6新组合和3新等级。 相似文献