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Cell fusion occurs in physiological and pathological conditions and plays a role in regulation of cell fate. The analysis of cell population dynamics and cell cycle in cell–cell fusion experiments is necessary to determine changes in the quantitative equilibrium of cell populations and to identify potential bystander effects. Here, using cocultures of Jurkat HIV-1 envelope expressing cells and CD4+ cells as a model system and flow cytometry for the analysis, the number, viability, and cell cycle status of the populations participating in fusion were determined. In 3-day cocultures, a sustained reduction of the number of CD4+ cells was observed while they showed high viability and normal cell cycle progression; fusion, but not inhibition of proliferation or death, accounted for their decrease. In contrast, the number of Env+ cells decreased in cocultures due to fusion, death, and an inherent arrest at G1. Most of syncytia formed in the first 6 h of coculture showed DNA synthesis activity, indicating that the efficient recruitment of proliferating cells contributed to amplify the removal of CD4+ cells by syncytia formation. Late in cocultures, approximately 50% of syncytia were viable and a subpopulation still underwent DNA synthesis, even when the recruitment of additional cells was prevented by the addition of the fusion inhibitor T-20, indicating that a population of syncytia may progress into the cell cycle. These results show that the quantitative analysis of cellular outcomes of cell–cell fusion can be performed by flow cytometry.  相似文献   

Measurement of cellular DNA content and the analysis of the cell cycle can be performed by flow cytometry. Protocols for DNA measurement have been developed including Bivariate cytokeratin/DNA analysis, Bivariate BrdU/DNA analysis, and multiparameter flow cytometry measurement of cellular DNA content. This review summarises the methods for measurement of cellular DNA and analysis of the cell cycle and discusses the commercial software available for these purposes.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo algorithm, which can accurately simulate the dynamics of entire heterogeneous cell populations, was developed. The algorithm takes into account the random nature of cell division as well as unequal partitioning of cellular material at cell division. Moreover, it is general in the sense that it can accommodate a variety of single-cell, deterministic reaction kinetics as well as various stochastic division and partitioning mechanisms. The validity of the algorithm was assessed through comparison of its results with those of the corresponding deterministic cell population balance model in cases where stochastic behavior is expected to be quantitatively negligible. Both algorithms were applied to study: (a) linear intracellular kinetics and (b) the expression dynamics of a genetic network with positive feedback architecture, such as the lac operon. The effects of stochastic division as well as those of different division and partitioning mechanisms were assessed in these systems, while the comparison of the stochastic model with a continuum model elucidated the significance of cell population heterogeneity even in cases where only the prediction of average properties is of primary interest.  相似文献   

Use of flow cytometry in the measurement of cell mitotic cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variations in many cellular characteristics during the cell cycle can be analyzed simply and directly by flow cytometry. Using multiparameter analysis of DNA content, RNA content, cell size and 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) incorporation, it is now possible to define cells' positions in the cell cycle with a precision previously unimaginable. It is also possible, by using the sorting function of the flow cytometer, to separate populations in different phases of the cell cycle for biological and biochemical studies. This review describes the technical aspects of flow cytometric instrumentation, DNA staining procedures, and the cytometric applications of both in cell cycle analysis including some of the more innovative, new approaches with antibody against BrdUrd.  相似文献   

The ability to rapidly distinguish viable sub-populations of cells within populations of macroalgal protoplast isolations was demonstrated using flow cytometry. Viable protoplasts from Ulva sp. and Porphyra perforata J. Ag. were distinguished from non-viable protoplasts based on differential fluorescein accumulation. The identities of cortical and epidermal protoplasts from Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Ag. were inferred based on light-scattering and chlorophyll a autofluorescence. Three cell types could be distinguished among protoplasts released from thalli of P. perforata based on chlorophyll a and phycoerythrin autofluorescence. Mixed protoplast populations of Ulva sp. and P. perforata were also discernable based on relative chlorophyll a and phycoerythrin autofluorescence. The ability to screen heterogenous protoplast populations rapidly, combined with the cell sorting capabilities of many flow cytometers, should prove valuable for seaweed biotechnology.  相似文献   

Summary The cell cycle of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus,Glomus versiforme, was determined by flow cytometric analysis of nuclei isolated from spores and mycorrhizal roots of leek, and by immunogold staining after bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) uptake by DNA. The aims of our work were to establish: (i) whether there are changes in ploidy during fungal growth and morphogenesis, (ii) when and where the cell cycle is activated. Our results demonstrate that nuclei isolated from quiescent spores ofG. versiforme are arrested in the GO/G1 phase (99.2%), whereas fungal nuclei from mycorrhizal roots are in the synthetic (S) (10.1%) and G2/M phase (3.9%). Nuclei undergoing DNA synthesis were detected in situ after BrdU uptake. Labelled nuclei were observed in intercellular hyphae and in large arbuscular trunks. This paper demonstrates that colonization of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus is linked to activation of its cell cycle.Abbreviations AM fungi arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi - BrdU 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine - PI propidium iodide - DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole  相似文献   

A method for the simultaneous measurement of cell surface components and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) of human lymphocytes by flow cytometry has been developed, thereby providing a means of analyzing cell surface changes during the various phases of the cell cycle. Unfixed cells were coated with fluorescein-conjugated concanavalin A (F Con A) or surface antigen-specific antibody, fixed sequentially with paraformaldehyde and methanol, treated with specific nucleases, and then stained with propidium iodide. Neither portion of the procedure (cell surface staining, nucleic acid staining) interfered significantly with the other. Cell cycle phases of phytohemagglutinin-stimulated human lymphocytes as determined by this method were comparable with those identified by acridine orange staining. Cell cycle-specific blocking agents were used to additionally demonstrate the specificity of the staining procedure. Simultaneous measurement of cell cycle phase and detection of surface receptors for Con A and T lymphocyte surface determinants was performed with this method.  相似文献   

Human peripheral lymphocytes activated with concanavalin A and phorbol myristate ester exhibit an increase in glycolysis on a time-course similar to that for DNA synthesis. Elevated glycolysis is accompanied by increased specific activities of the glycolytic enzymes. Increased enzyme activities are accounted for by the appearance of specific isoenzyme forms (muscle forms) normally expressed in rapidly growing tumor cells or in growth-stimulated cells. In the present study we analyzed the expression of the glycolytic isoenzymes during cell cycle progression of activated human lymphocytes using two-parameter (DNA and protein) flow cytometry. Time-course studies and analysis of subpopulations prepared by elutriation centrifugation showed that the inducible isoenzymes are expressed at low levels or not at all in G0 cells. They are expressed first during the G0 to G1 transition or in early G1. However, expression increases throughout G1, reaching a maximum in S-phase. Thus, induction of glycolytic isoenzymes provides an excellent marker of T-cell activation and progression toward DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Precise control of the initiation and subsequent progression through the various phases of the cell cycle are of paramount importance in proliferating cells. Cell cycle division is an integral part of growth and reproduction and deregulation of key cell cycle components have been implicated in the precipitating events of carcinogenesis. Molecular agents in anti-cancer therapies frequently target biological pathways responsible for the regulation and coordination of cell cycle division. Although cell cycle kinetics tend to vary according to cell type, the distribution of cells amongst the four stages of the cell cycle is rather consistent within a particular cell line due to the consistent pattern of mitogen and growth factor expression. Genotoxic events and other cellular stressors can result in a temporary block of cell cycle progression, resulting in arrest or a temporary pause in a particular cell cycle phase to allow for instigation of the appropriate response mechanism. The ability to experimentally observe the behavior of a cell population with reference to their cell cycle progression stage is an important advance in cell biology. Common procedures such as mitotic shake off, differential centrifugation or flow cytometry-based sorting are used to isolate cells at specific stages of the cell cycle. These fractionated, cell cycle phase-enriched populations are then subjected to experimental treatments. Yield, purity and viability of the separated fractions can often be compromised using these physical separation methods. As well, the time lapse between separation of the cell populations and the start of experimental treatment, whereby the fractionated cells can progress from the selected cell cycle stage, can pose significant challenges in the successful implementation and interpretation of these experiments. Other approaches to study cell cycle stages include the use of chemicals to synchronize cells. Treatment of cells with chemical inhibitors of key metabolic processes for each cell cycle stage are useful in blocking the progression of the cell cycle to the next stage. For example, the ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor hydroxyurea halts cells at the G1/S juncture by limiting the supply of deoxynucleotides, the building blocks of DNA. Other notable chemicals include treatment with aphidicolin, a polymerase alpha inhibitor for G1 arrest, treatment with colchicine and nocodazole, both of which interfere with mitotic spindle formation to halt cells in M phase and finally, treatment with the DNA chain terminator 5-fluorodeoxyridine to initiate S phase arrest. Treatment with these chemicals is an effective means of synchronizing an entire population of cells at a particular phase. With removal of the chemical, cells rejoin the cell cycle in unison. Treatment of the test agent following release from the cell cycle blocking chemical ensures that the drug response elicited is from a uniform, cell cycle stage-specific population. However, since many of the chemical synchronizers are known genotoxic compounds, teasing apart the participation of various response pathways (to the synchronizers vs. the test agents) is challenging. Here we describe a metabolic labeling method for following a subpopulation of actively cycling cells through their progression from the DNA replication phase, through to the division and separation of their daughter cells. Coupled with flow cytometry quantification, this protocol enables for measurement of kinetic progression of the cell cycle in the absence of either mechanically- or chemically- induced cellular stresses commonly associated with other cell cycle synchronization methodologies. In the following sections we will discuss the methodology, as well as some of its applications in biomedical research.  相似文献   

Multi-parameter flow cytometry was used to monitor the population dynamics of Bacillus licheniformis continuous cultivations and the physiological responses to a starvation period and a glucose pulse. Using a mixture of two specific fluorescent stains, DiOC6(3) (3,3'-dihexylocarbocyanine iodide), and PI (propidium iodide), flow cytometric analysis revealed cell physiological heterogeneity. Four sub-populations of cells could be easily identified based on their differential fluorescent staining, these correspond to healthy cells (A) stained with DiOC6(3); cells or spores with a depolarised cytoplasmic membrane (B), no staining; cells with a permeabilised depolarised cytoplasmic membrane (C), stained with PI; and permeablised cells with a disrupted cytoplasmic membrane 'ghost cells' (D), stained with both DiOC6(3) and PI. Transmission electron micrographs of cells starved of energy showed different cell lysis process stages, highlighting 'ghost cells' which were associated with the double stained sub-population. It was shown, at the individual cell level, that there was a progressive inherent fluctuation in physiological heterogeneity in response to changing environmental conditions. All four sub-populations were shown to be present during glucose-limited continuous cultures, revealing a higher physiological stress level when compared with a glucose pulsed batch. A starvation period (batch without additional nutrients) increased the number of cells in certain sub-populations (cells with depolarised cytoplasmic membranes and cells with permeabilised depolarised cytoplasmic membranes), indicating that such stress may be caused by glucose limitation. Such information could be used to enhance process efficiency.  相似文献   

Widrow RJ  Laird CD 《Cytometry》2000,39(2):126-130
BACKGROUND: One of the most dramatic events during the course of the mammalian cell cycle is mitosis, when chromosomes condense and segregate, the nuclear envelope breaks down, and the cell divides into two daughter cells. Although cells undergoing mitosis are cytologically distinguishable from nonmitotic cells, few molecular markers are available to specifically identify mitotic cells, especially cells within different stages of mitosis. METHODS: We applied the flow cytometric method of Juan et al. (Cytometry 32:71-77, 1998) to obtain cells with various levels of the molecular markers cyclin B1 and phosphorylated histone H3; fluorescence microscopy was then used to identify sorted cells in different stages of mitosis. RESULTS: We observed the substantial enrichment of submitotic cell populations. CONCLUSIONS: This method represents an effective approach to obtain an enriched population of submitotic cells without the use of drug treatments or prior synchronization.  相似文献   

The diphenylamine assay used to estimate the absolute mass of DNA/cell as well as absolute differences in DNA content between cell populations is based upon the assumption that all of the cells are in the G0 or G1 phase of the DNA synthetic cycle. However, if cells are in exponential growth and synthesizing DNA, portions of the population will be in S or G2 phases and the diphenylamine assay will overestimate the total mass of DNA/cell. Conversely, flow cytometry (FCM) can estimate relative differences in total DNA/cell and the proportions of an exponentially growing population in G1, S, and G2 but cannot estimate absolute mass or differences in DNA/cell. In this report, we describe a methodology of combined diphenylamine and FCM assays of total DNA/cell which is applicable to any eukaryotic cell population. The method involves using the two assay methods concurrently and correcting the diphenylamine data for the FCM-derived distribution of the cells within the DNA synthetic cycle. The methodology was tested on single-cell-derived stocks of the obligate intracellular protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi which displays marked but stable intraspecific heterogeneity.  相似文献   

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