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The densities of microtine rodents and their main predators,small mustelids, fluctuate synchronously in 3–5-year cyclesin central and northern Fennoscandia. Predation by small mustelidshas been suggested as one of the driving forces in microtinecyclicity, causing deep synchronous declines of several volespecies. We studied experimentally the effects of small mustelidson mating behavior, foraging, and breeding in nonwintered fieldvoles (Microtus agrestis) originating from a cyclic population.By using mustelid odors, we simulated a crash phase environmentwith high predation risk for breeding pairs of voles. In ourexperiments, 87% of the female field voles suppressed breedingwhen exposed to mustelid odors. Both female and male behaviorchanged, and no mating behaviors were observed under the simulatedpredation risk. Weights of both sexes decreased when exposedto mustelid odor, probably due to decreased foraging; weightsof the control females increased due to pregnancy; and no weightchanges occurred in control males. Decreased breeding and foragingpossibilities under high predation pressure may form the basisfor the ultimate explanation for breeding suppression. Thereare at least two different mechanisms for breeding suppression:either mating does not take place or malnutrition in femalesdoes not' allow breeding to occur. Delayed breeding under highrisk of predation, for whatever reason, could increase the probabilityof individuals, especially that of the females, to survive overthe crash to the next, safer breeding season when their youngwould have better possibilities to survive.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of predation risk on the behavior ofrhinoceros auklets (Cerorhinca monocerata) breeding at PineIsland, British Columbia, in 1990. Provisioning parents in someareas of the colony risked predation by bald eagles (Haliacetusleucocephalus). Chicks in high and low predation risk areasof the colony hatched on approximately the same date, receivedsimilar amounts of food to 46 days of age, grew at the samerate, reached similar peak masses, and fledged at similar masses.However, chicks in high predation areas fledged at a youngerage than did chicks in low predation areas. These data are consistentwith the hypothesis that parents in high risk areas terminatedprovisioning several days before those in lower risk areas.Mass at fledging was inversely related to age at fledging inboth high and low risk areas. The regression line for the highrisk habitats lies below that from the low risk habitats, aspredicted by a model that examines optimal time of fledgingfrom the perspective of the parents. We conclude that risk ofpredation represents a significant cost of reproduction to somerhinoceros auklets and that individual auklets within the colonyvary their behavior according to predation risk.  相似文献   

Predicting group size in primates: foraging costs and predation risks   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
We present a direct test of the long-standing hypothesis thatfood competition limits primate group size. Group size is acritical social variable because it constrains most other aspectsof social organization. We develop a simple population-specificindex of indirect feeding competition based on daily foragingcosts. This index explains nearly two-thirds of between-populationvariation in mean group sizes of mostly fruit-eating (but notof mostly leaf-eating) primates. Group size is also significantlyrelated to body size and terrestriality (or use of open country),which are suspected correlates of predation risk, although feedingcompetition remains an important predictor of group size evenwhen these correlates are controlled. Phylogeny also appearsto be important: the differences between observed mean populationgroup sizes and those predicted using ecological factors aremost positive for the Old World monkeys and most negative forthe lemuroids in our sample. The weak relationship between groupsize and feeding competition found for folivorous species maybe explained either by the energetic constraints of a leafydiet or by limits to group size imposed by infanticide as ahabitual male reproductive strategy.  相似文献   

Although females of numerous species possess genetically-basedpreferences for certain male trails and male preferentiallywith males possessing these traits, recent theoretical and experimentalevidence indicates that they may also copy (imitate) the matechoices of other females under certain circumstances. Such mate-choicecopying is expected to be most prevalent when females have theopportunity to observe the mate choices of others and when matechoice is costly to females. One potential direct fitness costof mate choice is increased individual risk of mortality dueto predation. Here, we investigate for the first time the effectof increasing the apparent risk of predation on the tendencyof females to copy the experimentally staged mate choice ofanother female. Using adult female guppies (Poecilia reticulata)originating from a Trinidadian population that experiences arelatively high fish predation pressure, we first establishthat they possess a preference for the more brighdy coloredof two simultaneously presented males in the absence of bothmate-copying opportunity and an immediate threat of predation.However, most females reversed their initial mate preferencewhen given an opportunity to copy the mate preference of anotherfemale in the absence of predation threat The proportion offemales reversing their preference when given the opportunityto do so was not affected by increasing the apparent risk of(fish) predation. This result may be owing either to femaleguppies tending to copy the mate choice of others whenever theopportunity arises because the benefits of doing so accrue irrespectiveof the ambient risk of predation or to females choosing randomlybetween males with respect to their color pattern in the presenceof the predator irrespective of mate-copying opportunity. Thesetwo explanations for the apparent lack of an effect of predationrisk on mate-choice copying per se are both plausible but unfortunatelycould not be easily distinguished here. It may thus be possible,and interesting, that individual female guppies chose randomlybetween the available males in the presence of the predatorbut otherwise copied the choice of others when given the opportunityto do so.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory predicts that the larger sex shouldbe that for which fitness increases at the faster rate withsize. In butterflies, as in most invertebrates, females areusually the larger sex, but previous comparative analysis hasshown that relative male size increases with female polyandryamong butterflies. In agreement with this pattern, males arelarger than females in the strongly polyandrous green-veinedwhite butterfly, Pieris napi L., and in this article we assessthe size dependence of reproductive success in both sexes. Inan experiment where virgin males and females were released inthe field, we found no strong association between size and malemating success. However, laboratory experiments showed thatthere was a strong correlation between size and the ejaculatethat the male delivered to the female at mating and that largeejaculates delayed female remating for a longer time comparedto small ejaculates. Moreover, female P. napi utilize male-derivednutrients received at mating to increase their fecundity. Hence,large males sire more offspring both by way of donating morenutrients to female egg production and by way of delaying femaleremating (given that the last male to mate with the female willfather most of the offspring). Laboratory experiments showedthat the association between size and fecundity was low, ornonexistent, among P. napi females allowed to mate only once.However, weak size dependence was found for polyandrous females.We hypothesize that size dependence of female fecundity maybe especially weak among polyandrous butterflies because a fundamentalsource of variation in fecundity relates to their ability tofind nutrient giving males, an ability which may be unrelatedto female size. According to this hypothesis there is a causalassociation between weak size dependence of female fecundityand polyandry, and a strong size dependence of male reproductivesuccess that may underlie the comparative pattern of positivecorrelation between relative male size and polyandry.  相似文献   

Numerous lizard species use caudal autotomy as an antipredatordevice even though there must be significant costs during theperiod of tail regeneration. Strategies used by tailless individualsto enhance survival in natural populations are still poorlyunderstood. We experimentally examine tail loss in large, dominantmales of Psammodromus algirus in the middle of the breedingseason in the field. We report data showing home range reductionof large dominant males after autotomy, reduction in the numberof females in the home ranges of manipulated males, and a potentialincrease in mating opportunities of small subordinate maleswith complete tails. We conclude that changes in home rangeuse because of desertion of areas with less cover can resultin decreased predation risk at the cost of decreased accessto females.  相似文献   

The definition of eusociality   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
We describe more precise definitions for the term "eusociality"and other social systems. Our criterion for eusociality is thepresence of castes, which are groups of individuals that becomeirreversibly behaviorally distinct at some point prior to reproductivematurity. Eusocial societies are characterized by two traits:(1) helping by individuals of the less-reproductive caste, and(2) either behavioral totipotency of only the more reproductivecaste (facultative eusociality) or totipotency of neither caste(obligate eusociality). We define "cooperative breeding" asalloparental care without castes. Cooperatively breeding societiesmay comprise two types, semisocial (distribution of lifetimereproductive success bimodal), and quasisocial (distributionof lifetime reproductive success unimodal), but this hypothesisrequires empirical analysis. Our definitions conceptually unifystudies of arthropod and vertebrate sociality.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of operational sex ratio on female reluctanceand male persistence to mate as well as on the length of copulationand postcopulatory guarding in Gerris lacustris by adding fivesurplus males or females to the basin with a pair in tandem.In the control treatment, a pair alone was tested. Accordingto the copulatory guarding hypothesis (CGH), males should prolongmating and guard females in the presence of surplus males. Accordingto the convenience polyandry hypothesis (CPH), females shouldshow lower levels of resistance to prolonged mating in the presenceof surplus males because the mating male protects the femaleagainst harassment from other males. As expected on the basisof both the CGH and CPH, mating (copulation + guarding) averagedlonger in the male-biased treatment. The behavior of males andfemales during mating suggested that both hypotheses hold true:females showed less resistance to prolonged mating (as predictedfrom CPH), and male behavior suggested stronger efforts to stayon the female when surplus males were present (as predictedfrom CGH). Comparisons of the treatment with surplus femaleswith the results from the mating pair without surplus individualssuggested that the capabilities of water striders in tandemto assess the sex of nearby nonmating striders are limited.  相似文献   

The immunocompetence hypothesis predicts that testosterone (T)enhances the expression of male secondary sexual characterswhile exerting a suppressive effect on the immune system therebyexposing hosts to higher intensities of parasite infestations.In a natural population of barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) males,the intensity of infestation by some ectoparasites was negativelycorrelated with tail length and was positively correlated withimmunoglobulin levels, but no clear relationship was observedbetween immune responses (leukocyte counts, immunoglobulins)and tail length. Males implanted with T had higher intensitiesof parasite infestations at the time of recapture than controlmales, and T-implanted males experienced an increase in countsof eosinophils. In T-implanted males, immunoglobulin levelsinitially decreased and then increased as time from implantationelapsed. Among T-implanted males, those with longer tails hada smaller increase in eosinophil counts, tended to experiencea smaller increase of parasite infestations, and were more likelyto survive until the following breeding season than those withshorter tails. The relationships between parasite burden, immunesystem, and exaggeration of tail length in the natural populationof males are consistent with some aspects of the immunocompetencehandicap hypothesis. The results from the manipulation of Tplasma levels are also partly consistent with the hypothesis,since T-implantation resulted in higher levels of parasite infestations,but contradict the assumption of an obligatory immunosuppressiveeffect of T. Higher activation of the immune system of T-implantedmales indicate that high T plasma levels imposed a two-foldcost because of the effects on parasites and the immune responseto parasites, and this suggests that the effect of T on parasitesmight not be mediated by the immune system of the host. Theresults of the manipulation of T plasma levels support the handicapversion of the immunocompetence hypothesis since high quality,long-tailed males paid less in terms of activation of the immunesystem, change in parasite infestations, and chances of survivalthan low-quality, short-tailed males.  相似文献   

Sex role reversal in birds is usually associated with paternalcare of both eggs and chicks. This pattern of care typicallyleads to the potential rate of reproduction of males being lowerthan that of females. Hence, operational sex-ratio theory predictsthat each male should be under strong selection to avoid beingcuckolded. A male should, therefore, guard his female partner(s)from extrapair copulation attempts by other males. Furthermore,the sexual conflict theory of copulation behavior predicts thatin species with extensive paternal care the male should controlthe temporal pattern of copulations—copulations shouldoccur both frequently and throughout the prelaying period. Wetested these predictions in the Eurasian dotterel (Charadriusmorinsllus), in which the male usually provides all the parentalcare. In accordance with the first prediction, male dotterelsdid "guard" their pair-female prior to egg-laying. Contraryto the second prediction, however, copulations were not frequentand did not occur throughout the pre-laying phase-despite frequentsolicitation by the female, copulations only occurred immediatelyprior to egg-laying. Nevertheless, male-initiated courtshipwas both coincident with the pattern of copulations and morelikely than female-initiated courtship to result in copulation.Our results do, therefore, appear to agree with the centralprediction of the sexual conflict theory that males should controlthe pattern of copulations. We suggest that male dotterels willcopulate only after several days of being paired because theyface a duel risk of cuckoldry from both extrapair copulationand rapid mate switching. We tested the realized incidence ofcuckoldry using DNA fingerprinting. Only 4.6% (2/44) of chickswere not the genetic offspring of the caring male correspondingto 9.1% (2/22) broods affected. The rate of extrapair paternityin the dotterel is, therefore, relatively low compared to thatin many other avian species. We conclude that male dotterelssuccessfully protect their paternity of the brood for whichthey care through a combined strategy of mate guarding and strategictiming of copulations.  相似文献   

Energetic constraints and foraging efficiency   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Previous research considers foraging options that differ interms of their gross rate of gain b and rate of energy expenditurec. This research argues that maximizing efficiency b/c willmaximize net energetic gain when there is an upper limit onthe amount of energy that can be assimilated. This analysisdoes not include the expenditure during the time for which theanimal is unable to forage because of this constraint. Whenthis expenditure is included, maximizing efficiency is no longeroptimal. Instead the best feeding option is the one with thehighest value of b/(cc1), where c, is the metabolicrate when the animal is not foraging.  相似文献   

Simmons  L. W. 《Behavioral ecology》1995,6(4):376-381
Sexual selection in field crickets (Gryllidae) is well documented.Several studies have identified male traits, such as age andbody size, that influence pairing success in the field. HereI show how these traits covary with male quality by examiningthe degree of fluctuating asymmetry in male Gryllus campestris.Older males were both larger and more symmetrical. Principalcomponents analysis suggests that these three variables wereessentially measures of the same trait, male quality. A comparisonof paired and calling males showed that males of high qualitywere more successful in obtaining mates; paired males were older,larger, and more symmetrical. The area of the harp covariedwith morphological traits and determined the carrier frequencyof the male's call. Information related to male quality wastherefore available for female discrimination.  相似文献   

We used a factorial experiment to examine interacting effectsof male density, female density, and sunfish (predation risk)on mating dynamics of the stream water strider (Aquarius remigis).Many of our results corroborated earlier studies on the isolatedeffects of each factor on mating behavior. The effect of eachfactor, however, depended on the other factors. For example,in low density pools, predation risk decreased male generalactivity, male/female harassment rates, mating activity, andmating duration and increased the large male mating advantage.At higher densities, however, water striders apparently enjoyed"safety in numbers" and did not alter their mating dynamicsin response to the presence of predators. Female activity showeda particularly complex response to male density and fish. Whenmales were scarce, fish caused females to reduce their activity.However, when males were abundant, fish increased female activity,probably because fish decreased male activity thus releasingfemales from harassment by males. The three treatment factorsalso had interacting effects on male mating success. In theabsence of fish, when females were scarce, increased male densityresulted in a decrease in mean male mating success; however,when females were abundant, increased male density enhancedmean male mating success. In contrast, in the presence of fish,male density had little effect on male mating success. Manyof the observed mating patterns can be explained by the effectsof ecological and social factors on male/female conflicts; thatis, on male harassment of females and female reluctance to mate.  相似文献   

Two major theories have been developed to explain the locationand evolution of leks. According to the hot-spot model leksare male initiated and occur because males aggregate at locationsof maximum female home range overlap. The alternative femalepreference model, on the other hand, assumes that leks are femaleinitiated, and that females prefer to mate with males that aggregate.Small heath butterfly leks are situated close to landmarks suchas trees and bushes in open grassland. Censuses of wild populationsand experiments with artificial landmarks showed that theirattractiveness increased with height and width measured at themiddle of tree height. Landmark width at field layer heightwas negatively correlated with attractiveness, which suggeststhat a cornet shape is preferred to a pyramid shape. Togetherthese landmark size variables explained 60% of variation inlek size. Release experiments showed that landmarks were approachedby receptive virgin females, but mated females were indifferentto them. Landmark use was correlated to microclimatic conditions.Males preferred wider landmarks during cooler weather. Theyalso competed for the lee side of landmarks. There was no correlationbetween the location of landmarks and the dispersion of matedfemales or emergence sites of females. Hence, receptive femaledispersion was largely determined by their mate-locating behavior,which in turn appeared to result from male dispersion. Leksmay initially have developed around easily detected visual cuesthat offered a more suitable microclimate for male activity.Females visiting these locations would find a suitable matemore rapidly and save valuable time for oviposition. Althoughnonadaptive evolution cannot be excluded, taken together theresults support the female preference model for lek evolution.  相似文献   

The decision by fishermen to discard or retain fish of low valueto make room for more valuable fish in the hold of a boat (high-grading)is similar to diet choice problems faced by natural foragers.In our study, we apply the rationale of diet choice theory tohigh-grading behavior in the Oregon trawl fishery by treatingfishermen as foragers who must decide how much of each net'shaul to "ingest" before searching for more prey. We derive astate-dependent, temporal model of discarding behavior withina fishing trip. This optimization considers the availabilityof differently valued fish, trip quotas set by the regulatoryagency, and the risk of premature trip termination due to lossof gear or injury. The results indicate that those parametersaffect discarding behavior through their effect on the probabilityof exceeding the allowable catch, which we consider analogousto gut capacity. High-grading (partial prey consumption) occurredthroughout many simulated trips. The predictions were consistentwith the trends in discarding observed in the Oregon trawl fleet.Behavioral models such as ours can be useful to fishery managersby providing a means to explore the potential responses of fishermento new regulations before they are implemented.  相似文献   

Through computer simulations, we model three different foodfinding strategies: searcher, no information transfer, watcher,limited information transfer; follower, full information transfer.The aim of this article was to study how frequency-dependentselection affects the proportion of these strategies at a simulatedcolony under different patterns of food distribution. Furthermore,we determined how information transfer in a population witha mixed evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) modified the averageforaging efficiency of an individual compared to that of anindividual in a population with mutual information exchange.We found that the proportion of information gaining strategiesincreases as the food resources become more clumped. The improvementin foraging efficiency through the operation of an informationcenter need not require mutuality in information exchange. Onthe basis of the presented study, at the ESS only a small percentageof colony members need discover food patches, yet the foragingefficiency may be high because of the operation of an informationcenter.  相似文献   

Many social behaviors are conditional, but behavioral comparisonsbetween populations do not normally distinguish genetic andenvironmental causation. As a result, the opportunity to testpredictions about the evolution of strategic conditionality(genotype x environment interaction) is lost. We apply theseconcepts in an examination of how interpopulation differencesin mean and variance of sex ratio have led to genetic differencesin the allocation of male effort to mate guarding versus nonguardingbetween genetically isolated populations of the soapberry bugin Oklahoma and Florida. We observed the mating behavior ofmales from the two populations at a series of experimental sexratios, and modeled their mating decisions as first-order Markovchains of independent mating states. Likelihood ratio testsof these behavioral sequences showed that the populations differedsignificantly in their response to sex ratio, and that onlymales from the variable environment (Oklahoma) altered theirbehavior in response to differences in female availability amongthe treatments. The flexible strategy of this population maybe adaptive and probably has evolved in response to sex ratiovariability.  相似文献   

Whitehead  Hal 《Behavioral ecology》1995,6(2):199-208
Studies of individually identified animals can produce substantialdata sets containing information on the structure and temporalscale of social organizations. However, methods of analyzingsuch data are not well established. Important features of asocial organization are revealed by plotting the rate of persistenceof the associations between pairs of individuals over a rangeof time lags (lagged association rate). The consistency of long-termrelationships can be characterized using the rate of associationof pairs of individuals between their first and last observedassociations (intermediate association rate). A hierarchicalseries of models featuring exponentially decaying lagged associationrates may be fitted to these data. This technique retrievedthe essential parameters of five simulated social organizationsand, when used on real data, portrayed the essential featuresof the patterns of temporal change in relationships betweenanimals. The method should be especially useful for analyzingfissionfusion societies containing 10–10, 000 individuallyidentifiable animals.  相似文献   

Temrin  Hans 《Behavioral ecology》1993,4(4):340-344
The mating status of an advertising male is one important factorfor female assessment. In species where already-mated malestry to attract additional females at some distance from theirmate, mating status may be difficult to assess. Limitationsin the time available to breed and a decrease in reproductivesuccess over the breeding season could make the costs outweighthe benefits of a time-consuming mate assessment process, whichautomatically postpones the onset of breeding. Time and energyconstraints will then limit the behavioral options for femalesin search of breeding opportunities, and females would suffera cost when assessing male mating status. Female choice maythen be better understood by analyzing the behavioral optionsfor females; the success of a strategy in which costly assessmentsare avoided and females choose mates indiscriminately, disregardingmating status ("fast" strategy), could be compared to the successof a strategy in which females carefully try to assess matingstatus ("coy" strategy). Nest predation should be included insuch an analysis because it influences the amount of male assistancefemales of polygynous males receive, as nest predation for onlyone of a polygynous male's two females leads to more male assistancefor the other female. In this study, I compare the outcome ofa "fast" strategy with that of a "coy" strategy under differentrates of nest predation. Although high probabilities of becominga mate of a polygynous male associated with a fitness reductiondecrease the relative success of a "fast" strategy, simulationsshow that high rates of nest predation considerably lower thedifference in the outcome of the two strategies. Therefore,the cost of assessing mating status must be relatively smallto be economical.  相似文献   

This study deals with dispersal behavior of sexuals and intraspecificvariation in queen numbers. The specific questions are: (1)Is there an association between male and female dispersal behaviorand the number of queens in a colony? (2) Is there an associationbetween individual behavior and physiological condition? (3)Do males and females from monogyne (one queen per colony) andpolygyne (several functional queens per colony) colonies differwith respect to size, weight, and physiological condition? Theresults show that both males and females are more prone to dispersein monogyne than in polygyne colonies. Moreover, males and femalesof both monogyne and polygyne colonies show dispersal polymorphism,suggesting that an increased tendency of reproductive femalesto stay in the maternal colony may cause monogyne colonies toswitch to polygyny. The propensity to disperse is associatedwith the physiological condition of individuals. Larger andheavier females containing more fat and glycogen preferentiallydisperse, whereas smaller ones with less fat and glycogen moreeasily dealate and mate without a previous nuptial flight. Maledispersal correlates positively to larger size and higher levelsof glycogen; fat contents do not increase during maturation.The females produced in monogyne colonies are larger, heavier,and contain more fat and glycogen than those produced in polygynecolonies. The males produced in monogyne colonies have relativelylonger wings and are heavier than those produced in polygynecolonies. However, there are no differences in size and fatcontents between males from monogyne and polygyne colonies.  相似文献   

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