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Endotoxemia in newborn rats attenuates acute pancreatitis at adult age.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS), at high concentration is responsible for sepsis, and neonatal mortality, however low concentration of LPS protected the pancreas against acute damage. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of exposition of suckling rats to LPS on the course of acute pancreatitis at adult age. Suckling rat (30-40g) received intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of saline (control) or LPS from Escherichia coli or Salmonella typhi (5, 10 or 15 mg/kg-day) during 5 consecutive days. Two months later these rats have been subjected to i.p. cearulein infusion (25 microg/kg) to produce caerulein-induced pancreatitis (CIP). The following parameters were tested: pancreatic weight and morphology, plasma amylase and lipase activities, interleukin 1beta (IL-1 beta), interleukin 6 (IL-6), and interleukin 10 (IL-10) plasma concentrations. Pancreatic concentration of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and lipid peroxidation products; malondialdehyde (MDA) and 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) have been also measured. Caerulein infusion produced CIP in all animals tested, that was confirmed by histological examination. In the rats, which have been subjected in the neonatal period of life to LPS at doses 10 or 15 mg/kg-day x 5 days, all manifestations of CIP have been reduced. In these animals acute inflammatory infiltration of pancreatic tissue and pancreatic cell vacuolization have been significantly diminished. Also pancreatic weight, plasma lipase and alpha-amylase activities, as well as plasma concentrations of IL-1beta and IL-6 have been markedly decreased, whereas plasma anti-inflammatory IL-10 concentration was significantly increased in these animals as compared to the control rats, subjected in the infancy to saline injection instead of LPS. Caerulein-induced fall in pancreatic SOD concentration was reversed and accompanied by significant reduction of MDA + 4 HNE in the pancreatic tissue. The effects of LPS derived from E. coli or S. typhi were similar. Pretreatment of suckling rats with LPS at dose of 10 mg/kg-day x 5 days resulted in the most prominent attenuation of acute pancreatitis at adult age, whereas LPS at dose of 5 mg/kg-day x 5 days given to the neonatal rats failed to affect significantly acute pancreatitis induced in these animals 2 months later. We conclude that: 1/ Prolonged exposition of suckling rats to bacterial endotoxin attenuated acute pancreatitis induced in these animals at adult age. 2/ This effect could be related to the increased concentration of antioxidative enzyme SO in the pancreatic tissue and to the modulation of cytokines production in these animals.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS, endotoxin) is the component of the cellular wall of Gram negative bacteria. Endotoxemia (sepsis) could produce multiorgan failure and in the early period of life LPS are responsible for the changes of metabolism and for the reduction of protein synthesis. The influence of neonatal endotoxemia on the pancreas at adults has not been investigated yet. The aim of this study was to assess the pancreatic exocrine function in the adult rats which have been subjected, in the neonatal period of life, to chronic LPS pretreatment. LPS from E. coli or S. typhi at doses of 5, 10 or 15 mg/kg-day was administered intraperitoneally (i.p.) to the suckling rats (30 g) during 5 consecutive days. Three months later these animals (300 g) were equipped with pancreato-biliary fistulae for the in vivo secretory study. Amylase release from isolated pancreatic acini obtained from these rats was also assessed. Pancreatic tissue samples were taken for histological assessment and for the determination of gene expression for CCK1 receptor by RT-PCR. Pancreatic amylase secretions stimulated by caerulein or by diversion of pancreatic-biliary juice to the exterior (DBPJ) was significantly, and dose-dependently reduced in the adult rats which have been subjected in infancy to chronic pretreatment with LPS from E. coli or S. typhi, as compared to the untreated control. In these animals basal secretion was unaffected. In the rats pretreated with LPS in the suckling period of life caerulein-induced amylase release from isolated pancreatic acini was significantly decreased, as compared to the untreated with LPS control. This was accompanied by dose-dependent reduction of mRNA signal for CCK1 receptor on pancreatic acini. Neonatal endotoxemia failed to affect significantly pancreatic morphology as well as plasma amylase level in the adult rats. We conclude that neonatal endotoxemia reduces gene expression for CCK1 receptor and could produce impairment of the exocrine pancreatic function at adult age.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic and nuclear incorporation of 125I triiodothyronine by thymic lymphocytes has been demonstrated by electron microscopic autoradiography. Incorporation was significantly more pronounced in the newborn than in the adult age. The information emerging from the experime,tal observations contributes further evidence to the more precise interpretation of receptor maturation.  相似文献   

The intracellular C-terminal domain is diverse in size and amino acid sequence among facilitative glucose transporter isoforms. The characteristics of glucose transport are also divergent, and GLUT2 has far higher Km and Vmax values compared with GLUT1. To investigate the role of the intracellular C-terminal domain in glucose transport, we expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells the mutated GLUT1 protein whose intracellular C-terminal domain was replaced with that of GLUT2 by means of engineering the chimeric cDNA. Cytochalasin B, for which GLUT2 protein has much lower affinity, bound to this chimeric protein in a fashion similar to GLUT1. In contrast, greater transport activity was observed in this chimeric glucose transporter compared with the wild-type GLUT1 at 10 mM 2-deoxy-D-glucose concentration. The kinetic studies on 2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake revealed a 3.8-fold increase in Km and a 4.3-fold increase in Vmax in this chimeric glucose transporter compared with the wild-type GLUT1. Thus, replacement of the intracellular C-terminal domain confers the GLUT2-like property on the glucose transporter. These results strongly suggest that the diversity of intracellular C-terminal domain contributes to the diversity of glucose transport characteristics among isoforms.  相似文献   

《The Biochemical journal》1975,150(3):489-493
By using a highly specific radioimmunoassay the formation of tri-iodothyronine by the deiodination of thyroxine was studied in rat liver homogenate. Several observations suggest that the reaction observed is enzymic in nature. Pre-heating the homogenate for 30 min at 56 degrees C completely abolished conversion of thyroxine into tri-iodothyronine; the component of rat liver homogenate responsible could be saturated with substrate; iodotyrosines displayed competitive activity. Between 0 degrees and 37 degrees C, the tri-iodothyronine-production rate was positively correlated with incubation temperature. The addition of NAD+ enhanced conversion into tri-iodothyronine, which suggests that an oxidative mechanism is involved. 5-Propyl-2-thiouracil and 6-propyl-2-thiouracil, both known to prevent deiodination in vivo, greatly decreased the deiodiantion activity of rat liver homogenate.  相似文献   

Scatchard analysis of saturation curves was performed to compared newborn and adult rat neurotensin receptor using [3H] neurotensin as a tracer. The membrane fraction of newborn rat cerebral cortex has a single population of neurotensin receptor (Kd = 0.13 nM, Bmax = 710 fmol/mg protein), whereas adults have two distinct neurotensin binding sites (high affinity site, Kd1 = 0.13 nM; low affinity site, Kd2 = 20 nM). High affinity neurotensin receptor, solubilized with digitonin, was purified from newborn rat cortex by affinity chromatography. An overall purification of 14,000-fold was achieved. The binding of [3H] neurotensin to the purified receptor is saturable and specific, with a Kd of 0.45 nM. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol revealed purified material of a single major band of Mr = 55,000.  相似文献   

Paraoxon, the active metabolite of parathion, can be detoxified through a noncatalytic pathway by carboxylesterases and a catalytic pathway by calcium-dependent A-esterases, producing p-nitrophenol as a common metabolite. The detoxication patterns of carboxylesterases and A-esterases were investigated in vitro in the present study with a high tissue concentration (75 mg/mL rat liver homogenate or 50% rat serum solution) to more closely reflect enzyme concentrations in intact tissues. A final paraoxon concentration of 3.75 microM was used to incubate with liver homogenates or serum solutions for 5 seconds or 3, 5, 15, or 25 minutes; also 0.625, 1.25, 2.5, 3.125, 3.75, or 5.0 microM paraoxon (final concentration) was incubated with liver homogenates or serum solutions for 15 minutes. Phenyl saligenin cyclic phosphate and EDTA were used to inhibit carboxylesterases and A-esterases, respectively. Significant amounts of p-nitrophenol were generated with or without either inhibitor during a 15 minute incubation with paraoxon from low (0.625 microM) to high (5.0 microM) concentrations. The amount of p-nitrophenol generated via carboxylesterase phosphorylation was greater than via A-esterase-mediated hydrolysis in the initial period of incubation or when incubating with a low concentration of paraoxon. Plateau shape curves of p-nitrophenol concentration versus time or paraoxon concentration indicated that carboxylesterase phosphorylation was saturable. When incubated for long time intervals or with high concentrations of paraoxon, more p-nitrophenol was generated via A-esterase-mediated hydrolysis than from carboxylesterase phosphorylation. The ratio of paraoxon concentration to tissue amount used in in vitro assays of this study was equivalent to dosing a rat with toxicologically relevant dosages. These in vitro data suggest that both carboxylesterases and A-esterases detoxify paraoxon in vivo; carboxylesterases may be an important mode of paraoxon detoxication in initial exposures to paraoxon or parathion before they become saturated, whereas A-esterases may contribute to paraoxon detoxication in repeated exposures to paraoxon or parathion because they will not become inhibited and will remain catalytically active unlike the carboxylesterases. The importance of carboxylesterases in detoxication of paraoxon was verified by an in vivo study. In rats pretreated with tri-o-tolyl phosphate, an in vivo carboxylesterase inhibitor, brain acetylcholinesterase was significantly inhibited after intravenous exposure to parathion. No significant inhibition of brain acetylcholinesterase was observed in rats pretreated with corn oil.  相似文献   

Specific activity and level of polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase) in polyribosomes of regenerating liver of adult rats, liver of newborn rats and in malignant tumours of rat (sarcoma M-1 and hepatoma 27) were studied. 24 hours after partial hepatectomy the specific activity and level of PNPase in regenerating liver decreased 3--4 times in the fraction of polyribosomes, bound to the endoplasmic reticulum membranes, and remained at a constantly low level in the fraction of free polyribosomes. The PNPase activity also showed a sharp decrease in the fraction of membrane-bound polyribosomes from newborn rats liver and could not be detected either in free or in bound polyribosomes from sarcoma M-1 or hepatoma 27. The PNPase activity in the fraction of bound polyribosomes increased with a decrease in the rate of liver growth (regenerating liver and newborn rats liver), and reached the level normal for adult animals. Possible mechanisms of regulation of the PNPase activity in animal tissue were studied. It was found that a 2-fold administration of cyclic 3,5'-AMP to intact animals (5 mg per 100 g of body weight) with an interval of 8 hours, corresponding to the interval between two peaks of the increase in cyclic 3,5'-AMP concentration following partial hepatectomy, diminished the PNPase specific activity in polyribosomes by 30%. A factor, presumably of protein origin, which induced a release of PNPase from polyribosomes of normal rat liver but did not affect the activity of the liberated enzyme, was detected in the cell sap of sarcoma M-1 and hepatoma 27.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial development in liver of foetal and newborn rats   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INNER MITOCHONDRIAL MEMBRANE IN FOETAL AND NEONATAL RAT LIVER WAS STUDIED BY FOLLOWING THREE PARAMETERS: (1) the activity of several respiratory enzymes in homogenates and purified mitochondria, (2) the spectrophotometric determination of cytochrome content in the mitochondria and (3) the cardiolipin content in both homogenates and purified mitochondria. Respiratory-enzyme activities of homogenates of foetal liver were one-quarter to one-twentieth of those of homogenates of adult liver, and the enzyme specific activities in purified mitochondria from foetal liver were one-half to one-eighth of those in mitochondria from adult liver. The cardiolipin content of liver homogenates increased approximately twofold during the development period, but there was no significant change in the cardiolipin content of purified mitochondria. It is concluded that cell mitochondrial content approximately doubles in the immediate postnatal period. There was no evidence for an increase in the relative amount of cristae protein in mitochondria during this period to account for increases in mitochondrial enzyme specific activity, since cardiolipin and cytochrome concentrations remained unchanged and electron micrographs revealed no differences. The cause of the lower respiratory-enzyme specific activity in foetal liver mitochondria is unclear. Qualitative differences in respiratory units in foetal and mature animals are suggested.  相似文献   

A high frequency of diploid and near-diploid clones were developed from cell lines derived from adult and newborn rat liver using micropipettes. There were some differences in morphology, biochemical properties and growth rate between clones. Cloned cells had low levels of tyrosine transaminase activity, glucose-6-phosphatase activity and albumin content. A diploid clone and pseudodiploid clone derived from adult rat liver cell line were positive for alpha-fetoprotein.  相似文献   

From normal rat liver mitochondrial and microsomal fractions, 4 distinct aldehyde dehydrogenase isozymes with millimolar substrate Km values have been purified and characterized. Two isozymes were isolated from mitochondria and 2 from microsomes. A mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase with a substrate Km in the micromolar range was also identified. Subunit molecular weights for all millimolar Km isozymes is 54,000. The mitochondrial and microsomal millimolar Km isozymes are clearly distinguishable from each other by substrate and coenzyme specificity, pH velocity profiles, and thermal stability. By these same properties, the 2 isozymes from each organelle are virtually identical. The 2 mitochondrial isozymes can be distinguished by apparent molecular weight (I, 170,000; II, approximately 250,000), Km for NADP+, effect of inhibitors, and pI. The 2 microsomal isozymes are of the same apparent molecular weight (approximately 250,000), but are distinguishable by their Km values for benzaldehyde and NADP+, response to inhibitors, and pI.  相似文献   

TRH and TRH-OH in the pancreas of adult and newborn rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TRH and its metabolite TRH-OH have been measured by specific radioimmunoassays in acid extracts of pancreas in adults and developing rats. TRH and TRH-OH immunoreactivity had the same ontogenic pattern with a maximal concentration on day 4 followed by a progressive return towards adult levels on day 20. A significant linear correlation was found between TRH levels and the TRH/TRH-OH ratio. The range of TRH/TRH-OH ratio varied from 136 +/- 1.6, at the peak of concentrations of both peptides, to 18 +/- 3.9 on day 20. Pancreatic TRH and TRH-OH had the same elution pattern as corresponding synthetic peptides both on Biogel P2 and high-pressure liquid chromatography. The origin of TRH-OH as well as its potential function need further investigations.  相似文献   

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