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Rational design of protein surface is important for creating higher order protein structures, but it is still challenging. In this study, we designed in silico the several binding interfaces on protein surfaces that allow a de novo protein–protein interaction to be formed. We used a computer simulation technique to find appropriate amino acid arrangements for the binding interface. The protein–protein interaction can be made by forming an intermolecular four-helix bundle structure, which is often found in naturally occurring protein subunit interfaces. As a model protein, we used a helical protein, YciF. Molecular dynamics simulation showed that a new protein–protein interaction is formed depending on the number of hydrophobic and charged amino acid residues present in the binding surfaces. However, too many hydrophobic amino acid residues present in the interface negatively affected on the binding. Finally, we found an appropriate arrangement of hydrophobic and charged amino acid residues that induces a protein–protein interaction through an intermolecular four-helix bundle formation.  相似文献   

Electrostatic stabilization in four-helix bundle proteins.   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Charge substitutions generated by site-directed mutagenesis at the termini of adjacent anti-parallel alpha-helices in a four-helix bundle protein were used to determine a precise value for the contribution of indirect charge-charge interactions to overall protein stability, and to simulate the electrostatic effects of alpha-helix macrodipoles. Thermodynamic double mutant cycles were constructed to measure the interaction energy between such charges on adjacent anti-parallel helices in the four-helix bundle cytochrome b562 from Escherichia coli. Previously, theoretical calculations of helix macrodipole interactions using modeled four-helix bundle proteins have predicted values ranging over an order of magnitude from 0.2 to 2.5 kcal/mol. Our system represents the first experimental evidence for electrostatic interactions such as those between partial charges due to helix macrodipole charges. At the positions mutated, we have measured a favorable interaction energy of 0.6 kcal/mol between opposite charges simulating an anti-parallel helix pair. Pairs of negative or positive charges simulating a parallel orientation of helices produce an unfavorable interaction of similar magnitude. The interaction energies show a strong dependence upon ionic strength, consistent with an electrostatic effect. Indirect electrostatic contacts do appear to confer a limited stabilization upon the association of anti-parallel packing of helices, favoring this orientation by as much as 1 kcal/mol at 20 mM K phosphate.  相似文献   

To test whether it is practical to use phage display coupled with proteolysis for protein design, we used this approach to convert a partially unfolded four-helix bundle protein, apocytochrome b(562), to a stably folded four-helix bundle protein. Four residues expected to form a hydrophobic core were mutated. One residue was changed to Trp to provide a fluorescence probe for studying the protein's physical properties and to partially fill the void left by the heme. The other three positions were randomly mutated. In addition, another residue in the region to be redesigned was substituted with Arg to provide a specific cutting site for protease Arg-c. This library of mutants was displayed on the surface of phage and challenged with protease Arg-c to select stably folded proteins. The consensus sequence that emerged from the selection included hydrophobic residues at only one of the three positions and non-hydrophobic residues at the other two. Nevertheless, the selected proteins were thermodynamically very stable. The structure of a selected protein was characterized using multi-dimensional NMR. All four helices were formed in the structure. Further, site-directed mutagenesis was used to change one of the two non-hydrophobic residues to a hydrophobic residue, which increased the stability of the protein, indicating that the selection result was not based solely on the protein's global stability and that local structural characteristics may also govern the selection. This conclusion is supported by the crystal structure of another mutant that has two hydrophobic residues substituted for the two non-hydrophobic residues. These results suggest that the hydrophobic interactions in the core are not sufficient to dictate the selection and that the location of the cutting site of the protease also influences the selection of structures.  相似文献   

We have designed, synthesized and characterized three- and four-helix bundle template-assembled synthetic proteins CTASPs). The TASPs were synthesized using disulphide bonds between the peptides and either the cyclotribenzylene (CTB) template, or the cavitand (BOWL) template, to form the three- and four helix bundles, respectively. The TASPs were constructed using peptides that were linked via their N-termini (peptide CGGGEELLKKXEELLKKG, where X = L, I, Nle or V), or via their C-termini (peptide GEELLKKLEELLKKGGGC). Each TASP was assayed for its structure, stability, 'native-like' characteristics and whether it was a monomer in solution. All TASPs were found to be highly helical, and highly resistant to chemical denaturation using guanidine hydrochloride (GnHCl). Analysis of the GnHCl-induced unfolding curves of the different TASPs demonstrated stability differences based on the number of helices in the bundle, the end of the helix that was attached to the template, and the identity of the core amino acid. The TASPs all had molten-globule structure, which is (generally) consistent with a degenerate sequence in the core. The four-helix bundle TASPs appeared to be monomers in solution, whereas there is some evidence that the three-helix bundle TASPs are weakly self-associating.  相似文献   

DF1 is a small, idealized model for carboxylate-bridged diiron proteins. This protein was designed to form a dimeric four-helix bundle with a dimetal ion-binding site near the center of the structure, and its crystal structure has confirmed that it adopts the intended conformation. However, the protein showed limited solubility in aqueous buffer, and access to its active site was blocked by two hydrophobic side chains. The sequence of DF1 has now been modified to provide a very soluble protein (DF2) that binds metal ions in a rapid and reversible manner. Furthermore, the DF2 protein shows significant ferroxidase activity, suggesting that its dimetal center is accessible to oxygen. The affinity of DF2 for various first-row divalent cations deviates from the Irving-Willliams series, suggesting that its structure imparts significant geometric preferences on the metal ion-binding site. Furthermore, in the absence of metal ions, the protein folds into a dimer with concomitant binding of two protons. The uptake of two protons is expected if the structure of the apo-protein is similar to that of the crystal structure of dizinc DF1. Thus, this result suggests that the active site of DF2 is retained in the absence of metal ions.  相似文献   

The GrpE heat shock protein from Escherichia coli has a homodimeric structure. The dimer interface encompasses two long alpha-helices at the NH(2)-terminal end from each monomer (forming a "tail"), which lead into a small four-helix bundle from which each monomer contributes two short sequential alpha-helices in an antiparallel topological arrangement. We have created a number of different deletion mutants of GrpE that have portions of the dimer interface to investigate requirements for dimerization and to study four-helix bundle formation. Using chemical crosslinking and analytical ultracentrifugation techniques to probe for multimeric states, we find that a mutant containing only the long alpha-helical tail portion (GrpE1-88) is unable to form a dimer, most likely due to a decrease in alpha-helical content as determined by circular dichroism spectroscopy, thus one reason for a dimeric structure for the GrpE protein is to support the tail region. Mutants containing both of the short alpha-helices (GrpE1-138 and GrpE88-197) are able to form a dimer and presumably the four-helix bundle at the dimer interface. These two mutants have equilibrium constants for the monomer-dimer equilibrium that are very similar to the full-length protein suggesting that the tail region does not contribute significantly to the stability of the dimer. Interestingly, one mutant that contains just one of the short alpha-helices (GrpE1-112) exists as a tetrameric species, which presumably is forming a four-helix bundle structure. A proposed model is discussed for this mutant and its relevance for factors influencing four-helix bundle formation.  相似文献   

To identify sequence-specific motifs associated with the formation of an ionic pore, we systematically evaluated the channel-forming activity of synthetic peptides with sequence of predicted transmembrane segments of the voltage-gated calcium channel. The amino acid sequence of voltage-gated, dihydropyridine (DHP)-sensitive calcium channels suggests the presence in each of four homologous repeats (I-IV) of six segments (S1-S6) predicted to form membrane-spanning, alpha-helical structures. Only peptides representing amphipathic segments S2 or S3 form channels in lipid bilayers. To generate a functional calcium channel based on a four-helix bundle motif, four-helix bundle proteins representing IVS2 (T4CaIVS2) or IVS3 (T4CaIVS3) were synthesized. Both proteins form cation-selective channels, but with distinct characteristics: the single-channel conductance in 50 mM BaCl2 is 3 pS and 10 pS. For T4CaIVS3, the conductance saturates with increasing concentration of divalent cation. The dissociation constants for Ba2+, Ca2+, and Sr2+ are 13.6 mM, 17.7 mM, and 15.0 mM, respectively. The conductance of T4CaIVS2 does not saturate up to 150 mM salt. Whereas T4CaIVS3 is blocked by microM Ca2+ and Cd2+, T4CaIVS2 is not blocked by divalent cations. Only T4CaIVS3 is modulated by enantiomers of the DHP derivative BayK 8644, demonstrating sequence requirement for specific drug action. Thus, only T4CaIVS3 exhibits pore properties characteristic also of authentic calcium channels. The designed functional calcium channel may provide insights into fundamental mechanisms of ionic permeation and drug action, information that may in turn further our understanding of molecular determinants underlying authentic pore structures.  相似文献   

Disulfide bonds and the stability of globular proteins.   总被引:13,自引:10,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
An understanding of the forces that contribute to stability is pivotal in solving the protein-folding problem. Classical theory suggests that disulfide bonds stabilize proteins by reducing the entropy of the denatured state. More recent theories have attempted to expand this idea, suggesting that in addition to configurational entropic effects, enthalpic and native-state effects occur and cannot be neglected. Experimental thermodynamic evidence is examined from two sources: (1) the disruption of naturally occurring disulfides, and (2) the insertion of novel disulfides. The data confirm that enthalpic and native-state effects are often significant. The experimental changes in free energy are compared to those predicted by different theories. The differences between theory and experiment are large near 300 K and do not lend support to any of the current theories regarding the stabilization of proteins by disulfide bonds. This observation is a result of not only deficiencies in the theoretical models but also from difficulties in determining the effects of disulfide bonds on protein stability against the backdrop of numerous subtle stabilizing factors (in both the native and denatured states), which they may also affect.  相似文献   

We describe the insertion of an iron-sulfur center into a designed four alpha-helix model protein. The model protein was re-engineered by introducing four cysteine ligands required for the coordination of the mulinucleate cluster into positions in the main-chain directly analogous to the domain predicted to ligand the interpeptide [4Fe-4S (S-cys)4] cluster, Fx, from PsaA and PsaB of the Photosystem I reaction center. This was achieved by inserting the sequence, CDGPGRGGTC, which is conserved in PsaA and PsaB, into interhelical loops 1 and 3 of the four alpha-helix model. The holoprotein was characterized spectroscopically after insertion of the iron-sulfur center in vitro. EPR spectra confirmed the cluster is a [4Fe-4S] type, indicating that the cysteine thiolate ligands were positioned as designed. The midpoint potential of the iron-sulfur center in the model holoprotein was determined via redox titration and shown to be -422 mV (pH 8.3, n = 1). The results support proposals advanced for the structure of the domain of the [4Fe-4S] Fx cluster in Photosystem I based upon sequence predictions and molecular modeling. We suggest that the lower potential of the Fx cluster is most likely due to factors in the protein environment of Fx rather than the identity of the residues proximal to the coordinating ligands.  相似文献   

In the context of simplified models of globular proteins, the requirements for the unique folding to a four-helix bundle have been addressed through a new Monte Carlo procedure. In particular, the relative importance of secondary versus tertiary interactions in determining the nature of the folded structure is examined. Various cases spanning the extremes where tertiary interactions completely dominate to that where tertiary interactions are negligible have been explored. Not surprisingly, the folding to unique four-helix bundles is found to depend on an adequate balance of the secondary and tertiary interactions. Moreover, because the simplified model is composed of spheres representing α-carbons and side chains, the geometry of the latter being based on small real amino acids, the role played by the side chains, and the problems associated with packing and hard-core repulsions, are considered. Also, possible folding intermediates and their relationship with the experimentally observed molten globule state are explored. From these studies, a general set of rules is extracted which should aid in the further design of more detailed protein models adequate to more fully investigate the protein folding problem. Finally, the relationship between our conclusions and experimental work with specifically designed sequences is briefly discussed. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Binary patterning of polar and nonpolar amino acids has been used as the key design feature for constructing large combinatorial libraries of de novo proteins. Each position in a binary patterned sequence is designed explicitly to be either polar or nonpolar; however, the precise identities of these amino acids are varied extensively. The combinatorial underpinnings of the "binary code" strategy preclude explicit design of particular side chains at specified positions. Therefore, packing interactions cannot be specified a priori. To assess whether the binary code strategy can nonetheless produce well-folded de novo proteins, we constructed a second-generation library based upon a new structural scaffold designed to fold into 102-residue four-helix bundles. Characterization of five proteins chosen arbitrarily from this new library revealed that (1) all are alpha-helical and quite stable; (2) four of the five contain an abundance of tertiary interactions indicative of well-ordered structures; and (3) one protein forms a well-folded structure with native-like features. The proteins from this new 102-residue library are substantially more stable and dramatically more native-like than those from an earlier binary patterned library of 74-residue sequences. These findings demonstrate that chain length is a crucial determinant of structural order in libraries of de novo four-helix bundles. Moreover, these results show that the binary code strategy--if applied to an appropriately designed structural scaffold--can generate large collections of stably folded and/or native-like proteins.  相似文献   

Heteronuclear 13C and 15N three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) techniques have been used to determine the solution structure of human interleukin 4, a four-helix bundle protein. A dynamical simulated annealing protocol was used to calculate an ensemble of structures from an n.m.r. data set of 1735 distance restraints, 101 phi angle restraints and 27 pairs of hydrogen bond restraints. The protein structure has a left-handed up-up-down-down topology for the four helices with the two long overhand loops in the structure being connected by a short section of irregular antiparallel beta-sheet. Analysis of the side-chains in the protein shows a clustering of hydrophobic residues, particularly leucines, in the core of the bundle with the side-chains of charged residues being located on the protein surface. The solution structure has been compared with a recent structure prediction for human interleukin 4 and with crystal structures of other helix bundle proteins.  相似文献   

Klepeis JL  Wei Y  Hecht MH  Floudas CA 《Proteins》2005,58(3):560-570
Ab initio structure prediction and de novo protein design are two problems at the forefront of research in the fields of structural biology and chemistry. The goal of ab initio structure prediction of proteins is to correctly characterize the 3D structure of a protein using only the amino acid sequence as input. De novo protein design involves the production of novel protein sequences that adopt a desired fold. In this work, the results of a double-blind study are presented in which a new ab initio method was successfully used to predict the 3D structure of a protein designed through an experimental approach using binary patterned combinatorial libraries of de novo sequences. The predicted structure, which was produced before the experimental structure was known and without consideration of the design goals, and the final NMR analysis both characterize this protein as a 4-helix bundle. The similarity of these structures is evidenced by both small RMSD values between the coordinates of the two structures and a detailed analysis of the helical packing.  相似文献   

A theoretical investigation of the protein contribution to the redox potential of the iron–sulfur protein rubredoxin is presented. Structures of the oxidized and reduced forms of the protein were obtained by energy minimizing the oxidized crystal structure of Clostridium pasteurianum rubredoxin with appropriate charges and parameters. By including 102 crystal waters, structures close to the original crystal structure were obtained (rms difference of 1.16 Å), even with extensive minimization, thus allowing accurate calculations of comparative energies. Our calculations indicate an energy change of about –60 kcal/mol (2.58 eV) in the protein alone upon reduction. This energy change was due to both the change in charge of the redox site and the subsequent relaxation of the protein. An energy minimization procedure for the relaxation gives rms differences between the oxidized and reduced states of about 0.2 Å. The changes were small and occurred in both the backbone and sidechain mainly near the Fe–S center but contributed about – 16 kcal/mol (0.69 eV) to the total protein contribution. Although the neglect of certain effects such as electronic polarization may make the relaxation energies calculated an upper limit, the results indicate that protein relaxation contributes substantially to the redox potential. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Topological linking of proteins is a new approach for stabilizing and controlling the oligomerization state of proteins that fold in an interwined manner. The recent design of a backbone cyclized protein catenane based on the p53tet domain suggested that topological cross-linking provided increased stability against thermal and chemical denaturation. However, the tetrameric structure complicated detailed biophysical analysis of this protein. Here, we describe the design, synthesis and thermodynamic characterization of a protein catenane based on a dimeric mutant of the p53tet domain (M340E/L344K). The formation of the catenane proceeded efficiently, and the overall structure and oligomerization of the domain was not affected by the formation of the topological link. Unfolding and refolding of the catenane was consistent with a two-state process. The topological link stabilized the dimer against thermal and chemical denaturation considerably, raising the apparent melting temperature by 59 degrees C and the midpoint of denaturation by 4.5M GuHCl at a concentration of 50 microM. The formation of the topological link increased the resistance of the dimer to proteolysis. However, the m value decreased by 1.7kcalmol(-1)M(-1), suggesting a decrease in accessible surface area in the unfolded state. This implies that the stabilization from the topological link is largely due to a destabilization of the unfolded state, similar to other cross-links in proteins. Topological linking therefore provides a powerful and orthogonal tool for the stabilization of peptide and protein oligomers.  相似文献   

A protein hydrogel system based on the assembly of a four-helix bundle motif was proposed and synthesized by genetic engineering methods. This new polypeptide, named GBH1, consists of identical amphipathic helices of 22 residues in length oriented in opposite fashion to one another at each end of a polypeptide with a total length of 227 amino acids. The middle portion of the polypeptide (residues 79-147) is an unstructured random coil. The region between the amphipathic and unstructured segment is an α-helical stretch (23-78 and 148-204) not possessing a sequence compatible with a coiled-coil conformation, but rather possesses regions that have overwinding of the helix. The thermal unfolding of GBH1 shows more than one inflection point (T(m1) = 30.5 °C, T(m2) = 64.6 °C), indicative of a partially unfolded intermediate and, thus, multiple interactions in the folded state. A qualitative assessment of hydrogel formation with varying pH showed that acidic conditions did not support the gel state, indirectly indicating that the proposed four-helix bundle is the major cross-linking structure and not a leucine zipper motif. Scanning electron microscopy reveals a network of interacting protein molecules forming a spongelike matrix with numerous pores that would be occupied with water molecules.  相似文献   

Ankyrin repeats (AR) are 33-residue motifs containing a beta-turn, followed by two alpha-helices connected by a loop. AR occur in tandem arrangements and stack side-by-side to form elongated domains involved in very different cellular tasks. Recently, consensus libraries of AR repeats were constructed. Protein E1_5 represents a member of the shortest library, and consists of only a single consensus repeat flanked by designed N- and C-terminal capping repeats. Here we present a biophysical characterization of this AR domain. The protein is compactly folded, as judged from the heat capacity of the native state and from the specific unfolding enthalpy and entropy. From spectroscopic data, thermal and urea-induced unfolding can be modeled by a two-state transition. However, scanning calorimetry experiments reveal a deviation from the two-state behavior at elevated temperatures. Folding and unfolding at 5 degrees C both follow monoexponential kinetics with k(folding) = 28 sec(-1) and k(unfolding) = 0.9 sec(-1). Kinetic and equilibrium unfolding parameters at 5 degrees C agree very well. We conclude that E1_5 folds in a simple two-state manner at low temperatures while equilibrium intermediates become populated at higher temperatures. A chevron-plot analysis indicates that the protein traverses a very compact transition state along the folding/unfolding pathway. This work demonstrates that a designed minimal ankyrin repeat protein has the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of a compactly folded protein, and explains the favorable properties of the consensus framework.  相似文献   

The redox properties of periplasmic protein disulfide isomerase (DsbA) from Escherichia coli were analyzed by measuring the equilibrium constant of the oxidation of reduced DsbA by oxidized glutathione. The experiments are based on the finding that the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of DsbA increases about threefold upon reduction of the enzyme, which can be explained by the catalytic disulfide bridge quenching the fluorescence of a neighboring tryptophan residue. From the specific fluorescence of DsbA equilibrated in the presence of different ratios of reduced and oxidized glutathione at pH 7, an equilibrium constant of 1.2 x 10(-4) M was determined, corresponding to a standard redox potential (E'0) of DsbA of -0.089 V. Thus, DsbA is a significantly stronger oxidant than cytoplasmic thioredoxins and its redox properties are similar to those of eukaryotic protein disulfide isomerase. The equilibrium constants for the DsbA/glutathione equilibrium were found to be strongly dependent on pH and varied from 2.5 x 10(-3) M to 3.9 x 10(-5) M between pH 4 and 8.5. The redox state-dependent fluorescence properties of DsbA should allow detailed physicochemical studies of the enzyme as well as the quantitative determination of the oxidized protein by fluorescence titration with dithiothreitol and open the possibility to observe bacterial protein disulfide isomerase "at work" during catalysis of oxidative protein folding.  相似文献   

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