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In experiments with Wistar rats a study was made of the content of antibody-forming cells (AFC) in the spleen at remote times (3 to 12 months) after intravenous injection of 239Pu(IV) in doses of 166, 55, and 18 kBq/kg body mass. The doses absorbed in the central and peripheral immunity organs were defined. Pronounced spleen hypoplasia and profound inhibition of humoral immunity were displayed 1 year after the injection of a small amount of the radionuclide. AFC deficiency in animals was amounted to 11-32 per cent throughout the entire period of observation.  相似文献   

Precursors and effectors of murine lymphokine-activated killer cells, natural killer cells, and cytotoxic T lymphocytes are compared. Natural killer cells are resistant to gamma-irradiation (1000 R) whereas precursors of lymphokine-activated killer cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes are sensitive. Lower doses of gamma-irradiation (500 R) remove precursors for cytotoxic T lymphocytes but not lymphokine-activated killer cells. In addition, lymphokine-activated killer cells are regenerated before classical CTL after sublethal doses of gamma-irradiation. Natural killer cells are resistant to anti-Thy 1 and C' and anti-thymocyte serum, but sensitive to anti-asialo GM1 and complement. Precursors of cytotoxic T lymphocytes are sensitive to anti-Thy 1 and complement and anti-thymocyte serum, but are resistant to anti-asialo GM1 and complement. Precursors of lymphokine-activated killer cells are partially sensitive to anti-Thy 1 and complement and anti-thymocyte serum, but are resistant to anti-asialo GM1 and complement. Effector cells of cytotoxic T lymphocytes are sensitive to anti-Thy 1 and complement and resistant to anti-asialo GM1 and complement. Lymphokine-activated killer cell effectors are sensitive to anti-asialo GM1 and complement at 24 hr after activation. These effectors are more closely aligned with classical natural killer effectors. Lymphokine-activated killer effectors, 7 days after activation, are resistant to anti-asialo GM1 and complement and sensitive to anti-Thy 1 and complement. Relationships and differences among these cytotoxic subsets are discussed.  相似文献   

The efficiency of the combined effect of 239Pu and tributyl phosphate was estimated by the severity of leucopenia in Wistar rats using the regression method and comparing the value of the actual change with the expected one. It was shown that the additive effect of the two agents delivered simultaneously was only exceeded when their doses were the largest that is, approximate the acute levels. With levels ranging from subacute effective to minimum effective ones the additivity diminished.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the effect of various inhibitors of cellular secretion and motility on the cytolytic activity of human natural killer (NK) cells. As effector cells we used highly purified peripheral blood lymphocytes consisting of 75–85% large granular lymphocytes (LGL) that have previously been shown to be responsible for the NK activity in man. Treatment of the effector cells with a carboxylic ionophore monensin inhibited irreversibly the NK-cell-mediated killing. This drug is known to interrupt the vesicular traffic of Golgi-derived vesicles and thus the results strongly suggested that secretory processes are required in the cytolytic activity of human NK cells. In the monensin-treated effector cells large amounts of glycoprotein accumulated in the Golgi area within 24 hr of incubation. The lytic activity did not require intact microtubules since effector cells in which vinblastine-induced tubulin-containing paracrystals were demonstrated still mediated normal NK activity. Energy was required in the human NK-cell-mediated cytolysis. The lethal hit stage of the cytolytic activity was preceded by formation of intimate contacts between effector and target cells and required active cell movement and divalent cations.  相似文献   

The experiment on (BALB/cXC57BL)F1 mice, showing a high level of delayed hypersensitivity (DH) when sensitized with BCG vaccine and Staphylococcus aureus strain B-243, has demonstrated the influence of such sensitization and DH reaction induced by the injection of a specific antigen (old tuberculin or staphylococcal phagolysate) into the sensitized animals on the cytotoxicity of macrophages, natural killers (NK) and antibody-dependent killers (ADK). Sensitization with BCG vaccine alone results in an insignificant rise in the activity of these effector cells, and sensitization with S. aureus produces no changes at all. The pronounced activation of the cytotoxicity of macrophages, NK and, to a lesser extent, ADK has been observed in DH reaction induced by the injection of a specific antigen into the sensitized mice. In the course of DH reaction a rise in the activity of NK and ADK not only against tumor target cells, but also against microbial ones (Candida albicans and S. aureus) has been found to occur.  相似文献   

Cervarix™ is approved as a preventive vaccine against infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) strains 16 and 18, which are causally related to the development of cervical cancer. We are the first to investigate in vitro the effects of this HPV vaccine on interleukin (IL)-15 dendritic cells (DC) as proxy of a naturally occurring subset of blood DC, and natural killer (NK) cells, two innate immune cell types that play an important role in antitumour immunity. Our results show that exposure of IL-15 DC to the HPV vaccine results in increased expression of phenotypic maturation markers, pro-inflammatory cytokine production and cytotoxic activity against HPV-positive tumour cells. These effects are mediated by the vaccine adjuvant, partly through Toll-like receptor 4 activation. Next, we demonstrate that vaccine-exposed IL-15 DC in turn induce phenotypic activation of NK cells, resulting in a synergistic cytotoxic action against HPV-infected tumour cells. Our study thus identifies a novel mode of action of the HPV vaccine in boosting innate immunity, including killing of HPV-infected cells by DC and NK cells.  相似文献   

The catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase modifies proteins of NKCF. Several proteins of the treated NKCF can be labelled with 32P. Treatment of NKCF with protein kinase enhance the cytotoxicity of NKCF.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of human natural killer (NK) cell activities (both binding and killing) after exposure of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to different doses of gamma radiation was studied. A panel of monoclonal antibodies was used to identify the NK and T-lymphocyte subsets and to evaluate their radiosensitivity. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were irradiated with low (2-6 Gy) and high (10-30 Gy) doses and NK cell binding and cytotoxic activity against K562 target cells were studied after 3 h and 48 h in culture. The primary damage to NK cell activity was identified at the postbinding level and affected mainly the lytic machinery. After 48 h culture postirradiation, an overall depression of cytotoxic activity was observed, but ionizing radiation produced either a selection of the more cytotoxic NK cell subsets, which therefore might be considered more resistant to radiation damage than the less cytotoxic NK cells, or a long-term stimulation of cytotoxic activity in surviving cells.  相似文献   

Studies have been performed on the in vitro immunologic effects of homogeneous recombinant human leukocyte interferon, IFLrA. Large granular lymphocytes, enriched for natural killer (NK) cell activity, were pretreated wtih IFLrA or natural interferon preparations and then tested for augmentation of NK activity and of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytoxicity (ADCC). Monocytes were tested for cytolytic and cytostatic activity in 48–72 hr radioisotopic assays performed in the presence or absence of interferon. Treatment with IFLrA caused significant augmentation of NK, ADCC, and monocyte-mediated cytotoxic activities. Even 10 units of IFLrA induced augmentation of NK activity, and 100 units or more boosted monocyte-mediated activity. The effects in each of these assays were species-specific, with no detectable effects on the activity of mouse effector cells. These results indicate that homogeneous recombinant interferon has potent in vitro immunomodulating effects and thus provide a basis for carefully examining the in vivo effects of this protein on host defenses in forthcoming clinical trials with cancer patients.  相似文献   

Intravenous injection of polymeric 239Pu(IV) nitrate (166.5, 55.5 and 18.5 kBq/kg body mass) to Wistar rats was shown to produce biphase changes in the frequency of hepatocyte chromosome aberrations. The increase in the structural damages to chromosomes at later times of observation was a pronounced function of radiation dose. The absence of such a dependence at early times was evidently due to the elimination of damaged liver parenchyma cells.  相似文献   

EHF electromagnetic radiation under short-time action suppresses the cytotoxical activity of the natural killer cells from granulocyte fraction and peripheral blood of healthy volunteers; the observed effect is non-linear. Under the long-time irradiation of the natural killer cells from the mononuclear fraction of blood, the suppressing effect gets a practically linear character after the 20-30 minutes action. Under the long-time irradiation of peripheral blood the insignificant stimulation of natural killers was observed. It is assumed that the radiation applied can suppress the cytotoxic activity of the natural killers, breaking the normal metabolic pathway of phosphatidylinositphosphate.  相似文献   

Siglec-9 is an MHC-independent inhibitory receptor expressed on a subset of natural killer (NK) cells. Siglec-9 restrains NK cytotoxicity by binding to sialoglycans (sialic acid-containing glycans) on target cells. Despite the importance of Siglec-9 interactions in tumor immune evasion, their role as an immune evasion mechanism during HIV infection has not been investigated. Using in vivo phenotypic analyses, we found that Siglec-9+ CD56dim NK cells, during HIV infection, exhibit an activated phenotype with higher expression of activating receptors and markers (NKp30, CD38, CD16, DNAM-1, perforin) and lower expression of the inhibitory receptor NKG2A, compared to Siglec-9- CD56dim NK cells. We also found that levels of Siglec-9+ CD56dim NK cells inversely correlate with viral load during viremic infection and CD4+ T cell-associated HIV DNA during suppressed infection. Using in vitro cytotoxicity assays, we confirmed that Siglec-9+ NK cells exhibit higher cytotoxicity towards HIV-infected cells compared to Siglec-9- NK cells. These data are consistent with the notion that Siglec-9+ NK cells are highly cytotoxic against HIV-infected cells. However, blocking Siglec-9 enhanced NK cells’ ability to lyse HIV-infected cells, consistent with the known inhibitory function of the Siglec-9 molecule. Together, these data support a model in which the Siglec-9+ CD56dim NK subpopulation is highly cytotoxic against HIV-infected cells even whilst being restrained by the inhibitory effects of Siglec-9. To harness the cytotoxic capacity of the Siglec-9+ NK subpopulation, which is dampened by Siglec-9, we developed a proof-of-concept approach to selectively disrupt Siglec/sialoglycan interactions between NK and HIV-infected cells. We achieved this goal by conjugating Sialidase to several HIV broadly neutralizing antibodies. These conjugates selectively desialylated HIV-infected cells and enhanced NK cells’ capacity to kill them. In summary, we identified a novel, glycan-based interaction that may contribute to HIV-infected cells’ ability to evade NK immunosurveillance and developed an approach to break this interaction.  相似文献   

Effects of adriamycin on the activity of mouse natural killer cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Adriamycin, a widely employed anti-neoplastic agent, was found to have either inhibitory or stimulatory effects on NK activity, depending on the site examined. A single i.p. administration of ADM resulted in a rapid increase of cytolytic activity by PEC of various mouse strains. The effector cells appeared to be NK cells, being nonadherent and nonphagocytic; they expressed low amounts of Thy 1.2 antigen and had the same pattern of specificity as splenic NK cells. In contrast to the stimulatory effects of NK activity of PEC, ADM caused a transient dose-dependent depression of NK activity in the spleen, with a peak reduction at day 3 and recovery within a few days thereafter. The depressed NK activity could be reversed by removal of adherent cells by passage through a nylon column. Moreover, ADM induced cytostatic activity against tumor cells by macrophages, suggesting that activated macrophages may be responsible for suppression of splenic NK activity. The possible modulation of the levels of NK activity by ADM-induced macrophages was supported by mixture experiments, in which plastic adherent spleen cells from ADM-treated mice, but not from normal mice, inhibited the NK activity of normal spleen cells.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which interferon (IFN) pretreatment of effector cells augments natural killer (NK) cell-mediated cytotoxicity (CMC) was examined by determining whether IFN has any effect on the production of natural killer cytotoxic factors (NKCF). NKCF are released into the supernatant of co-cultures of murine spleen cells and YAC-1 stimulator cells, and their lytic activity is measured against YAC-1 target cells. It was demonstrated that pretreatment of effector cells with murine fibroblast IFN or polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (pIC) resulted in the release of NKCF with augmented lytic activity. Evidence indicated that the IFN-induced augmentation of NKCF activity required protein synthesis during the IFN pretreatment period, because concurrent pretreatment with both IFN and cycloheximide abrogated the IFN effect. Protein synthesis, however, is not required for the production of base levels of NKCF because emetine pretreatment of normal spleen cells did not result in a decrease in NKCF production. Furthermore, substantial levels of NKCF activity could be detected in freeze-thaw lysates of freshly isolated spleen cells. Cell populations enriched for NK effector cells, such as nylon wool-nonadherent nude mouse spleen cells, produced lysates with high levels of NKCF activity, whereas lysates of CBA thymocytes were devoid of NKCF activity. Pretreatment of spleen cells with either IFN or pIC resulted in an augmentation of the NKCF activity present in their cell lysates. Taken altogether, these findings suggest that freshly isolated NK cells contain preformed pools of NKCF. Pretreatment of these cells with IFN causes de novo synthesis of additional NKCF and/or activation of preexisting NKCF. According to our model for the mechanism of NK CMC, target cell lysis is ultimately the result of transfer of NKCF from the effector cell to the target cell. The evidence presented here suggests that the IFN-induced augmentation of NK activity could be accounted for by an increase in the synthesis, activation, and/or release of NKCF.  相似文献   

《Cellular immunology》1986,100(1):79-88
Natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity (NCMC) against a number of target cells is mediated by at least two distinct effector populations, with natural killer (NK) and natural cytotoxic (NC) cells being the predominant in the murine system. The studies described in this report examine the role that the phase of the mitotic cycle of the target cell has on its susceptibility to lysis by NC and NK cells. We show that neither the kinectics nor the magnitude of NC cell lysis is altered when assayed using target cells which have been enriched for G1, S, or G2 + M stages of the cell cycle. Similarly, NK cell lysis by fresh or poly-IC augmented effector cells was not effected by target Cell Cycle.  相似文献   

The main objective of our study is to investigate whether an enhancement of the immune system in end-stage cancer patients is achieved by exposure to coherent electromagnetic fields. For this reason, 15 end-stage cancer patients were exposed at low intensity, coherent electromagnetic fields at radiofrequencies ranging from 600?kHz-729?Hz, for 8?h/day, 6 days/week for 4 weeks. NKs number and cytotoxicity of NK T-lymphocytes versus K562 cancer cell line were estimated by flow cytometry, before and after exposure. Data showed that the exposure of the end-stage cancer patients to the coherent electromagnetic fields resulted in a significant increase of the number and the cytotoxicity of the NK T-lymphocytes against cancer cells, in all patients. Exposure to coherent EMFs at radiofrequencies increases the number and cytotoxicity of NK T-lymphocytes, which may contribute to the improvement of cancer patients' status.  相似文献   

The main objective of our study is to investigate whether an enhancement of the immune system in end-stage cancer patients is achieved by exposure to coherent electromagnetic fields. For this reason, 15 end-stage cancer patients were exposed at low intensity, coherent electromagnetic fields at radiofrequencies ranging from 600 kHz–729 Hz, for 8 h/day, 6 days/week for 4 weeks. NKs number and cytotoxicity of NK T-lymphocytes versus K562 cancer cell line were estimated by flow cytometry, before and after exposure. Data showed that the exposure of the end-stage cancer patients to the coherent electromagnetic fields resulted in a significant increase of the number and the cytotoxicity of the NK T-lymphocytes against cancer cells, in all patients. Exposure to coherent EMFs at radiofrequencies increases the number and cytotoxicity of NK T-lymphocytes, which may contribute to the improvement of cancer patients' status.  相似文献   

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