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Dear Editor, Higher plants have evolved hundreds of genes encodingreceptor-like kinases (RLKs), which function as cell surfacereceptors perceiving developmental and environmental sig-nals (Shiu et al., 2004). Many RLKs have been shown to playspecific roles in hormone responses, developmental regula-tion, defense against pathogen infection, and adaptationto abiotic stresses (Chae et al., 2009; Antolin-Llovera et al.,2012). The mechanisms that ensure specific signal transduc-tion from each RLK to target cellular responses remain poorlyunderstood. Recent studies revealed that many RLKs trans-duce signals by phosphorylating receptor-like cytoplasmickinases (RLCKs), which lack the transmembrane domainsbut are anchored at the plasma membrane through lipidmodification (Tang et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2010; Shi et al.,2013). There are over 400 RLKs and only about 150 RLCKs inArabidopsis (Shiu et al., 2004). One outstanding question iswhether each RLCK mediates signaling downstream of a spe-cific RLK, participates in multiple RLK pathways, or mediatescrosstalk between RLK pathways.  相似文献   

Dear Editor, Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC; EC islocated at an important branch point in the carbohydratemetabolism of plants. The enzyme is a homotetramer andcatalyzes the addition of bicarbonate to phosphoenolpyru-vate (PEP) to form oxaloacetate and phosphate. PEPC isregulated by metabolites and phosphorylation. AIIostericfeedback inhibition is mainly regulated by L-malate andL-aspartate which bind to a site separated from the activecenter (Kai et al., 1999; Paulus et al., 2013). Structure analy-sis of PEPC from Escherichia coli (Kai et al., 1999; Matsumuraet al., 2002), Zea rnays (Matsumura et al., 2002), Flaveria trin-ervia, and F. pringlei (Paulus et al., 2013) revealed that thesubstrate PEP and the feedback inhibitors bind to separatesites within each monomer.  相似文献   

现代民族植物学引论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了“现代民族植物学”的概念,阐述了其内涵,简要介绍了研究思路和方法,并用具体事例说明了现代民族植物学的重要意义.现代民族植物学是民族植物学的一个发展阶段,是指利用现代科学技术手段(计算机科学、信息科学、分子生物学、药物化学等等)研究当地人群与植物之间的相互作用关系.以AFLP和SSR分子标记技术研究云南藏区青稞种质资源的研究为例,证明了传统文化在植物遗传多样性保护中的作用.对滇东南瑶族药浴植物荷花藤的药物化学研究,证实了其传统药浴知识的科学合理性.现代民族植物学具有广阔的发展和应用前景.  相似文献   

民族植物学定量研究中的取样方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
定量方法在民族植物学研究中越来越占有重要的地住,但民族植物学定量研究中有关取样方面还存在着一些不同的看法。笔者针对云南省金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县的拉祜族民间草医所使用的药用植物资源和草医对不同生境中药用植物的利用情况进行了取样,并以此对民族植物学中有关取样中存在的问题进行了讨论。结果表明不同生境中民族植物学的取样面积与植物生态学中的取样面积比较相近。所以在进行民族植物学野外取样时,司以针对具体的生境和植被特点来借用植物生态学中对该类生境或植被所采用的最小取样面积。  相似文献   

CAX是一种通过质子梯度产生的能量运输协调再分配钙离子(Ca2+)等阳离子的转运蛋白,是Ca2+/Cation antiporter(CaCA)大家族的一个分化枝。植物CAXs属于CAX三大类的Ⅰ型CAX。大部分植物CAXs有11个跨膜区(TM)和5个典型的功能域,即N-端自抑制区域(NRR)、C-端功能区域、Ca2+功能域(CaD)、C功能域和D功能域。其中NRR存在于大部分CAX中,调节CAX的功能。以下综述了近年来国内外对CAX类蛋白的研究成果与进展,涉及到CAX家族的命名,亚家族的分类,CAX组织表达及亚细胞定位,特别是CAX的转运活性等研究。加强对CAX的研究对调节植物生长、提高农作物养分吸收和减轻土壤中污染物等有重要作用。  相似文献   

蓝藻的分子系统学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
藻类分子系统学是一门新兴的学科。介绍了蓝藻分子系统学的发展、定义和蓝藻分子系统学的研究方法,并举例说明了各种方法的应用。同时,对蓝藻分子系统学发展前景作出了展望。  相似文献   

植物联合固氮菌分子生态学的研究方法和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
联合固氮菌定殖于植物根际或体内 ,它们与植物联合没有像根瘤菌和豆科植物共生形成根瘤那样形成特化的结构。由于二者的联合缺少明显的表型变化 ,以致研究这种植物和微生物间相互作用的工作进展缓慢。最近 ,免疫学技术、寡核苷酸探针杂交技术和监测标记 /报告基因等分子生物学技术在这一领域中得到了广泛的应用 ,不起才有了许多细致的联合固氮菌分子生态学研究。如研究与植物联合的固氮菌在何处表达固氮功能时 ,就应用了抗固氮酶铁蛋白抗体专一识别铁蛋白、寡核苷酸探针与nifH基因 (编码固氮酶铁蛋白 )的mRNA杂交或nifH启动子与…  相似文献   

生态学研究热点—植物分子生态学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一般认为生态学是从宏观的角度研究生物与环境关系的科学。而随着其它自然学科向生态学的渗透,以及信息技术和生物技术的产生和迅猛进步,从而涌现出许多新兴的交叉领域,其中特别是应用分子生物学的理论与方法,在解决生态学的有关问题过程中,一个崭新的研究领域─—植物分子生态学就应运而生了。 一、分子生态学的概念 目前对于这个新研究领域的概念讨论甚多,至今尚无一个普遍认可和明确的概念。例如,侯泽(Hoelzel)和德夫(Dover)认为:分子生态学是用DNA和蛋白质的特征,研究物种的分化、演化及种群生物学等生态学…  相似文献   

植物体的各项生理活动依赖于分子水平上多种植物蛋白质/蛋白质复合体的相互作用和动态变化,了解这些蛋白质/蛋白质复合体的结构和功能对于研究相关植物生理活动的分子机理至关重要.得益于最近的技术进步——包括直接电子探测器的发展和先进的图像处理算法,冷冻电镜技术已经逐步发展成为研究蛋白质/蛋白质复合体的重要技术手段,这也为深入理...  相似文献   

QTL定位的研究方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李宏 《生物学通报》2002,37(6):53-54
QTL 定位就是采用类似单基因定位的方法将QTL定位在遗传图谱上 ,确定 QTL与遗传标记间的距离 (以重组率表示 ) [1]。根据标记数目的不同 ,可分为单标记、双标记和多标记几种方法。根据统计分析方法的不同 ,可分为方差与均值分析法、回归及相关分析法、矩估计及最大似然法等。根据标记区间数可分为零区间作图、单区间作图和多区间作图。此外 ,还有将不同方法结合起来的综合分析方法 ,如 QTL复合区间作图 (CIM)、多区间作图 (MIM)、多 QTL作图、多性状作图 (MTM)等等。建立在标记与数量性状之间相互关联基础上的关联分析方法主要有…  相似文献   

The Hengduan Mountains region of south-west China is a noted biodiversity,hotspot, but the geographic origins and historical assembly of its rich endemic flora, including the sky-island species ofSolms-laubachia Muschl. (Brassicaceae), have been little studied. Previous molecular studies on the phylogeny of Solms-laubachia showed it to be paraphyletic, leading to considerable expansion not only of its taxonomic limits, but also its geographic range, with the inclusion of taxa from outside the Hengduan region. However, these studies provided little resolution of interspecific relationships, preventing inferences about historical biogeography within the clade. In the present study, new sequence data from two nuclear genes (LEAFY and G3pdh) and two chloroplast intergenic spacers (petN-psbM and psbM-trnD) were combined with existing markers to increase phylogenetic signals. Phaeonychium villosum (Maxim.) Al-Shehbaz was found to be nested within Solms-laubachia s.l. In general, phylogenetic relationships appear to be a good predictor of geography, with the Hengduan Mountain endemics embedded in a paraphyletic grade of species from the western Himalayas and central Asia, but they also imply morphological homoplasy, lncongruence was detected between the nuclear and chloroplast gene trees, perhaps resulting from incomplete lineage sorting of ancestral polymorphisms. The crown age ofSolms-laubachia s.l. was estimated to be approximately 1.42-3.68 mya, using Bayesian relaxed molecular clock analysis. Historical biogeographic analysis using a parametric dispersalextinction-cladogenesis model inferred central Asia and the western Himalayas as most probable ancestral range of Solms-laubachia s.l., and estimated higher rates of eastward expansion than westward during the diversification of descendant lineages. In summary, our results suggest that Solms-laubachia s.l. originated during the Pliocene in central Asia, and subsequently migrated eastward into the Hengduan Mountains, colonizing sky-island, alpine scre  相似文献   

目的:建立季节性流感病毒H1N1和H3N2的BALB/c小鼠致死性动物模型,并探索其鼠肺适应的分子机理。方法:将季节性流感病毒A/Guangdong/51/2008(H1N1)(简称为H1N1-GDwt)和A/Anhui/137/2008(H3N2)(简称为H3N2-AHwt)分别滴鼻感染BALB/c小鼠,于病毒增殖高峰期制备肺组织悬液,连续传40代,并对野生型与鼠肺适应株在小鼠中的致死性与全基因组序列进行比较。结果:H3N2-AHwt感染BALB/c小鼠后各代次鼠肺悬液均未检测到病毒;而H1N1-GDwt感染小鼠后第4 d肺部病毒滴度达到高峰,病毒滴度随传代次数的增加而呈现"波浪型"升高,鼠肺适应株对BALB/c小鼠的致死性与致病性明显强于野生型病毒,全基因组序列分析发现鼠肺适应株在血凝素(HA)、酸性聚合酶(PA)、核蛋白(NP)及非结构蛋白(NS)中共发生了10个氨基酸突变。结论:H3N2-AHwt难以在BALB/c小鼠中有效复制与适应;而H1N1-GDwt能够在BALB/c小鼠中有效复制,其毒力可以通过连续鼠肺传代而提高,HA、PA、NP及NS蛋白的突变与其鼠肺适应密切相关。  相似文献   

Clematis sect. Atragene is revised in this paper based on the examination of a large number of herbarium specimens, extensive field observations, and morphometric analyses. Brief taxonomic history and geographical distribution of the section are given, the relationships among the species are discussed, and the evolutionary trends of some characters in the section are evaluated. The staminodes of the plants in this section may have evolved from the outer stamens with petaloid filaments and gradually disappearing anthers. Subsequently, they may have evolved in two different ways. One possibility is that the staminodes elongate and become lanceolate, as long as sepals, and their apices turn into attenuate. The other is that the staminodes are spathulate, but not elongating, as long as stamens, and their apices turn into retuse from obtuse and rounded. The evolutionary trend of sepals may be from thin to thick in texture, and the veins from non-prominent to prominent. As a result, five new series are established and nine species, two subspecies and nine varieties (including three new ranks) are recognized in this section. An identification key is provided, and each taxon is described and illustrated. Clematis sibirica and Clematis ochotensis are treated as subspecies of Clematis alpina due to their subtle differences and lack of, or few, overlapping distributions. Clematis fusijamana and Clematisfauriei are recognized as varieties of C. alpina ssp. ochotensis for the continuous variation of the velutinous strips on the sepal margins. Clematis iliensis is treated as variety of C. alpina ssp. sibirica for the continuous variation of leaf division types. Extensive variations in sepal color and basal caruncle size support degrading Clematis chiisanensis as a variety of Clematis koreana. The North American ser. Occientales may be primitive, whereas ser. Macropetalae may be the most advanced taxon in this section. Ser. Alpinae and ser. Koreanae are closely related to each other. However, the systematic position of ser.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) starvation is highly notorious for limiting plant growth around the globe. To combat P-starvation, plants constantly sense the changes in their environment, and elicit an elegant myriad of plastic responses and rescue strategies to enhance P-solublization and acquisition from bound soil P-forms. Relative growth responses, P-solublization and P- acquisition ability of 14 diverse Brassica cultivars grown with sparingly soluble P-sources (Rock-P (RP) and Ca3(PO4)2 (TCP)) were evaluated in a solution culture experiment. Cultivars showed considerable genetic diversity in terms of biomass accumulation, concentration and contents of P and Ca in shoots and roots, P-stress factor (PSF) and P use efficiency. Cultivars showed variable P-stress tolerance, and cultivars depicting low PSF and high P-efficiency values were better adaptable to P-starvation. In experiment 2, after initial feeding on optimum nutrition for 12 d after transplanting (DAT), class-I (low P-tolerant (Oscar and Con-II)) and class-II (low P-sensitive (Gold Rush and RL-18)) cultivars were exposed to P-free environment for 25 d. All of the cultivars remobilized P from above ground parts to their roots during growth in P-free environment, the magnitude of which was variable in tested cultivars. P-concentrations ([P]s) at 37 DAT were higher in developing compared with developed leaves. Translocation of absorbed P from metabolically inactive to active sites in P- stressed plants may have helped class-I cultivars to establish a better rooting system, which provided a basis for enhanced P-utilization efficiency (PUE) and tolerance against P-stress. By supplying TCP and RP spatially separated from other nutrients in split root study, class-I cultivars were still able to mobilize RP and TCP more efficiently compared with class-II cultivars. To compare the growth behavior under P-stress, cultivars were grown in pots for 41 d after sowing, using a soil low in P (NaHCO3-extractable P = 3.97 mg/kg, M  相似文献   

Non-mycorrhizal Brassica does not produce specialized root structures such as cluster or dauciform roots but is an effective user of P compared with other crops. In addition to P-uptake, utilization and remobilization activity, acquisition of orthophosphate (Pi) from extracellular sparingly P-sources or unavailable bound P-forms can be enhanced by biochemical rescue mechanisms such copious H+-efflux and/or carboxylates exudation into rhizosphere by roots via plasmalemma H+ ATPase and anion channels triggered by P-starvation. To visualize the dissolution of sparingly soluble Ca-phosphate (Ca-P), newly formed Ca-P was suspended in agar containing other essential nutrients. With NH4+ applied as the N source, the precipitate dissolved in the root vicinity can be ascribed to rhizosphere acidification, whereas no dissolution occurred with nitrate nutrition. To observe in situ rhizospheric pH changes, images were recorded after embedding the roots in agar containing bromocresol purple as a pH indicator. P-tolerant cultivar showed a greater decrease in pH than the sensitive cultivar in the culture media (the appearance of typical patterns of various colors of pH indicator in the root vicinity), and at stress P-level this acidification was more prominent. In experiment 2, low P-tolerant class-I cultivars (Oscar and Con-II) showed a greater decrease in solution media pH than low P-sensitive class-II (Gold Rush and RL-18) cultivars, and P-contents of the cultivars was inversely related to decrease in culture media pH. To elucidate P-stress- induced remodeling and redesigning in a root architectural system, cultivars were grown in rhizoboxes in experiment 3. The elongation rates of primary roots increased as P-supply increased, but the elongation rates of the branched zones of primary roots decreased. The length of the lateral roots and topological index values increased when cultivars were exposed to a P-stress environment. To elucidate Pi-uptake kinetics, parameters related to P influx: maximal  相似文献   

Singchia Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, a new orchid genus, is established based on the new species S. malipoensis Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen found in southeast Yunnan, China. The new genus is related to Pteroceras, from which it differs by having a lip with its basal margins immovably adnate to the lower part of the pendent column foot, a thin-walled spur, and very unequally and deeply split pollinia, each with a distinct caudicle. In addition to a discussion on Ascocentrum pusillum, a species of questionable placement, another new genus, namely Gunnaria S. C. Chen ex Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, is set up and a new combination, namely G. pusilla (Aver.) Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, is made. The new genus Gunnaria differs from its allyAscocentrum by having a cross-shaped pollinarium, sulcate or split pollinia, each with a distinct caudicle attached to a common linear stipe much longer than either pollinia or viscidium, and strongly incurved side lobes of the lip.  相似文献   

采用科学文献计量学方法,通过SCI数据库对植物学研究领域文献量进行统计,初步探究植物学研究领域近十年来的研究概况,并重点分析了近三年来的关键文献和研究热点,探讨加强中国在植物学研究领域上的影响。  相似文献   

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