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Thyroid explants of inbred strain 13 guinea pigs were grown in a semisynthetic medium containing 0.3 IU of thyroid-stimulating hormone. The monolayer retained the capacity in vitro to form thyroglobulin. Sensitized lymphocytes from animals with autoimmune thyroiditis could specifically lyse these thyroid target cells in vitro in the presence of an appropriate amount of specific antigen. This cytotoxicity was not observed in thyroid epithelial cells which had been incubated (a) with normal lymphocytes or (b) with purified macrophages either from normal animals or from animals with autoimmune thyroiditis. When thyroid cells were incubated with hyperimmune antithyroglobulin serum, cytolysis did not occur, whether or not complement was added. The cytopathic effect of sensitized lymphocytes was further demonstrated to be caused by a soluble cellular product, termed thyroid cytotoxic factor, or TCF, which was released from sensitized lymphocytes under the stimulation of specific antigen, thyroglobulin, and could exert a cytotoxic effect directly on the target cells. Direct cell-to-cell contact was not required in this type of cell-mediated cytolysis.  相似文献   

Acetaminophen (50 mg/kg body weight) was administered by iv injection to pregnant guinea pigs (60-65 days of gestation) and by ip injection to cesarean-derived term (67 days of gestation) pups. At suitable time intervals after treatment, the concentrations of drug, glucuronide (GLU), and sulfate (SO4) in blood plasma, urine, and bile were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). At 60-65 days of gestation, guinea pig fetuses formed both GLU and SO4, an approximate ratio of 2:1 being observed with mean concentrations of the order of 43 and 27 micrograms/mL being measured for GLU and SO4, respectively at 180 min post-treatment. At the same time interval, the major detoxification product found in the blood plasma of the pregnant dams was GLU (104 micrograms/mL) with only minute amounts (4.2 micrograms/mL) of SO4 being detected. In cesarean-derived and acetaminophen-treated pups, euthanized at 2 or 4 hr post-treatment, plasma levels of GLU were approximately twofold higher relative to the concentration of SO4 at both time intervals. Significant differences were not observed in either bile or urine at 2 hr post-treatment but by 4 hr after treatment the levels of GLU found in the bile and urine were two- or threefold higher than those of SO4. In contrast to the adult guinea pig where GLU forms some 90% of the urinary excretory product and SO4 accounts for only 7%, the SO4 pathway of detoxification appears to be of significant importance to the fetal and neonatal animal.  相似文献   

Fluid production by in vitro lungs from fetal guinea pigs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lungs from fetal guinea pigs (54-67 days of gestation) were supported in vitro, and lung liquid secretion rates were measured by a dye-dilution technique. The average secretion rate in the first hour was 2.14 +/- 0.08 (SE) mL x kg-1 body weight.h-1 (0.21 +/- 0.01 mL/h) (n = 450); this was comparable to intact preparations. In an independent study of 30 lungs, secretion continued unchanged for 3 h, with no significant change in fluid composition. Between 54 days and term, production appeared to fall in terms of millilitres per kilogram per hour. The following agents were placed in the supporting saline during the middle hour of incubation. (i) Sodium iodoacetate: at 10(-4) M this produced a fall in secretion (fall, succeeding hours; 55.4 +/- 23.0 and 64.9 +/- 17.5%; n = 6); at 10(-3) M it stopped secretion (fall, succeeding hours; 87.2 +/- 10.3 and 100%, n = 6). (ii) Ouabain: at 10(-5) M there was no change in production (n = 6); at 10(-4) M, four preparations were unaffected, two reduced production. (iii) Epinephrine (10(-7) M) produced a significant fall in production in all cases (n = 6); in four preparations secretion reduced (average fall, 64.4 +/- 10.8%); in two preparations there was reabsorption (average rate, -1.03 mL.kg-1.h-1). This extends the effect of epinephrine to the guinea pig, and suggests that the in vitro preparation is a useful model for studies of the fetal lung.  相似文献   

Summary The development of neurophysin-oxytocin and neurophysinvasopressin containing neurons of the guinea pig was studied in vitro. Supraoptic (SO) and paraventricular (PV) nuclei were explanted from guinea pig foetuses at the 40th day of gestation and cultured in Maximov slides for nearly fifty days. The cultures were observed daily under a phase-contrast microscope. Explants were fixed every five days for observation with the electron microscope. At the time of explantation, magnocellular neurons were still immature. They acquired the morphologic characteristics of mature neurons, with axosomatic synapses, after about 10 days in vitro. After 15–20 days in vitro, they contained in addition neurosecretory granules (NSG), first in the Golgi region, then also dispersed in the cytoplasm. In the oldest culture (45–50 days), signs of granulolysis were regularly found. It appears that magnocellular neurosecretory neurons are able to differentiate in vitro from a primitive state in the absence of specific stimulation.The authors are indebted to M.J. Drian for help with tissue culture, and to D. Le Cren for photographic work  相似文献   

Trejtnar F  Král R  Pávek P  Wsól V 《Chirality》2003,15(8):724-729
Stereoselective aspects of pharmacokinetics and metabolism of a chiral nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug, flobufen, 4-(2', 4'-difluorobiphenyl-4-yl)-2-methyl-4-oxobutanoic acid, were studied in male guinea pigs after p.o. administration of racemic flobufen (rac-flobufen) at a dose of 10 mg/kg. Blood samples were collected at intervals over 16 h after the administration of rac-flobufen for the quantification of flobufen enantiomers and their respective metabolites in plasma by chiral high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Compartmental pharmacokinetic analysis was used to determine pharmacokinetic parameters of R- and S-flobufen. The plasma concentrations of the S- and R-enantiomers differed significantly during the experimental period. The S/R-enantiomeric ratio in 7plasma reached a maximum value of 10.1 at 240 min postdose. The oral clearance value of R-flobufen was five times higher than S-flobufen. The other pharmacokinetic parameters (K(e), T(1/2), V(SS)/F, MRT) of the enantiomers also differed substantially. All four stereoisomers of the dihydrometabolite of flobufen were detected in plasma with varying concentrations. Metabolite 17203 [4-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-phenylacetic acid] exhibited a relatively longer residence time compared to that noted for the enantiomers of the parent compound. Pharmacokinetics of the flobufen enantiomers were stereoselective in guinea pigs. The metabolism of flobufen was complex. However, metabolite 17203 seemed to be the main metabolite of flobufen that may be responsible for its relatively long-lasting antiphlogistic and immunomodulatory effects.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro ovarian steroidogenesis in the pregnant rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

《Small Ruminant Research》2010,90(2-3):144-148
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as artificial insemination (AI) and multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) have been used to increase reproductive efficiency and accelerate genetic gain. The principal limitations of MOET are due to variable female response to hormonal treatment, fertilization failures and premature regression of Corpora luteum. The in vitro production (IVP) of embryos offers the possibility of overcoming MOET limitations. The method of IVP of embryos involves three main steps: in vitro maturation of oocytes (IVM), in vitro fertilization of oocytes (IVF) with capacitated sperm and in vitro culture (IVC) of embryos up to blastocyst stage. Recovering oocytes from live selected females by laparoscopic ovum pick-up (LOPU) and breeding prepubertal females by juvenile in vitro embryo technology (JIVET) will allow a greater production of valuable goats. Also, IVP of goat embryos will provide an excellent source of embryos for basic research on development biology and for commercial applications of transgenic and cloning technologies. Different protocols of IVP of embryos have been used in goats. However oocyte quality is the main factor for embryos reaching blastocyst stage from IVM/IVF/IVC oocytes. One of the principal determinant factors in the results of blastocyst development is the age of the oocyte donor females. In goats, oocytes from prepubertal and adult females do not show differences in in vitro maturation and in vitro fertilization; however the percentage of oocytes reaching blastocyst stage ranges from 12 to 36% with oocytes from prepubertal and adult goats, respectively.  相似文献   

Lung resistance and compliance were measured in early pregnant, late pregnant and non pregnant guinea pigs. Lung resistance was increased, lung compliance was decreased in pregnancy. A new finding was the increase of chest wall compliance in the course of pregnancy. In order to obtain a sufficient gas exchange during artificial ventilation, pregnant animals have to be ventilated with a higher frequency or a higher pressure than non pregnant controls.  相似文献   

Sodium ampicillin was administered subcutaneously to 350-550 g male Dunkin Hartley guinea pigs at doses of 6, 8 and 10 mg/kg tid for 5 days. Over a period of 12 days, the lowest ampicillin dose appeared to be tolerated well. However, significant body weight reduction and mortality occurred with the two higher dosage regimens. Cecal cultures of dead animals confirmed the presence of Clostridium difficile, an organism associated with antibiotic-induced enterotoxemia. Assay of serum collected from ampicillin-treated animals revealed ampicillin concentrations of approximately 10 micrograms/ml at 5 minutes post-dosing which fell precipitously to less than 0.2 micrograms/ml at 60 minutes. Determination of biliary ampicillin levels during the 60 minutes after administration of a single 10 mg/kg SQ dose revealed concentrations ranging from 18 micrograms/ml to 90 micrograms/ml. Estimates of total urinary ampicillin content after a single 10 mg/kg SQ dose were less than 500 micrograms/animal at 7.5 minutes, but increased to greater than 2000 micrograms/animal at 60 minutes after dosing. Results of this study indicated that due to its short serum half-life, sodium ampicillin probably has little systemic therapeutic efficacy in guinea pigs. Because high concentrations of ampicillin accumulated in the urine and bile, the antibiotic probably would have therapeutic efficacy for urinary and intestinal infections. However, its associated toxicity at large doses probably precludes its use. In view of the rapid clearance of ampicillin in guinea pigs in comparison to other species, the pharmacokinetics of other antibiotics, especially those reported to be less toxic for guinea pigs, should be considered.  相似文献   

The production of interferon-alpha/beta (INF-alpha/beta) and interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) in NOD and ICR mice was studied in vitro and in vivo. The in vitro IFN-alpha/beta production in the spleen cells of NOD mice, which were stimulated with either Newcastle disease virus (NDV), Sendai virus, poly(I:C) or lipopolysaccharide (LPS), was very similar to the IFN-alpha/beta production in the spleen cells of ICR mice. Contrastingly, the in vitro IFN-gamma production in the spleen cells of NOD mice, which were stimulated with either concanavalin A (Con A), phytohemagglutinin (PHA) or pokeweed mitogen (PWM), was greater than the IFN-gamma production in spleen cells of ICR mice. The in vivo IFN-alpha/beta production in NOD mice induced by NDV was also very similar to that in ICR mice, whereas the in vivo IFN-gamma production in the BCG-sensitized NOD mice, which was induced by purified protein derivative (PPD), was greater than that in the ICR mice. These results may indicate that NOD mice have abnormalities on the IFN-gamma production.  相似文献   

To investigate the contribution of the previously demonstrated in vitro apoptosis to the pathogenesis of leptospirosis, guinea pigs were infected with Leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae strain Verdun and sequentially killed to collect target organs involved in the natural history of the disease (liver, kidneys, lungs, spleen and heart). The combination of histopathological procedures and a specific TUNEL assay showed a significant Leptospira-induced programmed cell death of hepatocytes with a peak at 48 h post inoculation. Hepatocyte nuclei showed morphological changes including fragmented and condensed nuclei. This phenomenon occurred early in the course of the disease at a time where infecting leptospires were present at a low density between the liver parenchyma cells.  相似文献   

Flobufen (F) is an original nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug that exists in two enantiomeric forms. Its biotransformation was investigated in male guinea pigs because of the similarities shown in a preliminary F metabolic study between guinea pig and man. Stereospecificity of the respective enzymes was studied in vitro, using microsomes and cytosol, and in vivo, in urine and feces. Rac-F, R-F, and S-F served as substrates. The amount of 4-dihydroflobufen stereoisomers (DHF) and other metabolites (M-17203 and UM-2) was determined by chiral HPLC using an R,R-ULMO column. It was observed that F reductases were distributed differently in microsomes and cytosol. The microsomal fraction showed higher activity and different stereospecificity in rac-F, R-F, and S-F reduction compared to cytosol. (2R;4S)-DHF was the principle metabolite in microsomes and (2S;4S)-DHF was the principle metabolite in cytosol. In vivo experiments revealed the excretion of a main metabolite UM-2 in addition to other metabolites M-17203 and DHF stereoisomers. UM-2 was predominantly excreted after S-F administration. Stereoselectivity of DHF stereoisomers excretion was different in urine and in feces. The absence of UM-2 and M-17203 in microsomes and cytosol and their presence in urine and feces showed that both could arise in some other extrahepatic tissue or cell compartment or that their formation depends on liver cell integrity.  相似文献   

Previous studies performed on guinea pigs demonstrated a direct dependence of tuberculin reaction size (in vivo hypersensitivity) on immunogenicity in a number of BCG strains. The present work used an in vitro method, MIF detection, for assessing hypersensitivity and compared the results obtained with tuberculin hypersensitivity tests, correlating the data with the immunogenicity of the individual BCG strains employed. The following strains were used: the Czechoslovak BCG strain No. 725, Japanese BCG strain Tokyo, Danish BCG strain Copenhagen and Soviet BCG strain Moscow. The results obtained by the two hypersensitivity testing methods, in vivo and in vitro were in a direct correlation; a direct relationship was also demonstrated between hypersensitivity tested by the in vitro method and immunogenicity. The in vitro method of MIF detection is reproducible and comparable with the other two methods employed and may be used as an alternative approach to BCG vaccine efficacy testing. It might probably also be applicable to estimation of the status of cell-mediated immunity against intracellularly parasitizing bacteria in general.  相似文献   

The failure of cartilage mineralization in osteochondrotic cartilage may be due to an impaired proteoglycan production. Thein vitro production of proteoglycans was therefore studied in the joint cartilage of growing pigs, aged 9–18 weeks, after incubation of cartilage samples with35S-sulfate. Cartilage was obtained from different areas of the femoral condyles and samples from these areas were further divided into three layers, where the superficial layer contains articular cartilage and the basal layers consist of growth cartilage. There was no significant difference in the overall amount of35S-proteoglycans synthesized in different areas of the condyles. However, the total production of35S-proteoglycans per mg tissue was highest in the basal layer in all areas. This was not due to a larger number of cells; the superficial layer contained more DNA per mg tissue than the basal layer. Gel chromatography on Sepharose CL-2B of the cartilage extracts, which resulted in the separation of large proteoglycans (K av 0.4) from proteoglycans of small hydrodynamic size (K av 0.8), showed that the relative amount of large proteoglycans increased with the distance from the articular surface. Again, no difference in the relative amounts of large and small proteoglycans were found when cartilage from different areas were compared. Osteochondrotic cartilage was detected in the pigs aged 12–18 weeks. In areas where osteochondrotic cartilage were present, the total production of35S-proteoglycans was lowered and the relative amount of large proteoglycans was less than that found in the adjoining areas devoid of osteochondrotic lesions. The data available indicate that the higher relative amount of small proteoglycans in the osteochondrotic cartilage was partly caused by degradation of the large proteoglycans (aggrecan).  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro regulation of IgE production in murine hybridomas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Normal BALB/c mice injected i.p. with the IgE-secreting hybridomas B53 (epsilon, kappa anti-DNP), SE1.3 (epsilon, kappa, anti-arsonate) or A3B1 (epsilon, kappa, anti-TNP) were monitored for serum IgE concentrations and frequencies of splenic T lymphocytes with surface membrane receptors for the Fc portion of IgE (Fc epsilon R+ T lymphocytes). Mice with B53 or SE1.3 hybridomas initially developed high concentrations of IgE and CD8+ Fc epsilon R+ T lymphocytes, followed by a progressive decline in both serum IgE and expression of cytoplasmic epsilon-chains in the hybridoma cells. Serum IgE concentrations in mice with A3B1 hybridomas progressively increased without development of Fc epsilon R+ T lymphocytes nor a subsequent decline in IgE or change in cytoplasmic epsilon-chain expression in the A3B1 cells. An in vitro system in which the IgE-secreting hybridoma cells were cocultured with spleen cells harvested from mice with established B53 tumors was used to investigate the mechanisms involved in the inhibition of IgE production by the hybridoma cells. The results of these studies indicate that: 1) the induction/upregulation of Fc epsilon R on CD8+ T lymphocytes in vivo requires factors in addition to high serum IgE concentrations; 2) in addition to CD8+ Fc epsilon R+ T lymphocytes and monocytes, another, as yet unidentified, splenic cell component appears to contribute to the process by which epsilon-chain expression in IgE-secreting hybridoma cells is suppressed, and 3) a hybridoma (A3B1) that fails to induce CD8+, Fc epsilon R+ T lymphocytes in vivo and is not inhibited in IgE expression in vivo, nonetheless is inhibited in IgE expression in vitro when cocultured with spleen cells from mice with B53 tumors.  相似文献   

《Biochemical medicine》1980,23(1):87-93
Liposomes containing the dye, IAEDANS, targeted to the ischemic myocardium of the guinea pig and mediated intracellular transport of the dye. This resulted in approximately 0.1% of the entrapped dye being covalently complexed to actomyosin in the infarcted region following experimental coronary ligation.  相似文献   

Lai YL  Chiou WY  Lu FJ 《Life sciences》2002,70(11):1271-1277
Antioxidants attenuate hyperpnea-induced airway constriction. It was hypothesized that this type of airway constriction is closely related to reactive oxygen species (ROS). However, there is no direct evidence of an increase in ROS during or right after the course of hyperpnea. To detect ROS production induced by hyperpnea, forty one guinea pigs were divided into four groups: control; control with 95% O2-5% CO2; hyperpnea with 95% air-5% CO2; and hyperpnea with 95% O2-5% CO2. Three minutes following hyperpnea or at the equivalent time, we obtained bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and measured its chemiluminescence (CL) counts. In addition, hyperpnea with 95% O2-5% CO2 gas mixture was carried out and BAL was collected 3 minutes after the hyperpnea in an additional forty animals. We measured CL counts in BAL samples before and after the treatments of the following ROS scavenger(s) or saline in vitro: control (saline); superoxide dismutase (SOD); catalase; dimethylthiourea (DMTU); and SOD+catalase+DMTU. Hyperpnea with 95% O2-5% CO2, but not with 95% air-5% CO2, gas mixture induced significant increase in t-butyl hydroperoxide-initiated CL counts, which were inhibited by DMTU, catalase, or SOD in vitro. Our data suggest that hyperpnea with a 95% O2-5% CO2, but not with 95% air-5% CO2, gas mixture induced an increase in ROS production.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chronic airway eosinophil accumulation is characteristic of asthma. However, it remains unclear whether airway eosinophils enhance or reduce release of chemical mediators and/or action of the released mediators in the airways in vivo, because previous investigators have indicated that eosinophil-derived factors such as histaminase and arylsulfatase may alter the allergic reaction by metabolizing chemical mediators. Recently, we have developed a guinea pig model of propranolol-induced bronchoconstriction (PIB), which is mediated by lipid mediators such as thromboxane A2 (TxA2), cysteinyl leukotrienes (cLTs) and platelet activation factor (PAF). This study was conducted to explain the influence of airway eosinophil accumulation on antigen-induced bronchoconstriction and the following PIB, both of which are mediated by lipid mediators. METHODS: Guinea pigs were transnasally treated with 75 microg/kg of polymyxin-B or vehicle twice a week for a total of 3 weeks. Guinea pigs were anesthetized and treated with diphenhydramine hydrochloride, and then artificially ventilated 24 h after the last administration of polymyxin-B or vehicle followed by passive sensitization. Propranolol at a concentration of 10 mg/ml was inhaled 20 min after an aerosolized antigen challenge. RESULTS: The proportion of eosinophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid obtained 15 min after the propranolol inhalation was significantly increased in guinea pigs treated with polymyxin-B compared with the vehicle. The polymyxin-B treatment did not affect antigen-induced bronchoconstriction or the following PIB. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that eosinophils accumulated in the airways by polymyxin-B does not affect release of chemical mediators induced by antigen or propranolol inhalation, or action of released mediators in vivo.  相似文献   

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