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基因组印记对个体发育及动物克隆的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
侯晓军  焦丽红  陈新  王柳 《遗传学报》2005,32(5):550-554
介绍了印记基因对个体发育及动物克隆的深远影响。通过分析有关印记基因起源的几种不同假说,展现印记基因的作用方式与功能;探讨印记基因特殊的形成机制,有助于深入理解这一表观遗传修饰调节对动物个体发育和动物克隆的影响。印记基因对哺乳动物胎儿的发育具有十分重要的作用,对个体的生长与行为也有一定影响,特别是对胎盘发育极为重要。一旦表达失控就会导致多种疾病发生,大量证据表明许多肿瘤的发生都与其相应基因组印记丢失有关。在当前动物克隆研究中,克隆动物成活率低,具有大量表型异常及不同程度缺陷,而这些异常与许多印记基因表达失调导致的症状非常相似。因此,克隆动物的印记基因表达异常可能正是制约克隆效率提高的关键因素。  相似文献   

长非编码RNA(lnc RNA)是长度大于200 bp的一类非编码蛋白的RNA,因其在基因组中含量巨大以及重要的生物学功能引起了学术界的广泛关注.基因组印记是一种表观遗传现象,lnc RNAs通过建立靶基因的印记而发挥重要的生物功能.基因组印记可以用来研究lnc RNAs在转录和转录后水平调控基因表达的分子机制.本文选取6个印记机制研究比较透彻的印记区域,包括Kcnq1/Cdkn1c、Igf2r/Airn、Prader-Willi(PWS)/Angelman(AS)、Snurf/Snrpn、Dlk1-Dio3和H19/Igf2.通过介绍包括基因间lnc RNAs(H19、Ipw和Meg3)、反义lnc RNAs(Kcnq1ot1、Airn、Ube3a-ATS)和增强子lnc RNAs(IG-DMR e RNAs)在内的3种类型lnc RNAs在印记调控中的作用,从而了解lnc RNAs通过顺式或(/和)反式作用多种机制调控亲本特异性靶基因的表达.了解印记基因簇中lnc RNAs的作用方式将有助于我们揭示lnc RNAs在整个基因组中的作用机制.  相似文献   

植物多倍体基因组的形成与进化   总被引:41,自引:2,他引:41  
杨继 《植物分类学报》2001,39(4):357-371
多倍化是植物进化变异的自然现象,也是促进植物发生进化改变的重要力量。在被子植物中,约 70%的种类在进化史中曾发生过一次或多次多倍化的过程。目前的研究结果表明,自然界绝大多数多倍体是通过未减数配子的融合而形成的,并且很多多倍体种是通过多次独立的多倍化过程而重复发生的。由多倍化所导致的重复基因在多倍体基因组中可能有三种不同的命运,即:保持原有的功能、基因沉默或分化并执行新的功能。多倍化以后,重复基因组的进化动态则主要表现在染色体重排和“染色体二倍化”、不同基因组之间的相互渗透、以及核-质之间的相互作用等方面。  相似文献   

多倍体植物的表观遗传现象   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨俊宝  彭正松 《遗传》2005,27(2):335-342
表观遗传现象是指基因表达发生改变但不涉及DNA序列的变化, 它存在于许多植物的多倍体化过程中,而且能够在代与代之间传递。表观遗传变异包括基因沉默、DNA甲基化、核仁显性、休眠转座子激活和基因组印记等方面。这种现象可能是由于基因组间的相互作用直接诱发基因沉默或基因表达改变所致;也可能由DNA甲基化之外的组蛋白编码的改变引起;或者与甲基化不足、染色质重组或转座子激活等有关。表观遗传变异在提高基因表达的多样性,引起遗传学和细胞学上的二倍化,以及促进基因组间的相互协调等方面起着重要作用。文章综述了植物多倍体化过程中的表观遗传现象及其在多倍体植物基因组进化中的作用,并在此基础上提出了今后在这方面的研究途径。  相似文献   

序列消除与异源多倍体植物基因组的进化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
经杂交后多倍化形成的异源多倍体植物,被认为在其形成的早期阶段经历了DNA序列消除过程。发生消除的序列既涉及到高拷贝的序列也有低拷贝的序列,而且大多数情况下倾向于消除来自其中一个亲本的序列。序列消除的模式因基因组组成和物种的不同而有差异,并且可能受到细胞质的影响。尽管序列消除的分子机制还不是很清楚,但很多证据已表明非同源染色体之间的互作不是主要的原因。目前认为,序列消除增加了非同源染色体之间的差异,为多倍化后在减数分裂过程中快速恢复二倍化的染色体配对模式提供了物质基础,这样更有利于多倍体在自然界快速稳定。  相似文献   

芸薹属多倍体植物基因组进化的RAPD分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多倍化是促进高等植物发生进化的重要力量。为了更清楚地了解多倍体在形成之后其基因组是如何进化的,利用38个随机引物对芸薹属Brassica L.禹氏三角(U’Triangle)中的多倍体物种及其祖先二倍体物种进行了研究。根据扩增出的273条带计算了遗传距离,并用UPGMA法进行了聚类分析。结果发现,二倍体物种B.campestris(AA)与B.oleracea(CC)的亲缘关系比与B.nigra(BB)的要近;异源多倍体B.napus(AACC)比起其二倍体祖先之一B.campestris(AA)与另一个  相似文献   

基因组印记与疾病研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢小虎  周文华 《生命科学》2008,20(3):438-441
基因组印记是一种特别的非孟德尔遗传现象,即来自双亲的等位基因在子代中的差异性表达,是遗传后的基因调控方式,主要与基因组甲基化模式有关,包括去甲基化、重新甲基化及甲基化维持三个过程。印记基因主要通过对启动子、边界元件及非编码RNA的作用来调控基因表达。基因组印记异常与一些先天性疾病相关,也与肿瘤发生和易感性有关,  相似文献   

山羊草属异源多倍体植物基因组进化的ISSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用31个ISSR引物对山羊草属Aegilops多倍体植物及其祖先二倍体(共23种)的基因组进行了分析,结果表明:与其二倍体祖先种相比,异源多倍体物种的基因组发生了很大变化。在含U基因组的异源多倍体物种中,U基因组相对而言变化很小,而其他基因组则发生了不同程度的变化。这表明当U基因组与其他基因组共存于多倍体物种中时,U基因组表现出较强的“同化效应”。对这些基因组的进化进行了讨论。  相似文献   

根据孟德尔遗传定律,当一种性状从亲代传到子代,涉及这种性状的基因和染色体无论是来自父方或母方,传递所产生的表型效应都应该是完全相同的。但是这一普遍规律现已发现在哺乳动物某些组织和细胞中会出现例外.即控制某一表型的一对等位基因由于亲源不同而差异性表达,也就是说,机体只表达来自亲本一方的等位基因.而与其自身性别无关。这就称为基因组印记(genomic imprinting)。其中父(母)系等位基因不表达者,就称为父(母)系印记。它不遵循孟德尔遗传规律。  相似文献   

基因组印记是由亲本来源不同而导致等位基因表达差异的一种遗传现象。基因组印记产生的原因及过程是现代遗传学的一个热点问题。哺乳动物的许多基因组印记特征都使其成为后基因组时代的一个热点生物学问题。进化的基因组印记在哺乳动物生殖、发育中起到了特定的作用。综述了基因组印记的特点、印记基因的印记机理、基因印记与克隆动物的发育、印记基因与疾病的研究进展。  相似文献   

Reproductive division of labor is a hallmark of social insect societies where individuals follow different developmental pathways resulting in distinct morphological castes. There has been a long controversy over the factors determining caste fate of individuals in social insects. Increasing evidence in the last two decades for heritable influences on division of labor put an end to the assumption that social insect broods are fully totipotent and environmental factors alone determine castes. Nevertheless, the genes that underlie hereditary effects on division of labor have not been identified in any social insects. Studies investigating the hereditary effects on caste determination might have overlooked non-genetic inheritance, while transmission to offspring of factors other than DNA sequences including epigenetic states can also affect offspring phenotype. Genomic imprinting is one of the most informative paradigms for understanding the consequences of interactions between the genome and the epigenome. Recent studies of genomic imprinting show that genes can be differentially marked in egg and sperm and inheritance of these epigenetic marks cause genes to be expressed in a parental-origin-specific manner in the offspring. By reviewing both the eusocial Hymenoptera and termites, I highlight the current theoretical and empirical evidence for genomic imprinting in eusocial insects and discuss how genomic imprinting acts in caste determination and social behavior and challenges for future studies. I also introduce the new idea that genomic imprinting plays an essential role in the origin of eusociality.  相似文献   

More than a hundred protein-coding genes are controlled by genomic imprinting in humans. These atypical genes are organized in chromosomal domains, each of which is controlled by a differentially methylated "imprinting control region" (ICR). How ICRs mediate the parental allele-specific expression of close-by genes is now becoming understood. At several imprinted domains, this epigenetic mechanism involves the action of long non-coding RNAs. It is less well appreciated that imprinted gene domains also transcribe hundreds of microRNA and small nucleolar RNA genes and that these represent the densest clusters of small RNA genes in mammalian genomes. The evolutionary reasons for this remarkable enrichment of small regulatory RNAs at imprinted domains remain unclear. However, recent studies show that imprinted small RNAs modulate specific functions in development and metabolism and also are frequently perturbed in cancer. Here, we review our current understanding of imprinted small RNAs in the human genome and discuss how perturbation of their expression contributes to disease.  相似文献   

More than a hundred protein-coding genes are controlled by genomic imprinting in humans. These atypical genes are organized in chromosomal domains, each of which is controlled by a differentially methylated "imprinting control region" (ICR). How ICRs mediate the parental allele-specific expression of close-by genes is now becoming understood. At several imprinted domains, this epigenetic mechanism involves the action of long non-coding RNAs. It is less well appreciated that imprinted gene domains also transcribe hundreds of microRNA and small nucleolar RNA genes and that these represent the densest clusters of small RNA genes in mammalian genomes. The evolutionary reasons for this remarkable enrichment of small regulatory RNAs at imprinted domains remain unclear. However, recent studies show that imprinted small RNAs modulate specific functions in development and metabolism and also are frequently perturbed in cancer. Here, we review our current understanding of imprinted small RNAs in the human genome and discuss how perturbation of their expression contributes to disease.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting in plants: observations and evolutionary implications   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
The epigenetic phenomenon of genomic imprinting occurs among both plants and animals. In species where imprinting is observed, there are parent-of-origin effects on the expression of imprinted genes in offspring. This review focuses on imprinting in plants with examples from maize, where gene imprinting was first described, and Arabidopsis. Our current understanding of imprinting in plants is presented in the context of cytosine methylation and imprinting in mammals, where developmentally essential genes are imprinted. Important considerations include the structure and organization of imprinted genes and the role of regional, differential methylation. Imprinting in plants may be related to other epigenetic phenomena including paramutation and transgene silencing. Finally, we discuss the role of gene structure and evolutionary implications of imprinting in plants.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting, an epigenetic form of gene regulation, determines the parent-dependent gene expression of marked or imprinted genes during gametogenesis and embryonic development. Imprinting involves differential allele DNA methylation in one sex cell lineage but not in the other. Egg and sperm each contributes the same DNA sequences to the zygote but epigenetic imprinting of a subset of genes determines that only one of the parent alleles are expressed relative to the parental origin. Primordial germ cells inherit biallelically imprinted genes from maternal and paternal origin and erase their imprints to start de novo monoallelic imprinting during gametogenesis. Epigenetic paternalization is an ongoing process in the mitotically-dividing spermatogonial stem cell and derived meiotically-dividing spermatocyte progeny to endow sperm with imprinted alleles. Epigenetic maternalization is restricted to the oocyte growth phase of folliculogenesis and is unrelated to DNA replication since it takes place while the oocyte remains in the diplotene stage of meiotic prophase I. Sperm and oocyte genomic methylation patterns depend on the activity of DNA methyltransferases (Dnmt). A variant of Dnmt1, designated Dnmt1o, accumulates in oocyte nuclei during the follicular growth phase. Dnmt3L, an isoform of Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b, but lacking enzymatic activity, interacts with Dnmt2a and Dnmt3b and is required for spermatogenesis. In the mouse early zygote, the male pronucleus is demethylated within 4 h of fertilization. Global demethylation takes place gradually up to the morula stage. In the blastocyst, de novo methylation is reestablished in the inner cell mass but not in the trophectoderm. Both the significance of genomic imprinting and the severe developmental defects caused by disrupted Dnmt activity, point to a need for a better understanding of the causes of low cloning efficiency by somatic nuclear transfer to enucleated ovulated oocyte.  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting, representing parent-specific expression of alleles at a locus, is mainly evident in flowering plants and placental mammals. Most imprinted genes, including numerous non-coding RNAs, are located in clusters regulated by imprinting control regions (ICRs). The acquisition and evolution of genomic imprinting is among the most fundamental genetic questions. Discoveries about the transition of mammalian imprinted gene domains from their non-imprinted ancestors, especially recent studies undertaken on the most ancient mammalian clades — the marsupials and monotremes from which model species genomes have recently been sequenced, are of high value. By reviewing and analyzing these studies, a close connection between non-coding RNAs and the acquisition of genomic imprinting in mammals is demonstrated. The evidence comes from two observations accompanied with the acquisition of the imprinting: (i) many novel non-coding RNA genes emerged in imprinted regions; (ii) the expressions of some conserved non-coding RNAs have changed dramatically. Furthermore, a systematical analysis of imprinted snoRNA (small nucleolar RNA) genes from 15 vertebrates suggests that the origination of imprinted snoRNAs occurred after the divergence between eutherians and marsupials, followed by a rapid expansion leading to the fixation of major gene families in the eutherian ancestor prior to the radiation of modern placental mammals. Involved in the regulation of imprinted silencing and mediating the chromatins epigenetic modification may be the major roles that non-coding RNAs play during the acquisition of genomic imprinting in mammals. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30830066), the Ministry of Education of China and Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (Grant No. IRT0447, NSF-05200303) and National Key Basic Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2005CB724600)  相似文献   

Genomic imprinting attracted particular attention in the 1980’s following the discovery that the parental origin of genetic information is essential for normal development of eutherians,1,2 for review see.3 The term imprinting was first introduced in the 1960s to describe the elimination of the paternal chromosomes during spermatogenesis in the Sciarid fly.4?6Today the term genomic imprinting mainly refers to parent?of?origin specific effects distinguishing each parental genome which can be regarded as memories, or “imprints”.7,8 Breaking the rules of Mendel, genomic imprinting is an epigenetic phenomenon per se. Epigenetics is currently defined as the study of mitotically or meiotically heritable changes in gene expression without any change in DNA sequence9,10 and it is intimately linked to the study of inheritance of chromatin states.11 Gene imprinting currently refers to differential expression of autosomal genes according to their parent of origin.12The phenomenon of genomic imprinting explains several cases of parent?specific human disorders.13 To date over 80 imprinted genes have been described in mammals14 and their parent?of?origin specific expression can correlate with changes in DNA methylation patterns, antisense noncoding RNAs and chromatin folding.3 Epigenetic imprints can either activate or silence the “imprinted” allele, and hence imprinting can be associated with either an expressed or silenced allele.15 In mammals, the number of paternally expressed imprinted genes is almost equivalent to the number of maternally expressed genes and the imprinted status can differs according to tissue, developmental stage and species. It is then crucial for our understanding to clearly indicate the status of imprinting (i.e., paternally or maternally expressed) and the context (e.g., species, developmental stage, tissue).  相似文献   

In mammals, some embryonic genes are expressed differently depending on whether they are inherited from the sperm or egg, a phenomenon known as genomic imprinting. The information on the parental origin is transmitted by an epigenetic mark. Both the molecular mechanisms and evolutionary processes of genomic imprinting have been studied extensively. Here, I illustrate the simplest evolutionary dynamics of imprinting evolution based on the “conflict theory,” by considering the evolution of a gene encoding an embryonic growth factor controlling the maternal resource supply. It demonstrates that (a) the autosomal genes controlling placenta development to modify maternal resource acquisition may evolve a strong asymmetry of gene expression, provided the mother has some chance of accepting multiple males. (b) The genomic imprinting may not evolve if there is a small fraction of recessive deleterious mutations on the gene. (c) The growth-enhancing genes should evolve to paternally expressed, while the growth-suppressing genes should evolve to maternally expressed. (d) The X-linked genes also evolve genomic imprinting, but the main evolutionary force is the sex difference in the optimal embryonic size. I discuss other aberrations that can be explained by the modified versions of the basic model.  相似文献   

朱屹然  张美玲  翟志超  赵云蛟  马馨 《遗传》2016,38(2):103-108
基因组印记是一种区别父母等位基因的表观遗传过程,可导致父源和母源基因特异性表达。印记是在配子发生过程中全基因组表观重编程时获得的,且在早期胚胎发育过程中得以维持。因此,在全基因组重编程过程中,对印记的识别和维持十分重要。本文概述了原始生殖细胞的印记清除、双亲原始生殖细胞的印记获得以及早期胚胎发育过程中印记维持的相关过程,并对在印记区域内保护印记基因免受全基因组DNA去甲基化的表观遗传因子的相关作用机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

This is a review of the data of clonal analysis of developing tissues in parthenogenetic and androgenetic chimeric mice. The time and causes of death of the parthenogenetic and androgenetic cell clones in chimeras are considered. The data obtained suggest that the development of cell clones, derivatives of the mesoderm and endoderm, is determined by the expression of alleles of the imprinted loci of paternal chromosomes, while the formation of cell clones, derivatives of the ectoderm, depends on the expression of other imprinted loci of maternal chromosomes. The death of androgenetic and parthenogenetic (gynogenetic) mammalian embryos is due to the lack of the expression of certain imprinted loci of the maternal and paternal genome, respectively.  相似文献   

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