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Using a plasmid-based uracil-containing DNA substrate, we found that the long patch base excision repair (BER) activity of a wild-type mouse fibroblast extract was partially inhibited by an antibody to DNA polymerase beta (beta-pol). This suggests that beta-pol participates in long patch BER, in addition to single-nucleotide BER. In single-nucleotide BER, the deoxyribose phosphate (dRP) in the abasic site is removed by the lyase activity of beta-pol. Methoxyamine (MX) can react with the aldehyde of an abasic site, making it refractory to the beta-elimination step of the dRP lyase mechanism, thus blocking single-nucleotide BER. MX exposure sensitizes wild-type, but not beta-pol null mouse embryonic fibroblasts, to the cytotoxic effects of methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and methylnitrosourea. Expression of beta-pol in the null cells restores the ability of MX to modulate sensitivity to MMS. The beta-pol null cells are known to be hypersensitive to MMS and methylnitrosourea, and in the presence of MX (i.e. under conditions where single-nucleotide BER is blocked) the null cells are still considerably more sensitive than wild-type. The data are consistent with a role of beta-pol in long patch BER, which helps protect cells against methylation damage-induced cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Recently, photoaffinity labeling experiments with mouse cell extracts suggested that PARP-1 functions as a surveillance protein for a stalled BER intermediate. To further understand the role of PARP-1 in BER, we examined the DNA synthesis and flap excision steps in long patch BER using a reconstituted system containing a 34-base pair BER substrate and five purified human enzymes: uracil-DNA glycosylase, apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease, DNA polymerase beta, flap endonuclease-1 (FEN-1), and PARP-1. PARP-1 stimulates strand displacement DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase beta in this system; this stimulation is dependent on the presence of FEN-1. PARP-1 and FEN-1, therefore, cooperate to activate long patch BER. The results are discussed in the context of a model for BER sub-pathway choice, illustrating a dual role for PARP-1 as a surveillance protein for a stalled BER intermediate and an activating factor for long patch BER DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase beta (pol beta) and flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1) are key players in pol beta-mediated long-patch base excision repair (LP-BER). It was proposed that this type of LP-BER is accomplished through FEN1 removal of a 2- to 11-nucleotide flap created by pol beta strand displacement DNA synthesis. To understand how these enzymes might cooperate during LP-BER, we characterized purified human pol beta DNA synthesis by utilizing various BER intermediates, including single-nucleotide-gapped DNA, nicked DNA, and nicked DNA with various lengths of flaps all with a 5'-terminal tetrahydrofuran (THF) residue. We observed that nicked DNA and nicked-THF flap DNA were poor substrates for pol beta-mediated DNA synthesis; yet, DNA synthesis was strongly stimulated by purified human FEN1. FEN1 did not improve pol beta substrate binding. FEN1 cleavage activity was required for the stimulation, suggesting that FEN1 removed a barrier to pol beta DNA synthesis. In addition, FEN1 cleavage on both nicked and nicked-THF flap DNA resulted in a one-nucleotide gapped DNA molecule that was an ideal substrate for pol beta. This study demonstrates that pol beta cooperates with FEN1 to remove DNA damage via a "Hit and Run" mechanism, involving alternating short gap production by FEN1 and gap filling by pol beta, rather than through coordinated formation and removal of a strand-displaced flap.  相似文献   

DNA tandem lesions are comprised of two contiguously damaged nucleotides. This subset of clustered lesions is produced by a variety of oxidizing agents, including ionizing radiation. Clustered lesions can inhibit base excision repair (BER). We report the effects of tandem lesions composed of a thymine glycol and a 5'-adjacent 2-deoxyribonolactone (LTg) or tetrahydrofuran abasic site (FTg). Some BER enzymes that act on the respective isolated lesions do not accept the tandem lesion as a substrate. For instance, endonuclease III (Nth) does not excise thymine glycol (Tg) when it is part of either tandem lesion. Similarly, endonuclease IV (Nfo) does not incise L or F when they are in tandem with Tg. Long-patch BER overcomes inhibition by the tandem lesion. DNA polymerase beta (Pol beta) carries out strand displacement synthesis, following APE1 incision of the abasic site. Pol beta activity is enhanced by flap endonuclease (FEN1), which cleaves the resulting flap. The tandem lesion is also incised by the bacterial nucleotide excision repair system UvrABC with almost the same efficiency as an isolated Tg. These data reveal two solutions that DNA repair systems can use to counteract the formation of tandem lesions.  相似文献   

The two base excision repair (BER) subpathways in mammalian cells are characterized by the number of nucleotides synthesized into the excision patch. They are the "single-nucleotide" BER pathway and the "long patch" (several nucleotides incorporated) BER pathway. Both of these subpathways involve excision of a damaged base and/or nearby nucleotides and DNA synthesis to fill the excision gap. Whereas DNA polymerase beta (pol beta) is known to participate in the single-nucleotide BER pathway, the identity of polymerases involved in long patch BER has remained unclear. By analyzing products of long patch excision generated during BER of a uracil-containing DNA substrate in mammalian cell extracts we find that long patch excision depends on pol beta. We show that the excision of the characteristic 5'-deoxyribose phosphate containing oligonucleotide (dRP-oligo) is deficient in extracts from pol beta null cells and is rescued by addition of purified pol beta. Also, pol beta-neutralizing antibody inhibits release of the dRP-oligo in wild-type cell extracts, and the addition of pol beta after inhibition with antibody completely restores the excision reaction. The results indicate that pol beta plays an essential role in long patch BER by conducting strand displacement synthesis and controlling the size of the excised flap.  相似文献   

Oxidative DNA damage incidental to normal respiratory metabolism poses a particular threat to genomes of highly metabolic-long lived cells. We show that post-mitotic brain has capacity to repair oxidatively damaged DNA ends, which are targets of the long patch (LP) base excision repair (BER) subpathway. LP-BER relies, in part, on proteins associated with DNA replication, including proliferating cell nuclear antigen and is inherent to proliferating cells. Nonetheless, repair products are generated with brain extracts, albeit at slow rates, in the case of 5'-DNA ends modeled with tetrahydrofuran (THF). THF at this position is refractory to DNA polymerase beta 5'-deoxyribose 5-phosphate lyase activity and drives repair into the LP-BER subpathway. Comparison of repair of 5'-THF-blocked termini in the post-mitotic rat brain and proliferative intestinal mucosa, revealed that in mucosa, resolution of damaged 5'-termini is accompanied by formation of larger repair products. In contrast, adducts targeted by the single nucleotide BER are proficiently repaired with both extracts. Our findings reveal mechanistic differences in BER processes selective for the brain versus proliferative tissues. The differences highlight the physiological relevance of the recently proposed 'Hit and Run' mechanism of alternating cleavage/synthesis steps, in the proliferating cell nuclear antigen-independent LP-BER process.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, single-base lesions, such as uracil and abasic sites, appear to be repaired by at least two base excision repair (BER) subpathways: "single-nucleotide BER" requiring DNA synthesis of just one nucleotide and "long patch BER" requiring multi-nucleotide DNA synthesis. In single-nucleotide BER, DNA polymerase beta (beta-pol) accounts for both gap filling DNA synthesis and removal of the 5'-deoxyribose phosphate (dRP) of the abasic site, whereas the involvement of various DNA polymerases in long patch BER is less well understood. Recently, we found that beta-pol plays a role in mammalian cell extract-mediated long patch BER, in that formation of a key excision product, 5'-dRP-trinucleotide (5'-dRP-N(3)), is dependent upon beta-pol (Dianov, G. L., Prasad, R., Wilson, S. H., and Bohr, V.A. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 13741-13743). The structure-specific endonuclease flap endonuclease 1 (FEN1) has also been suggested to be involved in long patch BER excision. Here, we demonstrate by immunodepletion experiments that 5'-dRP-N(3) excision in long patch BER of uracil-DNA in a human lymphoid cell extract is, indeed, dependent upon FEN1. Next, we reconstituted the excision step of long patch BER using purified human proteins and an oligonucleotide substrate with 5'-dRP at the margin of a one-nucleotide gap. Formation of the excision product 5'-dRP-N(3) was dependent upon both strand displacement DNA synthesis by beta-pol and FEN1 excision. FEN1 stimulated strand displacement DNA synthesis of beta-pol. FEN1 acting either alone, or without DNA synthesis by beta-pol, produced a two-nucleotide excision product, 5'-dRP-N(1), but not 5'-dRP-N(3). These results demonstrate that human FEN1 and beta-pol can cooperate in long patch BER excision and specify the predominant excision product seen with a cell extract.  相似文献   

Guan L  Bebenek K  Kunkel TA  Greenberg MM 《Biochemistry》2010,49(45):9904-9910
5'-(2-Phosphoryl-1,4-dioxobutane) (DOB) is an oxidized abasic lesion that is produced by a variety of DNA damaging agents, including several antitumor antibiotics. DOB efficiently and irreversibly inhibits DNA polymerase β, an essential base excision repair enzyme in mammalian cells. The generality of this mode of inhibition by DOB is supported by the inactivation of DNA polymerase λ, which may serve as a possible backup for DNA polymerase β during abasic site repair. Protein digests suggest that Lys72 and Lys84, which are present in the lyase active site of DNA polymerase β, are modified by DOB. Monoaldehyde analogues of DOB substantiate the importance of the 1,4-dicarbonyl component of DOB for efficient inactivation of Pol β and the contribution of a freely diffusible electrophile liberated from the inhibitor by the enzyme. Inhibition of DNA polymerase β's lyase function is accompanied by inactivation of its DNA polymerase activity as well, which prevents long patch base excision repair of DOB. Overall, DOB is highly refractory to short patch and long patch base excision repair. Its recalcitrance to succumb to repair suggests that DOB is a significant source of the cytotoxicity of DNA damaging agents that produce it.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells the majority of altered bases in DNA are processed through a single-nucleotide patch base excision repair mechanism. Base excision repair is initiated by a DNA glycosylase that removes a damaged base and generates an abasic site (AP site). This AP site is further processed by an AP endonuclease activity that incises the phosphodiester bond adjacent to the AP site and generates a strand break containing 3'-OH and 5'-sugar phosphate ends. In mammalian cells, the 5'-sugar phosphate is removed by the AP lyase activity of DNA polymerase beta (Pol beta). The same enzyme also fills the gap, and the DNA ends are finally rejoined by DNA ligase. We measured repair of oligonucleotide substrates containing a single AP site in cell extracts prepared from normal and Pol beta-null mouse cells and show that the reduced repair in Pol beta-null extracts can be complemented by addition of purified Pol beta. Using this complementation assay, we demonstrate that mutated Pol beta without dRPase activity is able to stimulate long patch BER. Mutant Pol beta deficient in DNA synthesis, but with normal dRPase activity, does not stimulate repair in Pol beta-null cells. However, under conditions where we measure base excision repair accomplished exclusively through a single-nucleotide patch BER, neither dRPase nor DNA synthesis mutants of Pol beta alone, or the two together, were able to complement the repair defect. These data suggest that the dRPase and DNA synthesis activities of Pol beta are coupled and that both of these Pol beta functions are essential during short patch BER and cannot be efficiently substituted by other cellular enzymes.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP-1) is an abundant nuclear protein with a high affinity for single- and double-strand DNA breaks. Its binding to strand breaks promotes catalysis of the covalent modification of nuclear proteins with poly(ADP-ribose) synthesised from NAD(+). PARP-1-knockout cells are extremely sensitive to alkylating agents, suggesting the involvement of PARP-1 in base excision repair; however, its role remains unclear. We investigated the dependence of base excision repair pathways on PARP-1 and NAD(+) using whole cell extracts derived from normal and PARP-1 deficient mouse cells and DNA substrates containing abasic sites. In normal extracts the rate of repair was highly dependent on NAD(+). We found that in the absence of NAD(+) repair was slowed down 4-6-fold after incision of the abasic site. We also established that in extracts from PARP-1 deficient mouse cells, repair of both regular and reduced abasic sites was increased with respect to normal extracts and was NAD(+)-independent, suggesting that in both short- and long-patch BER PARP-1 slows down, rather than stimulates, the repair reaction. Our data support the proposal that PARP-1 does not play a major role in catalysis of DNA damage processing via either base excision repair pathway.  相似文献   

Base loss is common in cellular DNA, resulting from spontaneous degradation and enzymatic removal of damaged bases. Apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonucleases recognize and cleave abasic (AP) sites during base excision repair (BER). APE1 (REF1, HAP1) is the predominant AP endonuclease in mammalian cells. Here we analyzed the influences of APE1 on the human BER pathway. Specifically, APE1 enhanced the enzymatic activity of both flap endonuclease1 (FEN1) and DNA ligase I. FEN1 was stimulated on all tested substrates, regardless of flap length. Interestingly, we have found that APE1 can also inhibit the activities of both enzymes on substrates with a tetrahydrofuran (THF) residue on the 5'-downstream primer of a nick, simulating a reduced abasic site. However once the THF residue was displaced at least a single nucleotide, stimulation of FEN1 activity by APE1 resumes. Stimulation of DNA ligase I required the traditional nicked substrate. Furthermore, APE1 was able to enhance overall product formation in reconstitution of BER steps involving FEN1 cleavage followed by ligation. Overall, APE1 both stimulated downstream components of BER and prevented a futile cleavage and ligation cycle, indicating a far-reaching role in BER.  相似文献   

Base excision repair is an important mechanism for correcting DNA damage produced by many physical and chemical agents. We have examined the effects of the REV3 gene and the DNA polymerase genes POL1, POL2, and POL3 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on DNA repair synthesis is nuclear extracts. Deletional inactivation of REV3 did not affect repair synthesis in the base excision repair pathway. Repair synthesis in nuclear extracts of pol1, pol2, and pol3 temperature-sensitive mutants was normal at permissive temperatures. However, repair synthesis in pol2 nuclear extracts was defective at the restrictive temperature of 37 degrees C and could be complemented by the addition of purified yeast DNA polymerase epsilon. Repair synthesis in pol1 nuclear extracts was proficient at the restrictive temperature unless DNA polymerase alpha was inactivated prior to the initiation of DNA repair. Thermal inactivation of DNA polymerase delta in pol3 nuclear extracts enhanced DNA repair synthesis approximately 2-fold, an effect which could be specifically reversed by the addition of purified yeast DNA polymerase delta to the extract. These results demonstrate that DNA repair synthesis in the yeast base excision repair pathway is catalyzed by DNA polymerase epsilon but is apparently modulated by the presence of DNA polymerases alpha and delta.  相似文献   

Wang QE  Zhu Q  Wani MA  Wani G  Chen J  Wani AA 《DNA Repair》2003,2(5):483-499
Functional tumor suppressor p53 is mainly required for efficient global genomic repair (GGR), a subpathway of nucleotide excisions repair (NER). In this study, the regulatory effect of p53, on the spaciotemporal recruitment of XPC and TFIIH to DNA damage sites, was investigated in repair-proficient and -deficient human cells in situ. Photoproducts were induced through micropore UV irradiation of discrete subnuclear areas of intact cells and the specific lesions, as well as recruited repair factors, were detected by immunofluorescent intensity and density of the damaged DNA subnuclear spots (SNS). Both cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD) and 6-4 photoproducts (6-4PP) were visualized in situ at SNS within irradiated nuclear foci. The in situ repair kinetics revealed that p53-WT normal fibroblasts are proficient for the repair of both CPD and 6-4PP, whereas, p53-Null Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) fibroblasts fail to efficiently repair CPD but not 6-4PP. Colocalization experiments of the NER factors showed that in normal human cells, XPC and TFIIH are rapidly and efficiently recruited to DNA damage within SNS. By contrast, recruitment of both XPC and TFIIH to DNA damage in SNS occurred much less efficiently in p53-Null or p53-compromised cells. The total cellular levels of XPC and XPB were similar in both p53-WT and -Null cells and remained unchanged up to 24h following UV irradiation. The results also showed that dispersal of recruited XPC and TFIIH from DNA damage SNS occurs within a short period after DNA damage. Such dispersal requires functional XPA, XPF and XPG proteins. Taken together, the results demonstrated that p53 plays a pronounced role in the damage recognition and subsequent assembly of repair machinery during GGR and the recruitment of XPC and TFIIH to CPD is p53-dependent. Most likely mechanism of this p53 action is through its downstream effector protein, DDB2.  相似文献   

A single polypeptide with ddNTP-sensitive DNA polymerase activity was purified to near homogeneity from the shoot tips of rice seedlings and analysis of the preparations by SDS-PAGE followed by silver staining showed a polypeptide of 67 kDa size. The DNA polymerase activity was found to be inhibitory by ddNTP in both in vitro DNA polymerase activity assay and activity gel analysis. Aphidicolin, an inhibitor of other types of DNA polymerases, had no effect on plant enzyme. The 67 kDa rice DNA polymerase was found to be recognized by the polyclonal antibody (purified IgG) made against rat DNA polymerase beta (pol beta) both in solution and also on Western blot. The recognition was found to be very specific as the activity of Klenow enzyme was unaffected by the antibody. The ability of rice nuclear extract to correct G:U mismatch of oligo-duplex was observed when oligo-duplex with 32P-labeled lower strand containing U (at 22nd position) was used as substrate. Differential appearance of bands at 21-mer, 22-mer, and 51-mer position in presence of dCTP was visible only with G:U mismatch oligo-duplex, but not with G:C oligo-duplex. While ddCTP or polyclonal antibody against rat-DNA pol beta inhibits base excision repair (BER), aphidicolin had no effect. These results for the first time clearly demonstrate the ability of rice nuclear extract to run BER and the involvement of ddNTP-sensitive pol beta type DNA polymerase. Immunological similarity of the ddNTP-sensitive DNA polymerase beta of rice and rat and its involvement in BER revealed the conservation of structure and function of ddNTP-sensitive DNA pol beta in plant and animal.  相似文献   

Growing evidence suggests that the Rad9-Rad1-Hus1 complex (the 9-1-1 complex), besides its functions in DNA damage sensing and signaling pathways, plays also a direct role in various DNA repair processes. Recent studies have demonstrated that the 9-1-1 complex physically and functionally interacts with several components of the base excision repair (BER) machinery namely DNA polymerase β (Pol β), flap endonuclease 1 (Fen 1), DNA ligase I (Lig I) and the MutY homologue of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In this work, we found for the first time that the 9-1-1 complex interacts in vitro and in vivo with the apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (APE 1), an early component of BER, and can stimulate its AP-endonuclease activity. Moreover, we show that the 9-1-1 complex possesses a stimulatory effect on long patch base excision repair (LP-BER) reconstituted in vitro. The enhancement of LP-BER activity is due to the specific stimulation of the two early components of the repair machinery, namely APE 1 and Pol β, suggesting a hierarchy of interactions between the 9-1-1 complex and the BER proteins acting in the repairosome. Overall, our results indicate that the 9-1-1 complex is directly involved in LP-BER, thus providing a possible link between DNA damage checkpoints and BER.  相似文献   

Archaeal family-B DNA polymerases bind tightly to uracil and hypoxanthine (the deamination products of cytosine and adenine), resulting in profound inhibition of DNA replication. Investigation of the mechanism of inhibition, using single-turnover kinetics with polymerase in excess of DNA, indicated that deoxy-NTPs were efficiently bound to the polymerase-DNA complex but very poorly incorporated into the extending chain. Addition of the processivity factor proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) resulted in increased affinity of the polymerase for all primer-templates, producing extremely tight complexes when uracil (Kd = 16 pM) or hypoxanthine (Kd = 65 pM) was present. Analytical ultracentrifugation confirmed the stability of these complexes and revealed a polymerase/PCNA/DNA stoichiometry of 1:1:1. However, PCNA had no influence on the ability of the polymerase to read through uracil and hypoxanthine, the same kinetic parameters being observed with or without the processivity factor. The specificity constants determined using single-turnover kinetics showed that uracil and hypoxanthine slowed the polymerase by factors of ∼ 5000 and 3000, respectively. Uracil and hypoxanthine are removed from DNA by base excision repair, initiated by uracil-DNA glycosylase and endonuclease V, respectively. Both enzymes are profoundly inhibited by the simultaneous binding of both PCNA and polymerase to primer-templates, with polymerase alone being much less effective. Thus, when the PCNA-polymerase complex encounters uracil/hypoxanthine in DNA templates, base excision repair is switched off, protecting the complex from a repair pathway that is dangerous in the context of single-stranded DNA formed during replication.  相似文献   

Dynamics of DNA methylation and demethylation at CpG clusters are involved in gene regulation. CpG clusters have been identified as hot spots of mutagenesis because of their susceptibility to oxidative DNA damage. Damaged Cs and Gs at CpGs can disrupt a normal DNA methylation pattern through modulation of DNA methylation and demethylation, leading to mutations and deregulation of gene expression. DNA base excision repair (BER) plays a dual role of repairing oxidative DNA damage and mediating an active DNA demethylation pathway on CpG clusters through removal of a T/G mismatch resulting from deamination of a 5mC adjacent to a guanine that can be simultaneously damaged by oxidative stress. However, it remains unknown how BER processes clustered lesions in CpGs and what are the consequences from the repair of these lesions. In this study, we examined BER of an abasic lesion next to a DNA demethylation intermediate, the T/G mismatch in a CpG dinucleotide, and its effect on the integrity of CpGs. Surprisingly, we found that the abasic lesion completely abolished the activity of thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG) for removing the mismatched T. However, we found that APE1 could still efficiently incise the abasic lesion leaving a 3-terminus mismatched T, which was subsequently extended by pol β. This in turn resulted in a C to T transition mutation. Interestingly, we also found that APE1 3′–5′ exonuclease activity efficiently removed the mismatched T, thereby preventing pol β extension of the mismatched nucleotide and the resulting mutation. Our results demonstrate a crucial role of APE1 3′–5′ exonuclease activity in combating mutations in CpG clusters caused by an intermediate of DNA demethylation during BER.  相似文献   

We examined interactions between base excision repair (BER) DNA intermediates and purified human BER enzymes, DNA polymerase β (pol β), apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (APE1) and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1). Studies under steady-state conditions with purified BER enzymes and BER substrates have already demonstrated interplay between these BER enzymes that is sensitive to the respective concentrations of each enzyme. Therefore, in this study, using conditions of enzyme excess over substrate DNA, we further examine the question of interplay between BER enzymes on BER intermediates. The results reveal several important differences compared with data obtained using steady-state assays. Excess PARP-1 antagonizes the action of pol β, producing a complete block of long patch BER strand-displacement DNA synthesis. Surprisingly, an excess of APE1 stimulates strand-displacement DNA synthesis by pol β, but this effect is blocked by PARP-1. The APE1 exonuclease function appears to be modulated by the other BER proteins. Excess APE1 over pol β may allow APE1 to perform both exonuclease function and stimulation of strand-displacement DNA synthesis by pol β. This enables pol β to mediate long patch sub-pathway. These results indicate that differences in the stoichiometry of BER enzymes may regulate BER.  相似文献   

Most DNA repair mechanisms rely on the redundant information inherent to the duplex to remove damaged nucleotides and replace them with normal ones, using the complementary strand as a template. Interstrand cross-links pose a unique challenge to the DNA repair machinery because both strands are damaged. To study the repair of interstrand cross-links by mammalian cells, we tested the activities of cell extracts of wild-type or excision repair-defective rodent cell lines and of purified human excision nuclease on a duplex with a site-specific cross-link. We found that in contrast to monoadducts, which are removed by dual incisions bracketing the lesion, the cross-link causes dual incisions, both 5' to the cross-link in one of the two strands. The net result is the generation of a 22- to 28-nucleotide-long gap immediately 5' to the cross-link. This gap may act as a recombinogenic signal to initiate cross-link removal.  相似文献   

Exonuclease III, encoded by the xthA gene, plays a central role in the base excision pathway of DNA repair in bacteria. Studies with Escherichia coli xthA mutants have also shown that exonuclease III participates in the repair of oxidative damage to DNA. An isogenic xthA-1 mutant (designated CAM220) derived from virulent Brucella abortus 2308 exhibited increased sensitivity to the alkylating agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) compared to the parent strain. In contrast, 2308 and the isogenic xthA-1 mutant displayed similar levels of resistance to the DNA cross-linker mitomycin C. These phenotypic properties are those that would be predicted for a strain defective in base excision repair. The B. abortus xthA-1 mutant also displayed reduced resistance to killing by H2O2 and the ONOO(-)-generating compound 3-morpholinosydnonimine (SIN-1) compared to strain 2308, indicating that the xthA-1 gene product participates in protecting B. abortus 2308 from oxidative damage. Introducing a plasmid-borne copy of the parental xthA-1 gene into CAM220 restored wild-type resistance of this mutant to MMS, H2O2, and SIN-1. Although the B. abortus xthA-1 mutant exhibited increased sensitivity to oxidative killing compared to the parental strain in laboratory assays, CAM220 and 2308 displayed equivalent spleen colonization profiles in C57BL/6 [corrected] mice through 8 weeks postinfection and equivalent intracellular survival and replication profiles in cultured murine macrophages. Thus, although the xthA-1 gene product participates in base excision repair and resistance to oxidative killing in B. abortus 2308, XthA-1 is not required for wild-type virulence of this strain in the mouse model.  相似文献   

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