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Five species of Cervonema and four species of Laimella are described from the Strait of Magellan and the Beagle Channel, Chile, six species of which are new to science. Cervonema chilensisn. sp. and Cervonema hermanin. sp. are separated from other known species of Cervonema by a short cervical region (less than one head diameter from the front end to the anterior border of the amphids). Cervonema chilensisn. sp. is characterised by a tail length of 5 anal diameters with posterior half filiform; Cervonema hermani n. sp. is characterised by a tail length of 6–9 anal diameter and posterior part (75%) cylindrical. Cervonema shiaen. sp. is characterised by the cephalic seta 4 m long, amphids 9–10 m in diameter; spicules 16 m long and 0.8–0.9 abd; tail 4.7–5.4 anal diameter and 50% posterior part filiform; 4–5 minute precloacal supplements. Laimella subterminatan. sp. is characterised by the subterminal position of the buccal cavity which separates it from the other species of the genus. Laimella annaen. sp. is characterised by the head diameter 9–11 m, cephalic setae and external labial setae 9 + 5 m long, respectively, amphids 7 m in diameter; spicules 28–30 m long; tail 14–17 anal diameter and posterior part (75%) filiform; 5 precloacal supplements. Laimella sandraen. sp. is very close to Laimella annaen.sp. in having similar cephalic sensilla, amphids and spicules. Laimella sandraen. sp., however, can be separated from L.annaen. sp. by the shape of head and the structure of sperm cells, the total body length and the cylindrical part of tail. Cervonema papillatum Jensen, 1988, C. tenuicauda (Stekhoven, 1950) and L. longicauda Cobb, 1920 are found in this area as well. The key of all known species of Cervonemaand Laimellais presented.  相似文献   

In the Strait of Magellan and in the adjacent Pacific and Atlantic Ocean shelf tintinnids were studied during three oceanographic cruises (November 1989, March–April 1991, and April 1995). Total tintinnid abundances were higher in the first cruise and dramatically decreased in the other two late summer cruises. As a general rule, abundances were higher at the surface and in the Atlantic sector. A total of 47 tintinnid species were found. There was not a single species, which could be identified as indicator of a specific water mass. For each cruise, cluster analysis applied on a species/samples matrix identified station sets characterized by a specific tintinnid association. Angosturas entrance was characterized by agglutinated lorica tintinnids, typical of the Atlantic waters, while the Pacific sector by hyaline species. In Punta Arenas basin, a peculiar tintinnid community was clearly identified, although water masses derived from the mixing process between the Pacific and Atlantic waters. Overall, tintinnid communities maintained the structure typical of the water mass despite advection and/or mixing. The main result of this study was to demonstrate that the structure of the tintinnid species association could be used as indicator of the origin of water masses.  相似文献   

Seven new species of Paramunnidae from the Magellan Strait are described, two of which are placed in new genera: Paramunna magellanensis sp. nov., P. menziesi sp. nov., P. parasimplex sp. nov., P. patagoniensis sp. nov., Allorostrata ovalis gen. et sp. nov., Austrosignum dentatum sp. nov., and Magellianira serrata gen. et. sp. nov. Four known paramunnid species from the same location are redescribed: Parammunna integra, P. simplex, P. subtriangulata and Munnogonium tillerae . While investigating the genus Paramunna , two species of this group, Acutomunna foliacea (Chardy, 1975) gen. nov. and Paramunna foresti Carvacho , 1977 were removed, which involved the erection of a new genus. The allocation of P. foresti remains uncertain. Some diagnostic characters of the Paramunnidae and a key to the Magellanic species of Paramunna are presented.  相似文献   

A new ascarid of elasmobranchs, Terranova amoyensis sp. n., is described from the intestine of the red stringray, Dasyatis akajei (Müller and Henle), from Taiwan Strait. This is the second report from this genus with a gubernaculum in fish. The new species differs from its congeners mainly in the following combination of characters: the 3 lips are unequal in size and different in shape, i.e., the subventral lips are asymmetric bilaterally and larger than the dorsal lip; the latter lip is bilaterally symmetrical. The ventriculus is spherical, and the cecum is short relative to the esophagus. Spicules are unequal in size, 1.48 mm long for the right spicule and 1.34 mm for the left spicule, or 4.3 and 3.9% of body length, respectively. Nineteen pairs of caudal sessile papillae (excluding phasmids) are present, of which 13 pairs are precloacal; pairs 14 and 15 lie close together on either side of the cloaca, composing ad-cloacal papillae (the pair near the tail end are twins). The remaining 4 pairs of postcloacal papillae form a group near the tail tip (pair 18 also twins and near the phasmids). The gubernaculum is I-shaped. The excretory pore is located on top of a coniform prominence whose location is just behind or between the bases of the 2 subventral lips. The vulva is prominent at one-third of the anterior part of the body; the distance from the vulva opening to the anterior body end is 17.4 mm (13.61-21.41), 26.8% (25.14-28.93%) of the body length.  相似文献   

Erigeron campanensis, sect.Erigeron, is described as new from Central Chile (Cerro Campana, near Valparaiso). It is most similar toE. fasciculatus, from which it differs in leaf shape, leaf arrangement, pubescence of leaves, stems, and phyllaries, and stigmatic branches, of disc florets.  相似文献   

Austrobdella coliumicus n. sp. is described from Coliumo Bay, Chile. It is characterized by a continuous, external coelomic canal (= marginal lacuna), 5 pairs of testisacs, accessory gland cells, a body not distinctly divided into trachelosome and urosome, 2 pairs of dorsal ocelli on the trachelosome, dorsal and ventral segmental ocelli present on the urosome, green overall pigmentation with transverse brown bands, and the absence of conducting tissue. Austrobdella coliumicus is distinguished from other species of Austrobdella by the presence of 2 pairs of ocelli on the trachelosome and a more cylindrical body. It is unusual that this leech was collected from inside the mantle cavity of the razor clam, Ensis macha. Austrobdella losmoliniensis n. sp. is described from the electric ray, Discopyge tschudii, collected at Los Molinos, Chile. It is characterized by a continuous, external coelomic canal; 5 pairs of testisacs; accessory gland cells; a body distinctly divided into trachelosome and urosome; 1 pair of eyes on the oral sucker; overall black pigmentation with unpigmented areas; and the absence of conducting tissue. Austrobdella losmoliniensis can be distinguished from other species of Austrobdella by the combination of 1 pair of eyes on the oral sucker and black pigmentation.  相似文献   

Hyponeoidae is a copepod family that is rare around the world, with only three species described until now. Recently, a hyponeoid copepod was found in the narrowmouthed catshark, Schroederichthys bivius, from Chile, which has not been formally described. The objective of this study is to describe morphologically a new species of Hyponeoidae, from samples of the Strait of Magellan, Southern Chile. Also, a genetic analysis, based on the COI gene, was used to determine the relatedness of the new hyponeoid species to other copepods from Siphonostomatoida, which were available in the GenBank platform. The new species belongs to the genus Tautochondria and is here described as T. magellanica n. sp. This species differs from T. dolichoura mainly in the presence of long process at each side of the buccal cone, the absence of lobes on the head and short processes on the genital complex. According to the genetic sequences, T. magellanica n. sp. was not closely related to any other species. Therefore, this result confirms that Hyponeoidae is a separate family. However, the relatedness to other genera in Siphonostomatoida is still unknown.  相似文献   

Muthumbi  Agnes W.  Soetaert  Karline  Vincx  Magda 《Hydrobiologia》1997,346(1-3):25-57
Twelve new and known species of the genera Sabatieria,Cervonema, Paramesonchium, Hopperia and Dorylaimopsis and one new genus, Kenyanema aredescribed from the Indian Ocean and S. pisinna Vitiello,1970 from the Mediterranean Sea. Sabatieria lucia sp. n.is characterised by short but distinct inner and setiformouter labial sensilla and long (4–5 µm or 30–33% hd)cephalic sensilla; S. conicauda Vitiello, 1970, ischaracterised by tiny inner and outer labial sensilla andsetiform cephalic ones and short and thick cylindrical tail;Sabatieria pisinna is characterised by short innerand outer labial sensilla, setiform (3µm long) cephalicsensilla, multispiral amphids with 3.25–3.5 turns and a tailwhich is conical in the anterior 2/3 and posterior 1/3cylindrical; Cervonema tenuicauda Schuurmans Stekhoven,1950, is characterised by anterior sensilla in twocircles which are equal in length (3µm long), multispiralamphids with 3–4 turns and located at 1.5 times hd from theanterior end, simple spicules one abd long and 6–7 fineprecloacal supplements; Cervonema minutus sp. n.characterised by an extremely attenuated anterior end,spiral amphids with 4–5 turns (80–90% cbd) and short,simple spicules (0.8 abd long); Cervonema gourbaulti sp.n. characterised by long (4–5 µm) labialand cephalic sensilla, spiral amphids with 5–6 turns(73–88% cbd) and an elongate crenate terminal pharyngealbulb; Paramesonchium mombasi sp. n. characterised bylong labial (5 µm) and cephalic (21 µm) sensilla thatare close together and wide amphids (80–90% cbd); Kenyanema monorchis gen. et sp. n. characterised bya head region narrower than the rest of the body, fourcephalic sensilla (3 µm long) and spiral amphids with1.5–2 turns; Hopperia indiana sp. n. characterised byshort conical anterior sensilla, arcuatespicules that have a velum and a gubernaculum with a longand sharp pointed apophysis; Dorylaimopsis coomansi sp.n. characterised by long (8–10µm) cephalic setae,cuticular punctation with lateral differention of irregularlyarranged dots at the pharyngeal region and 1–3longitudinal rows of dots posterior of the pharynx; spiculeswith a unique shape; Dorylaimopsis gerardi sp. n.characterised by short setiform labial and long (6–7 µm)cephalic sensilla, punctated cuticle with lateraldifferentiation of irregularly arranged dots at firstthen three or four irregularly arranged longitudinal rows atthe pharyngeal and tail regions and two regularly arrangedlongitudinal rows of dots on the rest of the body, aconico-cylindrical tail with a distinctly swollen tip;Dorylaimopsis variabilis sp. n. is characterised byshort labial and setiform cephalic sensilla (33–58% hd),multispiral amphids with three turns, cuticular punctationswith lateral differentiation of three longitudinalrows at the pharyngeal and tail regions and two longitudinalrows on the rest of the body, spicules that are thin andslightly arcuate. The position of S. pisinna accordingto the grouping of Platt, 1985 of Sabatieriaspp. is also discussed. Kenyanema monorchis representsthe first monorchic species in the family.  相似文献   

During 1991 and 1995, the Italian National Program for Antarctic Research carried out two oceanographic campaigns in the framework of the International (Strait of) Magellan Project. In this paper, we describe the distribution, biochemical composition, and mineralogical characteristics of particulate matter and the characteristics of the water masses defining microbasins in the Strait of Magellan. The data analyses highlighted differences in quality and quantity of the suspended matter and its organic component in the basins that make up the Strait and the Pacific Ocean. The westernmost basin is subject to an eastward flow from the Pacific Ocean, and continental runoff in the surface layers, which are consequently rich in organic matter with a high C:N ratio. The central basin, Isla Carlos III–Segunda Angostura, is characterized by the mixing of Sub-Antarctic Pacific waters, continental runoff, and glacio-fluvial waters: The basin has the lowest particulate matter concentration, but at Paso Ancho showed high concentrations of organic matter with a lower C:N ratio. The easternmost basin, Segunda Angostura-Atlantic entrance, is characterized by the mixing of the water column due to strong Atlantic tides and showed high concentration of particulate matter with a high detritic component. Generally, the organic matter concentrations showed significant differences during the cruises, being higher in 1991. Using the multivariate discriminant factor analysis to determine whether statistically significant differences existed between defined sampling areas, we determined that temperature, particulate organic carbon, and total particulate matter were the variables most important for the difference between areas.  相似文献   

The genus Brachygasterina Macquart is Neotropical, with six species recorded from Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and Colombia. A new species was found among an extensive unidentified muscid material from South America in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences collection (San Francisco, California, U.S.A.). Brachygasterina maculata, new species, from Santiago, Chile, is here described and illustrated, and its position in the genus Brachygasterina is discussed.  相似文献   

González  Exequiel R.  Watling  Les 《Hydrobiologia》2001,464(1-3):175-199
Hyalella is the only epigean freshwater amphipod present in Chile . H. chiloensis, H. costera and H. kochi are here described and illustrated. H. kochi is distributed in highland areas of the Andes in northern Chile; it is characterized by a short ramus on uropod 3 and a hammer-shaped gnathopod 1. H. costera and H. chiloensis are present in lowland areas, the latter restricted to the southern part of the country. These two species have a long ramus on uropod 3, but they differ in the shape and length of the palp on maxilla 1, the setation of peraeopods 3, 4, and telson. The presence in Chile of H. fossamancinii Cavalieri, 1959 is also reported here.  相似文献   

Agastopsylla guzmani n. sp. (Ctenophthalmidae) and Delostichus degus n. sp. (Rhopalopsyllidae) are described. A key is proposed for the genus Agastopsylla; for the genus Delostichus, a brief comparison is made with D. incisus and D. ojedai described after the issue of the Catalogue of Smit (1987).  相似文献   

A new species of Physarum (Myxomycetes), Physarum atacamense is described in this paper, and details are provided on its life cycle as observed in spore-to-spore culture in agar. The new species was collected during studies of the Atacama Desert in Chile. It has been collected directly in the field and isolated in moist chamber cultures prepared with material from an endemic cactus. The combination of characters that make this species unique in the genus are its large fusiform nodes of the capillitium, its long, bicolored stalk and the very dark brown and densely warted angular spores. The morphology of specimens of this myxomycete was examined with scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy, and micrographs of relevant details and life cycle stages are included in this paper. The importance of resistant stages in the life cycle of this myxomycete is stressed, and the close association of this myxomycete with its plant substrates is discussed.  相似文献   

Muthumbi  Agnes W.  Vincx  Magda 《Hydrobiologia》1997,364(2-3):119-153
Hydrobiologia - Seventeen new and known species of the familyChromadoridae are described. The genus Dichromadora is represented by five species. Dichromadora longicaudata sp.n. is characterised bya...  相似文献   

Two new species of Penicillium Link ex Fries are described and illustrated. They were recovered from sandy soils in the Chilean and Argentinian Tierra del Fuego. They clearly differ from all species of the genus described so far and are, therefore, described and proposed as two new taxa: Penicillium turris-painensis sp. nov and Penicillium lapatayae sp. nov.  相似文献   

A new species ofAnuretes collected from the gills ofDiagramma crassispinum Day at Cape Comorin, India, is described in detail. The carapace of the three females obtained was folded ventrally likeHermilius on the gill filaments.  相似文献   

A new species of Lepeophtheirus collected from Plotosus anguillaris (Bloch) by the author is described in detail. All the related species of the genus are compared with Lepeophtheirus anguilli sp. nov.  相似文献   

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