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The vast majority of circulating lymphocytes that express the alpha,beta TCR in association with CD3 also express either CD4 or CD8 molecules, which are thought to act as important accessory structures in HLA class II- and I-restricted T cell functions, respectively. In the current study alpha,beta TCR+ clones devoid of detectable CD4 or CD8 were generated by repeated stimulation of fresh CD3+,CD4-,CD8- cells with an allogeneic lymphoblastoid cell line in the presence of conditioned medium containing IL-2. Except for the absence of CD4 and CD8, which was associated with undetectable levels of CD4 and CD8 mRNA, the clones were phenotypically indistinguishable from classical CD3+,alpha,beta TCR+ cells. Furthermore, they mediated potent cytolysis of their specific stimulator line but did not kill irrelevant LCL or NK-sensitive targets. mAb to CD3 and the alpha,beta TCR inhibited cytolysis, suggesting that the clones use the TCR/CD3 complex to recognize and respond to their targets. mAbs to CD2 and CD11a also inhibited cytolysis, indicating that the clones use these accessory molecules to interact with their targets. Finally, cytolysis was inhibited by an HLA-A,B,C framework-specific mAb (W6/32) as well as a mAb (MA2.1) specific for an HLA-A2 epitope. These results demonstrate that CD3+,alpha,beta TCR+,CD4-,CD8- cytotoxic clones can be generated from the peripheral blood of healthy adults, and use their TCR/CD3 complexes to function in an HLA class I-restricted manner.  相似文献   

The CD4 and CD8 molecules play an important role in the stimulation of T cells and in the process of thymic education. Most mature T cells express the alpha beta TCR and either CD4 or CD8; however, there is a small population of alpha beta+ TCR T cells that lack both CD4 and CD8. Little is known of the biology of the CD4- CD8- (double-negative) alpha beta+ TCR T cells or the nature of the Ag to which they may respond. These cells not only represent a novel population of T cells but also provide useful biologic tools to study the roles that CD4 and CD8 play in T cell activation. In this study we have addressed two questions. Firstly, whether CD4- CD8- alpha beta+ TCR T cells have functionally active TCR and, secondly, whether CD4 or CD8 is required for the activation of T cells by bacterial enterotoxins. Six double-negative alpha beta+ TCR T cell clones, propagated from two healthy donors, were challenged with a panel of nine bacterial enterotoxins. The V alpha and V beta usage of their TCR was determined by polymerase chain reaction. All of the CD4-CD8- clones proliferated in response to at least one of the enterotoxins, in a V beta-specific manner. The proliferative response of the CD4-CD8- alpha beta+ TCR T cell clones was similar in magnitude to that exhibited by CD4+ T cell clones of known V beta expression. These data clearly show that the CD4 and CD8 molecules are not required for the activation of untransformed human T cells by bacterial enterotoxins. Furthermore, these results indicate that CD4-CD8- alpha beta+ TCR T cells, normally present in all individuals, are not functionally silent, because they can be stimulated via their TCR. Their physiologic role, like that of gamma delta T cells, remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Under noninflammatory conditions, both naive and central memory CD8 T cells can be eliminated in the periphery with either soluble peptide or cross-presented Ag. Here, we assess the tolerance susceptibility of tissue-resident memory CD8 T cells in mice to these two forms of tolerogen. Soluble peptide specifically eliminated the majority of memory CD8 cells present in both lymphoid and extralymphoid tissues including lung and liver, but was unable to reduce the number present in the CNS. In contrast, systemic cross-presentation of Ag by dendritic cells resulted in successful elimination of memory cells only from the spleen, with no significant reduction in the numbers of tissue-resident memory cells in the lung. The fact that tissue-resident memory cells were unable to access cross-presented Ag suggests that either the memory cells in the lung do not freely circulate out of the tissue, or that they circulate through a region in the spleen devoid of cross-presented Ag. Thus, although tissue-resident memory cells are highly susceptible to tolerance induction, both the form of tolerogen and location of the T cells can determine their accessibility to tolerogen and the degree to which they are successfully deleted from specific tissues.  相似文献   

The coreceptor CD8 is expressed as a CD8alphabeta heterodimer on major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted TCRalphabeta T cells, and as a CD8alphaalpha homodimer on subsets of memory T cells, intraepithelial lymphocytes, natural killer cells, and dendritic cells. Although the role of CD8alphaalpha is not well understood, it is increasingly clear that this protein is not a functional homologue of CD8alphabeta. On major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted T cells, CD8alphabeta is a more efficient TCR coreceptor than CD8alphaalpha. This property has for the mouse protein been attributed to the recruitment of CD8alphabeta into lipid rafts, which is dependent on CD8beta palmitoylation. Here, these divergent distributions of CD8alphabeta and CD8alphaalpha are demonstrated for the human CD8 proteins as well. However, although palmitoylation of both CD8alpha and CD8beta chains was detected, this modification did not contribute to raft localization. In contrast, arginines in the cytoplasmic domain are crucial for raft localization of CD8betabeta. Most strikingly, the assembly of a non-raft localized CD8beta chain with a non-raft localized CD8alpha chain resulted in raft-localized CD8alphabeta heterodimers. Using chimeric CD8 proteins, this property of the heterodimer was found to be determined by the assembly of CD8alpha and CD8beta extracellular regions. The presence of two CD8alpha extracellular regions, on the other hand, appears to preclude raft localization. Thus, heterodimer formation and raft association are intimately linked for CD8alphabeta. These results emphasize that lipid raft localization is a key feature of human CD8alphabeta that clearly distinguishes it from CD8alphaalpha.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of chicken CD8-alpha, but not CD8-beta   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 We report here the structural basis of CD8 polymorphism in the chicken. Three chicken strains (RPRL Line 7, H.B15.H7, and H.B15.H12) have 14 nucleotide differences in the CD8A cDNA sequence causing eight amino acid replacements in the extracellular part of the molecule. Only two amino acid replacements and four silent mutations were observed in the CD8B cDNA sequence in one (H7) of the strains. Substitutions in CD8α were solely responsible for the binding of CD8-specific monoclonal antibodies, as detected by cDNA expression in COS cells. The majority of the amino acid substitutions are located in the immunoglobulin V-like domain and three of the changes (residues 30, 34, and 58) are situated in the putative major histocompatibility complex class I binding CDR1 and CDR2 regions of the chicken CD8α. CD8A polymorphism has not been reported in other species and this suggests that CD8A and CD8B have evolved under different selective pressures in the chicken. Received: 28 February 1997 / Revised: 19 April 1997  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are the professional APCs that initiate T cell immune responses. DC can develop from both myeloid and lymphoid progenitors. In the mouse, the CD8alpha(+) DC had been designated as "lymphoid" DC, and CD8alpha(-) DC as "myeloid" DC until recently when it was demonstrated that common myeloid progenitors can also give rise to CD8alpha(+) DC in bone marrow chimera mice. However, it is still not clear which committed myeloid lineages differentiate into CD8alpha(+) DC. Because monocytes can differentiate into DC in vivo, the simplest hypothesis is that the CD8alpha(+) DC can be derived from the monocyte/macrophage. In this study we show that cell clones, isolated from CD8alpha(+) DC lymphoma but with a monocytic phenotype (CD11c(low/-)D11b(high)CD8alpha(-)I-A(low)), can redifferentiate into CD8alpha(+) DC either when stimulated by LPS and CD40L or when they migrate into the lymphoid organs. Maturation of DC in vivo correlated with strong priming of allogeneic T cells. Moreover, the monocytes from cultured splenocytes or peritoneal exudates macrophages of wild-type mice are also capable of differentiating into CD11c(+)CD8alpha(+) DC after their migration into the draining lymph nodes. Our results suggest that monocytes can be direct precursors for CD11c(+)CD8alpha(+) DC in vivo. In addition, the monocyte clones described in this study may be valuable for studying the differentiation and function of CD8alpha(+) DC that mediate cross-presentation of Ag to CD8 T cells specific for cell-associate Ags.  相似文献   

Challenge with peptide Ag in the absence of adjuvant results in tolerance of CD8 T cells specific for the Ag. In contrast, administration of IL-12 along with peptide results in massive clonal expansion, development of effector function, and establishment of a long-lived memory population. Using adoptive transfer of TCR-transgenic CD8 T cells, this effect of IL-12 is shown to be independent of CD4 T cells and to require costimulation provided by CD28 and possibly LFA-1. IL-12 supports responses when IL-12Rbeta1-deficient mice are used as recipients for the adoptively transferred CD8 T cells, demonstrating that the IL-12 is acting directly on the T cells rather than on host APC. These results provide strong support for a three-signal model for in vivo activation of naive CD8 T cells by peptide Ag, in which the presence or absence of the third signal determines whether tolerance or activation occurs. In contrast, memory CD8 T cells are effectively activated by peptide Ag in the absence of IL-12 or adjuvant.  相似文献   

Intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) of the small intestine are anatomically positioned to be in the first line of cellular defense against enteric pathogens. Therefore, determining the origin of these cells has important implications for the mechanisms of T cell maturation and repertoire selection. Recent evidence suggests that murine CD8 alpha alpha intestinal IELs (iIELs) can mature and undergo selection in the absence of a thymus. We analyzed IEL origin by cell transfer, using two congenic chicken strains. Embryonic day 14 and adult thymocytes did not contain any detectable CD8 alpha alpha T cells. However, when TCR(+) thymocytes were injected into congenic animals, they migrated to the gut and developed into CD8alphaalpha iIELs, while TCR(-) T cell progenitors did not. The TCR V beta 1 repertoire of CD8 alpha alpha(+) TCR V beta 1(+) iIELs contained only part of the TCR V beta 1 repertoire of total iIELs, and it exhibited no new members compared with CD8(+) T cells in the thymus. This indicated that these T cells emigrated from the thymus at an early stage in their developmental process. In conclusion, we show that while CD8 alpha alpha iIELs originate in the thymus, T cells acquire the expression of CD8 alpha alpha homodimers in the gut microenvironment.  相似文献   

TCRalphabeta CD8alphaalpha intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) represent an enigmatic subset of T cells, particularly, in regard to their potential functions and the apparent persistence of cells expressing self-specific TCR. We have used mice that are transgenic for the TCRalphabeta specific for the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV)-derived peptide gp33, and TCRalphabeta-transgenic mice that coexpress the gp33 Ag ubiquitously, to analyze the functional properties of TCRalphabeta CD8alphaalpha IEL in the presence, or absence, of their specific MHC-restricted Ag, and to assess the impact of molecular mimicry during a potent LCMV infection on potentially self-reactive TCRalphabeta CD8alphaalpha IEL. In this study, we show that the presence of the specific self-Ag results in reduced expression of IL-2, IFN-gamma, and IL-10 by resident TCRalphabeta CD8alphaalpha IEL while expression of mRNA for TGFbeta is not affected. We further demonstrate that despite their secluded location in the epithelium, TCRalphabeta CD8alphaalpha IEL are activated after infection of the intestinal mucosa with LCMV. Importantly, LCMV-induced activation of self-specific TCRalphabeta CD8alphaalpha IEL does not reverse their tolerance as no cytotoxic activity or up-regulated expression of proinflammatory cytokines is detected and no overt signs of autoimmunity are seen. Taken together, these results are in support of an immunoregulatory role for self-specific TCRalphabeta CD8alphaalpha in the intestinal mucosa and clearly speak against an involvement of this cell subset in inflammatory reactions and tissue destruction.  相似文献   

Normal adult human liver (AHL) contains populations of unconventional lymphocytes that have been shown in the mouse to mature locally. The presence of lymphoid progenitors together with IL-7, recombinase-activating gene, and pre-TCR-alpha expression in AHL suggests similar local T cell development activity in humans. Flow cytometry was used to characterize potentially naive hepatic alphabeta-T cells. We looked for evidence of TCR-alphabeta cell development in AHL by quantifying delta deletion TCR excision circles (TRECs) in CD3(pos) populations isolated from the liver and matched blood of eight individuals. Phenotypic analysis of hepatic T cells suggests the presence of Ag-inexperienced populations. TRECs were detected in all blood samples (mean, 164.10 TRECs/ micro g DNA), whereas only two hepatic samples were positive at low levels (59.40 and 1.92). The relatively high level of CD8(pos) T cells in these livers with a naive phenotype suggests that in addition to its role as a graveyard for Ag-specific activated CD8(pos) T cells, naive CD8(pos) T cells may enter the liver without prior activation. The almost complete absence of TRECs suggests that normal AHL is not a site for the development of conventional alphabeta T cells.  相似文献   

Compared with wild-type (WT) mice, Listeria monocytogenes (LM)-vaccinated perforin-deficient (PKO) mice have elevated levels of CD8(+) T cell memory, but exhibit reduced levels of protection against virulent LM. In this study, Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells from LM-vaccinated WT and PKO mice were used in adoptive transfer assays to determine the contribution of perforin-dependent cytolysis in protective immunity to LM. Perforin deficiency resulted in an approximately 5-fold reduction in the per-cell protective capacity of Ag-specific memory CD8(+) T cells that was not caused by differences in memory cell quality as measured by CD62L/CD27 expression, TCR repertoire use, functional avidity, differences in expansion of Ag-specific cells upon infection, or maintenance of memory levels over time. However, perforin-deficient CD8(+) T cells exhibited reduced in vivo cytotoxic function compared to WT CD8(+) T cells. Consistent with the existence of perforin-independent effector pathways, double-vaccinated PKO mice were as resistant to challenge with LM as single-vaccinated WT mice. Thus, increasing the number of memory CD8(+) T cells can overcome diminished per-cell protective immunity in the absence of perforin.  相似文献   

The involvement of integrins in mediating interaction of cells to well-characterized proteolytic fragments (P1, E3, and E8) of laminin was assessed by antibody blocking studies. Cell adhesion to fragment P1 was affected by mAbs against the integrin beta 1 and beta 3 subunits and furthermore could be prevented completely by a synthetic peptide containing the Arg-Gly-Asp sequence. Because the beta 3 antibody-sensitive cell lines expressed the vitronectin receptor (alpha v beta 3) at high levels, the involvement of this receptor in cell adhesion to P1 is strongly suggested. Integrin-mediated cell adhesion to E3 is of low affinity and was inhibited by antibodies against the integrin beta 1 subunit. In contrast, adhesion of some cell types to E3 was not or only partially sensitive to inhibition by anti-integrin subunit antibodies. Cell adhesion to E8 was blocked completed by integrin alpha 6 or beta 1 antibodies. The alpha 6-specific antibody did not inhibit cell adhesion to E3 or P1. Furthermore, the antibody only blocked adhesion to laminin of those cells that adhered exclusively to the E8 fragment. In addition, expression of alpha 6 beta 1 was closely correlated with the ability of cells to bind to the E8 fragment of laminin. These results indicate that the alpha 6 beta 1 integrin is a specific receptor for the E8 fragment of laminin. Many cell types expressed, instead of or in addition to alpha 6 beta 1 the recently described integrin alpha 6 beta 4. Although the ligand of alpha 6 beta 4 was not identified, it must be different from that of alpha 6 beta 1, because cells that express alpha 6 beta 4, but not alpha 6 beta 1, do not adhere to E8, and cell adhesion to E8 was specifically blocked by beta 1 specific antibodies. In conclusion, the data indicate that distinct integrin receptors belonging to the beta 1 or beta 3 subfamily are involved in adhesion of cells to the various laminin fragments. Adhesion to E3 may also be brought about by other receptor molecules, possibly proteoglycans, not belonging to the integrin family.  相似文献   

The alpha 5 beta 1, alpha 6 beta 4 and Mac-1 integrins all participate in the endocytotic cycle. By contrast, alpha 3 beta 1, alpha 4 beta 1 and LFA-1 do so much more slowly, or not at all, in the cell lines examined. This indicates that the alpha-chains appear to determine whether an integrin cycles or not, and that alpha 5 beta 1, alpha 6 beta 4 and Mac-1 can be brought to the leading edge of a moving cell by endocytosis and recycling.  相似文献   

Splenic CD8alpha+ dendritic cells reportedly tolerize T cell responses by inducing Fas ligand-mediated apoptosis, suppressing IL-2 expression, or catabolizing T cell tryptophan reserves through expression of IDO. We report in this study that CD8alpha+, but not CD8alpha-, dendritic cells purified from the spleens of normal mice can tolerize the Th2 responses of cells from asthma phenotype mice through more than one mechanism. This tolerance could largely be reversed in vitro by anti-IL-10 or anti-TGFbeta Ab treatment. However, loss of direct dendritic cell-T cell contact also reduced tolerance, although to a lesser extent, as did adding the IDO inhibitor 1-methyltryptophan or an excess of free tryptophan to the cultures. Within 3 wk of reconstituting asthma phenotype mice with 1 x 10(5) OVA-pulsed CD8alpha+, but not CD8alpha-, dendritic cells, the mice experienced a reversal of airway hyperresponsiveness, eosinophilic airway responses, and pulmonary Th2 cytokine expression. This data indicates that CD8alpha+ dendritic cells can simultaneously use multiple mechanisms for tolerization of T cells and that, in vivo, they are capable of tolerizing a well-established disease complex such as allergic lung disease/asthma.  相似文献   

Cross-presentation allows the processing of Ags from donor cells into the MHC class I presentation pathway of dendritic cells (DCs). This is important for the generation of cytotoxic T cell immunity and for induction of self tolerance. Apoptotic cells are reported to be efficient targets for cross-presentation, and in vitro studies using human DCs have implicated CD36 in their capture. In support of a role for CD36 in cross-presentation, we show that this molecule is differentially expressed by CD8(+) splenic DCs, which previously have been identified as responsible for cross-presentation in the mouse. Three different cross-presentation models were examined for their dependence on CD36. These included cross-priming to OVA-coated spleen cells and cross-tolerance to OVA transgenically expressed in the pancreatic islet beta cells under constitutive conditions or during beta cell destruction. In these models, CD36 knockout DCs were equivalent to wild-type DCs in their capacity to cross-present either foreign or self Ags, indicating that CD36 is not essential for cross-presentation of cellular Ags in vivo.  相似文献   

The CD3 complex found associated with the T cell receptor (TCR) is essential for signal transduction following TCR engagement. During T cell development, TCR-mediated signalling promotes the transition from one developmental stage to the next and controls whether a thymocyte undergoes positive or negative selection. The roles of particular CD3 components in these events remain unclear. Indeed, it is unknown whether they have specialized or overlapping roles. However, the multiplicity of CD3 components and their evolutionary conservation suggest that they serve distinct functions. Here the developmental requirement for the CD3 delta chain is analyzed by generating a mouse line specifically lacking this component (delta-/- mice). Strikingly, CD3 delta is shown to be differentially required during development. In particular, CD3 delta is not needed for steps in development mediated by pre-TCR or gamma delta TCR, but is required for further development of thymocytes expressing alpha beta TCR. Absence of CD3 delta specifically blocks the thymic selection processes that mediate the transition from the double-positive to single-positive stages of development.  相似文献   

Madin-Darby canine kidney cells (MDCK II) have been cotransfected with plasmids expressing the human CD8 alpha glycoprotein and the bacterial gene which confers resistance to neomycin. Stable transformants have been isolated in the presence of G-418 in the culture medium and screened for CD8 alpha expression by immunofluorescence. The three clones we have characterized showed: 1) high level of synthesis and efficient surface expression of glycosylated, homodimeric CD8 alpha and 2) preferential apical deposition of CD8 alpha in confluent monolayers. This polar distribution has been measured in cells grown on a plastic substratum as well as on nitrocellulose filter by means of EM immunocytochemistry and surface radioimmunoassay. CD8 alpha was 6 to 11-fold enriched on the apical membrane whereas the 58 kDa protein, a basolateral marker in MDCK II cells, resulted about 9-fold enriched on the basolateral membrane of the three clones. We believe these permanently transformed clones could prove to be a useful tool with which to study cell polarity.  相似文献   

In the central nervous system a family of related (Na(+)-K(+))-coupled glutamate transporters remove the transmitter from the cleft and prevent its neurotoxic actions. In addition to this coupled uptake, these transporters also mediate a sodium- and glutamate-dependent uncoupled anion conductance. Most models assume that the initial steps for both processes are the same, leading to the anticipation that both may exhibit a similar requirement for cations. In this study we have tested this idea in the neuronal glutamate transporter EAAC-1. We report that in this transporter lithium can replace sodium in the coupled uptake. Strikingly, the glutamate-dependent gating of the uncoupled conductance mediated by EAAC-1 has a strict requirement for sodium; lithium cannot substitute for it. Moreover, we describe two mutants, T370S and G410S, in which the cation selectivity of the two processes is affected differently. In both mutants sodium, but not lithium, can support coupled transport. On the other hand, the sodium selectivity of the gated anion conductance in oocytes expressing the mutant transporters is not affected. Our observations indicate that although both the coupled and the uncoupled fluxes are sodium-dependent, the conformation gating the anion conductance is different from that during substrate translocation.  相似文献   

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