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A nucleic acid affinity matrix containing a short oligodeoxynucleotide ligand has been prepared as an example of a material which can be used for the rapid and effective isolation of sequence specific DNA binding proteins. Two complementary oligodeoxynucleotides have been employed, one of which contains a small 5'-spacer arm with a terminal thiol group. Using this terminal thiol group, the ligand can be covalently coupled to Tresyl-activated Sepharose 4B or Epoxy-activated Sepharose 6B via a thioether linkage. This approach allows the specific attachment of the nucleic acid ligand via its 5'-terminus to the insoluble matrix. The double stranded affinity material was obtained by annealing of the complementary DNA fragment. As an example, we have used an eicosomer affinity column containing the sequence d(GAATTC) for the isolation of the Eco RI restriction endonuclease. Using a single column, the enzyme could be isolated by eluting the column with a single step or multistep gradient of increasing salt concentration. The enzyme was purified to 75%-85% homogeneity with yields of 0.1 mg to 0.2 mg from 0.5 g of cell paste.  相似文献   

柳树叶浸提液对蛋白核小球藻的化感作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对蛋白核小球藻进行细胞密度的测定,分析了不同浓度的柳树(Salix babylonica)叶浸提液对蛋白核小球藻(Chlorella pyrenoidosa)生长和细胞形态的影响。结果表明:柳树叶浸提液对蛋白核小球藻具有化感作用,不同浓度的浸提液化感作用强度不同;作用96 h的半效应浓度(EC50,96 h值)为11.82 g·L-1,较低浓度(10和20 g·L-1)浸提液对蛋白核小球藻表现出先抑制后促进的作用特性,而较高浓度(30 g·L-1)浸提液则始终表现出抑制效果;10、20和30 g·L-1浸提液对蛋白核小球藻的最大抑制率分别为37.5%、39.3%和56.5%;柳树叶浸提液作用下,部分蛋白核小球藻细胞平均颗粒体积增大,颜色变透明,膨胀后溶解;低浓度浸提液处理组少数细胞聚集在一起,高浓度浸提液处理组细胞大量聚集,形成多细胞群体,多数沉于瓶底,沉降性能增强。  相似文献   

蛋白核小球藻脂溶性化合物的抑菌活性及成分分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用纸片法对蛋白核小球藻(Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick.)脂溶性化合物的粗脂以及经硅胶柱层析分离后的不同组分进行了抑菌实验。结果表明,蛋白核小球藻的粗脂有极强的抑菌活性,其石油醚洗脱组分占总脂的63.9%,抑菌活性最弱;乙醇洗脱级分占总脂的32.2%,抑菌活性最强;苯洗脱组分只占总脂的3.9%,对玉米大斑病菌(Helminthosporium turcicum Pass)有极强的抑制活性。各洗脱组分及粗脂对革兰氏阴性菌均我抑制活性。成分分析结果表明,石油醚洗脱组分以烷烃类化合物为主,其中1-十九烯经烃含量最高;苯洗脱组分以6,10,14-三甲基-2-十五酮、十六碳酮和2-十一烷酮这3种酮类化合物为主;而乙醇洗脱组分含有大量的脂肪酸,其中γ-亚麻酸含量最高(56.673%)。蛋白核小球藻脂溶怀化合物的抑菌活性是其各种化学成分相互综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

Summary The composition and synthesis of DNA in synchronous cultures of Chlorella pyrenoidosa strain 211/8b has been investigated. Analytical CsCl density gradient centrifugation gave a homogenous major DNA component with a (G+C) content of 51% and a minor component containing 28% (G+C). The (G+C) contents derived from melting profiles were 2–3% lower. A second minor component with approximately 41% (G+C) content was inferred from banding patterns of labelled DNA in preparative CsCl density gradients. 14C-uracil was readily incorporated into the pyrimidine moieties of the major (nuclear) DNA between the 10th and 18th hour after beginning of the light period, but not at any other time. 14C-uracil incorporation into the minor (satellite) component was low but continuous throughout the whole cell cycle. The incorporation is correlated with an increase in the proportion of satellite DNA from 6% up to 20% during the time when no nuclear DNA replication takes place. The results suggest that different regulatory mechanisms exist for the nuclear and for satellite DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

DNA mismatch repair detected in human cell extracts.   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A system to study mismatch repair in vitro in HeLa cell extracts was developed. Preformed heteroduplex plasmid DNA containing two single base pair mismatches within the SupF gene of Escherichia coli was used as a substrate in a mismatch repair assay. Repair of one or both of the mismatches to the wild-type sequence was measured by transformation of a lac(Am) E. coli strain in which the presence of an active supF gene could be scored. The E. coli strain used was constructed to carry mutations in genes associated with mismatch repair and recombination (mutH, mutU, and recA) so that the processing of the heteroduplex DNA by the bacterium was minimal. Extract reactions were carried out by the incubation of the heteroduplex plasmid DNA in the HeLa cell extracts to which ATP, creatine phosphate, creatine kinase, deoxynucleotides, and a magnesium-containing buffer were added. Under these conditions about 1% of the mismatches were repaired. In the absence of added energy sources or deoxynucleotides, the activity in the extracts was significantly reduced. The addition of either aphidicolin or dideoxynucleotides reduced the mismatch repair activity, but only aphidicolin was effective in blocking DNA polymerization in the extracts. It is concluded that mismatch repair in these extracts is an energy-requiring process that is dependent on an adequate deoxynucleotide concentration. The results also indicate that the process is associated with some type of DNA polymerization, but the different effects of aphidicolin and dideoxynucleotides suggest that the mismatch repair activity in the extracts cannot simply be accounted for by random nick-translation activity alone.  相似文献   

本研究旨在以自由基清除作用和促巨噬细胞增殖作用为导向,对小球藻热水提取物(CPE)的分离纯化产物进行活性跟踪,以确定CPE的主要功能成分。采用高压热水提取、Sevag除蛋白、乙醇沉淀和超滤的方法得到CPE粗多糖,然后通过DEAE52离子交换层析柱和Sephadex G-100对CPE粗多糖组分进一步分离纯化。研究结果表明,通过上述方法对CPE进行分离纯化,得到3种高活性成分PS-1-4-2、PS-1-3-2和PS-2-3-3,经凝胶渗透色谱GPC分析得知其分子质量分别为3.97×10~4 Da、2.28×10~4 Da和4.1×10~3 Da。活性跟踪结果表明,CPE能够清除自由基并促进巨噬细胞Ana-1细胞生长,主要是由于其多种活性组分共同发挥作用,清除自由基作用的功能成分主要集中于PS-1-3、PS-1-4、PS-2-3和PS-2-4,促Ana-1细胞增殖作用的功能成分主要集中于PS-1-3、PS-1-4和PS-2-3。本研究确立了CPE主要功能成分的活性筛选手段,并获得3种新型功能成分,可用于指导小球藻高附加值产品的开发,从而进一步推动微藻能源的产业化进程,实现"高附加值微藻产品、微藻能源与微藻固碳"一体化的示范作用。  相似文献   

Chlorella pyrenoidosa is a unicellular green algae and has been a popular foodstuff worldwide. However, no reports on the antitumor peptides from such a microalgae are available in the literature. In this study, using low‐temperature high‐pressure extraction, enzymatic hydrolysis, ion exchange, and gel filtration chromatography, we separated a polypeptide that exhibited inhibitory activity on human liver cancer HepG2 cells, and named the polypeptide CPAP (C. pyrenoidosa antitumor polypeptide). Furthermore, the micro‐ and nanoencapsulation of CPAP were investigated by using two methods: complex coacervation and ionotropic gelation. The in vitro release tests revealed that CPAP was well preserved against gastric enzymatic degradation after micro/nanoencapsulation and the slowly controlled release in the intestine could be potentially achieved. These results suggest that CPAP may be a useful ingredient in food, nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical applications. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 29:681–687, 2013  相似文献   

An automated method of running a tandem sequence of oligonucleotide affinity columns was used to purify factors that interact specifically with cis-regulatory sites of the CyIIIa cytoskeletal actin gene of the sea urchin embryo (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus). The method allows quantitative enrichment in a single chromatographic run of up to 12 different sequence-specific DNA binding proteins, each of which may then be readily purified to homogeneity by methods such as preparative gel electrophoresis. The affinity chromatography and identification of six different CyIIIa-regulatory factors is described, and the general utility of the method is discussed.  相似文献   

Artificial peptides designed to form alpha-helical, beta-turn, antiparallel beta-sheet and beta-hairpin structures which are among the motifs most frequently found in natural DNA/RNA binding proteins were synthesized and their characteristic features were examined in the presence or absence of double or triple stranded DNA by means of UV melting experiments, CD spectra, SPR measurements. It was revealed that amphiphilic character arising from the specific secondary structures and positive charge in the hydrophobic face of peptides played an important role in the interaction with DNA, and that hybrid duplex and triplex were intensively stabilized by the cationic amphiphilic peptides. It was also found that these peptides could protect dsDNA against DNase 1 digestion. These results indicate that structurally designed amphiphilic peptides synthesized in the present study can be powerful tools for antisense and antigene strategies.  相似文献   

The distribution of radioactivity in Chlorella during dark 14CO2fixation was investigated either (a) in normal cells with andwithout added ammonium chloride, or (b) in nitrogen-starvedcells supplied with intermediates of the Krebs-Henseleit ureacycle. In the control experiments almost all the activity was presentin compounds of or associated with, the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The amino-acids citrulline and arginine became radioactive onlyin the presence of ammonia or ornithine where initially theycomprised 40–60 per cent. of the total activity, reactionsof the Krebs–Henseleit urea cycle being implicated intheir formation. No evidence could be found for a complete ureacycle. Unidentified compounds deriving their radioactivity fromthe C4 carbon of citrulline and/or arginine were detected andformed up to 40 per cent. of the total 14CO2 incorporated after25 min.  相似文献   

Bench-scale studies with Chlorella pyrenoidosa 7-11-05 were conducted in a 4-liter culture vessel with a used and recycled medium. Algal cultures were maintained for periods of several weeks by supplementing the nutrient medium with minimal amounts of certain salts. An algal strain was maintained for a period of up to 72 days with a supplemented recycled medium. No inhibition was observed as the result of any autotoxic materials. Rather dense cultures were maintained in the presence of high bacterial populations.  相似文献   

Net and Steady-state Cation Fluxes in Chlorella pyrenoidosa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The addition of K+ to Chlorella cells grown so as to be abnormallyrich in Na+ induces a net Na+ efflux and a concomitant uptakeof K+. The net Na+ extrusion shows first-order kinetics withtime constants of about 10 min for illuminated cells, and occursat rates in the region of 10 to 15 pmol cm12 s. The correspondingtime course for the net K+ influx also approximates to first-orderkinetics but is more complicated because it not only involvesa K+/Na+ component but also a K+/H+ exchange. The H+ extrusionusually represents less than 20 per cent of the net cation movementand may account both in magnitude and in rate for the differencebetween K+ and Na+ movements. The magnitudes of the net K+ andNa+ fluxes differed from steady-state flux rates in normal highK+-containing cells being as much as 20 times greater for K+and over 100 times greater for Na+. There is some indicationthat K+ competes for Na+ entry into Na+-rich cells, suggestingthat both the Na+/Na+ and K+/Na+ exchanges may share the sameentry site. The K+/Na+ exchange rates saturate at low externalK+ concentrations; the half-maximum rate was at about 0.2 mMK+. The Na+/K+ exchange is sensitive to temperature and between0 and 25 °C an activation energy of about 25 k cal/molewas calculated from the Arrhenius equation.  相似文献   

药用植物浸提液抑制蛋白核小球藻生长的化感效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
柴民伟  石福臣  马妍  马俊改 《生态学报》2010,30(18):4960-4966
研究了11种药用植物浸提液对水华藻种蛋白核小球藻的影响,结果显示:黄连、重楼、贯众、防己4种药用植物的浸提液均有抑藻效应。当药用植物浸提液的相对浓度为1g/L处理时,其半抑制效应时间LT50的排序为:防己重楼黄连贯众。进一步研究防己的相对浓度梯度抑藻效应,结果表明:在相对浓度为2g/L时,实验3d后的藻细胞几乎全部死亡;防己的抑藻效应受贮藏时间和贮藏温度的影响不显著。在所研究的药用植物中,防己的抑藻效果最好,在抑藻方面有较大应用前景,其它3种药用植物对轻度藻类爆发的控制也有潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

In the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardi (strain y-1), synthesis of the enzymes required for urea hydrolysis is under substrate induction control by urea and under end product repression control by ammonia. Hydrolysis of urea if effected by the sequential action of the discrete enzymes urea carboxylase and allophanate lyase, collectively called urea amidolyase. The carboxylase converts urea to allophanate in a reaction requiring biotin, adenosine 5'-triphosphate, and Mg2+. The lyase hydrolzyes allophanate to ammonium ions and bicarbonate. Neither activity is present in more than trace amounts when cultures are grown with ammonia or urea plus ammonia, or when they are starved for nitrogen for 8 h. Urea in the absence of ammonia induces both activities 10 to 100 times the basal levels. Addition of ammonia to an induced culture causes complete cessation of carboxylase accumulation and an 80% depression of lyase accumulation. Ammonia does not reduce urea uptake by repressed cells, so it does not prevent induction by the mechanism of inducer exclusion. The unicellular green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa (strain 3 Emerson) also has discrete carboxylase and lyase enzymes, but only the carboxylase exhibits metabolic control.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity and the complexity of Emerson strain Chlorella pyrenoidosa chloroplastic DNA have been investigated by means of thermal denaturation and renaturation kinetics, and the results have been compared with those of the strain 211/8b of the same alga. The thermal denaturation properties are very close to those of the other strain: the Tm of 65 degrees C in 0.1 standard saline citrate, the maximal hyperchromicity of 41%, and the dispersion coefficent delta 2/3 of 6.65 degrees C. The first derivated curves of the melting profiles show also five components. Denatured chloroplastic DNA renatures rapidly. Two fractions are found; their kinetic complexities have been estimated: 1.5 times 10(7) daltons for the fast renaturing fraction; 2x 10(8) daltons for the low d (G + C) content of the chloroplastic DNA: 1.24 times 10(8) daltons). The unique nucleotide sequence is present in about 19 copies per chloroplastic genome. This report confirms the homogeneity of the chloroplastic genome of algae.  相似文献   

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