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The recent resurge of bed bug infestations (Cimex spp.; Cimicidae) and their resistance to commonly used pesticides calls for alternative methods of control. Pheromones play an important role in environmentally sustainable methods for the management of many pest insects and may therefore be applicable for the control of bed bugs. The tropical bed bug, Cimex hemipterus, is a temporary ectoparasite on humans and causes severe discomfort. Compared to the common bed bug, Cimex lectularius, little is known about the chemical signalling and pheromone-based behaviour of the tropical species. Here, we show that the antennal morphology and volatile emission of C. hemipterus closely resembles those of C. lectularius and we test their behavioural responses to conspecific odour emissions. Two major volatiles are emitted by male, female and nymph C. hemipterus under stress, (E)-2-hexenal and (E)-2-octenal. Notably, nymph emissions show contrasting ratios of these compounds to adults and are further characterized by the addition of 4-oxo-(E)-2-hexenal and 4-oxo-(E)-2-octenal. The discovery of this nymph pheromone in C. hemipterus is potentially the cause of a repellent effect observed in the bio-tests, where nymph odours induce a significantly stronger repellent reaction in conspecifics than adult odours. Our results suggest that pheromone-based pest control methods developed for C. lectularius could be applicable to C. hemipterus, with the unique nymph blend showing promising practical properties.  相似文献   

温带臭虫Cimex lectularius L.是一种重要的卫生害虫,严重影响人们的生活和健康。目前有关该虫的防治措施主要以喷洒化学杀虫剂为主,而杀虫剂的使用不当极易导致该虫抗药性的产生或进一步加重,还将对人身安全构成极大的威胁。因此,探索高效、安全的防治方法成为当前温带臭虫防治过程中亟待解决的问题。本研究在实验室条件下采用行为观察法评估了高分子聚合物-聚四氟乙烯对温带臭虫垂直和水平爬行能力的影响。结果表明,随着聚四氟乙烯涂层宽度的增加,温带臭虫的垂直攀爬能力逐渐降低,当涂层宽度为6 cm时可100%阻隔温带臭虫垂直攀爬,且涂层的持效期可达112 d以上。而聚四氟乙烯涂层无法阻止温带臭虫的水平扩散。研究结果可为温带臭虫的高效、安全物理预防提供理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

Summary Three new cell lines, designated NIVI-CH-440, NIVI-CH-442, and NIVI-CH-445, derived from the embryonated eggs of the bed-bugCimex hemipterus (F.) have been established. The cell lines consist of epithelial-like (80%), fibroblastlike (19%), and giant cells (1%). The chromosomes were holokinetic and there was no distinct stemline chromosome number at either early or late passage. The cultures showed two Malate dehydrogenase bands, one dark, the other faint; but no lactate dehydrogenase band. The cultures did not support the multiplication of Japanese encephalitis, Chikungunya, or Dengue-2 viruses, nor didCoxiella burnetii multiply in them.  相似文献   

The bedbug Cimex lectularius is notorious as a blood-feeding exoparasite of human and other warm-blooded animals. In addition to its medical and hygienic importance, C. lectularius is known for its unique biological traits, including obligate nutritional mutualism with a vitamin-provisioning Wolbachia endosymbiont and a peculiar mating habit called traumatic insemination wherein male sperm is injected into the female body cavity, migrates to the ovary, and fertilizes eggs therein. For these unique traits, novel insect organs, the bacteriome for endosymbiosis and the spermalege for traumatic insemination, have evolved in the lineage of bedbugs. We constructed cDNA libraries of the bacteriome and the spermalege of C. lectularius, and performed expressed sequence tag (EST) analyses of these peculiar insect organs. In total 4480 ESTs were compiled, which were assembled into 2989 unique sequences (USs). The following ESTs and USs were identified from the different organs: 1151 ESTs and 901 USs from the female whole body; 1098 ESTs and 879 USs from the female bacteriome; 1145 ESTs and 783 USs from the male bacteriome; and 1086 ESTs and 920 USs from the female spermalege. These EST data will provide a valuable genetic resource for understanding the developmental and evolutionary aspects of these novel insect organs.  相似文献   

The chromosome complement in the human bed bug, Cimex lectularius Linn., is 26+X1X2Y in the male and 26+X1X1X2X2 in the female. However, a population from Cairo, Egypt has 4 supernumerary X chromosomes. In the hybrid between the Berkeley population (with no supernumeraries) and the Cairo population (with 4 supernumeraries), the behavior of supernumeraries was observed during embryogenesis and oogenesis as well as spermatogenesis.In embryogenesis the transmission of supernumeraries was quite regular. However, one chromosome may sometimes be eliminated early in the germ line. This abnormality could induce the variations in chromosome number encountered in later stages. In the first meiotic division, some of the supernumeraries were nondisjunctional. Moreover, in the second division, some supernumeraries were eliminated. These results show that there is a tendency towards a decrease in the number of supernumeraries in the hybrids.Although the supernumeraries behave like X chromosomes, they seem not to be important for sex determination and appear to be largely or entirely inert genetically. Supernumeraries in the bed bug originate from small fragments caused by structural rearrangement. They are increased by an accumulation mechanism. Supernumeraries in the bed bug appear to be of relatively recent origin. The phylogenetic sequence in their development was probably from none to a stabilized number of four in the Old World. Then the supernumeraries were lost in two specialized lines, Cimex columbarius Jenyns on domestic birds in Europe and Cimex lectularius Linn. on man in the Western Hemisphere.This study was carried out under U.S. Public Health Service Grant (GM-13197).  相似文献   

Bed bugs as pests of public health importance recently experienced a resurgence in populations throughout the U.S. and other countries. Consequently, recent research efforts have focused on improving understanding of bed bug physiology and behaviour to improve management. While few studies have investigated the visual capabilities of bed bugs, the present study focused specifically on eye morphology and spectral sensitivity. A 3‐D imaging technique was used to document bed bug eye morphology from the first instar through adult and revealed morphological characteristics that differentiate the common bed bug from the tropical bed bug as well as sex‐specific differences. Electrophysiological measurements were used to evaluate the spectral sensitivity of adult bed bugs. Male bed bugs were more responsive than females at some wavelengths. Electrophysiological studies provided evidence for at least one photoreceptor with a spectral sensitivity curve peak in the green (λmax 520 nm) region of the spectrum. The broadened long wavelength portion of the spectral sensitivity curve may potentially indicate another photoreceptor in the yellow–green (λmax 550 nm) portion of the spectrum or screening pigments. Understanding more about bed bug visual biology is vital for designing traps, which are an important component of integrated bed bug management.  相似文献   

Thickening of the integument as a mechanism of resistance to insecticides is a well recognised phenomenon in the insect world and, in recent times, has been found in insects exhibiting pyrethroid-resistance. Resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in the common bed bug, Cimex lectularius L., is widespread and has been frequently inferred as a reason for the pest’s resurgence. Overexpression of cuticle depositing proteins has been demonstrated in pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs although, to date, no morphological analysis of the cuticle has been undertaken in order to confirm a phenotypic link. This paper describes examination of the cuticle thickness of a highly pyrethroid-resistant field strain collected in Sydney, Australia, in response to time-to-knockdown upon forced exposure to a pyrethroid insecticide. Mean cuticle thickness was positively correlated to time-to-knockdown, with significant differences observed between bugs knocked-down at 2 hours, 4 hours, and those still unaffected at 24 hours. Further analysis also demonstrated that the 24 hours survivors possessed a statistically significantly thicker cuticle when compared to a pyrethroid-susceptible strain of C. lectularius. This study demonstrates that cuticle thickening is present within a pyrethroid-resistant strain of C. lectularius and that, even within a stable resistant strain, cuticle thickness will vary according to time-to-knockdown upon exposure to an insecticide. This response should thus be considered in future studies on the cuticle of insecticide-resistant bed bugs and, potentially, other insects.  相似文献   

【目的】阐述绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum中枢神经系统的组成,辨识各组成部分的神经节解剖结构及其形态,计算中枢神经系统各神经节结构体积大小、解析其空间分布关系以及连接模式。【方法】采用免疫组织化学方法,使用突触蛋白抗体对绿盲蝽中枢神经系统神经髓进行染色标记,利用共聚焦激光扫描显微镜获取中枢神经系统各结构数码图像,使用三维图像分析软件对绿盲蝽中枢神经系统进行分析,并构建三维模型。【结果】绿盲蝽中枢神经系统从前往后分别由脑神经节、咽下神经节、前胸神经节和后部神经节组成。脑、咽下神经节和前胸神经节3个神经节融合在一块,形成脑-咽下神经节-前胸神经节复合体,并通过长的神经连索与后部神经节相连,从外观上看似由2个大的神经节构成,这种神经节愈合形式尚未在昆虫中发现过。前胸神经节与后部神经节分离,二者由长的神经连索连接起来。除前胸神经节由单独的神经原节构成外,其他3个神经节又由多个神经原节融合而成。脑包括前脑、中脑和后脑3部分。咽下神经节包括上颚神经节、下颚神经节和下唇神经节。后部神经节包括中胸、后胸和腹部神经节3部分。【结论】明确了绿盲蝽中枢神经系统的神经节构成,发现了绿盲蝽中枢神经系统各神经节的高度融合特性。该项研究结果为研究绿盲蝽中枢神经系统的发育、重塑和系统演化奠定了形态学基础,为研究中枢神经元形态、分布以及其对昆虫生理和行为的功能调控机制提供了结构框架。  相似文献   

The suggestion that bed bug (Cimex spp.; Hemiptera: Cimicidae)-infested mattresses wrapped in black plastic and exposed to sunlight will be heated sufficiently to kill the bed bugs was tested. Two types of mattresses were tested: a thin mattress of solid foam rubber and a thick multilayered inner spring mattress. Temperature probes were placed on both upper and lower sides of the mattresses, which were wrapped in black plastic and placed outside on a summer day for >9 h wherein the ambient temperature peaked at 36.5 degrees C. The maximum recorded temperature on the upper (sun-exposed) sides was 85 degrees C for both mattresses, whereas lower side temperatures for the thick mattress never exceeded 35 degreesC, and some areas of the thin mattress failed to exceed 36.50C. Therefore, with published thermal death points of 40-45 degrees C depending on exposure time, and opportunities for bed bugs to avoid lethal temperatures by retreating from hot zones, this technique seems to be not suitable for bed bug management.  相似文献   

A Oksche 《Acta anatomica》1988,132(3):216-224
Secretory neurons capable of elaborating neuropeptides and biogenic amines are an integral component of nervous systems. This apparatus is more extended than assumed during an earlier period of investigations. It is involved in short- and long-range communication by means of paracrine, transmitter-like, modulatory and neurohormonal types of messages. This finely adjusted activity of secretory neurons serves the control of a variety of important biological functions. Secretory pinealocytes are derivatives of pineal photoreceptors, primary sensory cells of neuronal character. In contrast to these neuron-like or paraneuronal elements, the secretory cells of the subcommissural organ are of ependymal origin.  相似文献   

The visual system of Histioteuthis is markedly asymmetrical, in that the eyes and optic lobes are considerably larger on the left side, and the lens of the left eye is often yellower in colour than that of the right eye. At the histological level, the rhabdomes of the retinas of both eyes show the usual rectilinear pattern typical of cephalopods. Unlike other species described, however, the orientation of the pattern is not uniform over the retina. The optic lobes are well developed on both sides, again following the typical squid pattern, although the plexiform and inner granular layers are thicker on the left side. In life it is likely that the animals orient at an oblique angle with the arms downward, and the left eye pointing upwards and the right eye downwards, and the asymmetries of the visual system are probably related to this posture. No corresponding asymmetries in the statocysts or other parts of the central nervous system have, however, been detected  相似文献   

The Aeolosomatidae are very small limnetic or terrestrial annelids of apparently simple organisation and uncertain phylogenetic position. They have been placed either at the base of the Clitellata, as a highly derived taxon within the Clitellata closely related to the Naididae, or as their sister group within the „Polychaeta”. A combined immunohistochemical (cLSM) and ultrastructural investigation of the central nervous system and the sense organs in Aeolosoma hemprichi was undertaken to look for characters which might support one of these theories. The position of the brain within the prostomium and the organisation of the ventral nerve cord, with its intraepithelial paired longitudinal nerves lying far apart from each other and the presence of a median longitudinal nerve, are atypical for the Clitellata and clearly differ from the situation found in Naididae. Moreover, the circumoesophageal connectives are bifurcated and enter the brain as dorsal and ventral roots; this arrangement is unknown in Clitellata, in which these connectives are unbranched. An ultrastructural analysis of the ciliated pits located laterally in the furrow between prostomium and peristomium in A. hemprichi and other Aeolosomatidae show that they are in fact nuchal organs. Such presumed chemosensory organs are typical of „Polychaeta” and absent in all Clitellata. Two pairs of ciliary sense organs are present in the prostomium in front of the brain of A. hemprichi. Although similarly organised sensory structures occur in many species of the Clitellata, they differ in position and certain ultrastructural features and are known from other Annelida as well. These results clearly support the exclusion of the Aeolosomatidae from the Clitellata and do not provide any evidence for a sister-group relationship between these two taxa. Accepted: 8 February 2000  相似文献   

The anatomy and histology of the adult Argas (Persicargas) arboreus central nervous system are described and compared with these properties in other ticks. The single, integrated, central nerve mass (CNM) is formed by a fused supra-esophageal part (protocerebrum, cheliceral ganglia, palpal ganglia, and stomodeal pons) and a subesophageal part (4 pairs of pedal ganglia and the complex opisthosomatic ganglion). Single peripheral nerves (pharyngeal and recurrent) and paired peripheral nerves (compound protocerebral, cheliceral, palpal, pedal and opisthosomatic) extend from the CNM to body organs and appendages. Optic nerves, described in other Argas species, are not found in A. (P.) arboreus. Histologically, the CNM is enclosed by a thin-walled periganglionic blood sinus and invested by a collagenous neural lamella followed by a perineurial layer composed of glial cells and containing fine reticular spaces, a cortical layer of association, motor and neurosecretory cell bodies and glial cells, and inner neuropile regions of fiber tracts forming 5 horizontal levels of connectives and commissures.  相似文献   

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