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Karyotypes were analysed in 113 populations of 34 species of Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae). They showed typical holocentric chromosomes lacking primary constrictions. Nucleolar constrictions were observed in the terminal regions of a few chromosomes (except in R. nanuzae , in which they were interstitial). The chromosome numbers varied between 2 = 4 and 2n = 50. The primary base number seems to be x = 5; x = 6 and x = 9 are secondary. Dysploidy occurred at low frequency, whereas polyploidy seemed to be the predominant event in the karyotype evolution of the genus. Karyotypic differences were found in R. consanguinea var. speciosa and R. consanguinea var. rigida and the closely related R. emaciata, R. riparia and R. tenuis from section Tenues. On the other hand, karyotypic similarities occurred among sections Valderugosae, Marisculae, Stenophylku and Cemuae.  相似文献   

Resolution of species delimitations in theRhynchospora globosa complex has revealed three species new to science from South America:R. bracteovillosa, R. leucoloma, andR. melanocarpa. Each species is described and illustrated and its geographical distribution discussed.  相似文献   

Mark T. Strong 《Brittonia》2000,52(3):241-245
Rhynchospora depressirostris M. Strong, an overlooked species ofRhynchospora sect.Tenues Kükenthal, previously treated in the literature asR. tenuis Link, is described from Puerto Rico. An illustration and SEM images of the achene (fruit) are provided, and its relationship to closely allied and morphologically similar species is discussed.  相似文献   

Schoenus (Cyperaceae) has holocentric chromosomes. Chromosome numbers were counted and nuclear DNA amounts were measured for all the New Zealand species of the genus. Chromosome numbers ranged from 2n = 8 to c. 2n = 90. Two chromosome races, with 2n = 28 and 2n = 56, were found in S. pauciflorus. Flow cytometry using propidium iodide‐stained nuclei was used to measure genome size. A 14.8‐fold variation in 2C DNA content was found, with values ranging from 1.33 to 19.71 pg/2C nucleus. Phylogenetic trees based on sequence variation in the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the 45S ribosomal DNA locus were constructed using several phylogenetic models to reveal possible evolutionary relationships among the New Zealand Schoenus spp. and a sample of Australian Schoenus spp. Analysis revealed heterogeneity of chromosome number, size and DNA C value within clades. Meiosis in four species showed only bivalent formation at metaphase I. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169 , 555–564.  相似文献   

The tribe Rhynchosporeae comprises the genera Rhynchospora and Pleurostachys and has never been studied using molecular techniques. The objective of this study was to use an analysis of trnL-F sequences to evaluate the hypothesized taxonomic divisions within the Rhynchosporeae including the monophyly of the genera and the soundness of the subgenera and sections. A total of 44 ingroup species were studied, 41 of Rhynchospora representing 22 of Kükenthal’s 28 sections, and three of Pleurostachys. Five outgroup species from other genera were also included. The cladistic analysis of 50 trnL intron and trnL-F intergenic spacer sequences resulted in 16 trees and a strict consensus tree. The Rhynchosporeae form two well-supported primary clades with several well-supported smaller clades, many of which agree with previously hypothesized sections. Pleurostachys is embedded within the second primary clade.  相似文献   

Five new species ofHypolytrum Rich. from South America are described and illustrated.Hypolytrum amorimii andH. jardimii, both of sect.Bullata T. Koyama, are species with pseudopetioles and colored leaves, and endemic to the rain forest of southeastern Brazil.Hypolytrum bahiense (sect.Hypolytrum), a species with a lax synflorescence and two, free and lightly scabridulous floral bracts, is endemic to the rain forest of southeastern Bahia, Brazil.Hypolytrum leptocalamum (sect.Hypolytrum), a species with lax synflorescence and spike ellipsoid to cylindrical, is restricted to area of tepuis in the Guayana Highland (Brazil, Guyana, and Venezuela).Hypolytrum paraense (sect.Hypolytrum), a species with three, partly connate and densely scabridulous floral bracts, is restricted to the rain forest of the Amazon Basin, in the state of Pará, Brazil.  相似文献   

Histones are vital structural proteins of chromatin that influence its dynamics and function. The tissue-specific expression of histone variants has been shown to regulate the expression of specific genes and genomic stability in animal systems. Here we report on the characterization of five histone H3 variants expressed in Lilium generative cell. The gcH3 and leH3 variants show unique sequence diversity by lacking a conserved lysine residue at position 9 (H3K9). The gH3 shares conserved structural features with centromeric H3 of Arabidopsis. The gH3 variant gene is strongly expressed in generative cells and gH3 histone is incorporated in to generative cell chromatin. The lysine residue of H3 at position 4 (H3K4) is highly methylated in the nuclei of generative cells of mature pollen, while methylation of H3K4 is low in vegetative cell nuclei. Taken together, these results suggest that male gametic cells of Lilium have unique chromatin state and histone H3 variants and their methylation might be involved in gene regulation of male gametic cells.Accession numbers for the sequence data The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the DDBJ database gcH3 GC1174 (accession no. AB195644), gH3 GC1008 (accession no. AB195646), leH3 GC1126 (accession no. AB195648), soH3-1 GC0075 (accession no. AB195650), soH3-2 GC1661 (accession no. AB195652), genomic sequence of gcH3 (accession no. AB195645), genomic sequence of gH3 (accession no. AB195647), genomic sequence of leH3 (accession no. AB195649), genomic sequence of soH3-2 (accession no. AB195651), genomic sequence of soH3-2 (accession no. AB195653).  相似文献   

目的 阐明金属纳米材料(MNPs)对组蛋白H3第10位丝氨酸磷酸化(p-H3S10)修饰变化的影响,探讨典型MNPs暴露后细胞全基因表达的变化,为MNPs早期毒性筛选提供理论基础。方法 通过蛋白质免疫印迹及流式细胞术等方法评价了10种MNPs对p-H3S10修饰变化的影响。此外,利用转录组测序技术在转录水平上探讨了1种典型MNPs——纳米氧化铜对细胞全基因表达的影响。结果 除纳米氧化镍外,其余用于测试的9种MNPs均在不同程度上诱导了p-H3S10。进一步分析发现,MNPs诱导的p-H3S10与MNPs的细胞内蓄积高度相关,且细胞内金属离子的持续释放可能是MNPs诱导 p-H3S10的关键因素之一。另外,转录组测序的结果表明,纳米氧化铜的暴露导致了275个基因的显著差异表达(P<0.05),其中185个基因上调,90个基因下调。基因本体分析表明,在分子功能类别中,排名靠前的术语包括与多种转录因子活性、序列特异性DNA结合及丝裂原活化蛋白激酶活性相关的术语。京都基因和基因组百科全书分析表明,纳米氧化铜暴露后丝裂原活化蛋白激酶的信号级联显著上调。结论 MNPs的细胞内蓄积与其早期诱导的p-H3S10表达高度相关,并且细胞内MNPs持续释放的金属离子可能会在MNPs进入细胞后的很长一段时间内持续诱导p-H3S10的高表达。综上,p-H3S10具有作为评估MNPs毒性的生物标志物的潜力。  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The sedge genus Carex, the most diversified angiosperm genus of the northern temperate zone, is renowned for its holocentric chromosomes and karyotype variability. The genus exhibits high variation in chromosome numbers both among and within species. Despite the possibility that this chromosome evolution may play a role in the high species diversity of Carex, population-level patterns of molecular and cytogenetic differentiation in the genus have not been extensively studied.


Microsatellite variation (11 loci, 461 individuals) and chromosomal diversity (82 individuals) were investigated in 22 Midwestern populations of the North American sedge Carex scoparia and two Northeastern populations.

Key Results

Among Midwestern populations, geographic distance is the most important predictor of genetic differentiation. Within populations, inbreeding is high and chromosome variation explains a significant component of genetic differentiation. Infrequent dispersal among populations separated by >100 km explains an important component of molecular genetic and cytogenetic diversity within populations. However, karyotype variation and correlation between genetic and chromosomal variation persist within populations even when putative migrants based on genetic data are excluded.


These findings demonstrate dispersal and genetic connectivity among widespread populations that differ in chromosome numbers, explaining the phenomenon of genetic coherence in this karyotypically diverse sedge species. More generally, the study suggests that traditional sedge taxonomic boundaries demarcate good species even when those species encompass a high range of chromosomal diversity. This finding is important evidence as we work to document the limits and drivers of biodiversity in one of the world''s largest angiosperm genera.  相似文献   

Chromosome rearrangements may affect the rate and patterns of gene flow within species, through reduced fitness of structural heterozygotes or by reducing recombination rates in rearranged areas of the genome. While the effects of chromosome rearrangements on gene flow have been studied in a wide range of organisms with monocentric chromosomes, the effects of rearrangements in holocentric chromosomes—chromosomes in which centromeric activity is distributed along the length of the chromosome—have not. We collected chromosome number and molecular genetic data in Carex scoparia, an eastern North American plant species with holocentric chromosomes and highly variable karyotype (2n = 56–70). There are no deep genetic breaks within C. scoparia that would suggest cryptic species differentiation. However, genetic distance between individuals is positively correlated with chromosome number difference and geographic distance. A positive correlation is also found between chromosome number and genetic distance in the western North American C. pachystachya (2n = 74–81). These findings suggest that geographic distance and the number of karyotype rearrangements separating populations affect the rate of gene flow between those populations. This is the first study to quantify the effects of holocentric chromosome rearrangements on the partitioning of intraspecific genetic variance.  相似文献   

Although Cyperaceae are considered anemophilous, some species exhibit features that are attractive to pollinators, such as the white UV‐reflecting involucral bracts of Rhynchospora ciliata. But how effective are these conspicuous adaptations? To address this question, we tested the hypothesis that species such as R. ciliata are visited by greater numbers of pollinating insects than similar species with green involucral bracts, such as R. pubera. We compared the floral biology of both species and the number of visits to sympatric populations of each species, associating them with the availability of pollen and the pollination system. We verified that species with white involucral bracts are preferred, because there were more visits to R. ciliata in the first 2 h the flowers were open. The peak visitation in R. pubera was 2 h after the flowers opened, when the pollen of R. ciliata was exhausted. Although the involucral bracts of R. pubera are green, the spikelet scales and anthers are white and reflect ultraviolet light. Overall, flowers of R. pubera exhibit fewer white or reflective surfaces and are probably less conspicuous to a bee than those of R. ciliata. It is possible that R. pubera is a second option for visitors after the first 2 h of anthesis. The two different peaks in visitation minimize interspecific competition for pollinators, suggesting that R. ciliata and R. pubera together could attract more generalist pollinators and, instead of competing, facilitate the pollination of both species. Although R. pubera is autogamous and self‐compatible, both wind and insects are important to its reproductive success.  相似文献   

Studies of type material from Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay together with observations of achenes using scanning electron microscopy permit us to synonymizeBulbostylis aphylla withB. brevifolia, B. closii andB. scabra fm.evolutior withB. major, andB. spectabilis withB. amambayensis. For the first time,B. major is recorded for Bolivia andB. brevifolia for Uruguay. The known distributions ofB. amambayensis, B. brevifolia, andB. major are expanded.
Resumen  El análisis morfológico de ejemplares tipo, abundante material de Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay, así como observaciones de los frutos con microscopio electrónico de barrido, nos permitió sinonimizarBulbostylis aphylla conB. brevifolia, B. closii yB. scabra f.evolutior conB. major yB. spectabilis conB. amambayensis. Por otra parte se cita por primera vez aB. major para la flora de Bolivia y aB. brevifolia para Uruguay. Se amplia el área de distribución deB. amambayensis, B. brevifolia yB. major.

Waller MS  Angus RB 《Genetica》2005,125(1):17-25
C-banded karyotypes are provided for the five west European species of Corixa Geoffroy. All have 2n = 22 autosomes + sex chromosomes which are XY (♂), XX (♀). Some specimens of C. punctata have a small B-chromosome, while some C. panzeri have a fairly large one. The karyotypes of C. punctata, C. dentipes, C. affinis and C. panzeri are all distinctive, but the karyotypes of C. punctata and C. iberica appear indistinguishable. The Scottish material of C. punctata and C. iberica used in this study shows morphological intergradation between the two, suggesting that they hybridise where their ranges overlap. Meiosis shows very fine even pachytene bands in C. punctata, and that the autosomes form true bivalents during diplotene in C. affinis and C. panzeri, while the sex chromosomes appear closely associated. At first metaphase the sex chromosomes may appear either closely associated or may have separated. There is no evidence of the presence of m-chromosomes.  相似文献   

A new aquatic, arsenic-tolerant species ofEleocharis (Cyperaceae) endemic to Chihuahua, Mexico, is described and illustrated. It belongs toEleocharis sect.Eleogenus seriesMaculosae. A key for the species ofEleocharis sect.Eleogenus from Mexico is included.
Resumen  Sc describe e ilustra una nueva especie deEleocharis (Cyperaceae) acuática, tolerante a altas concentraciones de arsénico, y endémica de Chihuahua, México. Forma parte de la secciónEleogenus serieMaculosae. Se incluye una clave para las especies deEleocharis sect.Eleogenus de México.

The chromosomes of H. americanus have been characterised by C-banding, fluorochrome banding and restriction endonuclease banding. Thanks to these techniques, it has been possible to identify mitotic and meiotic figures clearly and to study the distribution and structure of heterochromatic regions. Moreover, we have identified small supernumerary chromosomes, variable in number and often asynaptic in first meiotic metaphase.  相似文献   

We analyzed sequence variation for the alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) gene family in Carex section Acrocystis (Cyperaceae) to reconstruct Adh gene trees for Acrocystis species and to characterize the structure of the Adh gene family in Carex. Two Adh loci were included with ITS and ETS sequences in a combined Bayesian inference analysis of Carex section Acrocystis to gain a better understanding of species relationships in the section. In addition, we comment on how the results presented here contribute to our knowledge of the birth-death process of the Adh gene family in angiosperms. It appears that the structure of the Adh gene family in Carex is complex with possibly six loci present in the gene family. Additionally, variation among Acrocystis species within loci is quite low, and there is little phylogenetic resolution in the individual datasets. Bayesian inference analysis of the combined ITS, ETS, Adh1, and Adh2 datasets resulted in a moderately well-supported phylogenetic hypothesis of relationships in the section which is discussed in relation to previous hypotheses of relationships.  相似文献   

Schoenus ferrugineus andS. nigricans have restricted distributions in Sweden and are almost exclusively confined to calcareous fen habitats. AtS. nigricans sites,S. ferrugineus is usually also present, and hybrids are frequently found. In this report, I used allozymes to estimate the amount of gene flow between the two species, and to compare the partitioning of genetic diversity in each of them. Thirteen loci were analysed at eight different enzyme systems. Seven loci were variable between or within the species. The two species had completely different alleles at two of the seven variable loci, whereas there was overlap at five loci. In all, 22 different alleles were found. Six of these alleles were confined toS. nigricans, and five alleles were confined toS. ferrugineus. Nei's genetic identity was 0.55.—InS. ferrugineus, three loci (23%) were polymorphic, and the average number of alleles per polymorphic locus was 2.0 (each polymorphic locus had two alleles). InS. nigricans, three loci (23%) were polymorphic, and the average number of alleles per polymorphic locus was 2.3.—The proportion of genetic diversity due to variation among sites (G ST) was fairly similar in the two species, mean over loci = 0.12 inS. ferrugineus and 0.15 inS. nigricans. However, the proportion of genetic diversity due to variation among individuals within sites (G IS) differed markedly between the two species, mean over loci = 0.54 inS. ferrugineus and 0.17 inS. nigricans. Accordingly, there was a much higher individual heterozygosity inS. nigricans than inS. ferrugineus. — Most hybrids were interpreted as F1 hybrids. However, a small proportion, 0.5–1.6 %, were Fn hybrids or back-crosses.—On the Swedish mainland, all former occurrences ofS. nigricans are extinct, but viable hybrids are still present at a few sites in southernmost Sweden.  相似文献   

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