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Abstract The purified MukB protein of Escherichia coli has DNA binding activity and nucleotide binding activity. We have isolated a mutation, mukB1013 , causing a substitution of valine at position 1379 to leucine. This mutant MukB protein was defective for DNA binding, while the ATP binding activity remained unaffected. A truncated MukB protein that is short of 109 amino acids from the C-terminus failed to bind DNA.  相似文献   

Abstract Low-affinity penicillin binding proteins are particular membrane proteins, in several Gram-positive bacteria, which are involved in β-lactam antibiotic resistance. The structural gene for the low-affinity penicillin binding protein 5 (PBP5) of Enterococcus faecalis was cloned and sequenced. From the sequence of the 3378 bp, a 2040 bp coding region was identified. From biochemical analysis it emerges that E. faecalis PBP5 is a type II membrane protein with an uncleaved N-terminal and is composed of 679 amino acids with a molecular weight of 74055. This protein showed 48 and 33% of identity with Enterococcus hirae PBP5 and Staphylococcus aureus PBP2a, both low-affinity PBPs involved in β-lactam resistance. Anti-PBP5 antibodies cross-reacted with a membrane protein present in other species of enterococci, but the entire gene fragment cloned hybridized only with DNAs of E. faecalis strains, thus suggesting that genes coding for low-affinity PBPs of enterococci are not stictly homologous. In this experiment digoxigenin-labelled E. faecalis DNA was used.  相似文献   

Abstract: In order to identify chromosomal genetically programmed responses to toxic metal exposure, a library of 3000 Escherichia coli clones was created that contained the promoterless luxAB genes of Vibrio harveyi inserted at single and random chromosomal loci. Changes in gene expression, as measured by a change in luminescence, were monitored after exposure of the clones to various metals. In this manner, we have identified two clones that showed an increase in luminescence in the presence of aluminum, one clone in the presence of nickel, and two clones in the presence of selenite. Identification of the metal-induced gene(s), and characterization of their biochemical function, will provide important clues about the effects of these metals at the molecular level.  相似文献   

基于实验验证的22种大肠杆菌K12的转录因子结合位点序列,分析了转录因子结合位点每一位置的碱基保守性,提出了预测转录因子结合位点的位置权重矩阵打分函数算法(PWMSA)。利用self-consistency和cross-validation两种检验方法对此算法进行检验,self-consistency检验总的预测成功率达到87.59%,cross-validation检验成功率达到85.48%。对基因间序列进行搜索,获得了多个可能的转录因子结合位点。  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase I (TopA) contains a 67 kDa N‐terminal catalytic domain and a 30 kDa C‐terminal zinc‐binding region (ZD domain) which has three adjacent tetra‐cysteine zinc‐binding motifs. Previous studies have shown that E. coli TopA can bind both iron and zinc, and that iron binding in TopA results in failure to unwind the negatively supercoiled DNA. Here, we report that each E. coli TopA monomer binds one atom of iron via the first two zinc‐binding motifs in ZD domain and both the first and second zinc‐binding motifs are required for iron binding in TopA. The site‐directed mutagenesis studies further reveal that while the mutation of the third zinc‐binding motif has very little effect on TopA's activity, mutation of the first two zinc‐binding motifs in TopA greatly diminishes the topoisomerase activity in vitro and in vivo, indicating that the first two zinc‐binding motifs in TopA are crucial for its function. The DNA‐binding activity assay and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence measurements show that iron binding in TopA may decrease the single‐stranded (ss) DNA‐binding activity of ZD domain and also change the protein structure of TopA, which subsequently modulate topoisomerase activity.  相似文献   

Abstract The plasmid vector pAT153 was rapidly lost from carbon-limited continuous cultures of Escherichia coli HB101 (pAT153) at a dilution rate of 0.15 h−1. In one experiment, the plasmid was maintained by 80% of the host bacteria for up to 35 generations. The tetracycline-resistance gene was not expressed from the majority of the plasmid DNA in this population of E. coli HB101 due to transposition of IS1 from the bacterial chromosome into the aminoterminal region of the tet gene of pAT153. This plasmid, pLCX1, when isolated and retransformed into E. coli HB101, was more stably maintained than pAT153. Similar plasmids have been isolated from other glucose, phosphate, ammonium and sulphate-limited chemostats.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis was used to change the PurR binding site in the control region of a glyA-lac gene fusion. Mutations that changed the PurR binding sequence away from the consensus sequence reduced PurR binding, which correlated with reduced purine-mediated repression. Mutations that changed the binding sequence toward the consensus sequence had no significant effect on either PurR binding or purine-mediated repression. Hypoxanthine and guanine, co-repressors for PurR-mediated regulation of the pur regulon, increased binding of PurR to glyA operator DNA.  相似文献   

Washed cells of Peptostreptococcus products (strain Marburg), which were incubated in the presence of CO/CO2/N2 (50%/17%/33%; 200 kPa) catalyzed the synthesis of acetate from carbon monoxide. The rate of acetate formation from CO was stimulated more than threefold by the addition of sodium (10 mM); potassium did not effect acetate synthesis. The degree of stimulation was dependent on the sodium concentration; the dependence followed simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The apparent Km for sodium was determined to be about 2 mmol/l. Sodium also stimulated acetate synthesis from H2 plus CO2. In the absence of added sodium the formation of formate as an intermediate in methyl group synthesis was stimulated. It is suggested that the sodium dependent reaction(s) is one (or more) of the reactions involved in methyl group synthesis from CO2.  相似文献   

【背景】大肠杆菌拓扑异构酶Ⅰ(Escherichia coli topoisomerase I,E.coli TopA)在DNA复制、转录、重组和基因表达调控等过程发挥关键作用。研究表明E.coli TopA只有结合锌离子才具有活性,然而E.coli TopA能否结合其他金属离子尤其是重金属离子,以及结合其他金属后是否具有活性,目前仍不清楚。【目的】探究大肠杆菌拓扑异构酶Ⅰ是否结合环境中常见重金属离子,研究重金属离子结合E.coli TopA蛋白后对其活性的影响。【方法】在分别添加有锌、钴、镍、镉、铁、汞、砷、铬、铅、铜离子的M9基础培养中表达、纯化出E.coli TopA蛋白,并对纯化得到的蛋白用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪进行相应金属离子含量的测定;利用表达E.coli TopA锌指结构的突变体蛋白鉴定重金属离子的结合位点;通过体外超螺旋DNA松弛实验测定不同金属结合E.coli TopA的拓扑异构酶活性;通过测定蛋白内源性荧光推测不同金属结合E.coli TopA的空间构象差异。【结果】E.coli TopA在体内除了能结合锌和铁之外,还能够结合钴、镍、镉3种离子,但是不能结合汞、砷、铬、铅、铜离子。钴、镍、镉结合形式的E.coli TopA,每个蛋白分子最多可以结合3个相应的金属离子,他们与TopA蛋白的结合位点也是位于3个锌指结构域,而且每个锌指结构域结合1个金属离子。此外,E.coli TopA结合钴、镍、镉离子后,其DNA拓扑异构酶活性并未受到影响,可能是由于钴、镍、镉离子结合形式的E.coli TopA蛋白,其空间构象与锌结合形式相比并未发生显著变化。【结论】由于DNA拓扑异构酶在维持细胞正常生理功能中发挥关键作用,研究表明E.coli TopA的功能不会受到常见重金属的干扰(不结合或者结合后活性无影响),这也有可能是大肠杆菌在进化过程中产生的对抗环境中重金属离子毒害作用的一种自我保护和耐受机制,具有重要的生理意义。  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of the ethidium efflux gene from Escherichia coli   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The nucleotide sequence of the gene specifying the ethidium efflux system of Escherichia coli has been determined. The translated open reading frame has identified a membrane-bound polypeptide of 110 amino acids (11,960 Da) which shares 42% identity with a staphylococcal protein specifying resistance to ethidium.  相似文献   

The non-specific DNA binding of CRP and its N-terminal core, alpha CRP, to a 298 base pair DNA fragment, in the presence and absence of cAMP, has been studied using the nitrocellulose filter binding technique and analysed quantitatively using the theory of Clore et al. [J. Mol. Biol. (1982) 155, 447-466]. It is shown that both CRP and alpha CRP bind cooperatively to DNA. At an ionic strength of 100 mM and pH 7.5, the intrinsic equilibrium association constant for the binding of alpha CRP to DNA is approximately 10-times smaller than that for CRP, but the cooperativity parameter is approximately 17-times larger for alpha CRP than CRP. cAMP exerts its effect solely on the intrinsic equilibrium constant and does not alter the cooperativity. In the case of alpha CRP, cAMP reduces the intrinsic equilibrium association constant by a factor of 3, in contrast to the case of CRP where cAMP increases it by a factor of 3. The possible location of the DNA binding site present in the N-terminal core of CRP is discussed in the light of crystallographic data on the cAMP . CRP complex [McKay et al. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 9518-9524].  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis of key amino acids of adenylate kinase has been used to suggest a new model for the location of the AMP and ATP binding sites. Phe-86 and Tyr-133, which are in close contact with the inhibitor Ap5A according to previous crystallographic results, have been independently changed to tryptophan and other amino acids. The Phe-86----Trp mutant had a 3- to 6-fold change in the Km for ATP and a 44-fold increase in the Km for AMP with a simultaneous loss of AMP substrate inhibition. Thus Phe-86 is probably in close contact with bound AMP. The Tyr-133----Trp mutant showed no large effects on enzyme kinetics and suggests that the previous assignment of Ap5A occupying natural adenosine binding sites is probably incorrect. A temperature-sensitive Leu-107----Gln mutant showed a 6-fold decrease in the Km for ATP and no effect on AMP binding, suggesting that this amino acid is near the ATP binding site. Changes in the fluorescence of single tryptophan-containing mutant enzymes provided specific information about AMP and ATP binding. The fluorescence results are consistent with the kinetic studies, and also suggest that AMP substrate inhibition is caused by the formation of an abortive complex that prevents the release of product.  相似文献   

The IS911 bacterial transposable element has been analyzed for its mechanism of transposition and for the way it controls the expression of its genes by programmed -1 translational frameshifting. In the present study the prevalence of IS911 has been determined in the Enterobacteriaceae family and in other Gram-negative bacilli. Three variants, found in Escherichia coli clinical isolates and having mutations in the region implicated in frameshifting, were functionally characterized. All three were altered in their frameshifting and transposition abilities, suggesting that the frameshift region of IS911 may constitute a target for mutations reducing the transposition frequency of this mobile element in natural populations of E. coli.  相似文献   

Abstract A mutant (TUH No. 9) of a porcine strain of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) produces as abnormal B subunit (B') of heat-labile enterotoxin (LT), which has aspartate instead of glycine at residue 33 from the N-terminus and does not bind to the receptor, GM1 ganglioside. The antigenicities of the receptor-binding site of LT were analyzed.
The antibody, which could not bind to the B' subunit in the anti-B subunit of porcine LT(LTp)-serum, could bind to cholera toxin (CT), LTp and LT produced by a human ETEC strain (LTh), suggesting that it recognizes a common epitope of LTp, LTh and CT. Thus glycine at residue 33 from the N-terminus in the B subunit of CT, LTh and LTp may be related to the common epitope of these three toxins. The bindings of CT, LTh and LTp to the antibody were inhibited by the GM1 ganglioside.
These data indicate that the antibody recognizes a common epitope in the receptor (GM1 ganglioside)-binding site of CT, LTh and LTp.  相似文献   

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