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ABSTRACT. Differences in the weight of parasitoid individuals of Brachymeria intermedia (Nees) (Chalcidae) and Coccygomimus turionellae (L.) (Ichneumonidae) were found to be associated with differences in host diet. The availability of the host nitrogen to the parasitoids differed depending on the sex of the host, Lymantria dispar , and its diet. Nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUE) for both parasitoid species were inversely correlated with host weight and with host nitrogen. Values for NUE are lower than those reported for phytophagous insects such as Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the influence of nicotine (at a range of concentrations) in the food of an herbivorous host on the development, size and survival of its parasitoid. Fall armyworms, Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were reared on diets of 0, 0.025, 0.050 and 0.075% nicotine and exposed to parasitism by Hyposoter annulipes (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). As nicotine concentration increased parasitoid mortality and development time increased and adult weight decreased. Development time, pupal weight and survival were recorded for unparasitized armyworms. Unparasitized fall armyworms showed lengthened development and higher mortality but pupal weights were greatest at intermediate nicotine concentrations.
Résumé Des quantités croissantes de nicotine dans l'alimentation ont prolongé la durée du développement des chenilles saines, bien que l'effet ait chuté aux concentrations les plus élevées. Le sexe de la noctuelle n'a pas eu d'effet sur la durée du développement ou l'action de la nicotine. L'influence de la nicotine sur le poids des chrysalides est inhabituel, en ce sens que les chrysalides les plus lourdes ont été obtenues aux concentrations moyennes. Des hypothèses sont proposés sur l'origine de ce phénomène. La mortalité et la durée de développement de H. annulipes ont augmenté et le poids des adultes a diminué quand la concentration de l'aliment de l'hôte en nicotine s'est élevée. L'effet différente de la nicotine sur des générations successives a pu provenir de modifications de la toxicité de la nicotine en fonction de changements dans la qualité de l'aliment. Quoi qu'il en soit, l'augmentation de la concentration de la nicotine dans l'alimentation de l'hôte a eu un effet négatif cohérent sur la valeur adaptative de H. annulipes.

The parasitoid Pimpla turionellae L. (Hym., Ichneumonidae) was fed either with Cd, Pb, and Cd+Pb —contaminated food or water. Body concentrations of heavy metal and effects on lifetime and respiration were studied. Cadmium at a concentration of 33 g per gram food or per ml water reduced life expectancy; whereas lead did such at 82 g per ml water only. Differences were found between sexes and modes of contamination concerning body concentrations of Cd and Pb. Lead affected respiration only via water contamination; whereas cadmium did such also via food contamination. Ecological consequences of the observations are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Pimpla turionellae L. (Hym., Ichneumonidae) wurde mit Blei (82 g/g) und Cadmium (33 g/g) bzw. deren Kombination über Futter oder Wasser belastet. Schwermetallgehalte sowie Auswirkungen auf Lebensdauer und Sauerstoffverbrauch wurden untersucht. Der Einfluß der Schwermetalle war nach Geschlecht bzw. nach Art der Kontamination verschieden. Cadmium wirkt schon bei geringen Konzentrationen verkürzend auf die Lebensdauer, Blei erst bei relativ hohen Konzentrationen. Bei Blei ergab sich eine Abnahme des Sauerstoffverbrauches nur bei Belastung über das Wasser, bei Cadmium hingegen bei beiden Kontaminationsarten. Überlegungen ökologischer Konsequenzen werden angestellt.

Chelonus inanitus is a solitary egg-larval endoparasitoid, which feeds on host haemolymph during its internal phase. Parasitization induces in the host Spodoptera littoralis a precocious onset of metamorphosis and a developmental arrest in the prepupal stage. At this stage the parasitoid larva emerges from the host and consumes it. We show here that parasitization and the co-injected polydnaviruses affect the nutritional physiology of the host mainly in the last larval instar. Polydnaviruses cause a reduced uptake of food and an increase in the concentration of free sugars in the haemolymph and of glycogen in whole body. The parasitoid larva, along with polydnaviruses, causes a reduction of proteins in the host's plasma and an accumulation of lipids in whole body. Dilution of host haemolymph led to a reduced concentration of lipid in parasitoid larvae and a reduced survival rate. Thus, a sufficient concentration of nutrients in the host's haemolymph appears to be crucial for successful parasitoid development. Altogether, the data show that the parasitoid and the polydnavirus differentially influence host nutritional physiology and that the accumulated lipids and glycogen are taken up by the parasitoid in its haematophagous stage as well as through the subsequent external host feeding.  相似文献   

Summary The female accessory glands include the tubular poison gland, the paired, lemon-shaped uterus glands, and Dufour's gland, an unbranched tubular organ. They consist essentially of a single layer of epithelium cells surrounded by a basement membrane. The lumen is lined by cuticle. The proteinaceous secretion of the poison gland is released into intracellular ducts provided with microvilli, each connected to a channel lined with cuticle which leads to the central lumen of the gland. The channel is formed by special canal cells. Nerve endings are interspersed among the gland cells. The uterus gland consists of four cell types derived from a single type of precursor cell found in newly hatched wasps. Type I cells are covered by type II cells and are thus without contact to the luminal surface of the gland. They contain stacks or whorls of mitochondria and smooth cisternae in an alternating arrangement. Vesicles with a secretory product are found in cells of types II and III. Deep anastomosing infoldings of the plasmalemma, stabilized by microtubules and dense material at the branchings, are characteristic for type II cells. Most secretory vesicles are found in type III cells, the prevalent cell type which is thought to be the source of the lipoprotein secretion. Coated vesicles are present at deep infoldings of the plasmalemma. The greatly enlarged apical surface area of type IV cells and the presence of mitochondria in slender outgrowths is suggestive of an osmoregulatory function. In Dufour's gland, two cell types appear in succession, the first with a very dense cytoplasm, the second with dense inclusions and many seemingly empty vesicles of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The secretion products, lecithin and a cholesterol ester, are thought to be formed by the second cell type. The dense inclusion might be lecithin, which reacts with osmium tetroxide. The cholesterol ester could have been washed out of the empty vesicles by the embedding procedure.  相似文献   

The parasitoid Pimpla turionellae L. (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) was fed on Cd, Pb and Cd+Pb-contaminated food (33g Cd, 82g Pb and 33g Cd+82g Pb per gram food fresh weight, respectively). Significant decrease in the total lipid and protein content was found along with an increase in the water content particularly in Cd-contaminated parasitoids.  相似文献   

D M Xu  D Stoltz 《Journal of virology》1991,65(12):6693-6704
Evidence is presented in support of a chromosomal location for sequences homologous to polydnavirus DNA in the ichneumonid parasitoid Hyposoter fugitivus. In this study, four different viral genome segments were cloned and used as probes against genomic DNA extracted from male parasitoids and digested with a variety of restriction enzymes. Each probe typically identified a single off-size fragment (OSF) in the case of enzymes not cutting viral genome segments, while two OSFs were generated by enzymes cutting at one and two sites. While extra OSFs were occasionally observed, these were invariably found to be due to the presence of polymorphic restriction sites in flanking chromosomal DNA. Analysis of these data suggests that a single, stable chromosomal locus exists for sequences homologous to each viral genome segment; the data also indicate that viral and cognate parasitoid genomic DNAs are largely if not entirely colinear.  相似文献   

Parasitoids in the genera Encarsia and Eretmocerus (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) are important biological control agents of whiteflies through their reproductive as well as host‐feeding activities. The feeding capacities of female parasitoids of three species with different reproductive strategies [Encarsia sophia (Girault & Dodd), Encarsia formosa Gahan, and Eretmocerus melanoscutus Zolnerowich & Rose] on their host, sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), were evaluated on cabbage in a single‐instar no‐choice experiment in the laboratory and a mixed‐instar choice experiment in the greenhouse. In both single‐ and mixed‐instar experiments, significant differences in host‐feeding capacities were found among the three parasitoid species. Encarsia sophia exhibited superior capacity of host‐feeding compared to E. formosa and E. melanoscutus. In the single‐instar experiment, parasitoids fed more on younger (smaller) hosts than older (larger) hosts. In the mixed‐instar experiments, all three parasitoid species exhibited a clear preference for feeding on older hosts compared to younger hosts. Total number of whitefly nymphs fed on by E. sophia was approximately three times that of the other two parasitoid species. Whitefly mortality accounted for by host‐feeding by E. sophia was up to 59.7%, and, thus, equivalent to parasitization. The significance of host‐feeding of E. sophia for biological control of B. tabaci is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The present study is an ultrastructural investigation of the calyx region of the ichneumonid endoparasitoid Campoletis sonorensis. It appears that synthesis of electrondense secretory particles occurs within nuclei of calyx cells. The particles consist of an ovocylindrical electron-dense inner core and a surrounding unit membrane. After their formation the particles pass from the nucleus by budding through both membranes of the nuclear envelope. The particles, along with fully developed parasitoid eggs concentrate within the lateral oviduct lumen. Feulgen histochemical studies suggest the presence of DNA within the calyx fluid. The possible function of the particles is discussed.Approved for publication as TA 11744 by the Director, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station. Conducted in cooperation with the USDA and supported in part by Cotton, Inc. Grant CI—199 with funds made available through the USDA. Appreciation is also expressed to Sigma Xi for its contribution of funds during this study.  相似文献   

Ambient temperature can influence development through effects on metabolic rate and by inducing physiological stress. In this study, we assessed temperature effects on a host–parasitoid interaction and on the body size and brood size of emerging wasps. By examining the development at two different temperatures of the koinobiont parasitoid, Copidosoma bakeri, and its host, Agrotis ipsilon, we asked: (1) Does the growth response to temperature by A. ipsilon depend on whether the moth caterpillar is parasitized? (2) Does the allocation pattern of body size and brood size in C. bakeri change with temperature? To answer these questions, we exposed A. ipsilon larvae parasitized by C. bakeri to high or low non-lethal temperatures when A. ipsilon was in early or late larval stages and measured their development time and body mass for all four treatment combinations. We also examined the brood size and body mass of emerging wasps. Whether parasitized or not, A. ipsilon larvae decreased development time, but generally did not decrease final body mass, at the higher temperature. When parasitized A. ipsilon was exposed to the higher temperature only late in their development, enlargement of the host by the parasitoid was reduced. C. bakeri brood size significantly increased when the higher temperature was applied early in host development. We did not detect a shift with temperature in the allocation pattern of the size–number trade-off for wasp offspring, suggesting that this trade-off relationship may be under selection strong enough to yield insensitivity to temperature.  相似文献   

Particles originating from the ovarial calyx epithelium of two different species of ichneumonid wasp are injected into host caterpillars during oviposition. At 1 3/4 h post oviposition, many calyx fluid particles are either associated with or have oenetrated through the basement membranes surrounding various tissues. Shortly thereafter, apparently intact particle nucleocapsids are observed in both the cytoplasm and nucleus of host cells. An unusual tubular protrusion of the viral envelope appears to be involved in either or both of penetration of basement membranes and entry of nucleocapsids into host cells.  相似文献   

  • 1 Gypsy moth egg masses were collected from innocuous, release and outbreak populations and reared in the laboratory on synthetic diet under identical conditions.
  • 2 Outbreak population gypsy moths hatched sooner, were smaller and less fecund than innocuous or release gypsy moths, but had a higher concentration of total carbohydrates in their haemolymph.
  • 3 Pupae from each population source were submitted to parasitization by two pupal parasitoids. Emerging B.intermedia, an established parasitoid of the gypsy moth associated with outbreak populations, were largest on outbreak source gypsy moths. C. turionellae, not a usual parasitoid of the gypsy moth, were largest when emerging from innocuous or release population gypsy moths. Implications for population dynamics of the gypsy moth are discussed.

1. Trophic interactions between predators and parasitoids can be described as intraguild predation (IGP) and are often asymmetric. Parasitoids (typically the IG prey) may respond to the threat of IGP by mitigating the predation risk for their offspring. 2. We used a system with a facultative predator Macrolophus caliginosus, the parasitoid Aphidius colemani, and their shared prey, the aphid Myzus persicae. We examined the functional responses of the parasitoid in the presence/absence of the predator on two host plants (aubergine and sweet pepper) with differing IGP risk. 3. Estimated model parameters such as parasitoid handling time increased on both plants where the predator was present, but impact of the predator varied with plant species. The predator, which could feed herbivorously on aubergine, had a reduced impact on parasitoid foraging on that plant. IG predator presence could reduce the searching effort of the IG prey depending on the plant, and on likely predation risk. 4. The results are discussed with regard to individual parasitoid's foraging behaviour and population stability; it is suggested that the presence of the predator can contribute to the stabilisation of host–parasitoid dynamics  相似文献   

Behavioural responses of Helicoverpa armigera egg parasitoid, Trichogramma chilonis and the larval parasitoid, Campoletis chlorideae towards the leaves of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes (ICGV 86699, ICGV 86031, ICG 2271, and ICG 1697-resistant, and the susceptible check-JL 24) were studied by using a Y-tube olfactometer. Orientation was studied in comparison to clean air, to insect resistant genotypes in relation to JL 24 and towards H. armigera damaged and undamaged leaves. Leaves of ICGV 86699, ICGV 86031 and ICG 2271 were more attractive to T. chilonis adults than to the clean air. They were strongly attracted to the leaves of ICGV 86699, ICGV 86031 and ICG 1697 than of JL 24. Insect damaged leaves of ICGV 86699, ICGV 86031 and ICG 1697 were more attractive than the respective uninfested leaves. C. chlorideae showed greater attraction towards leaves of ICGV 86699, ICG 2271 and ICG 1697 than the clean air, and were more attracted towards leaves of ICGV 86699 and ICGV 86031 than those of JL 24. The damaged leaves of ICGV 86699, ICGV 86031 and ICG 2271 were more attractive to C. chlorideae than the respective uninfested leaves. Thus insect resistant genotypes exhibited greater compatibility with the natural enemies in groundnut.  相似文献   

Behavioural interactions between the solitary koinobiont parasitoid,Venturia canescens, and two of its hosts,Plodia interpunctella andCorcyra cephalonica, were investigated. The response of both hosts to simulated antennation using a two-haired brush was examined over instars 3 (L3) to 5 (L5). YoungP. interpunctella larvae predominantly adopted escape tactics (writhe, trash) whereas L5P. interpunctella usually froze after the stimulus was applied. L3C. cephalonica larvae were more aggressive (headrear, flick) thanP. interpunctella in response to the application of the stimulus, but olderC. cephalonica responded less aggressively than in earlier instars. AlthoughV. canescens readily jabbed its ovipositor at both hosts after antennation,P. interpunctella was considerably more susceptible to parasitoid attack thanC. cephalonica, irrespective of size in the final (L5) instar.C. cephalonica, the larger, more aggressive host, actively resisted parasitism whereasP. interpunctella responded much more passively after parasitoid contact. Parasitoids examined and jabbed their ovipositors at dead hosts, but this behaviour was not sustained, implying that host movement stimulates parasitoid attack. On patches containingV. canescens, L5C. cephalonica andP. interpunctella, mostP. interpunctella larvae responded by freezing after parasitoid contact.P. interpunctella that froze usually avoided parasitism, whereas larvae that attempted to escape by crawling were pursued with vigour byV. canescens and usually parasitized. Irrespective of behaviour after parasitoid contact,C. cephalonia displayed more aggressive behaviour and had much greater success in warding off parasitoid attack. Host acceptance byV. canescens is clearly affected by the size and species of the host it attacks. The influence of host defensive behaviour is discussed in relation to the evolution of parasitoid counter-defences and oviposition strategies.  相似文献   

Plants are reported to reconfigure their metabolism and generate secondary metabolites as a defence response towards herbivore attack. In this study we aimed to evaluate the anti-nutritive and defensive properties of phenolic compounds that were enhanced in Castor, Ricinus communis L. plant due to herbivore damage. Through HPLC studies it was observed that damage caused by two pests, Achaea janata L. and Spodoptera litura F. on the castor plant resulted in quantitative enhancement of syringic, coumaric, cinnamic and vanillic acids. These phenolic compounds showed considerable impact on insect’s feeding and their toxic nature towards the herbivores was determined by estimating three detoxification mid-gut enzymes, glutathione-s-transferase, carboxyl esterase and β-glucosidase. In the ovipositional and orientation bioassays with the egg parasitoid Trichogramma chilonis Ishii, syringic and coumaric acids had shown good kairomonal activity, thus defining a new role of these chemicals in indirect plant defence. Thus, this study demonstrates a quantitative association between plant phenolic accumulation and the elevated reproductive performance of the herbivore natural enemies, by illustrating the role of plant phenolics in both the direct and indirect induced plant defences.  相似文献   

Abstract: Amitus fuscipennis MacGown & Nebeker (Hym., Platygasteridae) is a parasitoid of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Hom., Aleyrodidae) on some crops as bean and snap bean (both Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Colombia. The searching and oviposition behaviour of A. fuscipennis was studied in the laboratory, using T. vaporariorum as a host on bean leaves. The parasitoid's basic search pathway consisted of walking, encountering the host, and drumming and probing it. While walking, the parasitoid stopped for short periods of time, partly to preen itself. Walking while searching comprised 61% of the adults' time budget and probing hosts represented 16%. After a host nymph was parasitized by A. fuscipennis , the parasitoid remained close by and continued searching for new hosts in the immediate vicinity. Such behaviour suggests area-restricted searching. The parasitoid preferred first instars of T. vaporariorum for oviposition, resulting in long developmental times. Amitus fuscipennis had a high percentage of host acceptance resulting in a high percentage parasitism (60%) of all encountered hosts. Amitus fuscipennis , on average, walked faster before an oviposition (1.4 mm/s) than other whitefly parasitoids. The implications of these findings for the control of T. vaporariorum are discussed.  相似文献   

The behavioural and physiological effects of surgical implantation of dummy miniature acoustic transmitters into the peritonealcavities ofjuvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were assessed. lntraperitoneal implantations had no significant effect on growth, feeding or swimming behaviour in either parr or smolts. Recovery from the surgical implantation was both rapid and total; infection was absent; and physiological processes such as smoltification and maturation of testes in precocious parr were unaffected. Expulsion of the transmitter through the body wall, not through the implantation wound, occurred in a number of fish but without adversely affecting the animals. The intraperitoneal implantation technique is discussed in relation to its use during biotelemetry studies.  相似文献   

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