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Extracellular ATP caused a dose-dependent accumulation of inositol phosphates and a rise in cytosolic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) in C6 glioma cells with an EC50 of 60±4 and 10±5 M, respectively. The threshold concentration of ATP (3 M) for increasing [Ca2+]i was approximately 10-fold less than that for stimulating phosphoinositide (PI) turnover. The PI response showed a preference for ATP; ADP was about 3-fold less potent than ATP but had a comparable maximal stimulation (11-fold of the control). AMP and adenosine were without effect at concentrations up to 1 mM. ATP-stimulated PI metabolism was found to be partially dependent on extracellular Ca2+ and Na+ but was resistant to tetrodotoxin, saxitoxin, amiloride, ouabain, and inorganic blockers of Ca2+ channels (Co2+, Mn2+, La3+, or Cd2+). In Ca2+-free medium, ATP caused only a transient increase in [Ca2+]i as opposed to a sustained [Ca2+]i increase in normal medium. The ATP-induced elevation of [Ca2+]i was resistant to Na+ depletion and treatment with saxitoxin, verapamil and nisoldipine, but was attentuated by La3+. The differences in the characteristics of ATP-caused P1 hydrolysis and [Ca2+]i rise suggest that ATP receptors are independently coupled to phospholipase C and receptor-gated Ca2+ channels. Because of the robust effect of ATP in stimulating PI turnover and the apparent absence of P1-purinergic receptors, the C6 glioma cell line provides a useful model for investigating the transmembrane signalling pathway induced by extracellular ATP. The mechanisms underlying the unexpected finding of [Na+]o dependency for ATP-induced PI turnover require further investigation.Abbreviations PI phosphoinositide - [Ca2+]i cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration - PDBu phorbol 12, 13-dibutyrate - PSS physiological saline solution - IP inositol phosphates - IP1 inositol monophosphate - IP2 inositol bisphosphate - IP3 inositol trisphosphate - IP4 inositol (1,3,4,5) tetrakisphosphate - PLC phospholipase C  相似文献   

Resident peritoneal macrophages synthesized and released eicosanoids when challenged by zymosan, a phagocytosable particle. Incubation of these cells with ethanol resulted in dose-dependent inhibition of arachidonic acid release and eicosanoid generation in response to zymosan. Ethanol affected the extent but not the ratio of eicosanoids released. When assayed in a cell-free system, endogenous phospholipase A2 activity was neither affected by the presence of ethanol in the incubation medium nor by preincubation of the cells with ethanol. Ethanol also inhibited arachidonic acid release in response to phorbol myristate acetate, a compound that, like zymosan, triggered a pertussis-toxin-sensitive response. When cells that had been previously treated with pertussis toxin were used, no further inhibitory effect of ethanol was seen in response to both zymosan and phorbol myristate acetate. On the other hand, ethanol had no effect on arachidonic acid release stimulated by ionophore A23187 or lipopolysaccharide, two compounds that triggered a pertussis-toxin-insensitive response. Moreover, ethanol was able to nearly abolish arachidonic acid release in response to fluoroaluminate, a direct activator of G-proteins. Altogether, the results of this study suggest that ethanol inhibits zymosan-stimulated eicosanoid production by interacting with a G-protein — or a G-protein-mediated process — that is critically involved in arachidonic acid mobilization.  相似文献   

Availability of the common precursor arachidonic acid represents the fundamental prerequisite of the cellular eicosanoid synthesis. The amount of free arachidonic acid is regulated not only by phospholipases, which liberate this polyunsaturated fatty acid from lipid pools, but also by the reacylating enzyme acylCoA:lysophosphatide acyltransferase. We have previously shown (Goppelt-Strübe, G., C.-F. K?rner, G. Hausmann, D. Gemsa, and K. Resch. Control of Prostanoid Synthesis: Role of Reincorporation of Released Precursor Fatty Acids. Prostaglandins 32:373. 1986.) that the organic mercury compound thimerosal in murine peritoneal macrophages inhibits arachidonic acid reincorporation into cellular lipids, thereby leading to an enhanced prostanoid synthesis. In this report we show that the production of leukotriene C4 was also increased after the addition of thimerosal to mouse peritoneal macrophages in a time and dose dependent manner. Concomitantly, thimerosal led to a significant rise of the intracellular calcium concentration as measured by fura-2 fluorescence. Simultaneous addition of thimerosal and indomethacin or exogeneous arachidonic acid to the cells resulted in a synergistic enhancement of leukotriene C4 synthesis. On the other hand, another sulfhydryl group blocking agent, ethacrynic acid, was found to be ineffective in increasing leukotriene C4 levels even in combination with exogeneous arachidonic acid. Thimerosal therefore provides a helpful tool in studying the basic regulatory mechanisms of the cellular leukotriene synthesis.  相似文献   

Availability of the common precursor arachidonic acid represents the fundamental prerequisite of the cellular eicosanoid synthesis. The amount of free arachidonic acid is regulated not only by phospholipases, which liberate this polyunsaturated fatty acid from lipid pools, but also by the reacylating enzyme acylCoA:lysophosphatide acyltransferase. We have previously shown (Goppelt-Strübe, G., C.-F. Körner, G. Hausmann, D. Gemsa, and K. Resch. Control of Prostanoid Synthesis: Role of Reincorporation of Released Precursor Fatty Acids. Prostaglandins : 373. 1986.) that the organic mercury compound thimerosal in murine peritoneal macrophages inhibits arachidonic acid reincorporation into cellular lipids, thereby leading to an enhanced prostanoid synthesis. In this report we show that the production of leukotriene C4 was also increased after the addition of thimerosal to mouse peritoneal macrophages in a time and dose dependent manner. Concomitantly, thimerosal led to a significant rise of the intracellular calcium concentration as measured by fura-2 fluorescence. Simultaneous addition of thimerosal and indomethacin or exogeneous arachidonic acid to the cells resulted in a synergistic enhancement of leukotriene C4 synthesis. On the other hand, another sulfhydryl group blocking agent, ethacrynic acid, was found to be ineffective in increasing leukotriene C4 levels even in combination with exogeneous arachidonic acid. Thimerosal therefore provides a helpful tool in studying the basic regulatory mechanisms of the cellular leukotriene synthesis.  相似文献   

Phospholipid acyl turnover was assessed in mouse peritoneal exudate cells which consisted primarily of macrophages. The cells were incubated for up to 5 h in media containing 40% H218O, and uptake of 18O into ester carbonyls of phospholipids was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of hydrogenated methyl esters. The uptake was highest in choline phospholipids and phosphatidylinositol, less in ethanolamine phospholipids, and much less in phosphatidylserine. Acyl groups at the sn-1 and sn-2 positions of diacyl glycerophospholipids, including arachidonic and other long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, acquired 18O at about the same rate. Acyl groups of alkylacyl glycerophosphocholine exhibited lower rates of 18O uptake, and acyl groups of ethanolamine plasmalogens (alkenylacyl glycerophosphoethanolamines) acquired only minimal amounts of 18O within 5 h, indicating a low average acyl turnover via free fatty acids. Pulse experiments with exogenous 3H-labeled arachidonic acid supported the concept that acylation of alkenyl glycerophosphoethanolamine occurs by acyl transfer from other phospholipids rather than via free fatty acids and acyl-CoA. The 18O content of intracellular free fatty acids increased gradually over a 5-h period, whereas in extracellular free fatty acids it reached maximal 18O levels within the first hour. Arachidonate and other long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids were found to participate readily in deacylation-reacylation reactions but were present only in trace amounts in the free fatty acid pools inside and outside the cells. We conclude that acyl turnover of macrophage phospholipids through hydrolysis and reacylation is rapid but tightly controlled so that appreciable concentrations of free arachidonic acid do not occur.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC) is a bioactive phospholipid that is involved in atherogenesis and inflammatory processes. However, the present understanding of mechanisms whereby lysophosphatidylcholine exerts its pathophysiological actions is incomplete. In the present work, we show that lysoPC stimulates phospholipase D (PLD) activity in mouse peritoneal macrophages. PLD activation leads to the generation of important second messengers such as phosphatidic acid, lysophosphatidic acid, and diacylglycerol, all of which can regulate cellular responses involved in atherogenesis and inflammation. The activation of PLD by lysoPC was attenuated by down-regulation of protein kinase C activity with prolonged incubation with 100 nm of 4beta-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). Preincubation of the macrophages with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein also decreased the stimulation of PLD by lysoPC, while pretreatment with orthovanadate, which inhibits tyrosine phosphatases, enhanced basal and lysoPC-stimulated PLD activity. The activation of PLD by lysoPC was attenuated by the platelet activating factor (PAF) receptor antagonist WEB-2086, suggesting a role for PAF receptor activation in this process. Furthermore, acetylation of lysoPC substantially increased its potency in activating PLD, suggesting that a cellular metabolite of lysoPC such as 1-acyl 2-acetyl PC might be responsible for at least part of the effect of lysoPC on PLD.  相似文献   

Extracellular ATP itself elicited the generation of superoxide (O2-) in guinea pig peritoneal macrophages associated with an increase in cytosolic calcium ([Ca2+]i). The ATP-induced O2- generation was completely inhibited by pretreatment with pertussis toxin (PT) accompanied by the suppression of [Ca2+]i mobilization. Pre-exposure to a small amount of phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) primed the ATP-induced generation of O2- without a change of [Ca2+]i. The results suggest that ATP-induced O2- generation is mediated by [Ca2+]i mobilization and by PT-sensitive G protein.  相似文献   

The role of activin, a dimer of inhibin beta subunit, in mouse peritoneal macrophages was evaluated. Activin activity in the cultured macrophages was augmented in response to activation by LPS. In Western blot analysis, immunoreactive activin A was detected in the culture medium only when the macrophages were stimulated by LPS. Although mRNA expression of betaA subunit was detected, that of alpha and betaB subunit was not found in macrophages by reverse RT-PCR. The activin betaA mRNA level was increased in macrophages by LPS, suggesting that the activin production augmented by LPS is regulated at the mRNA level of the betaA gene. The mRNAs of four activin receptors (ActRI, ActRIB, ActRII, and ActRIIB) were also detected in the peritoneal macrophages, and the mRNA levels, except for ActRIB, were decreased during the LPS treatment. Exogenous activin A stimulated the mRNA expression and gelatinolytic activity of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) in macrophages in both the presence and the absence of LPS. In contrast, activin did not affect the production of MMP-9 in macrophages. These results suggested that 1) mouse peritoneal macrophages produced activin A; 2) expression of activin A was enhanced with activation of the macrophages; 3) the macrophages also expressed activin receptors; and 4) exogenous activin A stimulated MMP-2 expression and activity, implicating activin A as an positive regulator of MMP-2 expression. Considering that MMP-2 constitutes the rate-limiting proteinase governing the degradation of basement membrane collagens, activin A may be involved in migration and infiltration of macrophages through the basement membrane in an inflammatory state.  相似文献   

Cystatins are natural tight-binding, reversible inhibitors of cysteine proteases. We have shown that cystatins also stimulate nitric oxide (NO) production by interferon-gamma-activated mouse peritoneal macrophages [Verdot, L., Lalmanach, G., Vercruysse, V., Hartman, S., Lucius, R., Hoebeke, J., Gauthier F. & Vray, B. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 28077-28081]. The present study was undertaken to further document this new function. Macrophages activated with interferon-gamma and then stimulated with interferon-gamma plus chicken cystatin generated increased amounts of NO in comparison with macrophages only activated with interferon-gamma. Interferon-gamma-activated macrophages must be incubated with chicken cystatin for at least 8 h to upregulate NO production. NO induction was due to increased inducible nitric oxide synthase protein synthesis. Macrophages incubated with chicken cystatin alone or with interferon-gamma plus chicken cystatin produced increased amounts of both tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin 10. The addition of recombinant murine tumor necrosis factor alpha alone or in combination with recombinant murine interleukin-10 mimicked the effect of chicken cystatin. The addition of neutralizing anti-(tumor necrosis factor alpha) antibodies reduced sharply NO production by chicken cystatin/interferon-gamma-activated mouse peritoneal macrophages. Taken together, these data suggest that chicken cystatin induces the synthesis of tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin 10. In turn, these two cytokines stimulate the production of NO by interferon-gamma-activated macrophages. The findings point to a new relationship between cystatins, cytokines, inflammation and the immune response.  相似文献   

Phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) at a concentration of 0.01 microgram/ml causes an approximately threefold increase in surface area of resident, proteose-peptone-elicited, and thioglycolate-broth-elicited mouse peritoneal macrophages. Resident and proteose-peptone-elicited macrophages, cultured for 24 h in the presence of PMA, increase their pinocytic rate twofold in response to addition of PMA (0.01 microgram/ml) to the medium. Thioglycolate-broth-elicited macrophages, cultured for 24 h in the absence of PMA, immediately increase their pinocytic rate 2- to 3.5-fold in response to a single challenge with PMA (0.01 microgram/ml). Cytochalasin B, colchicine, and podophyllotoxin have only modest inhibitory effects on the basal rate of pinocytosis and on PMA-induced cellular spreading, but completely block the stimulatory effects of PMA on pinocytosis in thioglycolate- broth-elicited macrophages. Cytochalasin D markedly inhibits both basal and PMA-stimulated pinocytosis in these cells. Thus, PMA is a useful tool for studying mechanisms of macrophage spreading and for enhancing the overall rate of pinosome formation.  相似文献   

Resident and thioglycollate-elicited macrophages maintained in culture for 24 h contain approximately 5 x 10(-16) and 12 x 10(-16) mol of ATP per cell, respectively. During particle ingestion, the levels of ATP in these cells did not change. However, the specific activity of ATP extracted from macrophages labeled with [32P]Pi during phagocytosis was 40% lower than ATP extracted from control cells. These results suggested that macrophages contain a high energy phosphate reservoir, in addition to the ATP pool(s). A search for such a reservoir led to the identification of creatine phosphate in both resident and thioglycollate-elicited macrophages at concentrations that are in 3- to 5-fold-molar excess over ATP. Creatine phosphate levels in phagocytosing resident macrophages decreased by 45%, while creatine phosphate levels in phagocytosing thioglycollate-elicited macrophages did not change. Creatine phosphate turnover was measured in macrophages prelabeled with [14C]creatine. Over 90% of the intracellular label was in the form of creatine phosphate. During phagocytosis, there was a 40% decrease in intracellular [14C]creatine phosphate in both resident and thioglycollate-elicited macrophages. These results indicate that creatine phosphate turns over more rapidly during phagocytosis and replenishes the ATP consumed.  相似文献   

The effects of Mg2+ on the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphate phosphatase within intact mitochondria prepared from control and insulin-treated rat epididymal adipose tissue was explored by incubating the mitochondria in medium containing the ionophore A23187. The apparent Ka for Mg2+ was approximately halved in the mitochondria derived from insulin-treated tissue in both the absence and the presence of Ca2+. In this system, the major effect of Ca2+ was also to decrease the apparent Ka for Mg2+, rather than to change the Vmax. of the phosphatase. Damuni, Humphreys & Reed [(1984) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 124, 95-99] have reported that spermine activates ox kidney pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphate phosphatase. Studies were carried out on phosphatase from pig heart and rat epididymal adipose tissue which confirm and extend this observation. The major effect of spermine is shown to be a decrease in the Ka for Mg2+, which is apparent in both the presence and the absence of Ca2+. Spermine did not affect the sensitivity of the phosphatase to Ca2+ at saturating concentrations of Mg2+. Other polyamines tested were not as effective as spermine. No alteration in the maximum activity or Mg2+-sensitivity of pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphate phosphatase was apparent in extracts of mitochondria from insulin-treated tissue. The close similarity of the effects of spermine and the changes in kinetic properties of pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphate phosphatase within mitochondria from insulin-treated adipose tissue suggests that insulin may activate pyruvate dehydrogenase by increasing the concentration of spermine within the mitochondria. However, it is concluded that insulin is more likely to alter the interaction of the pyruvate dehydrogenase system with some other polybasic intramitochondrial component whose action can be mimicked by spermine.  相似文献   

The effects of extracellular ATP on phosphoinositide metabolism and intracellular Ca2+ concentration were studied in a primary culture of rat aortic myocytes. ATP increases the level of inositol phosphates, the putative second messenger for Ca2+ mobilization. No saturation of inositol phosphates accumulation is obtained (up to 10(-2) M ATP). Under the same conditions, ATP rapidly mobilizes intracellular Ca2+ in fura-2 loaded myocytes. The mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ is dose-dependent (maximal at 10(-4) M ATP), and is not affected by addition of EGTA. It is concluded that the receptors mediating the cytosolic increase of Ca2+ are of the P2-purinoceptor subtype. The physiological functions of these receptors are not presently known.  相似文献   

The phosphatidylinositol cycle has been demonstrated to be involved in the control of Ca2+ cytosolic levels in several cellular types. The Ca2+ requirements of phospholipase C activity and the described stimulation of phosphoinositide hydrolysis by Ca2+ ionophores make unclear the relationship between phosphatidylinositol cycle and Ca2+ mobilization. The results reported here suggest that intracellular Ca2+ is necessary for zymosan-stimulated phospholipase C activation in macrophages.  相似文献   

The pattern of prostaglandin synthetase products from human peripheral blood monocytes was examined. Thromboxane and prostaglandin E were found to be the major products released by monocytes/macrophages on day one of culture following cell adherence. If these cells were studied 24h after cell adherence had occurred, then thromboxane synthesis was noted to be markedly reduced and PGE was the major secretory product. A day one type pattern, i.e. high thromboxane, high PGE could be elicited from day two cultured cells if cell adherence was delayed until day two of culture. Inflammatory stimuli caused a consistent rise in PGE release from day one and day two cultures, no consistent change in thromboxane was observed. It is suggested that activation of the thromboxane synthetase pathway in monocytes and macrophages is primarily a consequence of cell adherence. Prostaglandin E and prostacyclin (PGI) appear to be the major products released in response to inflammatory stimuli. These data demonstrate that the pattern and sequence of prostaglandins synthesized are in part a function of the in vitro culture conditions, time in culture and the species studied. Further, these findings offer a possible explanation to the discrepant reports in the literature.  相似文献   

The metabolism and translocation of exogenously introduced plasma membrane phosphatidylcholine (PC) having the fluorescent fatty acid analog aminocaproyl NBD (N-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3 diazole) (NBD-PC), in the sn2 position was studied in cultured murine peritoneal macrophages using biochemical and morphological techniques. Following labeling of the cell plasma membrane at 2 degrees C by vesicle lipid exchange, macrophages were warmed in the presence or absence of pharmacological stimuli of eicosanoid production and release. Fluorescence microscopy indicated that the phospholipid was translocated to an internal cellular pool upon stimulation with zymosan. In contrast, the membrane PC analog was primarily metabolized and released after being found diffusely associated with the cytoplasm in macrophages stimulated with the calcium ionophore A23187. Evidence obtained by double labeling zymosan-treated macrophages with NBD-PC and a monoclonal antibody directed against a lysosomal membrane protein demonstrated that the fluorescent lipid is internalized in association with the zymosan particles and both are found in lysosomes. The results suggest that multiple pathways exist in peritoneal macrophages which target plasma membrane PC into different cellular compartments for hydrolysis and conversion to eicosanoid products and release from cells.  相似文献   

The mechanism for the regulation of 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE) production by cholesterol-rich macrophages was investigated. beta-VLDL and acetyl-LDL, lipoproteins which result in cholesterol accumulation in macrophages, stimulated 12-HETE secretion. Lipoproteins which do not induce cholesterol accumulation, such as low- and high-density lipoproteins, did not. Cell-free homogenates from cholesterol-rich macrophages had significantly more 12-lipoxygenase activity than homogenates from unmodified cells. Preincubating homogenates prepared from unmodified macrophages with acetyl-LDL, LDL or multilamellar liposomes containing total lipids from acetyl-LDL but not apoproteins significantly increased 12-lipoxygenase activity. This stimulatory effect was caused by the phospholipid moiety of the lipoprotein. 12-HETE synthesis was not increased in macrophages enriched 6-fold in unesterified cholesterol. Acetyl-LDL stimulated 12-HETE synthesis in macrophages in which cholesteryl ester accumulation was prevented by inhibiting acylcoenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase activity. When binding of acetyl-LDL to its receptor was decreased by increasing concentrations of dextran sulfate, or when lysosomal metabolism of the lipoprotein was prevented by chloroquine, 12-HETE production significantly decreased. Moreover, the combination of inhibiting acetyl-LDL binding and degradation completely blocked the stimulation of 12-HETE synthesis by acetyl-LDL. The data indicate that acetyl-LDL must enter the macrophage and be partially degraded to regulate 12-HETE synthesis. The regulation is independent of cholesterol accumulation but is related to the entering lipoprotein phospholipid.  相似文献   

The effect of adrenalectomy on the formation of cyclo-oxygenase and lipoxygenase products by activated peritoneal rat macrophages was determined and compared with that of the spleen. After isolation, the cells and tissues were incubated with [1-14C] arachidonic acid and the Ca-ionophore A23187 and the metabolites isolated by HPLC chromatography. The main components formed in the macrophages of the controls are 6-keto-PGF1 alpha, TxB2 and 12-HETE. One peak represents 5, 12 di HETE. Smaller amounts of PGF2 alpha, PGE2, PGD2, LTB4 and 15-HETE are also present. After adrenalectomy, a considerable increase occurs in the amounts of LTB4, 15-HETE and 12-HETE. The increase in the PG is smaller. The compounds formed from endogenous arachidonic acid are also determined. In the cells of the controls, the formation of LTB4 is considerably increased after adrenalectomy. In the spleen, PGD2 and 12-HETE are decreased after adrenalectomy. The effect of the macrophages is most probably related to a diminished amount or inactivation of lipocortin, a glucocorticosteroid induced peptide with PlA2 inhibitory activity in adrenalectomized animals. In the decrease in formation in the spleen, the absence of the permissive effect of glucocorticosteroids on the hormone-induced lipolysis may play a role.  相似文献   

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