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A new diatom genus, Brevilinea gen. nov., is described from an acidic freshwater lake situated on the Atlantic Coastal Plain of North Carolina, USA. The type for the genus, Brevilinea pocosinensis sp. nov., differs from other diatoms by the presence of a unique and reduced raphe that is restricted to the central portion of the valve. The new taxon has large and distinctive areolae that also serve to separate it from existing genera. The taxonomic placement of the new organism relative to other diatoms possessing a reduced raphe is discussed. Although Brevilinea may eventually be placed into a new family, given the current dynamic state of diatom systematics, it is premature to do so at this time.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of red alga in the Rhodymeniaceae, Grammephora peyssonnelioides, is described from both shallow and deepwater habitats in the Solomon Islands, South Pacific. The new genus and species is characterized by prostrate overlapping lobes with a strongly cartilaginous flexible texture, distinct surface linear markings perpendicular to the growing margins, and a compact three to four celled medulla of relatively small refractive cells. Tetrasporangia are elongate and decussately divided, and occur in large scattered dorsal surface sori. Cystocarps are prominent and conical, on the dorsal surface of the blade, with a network of nutritive filaments and basal nutritive tissue around the suspended, centrally located carposporophyte, with all gonimoblast initials becoming carposporangia. The columnar fusion cell is uniquely crowned by a ring of discoid cells of nonalgal origin.  相似文献   

A new genus of Tabanidae mimetic of flies is described: Muscotabanus new genus, Muscotabanus rafaeli new species, based on 12 females collected in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. It is presented a discussion for separating the new genus from Diachlorini species which resemblance with sarcophagids flies. It is characterised by striped thorax, banded abdomen, long slender palpus subequal antenna length, labella predominantly membranous, except for a narrow sclerotised plate, basicosta bare, wing hyaline and stigma brown.  相似文献   

Abstract The new species, Foonchewia guangdongensis R. J. Wang & H. Z. Wen and the new monotypic genus Foonchewia R. J. Wang (Rubioideae, Rubiaceae), are described from eastern Guangdong, China. It is characterized by its subshrub habit, pentamerous and heterostylous flowers, 2‐1ocular ovary with many ovules, and apically dehiscent capsules with numerous angulated seeds. Phylogenetic analysis of four chloroplast DNA regions (rbcL, rps16, ndhF, and atpBrbcL) revealed that the new genus is nested in the Spermacoceae alliance and is sister to Dunnia. Morphological comparison between these two genera indicated that they had few synapomorphies; it was therefore inappropriate to classify the new genus in the existing tribe Dunnieae, and a new tribe, Foonchewieae R. J. Wang, is accordingly proposed.  相似文献   

Sorex rohweri sp. nov. is described on the basis of a series of specimens from the Olympic Peninsula and adjacent western regions of Washington State, USA, and southwestern British Columbia, Canada. It has been misidentified as Sorex cinereus Kerr, 1792, which occurs in the Cascade Range in west-central Washington, in coastal British Columbia, and regions farther to the northeast. The new species is distinguished from S. cinereus by numerous morphological characters: differences in craniodental dimensions; different location and form of the medial tines of the upper incisors; presence of patent postmandibular foramina; different intensity and distribution of dental pigmentation; and different form of the glans penis, along with other details. The combination of characters also separates it from sympatric species of Sorex. Phylogenetic inference of cytochrome b sequences from two specimens of the proposed new species shows them to be distinct from Sorex cinereus and from five sympatric Sorex species, supporting their designation as members of a new species.  相似文献   

Two species of nudibranch molluscs are described from the northeastern Pacific Ocean on the west coast of North America. These are: a new aeolid species of Cuthona Alder & Hancock, 1855 (family Cuthonidae) from the Oregonian marine zoogeographical province and a new dorid species of Acanthodoris Gray, 1850 (family Onchidorididae) from the Panamic province in the Gulf of California. The internal anatomy and external features of each species are compared with related species. Differences in structure of the radula, reproductive system and other morphological aspects are described. A revision of the family Cuthonidae is included. Evidence is presented to include the genera Trinchesia Ihering, 1879, and Precuthona Odhner, 1929, within the genus Cuthona. Cuthona alpha Baba & Hamatani, 1963, is synonymized with Catriona columbiana (O'Donoghue, 1922). We consider the New World Cuthonidae to be composed of the following five genera: Catriona Winckworth, 1941; Cuthona Alder & Hancock, 1855; Embletonia Alder & Hancock, 1851; Tenellia Costa, 1877; and Tergipes Cuvier, 1805.  相似文献   

The living morphology, infraciliature and silverline system of 3 “well-known” marine scuticociliates, Uronemella filificum (Kahl, 1931) nov. gen., nov. comb. (formerly Uronema filificum Kahl, 1931), Pseudocohnilembus hargisi Evans & Thompson, 1964 and Cyclidium citrullus Cohn 1865 are reinvestigated and redescribed.

Based on the data obtained, we suggest an establishment of a new genus Uronemella. The diagnosis for the new taxon: thigmotactic Uronematidae with generally pear-shaped body and subequatorially positioned cytostome; apical plate dominant; oral apparatus Uronema-like, one-rowed membranelle 1 about as long as membranelle 2; paroral membrane extending anteriorly to about mid-level of membrane 2; one caudal cilium; in vivo exhibiting typical rotatory movement with help of a caudal-cilium-associated sticky thread; generally in marine habitats. According to this definition, three nominal species as new combinations are transferred into this genus: Uronemella binucleata (Song, 1993) nov. comb. (= Homalogastra binucleata Song, 1993), Uronemella filificum (Kahl, 1931) nov. comb. (= Uronema filificum Kahl, 1931) and Uronemella cymruensis (Pérez-Uz & Hope, 1997) nov. comb. (=Urocyclon cymruensis Pérez-Uz & Hope, 1997). For comparison with Uronemella, some other closely-related taxa are also briefly outlined in the present paper.  相似文献   

A new pleurostomatid genus Apoamphileptus is described, which is diagnosed as: Belonging to the Amphileptidae with spica on right side; on each side of the cell, a single perioral kinety, which encircles the cytostome and does not extend to the posterior end of the cell; somatic kineties of both sides near ventral margin shortened and forming a postoral suture; two to several extra fragments with densely arranged dikinetids located in anterior portion of left side. As the type species, the morphology and infraciliature of Apoamphileptus robertsi nov. spec., isolated from a shrimp-farming pond near Qingdao (Tsingtao), China, have been investigated using living observations and the protargol silver impregnation method. The diagnosis for this new species is: Apoamphileptus 90-180 x 30-60 microm in vivo, body elongate pyriform-shaped and slightly flattened; with one cross-striated band along the cytostome; 2-6 (generally 4) large macronuclear nodules, one micronucleus; 33-43 right somatic kineties; left side 6-8 kineties; two extra anterior fragments on left side; about 13 contractile vacuoles dispersed throughout whole body; extrusomes absent or not recognizable; marine habitat. Some morphologically related morphotypes are discussed and tabulated. Regarding the pattern of infraciliature and other morphological features, the well-described fresh-water species, Amphileptus claparedii Stein, 1867 is believed to be a member of this new genus, hence a new combination is suggested: Apoamphileptus claparedii (Stein, 1867) nov. comb.  相似文献   

Kevin D. Hyde 《Mycoscience》1996,37(2):169-171
The monotypic genusFrondisphaeria (Unitunicate Ascomycetes inc. sed.) is introduced to accommodate a new palm ascomycete with slightly curved long-fusiform ascospores.Frondisphaeria has similarities withLinocarpon, but differs in having clavate asci, which are narrow at the apex and are provided with a refractive discoid subapical ring. Ascomata also form under darkened blotches on the host surface.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):261-267

A new pleurocarpous moss genus and species, Ochyraea tatrensis Váňa, known only from a single collection from the Nízké Tatry Mts (Czechoslovakia) is described and figured. This genus is placed in the recently described family Hypnobartlettiaceae.  相似文献   

Neotapirissus gen. nov. , in the tribe Issini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Issidae), is described from China, and type species Neotapirissus reticularis sp. nov. (China: Hainan) is described and illustrated. The female internal reproductive organs of the new species are also described and illustrated. The new genus is compared to the superficially similar genus Tapirissus Gnezdilov. The morphological diversity of the issids distributed in Hainan Island is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

A new phototrophic purple bacterium was isolated from a flat, laminated microbial mat in a salt marsh near Woods Hole, Mass., USA. The spiral-shaped bacterium was highly motile and had bipolar tufts of flagella and intracytoplasmic membranes of the vesicular type. The major photosynthetic pigments were identified as the carotenoid tetrahydrospirilloxanthin and bacteriochlorophyll b. The long wavelength in vivo absorption maximum of the bacteriochlorophyll was at 986 nm. The marine bacterium showed optimal growth in the presence of 2% NaCl. It utilized a number of organic substrates as carbon and energy sources and required vitamins and sulfide as a reduced sulfur source for growth. In the presence of sulfide, elemental sulfur globules were formed outside the cells. Elemental sulfur was not further oxidized to sulfate. The new isolate had a unique lipid and fatty acid composition, and according to the 16S rRNA gene sequence, it is most similar to Rhodospirillum rubrum. It is described as a new species and assigned to a new genus with the proposed name Rhodospira trueperi. Received: 16 September 1996 / Accepted: 24 January 1997  相似文献   

朱一凡  郭林 《菌物学报》2011,30(4):526-528
在海南省炭角菌的调查研究中,发现一个生长于枯死落叶上的炭角菌属新种。它子座单个,顶端不孕,针刺状,柄细长,多毛,表面呈灰色,有圆锥状孔口。子囊壳埋生。通过与其他9种叶生炭角菌进行比较,确定为海南炭角菌 Xylaria hainanensis新种。  相似文献   

Elke Willen 《Hydrobiologia》1995,302(3):241-255
Male and female of a new genus and species of the family Laophontidae, Archilaophonte maxima, are described. The specimen was found in the high Antartic (Weddell Sea) and apprears to be the most primitive genus up to now within the superfamily Laophontoidea as defined by Huys (1990). Based on its setation of legs and mouth parts, however, it can be placed unequivocally into the family Laophontidae. Archilaophonte maxima gen. n. shows close affinities to the laophontid genus Esola Edwards 1891. Both genera form a monophyletic group which is interpreted here as the first and most primitive offshot in the evolution of the Laophontidae. The synapomorphies of the former lineage are the shape of the protopodite of the P1 and shape and setation of the female P5.  相似文献   

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