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Lignocellulose is the most abundant biopolymer in the biosphere. It is inexpensive and therefore considered an attractive feedstock to produce biofuels and other biochemicals. Thermochemical and/or enzymatic pretreatment is used to release fermentable monomeric sugars. However, a variety of inhibitory by-products such as weak acids, furans, and phenolics that inhibit cell growth and fermentation are also released. Phenolic compounds are among the most toxic components in lignocellulosic hydrolysates and slurries derived from lignin decomposition, affecting overall fermentation processes and production yields and productivity. Ligninolytic enzymes have been shown to lower inhibitor concentrations in these hydrolysates, thereby enhancing their fermentability into valuable products. Among them, laccases, which are capable of oxidizing lignin and a variety of phenolic compounds in an environmentally benign manner, have been used for biomass delignification and detoxification of lignocellulose hydrolysates with promising results. This review discusses the state of the art of different enzymatic approaches to hydrolysate detoxification. In particular, laccases are used in separate or in situ detoxification steps, namely in free enzyme processes or immobilized by cell surface display technology to improve the efficiency of the fermentative process and consequently the production of second-generation biofuels and bio-based chemicals.  相似文献   

发酵抑制物对宿主细胞产生毒害作用,是木质纤维素生物炼制的主要瓶颈之一。减少抑制物含量、解除抑制作用是提高发酵效率的重要环节。本文讨论了木质纤维素发酵抑制物的来源、组成、特点以及相应的解除方法,提出了"源头降低抑制物—纤维素木质素分级转化"炼制模式和"发酵促进剂设计技术",为木质纤维素发酵抑制物的解除及木质纤维素开发利用提供了全新的技术路线。  相似文献   

One of the major challenges faced in commercial production of lignocellulosic bioethanol is the inhibitory compounds generated during the thermo-chemical pre-treatment step of biomass. These inhibitory compounds are toxic to fermenting micro-organisms. The ethanol yield and productivity obtained during fermentation of lignocellulosic hydrolysates is decreased due to the presence of inhibiting compounds, such as weak acids, furans and phenolic compounds formed or released during thermo-chemical pre-treatment step such as acid and steam explosion. This review describes the application and/or effect of biological detoxification (removal of inhibitors before fermentation) or use of bioreduction capability of fermenting yeasts on the fermentability of the hydrolysates. Inhibition of yeast fermentation by the inhibitor compounds in the lignocellulosic hydrolysates can be reduced by treatment with enzymes such as the lignolytic enzymes, for example, laccase and micro-organisms such as Trichoderma reesei, Coniochaeta ligniaria NRRL30616, Trametes versicolor, Pseudomonas putida Fu1, Candida guilliermondii, and Ureibacillus thermosphaericus. Microbial and enzymatic detoxifications of lignocellulosic hydrolysate are mild and more specific in their action. The efficiency of enzymatic process is quite comparable to other physical and chemical methods. Adaptation of the fermentation yeasts to the lignocellulosic hydrolysate prior to fermentation is suggested as an alternative approach to detoxification. Increases in fermentation rate and ethanol yield by adapted micro-organisms to acid pre-treated lignocellulosic hydrolysates have been reported in some studies. Another approach to alleviate the inhibition problem is to use genetic engineering to introduce increased tolerance by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, for example, by overexpressing genes encoding enzymes for resistance against specific inhibitors and altering co-factor balance. Cloning of the laccase gene followed by heterologous expression in yeasts was shown to provide higher enzyme yields and permit production of laccases with desired properties for detoxification of lignocellulose hydrolysates. A combination of more inhibitor-tolerant yeast strains with efficient feed strategies such as fed-batch will likely improve lignocellulose-to-ethanol process robustness.  相似文献   

A variety of potentially inhibitory degradation products are produced during pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass. Qualitative and quantitative interrogation of pretreatment hydrolysates is paramount to identifying potential correlations between pretreatment chemistries and microbial inhibition in downstream bioconversion processes. In the present study, corn stover, poplar, and pine feedstocks were pretreated under eight different chemical conditions, which are representative of leading pretreatment processes. Pretreatment processes included: 0.7% H2SO4, 0.07% H2SO4, liquid hot water, neutral buffer solution, aqueous ammonia, lime, lime with oxygen pressurization, and wet oxidation. Forty lignocellulosic degradation products resulting from pretreatment were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography in combination with UV spectroscopy or tandem mass spectrometry detection (HPLC‐PDA‐MS/MS) and ion chromatography (IC). Of these compounds, several have been reported to be inhibitory, including furfural, hydroxymethyl furfural, ferulic acid, 3,4‐dihydroxybenzaldehyde, syringic acid among others. Formation and accumulation of monitored compounds in hydrolysates is demonstrated to be a function of both the feedstock and pretreatment conditions utilized. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107: 430–440. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This work describes a novel approach to detoxify lignocellulosic hydrolysates and facilitate the analysis of inhibitory compounds, namely supercritical fluid extraction (SFE). The efficiency of the fermentation of lignocellulosic dilute-acid hydrolysates depends upon the composition of the hydrolysate and the organism used. Furthermore, it has been shown that inhibitors in the hydrolysate reduce the fermentation yield. This knowledge has given rise to the need to identify and remove the inhibiting compounds. Sample clean-up or work-up steps, to provide a clean and concentrated sample for the analytical system, facilitate the characterization of inhibitors, or indeed any compound in the hydrolysates. Removal of inhibitors was performed with countercurrent flow supercritical fluid extraction of liquid hydrolysates. Three different groups of inhibitors (furan derivatives, phenolic compounds, and aliphatic acids) and sugars were subsequently analyzed in the hydrolysate, extracted hydrolysate, and extract. The effect of the SFE treatment was examined with respect to fermentability with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Not only did the extraction provide a clean and concentrated sample (extract) for analysis, but also a hydrolysate with increased fermentability as well as lower concentrations of inhibitors such as phenolics and furan derivatives.  相似文献   

木质纤维素预处理抑制物产生及脱除方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用纤维素酶将木质纤维素降解成可发酵性糖,然后发酵生产氢气、乙醇、丁醇等生物燃料及高附加值产品,是当今全球研究的热点。预处理是生物质转化过程中至关重要的步骤,而预处理过程中产生的抑制物对木质纤维素后续的酶解和发酵微生物有负面影响。因此了解预处理方法及其过程中产生的抑制物及脱除方法是能否高效转化生物质的基础。文中首先介绍了木质纤维素常用的两类预处理方法即化学法和物理化学法。随后阐述了不同抑制物的产生及其抑制机制,并重点介绍了多种脱毒方法。最后展望了脱除木质纤维素预处理抑制物的研究趋势:应用交联聚乙烯亚胺和金属有机骨架化合物等新型材料脱除抑制物或通过基因工程、代谢工程技术等构建抑制物耐受性菌株等。  相似文献   

Chipped tobacco stalks were subjected to steam pretreatment at 205 °C for either 5 or 10 min before enzymatic hydrolysis. Glucose (15.4–17.1 g/l) and xylose (4.5–5.0 g/l) were the most abundant monosaccharides in the hydrolysates. Mannose, galactose and arabinose were also detected. The hydrolysate produced by pretreatment for 10 min contained higher levels of all sugars than the 5 min-pretreated hydrolysate. The amounts of inhibitory compounds found in the hydrolysates were relatively low and increased with increasing pretreatment time. The hydrolysates were fermented with baker's yeast. Ethanol yield, maximum volumetric productivity and specific productivity were used as criteria of fermentability of the hydrolysates. The fermentation of the hydrolysates was only slightly inhibited compared to reference solutions having a similar composition of fermentable sugars. The ethanol yield in the hydrolysates was 0.38–0.39 g/g of initial fermentable sugars, whereas it was 0.42 g/g in the reference. The biomass yield was twofold lower in the hydrolysates than in the reference. The fermentation inhibition caused by the tobacco stalk hydrolysates was less than that caused by sugarcane bagasse hydrolysates obtained under the same hydrolysis conditions.  相似文献   

选择乙酸根、糠醛、5-羟甲基糠醛、苯酚、香草酸和丁香醛等6种典型木质纤维素酸解副产物,考察它们对D-乳酸生产菌Sporolactobacillus sp.Y2-8生长及发酵的影响。实验结果表明:酚类物质抑制作用最强烈,0.25 g/L丁香醛已经完全抑制了菌体的生长和D-乳酸的发酵;苯酚和香草酸在低浓度(≤1.0 g/L)时抑制作用较小,但质量浓度达到3 g/L时对D-乳酸产量的抑制率分别为99%和70%;3 g/L糠醛和5-羟甲基糠醛对产物的抑制率分别为60%与20%,抑制作用小于酚类;乙酸根的影响最小,10 g/L的乙酸钠对菌体的生长和发酵几乎无抑制作用;当抑制物混合时,存在着相互促进作用,抑制作用更强烈。  相似文献   

The burgeoning cellulosic ethanol industry necessitates advancements in enzymatic saccharification, effective pretreatments for lignin removal, and the cultivation of crops more amenable to saccharification. Studies have demonstrated that natural inhibitors of lignin biosynthesis can enhance the saccharification of lignocellulose, even in tissues generated several months post-treatment. In this study, we applied daidzin (a competitive inhibitor of coniferaldehyde dehydrogenase), piperonylic acid (a quasi-irreversible inhibitor of cinnamate 4-hydroxylase), and methylenedioxy cinnamic acid (a competitive inhibitor of 4-coenzyme A ligase) to 60-day-old crops of two conventional Brazilian sugarcane cultivars and two energy cane clones, bred specifically for enhanced biomass production. The resultant biomasses were evaluated for lignin content and enzymatic saccharification efficiency without additional lignin-removal pretreatments. The treatments amplified the production of fermentable sugars in both the sugarcane cultivars and energy cane clones. The most successful results softened the most recalcitrant lignocellulose to the level of the least recalcitrant of the biomasses tested. Interestingly, the softest material became even more susceptible to saccharification.  相似文献   

Fermentation of liquid hot water (LHW) pretreated Miscanthus giganteus (MG) by Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 was investigated towards understanding the toxicity of lignocellulose-derived inhibitors to solventogenic Clostridium species vis-à-vis butanol production. While C. beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 did not grow in undiluted MG hydrolysate-based fermentation medium, supplementation of this medium with Calcium carbonate enabled the growth of C. beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 and production of butanol. Using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and spectrophotometric assays, LHW-pretreated MG was found to contain lignocellulose-derived microbial inhibitory compounds; some of which were transformed by exponentially growing C. beijerinckii to less inhibitory compounds during fermentation. Contrary to all expectations, the reduction product of furfural, furfuryl alcohol, inhibited butanol production by C. beijerinckii by more than 16 %. Collectively, these results provide new insights into why lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysates are recalcitrant to fermentation to biofuels and chemicals.  相似文献   

Abstract Several purple and green sulfur bacteria (genera Chromatium, Thiocapsa and Chlorobium ) were tested for their sensitivity to different antimicrobial agents by a disc diffusion assay, using thioacetamide as a source of hydrogen sulfide for plate growth. Chlorobium limicola strains were more sensitive to amoxicillin, erythromycin and nalidixic acid, whereas gentamicin and netilmicin were more active against the purple bacteria tested. None of the organisms were sensitive to oxacillin and trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole. The critical concentrations at the edge of the inhibition zone were also calculated for three organisms and the antimicrobials colistin, mitomycin C, penicillin G, rifampicin, and streptomycin. The results obtained suggest that colistin, mitomycin C, penicillin G would provide selective conditions against the growth of Chlorobium limicola strains, while streptomycin and other aminoglycoside antibiotics would select against purple bacteria.  相似文献   

The addition of small quantities of acetaldehyde to fermentations containing inhibitory concentrations of furfural, acetate and other compounds typically present in lignocellulosic hydrolyzates significantly reduced the lag phase of yeast growth and stimulated ethanol production. Similar effects were observed when acetaldehyde (0.06 g l−1) was added to fermentations of a birch wood hydrolyzate produced by steam/acid pretreatment. Acetaldehyde addition appears to have potential as a low-cost alternative (or adjunct) to current procedures for medium detoxification in lignocellulose-to-ethanol fermentations, particularly those in which high inhibitor concentrations are generated through recycling of the culture broth. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2000) 25, 104–108. Received 18 March 2000/ Accepted in revised form 02 June 2000  相似文献   

A series of compounds originally derived from the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, SU5416, were synthesized and evaluated. The most potent compound in this series, compound 3, which structurally resembles the potent anti-microtubule agent combretastatin A-4, inhibited tubulin polymerization and showed potent growth inhibitory activities on both prostate and breast cancer lines with IC50 values in the low nanomolar range.  相似文献   

利用酵母菌、乳酸菌、醋酸菌三种可食性微生物复配发酵制备微生物除臭剂,研究微生物复配比、发酵时间、发酵温度、接种量四个因素对H_2S去除率的影响。以单因素实验为基础,利用Box-Behnken响应面法优化最佳发酵条件,进一步研究硫元素转化及含量动态变化。结果表明酵母菌、乳酸菌、醋酸菌质量比为1∶2∶2时,各因素对H_2S去除率的影响由高到低依次为发酵温度发酵时间接种量,最优发酵条件为发酵时间48. 5 h、发酵温度30℃、接种量12. 75%,H_2S的去除率可达到71. 84%;实验组与对照组的硫元素转化及含量动态变化相比,实验组的SO_4~(2-)含量显著较高(P0. 05),H_2S释放量显著较低(P0. 05)说明该微生物除臭剂可以调节硫元素转化,有效抑制H_2S产生。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe survival rate of patients with cancer has been increasing because of the sustained anticancer effect of new drugs, such as immune checkpoints inhibitors (ICI). Unlike the existing cytotoxic chemotherapies, immunotherapy causes immune system disturbance, such as hypothyroidism. Comparative studies on hypothyroidism following administration of ICI alone and in combination with other drugs are scarce. Therefore, we investigated the incidence of hypothyroidism after ICI in patients with cancer using a national population-based database.MethodsUsing the claims data from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment service in Korea, we retrospectively investigated patients with cancer who received chemotherapy between January 1, 2014 and February 28, 2021.ResultsOf all patients with cancer (n = 665,445) who received all kinds of chemotherapy, those who have received ICI accounted for 1.91 %. Compare with cytotoxic chemotherapy and angiogenesis inhibitors (AIs), ICI was associated with earlier (236.1 ± 248.4 vs. 811.1 ± 661.7, P < 0.01) and more frequent (7.7 % vs. 4.4 %, P < 0.01) occurrence of hypothyroidism, as well as an increased risk of developing hypothyroidism (odds ratio [OR] 1.69, 95 % confidence interval [CI] 1.58–1.80). However, the incidence of grade 2 or higher hypothyroidism was similar in both groups of patients who received ICI (3.3 %) and AI (3.1 %). The incidence of hypothyroidism was 4.4 times higher in patients who received both AI and ICI than in those who were treated with ICI alone (OR 4.41, 95 % CI 3.40–5.71).ConclusionsThis study showed a synergistic effect in patients who received multiple administrations of a drug that might be associated with thyroid dysfunction. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the treatment-related side effects when using drugs, such as AIs, concomitant with ICI treatment.  相似文献   

Several compounds that are formed or released during hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass inhibit the fermentation of the hydrolysate. The use of a liquid extractive agent is suggested as a method for removal of these fermentation inhibitors. The method can be applied before or during the fermentation. For a series of alkanes and alcohols, partition coefficients were measured at low concentrations of the inhibiting compounds furfural, hydroxymethyl furfural, vanillin, syringaldehyde, coniferyl aldehyde, acetic acid, as well as for ethanol as the fermentation product. Carbon dioxide production was measured during fermentation in the presence of each organic solvent to indicate its biocompatibility. The feasibility of extractive fermentation of hydrolysate was investigated by ethanolic glucose fermentation in synthetic medium containing several concentrations of furfural and vanillin and in the presence of decanol, oleyl alcohol and oleic acid. Volumetric ethanol productivity with 6 g/L vanillin in the medium increased twofold with 30% volume oleyl alcohol. Decanol showed interesting extractive properties for most fermentation inhibiting compounds, but it is not suitable for in situ application due to its poor biocompatibility. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;102: 1354–1360. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A medicinal chemistry exploration of the human phosphodiesterase 4 (hPDE4) inhibitor cilomilast (1) was undertaken in order to identify inhibitors of phosphodiesterase B1 of Trypanosoma brucei (TbrPDEB1). T. brucei is the parasite which causes African sleeping sickness, a neglected tropical disease that affects thousands each year, and TbrPDEB1 has been shown to be an essential target of therapeutic relevance. Noting that 1 is a weak inhibitor of TbrPDEB1, we report the design and synthesis of analogs of this compound, culminating in 12b, a sub-micromolar inhibitor of TbrPDEB1 that shows modest inhibition of T. brucei proliferation.  相似文献   

Drugs targeting inhibition of kinases for the treatment of inflammation and autoimmune disorders have become a major focus in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry. Multiple kinases from different pathways have been the targets of interest in this endeavor. This review describes some of the recent developments in the search for inhibitors of IKK2, Syk, Lck, and JAK3 kinases. It is anticipated that some of these compounds or newer inhibitors of these kinases will be approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, organ transplantation, and other autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

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