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The mitochondrial membrane potential in isolated hepatocytes was measured using the distribution of the lipophilic cation triphenylmethylphosphonium (TPMP+) with appropriate corrections for plasma membrane potential, cytoplasmic and mitochondrial binding of TPMP+, and other factors. The relationship between mitochondrial membrane potential and respiration rate in hepatocytes was examined as the respiratory chain was titrated with myxothiazol in the presence of oligomycin. This relationship was nonproportional and similar to results with isolated mitochondria respiring on succinate. This shows that there is an increased proton conductance of the mitochondrial inner membrane in situ at high values of membrane potential. From the respiration rate and mitochondrial membrane potential of hepatocytes in the absence of oligomycin, we estimate that the passive proton permeability of the mitochondrial inner membrane accounts for 20-40% of the basal respiration rate of hepatocytes. The relationship between log[TPMP+]tot/[TPMP+]e and respiration rate in thymocytes was also nonproportional suggesting that the phenomenon is not peculiar to hepatocytes. There is less mitochondrial proton leak in hepatocytes from hypothyroid rats. A large proportion of the difference in basal respiration rate between hepatocytes from normal and hypothyroid rats can be accounted for by differences in the proton permeability characteristics of the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

The influence of salicylic acid (SA) on generation of membrane potential (Δψ) at the inner membrane of isolated mitochondria from cotyledons of lupine seedlings (Lupinus angustifolius L.) was investigated. The mitochondrial preparations conformed to all criteria of the intactness: the organelles were characterized by the integrity of their membranes and by tight coupling of oxidation and phosphorylation. High functional activity of mitochondria was also evident from their ability to generate Δψ during succinate oxidation and from the long-term maintenance of steady-state transmembrane potential by virtue of electrontransport chain (ETC) operation or ATP hydrolysis after the inhibition of respiratory ETC. The addition of SA to the incubation medium (0.5–1.0 mM) induced a fast and complete dissipation of Δψ after a distinct lag period. The Δψ was not restored by subsequent ATP hydrolysis, indicating that the phytohormone SA induced the proton conductance of the inner membrane. The SA-induced collapse of Δψ was observed under suppression of ETC by anaerobiosis, cyanide, or inhibitory concentrations of the phytohormone. The SAinduced dissipation of Δψ was not reversed by cyclosporine A but was prevented in the presence of dithiothreitol (DTT). Conversely, the incubation of mitochondria in the presence of phenylarsine oxide (PAO) known to oxidize the protein thiol groups also elevated the proton conductance and eliminated Δψ at the inner membrane of lupine mitochondria. The PAO-induced Δψ collapse was not reversed in the presence of ATP, but Δψ was restored after the addition of DTT. These results and the literature data suggest that, under suppressed ETC activity, salicylic acid permeabilizes the inner membrane of mitochondria from cotyledons of lupine seedlings due to opening of a specialized mitochondrial uncoupling channel (MUC) that is permeable to protons and, possibly, to other small cations (K+, Ca2+). An important role in the induction of MUC belongs apparently to oxidative stress resulting in oxidation of thiol groups in protein molecules that constitute this channel or regulate the channel activity.  相似文献   

Bilirubin accumulates within, and induces loose coupling in, rat liver mitochondria. This state, characterized by a normal protonmotive force, but increased oxygen consumption and inner membrane conductance, could impair cellular energy metabolism. Loose coupling is observed at bilirubin concentrations (12-24 microM) attained in tissues of kernicteric animals.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the nature of endogenous proton conductance of rat liver inner mitochondrial membrane, the dependence of the rate of Ca2+ transport on pH was studied. It was found that the inhibiting effect of H+ is independent of protonation of functional groups of hypothetical Ca2+ carrier, but results from electrogenic transfer of H+ across the membrane, which is highly permeable for the proton. The adsorption of H+ by mitochondria is inhibited by ruthenium red and other specific inhibitors of Ca2+ transport. It is concluded that endogenous proton conductance of the inner mitochondrial membrane depends on the functioning of the same transport system essential for membrane permeability for Ca2+ and other bivalent cations. The correlation observed between the rates of H+ and Ca2+ transport in mitochondria and the ratio of cation mobilities in aqueous solutions is in favour of a "porous" mechanism of cation transport across the mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Mitochondria can unfold importing precursor proteins by unraveling them from their N-termini. However, how this unraveling is induced is not known. Two candidates for the unfolding activity are the electrical potential across the inner mitochondrial membrane and mitochondrial Hsp70 in the matrix. Here, we propose that many precursors are unfolded by the electrical potential acting directly on positively charged amino acid side chains in the targeting sequences. Only precursor proteins with targeting sequences that are long enough to reach the matrix at the initial interaction with the import machinery are unfolded by mitochondrial Hsp70, and this unfolding occurs even in the absence of a membrane potential.  相似文献   

The mitochondrion plays a pivotal role in energy metabolism in eukaryotic cells. The electrochemical potential across the mitochondrial inner membrane is regulated to cope with cellular energy needs and thus reflects the bioenergetic state of the cell. Traditional assays for mitochondrial membrane potential are not amenable to high-throughput drug screening. In this paper, I describe a high-throughput assay that measures the mitochondrial membrane potential of living cells in 96- or 384-well plates. Cells were first treated with test compounds and then with a fluorescent potentiometric probe, the cationic-lipophilic dye tetramethylrhodamine methyl ester (TMRM). The cells were then washed to remove free compounds and probe. The amount of TMRM retained in the mitochondria, which is proportional to the mitochondrial membrane potential, was measured on an LJL Analyst fluorescence reader. Under optimal conditions, the assay measured only the mitochondrial membrane potential. The chemical uncouplers carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone and dinitrophenol decreased fluorescence intensity, with IC(50) values (concentration at 50% inhibition) similar to those reported in the literature. A Z' factor of greater than 0.5 suggests that this cell-based assay can be adapted for high-throughput screening of chemical libraries. This assay may be used in screens for drugs to treat metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes, as well as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

We characterized the uncoupling activity of the plant uncoupling protein from Solanum tuberosum (StUCP) using mitochondria from intact potato tubers or from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) expressing the StUCP gene. Compared with mitochondria from transfected yeast, StUCP is present at very low levels in intact potato mitochondrial membranes (at least thirty times lower) as shown by immunodetection with anti-UCP1 antibodies. Under conditions that ruled out undesirable effects of nucleotides and free fatty acids on uncoupling activity measurement in plant mitochondria, the linoleic acid-induced depolarization in potato mitochondria was insensitive to the nucleotides ATP, GTP, or GDP. In addition, sensitivity to linoleic acid was similar in potato and in control yeast mitochondria, suggesting that uncoupling occurring in potato mitochondria was because of a UCP-independent proton diffusion process. By contrast, yeast mitochondria expressing StUCP exhibited a higher sensitivity to free fatty acids than those from the control yeast and especially a marked proton conductance in the presence of low amounts of linoleic acid. However, this fatty acid-induced uncoupling was also insensitive to nucleotides. Altogether, these results suggest that uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation and heat production cannot be the dominant feature of StUCP expressed in native potato tissues. However, it could play a role in preventing reactive oxygen species production as proposed for mammalian UCP2 and UCP3.  相似文献   

Summary In studies of apical membrane current-voltage relationships, in order to avoid laborious intracellular microelectrode techniques, tight epithelia are commonly exposed to high serosal K concentrations. This approach depends on the assumptions that high serosal K reduces the basolateral membrane resistance and potential to insignificantly low levels, so that transepithelial values can be attributed to the apical membrane. We have here examined the validity of these assumptions in frog skins (Rana pipiens pipiens). The skins were equilibrated in NaCl Ringer's solutions, with transepithelial voltageV t clamped (except for brief perturbations V t) at zero. The skins were impaled from the outer surface with 1.5m KCl-filled microelectrodes (R el>30 M). The transepithelial (short-circuit) currentl i and conductanceg t=–I t/V t, the outer membrane voltageV o (apical reference) and voltage-divider ratio (F o=V o/V t), and the microelectrode resistanceR el were recorded continuously. Intermittent brief apical exposure to 20 m amiloride permitted estimation of cellular (c) and paracellular (p) currents and conductances. The basolateral (inner) membrane conductance was estimated by two independent means: either from values ofg i andF o before and after amiloride or as the ratio of changes (–I c/V i) induced by amiloride. On serosal substitution of Na by K, within about 10 min,I c declined andg t increased markedly, mainly as a consequence of increase ing p. The basolateral membrane voltage (V i(=–V o) was depolarized from 75±4 to 2±1 mV [mean±sem (n=6)], and was partially repolarized following amiloride to 5±2 mV. The basolateral conductance increased in high serosal K, as estimated by both methods. Essentially complete depolarization of the basolateral membrane and increase in its conductance in response to high [K] were obtained also when the main serosal anion was SO4 or NO3 instead of Cl. On clampingV t over the range 0 to +125 mV in K2SO4-depolarized skins, the quasi-steady-stateV o V t relationship was linear, with a mean slope of 0.88±0.03. The above results demonstrate that, in a variety of conditions, exposure to high serosal K results in essentially complete depolarization of the basolateral membrane and a large increase in its conductance.  相似文献   

In leaves of Elodea densa the membrane potential measured in light equals the equilibrium potential of H+ on the morphological upper plasma membrane. The apoplastic pH on the upper side of the leaf is as high as 10.5-11.0, which indicates that alkaline pH induces an increased H+ permeability of the plasmalemma. To study this hypothesis in more detail we investigated the changes in membrane potential and conductance in response to alterations in the external pH from 7 (= control) to 9 or 11 under both light and dark conditions. Departing from the control pH 7 condition, in light and in dark the application of pH 9 resulted in a depolarization of the membrane potential to the Nernst potential of H+. In the light but not in the dark, this depolarization was followed by a repolarization to about -160 mV. The change to pH 9 induced, in light as well as in dark, an increase in membrane conductance. The application of pH 11, which caused a momentary hyper- or depolarization depending on the value at the time pH 11 was applied, brought the membrane potential to around -160 mV. The membrane conductance also increased, in comparison to its value at pH 7, as a result of the application of pH 11, irrespective of the light conditions.  相似文献   

The nucleotide-sensitive H+ (OH-) conducting pathway of mitochondria from the brown-adipose tissue of cold-adapted guinea-pigs passes an effective proton current which is directly proportional to the proton electrochemical gradient. At 23 degrees C and pH 7.0 this conductance is 16 nmol H+ - min-1 - mg-1 - mV-1. Addition of 0.2 mM GDP results in a conductance which is linear and low (0.7 nmol H+ - min-1 - mg-1 - mV-1) until deltamicronH+ exceeds 220 mV. At higher values of deltamicronH+, which can be attained by glycerol 3-phosphate oxidation but not palmitoyl-L-carnitine plus malate oxidation, the membrane conductance greatly increases, effectively limiting the maximal deltamicronH+ to 240 mV. High glycerol 3-phosphate concentrations which have the thermodynamic potential to exceed this value of deltamicronH+ instead create a greatly increased rate of controlled respiration. The generality and significance of this device to limit deltamicronH+, and its relation to the nucleotide-sensitive conductance, are discussed.  相似文献   

Conditions which induce a transmembrane electrical potential, positive with respect to the inside of membrane vesicles, result in a substantial (4–12-fold) stimulation of the activity of membrane-associated -glucan synthetases in a membrane preparation derived from the developing cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) fiber. Induction of electrical potentials which are negative with respect to the inside of the membrane vesicle results in little or no stimulation of -glucan synthesis. Those products whose synthesis is stimulated are mainly -1,3-glucan, but there is also a considerable increase in -1,4-glucan. No -1,4-glucan (starch) was detected in the reaction products. A transmembrane pH gradient was found to have no effect on -glucan synthesis. The results indicate that a transmembrane electrical potential can influence, either directly or indirectly, the activity of membrane-associated polysaccharide synthetases.Abbreviations UDP-glucose uridine-5-diphosphoglucose - PEG polyethylene glycol - BTP bistrispropane (1,3-bis[tris(hydroxymethyl)methylamino]propane) - MES 2(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - VAL valinomycin  相似文献   

The electron transfer reaction catalysed by mitochondrial ubiquinol:cytochrome c reductase is linked to the outwards translocation of protons with an H+ e- stoichiometry of 1 under non-membrane potential condition. The effect of the electrical membrane potential on the H+/e- stoichiometry was investigated. The enzyme was isolated from Neurospora crassa, reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles and electrical membrane potentials of various values were generated across the membranes by means of the valinomycin-induced potassium-diffusion method. Using lithium ions as counterions for the intravesicular potassium, the induced membrane potential was stable for minutes and was not significantly changed by the protons ejected by the working enzyme. This allowed the assay of steady-state reaction rates at pre-given values of electrical membrane potential. The rate ratio between electron transfer and proton translocation declined from 1 to 0.6 with increase of the membrane potential from 0 to 100 mV. The activity of the quinol/cytochrome c redox reaction followed a parabolic dependence, being activated by low (less than 50 mV) potential and inhibited by high (greater than 100 mV) potential. This apparent non-linear dependence was interpreted in terms of a linear flow/force relationship plus a membrane-potential-dependent slip. Evaluation of the parabolic course by means of a modified linear flow/force relation also indicated a decline of the H+/e- stoichiometry from 1 to 0.5 with increase of the membrane potential from 0 to 120 mV. These observations suggest that the membrane potential controls a change of ubiquinol:cytochrome c reductase between two states that have different reaction routes.  相似文献   

Single mitochondria show the spontaneous fluctuations of DeltaPsim. In this study, to examine the mechanism of the fluctuations, we observed DeltaPsim in single isolated heart mitochondria using time-resolved fluorescence microscopy. Addition of malate, succinate, or ascorbate plus TMPD to mitochondria induced polarization of the inner membrane followed by repeated cycles of rapid depolarizations and immediate repolarizations. ADP significantly decreased the frequency of the rapid depolarizations, but the ADP effect was counteracted by oligomycin. On the other hand, the rapid depolarizations did not occur when mitochondria were polarized by the efflux of K(+) from the matrix. The rapid depolarizations became frequent with the increase in the substrate concentration or pH of the buffer. These results suggest that the rapid depolarizations depend on the net translocation of protons from the matrix. The frequency of the rapid depolarizations was not affected by ROS scavengers, Ca(2+), CsA, or BA. In addition, the obvious increase in the permeability of the inner membrane to calcein (MW 623) that was entrapped in the matrix was not observed upon the transient depolarization. The mechanisms of the spontaneous oscillations of DeltaPsim are discussed in relation to the matrix pH and the permeability transitions.  相似文献   

The proton leak across the mitochondrial inner membrane   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The proton conductance of the mitochondrial inner membrane increases at high protonmotive force in isolated mitochondria and in mitochondria in situ in rat hepatocytes. Quantitative analysis of its importance shows that about 20-30% of the oxygen consumption by resting hepatocytes is used to drive a heat-producing cycle of proton pumping by the respiratory chain and proton leak back to the matrix. The flux control coefficient of the proton leak pathway over respiration rate varies between 0.9 and zero in mitochondria depending on the rate of respiration, and has a value of about 0.2 in hepatocytes. Changes in the proton leak pathway in situ will therefore change respiration rate. Mitochondria isolated from hypothyroid animals have decreased proton leak pathway, causing slower state 4 respiration rates. Hepatocytes from hypothyroid rats also have decreased proton leak pathway, and this accounts for about 30% of the decrease in hepatocyte respiration rate. Mitochondrial proton leak may be a significant contributor to standard metabolic rate in vivo.  相似文献   

Tight control of mitochondrial membrane potential by cytochrome c oxidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present work we have critically examined the use of the KCN-titration technique in the study of the control of the cellular respiration by cytochrome c oxidase (COX) in the presence of the mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψ(mito)) in HepG2 cells. We clearly show that the apparent high inhibition threshold of COX in the presence of maximal Δψ(mito) is due to the KCN-induced decrease of Δψ(mito) and not to a low control of COX on the mitochondrial respiration. The tight control exerted by COX on the Δψ(mito) provides further insights for understanding the pathogenetic mechanisms associated with mitochondrial defects in human neuromuscular degenerative disorders.  相似文献   

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