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Fibronectin involvement in granulation tissue and wound healing in rabbits   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
This study describes the distribution of fibronectin and its association with reticulin fibers (type III collagen) and hyaluronic acid in shallow rabbit wounds. Linear incisions were made dorsally with a surgical blade. Animals were sacrificed and 1,2,3,4,5, and 8 day wounds were examined using peroxidase-antiperoxidase to localize affinity-purified antibodies to fibronectin. Tissue samples were also stained with hematoxylin and eosin in addition to silver stains for reticulin, and Alcian blue for hyaluronic acid. After wounding, the incision filled with a fibrin clot that stained positively for fibronectin. The underlying dermis and adjacent, unwounded dermis also contained fibronectin. Epidermal cells that migrate from the wound margin between the clot and the dermis were in direct association with fibronectin in these wound components. By 72 hr, epidermal continuity was reestablished. Early granulation tissue formation was apparent just below the epidermis 5 day wounds. Fibronectin was observed in the matrix surrounding individual fibroblasts and codistributed with reticulin fibers and hyaluronic acid in both 5 and 8 day wounds. Granulation tissue of 8 day wounds stained intensely for fibronectin and extended to a greater depth in the reticular dermis. Dense fibrillar networks of fibronectin and fibroblasts were aligned parallel to the epidermis, giving the granulation tissue a highly structured and organized appearance. Fibroblasts contained fibronectin and were surrounded by less fibronectin at the wound periphery than within the granulation tissue. These findings suggest that fibronectin may be important in the reconstruction of tissues during repair by functioning as an extracellular scaffold for migrating cells.  相似文献   

Dermal granulation tissues produced either in response to an acute inflammation by turpentine injection, or to a chronic inflammation by sponge implantation, have been shown to contain a high proportion of Type III collagen in marked contrast to the small amount normally present in mature skin. Although the acute granuloma is rapidly resorbed the synthesis of Type III is maintained in long-term sponge implants. The results demonstrate a reversion to embryonic collagen in proliferating granulation tissue, a fact of considerable importance in understanding wound healing.  相似文献   

Metabolic phases during the development of granulation tissue   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
1. The metabolism of incubated slices of sponge-induced granulation tissue, harvested 4-90 days after the implantation, was studied with special reference to the capacity of collagen synthesis and to the energy metabolism. Data are also given on the nucleic acid contents during the observation period. Three metabolic phases were evident. 2. The viability of the slices for the synthesis of collagen was studied in various conditions. Freezing and homogenization destroyed the capacity of the tissue to incorporate proline into collagen. 3. Consumption of oxygen reached the maximum at 30-40 days. There was evidence that the pentose phosphate cycle was important, especially during the phases of the proliferation and the involution. The formation of lactic acid was maximal at about 20 days. 4. The capacity to incorporate proline into collagen hydroxyproline in vitro was limited to a relatively short period at 10-30 days. 5. The synthesis of collagen was dependent on the supply of oxygen and glucose, which latter could be replaced in the incubation medium by other monosaccharides but not by the metabolites of glucose or tricarboxylic acid-cycle intermediates.  相似文献   

By the method of thymidine autoradiography and fluorescing antibodies, the origin of cells participating in healing the experimentally produced wounds was investigated. 3H-thymidine was administered a day before the production of the wounds. 14C-thymidine was injected impulsively 1 h before the material was fixed 1,3 and 8 days after the trauma. The analysis of the autographs demonstrated that during wound healing the cell-precursors of macrophages and fibroblasts migrate from beyond the limits of the connective tissue. By means of the fluorescing antibodies in mouse radiation xenogenic chimaeras it was demonstrated that macrophages and fibroblasts participating in wound healing take their origin from the donor's elements, that is, are of bone marrow origin.  相似文献   

1. The intracellular volume in granulation tissue was about 15% of the total urea space. 2. The experimental granuloma has a greater ability to retain amino acids during the proliferation phase than later during the synthesis of collagen. 3. The synthesis of collagen and other proteins by granulation tissue is related to the concentrations of proline and glutamic acid in the medium. 4. The rate of synthesis of proline from glutamic acid in granulation-tissue slices is greatest during collagen synthesis. It is enhanced by lactate. 5. Extracellular cations influence the synthesis of collagen and ouabain is inhibitory. Synthesis of other proteins is less sensitive in this respect. 6. It is suggested that the synthesis of collagen is related to the supply of certain amino acids, especially proline, and hence to the redox balance, and also to the function of the cell wall.  相似文献   

The skin cells chiefly depend on carbohydrate metabolism for their energy requirement during cutaneous wound healing. Since the glucose metabolism is greatly hampered in diabetes and this might affect wound repair process. This prompted us to investigate the intermediate steps of energy metabolism by measuring enzyme activities in the wound tissues of normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats following excision-type of cutaneous injury. The activities of key regulatory enzymes namely hexokinase (HK), phosphofructokinase (PFK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), citrate synthase (CS) and glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) have been monitored in the granulation tissues of normal and diabetic rats at different time points (2, 7, 14 and 21 days) of postwounding. Interestingly, a significant alteration in all these enzyme activities was observed in diabetic rats. The activity of PFK was increased but HK, LDH and CS showed a decreased activity in the wound tissue of diabetics as compared to normal rats. However G6PD exhibited an elevated activity only at early stage of healing in diabetic rats. Thus, the results suggest that significant alterations in the activities of energy metabolizing enzymes in the wound tissue of diabetic rats may affect the energy availability for cellular activity needed for repair process and this may perhaps be one of the factor responsible for impaired healing in these subjects. (Mol Cell Biochem 270: 71–77, 2005)  相似文献   

Experiments on rats were made to study the effect of I-(chloromethyl) silatrane and I- (ethoxy) silatrane and that of triethanolamine and chloromethyl triethoxysilane on biochemical parameters of granular-fibrous tissue. The preparations were applied to a wound defect in the form of liniments. Silatranes were found to stimulate proliferation of the cells and to increase their biosynthetic activity, to favour accumulation of collagen and non-collagenic proteins, and reduction of the inflammatory phenomena. The silicon-containing fragment of the silatrane molecule chloromethyl triethoxysilane produced an analogous but less marked action. Triethanolamine containing no silicon was found to be as less active. These data indicate that silicon entering the silatrane grouping is of great importance for the occurrence of its biological activity.  相似文献   

The function of the endogenous angiogenesis inhibitor thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) in tissue repair has remained controversial. We established transgenic mice with targeted overexpression of TSP-1 in the skin, using a keratin 14 expression cassette. TSP-1 transgenic mice were healthy and fertile, and did not show any major abnormalities of normal skin vascularity, cutaneous vascular architecture, or microvascular permeability. However, healing of full-thickness skin wounds was greatly delayed in TSP-1 transgenic mice and was associated with reduced granulation tissue formation and highly diminished wound angiogenesis. Moreover, TSP-1 potently inhibited fibroblast migration in vivo and in vitro. These findings demonstrate that TSP-1 preferentially interfered with wound healing-associated angiogenesis, rather than with the angiogenesis associated with normal development and skin homeostasis, and suggest that therapeutic application of angiogenesis inhibitors might potentially be associated with impaired wound vascularization and tissue repair.  相似文献   



During wound repair, fibroblasts orchestrate replacement of the provisional matrix formed during clotting with tenascin, cellular fibronectin and collagen III. These, in turn, are critical for migration of endothelial cells, keratinocytes and additional fibroblasts into the wound site. Fibroblasts are also important in the deposition of collagen I during scar formation. The CXC chemokine chicken Chemotactic and Angiogenic Factor (cCAF), is highly expressed by fibroblasts after wounding and during development of the granulation tissue, especially in areas where extracellular matrix (ECM) is abundant. We hypothesized that cCAF stimulates fibroblasts to produce these matrix molecules.  相似文献   

Rats with subcutaneously implanted polyurethane sponges were exposed 6 hours daily for 7 days to high ambient atmospheric pressures (1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 ATA). Another group was exposed 4 hours daily for 4 weeks to 3 ATA before inducing granulation tissue formation. 14C-proline was administered 16 hours before terminating the experiment. Free hydroxyproline, soluble and insoluble collagen and total noncollagenous protein were isolated from the 7-day granuloma and the amount and radioactivity of 14C-hydroxyproline and 14C-proline were determined. Seven days' graduated hyperbarism did not affect collagen synthesis; the maturation of collagen to insoluble forms was inhibited at 2 and 2.5 ATA, but not at 3 ATA. Stimulated degradation of collagen (free hydroxyproline) was observed at 2, 2.5 and 3 ATA. In animals subjected to long-term exposure at 3 ATA pressure, the collagen in the granuloma matured to insoluble forms more quickly. Biochemical changes were correlated with changes in the fine structure of the granulation tissue. The appearance of the fibroblast proteosynthetic apparatus was not influenced by hyperbarism. Progressive spherical transformation, fusion of mitochondria and lysosomal activation in the pericapillary fibroblasts occurred at 2, 2.5 and 3 ATA. In short-term experiment, the formation of cytosegresomes and cellular necrosis also contributed to the effect at 3 ATA, which is thus already a toxic pressure for granulation tissue.  相似文献   

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