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One of the earliest functional responses of T lymphocytes to extracellular signals that activate the Ag-specific CD3/TCR complex is a rapid, but reversible, increase in the functional activity of integrin adhesion receptors. Previous studies have implicated the tyrosine kinase zeta-associated protein of 70 kDa (ZAP-70) and the lipid kinase phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, in the activation of beta(1) integrins by the CD3/TCR complex. In this report, we use human ZAP-70-deficient Jurkat T cells to demonstrate that the kinase activity of ZAP-70 is required for CD3/TCR-mediated increases in beta(1) integrin-mediated adhesion and activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. A tyrosine to phenylalanine substitution at position 315 in the interdomain B of ZAP-70 inhibits these responses, whereas a similar substitution at position 292 enhances these downstream signals. These mutations in the ZAP-70 interdomain B region also specifically affect CD3/TCR-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of residues 171 and 191 in the cytoplasmic domain of the linker for activation of T cells (LAT) adapter protein. CD3/TCR signaling to beta(1) integrins is defective in LAT-deficient Jurkat T cells, and can be restored with expression of wild-type LAT. Mutant LAT constructs with tyrosine to phenylalanine substitutions at position 171 and/or position 191 do not restore CD3/TCR-mediated activation of beta(1) integrins in LAT-deficient T cells. Thus, these studies demonstrate that the interdomain B region of ZAP-70 regulates beta(1) integrin activation by the CD3/TCR via control of tyrosine phosphorylation of tyrosine residues 171 and 191 in the LAT cytoplasmic domain.  相似文献   

OmpR is the response regulator of a two-component regulatory system that controls the expression of the porin genes ompF and ompC in Escherichia coli. This regulator consists of two domains joined by a flexible linker region. The amino-terminal domain is phosphorylated by the sensor kinase EnvZ, and the carboxyl-terminal domain binds DNA via a winged helix-turn-helix motif. In vitro studies have shown that amino-terminal phosphorylation enhances the DNA binding affinity of OmpR and, conversely, that DNA binding by the carboxyl terminus increases OmpR phosphorylation. In the present work, we demonstrate that the linker region contributes to this communication between the two domains of OmpR. Changing the specific amino acid composition of the linker alters OmpR function, as does increasing or decreasing its length. Three linker mutants give rise to an OmpF(+) OmpC(-) phenotype, but the defects are not due to a shared molecular mechanism. Currently, functional homology between response regulators is predicted based on similarities in the amino and carboxyl-terminal domains. The results presented here indicate that linker length and composition should also be considered. Furthermore, classification of response regulators in the same subfamily does not necessarily imply that they share a common response mechanism.  相似文献   

Prediction of protein interdomain linker regions by a hidden Markov model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: Our aim was to predict protein interdomain linker regions using sequence alone, without requiring known homology. Identifying linker regions will delineate domain boundaries, and can be used to computationally dissect proteins into domains prior to clustering them into families. We developed a hidden Markov model of linker/non-linker sequence regions using a linker index derived from amino acid propensity. We employed an efficient Bayesian estimation of the model using Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Gibbs sampling in particular, to simulate parameters from the posteriors. Our model recognizes sequence data to be continuous rather than categorical, and generates a probabilistic output. RESULTS: We applied our method to a dataset of protein sequences in which domains and interdomain linkers had been delineated using the Pfam-A database. The prediction results are superior to a simpler method that also uses linker index.  相似文献   

Reductive catabolism of the pyrimidine bases uracil and thymine was found to occur in Pseudomonas putida biotype B. The pyrimidine reductive catabolic pathway enzymes dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase, dihydropyrimidinase and N-carbamoyl--alanine amidohydrolase activities were detected in this pseudomonad. The initial reductive pathway enzyme dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase utilized NADH or NADPH as its nicotinamide cofactor. The source of nitrogen in the culture medium influenced the reductive pathway enzyme activities and, in particular, dihydropyrimidinase activity was highly affected by nitrogen source. The reductive pathway enzyme activities in succinate-grown P. putida biotype B cells were induced when uracil served as the nitrogen source.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is one of the most important repair systems which counteracts different forms of DNA damage either induced by various chemicals or irradiation. At the same time, less is known about the functions of NER in repair of DNA that is not exposed to exogenous DNA-damaging agents. We have investigated the role of NER in mutagenesis in Pseudomonas putida. The genome of this organism contains two uvrA genes, uvrA and uvrA2. Genetic studies on the effects of uvrA, uvrA2, uvrB and UvrC in mutagenic processes revealed that all of these genes are responsible for the repair of UV-induced DNA damage in P. putida. However, uvrA plays more important role in this process than uvrA2 since the deletion of uvrA2 gene had an effect on the UV-tolerance of bacteria only in the case when uvrA was also inactivated. Interestingly, the lack of functional uvrB, uvrC or uvrA2 gene reduced the frequency of stationary-phase mutations. The contribution of uvrA2, uvrB and uvrC to the mutagenesis appeared to be most significant in the case of 1-bp deletions whose emergence is dependent on error-prone DNA polymerase Pol IV. These data imply that NER has a dual role in mutagenesis in P. putida-besides functioning in repair of damaged DNA, NER is also important in generation of mutations. We hypothesize that NER enzymes may initiate gratuitous DNA repair and the following DNA repair synthesis might be mutagenic.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the detection of Pseudomonas putida B MM12 released into the rhizosphere of non-sterile barley, using a Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-generated probe for hybridization with RAPD products generated from DNA extracted from the rhizosphere. The detection procedure involves extraction of rhizosphere bacteria by sonication, extraction of DNA by boiling, RAPD and Southern hybridization with RAPD products and the selected probe. The level of detection of MM12 was at least 1·9×104 cells g−1 barley root. MM12 was detected in rhizosphere when it constituted as little as 0·5% of the culturable population.  相似文献   

A special sequence motif in the Bradyrhizobium japonicum NifA protein, consisting of two functionally essential cysteines separated by four other amino acids (Cys-aa4-Cys), has been proposed to be part of a potential metal-binding site [(1988) Nucleic Acids Res. 16, 2207-2224]. Using the techniques of oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, we report here that several of the four intervening amino acids can be replaced by others without loss of NifA function. The deletion of one amino acid to give a Cys-aa3-Cys motif renders the protein inactive whereas the creation of a Cys-aa5-Cys motif (one amino acid inserted) still leads to a partially active NifA protein.  相似文献   

The activity of the membrane-bound ascorbate-TMPD oxidase in Pseudomonas putida varies with growth conditions and age of the culture. A comparison of the effects of cyanide and azide on the oxidation of various substrates suggests that ascorbate-tMPD oxidase is not the terminal oxidase for NADH or succinate oxidation. Nowever, it does have a role in the oxidation of nicotinate, and may act as an additional terminal oxidase under certain other growth conditions.  相似文献   

Vascular ATP-sensitive K(+) channels are activated by multiple vasodilating hormones and neurotransmitters via PKA. A critical PKA phosphorylation site (Ser-1387) is found in the second nucleotide-binding domain (NBD(2)) of the SUR2B subunit. To understand how phosphorylation at Ser-1387 leads to changes in channel activity, we modeled the SUR2B using a newly crystallized ABC protein SAV1866. The model showed that Ser-1387 was located on the interface of NBD2 with TMD1 and physically interacted with Tyr-506 in TMD1. A positively charged residue (Arg-1462) in NBD2 was revealed in the close vicinity of Ser-1387. Mutation of either of these three residues abolished PKA-dependent channel activation. Molecular dynamics simulations suggested that Ser-1387, Tyr-506, and Arg-1462 formed a compact triad upon Ser-1387 phosphorylation, leading to reshaping of the NBD2 interface and movements of NBD2 and TMD1. Restriction of the interdomain movements by engineering a disulfide bond between TMD1 and NBD2 prevented the channel activation in a redox-dependent manner. Thus, a channel-gating mechanism is suggested through enhancing the NBD-TMD coupling efficiency following Ser-1387 phosphorylation, which is shared by multiple vasodilators.  相似文献   

Under ultraviolet radiation of Pseudomonas putida 1087 the SOS-similar response which is expressed in the inhibition of cell respiration and cell division with the following filamentation is revealed. In the result of introduction of pPE24 and pMH21 plasmids into the cells of P. putida 1087 for inhibition of RecA-similar protein the SOS-similar response disappears and the basic cell mass dies.  相似文献   

Family 3 G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), which includes metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs), sweet and "umami" taste receptors (T1Rs), and the extracellular calcium-sensing receptor (CaR), represent a distinct group among the superfamily of GPCRs characterized by large amino-terminal extracellular ligand-binding domains (ECD) with homology to bacterial periplasmic amino acid-binding proteins that are responsible for signal detection and receptor activation through as yet unresolved mechanism(s) via the seven-transmembrane helical domain (7TMD) common to all GPCRs. To address the mechanism(s) by which ligand-induced conformational changes are conveyed from the ECD to the 7TMD for G-protein activation, we altered the length and composition of a 14-amino acid linker segment common to all family 3 GPCRs except GABA(B) receptor, in the CaR by insertion, deletion, and site-directed mutagenesis of specific highly conserved residues. Small alterations in the length and composition of the linker impaired cell surface expression and abrogated signaling of the chimeric receptors. The exchange of nine amino acids within the linker of CaR with the homologous sequence of mGluR1, however, preserved receptor function. Ala substitution for the four highly conserved residues within this amino acid sequence identified a Leu at position 606 of the CaR critical for cell surface expression and signaling. Substitution of Leu(606) for Ala resulted in impaired cell surface expression. However, Ile and Val substitutions displayed strong activating phenotypes. Disruption of the linker by insertion of nine amino acids of a random-coiled structure uncoupled the ECD from regulating the 7TMD. These data are consistent with a model of receptor activation in which the peptide linker, and particularly Leu(606), provides a critical interaction for the CaR signal transmission, a finding likely to be relevant for all family 3 GPCRs containing this conserved motif.  相似文献   

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