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Summary A rich dasycladalean assemblage, mainly consisting of new taxa, has been discovered in upper Maastrichtian coarse bioclastic limestones of shelf margin facies cropping out along the southeastern coast of Salento peninsula (Puglia, Southern Italy). It consists of 8 species grouped into 6 genera:Cymopolia decastroi Parente 1994;C. barattoloi Parente, 1994;Zittelina fluegeli n.sp;Jodotella koradae (Dieni, Massari & Radoicic, 1983) nov. comb.;Barattoloporella salentina n. gen. n. sp.;Morelletpora dienii n. sp.;Neomeris spp. (two different species). Zittelina fluegeli n. sp. is characterized by an ovoid thallus with calcification made by a calcareous wall enveloping only the proximal part of the branches (except in basal whorls) and by closely packed, and partly coalescent, calcified ampullae arranged all around the median and distal portion of branches. The transferral ofNeomeris (Larvaria) koradae Dieni, Massari & Radoicic, 1983 into the genusJodotella, with the new combinationJodotella koradae, is proposed on the basis of new observations on the number and arrangement of fertile ampullae. The new genusBarattoloporella, type-speciesBarattoloporella salentina n. gen. n. sp., is erected for dasycladalean algae characterized by a segmented thallus. Each segment consists of: a) basal and apical sterile whorls made by primary branches only, b) central fertile whorls made by primary branches bearing in terminal position one fertile ampulla and one or two secondary branches. morelletpora dienii n. sp. is characterized by a segmented thallus with barrel shaped to pear shaped repetitive elements, consisting of simple whorls of first order branches only. Shape of the branches varies from regularly phloiophorous to more or less differentiated in a stalk and a swollen portion, with or without a subterminal constriction. This is by far the most diverse dasycladalean assemblage ever found in the Maastrichtian. Its diversity supports the conclusion that, within the Late Cretaceous, the Maastrichtian represents a maximum in dasycladalean diversity. Its taxonomic composition strenghtens the hypothesis that dasycladaleans were hardly affected by K/T mass extinction.  相似文献   

The marine otter (Lontra felina) has a patchy distribution associated with rocky coastlines along the Pacific coast of South America. In Peru marine otters are found from La Libertad (8°04′S) to Tacna (18°09′S), however, few studies have assessed its population and conservation status. To assess marine otters' current distribution along the Peru coastline, we conducted visual surveys and collected environmental characteristics such as human presence and habitat type. We surveyed 20 locations from five regions where otter presence was based on signs of detection (spraints, food leftovers, tracks, or direct observations). In addition, data on human presence, habitat type, and geographic location were also collected. Across the 20 locations, 268 sections were scanned, and marine otters were detected in 90% (n = 18) of locations and in 19% (n = 52) of sections. Spraints were the most frequent sign detected while direct observations occurred only in seven locations. Our analysis indicates habitat features play an important role in marine otter presence, with habitats with large rocks providing preferred conditions. Our study provides information on marine otter distribution along the Peru coastline that can assist in the identification of locations for focused conservation initiatives and strategies, which should be coordinated among regions to strengthen their design and implementation.  相似文献   

The rhinoceros remains collected during the past century in the lower levels XII (= K) and XI (= I) of the famous Pleistocene locality of Grotta Romanelli (Lecce, southern Italy) are described and compared in detail for the first time. Some remains are referred to Stephanorhinus sp. and others are assigned here to the late early-middle Pleistocene European species Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis based on several morphological characters. Based on its olivine-bearing texture, the volcanoclastic ash sampled from some rhinoceros bones can be referred to the first phase of the Monte Vulture activity (around 630 ka). The results of the stable isotope analyses suggest that the climate in the lowest levels of Grotta Romanelli could have been more arid than it was at the time of the upper level IX, which is generally referred to the late Pleistocene. In addition, both recent day δ18Oppt values and MAT are very similar to values calculated for levels X and XII, suggesting that the climate at those times may have been close to the Present one, whereas climate in level IX may have been somewhat cooler. The presence of Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis suggests a middle Pleistocene age for the lower levels of Grotta Romanelli, in agreement with the results obtained from the volcanoclastic material.  相似文献   

AIMS: This paper evaluates the presence of human pathogen micro-organisms in marine sediments in a coastal area suitable for bathing. In addition, the grain size analysis was performed in order to correlate the characteristics of the sediments and the microbial content. METHODS AND RESULTS: The samples were collected in two small bays along the central Adriatic coast, where breakwaters had been built for the purpose of halting marine erosion. Faecal contamination indicators, Salmonella and Vibrio species, enteric viruses were investigated using standard techniques for isolation and identification. The grain size was determined using calibrated sieves and 'Sedigraph' device. In some samples, the faecal contamination indices overstepped legislative limits. Salmonella was never found. Vibrio and enteric viruses were isolated: the micro-organisms were preferentially abundant in fine sediments. CONCLUSIONs: Marine sediments can represent an important reservoir of allochthonous and marine micro-organisms and the microbial charge correlates with the characteristics of the sediments. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study indicates that it is important to analyse marine sediments before defining the quality of coastal areas.  相似文献   

Rhinocerotids were abundant and diverse in southern Asia during the Pleistocene and the Holocene epochs, as shown by palaeontological and archaeological discoveries published throughout the last century, whereas the only living rhinoceros in the Indochinese Peninsula is Rhinoceros sondaicus (Cat Loc Reserve, Vietnam). The Pleistocene-Holocene Indochinese rhinocerotid record consists of the extinct species Dicerorhinus gwebinensis (Early Pleistocene, Myanmar) and representatives of the Recent Asian Species Rhinoceros unicornis (Middle-Late Pleistocene), R. sondaicus (Middle Pleistocene-Recent), and Dicerorhinus sumatrensis (Middle Pleistocene-Holocene). This fossil record is synthesized, mapped for Early/Middle/Late Pleistocene and Holocene/Recent times, and then compared with coeval rhinocerotid assemblages from the adjacent areas (South China), subregions (Indian, Sundaic, Philippine, and Wallacean), and region (Palearctic), from a biochronological and biogeographical perspective.  相似文献   

Populations of marine mammals can show the signature of phylogeographical breaks and restricted connectivity despite the apparent lack of physical boundaries in the marine environment and their high dispersal abilities. Dugongs (Dugong dugon) do not appear to undertake regular migrations but may show localised movement related to water temperature or seagrass availability. Previous mitochondrial DNA studies suggested that despite a strong phylogeographic break in the Torres Strait, there is local panmixia in Australian waters. In this study, we conducted a comprehensive study of the four major dugong populations in southern Queensland. We analysed genotypes of 1,293 dugongs based on 24 microsatellite loci from the four major dugong locations in the region (from south to north): Moreton Bay, Great Sandy Straits, Hervey Bay and Shoalwater Bay. Diversity levels were similar across locations (observed heterozygosity 0.48–0.52, allelic richness 4.3–4.5). There was low but significant population differentiation in southern Queensland (FST ranged from 0.005 to 0.040 and Jost’s DEST ranged from 0.001 to 0.031 for microsatellite data). Bayesian clustering analysis implemented in STRUCTURE largely distinguished the southern Moreton Bay population from the three more northern populations. Twelve mitochondrial control region haplotypes identified from a subset of 182 samples confirmed significant population structuring (FST ranged from 0.16 to 0.28). These data suggested that the frequency and extent of dugong movements are insufficient to disrupt the long-term existence of at least two breeding populations in southern Queensland.  相似文献   

An Early Pleistocene benthic community, discovered inside the Rumena Cave in NW Sicily, Italy, was studied. Analysis of the community led to the recognition of several encrusting species – notably scleractinians, bryozoans, serpuloideans, cirripeds, foraminifera and brachiopods – and borings mostly referable to the ichnogenus Gastrochaenolites. All fossils detected are typical of the present‐day hard‐surface submarine cave biota, at both high taxonomic rank and species level. The biogenic crust, restricted to a few sectors of the cave but locally up to few centimetres thick, largely consist of scleractinians, mainly represented by dendrophylliids. Bryozoans and serpuloideans are also present with Hippaliosina depressa and Spiraserpula massiliensis, locally forming multi‐layered sheets and dense specimen aggregates, respectively. Basing mostly on the composition of the encrusting community and on morphological/morphometric features of some species, it has been hypothesized that at least part of the cave was blind when the crust formed, possibly at relatively shallow depth in a sheltered setting or, more probably, at higher depths, below the fair weather swell zone. Encrustations and borings on the rocky cave ceiling and on occasional speleothems broken surfaces document subsequent phases of cave submersion/colonization separated by emersion/erosion phases. The importance of the Early Pleistocene fossils of the Rumena Cave for the knowledge of submarine cave communities through time and for the understanding of sea‐level variations and the uplift of the area has been remarked.  相似文献   

Summary An integrated study of the early Messinian reef complex cropping out along the eastern coast of the Salento Peninsula (southern Italy), including stratigraphy, facies analysis and paleoecological aspects, is here presented. Fourteen facies types belonging to three main facies associations (back reef and shelf, shelf-edge, slope) have been recognized. They document a wide spectrum of depositional environments, reef building organisms and growth fabrics, in response to depth and other environmental factors in different parts of the reef complex. The biotic structure of the reef is also described and discussed in detail. It consists of different types of reef building organisms and of their bioconstructions (mainlyPorites coral reefs,Halimeda bioherms and vermetidmicrobial “trottoirs”), that differ in composition and structure according to their position on the shelf edge-toslope profile. Results indicate that the reef complex of the Salento Peninsula has strong similarities with the typical early Messinian reefs of the Mediterranean region. However, the recognition of some peculiar features, i.e. the remarkable occurrence ofHalimeda bioherms and of vermetid-microbial “trottoirs”, gives new insights for better understanding reef patterns and development of the reef belt during the Late Miocene in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Comparative phylogenetic and phylogeographic analyses have revealed a pervasive midpeninsular divergence in the mitochondrial genealogies of numerous vertebrate taxa distributed on the Baja California Peninsula. In this study, we extend the investigation of regional vicariance in Baja California to an arthropod taxon by examining patterns of phylogenetic and morphological divergence in the spider genus Homalonychus (Araneae, Homalonychidae). We analyzed data from two mtDNA genes (16S rRNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit (1) and a nuclear gene (28S rRNA) using maximum parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses, and also conducted geometric morphometric analyses employing landmark data on male and female genitalia. Genes and morphology both reveal a deep split across the Colorado River and Gulf of California, separating Homalonychus selenopoides on the east side of river from its congener Homalonychus theologus on the west side of the river, including the Baja California Peninsula. Along the north-south axis of the Baja Peninsula, an apparently more recent midpeninsular phylogenetic break is evident within H. theologus in the mitochondrial genome and in female genitalia. However, there is no measurable divergence between northern and southern populations in either nuclear DNA or male genitalia. We suggest that this discordance between datasets reflects either a difference in rates of evolution between male versus female systems, or that male-based nuclear gene flow is obscuring a phylogenetic split that is fixed in the female-based systems. Our findings provide additional support for a midpeninsular Baja divergence event, although the timing and geological evidence for such an event remain elusive.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of the freshwater mollusc fauna of the Iberian Peninsula it is reasonably well known, but, unlike other benthic macroinvertebrate, its distribution and ecology has been poorly studied. In this article, I study the relationships between environmental characteristics and distribution and community structure of freshwater molluscs along climatic, hydrological, physicochemical, and heterogeneity gradients in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula. Ninety-four sampling points were analysed, in which, in addition to habitat features, the presence/absence and abundance of species were evaluated. The environmental gradients were measured by use of principal-components analysis (PAC), which orders the variables along two gradients: headwaters-mouth gradient (PC1) and water availability (PC2). According to canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), the main environmental factors related to species distribution and community structure were conductivity, permanency, channel width, turbidity, slope, and distance to the main river axis. The relationship between biodiversity (measured as species richness and the Shannon–Weiner diversity index), the ratio of the number of introduced species to the total number of species (zoogeographic integrity coefficient), and environmental variables was best explained by a regression model incorporating, basically, the permanence of water in streams as the variable that accounted for most of the variance. This study demonstrates that the distribution of freshwater molluscs along a Mediterranean gradient highly stressed by drought depends, mainly, on the hydrological stability and environmental conditions of the headwaters and estuarine sites.  相似文献   

Along the middle and lower reaches of the Kyichu River and its tributaries (Lhasa area, southern Tibet), a multidisciplinary study was carried out in order to investigate the areal distribution, sedimentological properties, ages and palaeoenvironmental implications of aeolian deposits including intercalated palaeosols. This research was initiated to investigate to what extent southern Tibet is influenced by past human activity, as even recent evaluations perceive the present treeless desertic environment as natural. Fifteen profiles were recorded at an altitude of 3540–4580 m a.s.l. with subsequent sedimentological, geochronological (OSL, AMS 14C) and palaeobotanical (charcoal) analyses. Sediment properties of both loesses and aeolian sands reveal an origin from aeolian sorting of nearby fluvial deposits. The calculated ages are the oldest obtained thus far on aeolian sediments from southern and interior Tibet, revealing natural aeolian sedimentation before and around the Last Glacial Maximum (c. 20 ka). However, a distinct portion of Late Holocene sandy aeolian sediments also occurs. Both the evidence for the aeolian dynamics (widespread Pleistocene loess and aeolian sand deposition, local Late Holocene aeolian sand deposition, modern reactivation of widespread Pleistocene aeolian sands) and the palaeobotanical findings (Late Holocene vegetation change from a tree-bearing to a widely treeless landscape) provide evidence that the Lhasa area was strongly influenced by human activity since at least the Late Neolithic (c. 4200 cal yrs BP). Thus the present-day desertic environment might not primarily be a result of the semiarid climate or the high-altitude conditions, but rather of activities of the humans and their collateral effects. However, once established, this semi-natural ecosystem persisted, controlled by strong grazing, firewood extraction, erosion and harsh edaphic conditions, preventing the recovery of trees.  相似文献   

Linaria qartobensis, from southern Iberian Peninsula, is here newly described, illustrated and compared with its morphologically closest relatives from L. sect. Supinae: L. ricardoi and L. orbensis. The new species is characterized by longer calyx lobes, corolla and spur, violet corolla with yellow‐orangish palate, big and globose capsule, and seeds with black and prominently white‐tuberculate disc and subentire wing. Linaria qartobensis is an endemic species growing on marly deposits from the Guadalquivir river basin, in the Córdoba province (Andalusia, Spain).  相似文献   

Mean annual sedimentation rates over the last 20–30 years were determined in the pre-alpine Mondsee (Upper Austria) using Cs-137 and Pb(Po)-210 profiles for sediment core dating and two natural sediment markers. Lower sedimentation rates of about 2–3 mm yr–1 were observed in the central part of the lake near the shore at 18–20 m and in the southern part at 30 m depth. Higher sedimentation rates of 4–7 mm yr–1 were found in the central part of the lake at 47 and 65 m and in the northern bay at 18 and 41 m depth. At both these sites the Pb-210 profiles were strongly disturbed in the upper zone of the sediment cores, whereas the Cs-137 pattern remained intact. The higher annual sediment accumulation rates can be explained only partly by deposition of allochthonous material discharged by the streams, enhanced eutrophication in these parts of the lake, erosion and sediment focusing by turbidity currents being also probable.  相似文献   

Five taxa of agglutinated conical foraminifera were recorded for the first time in the Trentinara Formation, and two of them are new. Barattolites trentinarensis n. gen. n. sp. shows high conical shape, an eccentric proloculus, trochospiral early chambers, two orders of radial subepidermal partitions and columnar pillars. It is recorded in the Ypresian of Panno Bianco Mt. (Calabria) and in the Ypresian-Lower Lutetian of Serra Pastorella (Basilicata). Pseudochrysalidina (?) variospira n. sp. shows a high conical test, a trochospiral juvenile growth stage, a megalosphere in apical position, and low pillars and chambers in the adult stage. It is known in the Ypresian of Serra Pastorella. Agglutinated conical foraminifera fill the late Lower to early Middle Eocene gap in their Paleogene record. Their very intermittent record is due to their extremely narrow ecological range.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic studies have assisted in the taxonomic classification of organisms, especially those involving species with highly similar morphologic characteristics, or so-called cryptic species. Strongylura marina and Strongylura timucu collected from Paranaguá Bay, Paraná Coast in Southern Brazil are considered cryptic species, and the identification of interspecific variations based on the number and/or morphology of its chromosomes may serve as differentiating cytotaxonomic markers. Chromosomes of the two species were subjected to different banding and staining methods (C-, Ag-, and DAPI-CMA3), as well as chromosomal mapping of major rDNA (45S), revealed with an 18S probe by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The pattern of distribution of constitutive heterochromatin showed distinct features involving the pericentromeric and telomeric bands in both species. In S. marina, chromosome 1 represents the main species-specific marker, appearing almost entirely heterochromatic. In both species, the 45S rDNA is located at terminal region of the short arm of the chromosome 6, as detected by silver nitrate staining and FISH. Despite the apparent conserved diploid number of 48 chromosomes, data on the karyotype microstructure characterize the cytogenetic profile of the genus and may allow the establishment of cytotaxonomic and evolutionary inferences for these fishes.  相似文献   



Species delineation is particularly challenging in taxa with substantial intra-specific variation. In systematic studies of fishes, meristics and linear measurements that describe shape are often used to delineate species. Yet, little is known about the taxonomic value of these two types of morphological characteristics. Here, we used Tropheus (Teleostei, Cichlidae) from the southern subbasin of Lake Tanganyika to test which of these types of characters best matched genetic lineages that could represent species in this group of stenotypic rock-dwelling cichlids. We further investigated intra-population variation in morphology. By linking this to a proxy of a population’s age, we could assess the evolutionary stability of different kinds of morphological markers.


Morphological data was collected from 570 specimens originating from 86 localities. An AFLP approach revealed the presence of five lineages in the southern subbasin: T. moorii, T. brichardi, T. sp. ‘maculatus’, T. sp. ‘Mpimbwe’ and T. sp. ‘red’, which we consider to represent distinct species. Although both types of morphological data supported this classification, a comparison of PST-values that describe inter-population morphological differentiation, revealed a better correspondence between the taxon delineation based on AFLP data and the patterns revealed by an analysis of meristics than between the AFLP-based taxon delineation and the patterns revealed by an analysis of shape. However, classifying southern populations of Tropheus was inherently difficult as they contained a large amount of clinal variation, both in genetic and in morphological data, and both within and among species. A scenario is put forward to explain the current-day distribution of the species and colour varieties and the observed clinal variation across the subbasin’s shoreline. Additionally, we observed that variation in shape was larger in populations from shallow shores whereas populations from steep shores were more variable in meristics. This difference is explained in terms of the different timescales at which small and large scale lake level fluctuations affected populations of littoral cichlids at steep and shallow shores.


Our results showed meristics to be more evolutionary stable, and of higher taxonomic value for species delimitation in Tropheus, than linear measurements that describe shape. These results should be taken into account when interpreting morphological differences between populations of highly stenotypic species, such as littoral cichlids from the Great East African Lakes.

Abstract Denitrification rates were measured in sediments after the addition of different concentrations of FeS. A decrease of the denitrification rate was observed when high concentrations of ferrous iron (> 10 mM) were present. In the experiments with no significant concentrations of free Fe2+, the relationship between NO3 reduction and FeS concentration followed Michaelis and Menten kinetics. The maximum rate was 0.273 mmol l−1 d−1, 6 times as much as the basal rate 0.046 mmol l−1 d−1, which was attributed to organic matter; the Ks was 1.45 mM FeS. The stoichiometry of the overall reaction involving NO3 reduction and the concomitant S2− oxidation was also investigated. Measured ΔS/ΔN ratios ranged between 0.55 and 0.64, with ΣH2S + SO42− changing less than 10%. These values agree with the theoretically expected value of 0.56.  相似文献   

Two methods of estimating the lateral migration of a river channel have been proposed. The first method is based on Coarse Woody Debris (CWD) dating. The terraces of the Mala Panew River are mainly covered with plantations of Pinus sylvestris where individual trees grow at equal distances to each other. During times of high discharges trees fall onto the riverbed providing information on the extent of flood plain erosion. The ages of CWD and the surface of the eroded flood plain provide an estimation of the rate of lateral migration. The erosion rates measured at two sites in the Mala Panew River were between 0.24 and 0.36 m/year.Another way of reconstructing the rate of lateral migration is by dating trees growing on different-aged sandy meander bars. These levels are primarily covered with Alnus glutinosa and Alnus incana. The oldest trees growing on each level give information about the minimum age of that level, which allows us to reconstruct the rate of lateral migration. The lateral migration of the channel has also been estimated dating the oldest trees growing on mid-channel islands separated from the lateral banks. The values obtained for 10 sites of the Mala Panew channel oscillate between 0.07 and 1.83 m/year.Tree ring analyses also allow us to determine the impact of individual high discharges on the lateral migration rate of the Mała Panew channel. The lateral migration of the channel was most rapid in the years 1953–57 and 1966–68 as well as during the extraordinary flood in 1997.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2008,7(8):601-606
A partial skull and articulated postcranial elements of Megantereon whitei have been recorded during the 1950s from a karst deposit in the Monte Argentario area (Grosseto). These fossils recently became available for study. The bones are quite well preserved, included in a hard reddish matrix with calcareous clasts. The fossil is part of a faunal assemblage referred to the Late Villafranchian (Early Pleistocene). M. whitei from Monte Argentario is characterised by elongated upper canines, stronger than those of the Upper Valdarno (Tuscany) specimens and similar to the Pirro Nord (Apulia) fossil. The manus is robust, the first phalanges are quite long in comparison to the metacarpals. The Early Pleistocene European M. whitei represents an African element that took part in the faunal dispersal from Africa to Europe that occurred at the Plio-Pleistocene transition.  相似文献   

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