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A mating disruption approach using high densities of pheromone dispensers, has recently been proposed for controlling codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lep., Tortricidae). Ecodian® CP dispensers, made of low‐cost biodegradable material and easy to apply, were formulated with 10 mg of codlemone and placed at a rate of 1400–2000 dispensers/ha. Seasonal dispenser performance was evaluated using different methods. The release rate of new Ecodian dispensers, measured directly by solid‐phase micro‐extraction (SPME), was significantly higher than that of the standard monitoring lure. The release rate of field‐aged dispensers decreased over time; it was comparable with that of the standard monitoring lure after 55–90 days of field exposure and significantly lower beyond. Electroantennographic (EAG) recordings showed that field‐aged dispensers strongly stimulated virgin male moths’ antennae. Dispensers elicited close‐range approaches in wind tunnel irrespective of their age. Traps baited with aged Ecodian CP dispensers captured males throughout the season. Our results demonstrate that Ecodian dispensers achieved a good level of activity and longevity over the season. Field trials carried out from 2002 to 2004 confirmed the efficacy of Ecodian CP dispensers for codling moth control, regardless of the size of the treated area. The potential of this strategy for the control of C. pomonella is discussed.  相似文献   

Monitoring codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), with its sex pheromone (E,E)‐8,10‐dodecadien‐1‐ol (codlemone) alone or in combination with plant volatiles (PH‐plant volatile lures) with and without the addition of an acetic acid (AA) lure was compared in apple and walnut orchards treated with PVC Cidetrak® dispensers (CM‐DA Combo) loaded with 60 mg pear ester, ethyl (E, Z)‐2,4‐decadienoate (PE) and 185 mg codlemone. Lures were also evaluated in untreated apple and walnut orchards and apple orchards treated with Cidetrak® dispensers (CM) loaded with 120 mg codlemone. Traps with codlemone lures caught more moths than PE plus AA but similar numbers as traps with the PH‐PE lure in untreated apple and walnut orchards. The PH‐PE outperformed codlemone lures in apple orchards treated with CM dispensers. Codlemone outperformed PH‐PE lures in apple but not in walnut orchards treated mid‐season with CM‐DA Combo dispensers. Combining AA with PE significantly increased moth catch and together they performed similarly to the PH‐PE lure in all dispenser treatments in apple orchards. However, adding AA with the PH‐PE lure did not increase moth catches. The addition of AA to any of the lures tested except codlemone alone significantly increased the catch of females. Adding AA to either PE or the PH‐PE lure created a similarly attractive lure in orchards treated with CM‐DA Combo dispensers. Combining (E)‐4,8‐dimethyl‐1,3,7‐nonatriene (DMNT) with codlemone in a combinational lure plus AA performed as well as any lure tested in apple orchards treated with CM‐DA Combo dispensers. Combinational lures loaded with either (E,E)‐farnesol, (E)‐β‐farnesene or DMNT performed significantly better than the PH‐PE lure in apple orchards treated with CM‐DA Combo dispensers only in the first generation. Both PH‐DMNT and PH‐farnesol lures were comparable to PH‐PE, except that the PH‐farnesol lure was less attractive to female moths.  相似文献   

Codling moth (CM) and oriental fruit moth (OFM) are very important orchard pests worldwide, and particularly in Victoria, Australia, where both species damage pome fruit. Individually CM and OFM have been controlled successfully by pheromone‐mediated mating disruption, but treatment of pome fruit with full registered rates of two individual hand‐applied dispensers for CM and OFM could be uneconomical for growers. Field trials conducted over three seasons in plots sprayed with insecticides consistently demonstrated that dual Isomate C/OFM TT dispensers, designed to disrupt both CM and OFM, were as effective as Isomate CTT and Isomate OFM Rosso dispensers applied individually in pears for control of CM and OFM respectively. The dual‐ and individual‐species dispensers reduced moth catches and fruit damage to a similar degree. The results suggest that combined control of CM and OFM in pears by applying dual Isomate C/OFM TT dispensers at the full‐recommended rate of 500 dispensers per hectare will be more economical than use of individual species dispensers, because the price and application cost of dual dispenser is about half that for individual dispensers.  相似文献   

Entostat is an electrostatically charged wax powder that can adhere strongly to insect cuticle, making it an ideal carrier to deliver pheromone for pheromone-based confusion techniques. We investigated the attractiveness of Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) males treated with pheromone-laden Entostat powder to naive conspecifics as well as mating behaviors of males after such treatment in a laboratory flight tunnel. Male moths exposed to Entostat containing 1% E,E-8,10-dodecadien-1-ol (codlemone) acquired and retained the largest amount of the powder and became more attractive as point sources to naive moths compared with those treated with powder containing 5 or 10% codlemone. All Entostat-exposed males remained as attractive as a 0.1-mg codlemone lure for up to 24 h in flight tunnel investigations. Male moth orientation to normally attractive sources of codlemone was completely disrupted directly after treatment with Entostat powder. Males' ability to orient to 0.1-mg lures recovered progressively over a 6-d postexposure interval; however, their responses never reached the levels observed with untreated control moths. Entostat-exposed moths retained detectable amounts of codlemone up to 4 d. Our laboratory flight tunnel results suggest that the mode of action of Entostat powder as an autodissemination control tactic may be due to creating both attractive false point sources after exposure to the powder as well as directly inhibiting contaminated males' capability to orient to pheromone.  相似文献   

Mating disruption with a high density of sex pheromone dispensers is a new strategy recently developed for the control of the moth Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Ecodian LB dispensers, made of low-cost biodegradable material, were formulated with 10 mg of (E,Z) -7,9-dodecadienyl acetate and placed at a rate of 1,600 dispensers per ha. Seasonal dispenser performances were studied using different methods. The female attractiveness disruption and the efficacy of the method were evaluated in the field. The release rates of field-aged Ecodian LB dispensers, measured directly by solid phase microextraction, was comparable with that of the standard monitoring lure after 50-60 d of field exposure and significantly lower beyond 60 d; however, at the end of the season, it was approximately 46 times higher than that of a calling L. botrana female. Electroantennographic recordings showed that dispensers of different field age strongly stimulated male antennae. In a wind tunnel test, dispensers elicited close-range approaches and direct source contacts irrespective of their age. In fields treated with Ecodian dispensers the attractiveness of traps lured with calling females and monitoring baits was significantly reduced. Our data suggest that Ecodian dispensers are active sources of pheromone throughout the season. The efficacy of Ecodian strategy for L. botrana control was comparable with standard mating disruption and curative insecticides.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The codling moth Cydia pomonella , one of the most important pest insects of apple fruit orchards worldwide, is regarded as a 'sedentary' insect, but the natural populations consist of both mobile and sedentary genotypes that display different dispersal capacity in the field. The current study investigated whether there is a fitness consequence of being mobile in this species by comparing two strains with contrasting levels of mobility obtained through bi-directional selection.
2. Female moths of the sedentary strain were significantly larger, laid more eggs during their lifespan, and both male and female moths of this strain lived longer, when compared with the mobile strain.
3. The age-specific fecundity of female moths from the sedentary strain was significantly greater, in particular between 3 and 5 days after emergence when the peaks of both oviposition and flight capacity occur, relative to the mobile moths, thereby leading to a greater reproductive function.
4. These differences resulted in different demographic parameters between the two strains. The sedentary strain had a significantly greater net reproductive rate ( R o ) and a higher intrinsic rate of natural increase ( r m ), although the generation time ( T ) was similar, hence requiring a shorter time to double the population size, in comparison to the mobile strain.
5. This study provides empirical evidence for the cost of being mobile in C. pomonella . Trade-offs between mobility and fitness might have contributed to the existence of genetic variance for dispersal behaviour in the natural populations and the maintenance of relative sedentariness in the species.  相似文献   

Electroantennograms (EAGs) recorded from the antennae of male Cydia pomonella L. in response to stimulation with doses of the main sex pheromone component E8,E10-dodecadienol (Codlemone) ranging from 5ng to 500&mgr;g did not differ in their amplitudes from responses obtained to a synthetic 7-component pheromone blend containing the same absolute quantities of Codlemone. Based on differences in spike amplitudes obtained in Single Cell recordings (SCR), Sensilla trichodea on the antenna of males were found to contain at least three receptor neurone types. Two olfactory receptor neurones were tuned to Codlemone, while the third failed to be stimulated by Codlemone or by the minor components of the pheromone blend. As spike activity of the neurones in the S. trichodea stimulated by the 7-component blend did not differ from that of stimulation by Codlemone alone it appears that none of the receptor neurones is sensitive to any of the minor components tested. Scanning-electron-microscopical (SEM) examination of Sensilla auricillica on the antennae of Cydia males revealed two morphologically distinct types: rabbit eared shoehorn and regular shoehorn. SCR from these sensilla showed that only olfactory receptor neurones located in the rabbit-eared shoehorn type were tuned to the minor components. Differences in spike amplitudes (large, intermediate, small) allowed three types of neurones to be distinguished. Only the spike frequency of the intermediate receptor neurone was increased by application of the minor components E8-dodecenol, E9-dodecenol, dodecanol, tetradecanol, hexadecanol and E8,E10-dodecadienal. None were stimulated by Codlemone. These results are discussed in relation to the behavioural role of the minor pheromone components of C. pomonella.  相似文献   

The obvious benefits associated with insecticide resistance for pest species may come at a cost to other life-history traits. In this study, we compared the larval and pupal developmental times, pupal mass wing surface area and wing fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in insecticide resistant and control strains of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), collected from apple (Malus spp.) orchards in central Canada. Resistant strains had significantly longer larval developmental times and lower pupal masses compared with the susceptible strain. Although the forewings of resistant moths were smaller in resistant than control strain, no difference in wing FA was detected. Longer developmental times could increase exposure time to natural enemies, and reduced adult size could affect longevity and total reproductive output.  相似文献   

Nineteen host plant volatiles (HPVs) were screened for attractivity to adult codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) as a fourth component of core blends (3K) including (E,Z)-2,4-ethyl decadienoate, (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene and acetic acid. Each new quaternary combination was compared with a previously reported attractive bisexual lure (4K), consisting of the 3K blend plus 6-ethenyl-2,2,6-trimethyloxan-3-ol (pyranoid linalool oxide, pyrLOX). All lure evaluations were conducted in apple, Malus domestica (Borkhausen). Several compounds were found to significantly lower total and/or female catches when added to the 3K blend, including (Z)-3-hexenol, (E)-2-hexanal and hexyl butanoate (female and total moths), and (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate and linalool (female moths). Other compounds when added to the 3K blend did not increase or decrease moth catches, including methyl salicylate, (E)-β-ocimene, limonene, β-caryophyllene, butyl hexanoate, farnesol, terpineol, terpinen-4-ol and α-pinene. A few added compounds significantly increased moth catches compared with the 3K blend, including β-pinene (male moths), (Z)-jasmone (male and total moths), (E)-β-farnesene and β-myrcene (female and total moths), and (E,E)-α-farnesene (male, female, and total moths). In addition, each of these five compounds when added to the 3K core blend performed similarly to the 4K lure (male, females, and total moths). Further studies should expand these results through tests of these and other new blends with a range of component ratios and total loading amounts. Field trials should also be replicated within all host crops of codling moth and across major geographical production regions.  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾是苹果、梨等仁果类果树上的重要害虫,也是重要的入侵害虫。其具有寄主广泛、适生性强、蛀果为害等特点,一旦侵入很难彻底根除。老熟幼虫脱果后寻找隐蔽场所滞育的习性是其适应不利环境和维持种群繁衍的重要生存策略。本文就苹果蠹蛾幼虫滞育的诱导和终止因素、滞育场所的选取及聚集习性、滞育幼虫对环境的适应能力及内在生理生化特性以及针对滞育幼虫的防治技术等研究进行了综述,为探明苹果蠹蛾的灾变机理、预测预报和防治提供依据。  相似文献   

Microsatellite (simple sequence repeats, SSR) and mitochondrial DNA markers were used to assess the structure of European codling moth populations showing different levels of susceptibility towards one of the most important biocontrol agents used in apple production, the Cydia pomonella granulovirus CpGV-M. In 638 C. pomonella individuals from 33 different populations a total of 92 different alleles were scored using six SSR loci. The global estimate of genetic differentiation for all 33 populations was not significantly different from zero, thus indicating a lack of genetic differentiation. AMOVA analysis revealed a very weak but significant variance among C. pomonella populations from different geographic regions, however, no significant variation was evident between CpGV-M resistant or susceptible C. pomonella populations. Sequence analysis of a fragment of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 in eight C. pomonella populations resulted in 27 haplotypes, which were grouped in two distinct clusters. Again, no genetic differentiation between CpGV-M resistant and susceptible codling moth populations was detectable. In addition, Structure analysis using microsatellites and association tests with mtDNA haplotypes found neither population-level nor individual correlations associated with CpGV-M resistance. Accordingly, this lack of population structure does not allow discriminating between one or several, separate origins of CpGV-M resistance.  相似文献   

【目的】糖醋酒液能有效诱集梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta(Busck),而性诱剂辅助正好使糖醋酒液诱捕效果得以补充。【方法】本文对6种配方的糖醋酒液、3种窗口形状诱瓶、有无性诱剂辅助、4种高度、5种间距在梨园对梨小食心虫的诱捕效果进行了研究,总结出糖醋酒液对梨小食心虫最佳诱捕效果的设计方案。【结果】结果表明,在梨园利用糖醋酒液防治梨小食心虫时,选择红糖∶食用醋∶白酒∶清水=3∶1∶3∶80的糖醋酒液配方,窗口形状为长方形的诱瓶,辅以性信息素诱芯,挂瓶高度为1.5 m,间距为4 m时诱捕效果最佳。【结论】合理利用糖醋酒液防治梨小食心虫是一种简便有效的方法。  相似文献   

Cultivation of temperate-climate fruits is economically important for Brazil. Grapholita molesta Busck is a pest that causes damage to apples, peaches, plums, and pears growing in different micro-regions of southern Brazil, and understanding its reproductive behavior is essential to develop control strategies. The objective of this study was to ascertain the influence of different temperatures (13, 16, 19, 22, and 25oC) on the oviposition behavior of G. molesta. Females of G. molesta were placed in individual plastic containers, and the pre-oviposition period and the number of eggs laid were assessed until adult death. Temperature influenced the pre-oviposition period, and females kept at 22o were the first to lay their eggs. Oviposition occurred over a longer period of time at 13oC than at the higher temperatures. The highest total number of eggs was obtained at 19oC, with the mean daily oviposition being directly proportional to the temperature. There was a negative interaction between the pre-oviposition period and the total number of eggs laid by females. The most suitable temperature for oviposition of G. molesta was 19oC.  相似文献   

【背景】苹果蠹蛾是我国重要的检疫性害虫,目前从新疆迅速向东部扩散。苹果蠹蛾性信息素胶条迷向剂对防控苹果蠹蛾高效、安全,但成本较高。【方法】2013年在宁夏中卫市常乐镇马路滩村果园使用3种不同剂型的迷向剂对苹果蠹蛾进行了防治试验,每个处理果园面积3.3 hm~2,分别使用性诱剂处理后,用诱捕器监测处理后的诱蛾量,在生长期调查果实为害率,比较防治效果。【结果】通过整个生长季诱捕器监测,悬挂点以900个·hm~(-2)双层处理,胶条迷向剂在开花前处理1次,整个生长季处理区中心部位没有监测到苹果蠹蛾成虫;透明塑管迷向剂分别在开花前和6月底处理2次,整个生长季中心部位平均每个诱捕器诱到3.3头雄蛾;膏体迷向剂分别在开花前和6月底处理2次,整个生长季中心部位平均每个诱捕器诱到12头雄蛾。在6月下旬和果实采收前进行果实为害率调查,胶条迷向剂区平均蛀果率分别为0和0.56%,透明塑管迷向剂区蛀果率分别为0.89%和1.38%,膏体迷向剂处理区蛀果率分别为0.79%和1.38%。常规农药防治区2个时期蛀果率分别为1.44%和3.13%。【结论与意义】综合考虑防治效果和使用成本,在虫口密度高、效益高的果园可以使用胶条迷向剂,膏体迷向剂和透明塑管迷向剂只有在虫口密度较低的情况下使用。  相似文献   

Two different methods were tested to identify the sex of the early developmental stages of the codling moth Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) with a WZ/ZZ (female/male) sex chromosome system. First, it was shown that the sex of all larval stages can be easily determined by the presence or absence of sex chromatin, which is formed by the female‐specific W chromosome in interphase nuclei. This trait can also be used to identify the sex of newly hatched larvae but it does require care and accuracy. Secondly, a new sexing technique was developed based on a molecular marker of the codling moth W chromosome. Flanking regions of an earlier described W‐specific sequence (CpW2) were isolated and sequenced and a 2.74 kb sequence (CpW2‐EcoRI), specific for the W chromosome, was obtained. Several PCR tests were conducted, which confirmed that the CpW2‐EcoRI sequence is a reliable marker for the sex identification in codling moth samples of different geographical origin. In addition, a fragment of a codling moth gene, period (Cpper) was isolated and sequenced. Results of southern hybridization of the Cpper probe with female and male genomic DNA suggested that the Cpper gene is located on the Z chromosome. Then a multiplex PCR assay was developed, which co‐amplified the CpW2‐EcoRI sequence to identify the W chromosome and the Z‐linked Cpper sequence, which served as a positive control of accurate processing of tested samples. The multiplex PCR provides an easy and rapid identification of the sex of embryos and early larval instars of the codling moth.  相似文献   

A bin washing apparatus (drencher) was used to treat late-instar codling moth, Cydia pomonella Linnaeus-infested wooden fruit bins with the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae . Sentinel late-instar codling moth larvae were placed in strips of wood, made from dismantled bins, that were subsequently screwed into the corners of real bins before treatment. Pre-soaking the bins with water prior to treatment and covering the bins with a plastic tarp post-treatment, to maintain a high humidity, significantly increased sentinel codling moth mortality. Treatment for 1 min with 50 S. carpocapsae infective juveniles mL -1 water resulted in more than 80% mortality over 6 h in which the nematodes were continuously pumped through the drencher. The temperature of the water in the bin washer was ≤15°C and the chlorine in the city water was too low to harm the nematodes. The key disadvantage of washing the bins was the labour involved. It may be possible to reduce post-treatment holding time and increase codling moth mortality by holding the bins at a higher temperature post-treatment, however this parameter was not included in the study. The presence of the codling moth granulosis virus within the larvae did not influence the nematode-induced codling moth mortality over a range of concentrations and two temperatures in laboratory trials.  相似文献   

Peach shoot volatiles were attractive to mated female oriental fruit moth, Cydia molesta (Busck), in a dual choice arena. No preference was observed between leaf odours from the principle host plant, peach, and the secondary host plant, apple. Twenty-two compounds were identified in headspace volatiles of peach shoots using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Green leaf volatiles accounted for more than 50% of the total emitted volatiles. A bioassay-assisted fractionation using different sorbent polymers indicated an attractant effect of compounds with a chain length of 6-8 carbon atoms. The major compounds of this fraction were tested either singly or in combinations for behavioural response of females. Significant bioactivity was found for a three-component mixture of (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol and benzaldehyde in a 4:1:1 ratio. This synthetic mixture elicited a similar attractant effect as the full natural blend from peach shoots as well as the bioactive fraction.  相似文献   

梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta(Busck)是一种世界性蛀果害虫,主要以幼虫钻蛀蔷薇科果树的嫩梢和果实进行为害.本文利用扫描电子显微镜观察了梨小食心虫幼虫的超微形态和感受器.结果表明,幼虫触角上有3种类型的感受器:2个刺形感受器、6个锥形感受器和1个栓锥形感受器.上唇有6对刺形感受器.上颚的前端有切齿叶.在下颚的轴节和茎节各有1个刺形感受器.每个外颚叶有3个短而尖的锥形感受器、2个大的栓锥形感受器和3个刺形感受器.体节末梢的下颚须有7个锥形感受器、1个栓锥形感受器.下颚须的末端有1个指形感受器和2个板形感受器.每个下唇须末端具有1个尖锥状刺形感受器和1个长的栓锥形感受器.胸足与腹足上也分布有不规则的毛型感受器和刺型感受器.该研究将为进一步阐明梨小食心虫与其寄主的关系提供形态学的理论基础.  相似文献   

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