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Francisella tularensis is a small Gram-negative bacterium that causes tularemia in animals and man. The disease can be transmitted by handling of infected animals, by contaminated dust, by insect vectors, or by drinking contaminated water. In the present study cells of F. tularensis were subjected to extended storage in cold water devoid of carbon sources. Total cell counts remained constant throughout a 70-day period and beyond, while plate counts decreased to an undetectable level after 70 days. Attempts to resuscitate the cells were unsuccessful. Quantitative PCR targeting the 16S rDNA of F. tularensis showed an increase in variability after 25 days and the signal was lost after 45 days. Metabolic activity, measured by accumulation of rhodamine 123, declined to approximately 35% after a 140-day period. Analyses of substrate responsiveness of cells stored for 140 days in cold water showed that approximately 30% of the population increased in size after incubation in rich medium in the presence of nalidixic acid. Approximately 10(5) of these cells were injected intraperitoneally into mice. No signs or symptoms of tularemia were observed during 3 weeks. In addition, there was no evidence of stimulation of lymphocytes with F. tularensis as recall antigen. In conclusion, viable but non-culturable cells of F. tularensis are avirulent in mice, giving new insight into the ecological niche of this bacterium.  相似文献   

A cell culture assay to determine the virulence of Francisella tularensis was devised. Murine cell lines P388 and J774 were significantly more susceptible to F. tularensis Schu4 than the attenuated live vaccine strain. The ability of F. tularensis strains to cause cell death correlated with their virulence to mice. Use of this assay with infected cells separated from susceptible uninfected cells by a membrane with 0.1 μm pores, failed to demonstrate possible diffusible exotoxins produced by F. tularensis.  相似文献   

Aeromonas salmonicida expresses a large number of proven and suspected virulence factors including bacterial surface proteins, extracellular degradative enzymes, and toxins. We report the isolation and characterization of a 4-gene cluster, tapABCD, from virulent A. salmonicida A450 that encodes proteins homologous to components required for type IV pilus biogenesis. One gene, tapA, encodes a protein with high homology to type IV pilus subunit proteins from many gram-negative bacterial pathogens, including Aeromonas hydrophila, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Vibrio vulnificus. A survey of A. salmonicida isolates from a variety of sources shows that the tapA gene is as ubiquitous in this species as it is in other members of the Aeromonads. Immunoblotting experiments demonstrate that it is expressed in vitro and is antigenically conserved among the A. salmonicida strains tested. A mutant A. salmonicida strain defective in expression of TapA was constructed by allelic exchange and found to be slightly less pathogenic for juvenile Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout) than wild type when delivered by intraperitoneal injection. In addition, fish initially challenged with a high dose of wild type were slightly more resistant to rechallenge with wild type than those initially challenged with the tapA mutant strain, suggesting that presence of TapA contributes to immunity. Two of the other three genes identified, tapB and tapC, encode proteins with homology to factors known to be required for type IV pilus assembly in P. aeruginosa, but in an as yet unidentified manner. TapB is a member of the ABC-transporter family of proteins that contain characteristic nucleotide-binding regions, and which may provide energy for type IV pilus assembly through the hydrolysis of ATP. TapC homologs are integral cytoplasmic membrane proteins that may play a role in pilus anchoring or initiation of assembly. The fourth gene, tapD, encodes a product that shares homology with a family of proteins with a known biochemical function, namely, the type IV prepilin leader peptidases. These bifunctional enzymes proteolytically cleave the leader peptide from the pilin precursor (prepilin) and then N-methylate the newly exposed N-terminal amino acid prior to assembly of the subunits into the pilus structure. We demonstrate that A. salmonicida TapD is able to restore type IV pilus assembly and type II secretion in a P. aeruginosa strain carrying a mutation in its type IV peptidase gene, suggesting that it plays the same role in A. salmonicida.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis is a highly infectious bacterium causing acute disease in mammalian hosts. Mechanisms for the acquisition of iron within the iron-limiting host environment are likely to be critical for survival of this intracellular pathogen. FslE (FTT0025) and FupA (FTT0918) are paralogous proteins that are predicted to form β-barrels in the outer membrane of virulent strain Schu S4 and are unique to Francisella species. Previous studies have implicated both FupA, initially identified as a virulence factor and FslE, encoded by the siderophore biosynthetic operon, in iron acquisition. Using single and double mutants, we demonstrated that these paralogs function in concert to promote growth under iron limitation. We used a (55)Fe transport assay to demonstrate that FslE is involved in siderophore-mediated ferric iron uptake, whereas FupA facilitates high affinity ferrous iron uptake. Optimal replication within J774A.1 macrophage-like cells required at least one of these uptake systems to be functional. In a mouse model of tularemia, the ΔfupA mutant was attenuated, but the ΔfslE ΔfupA mutant was significantly more attenuated, implying that the two systems of iron acquisition function synergistically to promote virulence. These studies highlight the importance of specific iron acquisition functions, particularly that of ferrous iron, for virulence of F. tularensis in the mammalian host.  相似文献   

In Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis, DsbA has been shown to be an essential virulence factor and has been observed to migrate to multiple protein spots on two-dimensional electrophoresis gels. In this work, we show that the protein is modified with a 1,156-Da glycan moiety in O-linkage. The results of mass spectrometry studies suggest that the glycan is a hexasaccharide, comprised of N-acetylhexosamines, hexoses, and an unknown monosaccharide. Disruption of two genes within the FTT0789-FTT0800 putative polysaccharide locus, including a galE homologue (FTT0791) and a putative glycosyltransferase (FTT0798), resulted in loss of glycan modification of DsbA. The F. tularensis subsp. tularensis ΔFTT0798 and ΔFTT0791::Cm mutants remained virulent in the murine model of subcutaneous tularemia. This indicates that glycosylation of DsbA does not play a major role in virulence under these conditions. This is the first report of the detailed characterization of the DsbA glycan and putative role of the FTT0789-FTT0800 gene cluster in glycan biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Considering the high incidence of galactofuranose (Gal(f)) in pathogens and its absence from higher eukaryotes, the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of this unusual monosaccharide appear as attractive drug targets. However, although the importance of Gal(f) in bacterial survival or pathogenesis is established, its role in eukaryotic pathogens is still undefined. Recently, we reported the identification and characterization of the first eukaryotic UDP-galactopyranose mutases. This enzyme holds a central role in Gal(f) metabolism by providing UDP-Gal(f) to all galactofuranosyltransferases. In this work, the therapeutical potential of Gal(f) metabolism in Leishmania major was hence evaluated by targeted replacement of the GLF gene encoding UDP-galactopyranose mutase. In L. major, Gal(f) is present in the membrane anchor of the lipophosphoglycan (LPG) and in glycoinositolphospholipids. Accordingly, the generated glf(-) mutant is deficient in LPG backbone and expresses truncated glycoinositolphospholipids. These structural changes do not influence the in vitro growth of the parasite but lead to an attenuation of virulence comparable with that observed with a mutant exclusively deficient in LPG.  相似文献   

A Francisella tularensis live vaccine strain mutant (sodB(Ft)) with reduced Fe-superoxide dismutase gene expression was generated and found to exhibit decreased sodB activity and increased sensitivity to redox cycling compounds compared to wild-type bacteria. The sodB(Ft) mutant also was significantly attenuated for virulence in mice. Thus, this study has identified sodB as an important F. tularensis virulence factor.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis causes the human disease tularemia. F. tularensis is able to survive and replicate within macrophages, a trait that has been correlated with its high virulence, but it is unclear the exact mechanism(s) this organism uses to escape killing within this hostile environment. F. tularensis virulence is dependent upon the Francisella pathogenicity island (FPI), a cluster of genes that we show here shares homology with type VI secretion gene clusters in Vibrio cholerae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We demonstrate that two FPI proteins, VgrG and IglI, are secreted into the cytosol of infected macrophages. VgrG and IglI are required for F. tularensis phagosomal escape, intramacrophage growth, inflammasome activation and virulence in mice. Interestingly, VgrG secretion does not require the other FPI genes. However, VgrG and other FPI genes, including PdpB (an IcmF homologue), are required for the secretion of IglI into the macrophage cytosol, suggesting that VgrG and other FPI factors are components of a secretion system. This is the first report of F. tularensis FPI virulence proteins required for intramacrophage growth that are translocated into the macrophage.  相似文献   

Under conditions of artificial water biocenosis a virulent strain of F. tularensis could be detected in fresh water shrimps and mollusks for about a month, in Conepoda for up to 20 days and in Chydorus sphaericus for up to 7 days from the moment of the aquaria water contamination. In silt F. tularensis could be detected for a longer period (up to 2 months). Daphnia, Oligochaeta and C. sphaericus appeared to be unfavorable environment for this microorganism. The virulence level of F. tularensis microbial cells decreased in paralell with prolongation of their stay in water biocenosis. The presence of water biota favours F. tularensis preservation in water reservoirs for a longer time.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis is the causative agent of the highly, infectious disease, tularemia. Amongst the genes identified as essential to the virulence of F. tularensis was the proposed serine hydrolase FTT0941c. Herein, we purified FTT0941c to homogeneity and then characterized the folded stability, enzymatic activity, and substrate specificity of FTT0941c. Based on phylogenetic analysis, FTT0941c was classified within a divergent Francisella subbranch of the bacterial hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) superfamily, but with the conserved sequence motifs of a bacterial serine hydrolase. FTT0941c showed broad hydrolase activity against diverse libraries of ester substrates, including significant hydrolytic activity across alkyl ester substrates from 2 to 8 carbons in length. Among a diverse library of fluorogenic substrates, FTT0941c preferred α-cyclohexyl ester substrates, matching with the substrate specificity of structural homologues and the broad open architecture of its modeled binding pocket. By substitutional analysis, FTT0941c was confirmed to have a classic catalytic triad of Ser115, His278, and Asp248 and to remain thermally stable even after substitution. Its overall substrate specificity profile, divergent phylogenetic homology, and preliminary pathway analysis suggested potential biological functions for FTT0941c in diverse metabolic degradation pathways in F. tularensis.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis, the causative agent of tularemia, is a category A biodefense agent. The examination of gene function in this organism is limited due to the lack of available controllable promoters. Here, we identify a promoter element of F. tularensis LVS that is repressed by glucose (termed the Francisella glucose-repressible promoter, or FGRp), allowing the management of downstream gene expression. In bacteria cultured in medium lacking glucose, this promoter induced the expression of a red fluorescent protein allele, tdtomato. FGRp activity was used to produce antisense RNA of iglC, an important virulence factor, which severely reduced IglC protein levels. Cultivation in glucose-containing medium restored IglC levels, indicating the usefulness of this promoter for controlling both exogenous and chromosomal gene expression. Moreover, FGRp was shown to be active during the infection of human macrophages by using the fluorescence reporter. In this environment, the FGRp-mediated expression of antisense iglC by F. tularensis LVS resulted in reduced bacterial fitness, demonstrating the applicability of this promoter. An analysis of the genomic sequence indicated that this promoter region controls a gene, FTL_0580, encoding a hypothetical protein. A deletion analysis determined the critical sites essential for FGRp activity to be located within a 44-bp region. This is the first report of a conditional promoter and the use of antisense constructs in F. tularensis, valuable genetic tools for studying gene function both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Abstract The characterisation of virulence factors of Francisella tularensis has been hampered by the lack of genetic system for the bacterium. In this study, a shuttle vector was constructed that can replicate autonomously in F. tularensis and Escherichia coli . To obtain this vector, the p15A replication origin of E. coli plasmid pACYC184 was introduced into a plasmid derivative of plasmid pFNL200, a plasmid which only can replicate in F. tularensis . The resulting shuttle vector, designated pKK202, harboured resistance genes for chloramphenicol and tetracycline. This vector might be used as a basis for the studies of virulence factors of F. tularensis .  相似文献   

In Francisella tularensis, the putative DNA-binding protein PigR works in concert with the SspA protein family members MglA and SspA to control the expression of genes that are essential for the intramacrophage growth and survival of the organism. MglA and SspA form a complex that interacts with RNA polymerase (RNAP), and this interaction between the MglA-SspA complex and RNAP is thought to be critical to its regulatory function. How PigR works in concert with the MglA-SspA complex is not known; previously published findings differ over whether PigR interacts with the MglA-SspA complex, leading to disparate models for how PigR and the MglA-SspA complex exert their regulatory effects. Here, using a combination of genetic assays, we identify mutants of MglA and SspA that are specifically defective for interaction with PigR. Analysis of the MglA and SspA mutants in F. tularensis reveals that interaction between PigR and the MglA-SspA complex is essential in order for PigR to work coordinately with MglA and SspA to positively regulate the expression of virulence genes. Our findings uncover a surface of the MglA-SspA complex that is important for interaction with PigR and support the idea that PigR exerts its regulatory effects through an interaction with the RNAP-associated MglA-SspA complex.  相似文献   

FTH_0069 is a previously uncharacterized strongly immunoreactive protein that has been proposed to be a novel virulence factor in Francisella tularensis. Here, the glycan structure modifying two C-terminal peptides of FTH_0069 was identified utilizing high resolution, high mass accuracy mass spectrometry, combined with in-source CID tandem MS experiments. The glycan observed at m/z 1156 was determined to be a hexasaccharide, consisting of two hexoses, three N-acetylhexosamines, and an unknown monosaccharide containing a phosphate group. The monosaccharide sequence of the glycan is tentatively proposed as X-P-HexNAc-HexNAc-Hex-Hex-HexNAc, where X denotes the unknown monosaccharide. The glycan is identical to that of DsbA glycoprotein, as well as to one of the multiple glycan structures modifying the type IV pilin PilA, suggesting a common biosynthetic pathway for the protein modification. Here, we demonstrate that the glycosylation of FTH_0069, DsbA, and PilA was affected in an isogenic mutant with a disrupted wbtDEF gene cluster encoding O-antigen synthesis and in a mutant with a deleted pglA gene encoding pilin oligosaccharyltransferase PglA. Based on our findings, we propose that PglA is involved in both pilin and general F. tularensis protein glycosylation, and we further suggest an inter-relationship between the O-antigen and the glycan synthesis in the early steps in their biosynthetic pathways.  相似文献   

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