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HARVEY  D. M.; GOODWIN  J. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(5):1091-1998
The effect of the ‘leafless’ mutation (in whichtendrils replace leaflets and the stipules are reduced to avestigial form) upon foliage area, photosynthetic net CO2 uptakepotential, dry matter production and seed yield in Pisum sativumwas studied by comparing two near-isogenic lines of genotypeafafstst and ++++. The mutation is of potential agronomic valuein that it offers improved lodging resistance, crop drying andharvester throughput. In the conventional phenotype the total foliage area of themain axis attained a plateau (456 cm2) at day 56 from seedlingemergence, whereas corresponding values for the ‘leafless’mutant showed a total area of 208 cm2 at day 68 with no indicationof a plateau. The agronomic consequence of this is discussed.During the vegetative phase of the plant the maximum CO2 uptakepotential in the fully expanded conventional leaf was 8·5mg CO2 leaf–1 h–1 and in the ‘leafless’mutant this value was 7·0 mg CO2 leaf–1 h–1.For most ‘leaves’ of the latter phenotype this valuewas between 30 and 60 per cent less than for their conventionalcounterpart. There was a consistently higher photosyntheticpotential per unit area in tendrils of the ‘leafless’mutant than in leaflets of the conventional phenotype. The respectivemean specific values for the two phenotypes were 53 and 37 mgCO2 dm–2 h–1. The problem of obtaining a meaningfulsurface area value for tendrils is discussed and the cylindricalnature of tendrils is taken into account. The ‘leafless’ mutant consistently accumulated 50per cent less dry matter than did conventional plants in theperiod from seedling emergence to anthesis and yield of maturedry seed per plant showed a reduction of 50 per cent both inseed number and total seed weight. The implications for future breeding and selection programmesaimed at haulm reduction are discussed in relation to evaluatingthe ability of the background genotype to produce adequate tendrilsin the presence of afafstst. Triticum aestivum, wheat, callus culture, organogenesis  相似文献   

2-Chloroethylphosphonic acid (CEPA) caused a significant declinein chlorophyll content of radish plant within 5 d of treatment.Such effects were greater when plants were treated at the two-than at the four-leaf stage. In early treated plants, concentrationof CEPA increasing from 20 mg/1 progressively increased leafweight, while decreasing root (radish) weight. A concentrationof 10 mg/1, applied at the three-leaf stage, increased leafand root weights by 27 and 30 per cent respectively in the cultivar‘Cavalier’. Similar responses were obtained withthe cultivar ‘Cherry Belle’. While Cavalier showeda discrete 10 mg/1 optimum, ‘Cherry Belle’ exhibiteda range of concentrations (10-40 mg/1) optimal for growth. At relatively high concentrations, early application of CEPAcaused inverse changes in sucrose-14C in the leaves and theroot, so that decreased retention by leaves was accompaniedby increased transport to roots. Low concentrations of CEPAappear promising for growth stimulation in root-crop plants.  相似文献   

Three barley varieties (Atem, Arabic Abiad and Beecher) weregrown on a line source sprinkler to establish a gradient ofwater supply from rain-fed (218 mm) to fully irrigated (330mm). Developing ‘seeds’ were analysed for free grainproline at three stages up to maturity. At the milk stage allthree varieties showed a strong inverse correlation (r>0–95)between free proline and irrigation treatment. A pronouncedinter-varietal difference was evident with the relatively drought-intolerantAtem having 213 nmol seed–1 free proline when rain-fedas compared with Arabic Abiad or Beecher which had about 120nmol seed–1 free proline at this stage. By maturity thiscorrelation was lost in all varieties, with most of the freeproline being incorporated into protein. Prolamin protein production was not impaired by drought in anyof the varieties, when measured on a per seed basis. There wassome indication that it may even rise in concentration in severelydrought-stressed plants. The results are discussed in relation to the decline in finalgrain yield with increased water deficit. Each of the threevarieties tested showed different yield responses along theirrigation gradient. These may reflect the physiological tolerancesto drought of each variety. At the milk stage the measurementof free ‘grain’ proline as a diagnostic for droughtstress tolerance may be of some value. Key words: Drought stress, seed physiology, proline  相似文献   

The rapid and uniform establishment of soya bean [Glycine max(L.) Merr.] stands is conducive to higher yields. This studywas undertaken to determine the effects of cultivar, temperature,and seed size on the rate of germination and emergence. No cultivar effect on the germination rate was observed. However,in an emergence study from a sand-soil-peat mixture, cultivardifferences in emergence rates were noted(‘Chippewa 64’> ‘Wayne’ > ‘Amsoy 71’). In anotheremergence study (sand media) the cvs ‘Calland’ and‘Williams’ emerged faster than the cv. 'Wayne or‘Wells’. Time required for 50 per cent germination decreased (18.8–4.0days) as the temperature increased from 10 to 30 °C (5 °Cincrements). Emergence (50 per cent) from a sand-soil-peat mixturewas more rapid (19.8–6.3 days) as the simulated plantingdate (growth chamber set to simulate field temperatures) wasdelayed from 16 April to 15 June with an intermediate date of16 May. In addition, time required for 50 per cent emergence of thecultivars from sand decreased (793–76 h) as the temperaturewas increased from 10 to 30 °C with no decrease from 30to 35 °C. Seed size effects were apparent, with the very small seed germinatingslower than the three larger seed sizes. In the emergence studieswith both the sand and sand-soil-peat mixture there was a generaltrend toward more rapid emergence with the smaller seeds. However,the absolute differences were small. Significant cultivar x temperature interactions were observedfor the germination and emergence rates. In most cases the cultivarsmerged in terms of germination and emergence rates at temperaturesbetween 10 and 20 °C and at the higher temperatures thecultivar rankings were different from those observed at temperaturesbelow the merging point. Glycine max (L.) Merr, soya bean, seed germination, establishment of seedlings  相似文献   

Some Effects of 'Hardening' Carrot Seed   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Carrot seed and water were mixed in the ratio of 100 : 70 byweight, kept in a covered petri-dish for 24 h at 20 °C andthen dried by exposure to the atmosphere at 20 °C. Threecycles of this ‘hardening’ treatment gave seed havingembryos 51 per cent longer than those in untreated seed. Thisincrease in embryo length was due mainly to cell division duringhardening rather than to cell expansion. Hardened seed imbibedwater more quickly to start with and germinated and producedseedlings which emerged in the field 3–4 days earlierthan untreated seed. Relative growth-rates during early growthwere similar from both types of seed. At harvests 14 to 21 weeksafter sowing the mean yields of roots from the hardened seedwas 64.0 compared to 59.2 tons per hectare from the untreatedseed. Variations of the hardening treatment were tried but it appearedthat the above treatment was the most effective for enhancingthe rate of germination, although embryo length and numbersof cells per embryo increased progressively with cycles of hardeningup to six cycles. The moisture content of seed ripening in a field at Wellesbournefluctuated diurnally over the same range as that used in theexperiments to produce a hardening effect, but the embryos didnot increase in length during field ripening.  相似文献   

Sixty-eight per cent of nuclei in the cells of the upper fourlayers of carrot slices treated with heat-killed conidia ofBotrytis cinerea for 6 h followed by inoculation with live sporesfor 18 h, migrated to the cell face nearest to the treated surface,compared with 46 per cent in cells of control slices showinga wound-healing response only. Nucleolar volumes in the surfacecell layers of control slices increased from a mean of 1.0 µm3to 3.8 µm3 over 24 h, and in ‘induced’ slicesto 7.28 µm3. Using a 40 min pulse of [5–3H]uracil,there was an increase within 15 h of slicing in the number oflabelled nuclei in cells from control slices undergoing healing.Within 8 h after treatment of slice surfaces with heat-killedconidia, there was an accelerated incorporation of label into‘nuclear’ RNA. Slices from roots cold-stored for12 months failed to show an induction response and nucleolarvolumes did not increase more than in control slices. Theseresults are discussed in relation to active defence mechanismsin plant tissue. Botrytis cinerea, carrot, induced resistance, nuclear migration, nucleolar volume, RNA incorporation  相似文献   

Healthy tomato plants were shown to contain high levels of RNA-dependentRNA polymerase activity, mainly in a ‘soluble’ form,but also partly in a ‘ bound’ form. The ‘bound’enzyme was solublized by EDTA treatment. Both forms of enzymewere partially purified and characterized. The ion and pH optimaof the two forms were identical at all stages of purification.Both enzymes exhibited uridylyl transferase activity, whichmade up 35 per cent of total incorporation. Infection with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) increased activityof ‘soluble’ enzyme by twofold, and of solubilized‘bound’ enzyme by less than twofold. Uridylyl transferaseactivity was also increased by infection. General propertiesof the enzymes were unaltered by infection with one exception:in the presence of TMV RNA as added template, the ‘soluble’enzyme from infected plants incorporated 3H-UTP into productswith the electrophoretic properties and RNase sensitivitiesexpected for replicative form and replicative intermediate ofTMV. ‘Soluble’ enzyme from healthy plants, and solublized‘ bound’ enzyme from either healthy or infectedplants did not synthesize these products. The ‘soluble’ and solubilized ‘bound’enzymes behaved differently on ion-exchange chromatography.Under the conditions used, ‘soluble’ enzyme didnot bind to the column, whereas solublized ‘bound’enzyme did. No differences in chromatographic behaviour werefound between enzymes from healthy or infected plants. Withboth ‘soluble’ and solublized ‘bound’enzymes, the uridylyl transferase activity co-chromatographedwith the polymerase activity. Tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, tobacco mosaic virus, tobacco mosaic virus replicase  相似文献   

Fiskeby V soya bean was grown from seed germination to seedmaturation with two contrasting patterns of nitrogen metabolism:either wholly dependent on dinitrogen fixation, or with an abundantsupply of nitrate nitrogen, but lacking root nodules. The carbonand nitrogen economies of the plants were assessed at frequentintervals by measurements of photosynthesis, shoot and rootrespiration, and organic and inorganic nitrogen contents. Plantsfixing atmospheric nitrogen assimilated only 25–30 percent as much nitrogen as equivalent plants given nitrate nitrogen:c. 40 per cent of the nitrogen of ‘nitrate’ plantswas assimilated after dinitrogen fixation had ceased in ‘nodulated’plants. The rates of photosynthesis and respiration of the shootsof soya bean were not markedly affected by source of nitrogen;in contrast, the roots of ‘nodulated’ plants respiredtwice as rapidly during intense dinitrogen fixation as thoseof ‘nitrate’ plants. The magnitude of this respiratoryburden was calculated to increase the daily whole-plant respiratory loss of assimilate by 10–15 per cent over thatof plants receiving abundant nitrate. It is concluded that ‘nodulated’plants grew more slowly than ‘nitrate’ plants inthese experiments for at least two reasons: firstly, the symbioticassociation fixed insufficient nitrogen for optimum growth and,secondly, the assimila tion of the nitrogen which was fixedin the root nodules was more energy-demanding in terms of assimilatethan that of plants which assimilated nitrogen by reducing nitratein their leaves.  相似文献   

Seeds were ‘aged’ by treatments with various combinationsof temperature and moisture content so that viability was reducedto about 50 per cent. It was shown that such treatments inducednon-heritable morphological abnormalities in about 10 per centof the bean plants and 5 per cent of the pea plants; but nonon-heritable morphological abnormalities were observed in thebarley plants. In all species there was an increased frequencyof pollen abortion in the plants produced from ‘aged’seeds. From the examination of second and third selfed generationsit was shown that single-recessive and double-recessive chlorophyll-deficiencymutations of various types were usually induced in sectors ofabout 1–3 per cent of the plants grown from treated seeds. The evidence from pollen-abortion supports previous cytologicalevidence that, under most storage conditions, for a given lossof viability, a predictable amount of chromosome damage is foundin the surviving seeds, irrespective of how fast viability waslost or which environmental factor was mainly instrumental inthe loss of viability. A comparison of the frequency of chlorophyllmutations produced under different storage treatments was notas quantitatively precise, but this evidence also is at leastcompatible with the thesis that loss of seed viability is associatedwith chromosome damage which is reflected in gene mutation.It is concluded, therefore, that percentage seed viability isa good index of the loss of genetic purity resulting from mutationswhich accumulate during storage.  相似文献   

Measurements of cavitation occurring in xylem conduits of differentstem parts in whole Chorisia insignis H.B. et. K. plants subjectedto water stress are reported. Pre-stressed plants were shownto undergo cavitation over 10 times greater than watered ones.The most vulnerable parts of plants were one-year-old twigswhere cavitation reached a peak of over 50 acoustic emissions(AE) min–1 while in two-year-old twigs AE min–1were about one half this value. Stem zones were found wherecavitation was typically very low even during water stress:these were one-year-old nodes and junctions where branches meet.Measurements of the inside diameters of xylem conduits and distributionof conduit ends in stem parts where AE were detected, showedthat nodes have a significantly larger percentage of narrowxylem conduits than internodes. Similar ‘constricted zones’were found injunctions with respect to two-year-old twigs. Hereabout 50 per cent of the xylem conduits were as narrow as 20to 50 µm in diameter. The distribution of xylem conduitends show about 3 per cent of them ending in the nodes and 1per cent in the internodes of one-year-old twigs. About 11.6per cent of xylem conduits end in the junctions and about ahalf in two-year-old internodes. Our data would give furtherexperimental evidence to the functional concept of ‘plantsegmentation’ into zones (internodes) more efficient inwater conduction, i.e. with wider xylem conduits but more vulnerableto cavitation and others (nodes and junctions) with oppositecharacteristics. Chorisia insignis, acoustic emissions, water stress, nodes, internodes, xylem conduit size, vessel ends  相似文献   

Pattern of Respiration of a Perennial Ryegrass Crop in the Field   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
‘Dark’ respiratory losses of CO2 were measured ona one year old sward of S24 perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenneL.) at intervals during a 74 day reproductive growth period,between April and June, and a 21 day vegetative growth period,in July and August. Part of the sward was shaded for one weekbefore measure ments commenced. Measurements of ‘dark’respiration continued for 46 hand it was possible to distinguishtwo components which are designated ‘maintenance’and ‘synthetic’ ‘Maintenance’ respiration was taken to be the meanrate of CO2 efflux after 40–46 h darkness. When calculatedon a plant d. wt basis at 15°C it ranged between 6 to 32mgCO2 g-1 day-1 during reproductive growth and 10–14 mgCO2 g-1 day-1 during vegetative growth. During reproductivegrowth, sward protein content ranged between 7–23 percent and when maintenance respiration was recalculated on thebasis of protein content it changed relatively little throughoutthe growth period (90–140 mg CO2 g pro tein-1 day-1);the value for vegetative growth ranged between 70–100mgCO2 g protein-day-1. Total ‘synthetic’ CO2 flux was determined duringreproductive growth and a rate of ‘synthetic’ CO2flux was determined during both reproductive and vegetativegrowth. Between 15 and 35 per cent of the CO2 fixed in the previousphotoperiod was lost in ‘synthetic’ respirationof above-ground material in reproductive swards. Previous shadingincreased the proportion of ‘synthetic’ CO2 lossfrom above ground. The rate of ‘synthetic’ CO2 outputduring the first hours of darkness increased with amount ofCO2 fixed in the previous photoperiod, although it was not proportionalto it. There is some evidence that assimilate is ‘carried-over’from one photoperiod to the next.  相似文献   

Valentincic  Tine 《Chemical senses》1991,16(3):251-266
Feeding behavior of the brittle star Ophiura ophiura includesorienting posture, orienting movements, arm ‘walking’,changing the direction of ‘walking’ arm coilingand ingestion. All sequential behavior patterns were releasedor enhanced by single low-molecular-weight compounds. Stimuliwhich released ‘walking’ behavior at high concentrations(10–4 M) in all the test animals are listed in decreasingorder of sensitivity: sarcosine, glycine, urea, L-valine, L-leucine,L-methionine, L-homocysteine, L-norvaline, L-norleucine, L-threonine,L-serine, S-methyl-L-cysteine, L-proline. Threshold values forsingle amino acids were as much as 100 times different in differentindividuals and ranged from 3 x 10–9 to 3 x 10–7M for the most effective stimulus, sarcosine, and from 10–6to 10–4 M for proline. Above 10–5 M, only L-prolineregularly released a second behavior pattern, the arm coilingresponse, which temporarily inhibited the ‘walking’behavior. Behavioral thresholds for the ‘walking’behavior for L(+)-lactate and L-alanine were higher than thosefor the orienting movements. Thyoglycolic acid and ß-alaninereleased tube feet walking, which is not part of the feedingbehavior. Structure—activity comparisons were studied at estimated10–5 M concentrations. Gycline, sarcosine, L-valine, L-norvaline,L-leucine, L-isoleucine, DL-norleucine and DL-homocysteine releasedarm ‘walking’ behavior in more than 75% of all thetests. With the exceptions of S-methyl-and S-ethyl-cysteine,and glycine methylester, derivatives of amino acids were noteffective behavioral stimuli in Ophiura ophiura. L-Isomers ofvaline and leucine regularly stimulated the ‘walking’behavior while their D-isomers were effective in some testsand ineffective in others. Acetylcholine iodide, acetyl-ß-methylcholine chloride and choline phosphate chloride regularly released‘walking’ behavior at concentrations above 10–5M.  相似文献   

Soaking sugar-beet seed in 1.0 M sodium chloride solution killed6 per cent of the seeds but the remainder germinated when transferredto more dilute (< 0.28 M) solutions. Small differences inthe concentration of dilute sodium chloride did not change thenumber of seeds which germinated but greatly affected wateruptake and seedling growth. For example, after 10 days at 15?C, radical length decreased almost linearly from 50 to 5 mmwhen the concentration increased from 0 to 0.2 M. Presoakingseed in water increased the concentration tolerated withoutreduction in growth. Advancing seed (presoaking followed byairdrying) increased seedling yield by 70 per cent by decreasingthe time taken to emerge, increasing the number of seeds whichgerminated and eliminating the detrimental effects of smallamounts of sodium chloride. Advancing seed also marginally reducedthe variation in seedling yield in laboratory and controlledenvironment experiments. To minimize the risk of killing seedsor decreasing seedling growth it seems that no more than therecommended quantity (377 kg ha–1) of sodium chlorideshould be applied to sugar-beet crops.  相似文献   

‘Physiological maturity’, i.e. the time when seedsreach their maximum dry weight during development, occurredwhen maturation drying on the parent plant in the field hadreduced seed moisture content to approximately 60 per cent infaba bean (Vicia faba L.), lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.), chickpea(Cicer arietinum L.), white lupin (Lupinus albus L.), soya bean(Glycine max [L.] Merr.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) The onsetof desiccation-tolerance, i.e. the ability of seeds to germinatefollowing harvest and rapid artificial drying, coincided withphysiological maturity, except in pea where it occurred a littleearlier at about 70 per cent moisture content. Maximum seedquality as determined by maximum viability, minimum seedlingabnormalities and maximum seedling size occurred in pea, chickpeaand lupin when seeds were harvested for rapid drying at physiologicalmaturity; but for maximum seed quality in the other speciesmaturation drying had to proceed further - to about 45 per centmoisture content in soya bean and to about 30 per cent moisturecontent in lentil and faba bean seed crops. Much of this variationamongst the six species, however, was due to differences inthe variation in maturity within each seed crop. Results forindividual pods showed that peak maturity, i.e. maximum seedquality following harvest and rapid artificial drying, was achievedin all six species once maturation drying had reduced the moisturecontent of the seeds to 45–50 per cent. In pea, faba beanand soya bean there was a substantial decline in viability andan increase in seedling abnormalities when harvest was delayedbeyond the optimal moisture content for harvest.  相似文献   

In two experiments, the functioning and metabolism of nodulesof white clover, following a defoliation which removed abouthalf the shoot tissue, were compared with those of undefoliatedplants. In one experiment, the specific respiration rates of nodulesfrom undefoliated plants varied between 1160 and 1830 µmolCO2 g–1h–1, of which nodule ‘growth and maintenance’accounted for 22 ± 2 per cent, or 27 ± 3.6 percent, according to method of calculation. Defoliation reducedspecific nodule respiration and nodule ‘growth and maintenance’respiration by 60–70 per cent, and rate of N2 fixationby a similar proportion. The original rate of nodule metabolismwas re-established after about 5 d of regrowth; during regrowthnodule respiration was quantitatively related to rate of N2,fixation: 9.1 µmol CO2 µmol–1N2. With the possible exception of nodules examined 24 h after defoliation,the efficiency of energy utilization in nitrogenase functioningin both experiments was the same in defoliated and undefoliatedplants: 2.0±0.1 µmol CO2 µmol–1 C2H4;similarly, there was no change in the efficiency of nitrogenasefunctioning as rate of N2 fixation increased with plant growthfrom 1 to 22 µmol N2 per plant h–1. Exposure of nodulated white clover root systems to a 10 percent acetylene gas mixture resulted in a sharp peak in rateof ethylene production after 1.5–2.5 min; subsequently,rate of ethylene production declined rapidly before stabilisingafter 0.5–1 h at a rate about 50 per cent of that initiallyobserved. Regression of ‘peak’ rate of ethyleneproduction on rate of N2 fixation indicated a value of 2.9 µmolC2H4 µmol–1 N2, for rates of N2 fixation between1 and 22 µmol N2 per plant h–1. The relationshipsbetween nitrogenase respiration, acetylene reduction rates andN2 fixation rates are discussed. Trifolium repens, white clover, defoliation, nodule respiration, N2, fixation, nitrogenase  相似文献   

FAWUSI  M. O. A. 《Annals of botany》1979,44(5):617-622
Three-month ‘old’ and ‘fresh’ seedsof Talinum triangulare were subjected to various treatmentsto induce early and rapid germination. Scarification and activated carbon were the most effective treatmentsin improving total germination in fresh seeds, while the 3 and5 per cent thiourea treatments were most effective in improvingtotal germination in old seeds. Activated carbon, scarificationand 5 per cent thiourea treatments enhanced early germinationin both old and fresh seeds. Cumulative percentage germinationwas very high in fresh seeds after scarification or after treatmentwith activated carbon and 5 per cent thiourea, and lowest inseeds treated with 3 per cent thiourea and hot water. In oldseeds, highest cumulative percentage germination was obtainedwith 3 and 5 per cent thiourea treatments and scarification.Generally, higher germination was obtained with fresh seedsthan with old seeds. Partial seed-coat removal and treatment with 5 per cent thiouriaresulted in a higher rate of and cumulative percentage germinationcompared with seeds with the coat partially removed but nottreated with thiourea. Constantly high temperature (34 °C) increased both rateand total germination compared with seeds planted at room temperature(20–23 °C). Treatments that did not induce germinationwere 1 per cent thiourea, H2SO4, cold water soaking at roomtemperature, 6 per cent hydrogen peroxide and soil planting.These treatments effected less than 3 per cent germination. Talinum triangulare L, seed scarification, activated charcoal, thiourea, germination  相似文献   

Tracer 14CO2 was supplied to the leaves of Jerusalem artichokeplants in the light and tissue was removed from an attachedtuber at intervals. The first compound to contain 14C in thetuber was sucrose; label next appeared in the trisaccharideIF-fructosylsucrose, and more slowly in the higher oligo-andpolysaccharides. After 50 hours over 40 per cent. of the tracerpresent in the tuber was found in the ‘inulin’ fraction(DP>25). Degradation of the polymers showed that in the earlystages only the sucrosyl groups of the oilgosaccharides werelabelled. Later the labelling in the fructosyl residues of the‘tails’ of the oilgosaccharides increased to thelevel of that in the sucrosyl groups. The pattern in the fractionof DP> 20 did not correspond to that of the lower polymers,as the ‘tail’ appeared to become labelled first.Transfer of terminal fructosyl residues by known transfructosylaseactivity can explain the labelling of the sucrosyl residuesof the fructosan series, thus implicating this enxyme in thedistribution of fructose within the series, but the mechanismleading to ‘tail’ labelling is still obscure.  相似文献   

The prediction that very high seed yields of dry beans (Phaseolusvulgaris L.) would be produced by the delayed transplantingof large plants has been tested in a factorial experiment withfour dates of transplanting and eight plant populations. Therewere significant differences in yield between transplantingdates and between population densities, and there was a significantdate-density interaction. At low plant densities (up to about30 plants m–2) the three transplanted treatments yieldedless than the hand-sown controls, and late transplanting yieldedless than early. At the highest density the situation was reversed;all three transplanted treatments out-yielded the controls andlate transplanting tended to out-yield plants transplanted early.The biggest yield was 340 g seed m–2 from a transplantedcrop grown at 35 plants m–2. The data on yield fitted a modified rectangular hyperbola ofthe form where y is yield per unit area, p is the number of plants perunit area, t is the number of days between sowing and transplanting,and Bo, n, m, and p are arbitrary parameters. This equationaccounted for 91 per cent of the variation in yield with t andp. It is suggested that late transplanting had adverse effects,due to transplanting ‘shock’ and which were mostmarked at low plant densities; and beneficial effects, ascribableto an effect on plant ‘plasticity’, which were mostmarked at high plant densities. Possible physiological mechanismsof these effects are discussed. Phaseolus vulgaris, yield, density, transplanting  相似文献   

ROBSON  M. J. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(3):321-329
Simulated swards of each of two selection lines of Lolium perennecv. S23 with ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ ratesof ‘mature tissue’ respiration were establishedin growth rooms at 20/15 °C day/night temperatures and studiedover four successive regrowth periods of 46, 30, 26 and 53 daysduration. The ‘slow’ line outyielded the ‘fast’,both in harvestable shoot (above a 5 cm cut) and in root andstubble. Its advantage increased over successive regrowth periodsto 23 per cent (total biomass). Gas analysis measurements onthe entire communities (including roots), during the final regrowthperiod, showed that the ‘slow’ line had a 22–34per cent lower rate of dark respiration per unit dry weight.This enabled it to maintain its greater mass of tissue for thesame cost in terms of CO2 efflux per unit ground area. Halfthe extra dry weight produced by the ‘slow’ line,relative to the ‘fast’, could be attributed to itsmore economic use of carbon. The rest could be traced to a 25per cent greater tiller number which enabled the ‘slow’line to expand leaf area faster (though not at a greater rateper tiller), intercept more light and fix more carbon, earlyin the regrowth period. Lolium perenne L., ryegrass, respiration, maintenance respiration, tiller production, simulated swards, canopy photosynthesis, carbon economy  相似文献   

The influence on carrot seed weight of cultivar, plant density,position of the seed on the plant, and of shading and removingumbels at different stages of growth was examined. CultivarDanvers produced seeds of approx. 2.5 mg, nearly twice as heavyas those of cv. Amsterdam with cv. Chantenay having an intermediateweight. Seeds from plants grown at 80 plants m–2 were,on average, approx. 20 per cent lighter than those from plantsgrown at 10 plants m–2 as were those from secondary thanprimary umbels. There were few differences in seed RGR betweencultivars, plant densities or seed positions and the differencesin seed weight produced by the treatments were largely associatedwith the duration of seed growth and with the volumes of theovary, ovule and embryo-sac at the time of fertilization. Shading(66 per cent reduction in irradiance) for the period of twoweeks before or two weeks after fertilization reduced seed weightcompared with unshaded plants. Removing the secondary and higherorder umbels from plants at these stages compared with no removalor removal at a later stage of growth increased seed weightof the remaining primary-umbel seed. Carrot, Daucus carota, seed weight, growth duration, RGR, embryo-sac, ovule, shading, pruning  相似文献   

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