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The aim of our study was to study the possible correlation between use of antibacterial drugs in pregnancy and occurrence of congenital malformations. Among 6099 investigated pregnant women, 392 (6.43%) used antibacterial drugs. The most frequently used antibacterials belonged to category B (75.77%), while 14.54% antibiotics belonged to category D and 1.02% to category X. The most often used antibiotics were cephalexin (22.19%), amoxicillin (20.66%) and ampicillin (14.29%). In 14 embryos exposed to effects of beta-lactams in utero, malformations were detected. The results of this study show possible teratogenic potential even with those antibacterials which are considered safe, but as those are usually minor malformations, they often pass undetected. Because of that and because of frequent use of antibacterials during pregnancy, detailed examinations concerning their safety should be made.  相似文献   

This study assesses the health-related quality-of-life (HRQL) effects of chorionic villi sampling (CVS) and genetic amniocentesis (GA), including both process and outcomes of prenatal diagnosis. The HRQL of 126 women participating in a randomized controlled clinical trial of CVS versus GA in Toronto and Hamilton, Ontario, was assessed in four interviews at weeks 8, 13, 18, and 22 of pregnancy. Statistical analyses included analysis of variance, repeated measures analysis of covariance, chi-square, Fisher's exact test, Student's t-tests, and paired t-tests. Utility scores for patients undergoing CVS exceeded those for GA patients at week 18 (p = 0.04). Utility scores for hypothetical health states did not differ significantly by trial arm. CVS results in slightly improved HRQL during prenatal diagnosis. This advantage needs to be weighed against the high disutility patients attach to infrequent outcomes associated with pregnancy losses, equivocal diagnoses, and diagnostic inaccuracy.  相似文献   

Teratogenicity of carbamazepine in rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The teratogenicity of carbamazepine (CBZ) was investigated in Sprague-Dawley CD rats at doses of 0, 200, 400, and 600 mg/kg administered by gavage in corn oil on days 7-18 of gestation in a dosage volume of 2 ml/kg. The CBZ-600 dose was maternally toxic in that dams in this group weighed 30.6% less than controls by E20. This group had significantly increased resorptions, reduced live fetal weight (51.6% less than controls), and increased skeletal and visceral abnormalities. The CBZ-400 dose also significantly reduced maternal weight gain during gestation to 26.6% less than controls by E20. No significant increase in resorptions occurred in this group; live fetuses weighted 42.9% less than controls and showed an increase in visceral, but not skeletal, abnormalities. The CBZ-200 dose did not significantly affect maternal weight gain or increase resorptions or fetal abnormalities but did reduce fetal body weight (20.3% less than controls). Maternal serum total CBZ concentrations 1 hr after the final dose were 22.9, 27.9, and 34.4 micrograms/ml for the 200, 400, and 600 mg/kg groups, respectively. These levels were little changed 6 h post-treatment. CBZ was 65-70% serum protein bound across dose groups. Human therapeutic levels of CBZ are 4-12 micrograms/ml and the drug is typically 80% serum protein bound. This suggests that abnormalities in rats occur at concentrations well above the human therapeutic range. However, a no-effect level was not found for fetal body weight. Further experiments will be required to determine how much lower doses will need to be in order to find a no-effect level for fetal body weight. Nevertheless, the present data suggest that CBZ is not potent at inducing malformations in rats.  相似文献   

Biochemistry of tellurium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tellurium (Te) demonstrates properties similar to those of elements known to be toxic to humans, and has applications in industrial processes, which are rapidly growing in importance and scale. It is relevant, therefore, to consider the tellurium physiology, toxicity, and methods for monitoring the element in biological and environmental specimens. Animal studies suggest that up to 25% of orally administered tellurium is absorbed in the gut. There is a biphasic elimination from the circulation with loss of about 50% within a short period,t 1/2=0.81 d, and slower elimination of the residual Te,t1/2=12.9 d. Following a single ip, injection the largest proportion is in the kidney and bone, but with repeated oral administration, Te is found in the heart ≫ kidney, spleen, bone, and lung. Formation of dimethyl telluride is a characteristic feature of exposure, and gives a pungent garlic-like odor to breath, excreta, and the viscera. The main target sites for Te toxicity are the kidney, nervous system, skin, and the fetus (hydrocephalus). Te can, be reliable measured in different specimens by several analytical techniques. Recent work has employed hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry. Topics for further investigation are proposed.  相似文献   

Teratogenicity of sodium arsenate in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A R Beaudoin 《Teratology》1974,10(2):153-157

Day 10 rat embryos grown invitro showed significant retardation in growth and development when culture media contained acetaldehyde. A concentration-response range for acetaldehyde-induced embryotoxicity was defined, from no effect at 5μM to complete lethality at 100μM. The relative teratogenicity of ethanol and acetaldehyde, and the potential roles of these compounds in producing the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome are discussed.Despite intensive investigation into alcohol teratogenicity, the mechanism that produces the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) remains unknown. Observed anomalies may result from direct embryonic exposure to ethanol or one of its metabolites, or from some indirect effect such as altered placental function or maternal nutritional status. Use of invitro techniques allows study of direct embryonic exposures in the absence of indirect influences. Under such conditions, ethanol has been found to exert direct embryotoxicity (1). Rat embryos, grown as cultured explants and subjected to ethanol concentrations of 32.5 or 65mM, were retarded in growth and development when compared to untreated controls. In this paper, we report direct embryotoxic effects of acetaldehyde, the primary metabolite of ethanol, at concentrations as low as 25μM.Acetaldehyde teratogenicity has not been extensively studied. Veghelyi et al. (2) and Lambert, Papp and Nishiura (3) employed a combination of ethanol and disulfiram (an inhibitor of acetaldehyde-oxidizing enzymes). Teratogenic effects exceeded expectations based upon assumption of an additive interaction between these two compounds, and were attributed to elevated maternal blood acetaldehyde. O'Shea and Kauffman (4,5) and Dreosti et al. (6) administered acetaldehyde to pregnant animals by injection. Treatment resulted in retarded growth and development, decreased DNA synthesis, and increased frequencies of malformation and resorption. While these studies imply a role for acetaldehyde in alcohol-induced teratogenesis, indirect effects through altered maternal or placental factors cannot be eliminated. We present here the first concentration-response data for direct ebryonic exposure to acetaldehyde.  相似文献   

Vegetation growing in the Ely mining district of White Pine County, NV has been analyzed for tellurium to discover whether Te accumulator plants existed similar to those that take up Se in great quantities. In addition, the variation in Te content among species growing in different geological settings was studied. Another objective of this study was to determine the range of Te concentration in vegetation in regions where the Te content of surface materials was high, as in the Ely mining district, and low as in various areas of western CO. Trees and shrubs (480 samples) as well as flowering plants (505 samples) and their associated edaphic materials were collected from six sites in the Ely region and all plant parts were analyzed for Te, Se, Fe, S, Zn, Cu, and Pb. One hundred and five plants were collected from three areas in western CO. There is a highly significant difference between Te uptake by trees and that of perennial flowering plants. Flowers contain significantly more Te on the average than other plant parts. An examination of the Te content of tree parts reveals that leaves sorb the most and branches the least. When the Te content of edaphic materials is high, there is a corresponding increase in the Te content of plants. Shallow perennial plants were not found growing in areas where soils contained more than 10 mg kg−1 Te. Seleniferous species ofAstragalus contain larger quantities of Te than plants in the Ely area, whereas nonseleniferous members of this genus contain much less. The nitrotoxin producing Astragali contain concentrations of Te greater than that encountered in nonseleniferous species but less than that in seleniferous ones. No plants contained more than 1 mg kg−1 Te. Iron, Te, Se, and S are coherent in all plants and in most soils and rocks examined.  相似文献   

The use of pesticides involves the risk of poisoning on wild animals. Teratological tests carried out on avian embryos provide useful data for environmental protection and facilitate the development of environment-friendly chemical plant protection techniques. A 30% dimethoate containing insecticide formulation (BI 58 EC) and a 20% benfluralin containing herbicide formulation (Flubalex) and a 960 g/l S-metolachlor containing herbicide formulation (Dual Gold 960 EC) were studied in chicken embryos after single administration by immersion and injection technique. Treatment was done on day 0 of incubation. Applied concentration of pesticides were 0.1% (dimethoate) and 2.05% (S-metolachlor) and 0.375% (benfluralin) corresponding to that used in plant protection practice. Test materials were injected into the air chamber in a volume of 0.1 ml/egg, or eggs were treated by the immersion technique for 30 min. at 37 degrees C. Evaluation was done on day 19 of incubation. Injection treatment: the administration of S-metolachlor and benfluralin did not result a significant decrease in the average body weight of embryos. At the same time the body weight of embryos significantly decreased because of single administration of dimethoate. The embryomortality increased markedly after the administration of test materials (S-metolachlor, benfluralin, dimethoate). Immersion treatment: the administration of S-metolachlor and benfluralin and dimethoate did not result a significant decrease in the average body weight of embryos. The rate of embryomortality was low after the administration of S-metolachlor, benfluralin and dimethoate. After the immersion and the injection treatment the incidences of developmental anomalies were sporadic. In summary it can be established that the injection treatment was more toxic than immersion technique of the test materials in our study.  相似文献   

Zinc deficiency (ZD) is teratogenic in rats, and fetal skeletal defects are prominent. This study identifies fetal skeletal malformations that affect calcified and non-calcified bone tissue as a result of gestational zinc deficiency in rats, and it assesses the effect of maternal ZD in fetal bone calcification. Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats (180-250 g) were fed 1) a control diet (76.4 micrograms Zn/g diet) ad libitum (group C), 2) a zinc-deficient diet (0 microgram/g) ad libitum (group ZD), or 3) the control diet pair-fed to the ZD rats (group PF). On day 21 of gestation, laparotomies were performed. Fetuses were weighed, examined for external malformations, and stained in toto with a double-staining technique for the study of skeletal malformations. Maternal and fetal tissues were used for Zn, Mg, Ca, and P determinations. Gross external malformations were present in 97% of the ZD fetuses. No external malformations were found in fetuses from groups C and PF. Ninety-one percent of cleared ZD fetuses had multiple skeletal malformations, whereas only 3% of the fetuses of group PF had skeletal defects; no skeletal malformations were found in fetuses from group C. Some of the skeletal malformations described in the ZD fetuses, mainly affecting non-calcified bone, were not mentioned in previous reports, thus stressing the importance of using double-staining techniques. Examination of stained fetuses and counting of ossification centers revealed important calcification defects in ZD fetuses. These effects were confirmed by lower Ca and P concentrations in fetal bone with alteration of the Ca:P ratio.  相似文献   

Summary. 3-Hydroxynorvaline (HNV; 2-amino-3-hydroxypentanoic acid), a microbial L-threonine analogue, is toxic to mammalian cells and displays antiviral properties. In view of this, we investigated the toxicity and/or potential teratogenicity of HNV in developing chicken and mouse embryos. HNV was administered to chicken embryos (in ovo; dose 75–300 μmole/egg; 48 h post-incubation) and pregnant Hanover NMRI mice (per os; total dose 900–1800 mg/kg body mass; gestation days 7–9). Control animals received sterile saline solutions. Harvested embryos (chicken embryos, 10 days post-incubation; mouse embryos; gestation day 18) were fixed in glutaraldehyde and stereomicroscopically inspected for signs of dysmorphogenesis. Body mass, body and toe length and mortality of chicken embryos, and the body mass and mortality of mouse embryos were recorded. HNV exposure significantly increased the incidence of embryotoxic (growth retardation, toxic mortality) and congenital defects in both chicken and mouse embryos. All the observed effects were dose-dependent. In conclusion, HNV is an embryotoxic and teratogenic compound, which caused significant developmental delay and congenital defects in developing chicken and mouse embryos.  相似文献   

Our purpose was to noninvasively assess formation of the microvasculature, blood-brain barrier (BBB) and blood-CSF barrier formation of prenatal X-ray-induced CNS abnormalities using quantitative MRI. Eight pregnant female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two groups consisting of control and X-irradiated animals. After birth, 20 neonatal male rats were divided into four groups of five rats. To evaluate the development of the BBB, changes in T(1) induced by Gd-DTPA were compared quantitatively in normal and prenatally irradiated animals in the formative period 1 to 2 weeks after birth. To assess the abnormalities of the microvasculature, quantitative perfusion MRI and MR angiography were also used. Histology was also performed to evaluate the BBB (albumin) and vascular endothelial cells (laminin). Decreased cerebral blood flow (CBF) and angioarchitectonic abnormalities were observed in the prenatally irradiated rats. However, abnormalities of the BBB and blood-CSF barrier were not observed using Gd-enhanced MRI and albumin staining. Quantitative perfusion MRI, MR angiography and Gd-enhanced T(1) mapping are useful for assessing CNS disturbance after prenatal exposure to radiation. These techniques provide important diagnostic information for assessing the condition of patients during the early stages of life after accidental or unavoidable prenatal exposure to radiation.  相似文献   

Aino virus (AIV; JaNAr 28 strain) 103 TCID50/0.2 ml was inoculated in the yolk sac of 8-day-old chick embryos. Recovery and titration of the virus from various organs including the central nervous system (CNS) and skeletal muscle were performed at 2, 4, 7, 10 and 13 days after inoculation (PI). AIV was systemically disseminated and proliferated even 2 days PI. The titers of the recovered virus from the CNS and from skeletal muscle was the highest at 4 days PI and declined with time, whereas hydranencephaly, arthrogryposis and cerebellar hypoplasia developed at 7 days PI and gradually progressed until 13 days PI.  相似文献   

氧氟沙星对小鼠生殖毒性和致畸性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究氧氟沙星对昆明系小鼠胚胎和胎鼠发育的影响,确定其是否存在生殖毒性和致畸性。方法①雄鼠分别灌服各剂量氧氟沙星,连续10d,末次给药24h后与母鼠合笼,在妊娠第三天取胚胎,记录各剂量组胚胎发育率。②孕鼠妊娠零天给药,分别经口灌服高、中、低剂量[36、72和360mg(kg.bw)]氧氟沙星溶液,连续给药3d,在妊娠第三天收集胚胎,记录胚胎发育率。③孕鼠妊娠零天给药,分别经口灌服各剂量氧氟沙星溶液,连续给药10d,在妊娠第16天取出胎鼠,记录胎鼠体重、胎盘重、活胎数、胎鼠外观畸形和内脏畸形等指标。结果给药组与对照组相比,雄鼠服用高剂量组360mg(kg.bw)氧氟沙星对着床前胚胎发育影响显著(P<0.05),而中等剂量和低剂量组对着床前胚胎发育的影响不显著(P>0.05)。雌鼠服用不同剂量氧氟沙星对着床前胚胎发育影响不显著(P>0.05)。氧氟沙星对受孕鼠的活胎数和吸收胎数均无明显影响,给药组的活鼠体重、胎盘重均未见明显差异(P>0.05);药物组和对照组均未出现外观畸形和内脏畸形,也不存在剂量和效应关系。结论孕鼠服用不同剂氧氟沙星对昆明系小鼠胚胎和胎鼠发育无明显的影响,表明氧氟沙星对雌性鼠不具有明显的生殖毒性和致畸性;但雄鼠服用高剂量氧氟沙星对着床前胚胎发育影响显著。  相似文献   

3,3-Dimethyl-1-phenyltriazene (DMPT) is a methylating agent which is teratogenic, carcinogenic, and mutagenic. A single intraperitoneal injection of 30 mg DMPT/kg given to pregnant rats on day 12 of gestation produces malformations with minimal maternal toxicity. Malformations include skeletal deformities such as micrognathism, cleft palate, and digital malformations, as well as central nervous system hypoplasia. The purpose of the present study was to characterize the light and electron microscopic alterations produced by DMPT. Electron microscopy (EM) revealed that at 4 hr postinjection of DMPT, rare cells of the neural tube contained few membrane-bound aggregations of organelles and condensed chromatin; this change was consistent with apoptosis, a type of cell death characterized by morphologic and biochemical alterations distinct from necrosis. At 8 hr postinjection, apoptosis was more prominent in the neural tube and also observed in the mandibular process. At 16 hr postinjection, numerous apoptotic cells were interspersed with unaffected cells that contained phagocytized apoptotic bodies. Light microscopic examination of DMPT-exposed conceptuses showed apoptosis in the neural tube at 24 hr postinjection. Forty-eight hours postinjection, apoptosis, in decreasing order of severity, was observed in the neural tube, craniofacial processes, limb buds, and somites and liver. Apoptosis was absent in all tissues by 72 hr postinjection. Nervous tissues failed to achieve proper histologic organization, but all other tissues appeared microscopically normal from 72 hr postinjection until the end of gestation. There appeared to be some degree of tissue specificity to the effects of DMPT.  相似文献   

Teratogenicity and developmental toxicity of valproic acid in rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C V Vorhees 《Teratology》1987,35(2):195-202
The teratogenicity and developmental toxicity of valproic acid (VPA) was investigated in Sprague-Dawley CD rats at doses of 0, 150, 200, 300, 400, and 600 mg/kg administered by gavage on days 7-18 of gestation. The VPA-600 dose was maternally toxic, causing death in two of four dams. This dose produced 100% embryonic resorption. The VPA-400 dose was maternally toxic in as much as maternal weight gain was reduced, but no deaths occurred. At this dose five of fifteen litters were completely resorbed, and 52% of all embryos were resorbed. Among survivors, 49% were malformed (68% having skeletal defects and 41% visceral defects). Fetal weight was reduced by 43% in this group. Most of the defects were ectrodactyly, hydronephrosis, cardiovascular defects, hypoplastic bladder, rib and vertebral defects, and other defects of the limbs and tail. The VPA-300 dose (nine litters) produced fewer defects, larger fetuses, and no increase in resorptions. The defects at this dose were primarily cariovascular, rib, and vertebral. The VPA-200 dose (12 litters) produced no reduction in fetal weight, no increase in resorptions, and few defects. The defects noted were hydronephrosis, cardiovascular abnormalities, and rib defects, primarily wavy ribs. Additional litters were prepared using doses of 150 and 200 mg/kg and were allowed to deliver and grow until 70 days. These doses produced no reduction in maternal weight gain, no reduction in litter size, birth weight, or sex ratio of the offspring. These doses produced no reduction in offspring weight to day 70, no increase in mortality, and only rare cases (two offspring of each dose) of tail defects.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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