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Stellaria devendrae sp. nov. (Caryophyllaceae) is here described and illustrated from the Uttarakhand state of the Indian western Himalaya. It differs from the allied S. monosperma Buch.‐Ham. ex D. Don and S. paniculata Edgew. in having sub‐sessile, oblanceolate or obovate leaves with non amplexicaul, rounded to sub‐auricled leaf base; an inflorescence of a terminal, regularly and simply branched panicle of cymes; larger flowers (5–8 mm across); 5‐lobed floral disc; relatively larger sepals (4–7 mm long); petal lamina lobed for more than 1/2 to 4/5 of the lamina; filaments opposite sepals with prominent nectar glands at base; adjoining filaments not fused at base, and an inconspicuously reticulate‐papillate seed surface.  相似文献   

Stellaria longipes is a very variable species of circumpolar distribution and wide ecological amplitude. Individuals are herbaceous, perennial, and facultative outbreeders. Gynodioecy is very common. We studied the microsporogenesis and embryo development in both male sterile and male fertile genotypes. Male sterile plants are vigorous and set more seed than the bisexual genotypes.  相似文献   

FAVARGER, C. & NIETO FELINER, G., 1988 On the races of Arenoria tetraquetra L. (Caryophyllaceae). The caryological study of some Betic populations of Arenaria tetraquetra northwards from Sierra Nevada has proved that they are polyploids ( 3x, 4x, 5x ). Even though their Rowers are pentamerous, they differ from the Nevadean Arenaria tetraguetra subsp. amabilis (2x ) not only by the chromosome number but also by the micromorphology of the seed coat and the hairiness of the stem internodes. They also differ from Arenaria tetraquetra subsp. tetraquetra , the Rowers of which are tetramerous and the degree of polyploidy higher (6x in the Pyrenees, 7x in the Sierra de Pela eastwards from Sierra de Guadarrama). The authors proposed to give a subspecific status to such Betic polyploid populations with a new combination. They suggest a hypothesis to explain the evolution of the A. tetraguetra polyploid complex.  相似文献   

Genetic variation within and the relationship betweenStellaria longipes Goldie andS. longifolia Muhl. were studied. Ten enzyme systems were assessed in eight natural populations ofS. longipes (25 loci) and three ofS. longifolia (20 loci) using starch and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Patterns of population differentiation corresponded to geographic distance. There was no evidence that polyploidS. longipes had greater electrophoretic variability than diploidS. longipes. The isozyme data confirmed extensive population differentiation in these species and, within that context, a relatively close relationship betweenS. longipes andS. longifolia. It was postulated that diploids of these two species might be the progenitors of tetraploidS. longipes.  相似文献   

Karyotypic characters, mitotic metaphase chromosomes, monoploid idiograms and karyograms of Minuartia anatolica (Boiss.) Woronow var. phrygia (Bornm.) McNeill, Minuartia anatolica (Boiss.) Woronow var. scleranthoides (Boiss. & Noe) McNeill, Minuartia corymbulosa (Boiss. & Balansa) McNeill var. gypsophilloides McNeill and Minuartia aksoyi M.Koç & Hamzao?lu were investigated for the first time. Analysis of somatic metaphases showed that the chromosome numbers and the formulas of these taxa were 2n = 24 = 14m + 6sm + 4st for Minuartia anatolica var. phrygia, 2n = 14 = 6m + 8sm for Minuartia anatolica var. scleranthoides, 2n = 14 = 6m + 4sm + 4st for Minuartia corymbulosa var. gypsophilloides and 2n = 30 = 14m + 10sm + 6st for Minuartia aksoyi. No satellites were observed in the karyotypes of these taxa. Karyotype asymmetry was estimated by many different methods, namely the Stebbins classification, the karyotype asymmetry index (As K %), the total form percent (TF %), the Rec and Syi indices, the intrachromosomal asymmetry index (A1) and interchromosomal asymmetry index (A2), the dispersion index (DI), the degree of asymmetry of karyotype (A index) and the asymmetry index (AI).  相似文献   

Morphological relationships were investigated among diploidStellaria porsildii, polyploidS. longipes, and diploidS. longifolia. Canonical discriminant analysis, based on a priori assumptions to maximize differences among groups, showed thatS. longipes clusters equally distant between the two diploid species along an axis connecting the diploids' centroids, but it differs along an axis perpendicular to this axis. The intermediacy along the former axis is evidence thatS. longipes is an amphiploid derived fromS. longifolia andS. porsildii. The divergence along the latter axis may be attributable to adaptively valuable heterotic traits which were retained following amphidiploidization. The only morphological discontinuity occurred between the two diploids, whereas the morphological range ofS. longipes overlapped the range of both diploids forming a continuum. The lack of discrete clusters is likely due to hybridization and introgression withS. longifolia on one hand, and convergence of traits betweenS. longipes var.monantha andS. porsildii on the other. High a posteriori assignments in classificatory discriminant analysis supports the separation ofS. longipes var.monantha from otherS. longipes specimens. AlthoughS. longipes var.monantha grouped close toS. porsildii, the two groups separate based on leaf shape traits. Overall results support, firstly, the hypothesis thatS. porsildii is a diploid parent species which by hybridizing withS. longifolia gave rise to polyploidS. longipes. Secondly, results suggest thatS. longipes var.monantha converged morphologically towardsS. porsildii relatively recently due to ecological specialization, and merits distinction at least as a variety ofS. longipes.  相似文献   

Gypsophila huashanensis Y. W. Tsui et D. Q. Lu and G. spinosa D. Q. Lu (Caryophyllaceae) are described as new from China.  相似文献   

CHINNAPPA, C. C, GIFFORD, D. J. & RAMAMORRTHY, J., 1992. Studies on the Stellaria longipes complex (Caryophyllaceae): relationships among the species based on seed protein profiles. The protein profiles of nine genera of the family Caryophyllaceae show distinct patterns. Within the genus Stellaria , six species were studied. The four North American species show more or less similar profiles, while the two European species have quite different patterns. There are some indications to suggest that the polyploid species, 5. longipes , is closely related to diploid S. longifolia and S. porsildii. The seed protein profiles of these species support the view that 5. longipes might have originated from hybridization between the two diploid species.  相似文献   

Organ number per whorl was analysed in aberrant flowers of the long-day (LD) plant , Silene coeli-rosa , to test a hypothesis that organ number in a whorl takes its cue from an adjacent outer whorl and that perturbed organ number per whorl is not random but defaults to that of closely related taxa or genera of the Caryophyllaceae. When plants were grown under short-days (SD), transferred to LD and the shoot meristem excised and cultured in vitro under SD, the normal pattern of flower development was often disrupted. For example, we observed flowers which comprised floral whorls with an aberrant number of floral organs. In part, this was an effect of tissue culture; however, the over-and-above effect was the establishment of an alternative pattern of development. Our data indicate that two distinct and recurrent patterns occurred in the aberrant flowers we observed in five separate experiments. First, pairs of floral whorls were linked so that aberration in one whorl resulted in the next whorl being more aberrant than normal. Second, the number of organs in aberrant whorls was not random, but defaulted to an organ number which mimicked the flowers of closely related species of Silene or related genera in the Caryophyllaceae.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London , Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 140 , 229−235.  相似文献   

Ten microsatellite markers for the flea beetle Phyllotreta nemorum were developed using di‐ and trinucleotide repeat‐enriched libraries. Each of these primer pairs were characterized on 96 individuals. Expected heterozygosities ranged between 0.11 and 0.84 and the number of alleles ranged between two and 14 per locus. These microsatellite markers are the first published for any Phyllotreta species.  相似文献   

Aim Many plants occurring on the isolated mountain peaks of Africa have their closest relatives in very remote areas, even in temperate Europe and Asia. Their biogeographical history is poorly understood. The Afro‐montane element of the primarily Eurasian genus Lychnis is a typical example of such a disjunction. Here, we aim to reconstruct the phylogeny of the Afro‐montane endemics of Lychnis and to infer the history of immigration into Africa and of the subsequent dispersal and speciation. Location The Afro‐montane representatives of Lychnis occur in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, and Nigeria. Methods Silica‐dried plant materials collected in Ethiopia in 2004 as well as herbarium material were used for DNA extractions. We used parsimony analysis of nucleotide data from the rps16 intron and psbE‐petL region in plastids, and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and a region spanning exon 18–24 in the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (RPB2) from the nucleus. DAPI‐flow cytometry was used to determine relative genome size and to infer polyploidization events. Results Monophyly of the Afro‐montane Lychnis with the Eurasian diploid L. flos‐cuculi resolved as sister was strongly supported by the phylogenetic analyses. The Afro‐montane group was further divided into two strongly supported groups correlated with DNA ploidy levels. The relative genome size was species‐specific except for L. abyssinica, which had two genome‐size variants. Main conclusions Our results demonstrate that the biogeographical history of the Afro‐montane Lychnis has been highly dynamic, including polyploidization and both old and recent long‐distance dispersal events, even between Eastern and West Africa. The ancestor is inferred to have immigrated once from Eurasia via the Arabian Peninsula to the Ethiopian highlands. Divergence in the lineage containing diploid taxa was followed by several dispersals from Ethiopia to the Eastern and Western Rift Mountains, and recently to West Africa. Divergence of the lineage including the tetraploid L. crassifolia may have taken place in Ethiopia, from where it dispersed to the Eastern and Western Rift Mountains; alternatively, it may have taken place in the Eastern Rift Mountains, followed by dispersal from there to the Western Rift Mountains and then to Ethiopia.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of 46 samples referable to the speciesJasione montana L. were examined. The material originated from different localities in Portugal, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and the Soviet Union. All the samples were found to be diploid, having 2n=12 chromosomes. The aneuploid number, 2n=14, is shown to be limited to the var.litoralis Fries. Polyploidy has not been observed.  相似文献   

Genomic libraries of Arenaria grandiflora enriched for di- and trinucleotide repeats were used for the development of novel microsatellite markers. The subset of 13 polymorphic markers was characterized on 40 individuals of A. grandiflora originating from lowland locations in France. The loci amplified 3 to 10 alleles per locus and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.46 to 0.83. The newly developed markers will be used for population genetic studies and for assessing genetic composition of a restoration experiment of lowland A. grandiflora populations that are protected in France.  相似文献   

首次报道了互叶指甲草属Corrigiola L.在我国的分布,确认互叶指甲草C.littoralis L.已在我国江西庐山归化。  相似文献   

This study focuses on karyological investigation of four taxa of Dianthus (Caryophyllaceae) including D. crossopetalus, D. orientalis subsp. stenocalyx, D. orientalis subsp. gorganicus, and Dianthus sp. distributed in Northeast of Iran. The karyotype asymmetry/symmetry was evaluated using two methods: 1) CVCL (coefficient of variation of chromosome length) and CVCI (heterogeneity of the centromeric index); and 2) MCA (mean centromeric asymmetry). The karyotype asymmetry was also used to investigate the relationships among the taxa. Results obtained from the current study revealed that there are two different ploidy levels (2n = 2x = 30 and 2n = 4x = 60) among the investigated taxa. The indices CVCL and MCA described karyotype asymmetry correctly based on variation in chromosome length. Diagram of CVCL vs. MCA seems to be appropriate for karyological delimitation and taxonomic relationships among the Dianthus taxa under study. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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