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Aggregation of Aβ peptides is a seminal event in Alzheimer's disease. Detailed understanding of the Aβ assembly process would facilitate the targeting and design of fibrillogenesis inhibitors. Here, conformational studies using FTIR spectroscopy are presented. As a model peptide, the 11–28 fragment of Aβ was used. This model peptide is known to contain the core region responsible for Aβ aggregation. The structural behavior of the peptide during aggregation provoked by the addition of water to Aβ(11–28) solution in hexafluoroisopropanol was compared with the properties of its variants corresponding to natural, clinically relevant mutants at positions 21–23 (A21G, E22K, E22G, E22Q and D23N). The results showed that the aggregation of the peptides proceeds via a helical intermediate, and it is possible that the formation of α‐helical structures is preceded by creation of 310‐helix/310‐turn structures. Copyright © 2008 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Amyloid beta (Abeta) peptides are one of the classes of amphiphilic molecules that on dissolution in aqueous solvents undergo interesting conformational transitions. These conformational changes are known to be associated with their neuronal toxicity. The mechanism of structural transition involved in the monomeric Abeta to toxic assemblage is yet to be understood at the molecular level. Early results indicate that oriented molecular crowding has a profound effect on their assemblage formation. In this work, we have studied how different microenvironments affect the conformational transitions of one of the active amyloid beta-peptide fragments (Abeta(25-35)). Spectroscopic techniques such as CD and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were used. It was observed that a stored peptide concentrates on dissolution in methanol adopts a minor alpha-helical conformation along with unordered structures. On changing the methanol concentration in the solvated film form, the conformation switches to the antiparallel beta-sheet structure on the hydrophilic surface, whereas the peptide shows transition from a mixture of helix and unordered structure into predominantly a beta-sheet with minor contribution of helix structure on the hydrophobic surface. Our present investigations indicate that the conformations induced by the different surfaces dictate the gross conformational preference of the peptide concentrate.  相似文献   

Parbhu A  Lin H  Thimm J  Lal R 《Peptides》2002,23(7):1265-1270
Amyloid beta protein (AbetaP) is the major fibrillar constituent of senile plaques. However, no causative role for AbetaP-fibers in Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology is established. Globular AbetaPs are continuously released during normal cellular metabolism at pico- to nano-molar concentration. We used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to examine aggregation of freshly prepared AbetaP(1-42) and to examine the role of AbetaP concentration, imaging medium (air, water, or PBS) and agonists/antagonists on AbetaP-fibrillogenesis. At even very high and non-physiological AbetaP concentrations, 24-48 h of real-time AFM imaging (a) in water show only multiple layers of globular aggregates and no fibrils and (b) in PBS show mainly the globular structures and some short fibrils. On-line addition of Zn, an agonist for AbetaP-fibrillogenesis, induced a slow but non-fibrillar aggregation of globular AbetaPs. EDTA, a chelator of Zn and calcium (a modulator of AbetaP-mediated toxicity) induced a reversible change in the Zn-mediated aggregation. These results strongly suggest that no AbetaP-fibers are formed for the physiologically relevant concentration and thus the plaque-associated fibers may not account for the AD pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Summary. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy was employed for native (wild type, WT) bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and several mutant derivatives: R134K, R134H, R82Q, S35C, L66C, and R134C/E194C. Comparative analysis of the CD spectra in visible range shows that only R134C/E194C exhibits biphasic CD, typical for native bR, the other mutants demonstrate CD spectra with significantly smaller or absent negative band. Since the biphasic CD is a feature of hexagonal lattice structure composed by bR trimers in the purple membrane, these mutants and WT were examined by cross-linking studies, which confirmed the same trend towards trimeric organization. Therefore, a single amino acid substitution may lead to drastically different CD spectra without disruption of bR trimeric organization. Thus, although disruption of bR trimeric crystalline lattice structure (e.g., solubilization with detergents) directly results in the disappearance of characteristic bilobe in visible CD, the lack of the bilobe in the CD alone does not predict the absence of trimers.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism and spin-label studies of carp hemoglobin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Circular dichroism (c.d.) spectra were obtained for deoxy, oxy, carboxy, nitrosyl, aquomet and azidomet derivatives of carp hemoglobin. The spectra of the hemolysate and its two major components are virtually identical. Binding of diatomic ligands induces large changes in the 287 nm ellipticity. In the case of oxygen binding this change appears to be proportional to the free energy of co-operation. The changes of L-band ellipticity and Soret rotational strength with ligation reflect tertiary structural alterations and bear no relationship to quaternary transitions. The c.d. results indicate that carp deoxyhemoglobin has very similar tertiary and quaternary structures between pH 6·4 and 8·0, whereas the oxyhemoglobin undergoes continuous conformational adjustment in response to pH changes. The effect of inositol hexaphosphate on c.d. spectra is much smaller than it is on the functional properties. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of iodoacetamide nitroxide label are sensitive to ligation, the label is probably attached to Cys142β.  相似文献   

The circular dichroism (CD) and magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra of horse heart metmyoglobin and the following derivatives were measured in the Soret and near ultraviolet regions: metmyoglobin and its peroxide compound, and hydroxide, cyanide, azide, and fluoride derivatives. The heme-related CD bands in the Soret and near ultraviolet wavelength regions were altered by ligand substitution, though their relationships to the magnetic moment were quite different. In the Soret region, the CD peak had no definite relation to the magnetic moment, while in the near ultraviolet region the magnitude of the CD peak decreased with the magnetic moment. The MCD peak in the Soret and near Ultraviolet regions also varied with ligand substitution. The magnetic ellipticity decreased with the magnetic moment in both wavelength regions. There was a more quantitative correlation between the magnetic ellipticity and the magnetic moment in the near ultraviolet region than in the Soret region. Metmyoglobin peroxide compound exhibited slightly different behavior in the MCD spectrum from other derivatives. It is suggested that the heme iron of the metmyoglobin peroxide compound is in an oxidation state other than the ferric state and that the porphyrin structure of metmyoglobin may be modified by the reaction with hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

Ampullosporin A (AmpA), a 15mer peptalbol containing seven Aib residues is able to induce pigmentation on Phoma destructiva and hypothermia in mice, as well as to exhibit a neuroleptic effect. A circular dichroism study of ampullosporin A and its analogues was carried out in organic solvents with different polarities and detergent micelles to determine the relationship between their conformational flexibility and biological activities. The analogues were obtained by modifying the N- and C-termini of ampullosporin A. Furthermore, Gln and Leu were systematically substituted by Ala and Aib residues were replaced by Ala and/or Ac6c. To estimate the helicity of the analogues, the CD spectrum of AmpA recorded in acetonitrile was correlated to its crystal structure. All analogues displayed similar CD curve shapes in organic solvents with the ratio between two negative band intensities R = [theta]n-pi*/[theta]pi-pi* < 1. In acetonitrile, most of the analogues adopted a 70%-85% helical structure, which was higher than the average of 40%-60% obtained in TFE. In detergent micelles, the analogues were distinguishable by their CD profiles. For most of the biologically active analogues, the CD spectra in detergent micelles were characterized by a R ratio > 1 and increased helicity compared with those recorded in TFE, suggesting that the interaction of the peptides with the membrane and peptide association was necessary for their hypothermic effect.  相似文献   

CD spectra of arginine-vasopressin (AVP) and of its analogues substituted in position 1 and/or 7 were measured in aqueous solution at different pH values. The shapes of the CD spectra of AVP analogues substituted in position 1 are strongly influenced by the type of group attached to the beta-carbon of residue 1. The substitution of the proline residues in position 7 by N-methylalanine also leads to a change in conformation of the peptide. The differences in the CD spectra are interpreted in terms of conformational changes, which are due to the interaction of the tyrosine side chain with neighbouring residues (for 1-substituted analogues of AVP), or to that between the hexapeptide ring and acyclic tripeptide chain (for 7-substituted analogues).  相似文献   

C A Bush  S K Sarkar  K D Kopple 《Biochemistry》1978,17(23):4951-4954
Circular dichroism (CD) spectra are reported for two groups of cyclic hexapeptides having beta turns whose geometry can be firmly established by X-ray crystallography and by NMR spectroscopy. One series contains the sequence L-Pro-D-Phe in the geometry of the classical type II beta turn, while the second group has the sequence D-Phe-L-Pro in the closely related geometry of the gramicidin S turn. CD data on the hydrogenated peptides show that in neither series do Cotton effects due to the aromatic phenylalanyl chromophore make a significant contribution to the spectra in the 195--240-nm region. In spite of the close geometric similarity of the beta turns of these two groups of peptides, their CD spectra are quite distinct. Furthermore, comparison of our data with the CD spectra of published models for beta-turn structures suggests that it may not be possible to characterize the contribution of all beta turns to the CD spectra of proteins by a single model curve. the CD spectra of model beta turns will be more useful in characterizing the folding of oligopeptides and sequence polypeptides, where a single type of turn is present.  相似文献   

The study of the Cu(II)-hyaluronate complexes by absorption and CD spectra, as well as by acid–base titration and viscosity, provides information about the nature of ligands and the conformation of the polymer. Three different complexes have been identified. The first (complex I), which is formed between pH 3 and 6, involves mainly the carboxyl groups of the polymer as ligands and is characterized by a strong absorption band at 238 nm. In this complex formation, the CD properties of hyaluronate do not charge appreciably. The second (complex II) forms between pH 6 and 8 bad shows a major change in CD properties. The changes include (1) a new positive CD band at 250 nm and a strong negative on in the π → π* amide transition region and (2) the disappearance of the negative n → π* amide CD band near 210 nm. A sharp increase in absorbance at 238 nm from complex I to II has been attributed to a conformational transition which is also manifested in the CD features of hyaluronate. Complex II involves, in addition to the carboxyl group, the nitrogen atom of the deprotonated acetamido group coordinated to Cu(II). The absorption at 230–280 nm is associated with the optically active charge-transfer transitions involving ligands to metal ion. At higher concentrations of the polymer or at higher pH, complex II aggregates to a gel, complex III. Chondroitin, differing from hyaluronic acid in the C-4 hydroxyl group configuration of the glucosamine moiety, does not show any CD change in the presence of Cu(II).The results provide further support to our fourfold helical structure of Cu(II)–hyaluronate complex at pH between 6 and 8. Intrinsic viscosities of hyaluronate in the presence of the cupric ion is lower than in the presence of other monovalent or bivalent cations, indicating a compact conformation of the polymer when it is complexed with Cu(II).  相似文献   

1. The lipid bilayer technique was used to characterize the biophysical and pharmacological properties of several ion channels formed by incorporating amyloid beta protein fragment (AP) 1–40 into lipid membranes. Based on the conductance, kinetics, selectivity, and pharmacological properties, the following AP[1–40]-formed ion channels have been identified: (i) The AP[1–40]-formed bursting fast cation channel was characterized by (a) a single channel conductance of 63 pS (250/50 mM KCl cis/trans) at +140 mV, 17 pS (250/50 mM KCl cis/trans) at –160 mV, and the nonlinear current–voltage relationship drawn to a third-order polynomial, (b) selectivity sequence P K > P Na > P Li = 1.0:0.60:0.47, (c) Po of 0.22 at 0 mV and 0.55 at +120 mV, and (d) Zn2+-induced reduction in current amplitude, a typical property of a slow block mechanism. (ii) The AP[1–40]-formed spiky fast cation channel was characterized by (a) a similar kinetics to the bursting fast channel with exception for the absence of the long intraburst closures, (b) single channel conductance of 63 pS (250/50 KCl) at +140 mV 17 pS (250/50 KCl) at –160 mV, the current–voltage relationship nonlinear drawn to a third-order polynomial fit, and (c) selectivity sequence P Rb > P K > P Cs > P Na > P Li = 1.3:1.0:0.46:0.40:0.27. (iii) The AP[1–40]-formed medium conductance channel was charcterized by (a) 275 pS (250/50 mM KCl cis/trans) at +140 mV and 19 pS (250/50 mM KCl cis/trans) at –160 mV and (b) inactivation at Vms more negative than –120 and more positive than +120 mV. (iv) The AP[1–40]-formed inactivating large conductance channel was characterized by (a) fast and slow modes of opening to seven multilevel conductances ranging between 0–589 pS (in 250/50 mM KCl) at +140 mV and 0–704 pS (in 250/50 mM KCl) at –160 mV, (b) The fast mode which had a conductance of <250 pS was voltage dependent. The inactivation was described by a bell-shaped curve with a peak lag time of 7.2 s at +36 mV. The slow mode which had a conductance of >250 pS was also voltage dependent. The inactivation was described by a bell-shaped curve with a peak lag time of 7.0 s at –76 mV, (c) the value of P K/P choline for the fast mode was 3.9 and selectivity sequence P K > P Cs > P Na > P Li = 1.0:0.94:0.87:0.59. The value of P K/P choline for the slow mode was 2.7 and selectivity sequence P K > P Na > P Li > P Cs = 1.0:0.59:0.49:0.21, and (d) asymmetric blockade with 10 mM Zn2+-induced reduction in the large conductance state of the slow mode mediated via slow block mechanism. The fast mode of the large conductance channel was not affected by 10 mM Zn2+.2. It has been suggested that, although the bursting fast channel, the spiky fast channel and the inactivating medium conductance channel are distinct, it is possible that they are intermediate configurations of yet another configuration underlying the inactivating large conductance channel. It is proposed that this heterogeneity is one of the most common features of these positively-charged cytotoxic amyloid-formed channels reflecting these channels ability to modify multiple cellular functions.3. Furthermore, the formation of -sheet based oligomers could be an important common step in the formation of cytotoxic amyloid channels.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that overexpressing subunits of the iron-binding protein ferritin can rescue the toxicity of the amyloid β (Aβ) peptide in our Drosophila model system. These data point to an important pathogenic role for iron in Alzheimer disease. In this study, we have used an iron-selective chelating compound and RNAi-mediated knockdown of endogenous ferritin to further manipulate iron in the brain. We confirm that chelation of iron protects the fly from the harmful effects of Aβ. To understand the pathogenic mechanisms, we have used biophysical techniques to see how iron affects Aβ aggregation. We find that iron slows the progression of the Aβ peptide from an unstructured conformation to the ordered cross-β fibrils that are characteristic of amyloid. Finally, using mammalian cell culture systems, we have shown that iron specifically enhances Aβ toxicity but only if the metal is present throughout the aggregation process. These data support the hypothesis that iron delays the formation of well ordered aggregates of Aβ and so promotes its toxicity in Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   

An octathymidylate synthesized with the alpha anomer of thymidine has been studied using circular dichroism. Its conformation has been compared to that of its analogue containing the naturally occurring beta anomer. In both compounds some degree of intramolecular stacking is present as indicated by the shapes of the circular dichroism spectra and their variations with temperature. As its beta-analogue the alpha-octathymidylate binds to its complementary sequences containing beta-nucleosides. Only complexes with 1A:1T stoechiometry were observed. Binding to ribose- containing oligomers and polymers is much stronger than binding to deoxyribose-containing analogues. Circular dichroism spectra provided evidence for a difference between the geometry of the various complexes formed with an alpha-oligothymidylate and those formed with its beta-anomer-containing analogue.  相似文献   

The effect of divalent cations on the near ultraviolet circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of yeast enolase showed that calcium, magnesium, and nickel ions produced identical changes. This was interpreted as indicating that the cations bound to the same sites on the enzyme and produced identical changes in tertiary structure. There was no effect of magnesium ion on the far ultraviolet spectrum. Evidently magnesium ion has no effect on the secondary structure. Substrate bound to the enzyme when the above cations were present although calcium permits no enzymatic activity. The CD spectral difference produced by the substrate was nearly the reverse of that produced by the metal ions. Glycolic acid phosphate, a competitive inhibitor lacking carbon-3, produced no effect, indicating carbon-3 was necessary for the CD spectral changes. The CD and visible absorption spectra of nickel and cobalt bound to various sites on the enzyme showed that the binding sites were octahedral or distorted octahedral in coordination and that the ligands appeared to be oxyligands: water molecules, hydroxyl or carboxyl groups. Examination of the effects of substrate and two compounds thought to be "transition state analogues" showed that these perturbed the "conformational" sites of the enzyme. The "catalytic" and "inhibitory" sites did not appear to be very CD active.  相似文献   

Spectropolarimetric studies of alpha 2-antiplasmin in the far ultraviolet region indicates a content of 16% alpha-helix, 18% beta-structure and 66% random coil. Two of its three disulphide bridges are reduced under non-denaturing conditions without major changes in conformation of functionality. Cleavage of the third disulphide bridge requires denaturing agents and is accompanied by complete loss of activity. The interaction of alpha 2-antiplasmin with plasminogen or fragments derived from plasminogen by elastase digestion has been studied by circular dichroism analysis in the near ultravoilet region. The results indicate that the fragment of plasminogen constituting the three NH2-terminal triple-loop structures contains at least two lysine-binding sites: one with high affinity and one with low affinity. One of these sites, probably the high-affinity site, is involved in the interaction with alpha 2-antiplasmin. This site seems also to be exposed in the intact plasminogen molecule. The formation of the stable complex between plasmin (EC and alpha 2-antiplasmin is also accompanied by conformational changes.  相似文献   

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