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The complexity of the I region analog associated with the MHC of miniature swine has been probed by sequential antibody precipitation studies of Ia antigens. Treatment of solubilized lymphocyte preparations from MSLA homozygotes of the DD haplotype with excess AA anti-DD alloantiserum led to precipitation of only a portion of the total Ia antigens, as determined by secondary precipitation of the remaining material with CC anti-DD serum. The presumed I region of miniature swine must therefore code for more than one Ia antigen-bearing polypeptide chain. In addition, certain mouse alloantisera that had previously been shown to react with rat Ia antigens were tested for reactivity with swine Ia antigens. Anti-Iak mouse alloantisera precipitated Ia molecules from every swine extract tested, regardless of MHC type, precluding genetic mapping studies. However, sequential precipitation studies demonstrated that the cross-reactive mouse alloantisera reacted only with a subclass of swine Ia antigens, again suggesting genetic complexity of the pig Ia locus.  相似文献   

Spectral changes and a sixfold increase in the emission intensity were observed in the fluorescence of a single xanthene probe (Texas red) attached to beta2m-microglobulin (beta2m) upon assembly of beta2m into a ternary complex with mouse H-2Kd heavy chain and influenza nuclear protein peptide. Dissociation of the labeled beta2m from the ternary complex restored the probe's fluorescence and absorption spectra and reduced the emission intensity. Thus changes in xanthene probe fluorescence upon association/dissociation of the labeled beta2m molecule with/from the ternary complex provide a simple and convenient method for studying the assembly/dissociation mechanism of the class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC-I) encoded molecule. The photophysical changes in the probe can be accounted for by the oligomerization of free labeled beta2m molecules. The fluorescence at 610 nm is due to beta2m dimers, where the probes are significantly separated spatially so that their emission and excitation properties are close to those of xanthene monomers. Fluorescence around 630 nm is due to beta2m oligomers where xanthene probes interact. Minima in the steady-state excitation (550 nm) and emission (630 nm) anisotropy spectra correlate with the maxima of the high-order oligomer excitation and emission spectra, showing that their fluorescence is more depolarized. These photophysical features are explained by splitting of the first singlet excited state of interacting xanthene probes that can be modeled by exciton theory.  相似文献   

We have examined the requirement for beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2m) in the intracellular transport of murine class I histocompatibility molecules to the cell surface. R1E cells that are defective in the synthesis of beta 2m were transfected with either the class I H-2Kb or H-2Db genes alone, or together with the beta 2m gene. Kb or Db heavy chains synthesized in the presence of beta 2m were transported rapidly through the cell and expressed efficiently at the cell surface. In the absence of beta 2m, no "free" Kb heavy chains were detectable at the cell surface and their intracellular transport was blocked at an early stage. In contrast, a significant quantity of "free" Db heavy chains could be detected at the cell surface as we have reported previously. However, we have shown here that defects in intracellular transport were apparent in that the majority (approximately 70%) of newly synthesized Db heavy chains accumulated intracellularly and were degraded. Therefore, although Kb and Db heavy chains differ in their abilities to be expressed at the cell surface in the absence of beta 2m they both require association with beta 2m for efficient intracellular transport. In addition, R1E cells transfected with a deletion construct of the Kb gene expressed a truncated molecule lacking the alpha 3 extracellular domain (Kb-3) at the cell surface, but, like free Db, most newly synthesized Kb-3 molecules accumulated intracellularly. The free Kb, Kb-3, and Db heavy chains were not recognized by most mAb specific for Kb and Db, respectively. Therefore, even the transported forms of free Db and Kb-3 were not native in conformation, which is surprising given the current view that correct folding is essential for intracellular transport. Interestingly, the free Db and Kb-3 heavy chains that reached the cell surface differed in their detergent binding properties from those retained within the cell. This suggests that the transported heavy chains may have folded differently thus allowing their export to the cell surface.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules, consisting of an alpha chain and beta2-microglobulin (beta2MG), play an important role in immune rejection responses by discriminating self and nonself and are increased by type I interferons during antiviral responses. Interferon tau (IFNtau), the pregnancy-recognition signal in ruminants, is a type I interferon produced by the ovine conceptus between Days 11 and 21 of gestation. In study 1, expression of MHC class I alpha chain and beta2MG mRNA and protein was detected primarily in endometrial luminal epithelium (LE) and glandular epithelium (GE) on Days 10 and 12 of the estrous cycle and pregnancy. On Days 14-20 of pregnancy, MHC class I and beta2MG expression increased only in endometrial stroma and GE and, concurrently, was absent in LE and superficial ductal GE (sGE). Although neither MHC class I nor beta2MG proteins were detected in Day 20 trophectoderm, beta2MG mRNA was detected in conceptus trophectoderm. In study 2, cyclic ewes were ovariectomized on Day 5, treated daily with progesterone to Day 16, received intrauterine infusions between Days 11 and 16 of either control serum proteins or recombinant ovine IFNtau, and were hysterectomized on Day 17. The IFNtau increased MHC class I and beta2MG expression only in endometrial stroma and GE. During pregnancy, MHC class I and beta2MG gene expression is inhibited in endometrial LE and sGE but, paradoxically, is stimulated by IFNtau in the stroma and GE. The silencing of MHC class I alpha chain and beta2MG genes in the endometrial LE and sGE during pregnancy recognition and establishment may be a critical mechanism preventing immune rejection of the conceptus allograft.  相似文献   

cDNA clones corresponding to the swine histocompatibility complex (SLA: swine leucocyte antigen)-DM alpha chain were isolated using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products from the third exon in the human HLA-DMA gene as a probe. Amino acid comparative analysis revealed that these clones were more closely related to the bovine and human DMA genes than to the other swine class II genes alpha chain genes, DRA, DQA and DOA. These results suggest that the SLA-DMA gene is expressed and may function, like HLA-DM, as an important modulator in class II restricted antigen processing in swine. Furthermore, based on the sequences and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) patterns in the SLA-DMA gene, no allelic variation was recognized in the second exon, but five allelic variations were recognized in the third exon in five different breeds of swine. These DMA alleles were defined by variation at four nucleotide positions. Two of these alleles resulted in an amino acid substitution. These results suggest that SLA-DMA has little polymorphism as observed in HLA-DMA and mouse H2-Ma.  相似文献   

Xenotransplantation involves the transplantation of organs, tissues and cells from one species to another. A major barrier to successful xenotransplantation is the rejection of the donor tissue by the recipient immune system. Swine leukocyte antigens (SLA) are important molecules within the immune system and play an essential role in fighting infectious diseases and viruses. The present study investigated three SLA class I (SLA-1, SLA-3 and SLA-2) and three SLA class II (DRB1, DQB1 and DQA) alleles in 60 NIH miniature pigs using PCR with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP). As the results, nine combinations of SLA class I and II haplotypes, comprising of three homozygous and six heterozygous haplotypes, were examined. The SLA homozygous haplotype Lr-2.4/2.4 was the most prevalent, with an overall frequency of 28.3% (17/60) and heterozygous haplotype Lr-2.2/4.4 was the second most common (20.0%; 12/60), followed by haplotype Lr-4.2/4.2 (16.7%; 10/60), Lr-2.2/2.4 (15.0%; 9/60), Lr-2.2/2.2 (5.0%; 3/60), Lr-2.2/4.2 (5.0%; 3/60), Lr-2.4/4.4 (5.0%; 3/60) and Lr-2.2/3.3 (3.3%; 2/60), Lr-4.2/4.4 (1.7%; 1/60), respectively. These results provide useful information that can be used to establish highly inbred pig lines with fixed SLA homozygous alleles and haplotypes.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC1) molecule plays a crucial role in cytotoxic lymphocyte function. beta 2-Microglobulin (beta 2m) has been demonstrated to be both a structural component of the MHC1 complex and a chaperone-like molecule for MHC1 folding. beta 2m binding to an isolated alpha 3 domain of MHC1 heavy chain at micromolar concentrations has been shown to accurately model the biochemistry and thermodynamics of beta 2m-driven MHC1 folding. These results suggested a model in which the chaperone-like role of beta 2m is dependent on initial binding to the alpha 3 domain interface of MHC1 with beta 2m. Such a model predicts that a mutant beta 2m molecule with an intact MHC1 alpha 3 domain interaction but a defective MHC1 alpha 1 alpha 2 domain interaction would block beta2m-driven folding of MHC1. In this study we generated such a beta 2m mutant and demonstrated that it blocks MHC1 folding by normal beta 2m at the expected micromolar concentrations. Our data support an initial interaction of beta 2m with the MHC1 alpha 3 domain in MHC1 folding. In addition, the dominant negative mutant beta 2m can block T-cell functional responses to antigenic peptide and MHC1.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecule plays a crucial role in cytotoxic lymphocyte function. Functional class I MHC exists as a heterotrimer consisting of the MHC class I heavy chain, an antigenic peptide fragment, and beta2-microglobulin (beta2m). beta2m has been previously shown to play an important role in the folding of the MHC heavy chain without continued beta2m association with the MHC complex. Therefore, beta2m is both a structural component of the MHC complex and a chaperone-like molecule for MHC folding. In this study we provide data supporting a model in which the chaperone-like role of beta2m is dependent on initial binding to only one of the two beta2m interfaces with class 1 heavy chain. beta2-Microglobulin binding to an isolated alpha3 domain of the class I MHC heavy chain accurately models the biochemistry and thermodynamics of beta2m-driven refolding. Our results explain a 1000-fold discrepancy between beta2m binding and refolding of MHC1. The biochemical study of the individual domains of complex molecules is an important strategy for understanding their dynamic structure and multiple functions.  相似文献   

To persist in the presence of an active immune system, viruses encode proteins that decrease expression of major histocompatibility complex class I molecules by using a variety of mechanisms. For example, murine gamma-2 herpesvirus 68 expresses the K3 protein, which causes the rapid turnover of nascent class I molecules. In this report we show that certain mouse class I alleles are more susceptible than others to K3-mediated down regulation. Prior to their rapid degradation, class I molecules in K3-expressing cells exhibit impaired assembly with beta(2)-microglobulin. Furthermore, K3 is detected predominantly in association with class I molecules lacking assembly with high-affinity peptides, including class I molecules associated with the peptide loading complex TAP/tapasin/calreticulin. The detection of K3 with class I assembly intermediates raises the possibility that molecular chaperones involved in class I assembly are involved in K3-mediated class I regulation.  相似文献   

We have examined the roles of peptide and beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2m) in regulating the conformation and expression level of class I molecules on the cell surface. Using a cell line synthesizing H-2Dd H chain and mouse beta 2m but defective in endogenous peptide loading, we demonstrate the ability of either exogenous peptide or beta 2m alone to increase surface H-2Dd expression at both 25 degrees C and 37 degrees C. Peptide and beta 2m show marked synergy in their abilities to increase surface class I expression, with minimal increases promoted by peptide in the absence of free beta 2m. Low temperature-induced molecules have indistinguishable rates of loss of beta 2m and alpha 1/alpha 2 domain conformational epitopes during culture at 37 degrees C. However, the rate of alpha 3 epitope loss is much slower, indicating a minimum of two steps in class I loss from the cell surface: 1) loss of beta 2m binding to H chain and unfolding of the alpha 1/alpha 2 region; then 2) denaturation, degradation, or internalization of the free H chains possessing alpha 3 epitopes. These data show for the first time that free H chains survive for a finite time on the membrane in a form capable of refolding into alpha 1/alpha 2 epitope positive molecules upon addition of beta 2m and peptide. This refolding in the presence of beta 2m and peptide can explain the reported requirement for both components in sensitizing cells for class I-dependent CTL lysis. It also indicates that such conformational changes in class I molecules are not strictly dependent on either newly synthesized H chains or on intracellular chaperons. The study of H chain-peptide-beta 2m interaction on the cell surface may be relevant to understanding intracellular peptide loading events.  相似文献   

The subcellular location of class I H-2 histocompatibility antigens was determined for mouse liver using immunocytochemical techniques and correlated with information determined by cell fractionation and analysis in situ. Surface antigens first were localized by standard procedures involving surface labeling with ferritin-labeled antibody. This approach could not be used for internal membranes either in situ or in fractions since the antigens are not expressed at the cytoplasmic surface. For this purpose, thin sections of tissues embedded in Lowicryl were analyzed and quantitated. The in situ analysis confirmed the presence of H-2 antigens on internal membrane compartments as well as on the cell surface and helped rule out the possibility that distributions based on analyses by immunoprecipitation of fractions of internal membranes were influenced greatly by plasma membrane contamination. Quantitation was provided by immunoprecipitation of H-2 antigens from radioiodinated or metabolically labeled isolated and highly purified cell fractions. The findings establish the presence of class I H-2 histocompatibility antigens in endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and plasma membrane in the approximate ratios of 1:3:7. No class I H-2 histocompatibility antigens could be detected in mitochondria, salt extracts of isolated membranes or NP-40-insoluble membrane material.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I downregulation during Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) replication are not well characterized. Here we show that in several cell lines infected with a recombinant EBV strain encoding green fluorescent protein (GFP), the virus lytic cycle coincides with GFP expression, which thus can be used as a marker of virus replication. EBV replication resulted in downregulation of MHC class II and all classical MHC class I alleles independently of viral DNA synthesis or late gene expression. Although assembled MHC class I complexes, the total pool of heavy chains, and beta2-microglobulin (beta2m) were significantly downregulated, free class I heavy chains were stabilized at the surface of cells replicating EBV. Calnexin expression was increased in GFP+ cells, and calnexin and calreticulin accumulated at the cell surface that could contribute to the stabilization of class I heavy chains. Decreased expression levels of another chaperone, ERp57, and TAP2, a transporter associated with antigen processing and presentation, correlated with delayed kinetics of MHC class I maturation. Levels of both class I heavy chain and beta2m mRNA were reduced, and metabolic labeling experiments demonstrated a very low rate of class I heavy chain synthesis in lytically infected cells. MHC class I and MHC class II downregulation was mimicked by pharmacological inhibition of protein synthesis in latently infected cells. Our data suggest that although several mechanisms may contribute to MHC class I downregulation in the course of EBV replication, inhibition of MHC class I synthesis plays the primary role in the process.  相似文献   

Binding of beta 2-GP I to anionic phospholipids is thought to be the major antigen required in the reaction of anticardiolipin antibodies to phospholipids. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes of anti-beta 2-GP I IgG during the first and second trimester of pregnancy and the relationship between the levels of anti-beta 2-GP I and fetoplacental antigens and the correlation between anti-beta 2-GP I IgG and antibodies against oxidized low-density lipoprotein IgG (oLAb) in serum of pregnant women. We determined anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA) IgG and maternal serum levels of alpha 1-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) and trophoblast-specific beta 1-glycoprotein (SP1) in 204 pregnant women in the first and second trimester. From this group we selected 52 serum samples positive for ACA IgG and 16 samples negative for ACA IgG. In the samples of selected patients, the levels of anti-beta 2-GP I IgG and oLAb IgG were determined. Anti-beta 2-GP I IgG levels significantly decreased in the second trimester (6.2+/-9.3 U/ml, mean +/- S.D.) in comparison with the first trimester (8.3+/-10.4 U/ml) (p=0.05). Multiple of median (MoM) AFP correlated negatively but not significantly in the first trimester with anti-beta 2-GP I (r = -0.261, p = 0.12). In the second trimester this correlation was significantly negative (r = -0.278, p = 0.04). The Spearman correlation coefficients for MoM HCG and anti-beta 2-GP I were 0.158 for the first trimester and 0.174 for the second trimester. MoM SP1 also did not correlate significantly with anti-beta 2-GP I in both trimesters. The correlation between anti-beta 2-GP I IgG and oLAb IgG was not significant (r = -0.06). In the first trimester 40 % serum samples were positive for anti-beta 2-GP I IgG and negative for oLAb IgG or vice versa, while 60 % samples in the second trimester were positive only for one determined autoantibody. We can conclude that the levels of anti-beta 2-GP I IgG decrease during the second trimester probably as the result of the effects of some immunosuppressive agents associated with pregnancy. The finding of negative correlation between AFP and anti-beta 2-GP I suggests that anti-beta 2-GP I has an influence on fetus development.  相似文献   

Messenger RNA from SL2 lymphoma cells was translated in a cell-free system in the presence of microsomal membranes. Mouse H-2Dd histocompatibility antigen was correctly assembled in the microsomal membranes, and transmembrane insertion of the nascent chain was accompanied by glycosylation and cleavage of the signal sequence H-2Kd antigens, synthesized in vivo, comprised a transmembrane glycoprotein and an unglycosylated protein in the cytoplasm. The glycosylated forms of the H-2Dd and H-2Kd antigens were modified during intracellular transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cell surface. beta 2-Microglobulin was also synthesized in vitro, and transfer of this protein into microsomal vesicles was accompanied by cleavage of its signal sequence. In the endoplasmic reticulum, beta-microglobulin can bind to newly synthesized H-2d glycoproteins. The mRNAs coding for beta 2-microglobulin and H-2Dd antigen could be separated on aqueous sucrose gradients.  相似文献   

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