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Previous studies have shown that ragweed pollen arrives in Poland from sources in the south, in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria. It is likely that ragweed pollen also arrives from sources in the southeast (e.g. Ukraine). This hypothesis was investigated using 13 years of pollen data and back-trajectory analysis. Ambrosia pollen data were collected at three sites in Poland, Rzeszów, Kraków and Poznań. The amount of ragweed pollen recorded at Rzeszów was significantly higher than in Poznań and Kraków. This can be related to either a higher abundance of local populations of Ambrosia in south-east Poland or the proximity of Rzeszów to foreign sources of ragweed pollen. The combined results of pollen measurements and air mass trajectory calculations identified plumes of Ambrosia pollen that were recorded at Rzeszów, Kraków and Poznań on 4 and 5 September 1999 and 3 September 2002. These plumes arrived at the pollen-monitoring sites from an easterly direction, indicating sources of Ambrosia pollen in eastern Poland or Ukraine. This identifies Ukraine as a possible new source of ragweed pollen for Poland and therefore an important source area of Ambrosia pollen on the European Continent.  相似文献   

High Pinaceae pollen concentrations in the air and on the surface of puddles before the main pollen season started were observed in Kraków (southern Poland) in May 2013. The paper presents the results of detailed studies of the composition and source of the “yellow rain” in 2013, and as a comparison, the Pinaceae pollen concentrations and samples collected from the ground surface in 2014 were considered. The air samples were collected using the volumetric method (Hirst-type device), while pollen grains sampled from the ground surface were processed using a modified Erdtman acetolysis method. Finally, all samples were studied using a light microscope. In 2013, the period of higher Abies, Picea and Pinus pollen concentrations was observed from the 5 to 12 of May, earlier than the main pollen season occurred. The presence of rainfall on the 12 and 13 of May 2013 caused the pollen deposition on the ground surface, where the prevalence of Pinaceae pollen was found. The synoptic situation and the analysis of the back-trajectories and air mass advection at the beginning of May 2013 indicated that Pinaceae pollen grains could have been transported from Ukraine, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia. In contrast, Pinaceae pollen grains deposited on the ground surface as a “yellow” film in May 2014, originated from local sources.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to register the zooplanktonic organisms in water bodies in the Zoological Garden in Kraków, especially from a point of view of the occurrence of species of the Paramecium aurelia complex. Only P. caudatum was found in one habitat, in several sampling places. The species seems very resistant and can survive in poor or polluted habitats in which the P. aurelia ssp. are eliminated.  相似文献   

The dynamics of 15 taxa pollen seasons in Kraków, in 1991–2008 was monitored using a Burkard volumetric spore trap of the Hirst design. The highest daily pollen concentrations were achieved in the first half of May, and they were caused mainly by Betula and Pinus pollen. The second period of the high concentrations took place from the middle of July to the end of August (mainly Urtica pollen). Tree pollen seasons were shorter (18–24 days) in comparison with the most herbaceous pollen seasons (73–89 days), except at Artemisia and Ambrosia seasons (30 and 24 days, respectively). The season phases (percentyles) of the spring and late-summer taxa were the most variable in the consecutive years. The highest annual sums were noted for Urtica, Poaceae (herbaceous pollen seasons) and for Betula, Pinus, Alnus (tree pollen seasons), and the highest variability of annual totals was stated for Urtica, Populus, Fraxinus and the lowest for Ambrosia, Corylus, Poaceae. For the plants that pollinate in the middle of the pollen season (Quercus, Pinus and Rumex), the date of the season start seems not to be related to the season end, while for late pollen seasons, especially for Ambrosia and Artemisia, the statistically negative correlation between the start and the end season dates was found. Additionally, for the most studied taxa, the increase in annual pollen totals was observed. The presented results could be useful for the allergological practice and general botanical knowledge.  相似文献   

Przyboś E  Komala Z 《Folia biologica》2000,48(3-4):149-150
In a natural but newly reconstructed pond the presence of P. biaurelia was revealed. The previous studies conducted in 1992 did not reveal the occurrence of any species of the Paramecium aurelia complex here.  相似文献   

A critical and annotated catalogue of 183 types of Hymenoptera Chrysididae belonging to 124 taxa housed in the Radoszkowski collection is given. Radoszkowski type material from other institutes has also been checked. Six lectotypes are designated in Kraków (ISEA-PAN): Chrysis acceptabilis Radoszkowski, 1891; Chrysis persica Radoczkowsky, 1881; Chrysis daphnis Mocsáry, 1889; Chrysis lagodechii Radoszkowski, 1889; Chrysis remota Mocsáry, 1889 and Chrysis vagans Radoszkowski, 1877. The lectotype of Brugmoia pellucida Radoszkowski, 1877 is designated in Moscow (MMU). Four new combinations are proposed: Philoctetes araraticus (Radoszkowski, 1890), comb. n.; Pseudomalus hypocrita (du Buysson, 1893), comb. n.; Chrysis eldari (Radoszkowski, 1893), comb. n.; and Chrysura mlokosewitzi (Radoszkowski, 1889), comb. n.. Ten new synonyms are given: Chrysis auropunctata Mocsáry, 1889, syn. n. of Chrysis angolensis Radoszkovsky, 1881; Chrysis chrysochlora Mocsáry, 1889, syn. n. and Chrysis viridans Radoszkowski, 1891, syn. n. of Chrysis keriensis Radoszkowski, 1887; Chrysis angustifrons var. ignicollis Trautmann, 1926, syn. n. of Chrysis eldari (Radoszkowski, 1893); Chrysis maracandensis var. simulatrix Radoszkowski, 1891, syn. n. of Chrysis maracandensis Radoszkowski, 1877; Chrysis pulchra Radoszkovsky, 1880, syn. n. of Spinolia dallatorreana (Mocsáry, 1896); Chrysis rubricollis du Buysson, 1900, syn. n. of Chrysis eldari (Radoszkowski, 1893); Chrysis subcoerulea Radoszkowski, 1891, syn. n. of Chrysis chlorochrysa Mocsáry, 1889; Chrysis therates Mocsáry, 1889, syn. n. of Chrysis principalis Smith, 1874; and Notozus komarowi Radoszkowski, 1893, syn. n. of Elampus obesus (Mocsáry, 1890). One species is revaluated: Chrysis chalcochrysa Mocsáry, 1887. Chrysis kizilkumiana Rosa is the new name for Chrysis uljanini Radoszkowski & Mocsáry, 1889 nec Radoszkowski, 1877. Pictures of seventy-seven type specimens are given.  相似文献   

Do males matter? The role of males in population dynamics   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Daniel J. Rankin  Hanna Kokko 《Oikos》2007,116(2):335-348
Models of population dynamics generally neglect the presence of males. While this assumption holds under many circumstances, behavioural ecology increasingly tells us that the presence (or absence) of males may have an impact on female fitness, and hence population sizes. Here we ask the question of whether males matter to population dynamics, operationally defined as a dependency of population growth on the relative density of males. We provide simple models, and evaluate the current empirical evidence for them, that illustrate various mechanisms of such male influence: mate searching behavior, male resource use (including effects of sexual dimorphism), sexual harassment and sexual segregation. In each case, theory predicts that males can have an effect on population densities, and in some extreme cases a positive feedback between an increasingly male-biased sex ratio and female harassment may theoretically even bring about population extinction. The results of this study, and the literature reviewed, show that the males can have a substantial effect on population dynamics, particularly so when human influences result in biased sex ratios.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to identify the phthirapteran species, to determine the prevalence according to the anatomical region of the body and to know the dynamics and composition of the population of these ectoparasites in free-range chicken in S?o Luis Island, state of Maranh?o. Inspection was performed in 40 chickens and feathers were collected from the head, neck, wing, thigh, dorsal and ventral regions and cloacae. The phthirapteran species identified were: Menopon gallinae L., Menacanthus stramineus Nitzsch, Menacanthus pallidulus Neumann, Menacanthus cornutus Schommer (Menoponidae), and Lipeurus caponis L., Goniodes dissimilis Denny and Goniocotes gallinae De Geer (Philopteridae). L. caponis was collected from all regions sampled, including the head, which was the least infested region. The dorsum was the most infested, especially in the dry period of the year and where the greater parasitic diversity was observed, the wing and the head were the least infested regions. Considering the dynamics and the composition of the population the phthirapteran presented a prevalence of 85% of the sampled chickens, the mean intensity of infestation was 45.3 varying from <1 to 453. The egg stage was superior to the others life stages followed by nymphs and female adults, independent of the phthirapteran species.  相似文献   

The interpretation of accumulations of mammoth bones has been a long-term subject of archaeozoological studies. As the issue is typically approached from a taphonomic perspective, the broad spectrum of represented bones, especially the presence of large, non-meat bones, is taken as evidence of the local death of animals – either through natural causes or as a consequence of hunting. The number of mandibles and lower molars are used to calculate the number of hunted individuals, as they are the most frequently represented element. However, this approach faces numerous pitfalls. Interpretations, even contradictory, always neglect some important fact, especially associations with artefacts and the living floor. In our opinion, the use of ethnohistorical knowledge could mitigate, alleviate or eliminate some of the discrepancies. The fact that these enormous bone accumulations are typical only for the Gravettian (s. lato) underscores their culturally conditioned character. A traditional source of controversial interpretations is the well-known mammoth bone heap at Kraków – St. Bronislawa Hill (Spadzista Street B+B1). Until recently, all that was known from the classic settlement agglomeration of “mammoth hunters” near Dolní Věstonice was a “large accumulation of mammoth bones” studied by B. Klíma. However, based on unpublished terrain documentation, it has recently been possible to reconstruct several other accumulations directly in the base camp in the upper part of the Dolní Věstonice I site. The various phenomena with which the bone depositions there are associated provide new impulses for additional discussions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to register the zooplanktonic organisms in water bodies in the Botanical Garden of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, especially from the point of view of the occurrence of species of the Paramecium aurelia complex. In one pond, artificially constructed, the presence of P. tetraurelia was revealed.  相似文献   

Summary The feeding activity of the collembolan species Orchesella cincta (Linné) was studied in the laboratory and in the field. In the laboratory it was shown that at any one time only about 50–60% of the animals were feeding; the remainder were occupied with molting activities. Most of the time similar values were obtained in the field but during winter and during dry summer periods high percentages of empty guts could be demonstrated, indicating an absence or inaccessability of food. When favorable weather returned, a high feeding activity was again observed. Laboratory experiments and field observations indicate that temporary starvation periods are followed by synchronization of the molting and reproductive rhythms and an apparent increase in longevity. These phenomena are important for the restoration of the population after unfavorable periods but reduce the stabilizing force of food scarcity.  相似文献   

This paper describes the biological fitness of an urban population of Havana city, Plaza de la Revolución, which has the lowest fertility and the highest demographic ageing in Cuba. The aim is to assess the biological fitness of this community through the indexes of action opportunity of natural selection, to determine its evolutionary pattern and the influence of its socio-cultural peculiarity. Demographic data were obtained from the reproductive histories of 1200 women between the ages of 55 and 64. Data concerning mortality and surviving offspring from the first embryonic stages until age of reproduction were also collected. In order to measure the level of biological fitness two indexes were used: the Crow index of action opportunity of natural selection and the corrected index proposed by Johnston and Kensinger, which takes into account prenatal mortality. This corrected index was calculated including and excluding induced abortions in order to evaluate the contribution of these to biological fitness. When only postnatal mortality was considered, the results showed an evolutionary pattern similar to that of developed countries, based on low mortality and fertility. However, when prenatal mortality was taken into account, biological fitness decreased and the corrected index of natural selection was 4.5 times higher than when miscarriages and fetal deaths were not considered. Moreover, this corrected index was 2.65 times higher when induced miscarriages were considered, indicating the large decrease in biological fitness as a result of the current reproductive behaviour of frequent induced abortion.  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic complex of Zegarowe Rocks is situated on the Kraków–Wieluń Upland in southern Poland. The complex is dominated by massive limestones representing carbonate buildups. The successive stages of carbonate buildup development include: colonisation, aggradational growth and progradation phases. In the colonisation phase, on top of loose peloidal-ooid sands micritic peloidal thrombolites developed. Peloidal and agglutinated thrombolites and stromatolites proliferated during the aggradational growth phase, whereas the progradation phase was characterised by shallowing and related development of agglutinated stromatolites with coprolites. The latter were the effect of periodical stabilisation of detrital sediments by microbial mats. The Zegarowe Rocks complex developed upon an elevation of the Late Jurassic stable northern shelf of the Tethys. This elevation was formed due to local decrease in subsidence rate, induced by the presence of a Palaeozoic granitoid intrusion in the shelf substratum. The carbonate buildups of the Zegarowe Rocks complex, initially developing as sediment-starved mounds upon fault-controlled intraplatform highs under strongly restricted background sedimentation rate, were replaced by agglutinated microbial reefs.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of a 60-MeV proton radiotherapy beam at the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN) in Kraków, the first one to operate in Poland. RBE was assessed at the surviving fractions (SFs) of 0.01, 0.1, and 0.37, for normal human fibroblasts from three cancer patients. The cells were irradiated near the Bragg peak of the pristine beam and at three depths within a 28.4-mm spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP). Reference radiation was provided by 6-MV X-rays. The mean RBE value at SF = 0.01 for fibroblasts irradiated near the Bragg peak of pristine beam ranged between 1.06 and 1.15. The mean RBE values at SF = 0.01 for these cells exposed at depths of 2, 15, and 27 mm of the SOBP ranged between 0.95–1.00, 0.97–1.02, and 1.05–1.11, respectively. A trend was observed for RBE values to increase with survival level and with depth in the SOBP: at SF = 0.37 and at the depth of 27 mm, RBE values attained their maximum (1.19–1.24). The RBE values estimated at SF = 0.01 using normal human fibroblasts for the 60-MeV proton radiotherapy beam at the IFJ PAN in Kraków are close to values of 1.0 and 1.1, used in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Natural populations ofHeloniopsis orientalis C. Tanaka, a perennial herb, were examined at two sites from 1991 to 1997. This study addressed the effects of climate on leaf growth early in the growing season, as well as the rate of increase in plant biomass per year, changes in size-class structure, and mortality. Permanent quadrats were located in the Namhansanseong area of Kyonggi-do and at Maranggol in the Kangwon-do area. All correlation coefficients were significant at the 1% level, and were >0.9 for all interactions between leaf length and other properties, i.e., leaf area, leaf weight, and total weight per plant Plant size was correlated with leaf length. Early leaf growth was closely related to the Tn Index (Nuttonson’s Index), with the correlation coefficient being significant at the 1% level. At the stages of 20% and 90% of maximum leaf growth, the Tn indices were 80 and 314°C.d, respectively, at Namhansanseong; 128 and 456, respectively, at Maranggol. The annual Tn indices at 20% leaf growth did not vary much when individual locations were compared. However, the indices at 90% growth fluctuated over time. The Tn index at 10% maximum peduncle growth was around 60°C·d for both areas; at 50% growth, the indices were 170°C·day at Namhansanseong and 160°C°d at Maranggol. However, the two areas had dissimilar Tn indices at 100% peduncle growth. Rates of mean annual increase were 101% over the seven-year period at Namhansanseong, varying year by year. At Maranggol, the mean growth rate was 123% during the four years, with little annual fluctuation. Mean annual growth rates were high for small leaves and low for large leaves. Without recruitment by seedlings, population structures based on plant size were constant in the Namhansanseong area during the seven years, but they changed at Maranggol over the four-year-period. There, the mode shifted from smaller to large size classes over time, and the population structure changed to a normal distribution. At Namhansanseong and Maranggol, mean annual mortalities were 4.1% and 2.8%, respectively. The sizes of the dead plants varied in the former area, but generally were small in the latter. These results show that, forH. orientalis, the Maranggol environment was more suitable for sustaining the population than that in the Namhansanseong area.  相似文献   

The faunal composition of “interrhizon” invertebrate communities associated with submerged parts of three kinds of macrophytes, Eichhornia crassipes, Gramineae spp. and Polygonum tomentosum, were studied in an oxbow lake, Lake Tundai, with acidic water (pH 3.9–4.4) in the peat swamp area of Central Kalimantan. The pH, turbidity, and chlorophyll-a concentration in the surface waters tended to be higher in macrophyte stands than in open waters near the stands. Thirty-one taxa belonging to three groups of invertebrates, Arachnida, Insecta, especially chironomids, and Isopoda, were found from the root systems, of which insects were the most abundant in every macrophyte stand. The interrhizon invertebrates accounted for 0.16–8.7 g wet wt m?2 among three vegetational stands. The diversity and abundance of interrhizon invertebrates are low in Lake Tundai; this could be due to low pH and/or low productivity in the lake water.  相似文献   

A study on species composition, distribution, and population density of cercopithecids in the Campo-Ma’an area, Southwestern Cameroon, was undertaken from December 1997 until August 2000. A total of 665.5 km of line transects was used for the census. Thirteen diurnal primate species including five endangered species (Gorilla g. gorilla, Pan troglodytes, Mandrillus sphinx, Colobus satanas, Cercocebus torquatus) were recorded in the Campo Forest, the greatest part of which is a logging concession.Cercopithecus nictitans (1.43 groups/km2),C. cephus (1.13 groups/km2),C. pogonias (0.81 groups/km2), andC. torquatus (0.51 groups/km2) occurred at medium frequencies compared to figures from other Central African study sites. Mandrill densities estimated (0.27 groups/km2) show that the area is very important for the conservation of this rare species. Guenon densities found inside areas with a high level of human activities did not differ significantly from densities estimated in areas with a lower level of human activities.C. torquatus densities were significantly higher in the areas with a low level of human disturbance and encounter rates withLophocebus albigena also indicate a preference of less disturbed areas. Mangabeys are thus likely to be adversely affected by human activities in the area. In the Ma’an Forest, which has not been logged yet, ten species were confirmed. The population densities of two guenons (C. nictitans andC. cephus) were estimated to be twice as high in the unlogged forest area as compared to the logged forest of Campo. Other species are rarer in the Ma’an Forest than in the Campo Forest. Although mangabeys are adversely affected by human activities, the results still indicate that selective logging may be compatible with the conservation of cercopithecids, if a reduced damage logging concept and antipoaching measures are implemented. Increased hunting activities following logging operations will definitely have a negative longterm impact on primate populations in the Campo-Ma’an area if no further, more effective conservation measures will regulate wildlife use in future.  相似文献   

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