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The effect of oral zinc (Zn) treatment was studied in the liver, kidneys and intestine of Long–Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rats in relation to metals interaction and concentration of metallothionein (MT) and glutathione (GSH). We also investigated the change in the activity of antioxidant enzymes and determined the biochemical profile in the blood and metal levels in urine. We showed that the Zn-treated group had higher levels of MT in the hepatic and intestinal cells compared to both untreated and basal groups. Tissue Zn concentrations were significantly higher in the Zn-treated group compared to those untreated and basal, whereas Cu and Fe concentrations decreased. The antioxidant enzyme activities in the Zn-treated group did not change significantly with respect to those in the basal group, except for hepatic glutathione peroxidase activity. Moreover, the biochemical data in the blood of Zn-treated group clearly ascertain no liver damage. These observations suggest an important role for Zn in relation not only to its ability to compete with other metals at the level of absorption in the gastrointestinal tract producing a decrease in the hepatic and renal Cu and Fe deposits, but also to MT induction as free radical scavenger.  相似文献   

The effect of oral zinc (Zn) treatment was studied in the liver, kidneys and intestine of Long-Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rats in relation to metals interaction and concentration of metallothionein (MT) and glutathione (GSH). We also investigated the change in the activity of antioxidant enzymes and determined the biochemical profile in the blood and metal levels in urine. We showed that the Zn-treated group had higher levels of MT in the hepatic and intestinal cells compared to both untreated and basal groups. Tissue Zn concentrations were significantly higher in the Zn-treated group compared to those untreated and basal, whereas Cu and Fe concentrations decreased. The antioxidant enzyme activities in the Zn-treated group did not change significantly with respect to those in the basal group, except for hepatic glutathione peroxidase activity. Moreover, the biochemical data in the blood of Zn-treated group clearly ascertain no liver damage. These observations suggest an important role for Zn in relation not only to its ability to compete with other metals at the level of absorption in the gastrointestinal tract producing a decrease in the hepatic and renal Cu and Fe deposits, but also to MT induction as free radical scavenger.  相似文献   

B Ellenbroek  A R Cools 《Life sciences》1988,42(12):1205-1213
Recently we have developed an animal model which could discriminate between classical and atypical neuroleptic drugs: the PAW TEST. This test measures the ability of rats to spontaneously withdraw its force- and hindlimbs. It was found that the ability of drugs to affect the rat's forelimb retraction time was associated with the liability of the drug to induce so-called extra-pyramidal side-effects in man. Likewise the ability of drugs to affect the rat's hindlimb retraction time was associated with the antipsychotic efficacy of the drug. These data open the perspective that the forelimb retraction time (FRT) is an animal analogue of parkinsonian side-effects, and that the hindlimb retraction time (HRT) is an animal analogue of antipsychotic effects In the present series of experiments we further evaluated the validity of these notions by applying the criteria of "pharmacological isomorphism" as proposed by Matthysse (1). Thus HRT had to fulfil the criteria of pharmacological isomorphism for the therapeutic effects of neuroleptics, whereas FRT had to fulfil these criteria for the parkinsonian side-effects. The results of the present study show that both FRT and HRT met these criteria. Thus both classical and atypical neuroleptics were effective in prolonging HRT, whereas only the classical neuroleptics prolonged FRT (criterion 1); the nonneuroleptic phenothiazine promethazine (as well as the narcotic morphine, the muscle relaxant diazepam and the antidepressant desipramine) were ineffective in this respect (criterion 2); the acetylcholinergic antagonist scopolamine blocked the FRT, but not the HRT (criterion 3); chronic neuroleptic treatment reduced the FRT, but not the HRT (criterion 4). In conclusion the paw test, an animal model for testing antipsychotic drugs, was found to fulfil the criteria for "pharmacological isomorphism". Although the exact mechanism underlying the paw test is as yet unknown, the present data improve its validity as an animal model.  相似文献   

Background: Roentgen irradiation can affect normal cells, especially the rapidly growing ones such as the mucosal epithelial cells of the small intestine. The small intestine is the most radiosensitive gastrointestinal organ and patients receiving radiotherapy directed to the abdomen or pelvis may develop radiation enteritis. Although roentgen rays are widely used for both imaging and therapeutic purposes, our knowledge about the morphological changes associated with radiation enteritis is lacking. Hypothesis: This study tries to tests the hypothesis that “the intake of melatonin can minimize the morphological features of cell damage associated with radiation enteritis”. Objectives and methods: We performed this investigation to test our hypothesis and to examine the possible radioprotective effects of melatonin in acute radiation enteritis. To achieve these goals, an animal model consisting of 60 Albino rats was established. The animals were divided into five groups: Group 1, non‐irradiated; Group 2, X‐ray irradiated (X‐ray irradiation, 8 Grays); Group 3, X‐ray irradiated‐pretreated with solvent (ethanol and phosphate buffered saline); Group 4, non‐irradiated‐group treated with melatonin, and Group 5, X‐ray irradiated‐pretreated with melatonin. The small intestines were evaluated for gross (macroscopic), histological, morphometric (light microscopy), and ultrastructural changes (transmission electron microscopy). Results: We found morphological variations among the non‐irradiated‐group, X‐ray irradiated‐group and X‐ray irradiated‐intestines of the animals pretreated with melatonin. The development of acute radiation enteritis in X‐ray irradiated‐group (Groups 2 and 3) was associated with symptoms of enteritis (diarrhea and abdominal distention) and histological features of mucosal injury (mucosal ulceration, necrosis of the epithelial cells). There was a significant reduction of the morphometric parameters (villous count, villous height, crypt height and villous/crypt height ratio). Moreover, the ultrastructural features of cell damage were evident including: apoptosis, lack of parallel arrangement of the microvilli, loss of the covering glycocalyx, desquamation of the microvilli, vacuolation of the apical parts of the cells, dilatation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, and damage of the mitochondrial cristae. In the non‐irradiated‐group and in X‐ray irradiated‐intestines of the animals pretreated with melatonin (Group 5), these changes were absent and the intestinal mucosal structure was preserved. Conclusion: Administration of melatonin prior to irradiation can protect the intestine against X‐rays destructive effects, i.e. radiation enteritis. The clinical applications of these observations await further studies.  相似文献   

The authors examined spatial working memory in the Morris water maze during the activity and rest periods of Wistar rats. Wheel-running activity was measured continuously as a marker of circadian phase. To minimize possible masking effects on performance, animals were placed in constant dim light the day before testing and tested in similar light conditions. Three experiments were run, each of them using animals varying in their previous experience in the water maze. Half of the animals of each experiment were tested 2 to 3 h after activity onset (active group), and the other half were tested 14 to 15 h after activity onset (inactive group). In the three experiments, a significant phase effect was observed in the animals' performance in the water maze; animals tested in the active phase showed steeper acquisition curves. These phase effects on performance are due to the animals' search pattern and not to a better acquisition and maintenance of spatial information; rats tested in the inactive phase found the platform faster on the first trial of the test, when the information on the location of the platform had not been presented to the animals. This effect vanished as the amount of training in the pool increased. Finally, swimming speed also showed a temporal effect, suggesting the existence of a phase effect for motivation to escape from the water; rats tested during their inactive phase tended to swim faster. All together, the data suggest a modulating effect of the biological clock on performance in the water maze, particularly when the animals are less experienced.  相似文献   

Cognitive impairment is a major concern in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). While different experimental models have been used to characterize TLE-related cognitive deficits, little is known on whether a particular deficit is more associated with the underlying brain injuries than with the epileptic condition per se. Here, we look at the relationship between the pattern of brain damage and spatial memory deficits in two chronic models of TLE (lithium-pilocarpine, LIP and kainic acid, KA) from two different rat strains (Wistar and Sprague-Dawley) using the Morris water maze and the elevated plus maze in combination with MRI imaging and post-morten neuronal immunostaining. We found fundamental differences between LIP- and KA-treated epileptic rats regarding spatial memory deficits and anxiety. LIP-treated animals from both strains showed significant impairment in the acquisition and retention of spatial memory, and were unable to learn a cued version of the task. In contrast, KA-treated rats were differently affected. Sprague-Dawley KA-treated rats learned less efficiently than Wistar KA-treated animals, which performed similar to control rats in the acquisition and in a probe trial testing for spatial memory. Different anxiety levels and the extension of brain lesions affecting the hippocampus and the amydgala concur with spatial memory deficits observed in epileptic rats. Hence, our results suggest that hippocampal-dependent spatial memory is not necessarily affected in TLE and that comorbidity between spatial deficits and anxiety is more related with the underlying brain lesions than with the epileptic condition per se.  相似文献   

Female rats chosen on the basis of their open-field defecation scores to comprise high and low defecating groups were tested for 5 min on each of 5 consecutive days in an enclosed Y-maze. High defecators entered fewer maze arms and showed more rapid habituation of arm entries but overall alternation percentages did not differentiate the groups. High defecators also showed a preference for the novel arm on their very first choice between this and the previously visited (familiar) arm, and possible reasons for this are indicated. The results are discussed in terms of differences in fearfulness between the groups and extend the generality of statements about fear and exploration while avoiding problems inherent when fear is manipulated by varying apparatus factors.  相似文献   

The athymic (nude) rat (rnu/rnu) has been used for a number of years in research into various human tumours involving xenotransplantation. We now report the validation of a continuous intravenous infusion method in nude rats using a tail cuff tether, which enables the study of the efficacy of novel anti-cancer materials in this mutant strain, using intravenous infusion and with no restriction of the animals or of the tumour implantation sites by jackets. Ten animals each had a cannula surgically implanted into the vena cava via the femoral vein and exteriorized via a tail cuff. Animals were housed singly in conventional cages following surgery. Following a recovery period of 5 days all animals were continuously infused with physiological saline at an infusion rate of 0.5 ml/h for a further 37 days. Body weights and food consumption were recorded weekly. Blood samples were taken approximately 14 days post-surgery and analysed for haematology and clinical chemistry parameters. All animals were successfully cannulated, and no unexpected adverse clinical signs were noted during the recovery period and the 37 days of infusion. The results demonstrate that it is possible to surgically cannulate the femoral vein of athymic (nude) rats and infuse them in conventional cages for a period of up to 37 days with minimal adverse effects. The minimal restraint required provides benefits both to the animal and to the conduct of studies such as assessment of tumour growth in the absence of a jacket. Recent work has demonstrated that the same techniques can be successfully applied to the nude mouse.  相似文献   

Nishiga M  Sugimoto Y  Taga C  Fujii Y  Kamei C 《Life sciences》2002,70(18):2199-2208
We examined the effects of a histidine-deficient diet on brain histamine contents as well as on learning and memory using the eight-arm radial maze in rats. A significant decrease in histamine content in the hippocampus was observed after long-term feeding of rats with a histidine-deficient diet. At the same time, significant enhancement of the acquisition process in radial maze performance was also observed. Pyrilamine did not show a significant effect on radial maze performance in histidine-deficient rats. On the other hand, pyrilamine caused a significant spatial memory deficit in control rats. Scopolamine was effective in inhibiting spatial memory in both histidine-deficient and control rats. MK-801 caused spatial memory deficits more potently in histidine-deficient rats than in controls. Brain glycine contents showed a significant increase in the hippocampus in histidine-deficient rats. These results indicated that the spatial memory deficits induced by MK-801 in histidine-deficient rats are closely related to increased glycine levels and activation of NMDA receptors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize the lipoprotein profile and cholesterol metabolism in Yoshida rats, a strain of inbred genetically hyperlipemic animals. For comparison, Brown Norway rats were used as control animals. Plasma cholesterol and triglycerides were higher in Yoshida as compared to Brown Norway, the elevation of cholesterol being due to a rise in HDL fraction. Triglyceride distribution among lipoproteins showed an increase in VLDL fraction. Hyperlipemia was not related to diabetes, hypothyroidism or nephropathy. Plasma triglycerides production was increased in Yoshida rats, while lipoprotein and hepatic lipases were similar in the two groups. Hypercholesterolemia was associated with a defect of lipoprotein receptor activity and with elevated HMG-CoA reductase and cholesterol 7 alpha - hydroxylase; conversely ACAT activity was lower in Yoshida as compared to Brown Norway rats. Sterol fecal excretion was comparable in the two groups and hypercholesterolemia in Yoshida rats was not associated to an increase of cholesterol saturation of the bile. We suggest that lipoprotein overproduction is the main cause for hyperlipidemia in this strain of rats.  相似文献   

To assess the possible involvement of catecholaminergic neurotransmitters in maintenance of spatial cognition, the present work investigated the effects of dopaminergic and noradrenergic receptor antagonists on memory performance of rats in a partially baited radial eight-arm maze. Food-deprived rats were first trained to enter the arms baited with chocolate, and each subject was then randomly assigned to receive further training in either a place version or a cue version of the task. A specific pattern with four arms being baited was used throughout experimentation as the procedure for the place task; whereas four randomly chosen arms, each cued with a piece of sandpaper on the arm entrance, were baited from trial to trial as the procedure of the cue task. For drug evaluation, well-trained subjects were challenged with systemic injections of SCH23390, spiperone, haloperidol, prazosin, yohimbine, and propranolol. Regarding the place task, SCH23390, haloperidol, and propranolol, but not the other three drugs, significantly impaired behavioral performance by increasing the number of arm entries as well as the time to complete the task. The accuracy of performance as measured by the number of entries on the cue task was not significantly affected by any of these drugs tested. However, the times to complete the cue task were significantly increased with all drugs except yohimbine. These data show that blocking different catecholaminergic receptor subtypes produced distinct deficit patterns on the retention performance in a partially baited radial eight-arm maze. Evidently, both D1 and D2 dopamine receptors as well as beta noradrenergic receptors are important in expression of spatial memory.  相似文献   

The generation and control of animal locomotion is believed to involve central pattern generators — networks of neurons which are capable of producing oscillatory behavior. In the present work, the quadrupedal locomotor central pattern generator is modelled as four distinct but symmetrically coupled nonlinear oscillators. We show that the typical patterns for two such networks of oscillators include 2:1 frequency-locked oscillations. These patterns, which arise through symmetry-breaking Hopf bifurcation, correspond in part to observed patterns of 2:1 frequency-locking of limb movements during electrically elicited locomotion of decerebrate and spinal quadrupeds. We briefly describe how our theoretical predictions could be tested experimentally.  相似文献   

Prolactin (PRL) secreting pituitary adenomas are the most common type of pituitary tumors. An imaging agent which specifically localized in prolactinomas would be of considerable clinical value for both initial detection and also for monitoring the effects of dopamine agonist therapy. Tritiated spiroperidol (3HSp) was selected for initial evaluation as a possible imaging agent based on: (1) demonstrated localization in the pituitary and (2) demonstrated binding to human PRL-secreting tumor tissue. DES was implanted in Fischer F344 rats and induced prolactinoma formation was evidenced by increased pituitary weight, elevated serum PRL levels and by an increase in the proportion of PRL-secreting cells in the pituitary. 3HSp concentrations in pituitary and other tissues of DES-treated rats were assessed in female rats and correlation studies showed that a 5-fold increase in serum PRL was associated with a 6-fold increase in both pituitary weight and % dose/organ accumulation of 3HSp. The number of pituitary D2 receptors per mg of protein in tissue homogenates was similar in both normal and DES-treated females. A blocking study with (+)-butaclamol demonstrated a D2 receptor-mediated component to 3HSp localization. In summary, an animal model for prolactinoma was characterized. An assessment of 3HSp accumulation indicates that radiolabelled spiroperidol shows excellent potential for detecting PRL-secreting tumors of the pituitary.  相似文献   

The acute behavioral effects of PCP, given intravenously in doses of .25, .50, 1.00, 2.50 and 5.00 mg/kg, were examined in 8 male mongrel dogs tested in an open field arena. All doses produced an initial “eyes open” coma accompanied by tremors, rigidity, jerky limb movements, nystagmus, excessive salivation, head weaving, stiff tail, and stereotyped sniffing. In addition, doses of 1.0 mg/kg and above produced jaw snapping, opisthothonus and clonic/tonic seizures. Following recovery from coma, animals evinced pronounced hyperactivity and stereotyped circling. In contrast to other laboratory animal species, the behavioral effects produced by PCP in the dog are strikingly similar to those reported to occur in humans after PCP administration, suggesting that this species may provide an excellent laboratory animal model for studying PCP toxicity.  相似文献   

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