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Oxytocin was administered to Dorset and Shropshire ewes in one experiment and to Dorset ewes in a further 4 experiments. In Exp. 1, concentrations of plasma progesterone and lengths of the oestrous cycle in ewes given oxytocin subcutaneously twice a day on Days 0-3, 2-5, 4-7, 6-9, 8-11, 10-13, 12-15 or 14-17 were similar to those of control ewes. In Exp. 2, intraluteal infusions of oxytocin from Day 2 to Day 9 after oestrus had no effect on concentration of progesterone, weight of CL collected on Day 9 or length of the oestrous cycle. In Exp. 3, intraluteal infusions of oxytocin on Days 10-15 after oestrus had no effect on weight of CL collected on Day 15. In Exp. 4, s.c. injections of oxytocin on Days 3-6 after oestrus had no effect on weight of CL collected on Day 9, concentrations of progesterone or length of the oestrous cycle. In Exp. 5, s.c. injections of oxytocin twice a day did not affect the maintenance and outcome of pregnancy in lactating and nonlactating ewes. Exogenous oxytocin, therefore, does not appear to affect luteal function at any stage of the ovine oestrous cycle although oxytocin has been reported by others to alter ovine CL function.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation has been suggested as a possible cause of variation in male fertility because sperm activity is tightly coupled to mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and ATP production, both of which are sensitive to mtDNA mutations. Since male‐specific phenotypes such as sperm have no fitness consequences for mitochondria due to maternal mitochondrial (and mtDNA) inheritance, mtDNA mutations that are deleterious in males but which have negligible or no fitness effect in females can persist in populations. How often such mutations arise and persist is virtually unknown. To test whether there were associations between mtDNA variation and sperm performance, we haplotyped 250 zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata from a large pedigreed‐population and measured sperm velocity using computer‐assisted sperm analysis. Using quantitative genetic ‘animal’ models, we found no effect of mtDNA haplotype on sperm velocity. Therefore, there is no evidence that in this system mitochondrial mutations have asymmetric fitness effects on males and females, leading to genetic variation in male fertility that is blind to natural selection.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of progesterone on the synthesis and secretion of gonadotropins, ovariectomized ewes either were treated with progesterone (n = 5) for 3 wk or served as controls (n = 5) during the anestrous season. After treatment for 3 wk, blood samples were collected from progesterone-treated and ovariectomized ewes. After collection of blood samples, hypothalamic and hypophyseal tissues were collected from all ewes. Half of each pituitary was used to determine the content of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and the number of receptors for gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). The amounts of mRNA for LH beta subunit, FSH beta subunit, alpha subunit, growth hormone, and prolactin were measured in the other half of each pituitary. Treatment with progesterone reduced mean serum concentrations of LH (p less than 0.001) but ot FSH (p greater than 0.05). Further, progesterone decreased (p less than 0.05) the total number of pulses of LH. We were unable to detect pulsatile release of FSH. Hypothalamic content of GnRH, number of receptors for GnRH, pituitary content of gonadotropins and mRNA for LH beta subunit, FSH beta subunit, alpha subunit, growth hormone, and prolactin were not affected (p greater than 0.05) by treatment with progesterone. Thus, after treatment with progesterone, serum concentrations of LH (but not FSH) are decreased. This effect, however, is not due to a decrease in the steady-state amount of mRNA for LH beta or alpha subunits.  相似文献   

Post‐meiotic sperm ageing, both before ejaculation and after ejaculation, has been shown to negatively affect offspring fitness by lowering the rate of embryonic development, reducing embryonic viability and decreasing offspring condition. These negative effects are thought to be caused by intrinsic factors such as oxidative stress and ATP depletion or extrinsic factors such as temperature and osmosis. Effects of post‐ejaculation sperm ageing on offspring fitness have so far almost exclusively been tested in internal fertilizers. Here, we tested whether intrinsic post‐ejaculation sperm ageing affects offspring performance in an external fertilizer, the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. We performed in vitro fertilizations with a split‐clutch design where sperm were subjected to four post‐ejaculation ageing treatments. We varied the duration between sperm activation and fertilization while minimizing extrinsic stress factors and tested how this affected offspring fitness. We found no evidence for an effect of our treatments on embryo survival, hatching time, larval standard length, early larval survival or larval growth rate, indicating that intrinsic post‐ejaculation sperm ageing may not occur in Atlantic salmon. One reason may be the short life span of salmon sperm after ejaculation. Whether our findings are true in other external fertilizers with extended sperm activity remains to be tested.  相似文献   

The technique of ligation and transection of the oviducts from the uterus, together with subsequent examination of the eggs, has been used to establish how soon after mating a population of spermatozoa competent to fertilise enters the oviducts. Animals were mated within 8 h of the onset of oestrus, and the uterotubal junction ligated under local anaesthesia 6, 8 or 12 h later.Nineteen eggs were recovered from 29 animals. Fertilisation was not found as a sequel to ligation 6 h after mating, whereas 3 of 6 and 5 of 6 eggs, respectively, were fertilised when the operation was performed 8 or 12 h after mating. The mean number of spermatozoa associated with the zona pellucida increased over the interval examined from 0.2 to 4.5 (range 0–11). These results suggest that only a slow progression and displacement of viable spermatozoa occurs in the female tract after mating early in oestrus. They also infer that the functional sperm reservoir — the one drawn on at the time of ovulation — is in the oviductal isthmus rather than in the cervix, a consideration that may have a bearing on procedures of artificial insemination.  相似文献   

Thomas ML  Simmons LW 《PloS one》2008,3(5):e2151
When females are sexually promiscuous, the intensity of sperm competition for males depends on how many partners females mate with. To maximize fitness, males should adjust their copulatory investment in relation to this intensity. However, fitness costs associated with sperm competition may not only depend on how many males a female has mated with, but also how related rival males are. According to theoretical predictions, males should adjust their copulatory investment in response to the relatedness of their male rival, and transfer more sperm to females that have first mated with a non-sibling male than females that have mated to a related male. Here, for the first time, we empirically test this theory using the Australian field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus. We expose male crickets to sperm competition from either a full sibling or non-sibling male, by using both the presence of a rival male and the rival male's actual competing ejaculate as cues. Contrary to predictions, we find that males do not adjust ejaculates in response to the relatedness of their male rival. Instead, males with both full-sibling and non-sibling rivals allocate sperm of similar quality to females. This lack of kin biased behaviour is independent of any potentially confounding effect of strong competition between close relatives; kin biased behaviour was absent irrespective of whether males were raised in full sibling or mixed relatedness groups.  相似文献   

Six healthy non-obese probands without medical therapy and history of disease were tested. In all of them platelet aggregability with addition of human recombinant adiponectin in different concentrations (100; 75; 50 and 25 ng/l) were measured. It is concluded that increased level of adiponectin has no significant antiaggregation effect on platelets from individuals without hypoadiponectinemia.  相似文献   

Increasing sperm production per breeding male has economic significance with increasing use of artificial insemination. Manipulations to increase sperm production in livestock will only be useful if libido and sperm fertilizing capacity are not adversely affected. Reducing endogenous estrogens in the postnatal interval increases the number of Sertoli cells and hence testicular sperm production capacity. These experiments were designed to evaluate the effects of reducing endogenous estrogens on libido and sperm fertilizing capacity. Boars were treated with an aromatase inhibitor, letrozole, to reduce testicular estrogen production between 1 and 6 weeks of age or between 11 and 16 weeks of age, and the littermates to these boars were treated with the canola oil vehicle. Letrozole treatment did not affect time to first mount at 22 weeks of age, regardless of whether the treatment occurred from 1 to 6 weeks of age (118 seconds vs. 233 seconds, SEM = 161 for letrozole-treated and vehicle-treated boars, respectively) or from 11 to 16 weeks of age (107 seconds vs. 67 seconds, SEM = 63 for letrozole-treated and vehicle-treated boars, respectively). Similarly, sperm fertilizing ability and in vivo fertility were equivalent in letrozole-treated boars and their vehicle-treated littermates. Surprisingly, the increase in Sertoli cell numbers observed in the letrozole-treated boars at 20 weeks of age (5.8 vs. 4.3 billion, SEM = 0.5; P < 0.05) was not maintained to 40 weeks of age in their letrozole-treated littermates. Reducing endogenous estrogen production neonatally or prepuberally had no detectable adverse effect on libido or sperm fertilizing capacity.  相似文献   

Fighting is a powerful social experience that can affect male reproductive behavior, including ejaculatory strategies. Whereas winners may monopolize females, losers may instead perceive high sperm competition and limited future mating opportunities, and accordingly enhance ejaculate quality to maximize their reproductive success. In male field crickets Gryllus bimaculatus that fight aggressively for control of breeding territories, winners are known to possess sperm of lower quality (viability) compared to losers, but it remains unclear whether this is due to short‐term fighting consequences. To test if the fighting experience per se (winning or losing) affects male adjustment of sperm viability, we subjected males to winning and losing experiences by staging fights against size‐matched rivals of known fighting ability. These rivals were males that previously won or lost a fight and, due to “winner‐loser effects” kept winning or losing subsequent contests. We sampled sperm prior and after the fight and twice in control males with no fighting experience and found no differences in sperm viability across measures. We conclude that males do not tailor their ejaculate quality following a single fight, or based on its outcome. Intrinsic differences in other attributes between winners and loser phenotypes may explain differences in sperm quality previously described in this system.  相似文献   

Long-term memory can be critically important for animals in a variety of contexts, and yet the extreme reduction in body temperature in hibernating animals alters neurochemistry and may therefore impair brain function. Behavioural studies on memory impairment associated with hibernation have been almost exclusively conducted on ground squirrels (Rodentia) and provide conflicting results, including clear evidence for memory loss. Here, we for the first time tested memory retention after hibernation for a vertebrate outside rodents—bats (Chiroptera). In the light of the high mobility, ecology and long life of bats, we hypothesized that maintenance of consolidated memory through hibernation is under strong natural selection. We trained bats to find food in one out of three maze arms. After training, the pre-hibernation performance of all individuals was at 100 per cent correct decisions. After this pre-test, one group of bats was kept, with two interruptions, at 7°C for two months, while the other group was kept under conditions that prevented them from going into hibernation. The hibernated bats performed at the same high level as before hibernation and as the non-hibernated controls. Our data suggest that bats benefit from an as yet unknown neuroprotective mechanism to prevent memory loss in the cold brain.  相似文献   

BackgroundDyshomeostasis of copper (Cu) accompanied by Cu accumulation in certain brain areas has been associated with neurodegenerative diseases. One proposed toxic mode of action following Cu overload is oxidative stress associated with neuronal damage, whereas Selenium (Se) is assumed to play here a protective role. This study investigates the relationship between adequate Se supplementation and the respective consequences for Cu transfer into the brain applying an in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier (BBB).MethodsPrimary porcine brain capillary endothelial cells (PBCECs) seeded on Transwell® inserts were supplemented with selenite starting at cultivation in both compartments. After apical application of 15 or 50 µM CuSO4, transfer of Cu to the basolateral compartment, the brain facing side, was assessed by ICP-MS/MS.ResultsIncubation with Cu did not negatively affect the barrier properties, whereas Se had a positive effect. Additionally, Se status improved after selenite supplementation. Transfer of Cu was not affected by selenite supplementation. Under Se-deficient conditions, Cu permeability coefficients decreased with increasing Cu concentrations.ConclusionThe results of this study do not indicate that under suboptimal Se supplementation more Cu transfers across the BBB to the brain.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2009,84(1-3):74-78
The cervical anatomy limits the use of trans-cervical artificial insemination (AI) and embryo transfer in ewes. Thus, the objective of the study was to evaluate the sub-arachnoid administration of ketamine as a tool to be used in cervical dilation of the ewe. The following experimental treatments were used: in Experiment 1, animals (n = 6) were treated with the sub-arachnoid administration of ketamine (KS, 1.5 mg kg−1); and in Experiment 2, one tablet of misoprostol was diluted in 1.5 ml saline and deposited near the cervical os, 5 h before the trial + oxytocin administered i.v. 5 min before the reproductive procedures (MO, 200 + 20 U.I., respectively). In Experiment 3, animals received sub-arachnoid ketamine + misoprostol/oxytocin (KSMO). The systemic effects, analgesia, sedation, and motor neuron block were evaluated before each experiment and at pre-determined time intervals thereafter. A subjective score system was used to assess pain and discomfort during the reproductive manipulations in the different experiments. The mean duration of analgesia in the sternal decubitus position without sedation was 30 ± 4 and 25 ± 7 min for the KS and KSMO treatments, respectively. All treatments provided sufficient cervical dilation for the passage of the insemination rod into the uterus. The ketamine sub-arachnoid treatment alone produced a complete cervical dilation, allowing easy passage of the rod. Further studies are needed to establish whether this anesthetic technique may interfere with fertility, pregnancy or lambing rate in ewes during AI or embryo transfer.  相似文献   

The effects of Prostacyclin (PGI2) infusion on insulin secretion and glucose tolerance were investigated in 7 healthy subjects. PGI2 infusion caused no statistically significant changes of either glucose or insulin concentration, over the range 2.5–20 ng/Kg/min. A constant PGI2 infusion (10 ng/Kg/min) did not inhibit acute insulin responses to a glucose (20 g i.v.) pulse (response before PGI2 = 612±307%; during PGI2 = 515±468%, mean ± SD, mean change 3–5 min insulin, % basal; P=NS). Glucose disappearance rates were similar after the first and second glucose pulse.Thus, in contrast to PGE2, PGI2 does not affect insulin secretion nor glucose disposal at doses producing platelet and vascular changes. It is hypothesized that an altered PGI2/PGE2 balance in diabetes may represent a link between vascular, platelet and metabolic changes.  相似文献   

Flowering locus T (FT) is known to promote flowering in response to photoperiodic conditions and has recently been shown to contribute to other phenomenon, such as diurnal stomatal movement. In legumes, FTs are classified into three subtypes, though the role of each subtype is not well defined. It has been reported that when FT of Lotus japonicus (LjFT) is heterologously expressed in Arabidopsis, LjFT functions as a mobile florigen to promote flowering, similar to Arabidopsis FT (AtFT). In this study, we expressed AtFT in L. japonicus using the SUC2 promoter and showed that heterologous expression of AtFT was able to promote flowering in the plant. We also showed that AtFT expression does not affect stomatal closing nor nyctinastic leaf movement. These findings contribute to our understanding of flower development and have potential application to breeding or plant biotechnology.  相似文献   

Erythropoietin (EPO) gene therapy can be used for several purposes; however, its effects on reproductive performance are unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicological effects of non-viral (EPO) gene transfer on sperm motility, viability, morphology and concentration. Rabbit EPO cDNA was cloned into a pTarget mammalian expression vector. Rabbits were administered with: (1) pTarget/EPO vector, (2) recombinant human EPO (rHuEpo) and (3) saline (control). Both pTarget/EPO and rHuEpo significantly increased (P < 0.05) hematocrit levels 1 week after injection and they remained significantly higher than the control for up to 5 weeks (P < 0.05), showing that both EPO treatments were effective in stimulating the production of red blood cells in rabbits. The EPO gene transfer or rHuEPO administration had no significant effect (P > 0.05) on sperm motility, vigor, viability, concentration or morphology in the testis.  相似文献   

The aim was to examine the effect of ovulation of aged follicles on embryo quality and fertility in ewes. In Experiment 1, ewes (n = 39) received a prostaglandin analogue on Day 6 of the cycle and then received either a progestagen sponge from Day 6 to 20 after estrus (Single sponge) or a progestagen sponge on Day 6 that was replaced on Day 11 and 16 and removed on Day 20 (Multiple sponges). In a subgroup of ewes, the growth of ovarian follicles was characterised using ultrasonography. Fertile rams were introduced 48 hours after sponge withdrawal; we slaughtered the ewes on Day 5 of pregnancy and recovered the embryos. The mean age of the ovulatory follicles was greater in ewes that received a single sponge compared with multiple sponges (8.7+/-0.8 days, range 4 to 14, versus 4.5+/-0.7 days, range 3 to 6; P<0.05). However, the groups did not differ (P>0.05) in ovulation rate (2.4+/-0.3 corporal lutea per ewe) or the proportion of good quality embryos recovered (71 to 82%; developed to the early morula stage or further). In Experiment 2, ewes (570 in total) received treatments similar to those in Experiment 1 but were kept until lambing. Ewes that received a single sponge came into heat earlier (P<0.05) than those that received multiple sponges, but > or = 97% of ewes in all groups (P>0.05) were bred by 48 to 72 hours after ram introduction. There was no difference (P>0.05) between groups for the proportion of ewes that lambed to first service (80 to 86%) or the number of lambs per ewe (1.94+/-0.08 lambs). We conclude that when luteolysis occurs at the beginning of progestagen synchronisation, ewes will ovulate aged follicles, but that compared to shorter duration follicles, these follicles produce oocytes that are equally competent to be fertilised and develop into good quality embryos and full-term lambs.  相似文献   

The testicular response of male anoles maintained at a constant 32 degrees C was similar in both parietalectomized and sham-parietalectomized lizards exposed to either constant light (40 lux intensity) or to photic gradients (40-300 lux). The results support the hypothesis that the acceleration of gonadal growth in parietalectomized lizards noted by others depends on the ability of lizards to self-regulate exposure to thermal, but not photic, stimuli.  相似文献   

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